波士頓華埠的吳弭支持者,一大早七點就趕到華埠青年會路口, 舉牌助陣。前排右起,余寶愛,黃周麗桃,馮武成,後排右起, 陳仕維夫人,余麗媖,陳文珊,翁耀漢,以及關美玲(後左一)等人。 (周菊子攝) |
華人協選會成員鄺寶蓮(右)籲請選民支持選票1號問題。Lydia Edwards 競選麻州參議員的助選者提醒選民,12月14日還要在投票一次。 (周菊子攝) |
在法蘭克林學校前派發傳單,為吳弭助陣。(周菊子攝) |
助選者提醒選民,選市長之外,還要選市議員。(周菊子攝) |
人生一定要有的八個朋友: 推手(Builder)、 支柱(Champion)、 同好(Collaborator)、 夥伴(Companion)、 中介(Connector)、 開心果(Energizer)、 開路者(Mind Opener)、 導師(Navigator)。 chutze@bostonorange.com ******************* All rights of articles and photos on this website are reserved.
吳弭。(周菊子攝) |
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)
Essaibi George,就看誰能催促更多選民出來投票了。
Essaibi George,在初選投票率
Annissa Essaibi George(周菊子攝) |
Mah Sangiolo)參選的牛頓市市長選舉了。
Essaibi George就去多徹斯特的Bellflower
Essaibi George只簡單澄清她和發出負面攻擊者沒有關係。
Essaibi George在這次競選中,籌款數額都相當可觀。吳弭共籌得215萬元,George共籌得194萬元。吳弭因為她的亞裔身分,更因為她是聯邦參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth
political action committee)”,今年也捲進了波士頓市的市長選舉。在加州的環保團體「綠色倡導項目(The
Green Advocacy Project)」,就捐款給2個超級政治行動委員會來支持吳弭。另外一個「波士頓出來投票(Boston
Turnout Project)」也捐了23萬多元支持吳弭。
Progress Boston)」為她花了23萬多元。另外曾捐款40萬元支持川普的”新平衡(New
Settlement will provide $515,000 in
Consumer Relief
BOSTON – A Florida-based insurance agency has agreed
to pay $625,000, including consumer restitution, to settle allegations
that it used deceptive and unlawful practices to sell health plans to
Massachusetts consumers, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.
“Massachusetts has strict
regulations regarding the marketing and sale of health insurance for a reason:
to prevent companies like this one from taking advantage of people regarding
something as serious and essential as healthcare.” said AG Healey. “We
took action against this company for engaging in deceptive practices in
violation of these regulations and secured monetary relief for harmed consumers.”
According to the complaint, filed in
Suffolk Superior Court, Health Plan Intermediaries Holdings, LLC (HPIH) d/b/a
Health Insurance Innovations, sold health insurance plans to Massachusetts
consumers from Unified Life Insurance Company that were not authorized for sale
and engaged in several other deceptive practices. Those practices include
claiming that the unauthorized health insurance covered services that it in
fact excluded, describing limited health insurance as comprehensive, and
passing off coverage limitations as positives, rather than negatives.
Under the terms of the consent judgment
approved by the Superior Court, HPIH must pay $625,000, including $515,000 for
consumer relief, which will be distributed by HPIH to purchasers of the Unified
plan. The company will also pay $100,000 in civil penalties to the Commonwealth
and $10,000 for costs of the investigation. Under the settlement, HPIH is also
banned from selling non-Medicare-related health plans in Massachusetts for a
In the past, the AG’s Office has
taken action against other insurance companies for related and similar issues
regarding health plans including UnitedHealth
insurance companies and United
Life Insurance Company.
Consumers concerned about illegal
health insurance practices in Massachusetts are urged to call the AG’s Health
Care Helpline at (888) 830-6277.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Emiliano Mazlen, with
assistance from Division Chief Eric Gold of AG Healey’s Health Care
Division, and Anthony Crespi of AG Healey’s Civil Investigations Division.
Michelle Wu Holds Get Out
The Vote Events Across Boston Ahead of Tuesday’s Election
Senator Warren said: “Michelle listens to our concerns and
shows up in our neighborhoods. She has the experience, vision and heart to
fight for big, structural change and tackle the day to day issues affecting
Bostonians. Make sure you get out and vote for Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston
on Tuesday, November 2nd.”
Congresswoman Pressley said: "Michelle and this team
are taking nothing for granted in these final days - we'll be working right up
until the moment polls close on Election Day to knock on every door, make every
phone call, and ensure that everyone in Boston makes their voice heard in this
election. There are so many folks who have poured their hearts and their sweat
equity into this campaign because they believe in Michelle's bold, inclusive
vision for our city, and in what we can accomplish together; I'm excited to see
that energy and that passion reflected at the polls on Tuesday."
