
星期一, 1月 09, 2017


美國國務卿克里(John Kerry)到MIT譚氣候變化。(州橘子攝)
 (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州劍橋市綜合報導) 即將於10日後卸任的美國國務卿克里(John Kerry)19日早上在麻省理工學院張忠謀大樓(Morris and Sophie Chang Buildin)發表有關氣候變化的演講,強調這是確實存在的議題,謀求因應之道應該不分黨派。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(前右三)應邀出席美國國務卿克里
(John Kerry)(前右一)的氣候變化演講。(州菊子攝)
            克里指出,氣候變化議題不但真實存在,其實還已經落實到了地方城市層級。20166月他和波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)一起出席,在中國北京舉行的第二屆中美氣候智慧型/低碳城市論壇,就是這樣一個從城市角度出發,針對氣候變化舉辦的會議。
克里的演講主題是全球過渡進清潔能源未來。他表示自己不會去猜測美國候任總統川普,以及他所任命的國務卿,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil )石油執行長Rex Tillerson就任後會怎麼做,但他提醒的指出,有些問題在競選時和就任後,看起來會很不一樣。氣候變化不應該是個黨派議題。

WXNC joins AbbVie and GMI in Landmark Ireland Genomics Alliance

NORTH CHICAGO, Ill.DUBLIN and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV), a global biopharmaceutical company, life-sciences startup Genomics Medicine Ireland Limited (GMI), and WuXi NextCODE, the global contract genomics organization, today announced the launch of a long-term strategic alliance to conduct population genomics research in Ireland aimed at advancing the discovery and development of novel therapeutic approaches to a range of serious diseases. The 15-year collaboration will focus on major chronic diseases within oncology, neuroscience and immunology that affect hundreds of thousands of people in Ireland and hundreds of millions worldwide.  Financial terms were not disclosed.
The alliance will result in the sequencing of 45,000 genomes from volunteer participants across Ireland to seek novel insights into the biological processes that underlie complex disease. AbbVie will use the research database developed by GMI to identify new molecular approaches for therapeutic drug discovery and development as well as to develop companion diagnostics. The alliance builds on AbbVie's substantial existing presence in Ireland, which includes more than 600 employees and investments of more than $130 million since 2013.  


‘The Gun Parlor’ Will No Longer Sell Handguns that are Prohibited Under Massachusetts Law

            BOSTON – A gun dealer in Worcester has agreed to bring its policies into compliance with state law and to pay up to $35,000 for selling handguns that are not listed on the state’s approved roster, and Glocks that do not meet Massachusetts safety regulations, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

“In Massachusetts, we rely on gun dealers to help ensure responsible gun ownership and use by following the law,” AG Healey said. “Today’s agreement requires this Worcester gun dealer to come into compliance with our firearm safety laws and regulations, and do its part to prevent access to unsafe and illegal weapons in our communities.”

During an investigation by the AG’s Office into the business practices of The Gun Parlor, Inc., various violations of state law were uncovered, including the sale of handguns manufactured by Glock that do not have a load indicator or magazine safety disconnect as required by handgun safety regulations, and the sale of firearms that have not met the statutory safety testing requirements to be listed on the state’s approved handgun roster.

The AG’s investigation also found that The Gun Parlor failed to provide legally mandated safety warnings to customers, did not properly verify that handguns sold to law enforcement and military personnel were being purchased for official duties, and sold handguns with a barrel length shorter than three inches to consumers without first providing disclosures required under state regulations about the potentially limited accuracy of such weapons.

Under the terms of today’s settlement, The Gun Parlor is required to pay $10,000 in attorney’s fees and costs associated with the investigation, along with an additional $25,000 in penalties for the illegal sale of Glock handguns, which will not be collected if The Gun Parlor complies with the settlement for two years. Moving forward, The Gun Parlor has agreed to end sales of handguns that are not permitted to be sold in Massachusetts, to accurately advertise its inventory online in order to avoid implying that illegal handguns are available, and to provide proper disclosures and safety warnings to customers before purchasing and operating a legal firearm.

Today’s settlement is one more step in AG Healey’s efforts to enhance gun safety and to assure compliance with Massachusetts gun laws and regulations. In December 2015, AG Healey sent a letter to all 350 state gun dealers reminding them of their obligations under state law. Last year, she led a multi-state efforturging Congress to lift the ban on gun-violence research by the Centers for Disease Control and is working with medical professionals to help develop resources for physicians to aid conversations with their patients about guns in the home.

