
星期四, 8月 03, 2023

National Night Out 波士頓市長吳弭率大隊警消人馬拜訪華埠等6地區

紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝(右一)領獎後和波士頓市長吳弭(左三)等人合影。 (周菊子攝)

雷國輝主席代表紐英崙中華公所領取” 年度最佳守望相助團體獎
(Top Crime Watch Group of the Year Award)” 。(周菊子攝)

                        (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 一年一度的「全美滅罪夜 (National Night Out) 」,在波士頓市由市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 81日率領了大隊警消人馬,拜訪包括大同村、堡壘村等6個地點,藉節慶式活動,拉攏警民關係,加強維護地方治安功效。

波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox。 
                       National Night Out在波士頓華埠,曾經翻譯做警民聯歡夜,因為這由馬特·佩斯金 (Matt Peskin) 在賓夕法尼亞州費城西郊創辦的活動,主要是為了在地方社區中,以聯誼、互動交流方式,讓民眾知道警察都在做些什麼,例如防止吸毒、販毒,城鎮守望相助,以及防止犯罪等活動。這活動從1984年起成為年度活動,在美國由全國守望相助協會 (National Association of Town Watch) 贊助。第一屆舉辦時有全美23 個州 400 個社區的 250 萬居民參加, 2016 年時,全國夜生活涉及美國 16,000 個社區的 3,800 萬居民。這一活動通常由街區守望相助團體或非牟利組織、企業、警察部門舉辦,可以簡單到只是在民眾後院辦個戶外燒烤,也可以辦成整個城鎮的節慶活動。維基百科稱哥倫布中南部山頂街區守望相助會舉辦的是其中規模最大的一個。

                      202381日這天,吳弭市長站在大同村中庭階梯平台上,向聚集而來的逾百居民介紹警察局局長Michael Cox,消防局局長Paul F. Burke,急救局 (EMS) 局長James Hooley,薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin R. Hayden,波士頓A-1區警長Sean Martin,以及波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn) 、市議員Erin MurphyJulia Mejia等人。

消防局局長Paul F. Burke (揮手者)。


薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin R. Hayden (左一)、波士頓市議會
議長 Ed Flynn (前右二)、
波士頓A-1區警長Sean Martin(前右一)。
                     吳弭市長說,安全是大家一整年都在合作的事,這天她和所有公安首長一起來感謝每個社區的市民。她還特地用中文說,” National Night Out 會到每一個地區,去說謝謝,因為我們大家的安全是我們波士頓城市最重要的一個目標,然後我們這個安全是和波士頓警察,和所有,哦,救火員,和其他的一起做的,所以我們,最重要的就是想要謝謝大家。我們在這邊所有的領導人,和Boston City Council,我們市議員,和其他的Partners,我們每一天,365天,想要和大家一起合作,一起努力工作

波士頓市議會議長 Ed Flynn (左)、
波士頓A-1區警長Sean Martin(前右)。
                      警察局局長Michael Cox和薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin R. Hayden也分別簡短說了幾句話,感謝波士頓華埠和警察的合作,強調警民合作的重要。

                     在活動中,波士頓市長吳弭還和警察局A-1區警長Sean Martin,送了一份年度最佳守望相助團體獎(Top Crime Watch Group of the Year Award)”給紐英崙中華公所,由中華公所主席,也是華埠社區議會共同主席的雷國輝代表接受。



            波士頓市長吳弭這天從下午315分起,陸續到訪東波士頓(A-7),華埠(A-1),南端(D-4),北端(A-1),南波士頓 (C-6),多徹斯特(C-11)等地區,出席這些地區舉辦的National Night Out活動。             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 一年一度的「全美滅罪夜 (National Night Out) 」,在波士頓市由市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 81日率領了大隊警消人馬,拜訪包括大同村、堡壘村等6個地點,藉節慶式活動,拉攏警民關係,加強維護地方治安功效。


