
星期五, 4月 28, 2023

麻州能源環境事務廳指派Tom O’Shea 出任漁獵局局長

 Healey-Driscoll Administration Names Fish and Game Commissioner


BOSTON – Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper today announced the appointment of Tom O’Shea to the role of Commissioner of the Department of Fish and Game (DFG). DFG works to preserve the state’s natural resources and protect and manage marine and freshwater fisheries, wildlife, plants, and the habitats that support them. O’Shea starts on May 1.


“DFG plays a unique and important role in merging nature and culture. With Tom O’Shea at the helm, Massachusetts will be better positioned to prepare for, recover from, and adapt to climate change while bolstering our habitat resilience,” said EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “His experience will be critical in helping the Healey-Driscoll Administration to secure a future with clean air, healthy landscapes, wildlife populations, and abundant recreational opportunities.”


“I’m honored and excited to return to DFG and join the Healey-Driscoll Administration as Massachusetts steps up its mitigation strategies and resiliency efforts for the natural resources our residents love most,” added O’Shea. “The Commonwealth is home to countless scenic landscapes. I’m looking forward to this urgent and significant moment for meaningful and proactive action towards climate resilience, access to nature and outdoor recreation, and the conservation of biodiversity and natural habitats.”


About Tom O’Shea


Tom O’Shea comes to DFG from The Trustees, where he most recently served as Vice President of Conservation and Resilience, leading the conservation and climate agenda. Prior to his role at The Trustees overseeing land conservation, advocacy and policy, agriculture, coastal resilience and ecology, he served as an Assistant Director for DFG’s Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Tom earned a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, a Master of Forestry from Yale University’s School of Environment, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Maine. He is an outdoorsman and triathlete who resides in Holden with his wife and son.


Statements of Support


Nicie Panetta, Interim CEO and President, Trustees of Reservations

“In this era of climate change and biodiversity loss, Tom O'Shea's leadership has transformed our approach to the core commitment of resource care at The Trustees of Reservations, and his legacy will long endure. Over the past 10 years, Tom has created a vision and established technical excellence for long-term ecological and coastal resilience, including Massachusetts’ largest coastal saltmarsh restoration in the Great Marsh. More recently, he has helped us chart the course for our efforts to decarbonize The Trustees and to reimagine our conservation of natural and working lands for climate benefit. We thank Tom sincerely for his profound contributions, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact of his public service to the people of the Commonwealth and to the natural world we cherish.

David J. O’Neill, President, Mass Audubon

“The Department of Fish and Game plays a critical role in protecting the nature of Massachusetts, and Secretary Tepper’s decision to name Tom O’Shea Commissioner will benefit the outdoors and all who rely on it. Tom is a biologist, forester, outdoor enthusiast, and innovator whose previous service in state government shaping wildlife and land management policies, combined with his successful tenure at The Trustees that included spotlighting the importance of coastal resiliency, makes him uniquely qualified to take on vital issues ranging from managing and restoring rivers, forests, and marshes to advancing critical climate solutions. Mass Audubon is fortunate to have partnered with Tom in both his previous capacities, and his leadership and expertise helped us become an even stronger conservation organization. Secretary Tepper has once again added top talent to her already experienced team, and we look forward to working with Tom in his crucial new role.”

Michael Roche, Former Fish and Wildlife Board Member, former Mahar Fish and Game Club President, and Outdoor Writer

“Tom O’Shea’s skills as a wildlife professional, his dedication, and his commitment to professional wildlife management are unsurpassed. The sportsmen and women of Massachusetts, along with every resident who appreciates the state’s fish and wildlife resources, will soon see what a difference Tom’s lifetime experience as a wildlife leader, educator, and manager can make. His balance and perspective will elevate the Department and the Division’s work on their common mission to take advantage of the best in current conservation practices.”  

星期四, 4月 27, 2023

麻州退伍軍人事務廳廳長Jon Santiago 視察 「Soldier On」

                   (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州退伍軍人事務廳在2023會計年度撥款50萬元,資助「士兵在 (Soldier On) 」擴辦服務。廳長Jon Santiago日前特地前往參訪、視察,打氣。

                    麻州退伍軍人事務廳表示,Jon Santiago廳長觀察到「士兵在」機構3個項目的正面效果,包括分別給男士和女士的2個過渡型房屋設施,以及在北安普頓 (Northampton) Gordon H. Mansfield退伍軍人社區。

