
星期三, 5月 23, 2012


                  (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)  華人前進會18日晚在華埠龍鳳大酒樓慶祝成立35周年會,頒發募後英雄獎、工人正義獎、社會正義獎,表揚多名熱心公益的個人與社區組織,並懇請民眾捐款,支持該會繼續為維護社會公義而努力。
            華人前進會當晚頒發了三個獎項,分別頒「幕後英雄獎」給該會創始人之一馬華;頒「工人正義獎」給八八超市工人,以及協助工人爭取欠薪的大波士頓法律援助處律師麥小瓊,Indira Talwani律師樓、Segal Roitman律師樓;頒社會正義獎給公民行動建設隊(civic action building team)
            州州參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang-Diaz)、州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)、波士頓市議員小阿若約(Felix G. Arroyo)、普斯莉(Ayanna Pressley),劍橋市市議員張禮能、牛頓市市議員馬惠美(Amy Sangiolo)等人,當晚都出席致賀。


應邀分享經驗者,包括諮詢業的Booz & Company公司專員蔣翊明,信息資訊業Cabot 微電子公司的范煒,物流業的亞馬遜吳凱亮,金融業的查理士河發展公司(Charles River Development)毛辛迪,創業的Orbeus公司孟醒、王蒙、劉天強等人,全都有成功找到工作、正在創業的經驗。
上海交大校友,在密西根州深造的毛辛迪,進的是金融業的查理士河發展公司(Charles River Development, Finance)
之前分別在貝恩(Bain)Booz & Comapn諮詢公司工作過的羅超、蔣翊明,敘述了諮詢公司的文化,他們在其中工作的經驗。他們指出,年約28歲,已有七年工作經驗者,一般來說,最有機匯獲得麻省理工學院MBA項目入學許可。



 哈佛大學虎鶴太極少林文化基金會會長金城(Scott K. Kaneshiro)(左一),曾任會長的Rich 
Howell(右一)邀該會師傅李健遠(左二)表揚胡炳超、德力、Ken Miarecki等師傅。
                     (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)哈佛大學虎鶴太極少林文化基金會日前以提高民眾對全球兒童健康與肥胖的關注為主題,在哈佛校園內舉辦迷你太極馬拉松演練活動,慶祝25週年。
            哈佛大學虎鶴太極少林文化基金會是哈佛校園內的一個學生組織,共有會員廿多人,其中約有三人為華裔。現任會長為來自日本的第四代華裔金城(Scott K. Kaneshiro)
            哈佛大學警察的多元社區聯絡警察Kevin Bryant,當天下午主持座談,由過去七年來,經常在中美兩國間穿梭,做文化交流的德力師傅談「功夫禪」,胡炳超師傅談太極五行要素的歷史」,Ken Miarecki師傅講談「今日美國的武藝相關性」。
            當天下午,該會轉往哈佛亞當屋(Adam House)聚會廳聚餐,頒發2012武藝大師獎給前述三人。

星期二, 5月 22, 2012

波士頓刻正舉辦 The Cable Show

康卡斯有線電視執行長史密(Neil Smit)(左)和透納(Turner)廣播系統執行長肯特(Philp Kent)(右)。(菊子攝)

麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)

麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)(左)和Michael Powell在The Cable Show中交接舞台。

Michael Powell's Opening Remarks at The Cable Show 2012

Welcome to the great city of Boston and to the 2012 Cable Show. When I joined NCTA a year ago we set out to bring more creativity and energy into the industry. Our efforts are bearing fruit and you will see it reflected throughout this gorgeous convention hall. And our new ad campaign, which is up in Washington, reflects the emotional connection we hope to get across in telling our story. Let's take a look.
Cable is thriving with new energy, new products and a very promising future. As the ad makes clear, cable is the platform that offers instant access to infinite possibilities-to great programming, the web, friends and family, and the hottest Internet applications and devices. Cable is how we connect to the world and to one another.
Americans adore television. We watch about 147 hours of TV per month-which may not be entirely healthy, but there is no escaping the immense pleasure we get from the tube. Television is the original social medium. Watching is a communal experience; sharing what was on last night, convincing a friend to jump on the bandwagon of your favorite show and to catch up quickly so you can talk about it. The joy we feel watching something inspiring, the laughs we share taking in a great comedy, and the exhilaration we feel when our favorite team hits the winning shot at the buzzer is available to us because the cable industry took a mediocre TV experience and made it better.
Once upon a time, Americans had only three channels that signed off at midnight to the sounds of the Star Spangled Banner. There was little diversity of content and static-riddled pictures. Cable delivered a better technology that improved reception, expanded and diversified what we watch and gave artists a better canvas for making quality shows.