Last July, AG Healey issued a notice to gun manufacturers and licensed dealers in Massachusetts, warning that her office is stepping up enforcement of the state’s assault weapons ban, including a crackdown on new sales of copycat weaponsSince then, illegal sales of assault weapons have stopped in the state.

The Gun Parlor matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Gary Klein of AG Healey’s Public Protection and Advocacy Bureau and Assistant Attorney General Samantha Shusterman of AG Healey’s Consumer Protection Division, with the assistance of David Bolcome and Colleen Frost of AG Healey’s Civil Investigations Division.


          (Boston Orange)  中華民俗藝術工作坊在麻州鱈魚角Chatham「第一夜」中大出風頭,2場演出都爆滿,掌聲不斷。
            鱈魚角"Chatham第一夜今年在Monomoy Regional 初中演藝廳舉行。中華民俗藝術工作坊安排了臺灣戰鼓-「鼓舞奔騰」、舞龍-「祥龍在天」、舞獅-「祥獅獻瑞」、扯鈴-「活鈴活現」,以及「百鶴齊翔」、「五行」、「圓月踏燈」、「繁花似錦」等民俗舞蹈,以及原住民歌舞「歡樂歌」等節目。出席觀眾紛紛稱讚不僅服飾多采多姿,聲色燈光俱全,還感受到濃濃的中華文化氣息。
             在這新春伊始之際,中華民俗藝術工作坊的表演邀約很多。接下來的表演安排,包括1月14日(週六)的下午4點在波士頓市區維多利亞藝術中心(Villa Victoria Art Center),1月28日(週六)下1點,在皮博迪博物館(Peabody Essex Museum)演出。


              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓洪門致公堂17日晚在瑞雪紛飛中舉行新屆職員就職典禮,迎來歷年最年輕的主席陳偉雄,以及在眾望所歸中第五度出馬的主席鄺國添,為洪門傳承邁開步伐。


星期五, 1月 06, 2017

摩頓市宣佈 1/7早上10點起暴風雪警報 停車限制生效

As of 10AM on Saturday, January 7th, the City of Malden will declare a snow emergency.  After the snow emergency begins at 10AM tomorrow morning, winter parking restrictions will be strictly enforced.

To avoid being ticketed or towed, you must seek off-street parking. For residents without access to off-street parking, there are 7 locations for to park free of charge and these lots are immediately available to be parked in this evening.  These locations are the Early Learning Center, Beebe, Forestdale, Ferryway, Linden and Salemwood Schools and downtown at the CBD Garage located at 170 Centre St.  Vehicles can remain in these lots until the snow emergency is lifted.  

For more information about parking and other winter weather procedures, please visit our Winter Weather Central page at www.cityofmalden.org/snow


為代表中華民國政府及人民對新罕布夏州新任州長史努努(Chris Sununu)表達祝賀之意,駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處賴處長銘琪偕林副組長美呈於本()5日應邀出席史努努州長在州議會大廈舉行之宣誓就職典禮,並與英國駐波士頓總領事Harriet Cross接受唱名歡迎。典禮結束後,賴處長親向史州長及第一夫人道賀,並期盼與新州加強經貿、教育等各方面之合作,深化實質關係。
經文處處長賴銘琪(前左)恭喜新罕普夏州新任州長史努努(Chris Sununu)
儀式於上午10時開始,由新州眾議會議長Shawn Jasper主持,參議會議長Chuck Morse陪同,其他到場貴賓計有前州長、史州長之父John H. Sununu、前州長Craig Menson,前麻州聯邦參議員Scott Brown及甫卸任之新州聯邦參議員Kelly Ayotte等。史州長在就職演說中特別強調,渠將以企業經營之長期規畫方式推行未來各項政策,並著重振興經濟,重視勞工議題,再三強調教育之重要性,並剴切要求摒棄選舉時之各項成見,不分黨派,共同為新州未來努力。

Governor Baker Signs Bill Enabling Worcester Biomanufacturing Site

Governor Baker Signs Bill Enabling Worcester Biomanufacturing Site

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today signed legislation to facilitate the transformation of unused state-owned land in Worcester into a site for biomanufacturing. An Act Authorizing the Transfer of Certain Parcels of Land in the City of Worcester to Promote Economic Development (H. 4774) authorizes the Commissioner of the Department of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) to sell 44 acres of land at the Worcester State Hospital campus to the Worcester Business Development Corporation (WBDC) for the purpose of developing the site into a biomanufacturing industrial park.