Over 100 Members of Boston’s Healthcare Community and National Union CIR SEIU Endorse Michelle Wu for Mayor
Boston, MA— Over 100 members of Boston’s healthcare
community and national union CIR SEIU endorsed Michelle Wu for Mayor today.
This broad base of healthcare workers includes nurses, doctors, social workers,
administrators, translators, public health educators, and
Citing her proven track record of advocacy for racial, economic and social justice, these diverse healthcare workers say Wu is the best candidate to champion issues of importance to members of the healthcare community and to advance health justice for patients.
"We are excited to endorse Michelle Wu for mayor of Boston.
As resident physicians, we see every day how our patients and communities are
impacted by racial, environmental and health injustices. As a union we are
deeply committed to fighting for health equity and we are proud to endorse a
candidate who not only shares our vision and values but has a proven track record
of fighting for the most marginalized in our communities. Michelle is a true
champion for all workers and we know she will support us and all resident
physicians organize for fair pay, safe workplaces, and the tools we need to
deliver the best care possible for our patients. We look forward to working
with Michelle Wu to put first those who have been excluded and to bring a
public health lens to city hall," said Dr Andrew Hyatt, Massachusetts
Regional Vice President
In a public letter, members of Boston’s healthcare community state, “It is crucial that the next mayor of Boston is prepared to take bold, urgent steps to advance public health, community resiliency, and racial justice and look to the expertise and wisdom of people in our industry to craft policy and take collective action.”
“We are proud to support Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston. As
members of the Boston healthcare community, we have seen firsthand the urgency
with which we must work to address health disparities in our city. Michelle is
committed to fighting for the issues that deeply impact the lives of our
patients and all Bostonians - racial justice, economic justice, climate justice,
and transportation justice among them," said Raymond Liu, MD and Jarone
Lee, MD MPH of this coalition.
“I am honored to be endorsed by CIR SEIU and members of our Boston
healthcare community who work hard each day to care for all of our communities
and advance health equity. I look forward to partnering with them to fight for
the empowerment of all healthcare workers and a Boston where all our residents
can thrive,” said Michelle Wu.
CIR is the largest housestaff union in the United States representing over 20,000 housestaff. They unite and empower resident physicians to have a stronger voice within their hospitals. With a growing, nationwide union of residents and fellows, CIR garners more negotiating power and support for patients and communities. CIR uses their collective voice to advocate for cost-effective, high quality health care for all.
駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元(右三)與春田市長Domenic J. Sarno (右二),麻州 眾議員,Angelo J. Puppolo Jr. (右一),麻州西部台灣鄉親會會長劉宗聖 (左一)等人升旗。 (波士頓經文處提供) |
中華民國國旗首度在春田市飄揚。(波士頓經文處提供) |
J. Sarno引述「台灣能幫忙,台灣在幫忙」,感謝波士頓經文處協助春田市對抗新冠病毒疫情,直言由於麻州眾議員Angelo
J. Puppolo Jr. 居間撮和,承諾將與經文處合作促進春田市與台灣的各種雙邊關係,同時宣佈10月30日為「春田市台灣日」。
駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元(左)與春田市長Domenic J. Sarno (右)互贈文狀。 (周菊子攝) |
歐陽珊在春田市交響樂廳演唱美國及中華民國國歌。 (周菊子攝) |
波士頓經文處處長孫儉元強調台灣致力實踐「台灣能幫忙,台灣在幫忙」這政策,為回饋春田市的合作善意,波士頓經文處及位於Billerica的E Ink公司依序各捐1000元給春田市籃球名人堂,社會服務機構Rick’s
波士頓經文處處長孫儉元(中)和麻州眾議員Angelo J. Puppolo Jr.(左二)和演唱國歌的台灣媳婦 歐楊珊(右二),以及她丈夫黃崇校(右一),女兒黃鈺琳。(周菊子攝) |
波士頓僑務委員郭競儒(右)和麻州西部台灣鄉親會會長劉宗聖(左)。(周菊子攝) |
根據人口統計局的2019年區域統計資料,春田市的亞裔人口僅6,224,約佔全市4.1%,華裔人數並無紀錄。許多人沒留意,但維基百科卻有記錄的是,麻州春田市名人中,居然有一名華人,現年僅58歲的史丹福物理博士,曾兩度登上太空,還在太空站駐守過,後來進谷歌工作的盧傑(Edward Tsang Lu)。
波士頓經文處處長孫儉元(中)和麻州眾議員Angelo J. Puppolo Jr.(左二),以及華語教師聯盟 的老師們。(周菊子攝) |
中華民俗藝術工作坊的螢光龍表演。(周菊子攝) |
中華民俗藝術工作坊舞蹈表演。(周菊子攝) |
中華民俗藝術工作坊擺出文化、手工藝攤位。(周菊子攝) |
春田市的華裔太空人盧傑。(圖片來自維基百科) |