
星期四, 9月 29, 2022


          (Boston Orange) 紐英崙中華公所、安良工商會和波士頓華僑協會合作,將於103日及9日,在紐英崙中華公所舉辦「雙十國慶盃乒乓球賽」,以慶祝中華民國僑委會成立九十週年,中華民國111歲生日。


比賽的初賽時間為103 (週一)的下午610點,決賽時間為109 (週日)的下午4點至10點,決賽結束立即舉行頒獎典禮。



去年 (2021) 3月,昆士市還傳出有隻貓很會打乒乓球的視頻。


波士頓市府廣場臨時啤酒花園 9/28 起重開


67 Degrees Brewing, a Black, woman, and veteran-owned craft brewery out of Franklin, MA, has been selected to operate the temporary Beer Garden

BOSTON - Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu announced the reopening of the temporary Beer Garden on City Hall Plaza, in partnership with the Office of Economic Opportunity & Inclusion (OEOI) and the Property Management Department. The City has selected 67 Degrees Brewing, a Black, woman, and veteran-owned brewery located in Franklin, MA, as the operator for the duration of the program. 

Reopening the City Hall Plaza Beer Garden in partnership with 67 Degrees Brewing is part of the City's ongoing efforts to bring vibrancy back to Downtown Boston.  This partnership between OEOI and Property Management is another piece of the Wu Administration’s plan to revitalize our Downtown and activate city-owned spaces throughout the neighborhood. 67 Degrees Brewing will operate the Beer Garden starting Wednesday, September 28 from 12:00PM - 7:00PM (There is a private event from 5:00 - 7:00 PM on September 28). The hours of operations will be Wednesdays through Sundays from 12:00PM to 7:00PM until early November, weather conditions permitting. Food trucks will also be on site during operating hours. The City will be releasing an RFP later this fall to select a longer term vendor to take over operation of the Beer Garden starting in the spring. 

“City Hall Plaza is a space to bring people together and build community,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m grateful to 67 Degrees Brewing and excited to welcome residents, workers and visitors to join us at the newly reopened Beer Garden at Fischer Park on City Hall Plaza.”

“The City Hall team, residents, tourists, and workers are excited to have this space available again on City Hall Plaza as we build on our commitment to support small businesses by bringing people together and giving people another reason to come and enjoy the area,” said Segun Idowu, Chief of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion. “This is yet another opportunity this Administration is providing to welcome residents, workers, and visitors back to Downtown Boston to enjoy the fall season with friends and neighbors.” 

“I’m thrilled that we’re able to activate the Beer Garden again at City Hall,” said Chief of Operations Dion Irish. “It’s a pleasure to be able to use City property to contribute to the vibrancy of downtown Boston and support a local black-owned business while doing so.”

Founded in 2020, 67 Degrees Brewing is a Black, woman, and veteran-owned brewery based in Franklin, MA. 67 Degrees Brewing participated in a competitive application process to identify a vendor that would activate City Hall Plaza during the fall season for workers, residents, and tourists. 67 Degrees Brewing's commitment to social impact, diversity and inclusivity and use of local ingredients stood out in its proposal to partner with the City of Boston to create a welcoming space in Downtown Boston on City Hall Plaza.

"We are particularly stoked to share our Mara Belgian Ale with Passion Fruit, which is a delicious beer with amazing tropical character," said Olivier Edouard, Founder of 67 Degrees Brewing. "It is one of our biggest sellers and throughout the month of October proceeds from its sale will go to an organization that provides support services to breast cancer patients. It is amazing to have an opportunity to serve in front of City Hall, we have some cool event ideas planned between now and November. Weather permitting, we look forward to connecting with the community over some brews, art and musical events."

“67 Degrees Brewing is very excited to make its way to Boston City Hall! A number of our founders have their roots in Boston, and we can't wait to pour our beers in the city," said Laury Lucien, Partner and Legal Advisor of 67 Degrees Brewing. "We want to be known for the quality of our beers, which is why we make every effort to use the finest local ingredients New England has to offer and use time-honored methods to guarantee the best pour for our customers. We look forward to meeting the Boston Beer enthusiasts this Fall!"

