
星期一, 2月 06, 2023

波士頓市努力零排放 歡迎20輛電動學校巴士

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 稱20輛電動校巴只是起步, (周菊子攝)
        (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 20輛電動校巴交車了。波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)和波士頓公校總監 Mary Skipper等人,26日早上在海德公園 (Hyde Park)Readville 巴士站,歡迎這些電動校巴加入共700
波士頓公校總監 Mary Skipper。 (周菊子攝)


波士頓市新綠政策主任Oliver Sellers-Garcia (左)稱許波士頓市長吳弭有遠見,創全美先例,
設立新綠政策。 (周菊子攝)
(American Rescue Plan Act) 」的經費,在2022-2023學年內讓20輛電動校巴上路。26日這天,她和波士頓市新綠政策主任Oliver Sellers-Garcia,波士頓公校總監 Mary Skipper
公校交通代理主任Dan Rosengard。 (周菊子攝)
Dan Rosengard,一起宣佈這喜訊,還和出席記者會的媒體,一起搭乘十幾分鐘,由培訓中司機駕駛的電動校巴,體驗一番。


Robert Consalvo

   為電動校巴從他所在轄區出發,感到高興。 (周菊子攝)

             Mary Skipper說,這些電動車上路後,會比原本用柴油燃料的巴士更安靜、零排氣,對城市環境及學生健康都有好處。她感謝麥迪遜職業高中( Madison Park Technical Vocational High School) 把電動車維修列入了學校課程。



             新綠政策主任Oliver Sellers-Garcia指出,電動校巴只是城市綠化一部分,2023年內,波士頓市還會陸續推動多項計畫。

             波士頓公校交通代理主任Dan Rosengard表示,這些電動校巴將為出車111趟,為42所學校的2,561名學生服務,車輛的行駛路線,還待最後確認,將優先安排服務空氣污染較嚴重地區。永源 (Eversource)電力公司刻正和波士頓公校系統合作,為這些電動校巴安裝充電站。每輛巴士估計只要34小時,電力就可以充滿。目前波士頓公校每天大約有650輛校巴在市內穿梭。

             波士頓市府表示,波士頓市目前在14個市有停車場安裝有66LV II EV充電樁,計畫今年再增加18個,另加4個高速的LV III DC快速充電樁。


 First phase will jumpstart transition of Boston Public Schools fleet to electric school buses, supporting Boston’s commitment to the Green New Deal



BOSTON - Monday, February 6, 2023 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu celebrated the arrival of the first two electric school buses to the Boston Public Schools (BPS) school bus fleet. An additional 18 buses will arrive in the coming weeks and are expected to be in use following the February school vacation. This is a major milestone in creating a Green New Deal for the City of Boston, leading to immediate health and quality-of-life improvements for Boston students, workers, and residents, while advancing climate action. Mayor Wu joined BPS Superintendent Mary Skipper, Green New Deal Director Oliver Sellers-Garcia, BPS Director of Transportation Dan Rosengard, bus driver trainers, and community members at the Readville bus yard in Hyde Park to see how these electric buses are being integrated into the fleet. 

“I’m grateful to the many people who have been instrumental in getting Boston to this point and helping us demonstrate the many overlapping benefits of moving to a green economy and ensuring that our kids and our workforce are at the center of that transition,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Today is one of many steps we are taking to make Boston a Green New Deal city and to move with the urgency that our communities and residents deserve. From cutting down on emissions from every part of our education infrastructure – where our students learn and how they get to class – to preparing our next generation of workers to build and sustain cleaner, greener infrastructure for all of us, we’re so excited about where this will lead Boston.”  

“Our children deserve to learn, grow up, and play while enjoying clean air and experiencing a healthy environment free of air pollution,” said Boston Public Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper. “When these buses hit the road, they will operate with zero emissions and significantly lower noise levels than their diesel-fuel counterparts. So when you see the buses with the green bird with a plug logo on each side, be sure to wave and smile as they and the children inside represent our great city's future.” 

“As a City, we know we must prioritize the development of electric vehicle infrastructure to support the future of green mobility in Boston to advance our Green New Deal for all of our residents,” said Green New Deal Director Oliver Sellers-Garcia. “I’m grateful to Boston Public Schools for their leadership in making critical climate investments while supporting the health of our communities and growing our green workforce trained with these skills.” 