“When we first developed the Open for Business initiative, projects that could transform unused state property into revitalized centers for business and economic activity is exactly what we had in mind,” said Governor Baker. “Allowing DCAMM to work with the WBDC so that they can bring biomanufacturing jobs to Worcester is a tremendous opportunity for the Commonwealth and I want to thank Representative O’Day and Senator Chandler for their help making this possible.”

“Massachusetts is a national leader in the life sciences and advanced manufacturing technologies and the redevelopment of this site ensures a Central Massachusetts hub for a continually expanding industry,” said Lieutenant Governor Polito. “We look forward to collaborating on this important project with the City of Worcester, the legislative delegation, the WBDC, and all other stakeholders involved throughout the process.”

The redevelopment of the land is part of the Commonwealth’s ongoing Open for Business Initiative that seeks to redevelop underutilized state assets into productive pieces of our state economy. At full capacity the new site will have the potential to create over 500+ well-paying jobs in Central Massachusetts.

“This bill is critical to the continued growth and prosperity of my district,” said MA Senate Majority Leader Harriette L. Chandler.  “The statutory changes would provide the framework for a new biotechnology park, bringing jobs and opportunity to our community.  Worcester is on the cusp of becoming a destination for this burgeoning industry and this legislation is the next step towards a very bright future.”

“This parcel of land had been looked at for a long time as a potential economic development engine and now, thanks to Governor Baker’s Open for Business initiative, we were able to set a great example of how local government can take advantage of underutilized spaces to generate revenue and economic development.  This will bring initially 150 jobs to the city and the arrival of LakePharma can only mean good things for the city of Worcester moving forward. I’d also like to thank my colleagues in the legislature for such a swift passage of the bill,” said Representative James O’Day. “The Worcester Business Development Corporation has extensive local development experience and has successfully completed notable projects like the Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Park, Gateway Park, and Centech Park.

The legislation also authorizes DCAMM to transfer to the University of Massachusetts Medical School for no cost an attached parcel where the Brudnick Neuropsychiatric Research Institute was built and paid for by the school.”
The administration announced the “Open for Business” Real Estate Asset Leveraging (REAL) Strategy in October, 2015 which identifies unused or underutilized Commonwealth properties for redevelopment for affordable or market-rate housing, job creation, reduction in government expenses, increased revenue for the Commonwealth as well as local communities, capital investment in state properties, and open recreational space. Over 40 near-term opportunities throughout Massachusetts and across state agencies and authorities were first highlighted for public-private partnerships, of which 7 are currently under agreement.

昆士市宣佈 1/7 暴風雪停車禁令


Snow Emergency Parking Rules In Effect On Saturday

Friday, January 06, 2017

Parking allowed on EVEN side of neighborhood streets

Snow emergency parking rules will be in place beginning at noon on Saturday, January 7, through Sunday at noon.  
Residents may park on the EVEN numbered side of non-emergency neighborhood streets, but should always park in driveways if available.
Parking is prohibited on all designated emergency arteries. Click here for a complete list of emergency arteries.
Residents on side-streets posted permanently as one-side parking should park on the side always allowed.
Cars parked in violation of emergency rules or impede snow plowing operations pose a public safety risk, and WILL BE TOWED.  For this storm, parking in business districts will be allowed under normal rules until the overnight hours.
For assistance, residents can use the City’s snow request application at snowhotline@quincyma.gov \ or call the DPW's snow operation hotline at 617-376-1927.
The forecast calls for high winds, which creates the potential for downed tree limbs and power lines. To report a power loss, call National Grid at 1-800-465-1212 or visit their Outage Central page at https://www.nationalgridus.com/MA-Home/Storms-Outages/
For updates and emergency notices, please tune to Quincy Access Television; follow the City of Quincy’s Facebook page or via Twitter @CityofQuincy.
Residents are encouraged to sign-up for e-mail and text alerts via CityLink on the City’s website, www.quincyma.gov.