                  Jon Santiago說,「士兵在」為退伍軍人們的流浪故事,寫下完結篇,讓他們找到希望,療癒和可以稱為家的地方。



「科技回家」獲得有史以來最大一筆補助款 450萬元

              (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州非牟利組爭「科技回家 (Tech Goes Home,簡稱TGH) (27) 日宣佈,獲得歷史性的最大一筆單筆補助款450萬元,將用於提供設備,網路。數位技能訓連,以推廣數位平等,彌平差距。

這筆款項來自麻州寬頻機構 (MBI)和美國援救計畫 (ARPA)


                      「科技回家」的執行長Dan Noyes,獲得這筆新資金,代表該機構的工作已得到人們注意。該機構將在未來兩年,利用這筆新經費,繼續擴辦服務,推出新試驗計畫,邁向理想,解決全美的數位不平等挑戰。


                      查詢詳情可洽2022 Impact Report

麻州州長Healey指派Kristen Elechko、LaMar Cook主掌麻州西部州長辦公室

Kristen Elechko
                         (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura T. Healey) 426日在春田 (Springfield)商會的Beacon Hill高峰會上宣佈,已聘請Kristen Elechko為麻州西部主任,LaMar Cook為副主任。州長的麻州西部辦公室於51 (週一) 啟用後,他們2人將成為麻州西部居民和州長辦公室之間的主要聯絡人。

                      奚莉州長說,她和副州長Kim Driscoll承諾要做麻州的全民州長,意味著FranklinHampshireHampden Berkshire郡居民都和她的州長辦公室有直接聯繫。KristenLaMar兩人在麻州西部和地方領袖都有深厚關係。他們了解社區、熟悉業務、以及地方上的需求和機會。

                          Elechko在麻州西部有十年以上的競選和社區服務經驗,就任新職前是聯邦參議員Ed Markey的麻州西部及中部區域主任。她在政治,非牟利及企業方面也有豐富經驗,包括曾在「癌症聯繫」,西麻州政治及公共影響領導力學院的婦女基金等機構擔任要職,在戶外行業工作多年。她有Mount Holyoke 學院的歷史學士學位,以及Regis 大學的非牟利管理碩士學位。

LaMar Cook
Cook是春田市 (Springfield) 商界的重要人物,也是「返校更光明計畫(Back to School Brighter Initiative)」的共同創始人,該計劃藉由提供免費理髮、背包和學用品,在新學年時給春田市兒童一個新開始。他在休閒業及旅遊業也有豐富經驗,最近期的工作經歷包括擔任Amherst中最佳酒店的麻州大學旅館主任,她也市春田社區保存委員會委員,麻州住宿協會董事會成員。他獲有佛羅里達亞特蘭大大學的休旅業管理證書,以及西新英格蘭大學政治學及政府系學位。

              ElechkoCook將負責和相關人士,選民,以及當地政府在有關麻州西部的事務上合作。麻州州長的春田市辦公室位於州政府辦公大樓,地址為春田市Dwight 436號,房號300,或致電413-784-1200


麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey,左四) 率同教育廳廳長Patrick Tutwiler (右五),麻州能源及環境事務廳廳長
Rebecca Tepper(左五),麻州清潔能源中心執行長Jennifer Daloisio (右四),麻州中小學教育局局長Jeffrey C. Riley
(右三),資深副教育局局長Cliff Chuang (右一)等人聯袂出席「清潔能源」類創新就業項目宣佈會。(周菊子攝)

麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)指為企業界培養人才的
清潔能源創新就業之路項目,是三贏策略。 (周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 率同教育廳廳長Patrick Tutwiler等人,今 (27) 日在麻州查理士城的「風力科技測試中心」宣佈,針對高中生設計的「創新就業之路 (Innovation Career Pathway) 」新增一項「清潔能源 (Clean Energy) 」類。


麻州教育廳廳長Patrick Tutwiler。 (周菊子攝)
                         麻州州長奚莉指出,今天特地選在麻州清潔能源中心 (MassCEC)的「風力科技測試中心」宣佈為高中生設計的「創新就業之路」項目,將新增「清潔能源」類,是因為再生能源是社會未來發展方向,重要的前沿產業,州政府在策略性的為企業界培養高需求的未來人才,為麻州、企業及學生創造三贏局面。


麻州能源及環境事務廳廳長 Rebecca Tepper (右一)。 (周菊子攝)

