
星期一, 5月 05, 2014

牛頓台灣日美食飄香 青春洋溢

新英格蘭台灣青年商會,台美專業人士協會(Taiwanese American Professional),新英格蘭台灣同學會聯合會這些以年輕人為主的團體,這天全在會場入口處擺攤,讓出席活動者,一踏進會場就感到青春迎面而來,心情無不隨之歡愉。
這遊行由僑務委員陳家驊策劃,中華民俗藝術工作坊的張昆與舞龍隊前導,各僑團組成的盛大遊行隊伍,在牛頓市出動警車封街的隆重中,沿路慢走。 許多扶老攜幼的台灣鄉親,和當地牛頓市民一起夾道旁觀,熱情揮手。其中有人拿到了經文處新聞組組長朱永昌在現場發送的中美兩國國旗,就高舉旗幟揮舞,非常有節慶氣氛。
當天出席的嘉賓包括牛頓市長賽提華倫(Setti Warren)、麻州眾議員陳德基(Tackey Chan),紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦。他們都一致肯定台灣與麻州,牛頓市的關係日益緊密友好。
牛頓市議員約翰萊斯(John Rice)也特地送上表揚狀,感謝經文處,波士頓華僑文教中心對豐富牛頓市文化生活的貢獻。



波士頓五月回春 南端食物卡車週日雲集

時序跨入五月,不但是春暖花開季節,大波士頓街頭也開始人氣活躍。波士頓華埠旁的南端(South End)的蘇華公開市場(Sowa Open Market)昨(四)日開張。
蘇華公開市場將從五月四日起至十月廿六日止,每週日的早上十點至下午四點,在波士頓南端夏利臣(Harrison)街一帶三段路上擺出來。食物卡車(Food Truck)部分,座落在夏利臣街540號,每週都會有2535輛食物卡車,販售各式各樣美食。農夫市場設在夏利臣街500號,將有當地生產的各種生鮮蔬果,花朵,植物,以及特色食物。藝術市場則在Thayer街底,有各式各樣的手工製品。主辦單位自豪地宣稱,只有該地區最佳的製造者,設計者的產品,有機會放在市場上展售。


昆市迎春大掃除 華裔不缺席

昆士市五月三日舉辦第25屆年度清掃日。這以“淨綠昆市(Cleaner Greener Quincy)”為名的大掃除活動,有道富集團(State Street)內的亞裔專業人士網,昆市市長亞美顧問委員會再次組隊參加,在美國社會的地方公益活動中,讓華人不缺席。
道富集團今年由Erin am負責聯絡,曾任華埠獅子會會長的余綺娥等,有不下十餘人參加。昆市市長亞美顧問委員會黃志康一大早先到瑪麗蒙(Merrymount)公園領取工具,再到塘街(Pond Street)公園發給參加昆市大掃除的義工們。昆市居民黃可賢,Jimmy Hui等人今年第一次參加,都為自己能為社區出力,感到很光榮。
大清掃後,義工們合照留影,再匯聚在“選美場(Pageant Field)”,享用昆士市長為義工們準備的燒烤,和市長,以及鄰居,朋友們閒話家常。(圖由昆市市長亞美顧問委員會提供)


Biovision’s ninth edition will take place in Lyon, France on June 5 and 6, 2014

Biovision speakers will debate economic and business challenges in the life sciences market
Top industry players, European Commission representatives, the WHO, the Innovative Medicine Initiative, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and Chinese delegations will participate

Biovision’s ninth edition will take place in Lyon, France on June 5 and 6, 2014

Lyon, France, May 6, 2014 
– Biovision, the annual forum devoted to future-oriented research in life sciences, today announces its program to bring a new level of awareness to the economic and business challenges faced by the life sciences industry.

This year the emphasis is on the need to further invest in new technologies to reach the growth potential that lies in disruptive innovation. The opening session kicks off with James Barlow, chair of technology and innovation management at Imperial College London. He focuses on the adoption, implementation and sustainability of innovation in healthcare systems. The session will then feature Robert-Jan Smits, general director of DG Research and Innovation at the European Commission, alongside other high profile delegates. The EC’s motto is ‘Health is Wealth’; meaning that by investing in research and innovation, we not only invest in health, but on a larger scale we also invest in a healthy workforce, a healthy economy and therefore lower public health bills. Joining Mr. Smits in this session will be Michel Goldman, CEO of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), who will also discuss how to build and promote innovation networks in close collaboration with all stakeholders involved in pharmaceutical R&D.