Dramas like Homeland and Mad Men, educational content from Discovery and History, kids programming on Nickelodeon, Sports Center on ESPN, cooking shows on Food Network and news and public affairs from fixtures like CNN, C-SPAN, CNBC and Fox News have made television a rich experience. The fact that so many Americans stuck with cable during the recession is a testament to our value and stability.
But electronic communications does not stand still. The Internet may be the most extraordinary advance in the history of information, ushering in a new age of infinite possibilities. Leaders take risks, and the cable industry chose to bet big on the promise of delivering broadband. It was an ambitious and risky play, but one that is now paying off for consumers.
Over the doubts of many, cable got the job done. Our industry has invested nearly $200 billion of private capital to build the infrastructure to get America online. The men and women who serve our industry painstakingly dug, pulled, and connected homes to the Internet across the nation. And they did it without shovel-ready stimulus funds from the government.
Cable broadband now reaches 93 percent of homes-rich, poor, urban and rural. But the industry has never stopped pushing forward. We have increased broadband speeds over 900 percent in a decade. And we are on the verge of deploying additional technology to reach speeds so fast, the Internet itself may be unable to deliver content fast enough to match cable’s last mile.
This incredible network makes it possible for us to tweet, friend and google, which are now household words. Amazon was a river in South America until nationwide broadband service made it the world’s largest online retailer. Last week Facebook launched the richest IPO in history for a tech company. We congratulate them, and the California Department of Revenue thanks them. That kind of extraordinary American success is only possible because of the rich and robust platform that supports it. We celebrate these successes and our progress but there is more work to do.
Many Americans still are not online and that needs to change. Cable is working to increase adoption by partnering with the FCC to launch a low cost broadband service to low income families across America. This is critical because a child without access to the Internet will find life increasingly difficult in the Information Age.
For all cable has proudly done so far, we owe the consumer more. Consumers want an imaginative future that blends the power of the web with the magic of television. This industry has never been content to rest on aging business models. It has always looked to the future to provide consumers with the next exciting thing. Too many incumbent industries have failed to keep pace with consumer preferences and disruptive technologies, but cable will not be one of them.
We all know the challenges consumers face in today’s dizzying digital marketplace. The consumer experience should be simpler-easier to find the content we want, easier interfaces to control our experience and less reliance on clunky set-top boxes. We want the ability to get the content that we have paid for here, there and everywhere. We say to consumers – we’ve heard your wish and we are working to make it come true, by delivering cable content to iPads, Xboxes, smartphones and whatever that next cool thing is that pops out. You should get greater value for what you pay- including additional services, content on other devices, and content that cannot be found elsewhere.
We have embarked upon an exciting period of intense innovation. Cable is experimenting with more portable services, fairer pricing models and more web integration. It is a work in progress. There will be adjustments along the way. We face competition and that is healthy. Wireless broadband is enjoying astronomical growth. Telcos remain in the thick of the fight. And, satellite companies continue to battle, convinced that you will end up in a ditch, sell your hair to a wig shop, or have a grandkid with a nose ring if you don’t “get rid of cable.” There is also a place for Internet video providers to compete and complement the cable model and some consumers may even cut the cord. At the end of the day, cable benefits from the competition and will work even harder to compete fairly and effectively on value and consumer experience.
As these changes unfold, critics will wail. Compelling change rarely escapes the doomsayer chorus in Washington. Rather than dismiss these concerns out of hand, we will respect and weigh them carefully, guided by our commitment to ensuring a better experience for consumers.
But some naysayers are carping because they don’t like the U.S. private enterprise model. They prefer European-style regulation where the government effectively owns or controls the network, pumping taxpayer money into subsidizing service and managing competition. They would like government to have the last word on the pace and scope of innovation.
This would be a disastrous path to take. Confiscating private networks would put our already broke government on the hook to keep tens of billions of dollars annually flowing into network innovation.
Letting politics allocate resources - rather than market economics and entrepreneurs - would kill investment and leave the Internet in the state we find today’s post office, electric grid or crumbling transportation system. A Washington Post article recently said that “our nation will need to spend $75 billion a year if you want to keep the lights on and our iPhones charged. We will need to spend $9.4 billion a year if you would like the toilet to keep flushing.” To do it all, our country needs to spend a staggering $262 billion.
In stark contrast, broadband is thriving, fueled by the dynamics of the free market. Broadband is an American success. A light regulatory model that favors free enterprise has led to a vibrant digital economy that is empowering educators, business owners and consumers no matter where they live.
I hope you are as excited as I am that we are holding our convention here in Boston. This is a storied city with great people and a proud history. We hope to tap into the revolutionary spirit that gave birth to this great nation and continue building a great network worthy of the stars and stripes.