Drought Conditions Improve in Areas of Commonwealth, Rainfall Deficit Continues Across State

Drought Conditions Improve in Areas of Commonwealth, Rainfall Deficit Continues Across State
Monitoring of Water Resources to Continue, Indoor Water Conservation by Public Necessary

BOSTON – January 6, 2017 – Although many areas of the state experienced some precipitation in December and the early portion of January, large portions of the state continue to experience a water deficit. As a result, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton today declared the following drought levels throughout the Commonwealth: a Drought Warning for the Connecticut River Valley, Western, Central, and Southeast Massachusetts, unchanged from the month of December; a Drought Watch for Northeast Massachusetts, down from a Drought Warning in the month of December; and a Drought Advisory for the Cape and Islands, unchanged from the month of December. The declaration was the result of a recommendation issued from a recent meeting of the Drought Management Task Force, comprised of state, federal and local officials, and will remain in effect until water levels return to normal in the affected regions.

“With below average rainfall over the course of the previous month, drought conditions have changed very little as the Commonwealth heads into the start of 2017,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “We all must continue to administer best indoor water conservation practices to ensure we avoid water sources from becoming stressed and are allowed to rebound faster.”

“While recent precipitation has helped to reduce the severity of the drought in parts of the state, drought conditions continue and the public is urged to take steps to reduce indoor water usage,” said Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Director Kurt Schwartz. “Recovery from this long-term drought will require both continued conservation measures and above-normal levels of precipitation for the foreseeable future.”

A Drought Warning, as outlined in the Massachusetts Drought Management Planindicates over six consecutive months of groundwater and stream flow levels being below normal, and larger reservoirs at below normal levels. This initiates a much more concerted set of government responses including instating water restrictions, and more intensified monitoring and coordination between the agencies. Areas within the Drought Warning regions are currently experiencing precipitation levels below normal for six out of seven consecutive months. A Drought Watch represents extremely low groundwater and streamflow levels resulting from prolonged periods of precipitation deficit, including a lack of snowfall in the winter months.  The declaration of a Drought Watch warrants detailed monitoring of drought conditions, close coordination among state and federal agencies, and technical outreach and assistance for the affected municipalities. The declaration of a Drought Advisory indicates a level of dry conditions that warrants closer tracking by government agencies. 
Description: drought_status_map2016Dec_FINAL

The state continues to intensely monitor and assess the drought situation, and any associated environmental and agricultural impacts. Furthermore, the state asks the public to be mindful of the amount of water they are using, and to reduce indoor water use, address leaks as soon as possible, and for larger buildings and businesses to conduct water audits to ensure they identify areas of leaks and potential water conservation. All these steps will greatly help reduce water use to ensure essential needs such as drinking water and fire protection are being met, habitats have enough water to recover, and to stretch our water supplies into the spring.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (MassDEP) permits exempt certain water uses from mandatory restrictions, including: for health or safety reasons; the production of food and fiber; the maintenance of livestock; and to meet the core functions of a business. MassDEP continues to provide technical assistance to communities on managing systems, including assistance on use of emergency connections and water supplies, as well as assisting towns on how to request a declaration of drought emergency.

“Drought conditions have persisted into the winter months, so people should continue to use water wisely,” said Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “Conserving water within the home, such as fixing leaky faucets, toilets and showerheads, will preserve the supply and save money.”

Task Force officials noted that although reservoir levels are recovering during this natural recharge period, most are still below normal. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) water supply system is not currently experiencing drought conditions, as defined within its individual plan.

“While it’s still early in the season, we haven’t seen much of a snowpack yet out in the Quabbin area,” said MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey. “There are many ways to save water indoors, and we continue to urge residents and businesses to conserve water wherever and however they can.”

The declaration of a Drought Warning, Drought Watch, and a Drought Advisory requires the Drought Management Task Force to meet on a regular basis to more closely assess conditions across the state, coordinate dissemination of information to the public, and help state, federal and local agencies prepare any responses that may be needed in the future. The Task Force will next meet in February. For further information on water conservation and what you can do, visit the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ drought page, the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s drought management page, and the MassDEP Water Conservation page.



New speed limit goes into effect on Monday, January 9
BOSTON - Friday, January 6, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh is reminding drivers the default speed limit on City of Boston streets will be reduced from 30 miles per hour (mph) to 25 mph effective this upcoming Monday, January 9, 2017. If no sign is posted, 25 mph is the maximum speed limit on that street. Drivers are advised to watch for posted signs that indicate a modification to the speed limit, such as in School Zones where the speed limit may be lower than 25 mph. State owned roadways in the City of Boston will not be affected by this new law.