              National Night Out在波士頓華埠,曾經翻譯做警民聯歡夜,因為這由馬特·佩斯金 (Matt Peskin) 在賓夕法尼亞州費城西郊創辦的活動,主要是為了在地方社區中,以聯誼、互動交流方式,讓民眾知道警察都在做些什麼,例如防止吸毒、販毒,城鎮守望相助,以及防止犯罪等活動。這活動1984年起成為年度活動,在美國由全國守望相助協會 (National Association of Town Watch) 贊助。第一屆舉辦時有全美23 個州 400 個社區的 250 萬居民參加, 2016 年時,全國夜生活涉及美國 16,000 個社區的 3,800 萬居民。這一活動通常由街區守望相助團體或非牟利組織、企業、警察部門舉辦,可以簡單到只是在民眾後院辦個戶外燒烤,也可以辦成整個城鎮的節慶活動。維基百科稱哥倫布中南部山頂街區守望相助會舉辦的是其中規模最大的一個。

                        2023年的81日這天,吳弭市長站在大同村中庭階梯平台上,向聚集而來的逾百居民介紹警察局局長Michael Cox,消防局局長Paul F. Burke,急救局 (EMS) 局長James Hooley,薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin R. Hayden,波士頓A-1區警長Sean Martin,以及波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn) 、市議員Erin MurphyJulia Mejia等人。


                      吳弭市長說,安全是大家一整年都在合作的事,這天她和所有公安首長一起來感謝每個社區的市民。她還特地用中文說,” National Night Out 會到每一個地區,去說謝謝,因為我們大家的安全是我們波士頓城市最重要的一個目標,然後我們這個安全是和波士頓警察,和所有,哦,救火員,和其他的一起做的,所以我們,最重要的就是想要謝謝大家。我們在這邊所有的領導人,和Boston City Council,我們市議員,和其他的Partners,我們每一天,365天,想要和大家一起合作,一起努力工作

          警察局局長Michael Cox和薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin R. Hayden也分別簡短說了幾句話,感謝波士頓華埠和警察的合作,強調警民合作的重要。

                        在活動中,波士頓市長吳弭還和警察局A-1區警長Sean Martin,送了一份 年度最佳守望相助團體獎(Top Crime Watch Group of the Year Award)”給紐英崙中華公所,由中華公所主席,也是華埠社區議會共同主席的雷國輝代表接受。


                 波士頓市長吳弭這天從下午315分起,陸續到訪東波士頓(A-7),華埠(A-1),南端(D-4),北端(A-1),南波士頓 (C-6),多徹斯特(C-11)等地區,出席這些地區舉辦的National Night Out活動。

左起,殷先彬和Debbie Moy等中城護理主管及工作人員
亞裔青年會(YES)的游成康向吳弭市長 (右)介紹武術高手,
也是氣球藝術家的Alex Woo (左)。
在華埠設有服務站的慈濟波士頓聯絡處負責人長金滿 (右一) 也來和市長吳弭合影。
National Night Out的警察車隊,在大同村活動場地有限的情況下,只能停在橋上。

National Night Out的警察車隊,在大同村活動場地有限的情況下,只能停在橋上。

星期三, 8月 02, 2023

美沙酮英里危險程度拉警報 吳弭市長要研擬新辦法

被政府用柵欄封閉後,轉移到了旁邊巷弄。 (周菊子攝)
 (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長米歇爾·吳 (Michelle Wu) 週三上午表示,馬薩諸塞大道和梅爾尼卡斯大道 (Melnea Cass Boulevard) 周圍的麻煩地區“已經達到了新的公共安全警報水平”。 -空中毒品市場,與毒癮、無家可歸和心理健康等公共衛生危機重疊。

吳做了彌撒。 卡斯自 2021 年上任以來的首要任務是努力為每天聚集在那裡的數百人提供住房和治療,並定期清掃營地區域。 但吳表示,今年夏天威脅有所增加。 她描述了“正在發生的販毒、人口販運和暴力”以及“可能儲存武器”,這給在那裡提供服務的外展工作人員和非營利團隊帶來了風險。