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted Downtown and its businesses, and the Wu Administration remains committed to its Downtown Revitalization plan, announced in April 2022 to address decreased foot traffic and consumer spending. As the City aims to welcome people back to its commercial centers, the City is moving forward bold initiatives to increase consumer confidence and support small businesses. Downtown is integral to the economic standing of the City of Boston. While Boston aims to activate spaces in all of our neighborhoods, the City is also seeking to ensure its Downtown core is flourishing.

In June 2022, Mayor Wu announced the launch of Boston Together Again, a series of weekday cultural, food, and wellness events in Downtown running from mid-July to mid-October. From yoga in Copley Square, to music and dancing on City Hall Plaza, and movie nights on the Rose Kennedy Greenway at Dewey Square. In partnership with Boston-based Rosemark Production, Boston Together Again was designed to bring and keep Bostonians together in community while also driving foot traffic and customers to the City’s Downtown business districts to support our small business community. These events are free and open to the public and run through mid-October. 

To learn more, please visit: https://www.boston.gov/news/temporary-beer-garden-now-open-city-hall-plaza

波士頓教育組慶教師節 籲老師支持台灣雙語教育

部分參加經文處教育組教師節感恩餐會的老師們合影。 (周菊子攝)

經文處教育組組長黃薳玉   (左起)  和在哈佛大學任教的中研院院士王正德,
Walnut Hill School for the Arts中學副校長翁柏緯。 (周菊子攝)

                           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓經文處教育組
924日邀20多名大中小學中文老師,在納堤克(Natick)Minado餐廳慶祝教師節,  報告台灣訂2030年推動雙語政策,教育部正推廣優華語項目,為教師們建line群組,加強交流聯繫。

經文處教育組組長黃薳玉還特地提醒老師們,今年的美國外語教學委員會 (ACTFL) 年會訂11月18日至20日在波士頓舉行,教育部將設台灣館,展位號碼1111,展出許多來自台灣的華語教學教材、教具,希望老師們邀請各自任教學校師長前往參觀。

波士頓經文處教育組組長黃薳玉向甫辭世的葉金蕙老師祝酒致意。 (周菊子攝)

林遊嵐 (左二) 儘管已經退休,仍然從旁協助中文老師們的各項教學需求。 (周菊子攝)
           波士頓經文處教育組組長黃薳玉指出,在經文處處長孫儉元等支持下,這天不但有中研院院士,目前在哈佛大學東亞文明系任教的語言學教授王正德,遠從緬因州來的3名大學老師,在藝術中學 (Walnut Hill School for the Arts) 擔任副校長的翁柏緯等人出席,還有台灣派在屋斯特理工學院 (WPI) 任教的華語文老師



波士頓慈濟人文學校校長彭淑敏說明該校正在籌備成立華語文教學中心。 (周菊子攝)




3名從台灣來的華語文年輕老師,都加入了波士頓台灣龍舟隊。 (周菊子攝(

黃薳玉提醒老師們,如果有學生想要到台灣學中文,唸學位,可以鼓勵他們申請獎學金,有意願促成美國主流學校和台灣中小學做國際交流的,可以找該組從旁協助,利用IEW等項目。由於台灣訂2030年實施雙語政策,將大量需要雙語老師與助教,希望出席老師們可以多方協助,代為宣導。  (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報:   https://ocacnews.net/article/321083?cid=2 )

星期二, 9月 27, 2022

中華廣教學校慶106週年 八獅齊舞 表揚余文博

波士頓市長吳弭 (右四)代表中華廣教學校頒獎給余文博律師。右起,麻州眾議員
Ruthzee LouieJeun,余文博夫人,以及廣教學校
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 中華廣教學校923日晚在波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 夫婦雙雙出席的隆重中,假帝苑大酒樓舉辦年度籌款晚宴,頒獎表揚律師兼會計師余文博,以及在該校任教已15年的現任副校長余仲強,服務10年的校務助理林添籌,共籌款逾10萬元。

