
星期二, 10月 29, 2019


Rory Kelleher,九點醫療系統工程主任蔡宗涵,新英格蘭玉山科協
副會長蘇皓瑋,MGH臨床資料科學中心主任Mark Michalski
Luminopia Health 數位長吳建漢。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市整理報導) 新英格蘭玉山科技協會 (MJNE)日前在麻省理工學院舉行2019年會,邀得8名醫藥、創投界專家與匯聚而來的120多名出席者,就會議主題醫療業人工智慧 以數據做醫療價值驅動力 ( A.I. in healthcare – Data as the driver of healthcare value)做深入探討。
左起 玉山副長蘇皓瑋主持第一場座談,與談人依序為
 Rory Kelleher, , Mark Michalski, 蔡宗涵。(周菊子攝)
麻省總醫院(MGH)臨床資料科學中心主任Mark Michalski,九點醫療(NinePoint Medical)系統工程主任蔡宗涵,NVIDIA 醫療區域業務經理 Rory Kelleher在早上分別就臨床、應用和基礎建設這三個不同層面,闡述資料是如何堆疊累積,再透過不同的人工智慧演算法,來實現預測、分類、標記等不同的功能應用,以及藉由使用人工智慧做平行運算,可以如何提升運算效率、節省能源。他們還就人工智慧如何改變醫療的實際執行分享各自的經驗,包括讓機器利用大數據做深度學習,藉以輔助診斷,既有更快速,精準的效率,可減少醫師及相關人員工作量,降低服務價格等優點,卻也同時有數據資訊一旦偏頗,檢驗甚至可能造成大誤失等風險。
Baker & McKenzie律師Chia-Feng LuVertex製藥的生物識別主任凌美秀,下午就醫療業人工智慧的安全性與法令規章,分別做闡述,說明。
Chia-Feng Lu主要是介紹美國聯邦政府食品藥品管理局(FDA)如何規範醫療業內的人工智慧應用,以及個別重點州關於資料隱私、安全的規定,概念緣由。
吳建漢,Drew Volpe ,Ian Chiang。(周菊子攝)
會議的最後一場座談,主題是業界傳奇:在醫療保健業用人工智慧創造價值(Tales from the Road: Value creation using AI in healthcare)”,由新英格蘭玉山科協理事暨豐川資本 (FC capital) 副總裁張邵聿主持,與談人包括Luminopia Health 數位長吳建漢(Hank Wu)First Star Venture創始人兼執行合夥人Drew Volpe Flare Capital Partners執行長Ian Chiang。他們在問答中,分享如何驗證商業模式、確定投資人出款意願,以及資料獨特性等創業者在執行層面會遭遇,需要考慮的許多議題。
講者NVIDIA的Rory Kelleher,一名與繪者,MGH的Mark Michalski,吳建漢。(周菊子攝)

星期一, 10月 28, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Housing Choice Bill in Quincy

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Housing Choice Bill in Quincy
Local leaders endorse legislation that aims to support communities statewide in their goals to increase new housing production

QUINCY – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy and Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Janelle Chan joined Quincy Mayor Tom Koch, Jimmy Liang of Fuji Restaurant Group, Dolly Di Pesa of Di Pesa and Company and other local leaders to highlight An Act to Promote Housing Choices, legislation filed by Governor Baker in February that calls for targeted zoning reform to advance new housing production in Massachusetts and support the Administration’s goal to produce 135,000 new housing units by 2025.

“Our Commonwealth faces a housing shortage that threatens the future of the families and innovative companies driving our remarkable success,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “In order to build the amount of housing we need to stabilize rents and home prices, we must pass An Act to Promote Housing Choices so communities can deliver critical projects with majority support.” 

“Century-old zoning laws pose a major obstacle to building adequate, affordable housing for residents,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Our administration will continue to work closely with local leaders to leverage every tool at our disposal to promote the production of housing across the Commonwealth, so more communities like Quincy can continue to grow and succeed.”

Today’s event in downtown Quincy celebrated the City’s efforts to promote transit-oriented housing and development, in order to ensure that Quincy continues to grow and remains affordable to residents of all income levels. According to The Boston Foundation, Quincy was one of just 15 municipalities that together obtained more than half of the Commonwealth’s building permits between 2013 and 2017, making the City a leader in tackling the statewide housing crisis, which is particularly acute in Boston and neighboring communities like Quincy. These efforts earned Quincy designation as a Housing Choice community, in recognition for the city’s success in adopting best practices and increasing the housing stock by more than 3% over the last five years.