The BPS Department of Transportation carefully selected the first routes – 111 trips, across 42 schools –  to run electric school buses based on a variety of factors, including distance from the dispatch yard charging station, total length of route, and the expected traffic patterns along the route, with a preference for stop-and-go traffic rather than highway driving. Additionally, the cold weather deployment was factored into route selection to ensure power supply for battery conditioning and bus heating. Routes travel through nearly all of Boston’s neighborhoods.  

BPS is finalizing installation of 20 charging stations at the Readville bus yard, utilizing increased charging capacity that was added with support from Eversource. Each electric bus will have a dedicated charger and be charged every day. The total time to charge each bus is about three to four hours. The learnings from this first phase of electric school bus deployment will support the City in designing and implementing future electric school bus fleet expansion.   

Prior to integrating the 20 buses into the fleet, BPS is training driver trainers, drivers, mechanics, operations staff, and emergency responders to ensure familiarity with the bus design and operation. During the upcoming February vacation, drivers will test routes to ensure they are comfortable driving the new buses in advance of students boarding later this month. An estimated 2,561 students across 42 schools will be riding the 20 buses each school day. BPS currently has 620 buses on the road each day. 

Boston’s Green New Deal works to address climate change with positive co-benefits including creating good jobs, enhancing public health, and transforming structures to promote racial and economic justice. School bus electrification will protect children from diesel particulate matter, eliminate tailpipe emissions, address air quality and noise concerns around school pick-up and drop-off, and offer a healthier work environment for bus drivers and monitors. The City of Boston is fostering the Green New Deal by leveraging funding to invest in solutions that improve the lives of Bostonians and catalyze the transition to a just, green City. 

In April 2022, Mayor Wu first announced that up to 20 electric school buses would be deployed during the 2022-23 school year. These electric buses will replace existing diesel buses. These buses were funded through the BPS operating budget and the federal American Rescue Plan Act. Mayor Wu previously shared the goal that BPS will work to replace additional big buses each year, and then move to replacing smaller buses until the entire fleet is electrified by 2030. 

Additionally last spring, the Public Works Central Fleet Maintenance Division introduced the first ever train-the-trainer class for fleet mechanics from the Public Works Department (PWD) and BPS on how to safely service and repair electric vehicles at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School. To date, eight mechanics from the PWD and two from BPS have completed the course and continue to take online classes to keep pace with the ever-changing technology. Beginning in the fall of this year, electric vehicle maintenance will be added as part of the core curriculum for seniors participating in Madison Park’s automotive program.   

Today’s celebration will lay the foundation for the future of the Boston Public Schools bus fleet. The City intends to use federal funding from the Environmental Protection Agency and Inflation Reduction Act to further expand the number of electric buses in the fleet and enhance training for staff.  

The City has been making progress on its commitment to installing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout Boston’s neighborhoods for both municipal use and residents. The City currently operates 66 LV II EV charging plugs across 14 municipal parking lots. There are plans to add an additional 18 LV II EV charging plugs, and four high-speed LV III DC fast chargers this year. This investment in public charging, along with the City’s EV readiness policy for new development and right-to-charge rules for condominium residents provide a foundation for the rapid, equitable electrification of transportation in Boston. The City also continues to electrify its vehicle fleet, adding charging plugs where City vehicles are garaged, prioritizing EVs in its replacement cycle, and adding its first all-electric street sweeper last year.

麻州州長奚莉也不支持 屋本市教師與市長達成協議結束罷工

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 全美50州有37個不准教師罷工,麻州是其中之一。麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)上週日 (25)WBZ的廣播節目中也再次表達她反對教師罷工的意見。





            麻州屋本市 (Woburn)教師為爭取更好待遇已罷工一週,但在米斗塞郡 (Middlesex)高等法院法官裁決,教師沒有權力罷工,教師們後來和屋本市市長Scott Galvin在上週五 (24) 早上10點,談到週六(25)下午1點後,也終於就教師及輔助專業人士的合約,達成協議。不過市長Scott說,至於教師們回去工作的協議,條件還在談。



