
星期三, 10月 04, 2023

波士頓市藝文補助款11月17日前截止申請 金額5000至1萬元


 $5.7 million in total available to enhance and activate cultural vibrancy across Boston


BOSTON - Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture announced two grant applications are open for arts, cultural, and creative programming in Boston. Boston Cultural Council (BCC) organizational grants are available for organizations that benefit the public by offering arts programming in Boston's neighborhoods. Neighborhood and Downtown Activation Grants are available for community-focused arts and cultural activations that imagine new uses for publicly accessible spaces. 

“Every Boston neighborhood deserves access to vibrant arts programming to bring community together and provide enriching cultural opportunities for all our residents,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m excited for these two grant opportunities to bolster culture in our City and look forward to how Bostonians will work together to foster creative arts programming and activations for our communities.” 

“Through the Neighborhood and Downtown Activation Grants and BCC funding, Boston residents can bring meaningful arts programming to life in their neighborhoods,” said Kara Elliott-Ortega, Chief of Arts and Culture for the City of Boston. “These programs allow us to invest in a diverse group of grantees, including arts organizations small and large, artists, collectives, and local small businesses that all share the common goal of making the arts more accessible for their communities.” 

Boston Cultural Council Organizational Grants

Boston Cultural Council organizational grants are meant to support arts, cultural, and creative organizations in Boston with general operating expenses. Organizations with budgets under $2 million that are based in Boston or offer programming in Boston are eligible to apply. Grant sizes are dependent on the organization’s operating budget:



The Boston Cultural Council (BCC) works under the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture to annually distribute funds allocated by the City of Boston and the Mass Cultural Council for local arts, cultural, and creative programming. The BCC is committed to funding small to mid-sized organizations that demonstrate and promote cultural equity in the Boston arts ecosystem.  

The deadline to apply for BCC grants is Friday, November 17, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. There will be drop-in virtual office hours on Tuesdays from 3 - 4 p.m. every week from October 3, 2023 to November 14, 2023 for organizations interested in learning more about the application process. More information can be found at boston.gov/arts-grants. 

Neighborhood and Downtown Activation Grants

The Neighborhood and Downtown Activation Grant is a grant designed to support community-focused arts, cultural, and creative activations in public spaces that foster joy and strengthen community wellbeing across Boston neighborhoods. Individuals, non profit organizations, collectives, fiscally sponsored groups, and/or businesses working in partnership with community organizations are eligible to apply. 

There is a total of $5 million available in this fund that will be distributed over multiple rounds of rolling applications. Grant sizes are dependent on the scale and type of activation: 

·       Cultural Festival: $5,000, one time grant

·       Small-Scale Activation: Less than $20,000, one time grant

·       Mid-Scale Activation: Less than $50,000, one time grant

·       Large-Scale Activation: $50,000 - $100,000, multiyear and one time grant

·       Multiyear Activation: $100,000 - $400,000 multiyear, up to 3 years 

The Neighborhood and Downtown Activation Grants are supported by funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Boston Planning and Development Public Impact Contribution Funds. 

The deadline to apply for round two of the Neighborhood and Downtown Activation Grants is October 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. More information can be found at boston.gov/neighborhood-and-downtown-activation-grant.

波士頓台灣影展漸成氣候 第5屆「臉譜」展現人生百態


              (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導5屆波士頓台灣影展 (TFFB) 由來自波士頓,紐約、德州及臺灣的約60名志工分頭努力近一年後,92324兩日在波士頓AMC19電影院,以「臉譜 (Face of Life) 」為主題,放映6部影片,讓數百觀眾為其中數片悄悄哭得唏哩嘩啦中圓滿落幕。


朱為亭(右二),經文處組長黃翌弘(左一)。 (周菊子攝)