The Housing Choice legislative proposal will enable cities and towns to adopt certain zoning best practices related to housing production by a simple majority vote, rather than the current two-thirds supermajority. While this legislation will lower the voting threshold to change zoning for all communities in the Commonwealth, it does not require cities and towns to make any of these changes. With the proposed simple majority threshold, municipalities that pursue rezoning efforts including those enabling transit-oriented or downtown-oriented new housing, would gain approval if they achieve more than 50 percent of the vote, as opposed to the current super majority of more than 66 percent. Massachusetts is currently one of only a few states to require a supermajority to change local zoning.

Zoning changes that promote best practices for housing growth that would qualify for the simple majority threshold include:
  • Building mixed-use, multi-family, and starter homes, and adopting 40R “Smart Growth” zoning in town centers and near transit.
  • Allowing the development of accessory dwelling units, or “in-law” apartments.
  • Approving Smart Growth or Starter Homes districts that put housing near existing activity centers.
  • Granting increased density through a special permit process.
  • Allowing for the transfer of development rights and enacting natural resource protection zoning.
  • Reducing parking requirements and dimensional requirements, such as minimum lot sizes.

This legislation also includes a provision, added by the Joint Committee on Housing last session, that would reduce the voting threshold for a special permit issued by a local permit granting authority to a simple majority vote, for certain multi-family or mixed-use projects with at least 10 percent affordable units in locations near transit or, in centers of commercial activity within a municipality.

“Despite our unprecedented economic growth, the cost of housing has continued to climb as housing production remains stagnant throughout Massachusetts, thanks to outdated zoning laws that too often thwart even projects popular with residents,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy. “We will continue to advocate for An Act to Promote Housing Choices so communities can produce the adequate, affordable housing necessary for businesses, their employees, and their families before they are forced to move elsewhere.”

“Our families, seniors, workforce, individuals with disabilities, and vulnerable populations have diverse housing needs, and today’s market is not meeting them. Housing that our residents can afford is a crucial resource and An Act to Promote Housing Choices will create the tools we need to promote new housing development for those across incomes,” said Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Janelle Chan. “We are proud of the coalition we’ve built in support of this legislation and the investments we’ve made in affordable housing, community development, and public housing to benefit the many communities that contribute to our strong, inclusive Commonwealth.”
Local community and business leaders including Jimmy Liang of Fuji Restaurant Group and Dolly Di Pesa of Di Pesa and Company joined Mayor Koch in endorsing the legislation. 
“There’s no question Quincy is doing its part to solve this very real housing crisis, and Governor Baker’s Housing Choice legislation will provide the vital tools for communities across Greater Boston and the entire Commonwealth to foster the sustainable growth, affordability, and economic opportunity at the heart of our future,” said Mayor Tom Koch. “Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito have proven time and again that they understand the value of partnerships between the state, local governments and the private sector. We’re seeing the results of their work right here in downtown Quincy.”

Quincy has planned extensively for the future, working closely with state and local leaders to increase the housing stock and identify opportunities for growth. In 2007, the City developed the Quincy Center District Urban Revitalization and Development Plan, which first led to the demolition of decrepit Ross Garage to repurpose the area for transit-oriented development, with the support of a 2015 MassWorks grant worth $5.8 million that unlocked $600 thousand in municipal funding. A 2017 MassWorks grant worth $2 million then funded critical drainage improvements to the nearby Greenway, leveraging $40 million in District Improvement Financing to create more than 1 million square feet of retail, office, and medical space, and further stimulate investment downtown.

“JP Fuji Group employs about 200 employees just in the city of Quincy, and both of my current and hopeful employees have been facing challenges finding affordable housing in the city. If we can address the antiquated state zoning laws, we can remove barriers to produce new housing here and throughout the state,” said Jimmy Liang, Owner of JP Fuji Group. “As a Quincy resident, I am proud of the city’s leadership in building housing. However, other communities need to be able to build more too, which is why I endorse the Governor’s bill.”

“The creation of new housing in Quincy Center is the foundation of new business growth that is creating jobs and making this neighborhood once again the driving economic force of the City,” said Dolly Di Pesa, CPA and Managing Partner of Di Pesa and Company. “It’s this kind of growth – in the right places – that the Baker Administration’s Housing Choice legislation will make possible in communities throughout the state.”