"Reducing the default speed limit will create safer roads for all, and I'm pleased our hard work and commitment to safer roads has created this new standard," said Mayor Walsh."This is an important milestone for Vision Zero, the City's commitment to bringing the number of traffic-related deaths to zero. With our new 25 mph speed limit, we are one step closer to achieving our goal."

"No one wants to be involved in a serious traffic crash and slowing down vehicles can help to keep us all safe from harm," said Boston Transportation Commissioner Gina N. Fiandaca. "People who drive, walk and ride a bike in Boston are all asked to be aware of others sharing the roadway and to travel on our streets with caution."

The speed limit is being reduced from 30 mph to improve safety for all users of Boston's roadways. Studies show that the likelihood of a pedestrian suffering a fatal injury as a result of being struck by a motor vehicle decreases from 20 percent when the vehicle is traveling at 30 mph, to 12 percent when the vehicle is traveling at 25 mph. Slower speeds make it easier for drivers to stop when necessary. It also increases a driver's field of vision making it more likely for the driver to see a pedestrian in the roadway.

The City of Boston is committed to providing local streets that are functional and safe for all users. New bicycle infrastructure, leading pedestrian intervals programmed into traffic signal timing, prominent pavement markings, speed radar boards, curb extensions, yield to pedestrian signs, and other traffic safety tools are all being used to meet this goal.

Reducing the default speed limit to 25 mph will help to keep resident and visitors from being involved in serious crashes in the City. Boston drivers are asked to travel responsibly and voluntarily comply with the speed limit to preserve the safety of Boston's residents, daily commuters and visitors.

The implementation of the reduced default speed limit in Boston is a key accomplishment of the City of Boston's Vision Zero agenda aimed at eliminating fatal and serious crashes in Boston by 2030.  More information on Vision Zero may be found at www.visionzeroboston.org.  

For more information on the 25 mph default speed limit and to download informational material in a variety of languages, please visit www.boston.gov/departments/transportation/25-boston.


 (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠租客居住權,近日又再面對挑戰。好事福街2230號的19戶人家,14日晚派代表到華埠居民會(CRA)陳情,希望藉公眾力量逼業主出面談判。

            14日晚還有鄧肯圈(Dunkin Donuts)為波約斯頓街80號分店預定6月關門,將遷址天滿街(Tremont)147號,先做準備,到華埠居民會匯報。該鄧肯圈店董事長Sean Sullivan和生產設備主任Erik Lania由律師Lesley St. Germain陪同,向華埠居民匯報遷址意圖。匯報遷址意圖。

星期四, 1月 05, 2017

麻州眾議員就職 伊斯蘭主持加入祝禱行列

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導) 麻州第190屆參眾議會議員們,14日在麻州正副州長,以及總檢察官,財政廳長,稽核長等要員出席見證中,宣誓就任。伊斯蘭教祈禱主持(Imam)加入領禱行列。
兩年一期的麻州議會,今年跨入第190期。14日早上11點,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),總檢察長奚莉(Murau Healey),財政廳廳長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg),稽核長蘇珊邦普(Susan Bump)等人分別到參眾兩會,見證議員們就任。
都曾經是麻州眾議員的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),麻州大學總校長馬丁米漢(Martin Meehan)也在主席台的嘉賓席上比鄰而坐。
同時締造華人進入麻州議會殿堂歷史的兩名華裔麻州眾議員,黃子安(Donald Wong),陳德基(Tackey Chan)都順利連任,今年起展開第四個任期。其中陳德基無競爭對手,等額當選。黃子安以12,766票的55%得票率打敗競爭對手,順利連任。
轄區包括華埠的麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)也順利連任。
選舉時,有25人無競爭對手,等額當選。選後,13名競選連任的在位者,全都順利當選。共和黨籍參議員共6人。五月時贏得特別選舉,代表華埠的參議員Joseph Boncore,因無競爭對手,順利等額當選。有華裔血統的參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz)也順利連任。
根據麻州眾議會的就職儀式節目冊,一大早從8點就開始有早餐,參觀州政府大樓等活動。接著民主黨,共和黨黨團各自聚會,11點才開始正式的就職儀式,由在位時間最長的眾議員,Angelo M. Scaccia主禮。
參眾議員就任後,參議長羅森柏(Stanley C. Rosenberg),眾議長狄樂歐(Robert DeLeo)也都獲同僚支持,再度連任議長。