作家楊致和 (左起) 和導演易智言、傅文余、曾文珍(右一)和在台上回應提問。

              駐波士頓經文處處長廖朝宏,波士頓華僑文教中心主任潘昭榮,阿靈頓電影節創辦人J. Alberto Guzman,應邀出席了23日一早的開幕式。波士頓市長的幕僚長朱為亭、市長發言撰稿人王瑞明,以及波士頓市府亞裔資源會正副主席等人,也都欣賞了「講話沒有在聽」這部影片,並出席接待會。




              在接待酒會中,羅德島設計學院攝影教授Henry Horenstein和影展顧問林嘉賢,影展協會主席康麗雪,波士頓市長的幕僚長朱為亭也都分別致詞。

接待會場內擺放拍賣品,繼續為影展籌款。 (周菊子攝)

              波士頓台灣影展協會的最高潮之一是23日晚在凱悅酒店舉行的慶祝5週年接待會,不但安排有傅天余、易智言、曾文珍等3名導演,以及擔任一場導演座談主持人的美國作家楊致和 (Jeff Yang) 接受訪談,還請來伯克利音樂學院畢業的顧宗浩,和他的一群同學,以及新英格蘭音樂學院、波士頓大學的樂手,包括蔡旻翰、魏嘉盈、沈可、陳庭甄、盧畇竹,蔡昀宸等人,以「戀戀島嶼」為主題,用小中大提琴,配上鋼琴、二胡,在顧宗浩指揮中,演奏了包括他重新編曲「我的青春在台灣」,「張三的歌-1986父子關係」,「燒肉粽」,「國境之南 – 2008海角七號」等18首電影主題歌。 (更新版)


今年有更多本地美國人參加影展。 (周菊子攝)

接待會入口處擺放了歷屆影展海報。 (周菊子攝)

星期一, 10月 02, 2023

波士頓僑胞慶祝中國74歲生日 300餘人同歡

嘉賓與胡清醒獅隊和舞蹈表演者合影。 (周菊子攝)
前排右起,劉紅夫婦、胡運炤、梁添光、余有根,Ed Flynn,李衛新、
             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 101日晚,300多人匯聚波士頓帝苑大酒樓,在台前掛出巨幅橫額,場內交叉懸起星條旗和五星旗的熱絡氣氛中,慶祝「中華人民共和國成立74週年」暨中美建交44週年。


波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn(右起)送表揚狀給梁添光,邀中領館余友根參贊

黃氏宗親會等人和波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn合影。



出任司儀。 (周菊子攝)


             波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)是當晚唯一出席的本地政府民代。他稱許華人社區對波士頓市及美國的貢獻,也提及人們仍需防範在全美各地的反亞裔仇恨情緒與事件。雖然他今年競選連任,已知將同額當選,但會上仍謙虛表示願意代表華埠等地民眾。







僳僳族舞「富饒美麗的怒江埧」。 (周菊子攝)

Healey Driscoll Administration Announces Significant Improvements to Child Care Financial Assistance Program

Healey Driscoll Administration Announces Significant Improvements to Child Care Financial Assistance Program 

New Regulations and Updated Policies Will Make System Easier for Parents, Better for Early Education Providers, and More Reflective of Needs of Children and Families   


BOSTON – The Healey-Driscoll Administration has announced significant improvements to Child Care Financial Assistance programs in Massachusetts. Updated regulations and policies will simplify the application process for parents, reduce paperwork for families and early education programs, and better support homeless families, families with disabilities and families facing domestic violence who take advantage of this program. With these changes, the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) is making it easier for young, working, low-income families to access the subsidies available for child care and out of school time education programs. 

“One of the top priorities of our administration is making child care more affordable and accessible. These regulation and policy changes will help break down barriers for our low-income families and early education programs, making government services more user friendly and equitable,” said Governor Maura Healey. “We’re proud to take this important step forward that we know will lead to increased labor market participation and economic mobility for familiesand support children’s school and life success.” 