              麻州清潔能源中心執行長Jennifer Daloisio表示,麻州的風力測試中心是北美僅有,也是全世界六個之一,能夠在風力發電葉片生產製造前做測試的地方,在該中心的新貝德福,以及查理士城才能看見離岸風力發電產業的完整供應鏈。從2010年以來,清潔能源業成長了73%,在麻州的就業機會中佔了14%,目前有10萬零4千人在這領域工作,都對麻州的經濟及未來的健康與繁榮有著很重要的分量。從2011年起,該中心資助了5000名實習生,進入600家不同公司實習,他們很榮幸能夠和進一步的州政府的大學先修課合作。

              麻州能源及環境事務廳廳長Rebecca Tepper說,她是2個男孩的母親,非常清楚青少年對環境,氣候變遷及能源的關注。根據研究數據,到2030年時,麻州在清潔能源領域會增加29千個工作機會,這到2050年時,還會額外增加66千,及早培養業界需要的人才很重要。

              麻州教育廳表示,這新的「清潔能源」類創新就業之路項目是奚莉-Driscoll政府的增建計畫,進一步擴大已於上個月宣佈有27所高中辦理的創新就業之路項目。奚莉政府也已經在2024會計年度的預算案中,提議撥款4700萬元辦理早期大專院校及創新就業之路項目,比2023會計年度增加了1440萬元。 (更新版)

紀念黑人民權家 波士頓一小學改名 Mel King


Melvin H. King South End 學校改名海報。 (周菊子攝)

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市位於南端 (South End) McKinley學校,426日在波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,公校總監Mary Skipper,以及Joyce King等人出席的隆重儀式中,正式改名為Melvin H. King South End 學校。


Joyce King代表已辭世丈夫上台致詞。 (
            這一改名行動,是為紀念甫於今年328日辭世,享年94歲的Mel King,也是波士頓市長,市議員等人在波士頓廣場獻花圈,出席在南端的葬禮等地一系列紀念活動之一。

              波士頓市長吳弭指出,Mel King是一位有遠見的領袖,當過老師,倡議社會活動,不但是地方領袖,啟發過無數人,更改變了社區,賦予波士頓居民更大能力去重新想像什麼是可能的。

波士頓市長吳弭回應Joyce King,稱現在應該只剩下Albany
              波士頓市長吳弭說,原本名為McKinley的這所學校,無論是學生還是家長,都為校舍維修一再展延,感到痛苦,但改名後的Mel King學校,將不會繼續有這樣的情況。她承諾,有包容性的設計流程,將在來年開始。


McKinley學校改名為Mel King學校。 (周菊子攝) (周菊子攝)
              今年初,在波士頓公校的新綠計畫 (Green New Deal) 中,Mel King學校已和波士頓市政府,以及Saam 建築公司攜手合作,研究翻修學校校舍的新設計。

              Mel King 學校之前的名字是McKinley學校,紀念1890年代的前校長William McKinley。但20213月時,地方上的教育活動家Edith Bazile動議改名,20226月時,麻州教育廳請第三方做的調查發現,在McKinley學校裏接受特別教育服務的黑人和拉丁裔學生超過學生總數一半以上,而William McKinley當年卻忽視就反對私刑,以及反黑人暴力採取更多行動的呼籲,於是波士頓學校委員會動了改名之議。

              在相關單位舉辦多次公聽會,波士頓公校使用有6個明確步驟的種族公平的計畫工具 (REPT)來評估後,確定了改名一事。波士頓市公校總監Mary Skipper表示,Mel King用教育來動員和賦權人民,為社區做了極佳示範,她相信所有人今後將更努力的諄諄善誘學生。

              26日這天的宣佈改名儀式中,學生們展示了該校美術老師Ari Hauben設計,為Mel King 戴上皇冠,胸前有心,以及學校新名字的大橫幅,學生Jaylen Rodriguez朗讀了Melvin H. King寫的詩「掙扎」。在重新命名儀式的節目單上也印著Mel King的名言,「我了解到追求可能性對未來的成功很重要 (I’ve learned that the pursuit of possibility is important in succeeding in the future)」。

波士頓市長吳弭也特地邀請Mel King的遺孀,Joyce King出席,還問她Mel King會希望還做到些甚麼事。強調他們夫妻兩人在南端住了將近一輩子的Joyce笑說,讓波士頓的街道有自己的名稱,而是不用紐約的街名。

              Mel King學校校Cindie Neilson說,該校將繼如一往,整合高品質教導和為有需要的學生提供專業的治療性支持。

波士頓市5月2日辦特別選舉 改選2名眾議員

               (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合編譯) 波士頓市將於52 (週二),為薩福克 (Suffolk)9,第10這兩個選區辦理眾議員補選。在波士頓市的252個投票站中,只有39個投票站將為這特別選舉辦理投票,從早上7點開門,傍晚8點停止投票。

