
星期五, 2月 15, 2013

李池湘訪波唱粵劇 觀眾陶醉投入






星期四, 2月 14, 2013


Ivy Schools set an Asian Am. quota

    17% +/- 2% but “Not a Quota”?
Dear Fellow Asian Americans and Friends,
   When it looks like a DUCK, swims like a DUCK, and quacks like a DUCK,
it is a DUCK!
   Ron Unz’s summary on an "AsAm Quota" and his much longer “meritocracy”
article generated ferocious debates from all sides regarding race-
conscious college admissions, yet conspicuously missing is any challenge
to his key finding that all Ivy Leagues converge to a 17% +/- 2% AsAm
"quota" despite strong demographic and academic performance trends
otherwise. In the absence of contradicting data, such a convergence
is not explainable other than suggesting A HIDDEN QUOTA.
   When will the civil right community, including many of the AsAm
organizations, seriously evaluate this data convergence and benchmark it
against the basic American value of fairness? Since when does the
high ideal of “Equal Opportunity” become synonymous to “Equal Outcome”?
   Just insisting there is “no AsAm quota” is of no merit unless backed by
data. Such a claim also has a bad track record: No university ever
admitted to having a Jewish quota during 1920-1950, even though it is
now an universally accepted fact. Authored by: A Guest Writer
   FORWARD this e-newsletter to all Asian Am Ivy students. Ask them to
spread these FACTUAL INFO all over their campuses. When the people
with power e.g. Ivy administrators are DISCRIMINATING AGAINST
   Ron Unz’s summary on an "AsAm Quota" was published by The
National Review. It was cited by SCOTUSblog (Supreme court of the US
blog) which may hopefully have an impact on the Supreme Court decision.
The article also summarized S. B. Woo's piece in NY Times' Room for Debate.
S. B. Woo, President, a volunteer
80-20 National Asian Am. Educational Foundation

波市長宣佈「我愛波士頓」 情人節停車免費

 Mayor Menino Declares “We Love You, Boston”
Free Parking for Valentine’s Day

Mayor Thomas M. Menino today announced shoppers and diners will enjoy free parking at all City of Boston parking meters on Valentine’s Day, as local businesses and all of you romantics make up for lost time during the weekend storm.

“Whether you’re showering yourself, a friend or a special someone with love this Valentine’s Day, we want to make it as easy as possible for residents and visitors to spend some time and money at Boston businesses and restaurants tomorrow,” Mayor Menino said. “Get out there and share the love!”


安多福中華文化協會司徒會長(Richard Soohoo)(右起),張淑儀、
Magilyn Fauroon,和中國花餐廳少東趙啟鑫合作籌辦了今年
      (Boston Orange 周菊子安多福鎮報導) 安多福中華文化協會日前在中國花(China Blossom)餐廳慶祝蛇年新春。一百多名中西賓客圍成一圈的欣賞中樂演奏、武術示範,民族舞蹈,聽司徒李察(Richard Soo Hoo)會長串場介紹中國文化,熱鬧非常。
      他接著解釋,蛇在中國十二生肖中排第六,凡是在1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001這些年出生的人都屬蛇。他還說明,蛇是敏銳、狡猾、聰明、神秘的,喜歡把重點放在新的,有趣的,不尋常的想法上,講究做有智慧的討論。蛇還有特別的感覺,使他們能夠正確判斷狀況,警覺到新的可能性。
      展現中國文化的表演,當然也是慶祝活動重點。這天的節目有楊式武術班的舞獅、功夫示範,楊信誼古箏獨奏「瀏陽河」;來自中國湖南,現為中華藝術協會舞蹈團團員的Catey Favreau表演「印象太極」舞;陳志新指揮小朋友奏「節慶打擊樂」;來自中國,現住牛頓的北牛頓高中學生Sydni Lockeby表演蒙古舞「乳香」。
 Sydni Lockeby表演蒙古舞「乳香」。(菊子攝)
      安多福是座落在麻州郊區的小鎮,有所名聞世界,各界捐贈金高達八億元的寄宿中學─菲利普學校(Phillips Academy)。根據2010年的美國人口統計調查,全鎮共有人口33,201,其中亞裔有3438人,佔總人口的10.4%,華裔1533人,佔總人口的4.6%。
安多福中華文化協會今年的慶祝會由司徒會長,張淑儀、Magilyn Fauroon等二名理事,和中國花餐廳少東趙啟鑫合作籌辦。查詢該會詳情可上網www.andoverchinese.org