                    出席嘉賓包括駐波士頓辦事處處長孫儉元,波士頓文教中心主任潘昭榮,以及波士頓市長吳弭夫婦、波士頓市議員Ruthzee Louiejeun,麻州眾議員黃子安 (Donald Wong) 。




廣教學校副董事長雷國輝()和麻州眾議員黃子安 ()再次頒獎給余文博。(周菊子攝)


廣教學校董事陳家驊 (右) 代表學校頒獎給任職10年的校務助理林添籌。 (周菊子攝)


紐英崙余風采堂恭喜宗親余文伯獲表揚。 (周菊子攝)

            晚宴最後在廣教學校同仁高唱「明天會更好」、「光輝歲月」中落幕。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報:   https://ocacnews.net/article/321001?cid=2 )

中華廣教學校董事與嘉賓合影。 (廣教學校提供)

Baker-Polito Administration, Congressman Neal Celebrate Progress on Key Infrastructure Projects at Barnes Air National Guard Base

Baker-Polito Administration, Congressman Neal Celebrate Progress on Key Infrastructure Projects at Barnes Air National Guard Base

New entry control point and taxiway represent $9.2 million investment from the Commonwealth to improve security and expand capabilities at the installation

WESTFIELD — Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy, and Transportation Secretary Jamey Tesler joined Congressman Richard Neal, Major General Gary Keefe, Westfield Mayor Michael McCabe, and state and local leaders at Barnes Air National Guard Base to celebrate progress on two key infrastructure projects at the installation. Officials broke ground on a new $4.5 million gate and entry control point that will be Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Compliant and will help mitigate traffic along Route 202. Additionally, officials cut the ribbon on the recently completed, $4.7 million “Taxiway Sierra,” a new taxiway that will expand the capabilities and capacity of the airport for both civilian and military traffic. Both projects were funded by the Commonwealth’s 2014 Military Bond Bill authorization.

“Massachusetts is fortunate to be home to six military installations which play a critical and strategic role in our nation’s defense capabilities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration is proud to open the new taxiway at Barnes Air National Guard Base and break ground on a new gate and entry point, projects that will strengthen this key installation now and for the years ahead.”

“Our administration is committed to investing in not only the infrastructure of our six military installations, but also in the military families who call Massachusetts home,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “This year, we were proud that the Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law the SPEED Act, which improves the professional licensure process and educational experience for military spouses and families relocating to the Commonwealth.”

Located in Westfield at the Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport, Barnes Air National Guard Base hosts the 104th Fighter Wing and Army rotary wing assets. Barnes is known in military circles as a “model” National Guard installation, as it shares its infrastructure and facilities with the Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport and benefits from corporate and industry partners on the airfield. Since 2014, the Commonwealth has invested almost $20 million into the installation, funding a new runway and energy efficiency upgrades in addition to new gate and taxiway.

“Barnes Air National Guard Base has been an integral part of the western Massachusetts community, economy, and workforce for decades,” said Congressman Richard E. Neal, Chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means. “In conjunction with my partners on the federal level and with the Baker-Polito Administration here in Massachusetts, we are able to ensure the base’s long-term success through investments like the ones we are celebrating today. I remain committed to fighting for Barnes, its workforce, and all military families who call this area home.”

The 104th Fighter Wing is made up of highly trained personnel ready to provide Air Superiority on-demand anywhere in the world with 21 assigned F-15C Eagle Aircraft. The 104th is trained to provide 24/7 Aerospace Control Alert, with armed F-15 fighters ready to scramble in a moment’s notice to protect the northeast United States – a region that accounts for approximately one-quarter of the nation’s population and more than one-third of the country’s Gross Domestic Product – from any airborne threat. The Wing is always on call for emergency response including security, logistics, communications, explosive ordnance disposal, firefighting and medical support to the nation and Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

“This project shows how effective the 104th Fighter Wing and the Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport can be when working together,” said 104th Fighter Wing commander Col. David ‘Moon’ Halasi-Kun. “By capitalizing on each other’s capabilities, we are able to maximize the use of the joint airport, as well as provide continual economic benefits to the community.”