“所有非城市團隊在過去幾週都表示,情況已經變得如此危險,我們正在撤出我們的人員 - 我們不能在那裡,”吳週三在在線“Java with吉米”節目。 “即使是那些每天都這樣做的專家也表示,它已經達到了一個難以維持的新水平。”

吳週三上午表示,該市正“計劃採取重大舉措”來解決該地區的安全威脅,但她沒有提供細節。 “我們必須採取不同的方法。”

波士頓警察正在處理又一宗事故。 (周菊子攝)


一個追踪該地區公共安全的城市管理儀表板顯示,過去幾個月需要緊急醫療服務的問題顯著增加。 從 2022 年 4 月到 2023 年 4 月,該地區通常每週收到 300 到 400 份 EMS 回复。 但到今年 4 月底,這個數字增加了一倍多; 今年夏天的幾週內,該市已記錄了大約 900 起此類事件。

城市數據顯示,7 月最後一周,每天早上該地區約有 230 人,與去年同期的人數相似。

一退休就中獎100萬元 麻州卡車司機好幸運

           (Boston Orange 編譯) 幸運有時候是這樣發生的。在大波士頓的西波約斯頓 (West Boylston) ,有名卡車司機才剛告訴上司自己要退休了,隔2天就中了刮刮樂,獎金100萬元。

            麻州彩券局說,這位名叫Paul Bashaw的卡車司機,717日才告訴他在那兒已工作了20多年的雇主,下週過完後,他就要退休了。然後,720日,他就中大獎了。

            這位66歲的卡車司機是刮中了彩券局”500100倍現金字 (      "$5,000,000 100X Cashword)”遊戲的100萬元大獎。這遊戲券一張20元。


他透過彩券局說,我告訴我太太,我以為在我有生之年,有3件事永遠不會發生。包括愛國者隊贏得超級盃,一桿進洞 5年前發生了,還有就是中彩券。而現在,3件事全發生了。


賣出這張中獎彩券的店家是位於西波約斯頓街的J & J Variety。這個遊戲還剩下6100萬元獎項,以及2500萬元得獎者。

波士頓市議會議長 Ed Flynn呼籲宣佈「美沙酮英里」進入公安及衛生緊急狀態

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn出席大同全美滅罪安全夜活動。

(Boston Orange) 波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)為波士頓市內近來警察執勤時被攻擊,「美沙酮英里」安全、衛生堪虞,今(2)日一連發表2份聲明,呼籲波士頓市宣佈「美沙酮英里」進入公共衛生及公共安全的緊急狀態,請市民尊重、愛護保護人民的警察。

"It is critical that Mass and Cass be declared both a public safety and public health emergency as it requires resources at the city, state, and federal levels. I continue to advocate for the urgent need to immediately arrest individuals breaking the law, committing acts of violence, and showing no regard for human dignity - including gun traffickers, those engaged in the exploitation of women, and individuals assaulting outreach workers or first responders with weapons. Additionally, I recommended a plan to operate a ferry service to the Long Island campus in 2017, and we desperately need to expedite the rebuilding of the Long Island Bridge and building facilities to provide substance use and recovery services. These public safety and public health issues are also continuing to impact neighborhoods like Andrew Square, Nubian Square, and Clifford Park on a daily basis, negatively affecting the quality of life for neighbors, and harming our small businesses and economy."


Boston police officers have experienced an increased level of physical and verbal assaults as they respond to emergency calls and patrol our neighborhoods. This violence against police and first responders is unacceptable, and needs to be condemned.

The men and women of the Boston Police are our partners in government and an integral part of our city. They are also our neighbors, family members, youth sports coaches, veterans advocates and community leaders. Our residents rely on the Boston Police Department for the critical role they play in ensuring public safety and quality of life, and our police officers work hard everyday to keep our city safe and thriving. Our dedicated officers often do so while working long hours and forced overtime, which also has a significant impact on their families.

Boston police officers deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and we must all work together towards the common goal of public safety for all."