星期三, 2月 13, 2013


Yao to promote wildlife conservation at Houston Zoo
HOUSTON, Feb. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Tomorrow, February 14, former NBA Star and Chinese icon, Yao Ming, will be in Houston with conservation organization, WildAid, visiting the Houston Zoo with local school children to educate them about the importance of wildlife conservation. Yao will be leading a group on a special tour to meet the elephants and other endangered species, as well as previewing his upcoming documentary on the crisis for elephants and rhinos.
Yao has led the world's largest conservation awareness program working with WildAid to educate the public in China on the threats to wildlife, with the message, "when the buying stops, the killing can too." Yao, together with dozens of Chinese and international celebrities, has helped reached hundreds of millions of Chinese supported by hundreds of millions of dollars of donated media placement.
WildAid's shark campaign has been highly successful. In July of 2012, the Chinese government announced it would remove shark fin soup from the menus of government banquets over the next three years. In January of 2013, The South China Morning Post reported that the Hong Kong Shark Fin Trade Merchants Association chairman found, "The whole industry has recorded a [sales] decrease of 50 per cent on last year. [The decline] is mainly due to omnipresent advocacy by green groups." This decline is backed by data from the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department, which reports that shark fin imports have been reduced from 10,292 tonnes in 2011 to 3,087 tonnes, last year.
The People's Daily also reported a 70% decline in shark fin soup consumption at high-end hotels on February 1, 2013.
In August 2012, Yao Ming took his first trip to Africa with WildAid, seeing poached elephants and rhinos first hand. He also met villagers whose livelihoods and education depend on income from wildlife tourism.
Yao stated, "When people in China know what's happening to these animals they want to do the right thing. By not consuming shark fin, they have literally saved the lives of millions of sharks. We went to Africa to tell the story of the elephants and rhinos and we hope consumers will react in the same way."
Zoo Director, Rick Barongi said, "The Houston Zoo is excited to team up with Yao Ming and WildAid in the fight to save Africa's critically endangered elephants and rhinos. By inviting local school children to join Yao on a special tour to meet our own elephant and rhino ambassadors, we hope to educate and inspire young minds and hearts to help stop the senseless slaughter of these incredible animals."
WildAid Executive Director, Peter Knights said "China is crucial to the survival of many species and we believe with Yao's leadership we can help create a sea change in attitudes around wildlife and ensure the survival of sharks, elephants, and rhinos."
Yao's visit to Houston is set around the 2013 NBA All-Star game. WildAid launches a campaign with NBA Cares on March 3rd. As well as supporting conservation, the Yao Ming Foundation also focuses on helping educate children. Yao owns and manages the Shanghai Sharks basketball team and has developed Yao Family Wines.

About WildAid:WildAid is the only organization to focus on reducing the demand for wildlife products with the strong and simple message: when the buying stops, the killing can too.  WildAid works with Asian and Western celebrities and business leaders to dissuade people from purchasing wildlife products via public service announcements and educational initiatives, reaching up to one billion people per week in China alone. For more information, please visit www.wildaid.org.
Footage and stills are available. Additionally, appearances are available for request.

About the Yao Ming Foundation:The Yao Ming Foundation was established in June of 2008, by international NBA Star Yao Ming, in response to the devastating 8.0 earthquake in Sichuan Province, China on May 12, 2008. More than 8,000 schoolrooms and 185 schools were destroyed during the earthquake. The Yao Ming Foundation has committed to rebuilding five schools in the earthquake region. The Yao Ming Foundation also supports additional educational opportunities in the US and China.
Yao Ming is also currently the owner of the Shanghai Sharks, a professional basketball team in China.
In November 2011, Yao Ming announced the establishment of his new Napa Valley wine company: Yao Family Wines. The company released its inaugural wine under the brand name Yao Ming®. Yao Family Wines appointed Pernod Ricard (China) as its sole and exclusive importer and distributor of the Yao Ming® wines in mainland China.

About the Houston Zoo:Founded in 1922, the Houston Zoo is an exciting live animal adventure that provides a unique educational and conservation resource serving more than 1.9 million guests annually.  Set in a 55-acre lush tropical landscape, the Zoo is home to more than 6,000 exotic animals representing more than 800 species.  Operated by the not-for-profit Houston Zoo, Inc., the Houston Zoo is dedicated to the conservation of endangered species, the provision of engaging educational opportunities and the creation of stimulating exhibits that broaden the experiences of our guests and encourage their curiosity.

Editor's Notes:

Fins from up to 73 million sharks are used every year to make shark fin soup and related food products. Shark finning is a cruel and wasteful practice – captured at sea and hauled on deck, the sharks are often still alive while their fins are sliced off. Because shark meat is not considered as valuable as the fins, the maimed animals are tossed overboard to drown or bleed to death. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (ICUN) estimates that 1/3 of the world's pelagic shark species are threatened with extinction, with certain species experiencing declines of over 90%.

Global trade bans enacted in 1989 (ivory ban) and 1993 (rhino sales bans) resulted in both rhino and elephant populations increasing steadily until the dramatic resurgence of poaching in 2008. According to a 2011 survey conducted by IFAW, "Elephant poaching levels are the worst in a decade and recorded ivory seizures are at their highest levels since 1989." In South Africa alone, two rhinos are being killed every day, as rhino populations have declined 95% worldwide over the past 40 years.

3/3 滋根慈善音樂會 邀楊光哈佛演出





麻州大學波士頓分校註冊管理副校長暨孔子學院美方院長Kathleen Teehan致開幕詞她親切問候出席眾人,祝願節日美好,孔子學院給麻州大學波士頓分校學生帶來豐富的中文化,促進中美交流,感到十分高興
麻大孔子學院的慶祝蛇年新春晚會由劉春華和來自牛頓市南高中的Sasha Dubinsky主持,中西搭配,妙語連珠。
舞蹈部份,粉墨藝術團的“鴻雁”、哈佛大學木蘭舞蹈藝術團的“紅珊瑚“、東方舞蹈藝術團的“茉莉花”等各個團體的經典舞蹈節目,舞姿曼妙,令觀眾醉。粉墨藝術團馮麗寧的“弄影”Regina Yu和陳睿表演的雙人舞“卓瑪“,也都搏得熱烈掌聲。
麻大孔子學院中方院長劉成運在會末預告該院主辦的2013年第八屆“漢語橋“全美高中生漢語演講比賽, 將於47日在麻州大學波士頓分校舉行,有意參加者請於223日前報名,詳情請登錄網站:www.umb.edu/confucius


麻州大學孔子學院美方院長Kathleen Teehan女士致開幕詞(俞國梁攝)

晚會由劉春華(右)和Sasha Dubinsky主持(俞國梁攝)

東方舞蹈藝術團表演舞蹈“茉莉花” (俞國梁攝)



麻州大學孔子學院美方院長Kathleen Teehan(右)伉儷(俞國梁攝)