“As Quincy continues to grow, it is important we work to ensure all residents can afford to live in our city,” said Senator John Keenan. “Especially as Quincy embraces new transportation initiatives and transit-oriented developments, it is vital that our zoning laws allow local officials the flexibility to prioritize appropriately located affordable housing. This legislation will help Quincy continue to prosper while providing suitable, affordable housing for all residents.”

Today’s show of support built on recent bipartisan endorsements from officials and organizations including former Secretaries of Economic Development from the Romney, Patrick, and Baker administrations. The bill was formally discussed at the May 14th hearing of the Joint Committee on Housing.  The legislation is part of the administration’s Housing Choice Initiative, which provides incentives, technical assistance, and capital grant funding to encourage new housing production that meets the long-term needs of the Commonwealth’s growing, and aging, population.

The Baker-Polito Administration has shown a deep commitment to increasing the production of housing across income levels. Since 2015, the administration has invested more than $1 billion in affordable housing, resulting in the production and preservation of more than 17,000 housing units, including 15,000 affordable units. In 2018, Governor Baker signed the largest housing bond bill in Massachusetts history, committing more than $1.8 billion to the future of affordable housing production and preservation. The Baker-Polito Administration has also advanced the development of more than 11,000 mixed-income housing units through the successful MassWorks Infrastructure Program, reformed the Housing Development Incentive Program, and worked with communities to implement smart-growth development and planning efforts.

星期日, 10月 27, 2019

新北市府入選MIT REAP計畫 發展數位生醫科技 訪波士頓"取經"

                (Boston Orange整理報導) 中華民國台灣新北市政府副市長吳明機率團訪問波士頓,參加麻省理工學院REAP工作坊,並特地於1024日和新英格蘭玉山科技協會(MJNE)首度合作舉辦座談會,以幫助新北市尋找未來科技產業發展方向、機會,結合台灣與海外優秀的科技、創業人才。
包括哈佛大學布萊根婦女醫院急診醫學助理教授 Peter Hou、生物防禦及醫材顧問公司LF Liang Consulting創辦人 Li-Fang Liang博士、數位健康公司Luminopia 數位長吳建漢(Hank Wu)、行動手術室公司SurgiBox創辦人Debbie Lin Teodorescu、人工智能企業孵化器Vizuro共同創辦人魏宇峰(Yu-Feng Wei)豐川資本(FC Capital)副總裁張劭聿(Shaoyu Chang)、Mach 48 Ventures的共同創辦人及合夥人Ally Chang,當天應邀出席在哈佛大學教職員俱樂部所舉行座談的人,多半是數位健康,智慧醫療領域專家,創業人士。
手術室公司SurgiBox創辦人Debbie Lin Teodorescu,數位健康公司
Luminopia 數位長吳建漢,新北副市長吳明機博士,Mach 48 
Ventures的共同創辦人及合夥人Ally Chang博士,生物防禦及醫材
顧問公司LF Liang Consulting創辦人 Li-Fang Liang博士,波士頓
婦女醫院急診醫學助理教授 Peter Hou。(數位經濟暨產業發展
吳明機指出,新北市希望藉由全球成功案例經驗,整合在地政府、教育、創新、企業等資源,共同建構兼具城市特色及國際競爭力之創業生態系統,更希望透過交流串接起新北的全球創新網路 (Global Innovation Network),為新北產業注入全球視野。
新北市這次訪問波士頓,主要是因為今年申請參加麻省理工學院的區域創業加速計畫(Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program),並成功獲選為第一個加入麻省理工學院 REAP全球創新網路(Global Innovation Network) 的台灣城市,和歐洲的丹麥,亞洲的日本福岡,中東沙烏地阿拉伯哈伊勒,以及非洲奈及利亞阿布甲等五個國際城市,成為REAP第七梯次同學。

紐英崙中華專業人員協會第42屆年會- 謝開明圖片專輯



中央研究院院士、 哈佛大學教授姚鴻澤
(Horng-Tzer Yau)


CharmPI 創辦人及執行長李務熙博士 (Dr. Wu-His Li)


謝水龍博士 (Dr. Jonathan Shieh)

康雅雰送紀念品給東北大學教授周駿安(Chun-An Joe Chou)