The European Institute of innovation and technology (EIT) representative Alexander Von Gabain will share his insights about how best to invest in innovation and EIT’s distinctive strength: its entrepreneurial approach to innovation. Chinese representatives Ming-De Yu, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Yao Fang, CEO at Fosun Pharma will also participate.

Other high-level speakers include Chris Viehbacher, CEO at Sanofi; Martin Friede, director, Technology Transfer Initiative at WHO; Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch, head of research affairs, Science Europe and Stanley Plotkin, emeritus professor of the University of Pennsylvania.

For a full list of speakers: http://www.biovision.org/biovision2014/speakers/index.html

“By investing in innovation within the life sciences sector, Europe could have a significant impact at many levels,” said Didier Hoch, chairman of Biovision. “This would foster better health for European citizens whilst improving the well-being of European companies. It would also bring about a positive impact on the workforce and public health spending.”

Help Asian Americans Reclaim our History in the Building of the Transcontinental Railroad!

Help Asian Americans Reclaim our History in the Building of the Transcontinental Railroad!
April 10, 2014

This historic photograph captured the ceremony celebrating the completion of the transcontinental railroad, which united east and west coasts of this country by a land route for the first time; yet, the thousands of Chinese Americans who helped build the railroad were conspicuously absent. Photo credit: Wikipedia
On May 10th of this year, the transcontinental railroad will be 145 years old. On that day in 1869, track laid by Union Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad companies finally connected, and insodoing created a railway that spanned 1,928 miles. For the first time in American history, it was possible to travel from coast-to-coast without sailing around the North American continent.
It is estimated that as many as 12,000 Chinese American labourers helped build the transcontinental railroad, predominantly on the West Coast. Working for a fraction of the pay of their non-Asian White counterparts, Chinese “coolie” labourers were assigned some of the most dangerous tasks, including blasting away rocks that lay in the path of the track. Unknown numbers of Chinese American men lost their lives in the course of laying the railroad. This was in part because of ongoing anti-Asian racism among the work crews; White labourers viewed their Chinese American colleagues with disdain, calling them “midgets”, “effeminate” and “monkeys”. Nonetheless, Chinese American labourers participated in the construction of virtually every railroad track on the West coast built during that era.
Yet, when the railroad was completed on May 10th, 1869, an event commemorated in a historical photograph that showed actual railroad workers crowded around the final spike as it is hammered into the ground, Chinese American labourers were left out of the photograph. They were literally erased from history.
Every year on May 10th, that historic photograph is re-created by the park officials who maintain the national park commemorating the site of the Golden Spike ceremony. And every year, park officials refuse to make any specific effort to make the Asian American community visible in the photograph recreation.
Corky Lee (in the middle) has been documenting the Asian American Movement’s protest actions and historic moments for over the last 40 years.
This year, acclaimed Asian American photographer and historian, Corky Lee — whose iconic black-and-white photographs have documented some of the most landmark moments in the political history of Asian America — is organizing a “flashmob” style event to correct the historic wrong of that 1869 Golden Spike Ceremony photograph.
On Saturday, May 10th at 9:30am, Corky is inviting Asian Americans to join him at the Golden Spike National Historic Site in Tremonton, Utah (group transportation is being organized from Salt Lake City). He is hoping to get at least 145 Asian Americans to join him in recreating that historic photograph, but this time with the faces of Asian America front and center!
If you are 1) Asian American, and 2) able to get to Utah on May 10th, I urge you to please come out and help him in making this important project happen! Please help challenge the erasure of Asian Americans from the history of the transcontinental railroad.
Please join (and share) this Facebook Event page to help get the word out.

And, if you are able to make it to Utah on May 10th, please contact Ze Xiao (zxiao [at] slco [dot] org), who is coordinating transportation to the Golden Spike site for Corky’s photograph.