“In Massachusetts, we are investing in child care so that regardless of zip code or economic background, our youngest learners can access the high-quality education they need to succeed in school and life. Access to affordable child care is also an engine of the state’s economy, enabling families to participate in our workforce,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. I am excited to see the impact these significant changes will bring to our state, making Massachusetts a more affordable place to live, learn and work.” 


EEC has been working over the past year and a half with key stakeholders to make these significant child care financial assistance regulation changes. From the outset, EEC took on these regulation changes with the goals of centering the family voice and restructuring the agency’s operations, policies, and procedures to modernize and improve the experience for parents and providers 


Some of the key regulation and policy changes include: 

  • Improving and simplifying communication with families, such as launching email and texting campaigns to reach them directly and support them throughout the process of accessing child care financial assistance; 

  • Reducing and eliminating unnecessary and duplicative paperwork and reporting requirements that create an undue burden for parents; 

  • Updating the provider employment definitions and requirements to reflect the changing nature of work, including more flexibility for hourly wage earners and those working from home; 

  • Waiving fees for homeless families and easing reporting requirements for individuals with disabilities or those participating in treatment for substance abuse; 

  • Better aligning with partner agencies like the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) and Department of Children and Families (DCF) to streamline processes and reduce administrative burdens for families; 

  • Incorporating more inclusive language that supports the dignity of receiving child care financial assistance, and is inclusive of LGBTQ+ families and families with disabilities; and 

  • Shifting policies to be more accessible, meaning they are written in plain language and will eventually be available in up to 14 languages.  


“Our administration believes that expanding access to more affordable, high-quality early education and care is the first step to ensuring every Bay State child has access to the education they deserve, regardless of their circumstances or background,” said Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler. “Here in Massachusetts, we don’t just want to get back to how things were before the pandemic--the new and updated regulation and policy changes will bring the state’s child care financial assistance program forwardWith a focused intentionality on centering parents and simplifying the processes for providers, ware creating the child care financial assistance system that students and families deserve. 


I am grateful for the significant changes we are making to our child care financial assistance programs in Massachusetts. Through regulations and policy, we are shifting the programs to be easier and more accessible to enable families to work and support their children’s school success. Using technology enhancements and eliminating barriers, we are creating a more modernflexible and dignified system,” said Early Education and Care Commissioner Amy Kershaw. “I want to thank the Early Education and Care Board, our early education and care programs and partners, and sister agencies who have worked collaboratively and intentionally with us to make changes that center families’ experiences and will bring greater equity and inclusion for the children and families participating in our child care financial assistance programs.” 


The state’s Child Care Financial Assistance programs are funded federally through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) and by the state level through multiple EEC line items. This year, the Healey-Driscoll administration and the legislature delivered $778 million towards child care financial assistance, an increase of $60 million over FY23. Currently, 58,000 children and their families access child care with the support of state financial assistance. Nearly 4,500 early education and child care centers partner with the Commonwealth to provide care to low-income or subsidized students, which is 56% of the licensed early education and care programs in the state.  


“The Board of Early Education and Care was proud to vote to adopt these updated child care financial assistance program regulations. These significantly improved regulations will serve as the foundation for the programs and set the tone for what we know these programs can and will be – equitably supporting families to afford and access high-quality early education and care across the Commonwealth. I am grateful for the Board, the Healey-Driscoll Administration, and our partners efforts and the direction that Massachusetts is moving in,” said Paul Belsito, Chair of the Board of Early Education and Care. 


“For some families who rely on child care while they work, finding appropriate, high-quality care can be difficult. I am grateful to EEC for their efforts to support families and eliminating administrative barriers to a service that can make such a difference for children and their parents. By streamlining this process through the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Transitional Assistance, we are reducing the burden placed on people to provide information to apply for services for which they are already qualified, expediting their access to the child care they need,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Kate Walsh. 


EEC has launched new family facing website pages to promote access to and understanding of child care financial assistance. You can learn more about the programs at Mass.gov/CCFA