麻州大點(Great Point)公司昨(廿一)日和中國萬向集團落實了一項十二點五億元交易,要在中國西部建造一座工廠,把煤轉換成合成天然瓦斯。
大點公司的九人董事會中,已有浙江萬向集團的包括董事局主席兼黨委書記魯冠球等四人為董事。美國有四大會計師樓根據追蹤這類交易,其中的安永集團(Ernst & Young)表示,萬向將在大點公司中取得四億二千萬元的少數股。這將是中國公司經由風險基金資助,放進美國公司的最大一筆投資。
這一合夥關係對大點能源(GreatPoint Energy)來說,是一大改變。該公司預期未來數年會在美國內增加650個工作機會,其中有數十個會設在麻州,該公司的研發中心內。
座落在西柏洛夫(Westborough)的電池製造商波士頓電力公司(Boston-Power Inc.)去年吸引到一億五千五百萬元的中國政府及私人投資,在上海外郊建了一座為電動車做電池的工廠。
麻省理工學院工業表現中心(Industrial Performance Center)的創辦主任Richard Lester表示,他認為大點公司展示出麻州能源業的全球面向,以及能源和麻州能源科技公司在中美關係上的重要性。
大點公司估計,到2015年時,可以每一百萬個英國熱量單位(British thermal units)五元的價格,來製造合成天然氣。該公司主管表示,和液態天然瓦斯相比,這就有競爭力了。垓公司計劃在國際市場上以每一百萬個英國熱量單位十元的價格來交易。


塔芙茨大學(Tufts University)計劃在該校位於華埠的醫學院內,建一個第三級生物安全研究實驗室,將於本月內向波士頓公共衛生委員會提出申請,訂今(22)晚進華埠召開說明會。
      塔大醫學院院長Harris Berman表示,要檢測、預防和治療諸如結核病等嚴重性高的傳染性疾病,需要使用第三級生物安全研究實驗室來做進一步研究。該校因此籌建「阿諾德8生物安全實驗室(Arnold 8 Biosafety Laboratory)」。
Harris Berman指出,根據波士頓公共衛生委員會的資料,波市結核病的傳染率,亞裔比白種人大約高出20倍。根據世界衛生組織的估計,全世界每三人當中,可能就有一人感染這種疾病。
他說,過去40多年來,該校分子生物和微生物學系在傳染性疾病研究上一向走在科學研究前端,發現了殺死細菌的奧秘,以及HIV為什麼能夠迅速產生抗藥性等,但研究工作一直都偏向於不需要第三級生物安全(BSL-3)實驗室的領域。但是,如今必須在BSL-3 實驗室中做疾病和病原體研究的需求不斷增加,而塔醫卻是麻州唯一沒有BSL-3實驗室的醫學院,為迎頭趕上科研需求,才朝此方向規劃。
      塔芙茨大學為此說明會發佈了新聞,說明計畫斥資350萬元,在夏臣街136號的醫學院大樓,建造這可同時容納六人工作的「阿諾德8生物安全實驗室(Arnold 8 Biosafety Laboratory)」。這實驗室預計佔地1700平方呎,將只佔現有的生物研究與公共衛生大樓總面積,260000平方英呎的1%以下。
      在波士頓華埠鄰近的南端(South End),已有波士頓大學醫學院建造、啟用了第四級的實驗室。