              在麻州的160名眾議員中,有17人代表波士頓市。這次辦理特別選舉是因為2019年當選為第9區眾議員Jon Santiago在今年3月被麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 徵召,出任麻州退伍軍人事務廳廳長;2010年當選,連任至今的第10區眾議員Edward F. Coppinger2月時辭職,轉任麻州生物科技協會 (MassBio) 的政府事務主管。

              Jon Santiago是在波多黎各 (Puerto Rico) Mayagüez出生的移民,獲有德州奧斯汀大學生物學及宗教研究學士學位,以及西雅圖華盛頓大學公共衛生碩士學位。期間曾參加和平部隊當志工,也是美國陸軍儲備軍官,曾2度派往海外。2021年十,他還一度參選波士頓市市長。

              Edward F. Coppinger住在西洛士百利,原本在貸款業工作,2010年當選為麻州眾議員,並連任至今。8年前,當查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 競選麻州州長時,他打破黨派界線,支持查理貝克。去年的麻州州長選舉,他常和如今的副州長Kim Driscoll同台,同時支持Kim Driscoll Maura Healey

              波士頓市選務局今 (27)日提醒選民,52日有特別選舉,查察投票站,可上網https://www.boston.gov/sites/default/files/file/2023/04/POLLING%20LOCATIONS%20BOOK%20-%202023-05-02-2023%20-%20Special%20State%20Primary.pdf



BOSTON - Thursday, April 27, 2023 -The City of Boston’s Election Department is reminding voters in the 9th and 10th Suffolk Representative Districts that the upcoming Special State Primary Elections to fill the vacancies following the resignations of Representatives Edward F. Coppinger and Jon Santiago will take place on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Polling locations open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. Only 39 of Boston’s 252 precincts will participate in this election. A full list of polling locations can be found here.


Voters who requested a vote by mail ballot are encouraged to return their ballots early to ensure that they are counted.  

Ballots may be returned using one of eight drop-box locations in the City; in-person at the Boston Election Department located at City Hall Room 241; or via U.S. Mail. All drop boxes will remain open until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Voters are asked to please use the postage paid return envelope included with the ballot package. Ballots must reach the Boston Election Department or a ballot drop box by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May, 2nd to be counted. 

Ballots cannot be delivered to a polling location on Election Day. 

Voters can track the status of requests for vote-by-mail ballots here. If there is no movement indicated in the “Track My Ballot” system, voters should plan to vote in-person on Election Day. 

Voting on Election Day  

As a reminder, voters should check their registration status via the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website. Boston’s ballots are available in English and Spanish across all precincts within the 9th and 10th State Representative districts and in Chinese and Vietnamese if requested. All voting locations are ADA accessible and are equipped with AutoMark Voting Terminals for voters with visual or language disabilities. 

Polling Location Change 

Voters in Ward 20 Precincts 6, 7 and 19 will return to their previous voting location at Holy Name Parish Hall, 535 West Roxbury Parkway. The voter entrance is located off Centre Street and Greaton Road and voting will take place in the gymnasium. 

Voters in Ward 20 Precinct 20 will continue to vote at the BCYF Roche Community Center gymnasium, 1716 Centre St. 


 (Boston Orange 編譯) 麥特潘 (Mattapan) 廣場靠近大眾捷運,有135戶單位的可負擔綜合用途大樓,「麥特潘車站環 (The Loop at Mattapan Station) 」,以及樓內的「每日桌 (Daily Table)」雜貨店,425日在波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,麻州副州長Kim Driscoll等政要與居民期劇中,歡慶啟用。

            「麥特潘車站環 (The Loop at Mattapan Station) 」是蓋在麻州地鐵麥特巴士站,電車站,以及麥特潘通勤火車區塊旁,未充分利用的停車場上的一棟綜合用途大樓,座落位置和Neponset 河綠路(River Greenway)很近

            135個單位中,幾乎有一半對年收入7萬零100元以下的人來說是可負擔房屋。這個有收入限制的單位和一樓零售店面大約1萬平方英尺的六層高樓宇,採用最新的能源效率標準 (passive house energy efficiency standards),裡面有健身房,社區室,籃球場,屋頂平台,以及電動自行車停靠站。

            其中38戶為一睡房單位,81戶為兩睡房單位,以及10戶為3睡房單位。有18戶公寓限制提供給持有只適用於某一樓宇的第八類房屋券,以及麻州出租券 (MRVP),收入在區域中位收入30%或以下的家庭,其中的47戶限由年收入在區域中位平均收入50%以下的家庭,28戶給年收入在區域中位平均收入的60%以下,以及42戶限由收入在區域中位收入80%以下者申請。