           波士頓教師協會會長唐佳宇 (Jessica Tang)表示,罷工當然應該是最後才用到的手段,但如果已經試過所有其他方法來為學生爭取學生所需要的,有時候必須這麼做。

星期日, 2月 05, 2023

麻州長 Maura Healey 巡視地鐵營運中心 強調重視地鐵的安全、可靠及可負擔程度

麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)誓言要讓麻州地鐵營運透明,可靠,安全,還可負擔。右起為麻州副州長 Kim Driscoll,交通廳副廳長
Monica Tibbits-Nutt,交通廳廳長Gina Fiandaca巡視麻州地鐵營運控制中心後,發表說法。(周菊子攝)

麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) (中)和副州長 Kim Driscoll (左),以及麻州地鐵
代理總經理Jeff Gonneville從南車站走到地鐵營運控制中心去巡視。 (周菊子攝)
          (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 、交通廳廳長Gina Fiandaca等人,22日和麻州地鐵代理總經理Jeff Gonneville等人,一同搭乘紅線地鐵,巡視麻州地鐵的營運控制中心,強調她的政府和麻州地鐵致力為民眾提供安全、可靠的公共交通工具。

麻州地鐵代理總經理Jeff Gonneville (左二)像麻州州長奚莉 (Maira Healey)等人匯報地鐵
營運概況。 (周菊子攝)
             奚莉州長說,親身體驗民眾搭乘地鐵的感受很重要,所以她和副州長Kim Driscoll,交通廳廳長Gina Fiandaca,副交通廳長Monica Tibbits-Nutt等人,這天一起從麻州地鐵公園街站,搭到南車站這一站,在地鐵上和乘客聊,再走到高街 (High Street) 45號的麻州地鐵營運中心去,巡視麻州地鐵營運控制中心,了解一下地鐵如何監控地鐵及巴士的行駛狀況。


             奚莉說,她們希望州民了解,政府知道人民在上班,上課或去醫院時,遭遇公共交通工具延誤,停駛等等狀況時的沮喪感,也在致力改善,更何況麻州的經濟也得靠良好交通來支撐。她 同時希望地鐵工作人員了解,她和副州長及交通廳廳長等人很感激他們的辛勤工作。知道地鐵人手不足,大家都很不容易,但是很清楚的,要改善目前狀況,她們有很多工作要做。他們這天搭乘的地鐵是1986年建的,已經十分老舊,所以如何促使紅線及橘線的新地鐵車廂早日完工也很重要。




             奚莉表示,麻州地鐵正在建立更詳細的減速行駛區域報告,以更快速的向民眾提供資訊,麻州地鐵如何回應聯邦運輸局 (FTA)調查報告的資訊,也將更透明的在麻州地鐵網站上公開,供乘客查閱。麻州地鐵預定在未來一、二個月內將向FTA提交報告,說明在改善營運安全上都採取了那些措施,做了些什麼維修工程,在營運上有些甚麼調整等等


交通廳廳長Gina Fiandaca表示,她在擔任波士頓市交通局局長時,每天都搭藍線地鐵,對地鐵行駛準時的重要性深有感受。奚莉政府的目標是致力協助人民在安全、可負擔的情況下,及時去到自己需要去的地方。她引用奚莉曾說的,如果沒有一個營運正常的麻州地鐵,麻州不可能有效運作,經濟也不可能發展。

星期六, 2月 04, 2023

麻州地鐵Alewife至Davis站暫停服務 停車場5樓半懸一車

 (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州地鐵又發生意外,位於劍橋市的Alewife車站,24日下午1點半左右,一輛車衝撞越牆,半懸在車站停車場5樓的屋頂上。麻州地鐵決定在評估事故及損壞狀況期間,AlewifeDavis廣場之間的麻州地鐵暫停服務。

            麻州地鐵發言人Joe Pesaturo表示,交通警察 (Transit Police)的警探們決定,肇事車輛的駕駛是一名男子,他故意開車衝撞停車場頂樓的障礙物,以致水泥塊跌落,砸碎了車站大廳頂和夾層一帶的玻璃板。


            Joe Pesaturo表示,駕車人士已被送往當地醫院,車站大堂內也有一人手部受輕傷。麻州地鐵Alewife站在清理期間,無限期關閉。Alewife David之間的紅線地鐵服務將暫停,以巴士替代。