麻州長Healey簽署補充預算 撥款2000萬元濟助農民

Governor Healey Signs Supplemental Budget Delivering $20 Million in Farm Relief 

BOSTON – Governor Maura T. Healey signed a supplemental budget that makes $20 million available to support Massachusetts farms that have been impacted by severe weather in 2023. The fund will be administered by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources and the Executive Office of Administration and Finance. The administration is working to stand up a grant program to get relief out as soon as possible. 

“In the days following the heavy rainfall and severe flooding the devastated so many Massachusetts farms, the Lieutenant Governor and I went directly to the farmers and promised them that we would get them relief,” said Governor Healey. Just weeks later, we are proud to have delivered on that promise on multiple fronts – securing $20 million in state aid, supporting a philanthropic relief fund and receiving a federal natural disaster designation. I am grateful to the Senate President, Speaker and legislative leadership for prioritizing and providing this relief. Team Massachusetts has come together in a big way to support our farmers, and I am deeply grateful for the partnership of agencies across our administration, the State Legislature, the federal delegation, the Biden Administration and the philanthropic community.” 

“We are so inspired by the resilience of our farming community, and we’re proud to be able to support them just as they support Massachusetts families and our economy,” said Lieutenant Governor Driscoll. “This relief will be critical for helping farmers get back on their feet and make up for the losses they’ve endured during this tough season. 

“I’ve spent the past several weeks out in the field, connecting with farmers and identifying ways we can support them,” said MDAR Commissioner Ashley Randle. “As a fifth-generation dairy farmer myself, I understand how devastating this year has been for our famers, but I also know that they are strong in the face of adversity. Our farmers should know that our administration and the Legislature have their backs. I’m incredibly grateful to the Legislature for delivering such fast relief and empowering the Department of Agricultural Resources to assist the farming community.” 

“This year’s weather has been nothing short of catastrophic for our Commonwealth’s farmers, wiping away a season’s worth of labor and revenue in a matter of days. Regardless of the district we represent or the community we live in, in the Senate we pride ourselves in coming together when a community needs it most, and we were proud to do so in this case by proposing $20 million in relief funding,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “My sincere thanks to the Healey-Driscoll Administration for signing this initiative into law, to Senator Comerford for her unwavering advocacy, and to Senate members, Speaker Mariano, and our colleagues in the House for coming together to deliver this relief.” 

“The funding that this supplemental budget provides for farms in the wake of severe, devastating weather not only ensures that they can endure, it also protects the services that farmers provide for Massachusetts families, along with the vital role that they play in the Commonwealth’s economy,” said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I want to thank the Healey Administration, Chairman Michlewitz and my colleagues in the House, as well as Senate President Spilka and our partners in the Senate, for prioritizing this critical support.” 

"I am tremendously grateful that the Legislature is coming to the aid of our farmers in strong partnership with the Healey-Driscoll Administration,” said Senator Jo Comerford (D-Northampton), Assistant Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means and Acting Chair of the Joint Committee on Agriculture. “The $20 million in the fiscal year 2023 supplemental budget will support farmers who have experienced massive hardships and losses, from extreme flooding earlier this month to the frosts and freezes earlier this year. Thank you to Senate President Karen Spilka and Chair Michael Rodrigues for their unwavering commitment to farms and farmers, both in the short and long term. Thank you to Representative Natalie Blais for your lasting partnership on behalf of our region. This unprecedented funding, coupled with the Farm Resiliency Fund stood up by the Administration, will be out the door in record time thanks to the Legislature's quick work and the leadership of the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources." 

“In recent weeks, we have stood alongside farmers in their fields to better understand their losses and to identify what assistance would be most helpful. I am proud to serve in a legislative body that is committed to supporting our Commonwealth’s farmers when they need us most,” said Natalie M. Blais (D-Deerfield), Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Agriculture. “The swift response of the Healey-Driscoll Administration, Speaker Ronald Mariano and Chair Aaron Michlewitz has been nothing short of extraordinary and I am grateful for the partnership of Senator Jo Comerford in supporting our constituents.”  