            參與籌建的機構包括保存可負擔房屋 (Preservation of Affordable Housing,簡稱POAH),我們的社區(Nuestra Comunidad),麻州房屋 (MassHousing)等。

            「麥特潘車站環」的建築經費來自波士頓市政府房屋局的300萬元,3930萬元的低收入房屋抵稅優惠 (LIHTC),以及DHCD直接支持的535萬元。這一土地發展計畫還拿到180萬元的公共基礎設施經費,54萬元的被動住宅經費。


星期三, 4月 26, 2023

麻州州長辦公室州長肖像將鑲金框留白 請觀者自行填空

 Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll Unveil Winners of the Governor’s Portrait Essay Contest 

         BOSTON – After a statewide student essay competition, Governor Maura T. Healey and Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll today unveiled the portraits that will hang in their offices. The student winners and their families were present for the unveiling in the Governor’s Ceremonial Office on Wednesday.  
Governor Healey will hang a gold frame in her ceremonial office to inspire young people to envision themselves in it.                  This idea was proposed in a collaborative essay submitted by Julian Hynes, an 11th grader at Amherst-Pelham Regional High School, and Ja’liyah Santiago and Adniley Velez, 8th graders at Holyoke Community Charter School, titled “Inspiring Change and Dangerous Hope: Unequal Representation in the Commonwealth.” 
  “Our proposal is to break from tradition, to hang nothing but an empty frame to remind you that there will be large groups of people that remain underrepresented, voiceless, and invisible,” wrote Hynes, Santiago, and Velez. “Look forward not back for your inspiration. Look at the young, the poor, the people of color, and the ones who need the most help. Look at the empty frame and then around the table and ask, ‘Who is not represented here?’ Then, break free from the symbolic fetters that bind you and invite them.”    

The State House is the People’s House – and symbols matter. I was inspired by this submission from Julian, Ja’liyah and Adniley, who considered how they themselves could be the face of leadership in our state. This frame serves as a reminder of those who aren't always reflected or heard in the halls of power,” said Governor Healey. When people come into this office, I want them to envision themselves in that frame. For me, it will remind me of the young people who are looking to our administration right now, and of our commitment to ensuring that all voices are heard.  

Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll will hang the portrait of former Acting Governor Jane Swift, who was also present for Wednesday’s unveilingSwift was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1998 and rose to Acting Governor in 2001 when Governor Cellucci resigned to become U.S. Ambassador to Canada. She was the first woman to serve as Governor in Massachusetts history. She was instrumental in cementing Massachusetts’ role as the nationwide leader in education and has continued her advocacy to strengthen our schools, in addition to transforming her family farm in Williamstown into an education and rescue center.   

“Governor Healey and I have long been inspired by Governor Swift, and it was heartwarming to see so many students feel the same,” said Lieutenant Governor Driscoll. She helped pave the way for us to serve as the first all-women team in Massachusetts history, and she inspired a lasting legacy of educational excellence in our state. I’m honored to hang her portrait in my office.”  

“Wed like to thank the more than 100 students who submitted thoughtful essays to this contest. It was certainly a hard decision to make, but we learned a lot from reading each one – and we know the students did too,” said Education Secretary Patrick Tutwiler. We’re grateful to all of the educators, administrators and family members who supported the students in submitting their essays and helped us get the word out about the contest.”   


Winners who wrote on former Acting Governor Jane Swift:  

  1. Lu-Anna Njinyah8th Grader from Ayer Shirley Regional Middle School 

  2. Jake Stuppia4th Grader from Belmonte Steam Academy 

  3. Layla Keefe, 1st Grader from Daniel B. Brunton Elementary School 

  4. Vane Jacobs, 9th Grader from Drury High School 

  5. Leela Choudhury6th Grader from F.A. Day Middle School 

  6. Joseph Pisani11th Grader from Gateway Regional High School 

  7. Marissa Matthews, 11th Grader from Hingham High School 

  8. Katie McGuinness, 8th Grader from Lynnfield Middle School 

  9. Breonna Mody7th Grader from Monomoy Regional Middle School 

  10. Emily Jamieson4th Grader from Norman E. Day School 

  11. Bethany Luhrs4th Grader from Norman E. Day School 

  12. Ace Madrigale7th Grader from Plymouth Community Intermediate School 

  13. Heba Belyazid5th Grader from Willard Elementary School Concord