            肇事的白色轎車,看起來是一輛新款的本田公民車 (Honda Civic) 。 (所有圖片來自推特)

星期五, 2月 03, 2023

紐英崙中華公所兔年歡迎 5名新董事 大同村工程定名「博愛樓」共85單位

書記翁宇才,英文書記阮鴻燦。 (周菊子攝)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所131日召開2023年首次董事大會,一口氣通過3次會議紀錄,歡迎5名新董事,說明大同村停車場蓋房子工程已啟動,定名「博愛樓」,和中國超市租約爭議,已訴請法院裁決,預定5月份組團訪台灣。

中華公所董事們為大同村停車場新樓命名投票。 (周菊子攝)
               在跨過"虎口餘生2022年眾多爭議後,中華公所似乎也迎來象徵溫和的2023 ”玉兔迎春年。開年第一次董事大會,進行得頗為順利。




波士頓洪門致公堂出席中華公所的新董事游誠康報到。 (周菊子攝)

               應聘為中華公所合約顧問的建築師鄭欣豪,當晚也在會議上以簡報影片報告了工程概況,內容包括這將是一棟高6層,共85個單位的樓宇,會有37個停車位,住戶家庭收入限制為平均中位收入的60%。共同發展商為Beacon社區 (Harrison Affordable LLC)




波士頓市修訂區域規劃法第80章條文9人小組 成員包括沈其樂 (Kairo Shen)

沈其樂和現任波士頓房屋長的Sheila Dillon。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭130日才遞出家規法提案,要結束市區更新法案,今(3)日再宣佈成立9人指導委員會,修訂關於發展審核流程的第80章條文。

               9人包括曾在波士頓重建局工作22年,離任時已高居波士頓市計畫長一職,現為麻省理工學院物業中心主任的沈其樂 (Kairo Shen) 。

               80章條文 (Article 80)是波士頓市於1960年代制定,對面積超過2萬平方英尺,單位數15個以上的土地發展計畫,做更仔細審視的規定。吳弭市長希望完整檢視這一條文,以確保其可預測性與一貫性,進而協助波士頓市因應興建住宅、繁榮經濟,為波士頓市創造機會的需要。

               在波士頓市長辦公室發出的聲明中,吳弭市長上任後新聘的波士頓市計畫長Arthur Jemison表示,他有信心指導委員會將提供獨特見解,協助波市頓計畫發展局改革。


Joseph Bonfiglio,他從2009年起就在代表25000名勞工的麻州及北新英格蘭區域協會擔任商業經理。

Anthony D'Isidoro,奧斯頓公民協會 (Allston Civic Association)會長。他也是Veronica B Smith耆英多元服務中心等機構的董事會主席或董事。

Fernando J. Domenech, Jr., DHK建築公司董事長。

Colleen Fonseca,有色建築工人聯盟 (Builders of Color Coalition) 主任,同時也是房地產金融協會(Real Estate Finance Association )董事。

Beyazmin Jimenez,東北大學計畫及地產系多元、平等、包容及文化主任。他曾任麻州充足住房協會(Abundant Housing MA) 董事會董事長。

Matthew KieferGoulston & Storrs律師樓土地應用律師,他也是該公司氣候變遷韌性工作小組的共同主席。

Steve Samuels,波士頓商業地產發展商Samuels & Associates的創辦人及主席。他同時是公園學校樓宇及場地委員會校董,以及愛默生學院校董。

Kirk SykesAccordia夥伴這波士頓地產投資及發展公司的常務董事經理。他也是波士頓公民設計委員會委員,具競爭力內城計畫房地產主管協會主席。他還曾經是波士頓聯邦儲備銀行董事會主席。


 Advisory group to shape review of Article 80 for predictability and consistency.  


BOSTON - Friday, February 3, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu announced today the members of a steering committee of real estate and civic leaders to advise on reforms to Article 80 of the Boston Zoning Code being undertaken by the Mayor’s Office and the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA). She announced her intention to create the committee during her State of the City speech last week as one piece of a comprehensive set of reforms to improve the planning and development process so Boston can meet its housing and economic growth needs. 