 (Meng Chih Chiang,前左三))合影。

陳書琳博士 (Dr. Suelin Chen)

麻州大學羅威爾分校教授游子揚(Professor Tzu-yang Yu)

博士 (Dr. Edward Chiang)

康雅雰(右)送紀念品給AB Biosciences首席
科學長李政欣博士 (Dr. Jeng-Shin Lee)


The 42th Annual Conference


Creativity and Innovation: Making your dream come true

October 26, 2019  10:30am – 8:30pm

MIT Building 34 EG&G Education Center, Room 101

 Dinner (6:00-8:30pm): 木蘭, 228 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

Registration 註冊:  https://neacp2019.eventbrite.com


Keynote Speech主題演講     

•        中央研究院院士、 哈佛大學姚鴻澤教授 (Professor Horng-Tzer Yau)

•        CharmPI 創辦人及執行長李務熙博士 (Dr. Wu-His Li)

Creative and Innovative Opportunities 創意與創新的機會

•        波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處科技組組長謝水龍博士 (Dr. Jonathan Shieh)

•        Correlation Venture Capital 洪孟鼎  (Tony Hung)

Plan and Creativity 設計與創意

•        國際名設計師、Mengdom實驗設計工作室總監江孟芝 (Meng Chih Chiang)

Creativity and Innovation in Academic Area學術上的創意創新

•        東北大學周駿安教授 (Professor Chun-An Joe Chou)

•        麻州大學羅威爾分校游子揚教授(Professor Tzu-yang Yu)

Experience sharing 經驗分享

•     H2O工程顧問公司總裁蔣宗壬博士 (Dr. Edward Chiang)

•     AB Biosciences首席科學長李政欣博士 (Dr. Jeng-Shin Lee)

•     Cake創辦人及執行長陳書琳博士 (Dr. Suelin Chen)

Co-Host: Republic of China Student Association (ROCSA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology




彭淑敏 Shumin Peng Yang



New England Association of Chinese Professionals



科技部GLORIA計畫組團訪波士頓 簽4項合作協議

科技部國際產學聯盟與波士頓企業簽合作協議。右起,波士頓科技組組長謝水龍,政大國際笧學聯盟執行長王世方,EGI資本合夥人黃筑筠,成功大學副校長蘇芳慶,台北醫學大學副校長吳介信,康衛生保健共同創辦人Flexi Oen,高曼計量財務創辦人Peter C. L. Lin,劍橋區塊鍊執行長Mathew  Commons。(周菊子攝)

財務創辦人Peter C. L. Lin交換證書。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 科技部國際產學聯盟 (GLORIA)訪問團,由科技部前次長現任成功大學副校長蘇芳慶率領,1023日訪問波士頓,在波士頓世貿中心舉辦媒合說明會,簽署4宗產學合作案,為台灣與波士頓地區的科技產學合作,進一步打開局面。
             著眼於以學校為核心,搭建平台,深化產業與學界合作,促進創新,連接國際市場,為產業提供人才與科研服務的國際產學聯盟(Global Research & Industry Alliance ,簡稱GLORIA)”是科技部於20179月成立的計畫。
執行長Mathew Commons交換證書。(周菊子攝)
共同創辦人Flexi Oen握手慶祝簽合作協議。(周菊子攝)
23日在波士頓的媒合說明會中,GLORIA訪問團簽署4件產學合作案。以金融科技為發展重點的政治大學,由該校國際產學聯盟執行長王世方分別和劍橋區塊鍊執行長Matjew Commons,高曼計量財務(Gamma Paradigm Capital)創辦人Peter C. L. Lin簽署共2個協議,依序合作開放金融身分認證技術落地台灣,探析證券型代幣實務應用研究。另外有台北醫學大學副校長吳介信和康衛生保健(Kang Healthcare Pte)有限公司共同創辦人Felix Oen, 成功大學副校長蘇芳慶和EGI資本合夥人黃筑筠分別簽署了合作協議。
GLORIA辦公室的Liang Chao Chun在媒合會中介紹,台灣是企業在亞洲的最佳夥伴,有宏觀經濟穩定排名第一,全球人才競爭力在亞洲排名第一,以每百萬人口計的專利發明數排名第一,是國際上的半導體業和資訊通訊科技(ICT)領域領導者,在美國醫藥研究及生產評估中排名第三等優勢,而GLORIA計畫設有企業聯絡專員,可為加入國際產學聯盟的會員,依照美金7千元,3萬元,20萬元等三種等級,享有瞭解台灣資源等一站式服務,並可得到設計特定研發項目的協助。