“This is amazing! We were literally trying to figure out how to deal with this. We thank the Governor and the Legislature and appreciate that they are thinking of the farmers—all farmers,” said Maria Moreira of World Farmers. “This is going to affect people’s lives for a long time. It’s about agriculture. We really need the support. This shows that we are not invisible. We are here.” 

Earlier this month, the Healey-Driscoll Administration and the United Way of Central Massachusetts (UWCM) announced the Massachusetts Farm Resiliency Fund. The fund is a partnership between philanthropic organizations and private foundations intended to support Western and Central Mass farms impacted by recent flooding and strengthen farm resiliency in the long term. More information about the fund can be found here and at unitedwaycm.org/farmfund. 

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designated seven Massachusetts counties as primary natural disaster areas due to losses caused by excessive rain and flooding from July 9 through July 16, 2023. The disaster declaration allows farms to apply for low-interest loans and refinance existing loans, effective immediately. In addition, farms can utilize the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP), which is a cost-sharing program for debris and clean-up costs as they relate to natural disasters such as the flood and recent rain events. The seven counties are Berkshire, Bristol, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Norfolk and Worcester. Contiguous counties are also eligible. More information for farmers can be found here. 

The supplemental budget signed by Governor Healey also included $180 million for financially-strained hospitals and extends authorization for racing and simulcasting until December 15, 2025. 


高地街基金會贊助 八月每天一家博物館免費參觀

 (Boston Orange) 高地街基金會 (Highland Street Foundation) 八月冒險 (August Adventures)”項目,將讓人們在8月份中,每天一家的免費參觀博物館或教育組織。

八月冒險項目的亮點包括, 8 7 (週一) 免費進入 PEM (琵琶地博物館) 8 8 (週二),伊普斯威奇(Ipswich)城堡山 (Castle Hill) 8 23 (週三),大西洋白鯊保護協會 (Atlantic White Shark Conservancy) 8 26 (週六),波士頓交響樂團(BSO) 探戈塢(Tanglewood) 以及 8 31 (週四)愛國者隊(Patriots)名人堂。

高地街基金會於 1989 年由McGrath 家族創立,是一家私人家庭基金會,致力於滿足麻州兒童和家庭的需求,提供教育、住房、醫療保健、環境和藝術機會。



Aug. 1: Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River
Aug. 2: 
New Bedford Whaling Museum
Aug. 3: 
Rose Kennedy Greenway Carousel
Aug. 4: 
Lynn Museum
Aug. 5: 
Falmouth Museums on the Green
Aug. 6: 
Battleship Cove
Aug. 7: 
Peabody Essex Museum
Aug. 8: 
Castle Hill on the Crane Estate
Aug. 9: 
Historic Deerfield
Aug. 10: 
Willard House & Clock Museum
Aug. 11: 
The Innovation Trail – 10 AM Tour [Full to capacity]
The Innovation Trail – 2 PM Tour [Full to capacity]
Aug. 12: 
Mass Audubon’s Drumlin Farm
Aug. 13: 
Otis House
Aug. 14: 
Easton Children’s Museum
Aug. 15: 
Larz Anderson Auto Museum
Aug. 16: Fruitlands Museum
Aug. 17: 
Children’s Museum at Holyoke
Aug. 18: 
Jacobs Pillow
              Peformance Registration
Aug. 19: 
Samuel Slater Experience
Aug. 20: 
Amelia Park Children’s Museum
Aug. 21: 
Berkshire Museum
Aug. 22: 
Revolutionary Spaces
Aug. 23: 
Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Chatham
Aug. 24: 
Buttonwood Park Zoo
Aug. 25: 
Cape Cod Museum of Art
Aug. 26: 
BSO Tanglewood
Aug. 27: 
Spellman Stamp Museum
Aug. 28: 
The Zoo in Forest Park and Education Center
Aug. 29: 
Freedom Trail Foundation (Promo Code: August Adventures)
Aug. 30: 
Old Manse
Aug. 31: 
Patriots Hall of Fame