Article 80 refers to a section of the Boston Zoning Code adopted in 1996 to establish a more extensive review process for development proposals of more than 20,000 square feet or more than 15 dwelling units. Mayor Wu is undertaking the first comprehensive review of the process after nearly three decades to ensure greater predictability and consistency.  

“I’m grateful to these leaders for lending their expertise and working with us to improve our processes,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “From reforming planning and updating our zoning code, to streamlining development review and strengthening compliance, we are taking action to set Boston on a course for sustainable growth so all our communities are included in the city’s opportunities.” 

“Working with this group will be integral to comprehensively reforming planning and development in our communities,” said Chief of Planning Arthur Jemison. “I am confident that those selected will bring a unique perspective and help the BPDA reform this process in a way that improves the process and delivers more resilient, affordable, and equitable development across the city.” 

The steering committee will include: 

·     Joseph Bonfiglio, Business Manager of the Massachusetts and Northern New England District Council since 2009. The Council comprises more than 25,000 represented workers, including laborers working in numerous aspects of the general construction trade. 

·     Anthony D'Isidoro, President of the Allston Civic Association. Among many other community roles, Tony also serves as Board President of the Veronica B Smith Multi-Service Senior Center, Inc., a member of the Allston Multimodal Project task force and Harvard Allston task force, and has served on a number of Impact Advisory Groups. He is a product of the Boston Public Schools both as a student and teacher, a small business owner, and author of a weekly community newsletter. As a community leader, organizer and activist, D’Isidoro advocates with the belief that empowering people can achieve great things to ensure a community that works for everyone. 

·     Fernando J. Domenech, Jr., President of DHK Architects, where he has worked on community-based urban housing. Domenech has focused primarily on affordable housing for over thirty years, specifically on the revitalization of inner city neighborhoods through creative planning, imaginative urban design and architecture. 

·     Colleen Fonseca, Executive Director of the Builders of Color Coalition, where she is responsible for leading the development and expansion of programming to increase access and diversity in Boston's commercial real estate sector. Prior to her role with BCC, she served as a Senior Advisor to Mayor Jorge Elorza on COVID Recovery and as the Director of Workforce Development and Economic Opportunity for the City of Providence. She currently sits on the Real Estate Finance Association (REFA) Board of Directors.

·     Beyazmin Jimenez, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Culture for the Planning and Real Estate Department at Northeastern University. Jimenez is an urban planner and pro-housing organizer, formerly the Board President for Abundant Housing MA, an organization she co-founded in 2018. Her experience in housing policy and community development has led her to support resident engagement efforts at Madison Park Development Corporation in Roxbury, and lead statewide housing programs at CHAPA. She holds a Master’s in Urban Planning from Boston University.

·     Matthew Kiefer, land use attorney at Goulston & Storrs. Kiefer’s practice focuses on obtaining site control and development approvals from public agencies for complex urban projects. He co-chairs the firm’s Climate Change Resilience Task Force. Kiefer serves on the Advisory Board and Management Committee of ULI Boston; he is the immediate past Chair of the Boston Municipal Research Bureau, which supports best practices in municipal governance; and he co-chairs the Council of Advisors of Historic Boston, a non-profit redeveloper of historic buildings.

·     Steve Samuels, Founder and Chairman of Samuels & Associates, a Boston commercial real estate developer, property manager, and leasing company. Samuels serves on the Board of Trustees at The Park School on Building & Grounds Committee in addition to his Board of Trustees role at Emerson College.

·     Kairos Shen, Executive Director of the Center for Real Estate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prior to joining MIT, Shen worked at the then-BRA for 22 years, first as Boston’s Chief City Planner, and then as the Director of Planning. He worked on the development guidelines for the Rose Kennedy Greenway, the planning for the South Boston Waterfront Innovation District, the refurbishment of Fenway Park, and the revitalization of Nubian Square.

·     Kirk Sykes, Managing Director of Accordia Partners, LLC, a Boston based real estate investment and development company. He also serves on the Boston Civic Design Commission and is the Real Estate Executive Council Chairman for the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City. Sykes was formerly the head of an urban real estate investment fund called Urban Strategy America Fund, L.P. He was the Chairman of The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Board.