                   據悉,GLORIA訪問團在波士頓期間,透過波士頓科技組安排,還拜會了IBM Watson 研究中心,麻省理工學院及紐約的媒體實驗室,哥倫比亞科技創投機構。




麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham)也出席了GRORIA的活動。

星期三, 10月 23, 2019

林口新創園加入"麻州挑戰"白金夥伴圈 今日掛牌

主任Brittany McDonough(右)為林口新創園掛牌。(周菊子攝)
          (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 台灣經濟部林口新創園 (Startup Terrace)(23)日在麻州挑戰(Mass Challenge)波士頓總部正式掛牌,成為該機構在亞洲的第二個白金級合作夥伴。
台灣數位機會無任所大使,也是數位經濟暨產業發展協會理事長的陳正然,駐美投資貿易服務處主任孫良輔,資策會副執行長蕭博仁等,今日聯袂出席,見證經濟部中小企業處創業育成組組長雷世謙和麻州挑戰全球夥伴主任Brittany McDonough為正式建立合作關係揭牌。
資策會早在七年前就和麻州挑戰達成過合作協議,礙於無適當項目,一直沒有後續動作。去年底,經濟部在林口成立新創園,推出國際創業聚落計畫,斥資25萬美元,促成台灣與麻州挑戰落實合作,由社團法人數位經濟暨產業發展協會(Digital Transformation Association, DTA)承辦,今年五月從206個團隊中挑出14個初創團隊,接受為期四個月的孵化培訓,其中包括進駐麻州挑戰波士頓總部,參訪學習三天以上。
右起,比異資本執行董事陳彥諭,孫良輔,Brittany McDonough,
             陳正然在掛牌儀式致詞時表示, DTA在去年台灣主辦2018 GEC+ Taipei時和麻州挑戰簽署了合作備忘錄,要聯手培養能夠帶動社會與經濟創新的創業家,後來由經濟部支持,DTA又再促成麻州挑戰和台灣的創育機構資育公司,以及比翼資本合作,共同推動今年林口新創園的Bridge to MassChallenge (B2MC) Taiwan國際加速器計畫,
將以林口新創園為基地,推動 橋接麻州挑戰台灣(Bridge to MassChallenge (B2MC) Taiwan)”國際加速器計畫,要把台灣打造為亞洲最好的創業基地。
駐美投資貿易服務處主任孫良輔主任表示,波士頓在20162017連續兩年打敗矽谷,名列美國創業環境最佳城市。林口新創園和麻州挑戰的 搭橋練接,將有助於台灣打入麻州挑戰的全球創新創業網,讓更多國際投資人看見台灣的技術與人才優勢。
經濟部中小企業處創業育成組組長雷世謙表示,林口新創園和麻州挑戰今年初首度合作推出B2MC Taiwan計畫,六個星期就收到來自全球44國的206個團隊申請加入。
負責執行林口新創園B2MC Taiwan國際加速器計畫的資育公司董事長龔仁文指出,和麻州挑戰合作,最重要的是可幫助新創公司得到麻州挑戰深企業家導師輔導;此外,也幫台灣吸引最具潛力的創新科技。
根據數位經濟暨產業發展協會的資料,B2MC Taiwan 國際加速器項目,今年有206件申請案,92個團隊符合資格,經麻州挑戰散佈全球的30名導師做線上篩選後,選出26個團隊參加5月在台灣舉行的第一階段創業輔導,由6名波士頓及以色列創業家提供諮詢輔導,最後有14個團隊晉級,來到波士頓的麻州挑戰,接受第二接度輔導,前兩名優勝團隊將獲邀參加麻州挑戰在波士頓或以色列的加速器團隊複賽。
今晚在麻省理工學院史隆商學院與麻州挑戰辦的全球峰會交流接代會(Global Summit Networking Reception )上,林口新創園獲得機會向200多名來自世界各地的出席者,展示園區介紹影片。經濟部中小企業處表示,行政院長蘇貞昌上周主持林口新創園啟動儀式後,這是林口新創園的第一個海外宣傳活動。(更新版)