“These infrastructure investments at Barnes Air National Guard Base are made possible by collaboration with the Legislature and guidance from the Massachusetts Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “Massachusetts’ six military installations are significant economic drivers for their communities and the Commonwealth, and ensuring their long-term competitiveness has been a top priority for our administration.”

“It is the multi-agency coordination that allows for projects to get done successfully and I am pleased to join with community members to celebrate the collaboration which has led to infrastructure improvements benefitting the public using the Westfield-Barnes Airport,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “An investment in a local airport is an investment in the regional economy and I want to thank everyone who worked together on a variety of projects, including local officials, members of the MassDOT Highway Division and Aeronautics Division, and the Massachusetts Air National Guard’s 104th Fighter Wing and the Massachusetts Army National Guard’s 226th Division Aviation Support Battalion.”

Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, and Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy joined Congressman Richard Neal, Major General Gary Keefe, Westfield Mayor Donald Humason, and state and local leaders in May 2021 to celebrate the groundbreaking of Taxiway Sierra at Barnes Air National Guard Base. The Massachusetts National Guard and their partners have completed the taxiway ahead of schedule and under budget.

“This new taxiway and the ground breaking for a new gate and entry point at Barnes Air National Guard Base are critical steps in ensuring the 104th Fighter Wing will continue to meet the needs of the commonwealth and the nation long into the future,” said Maj. Gen. Keefe, The Adjutant General, Massachusetts National Guard. “These key infrastructure improvements will benefit the Guard, the Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport and the surrounding community.”

“The main gate projects and the expansion of Taxiway Sierra are truly exciting projects that will benefit the entire airport and as a result, the greater Westfield area as well," said Senator John Velis. "This work will increase the capabilities of both the 104th Fighter Wing and Westfield-Barnes Regional and will help to ensure the future of the base and airport."

“The 104th Fighter Wing continues to be an invaluable partner and employer in Westfield and in the region,” said Mayor Mike McCabe. “The Main Gate and Taxiway Sierra projects have been a long time coming. Thankfully, today they become a reality and a benefit to all.”

“Since 1947, Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport has been home to the 104th Fighter, which established a longstanding strong partnership over the years that has provided substantial economic benefits and overall community support to Western Massachusetts,” said Christopher Willenborg, Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport Manager.

This event and $9.2 million investment comes on the heels of Governor Baker signing An Act relative to Military Spouse Licensure Portability, Education and Enrollment of Dependents, better known as the SPEED Act. Two key components of the SPEED Act include improving the process for military spouses to secure professional licenses when assigned to Massachusetts and improving the educational experience for military families.

Massachusetts is home to six military installations that generate more than $13.2 billion in total economic activity and support more than 57,600 jobs, including Barnes Air National Guard Base, Fort Devens, Hanscom Air Force Base, Joint Base Cape Cod, the U.S. Army's Natick Soldier Systems Center, and Westover Air Reserve Base.

The Massachusetts Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force, as a nation-leading defense community support entity, has leveraged the strength of the Commonwealth’s federal, state, and local leadership to commit over $46 million to these military installations and defense communities, including over $32 million under the 2014 Military Bond Bill authorization.


 Baker-Polito Administration Awards $24 Million in Skills Capital Grants to High Schools


WESTFIELD — The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded $24 million in Skills Capital Grants to 14 different high schools. Each school received awards between $1 million and $2.5 million, which will enable the schools to modernize labs and significantly expand student enrollment in programs that provide career education. 


Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Education Secretary James Peyser visited Westfield Technical Academy to make the announcement and visit with students exploring advanced manufacturing and culinary arts programs. The high school received more than $1 million to modernize its advanced manufacturing and electrical instructional labs. The school will also launch a Career Technical Initiative program, supported by this funding.


The high schools receiving grants will make strategic investments over the next two years to grow their career education programs to provide more learning opportunities for both traditional high school students and adult learners, with several schools expanding their Career Technical Initiative (CTI) programs to offer more learning opportunities in the late-afternoon and evening.  Over the next 5 years, today’s grant awards will directly impact approximately 10,000 students across 38 different programs. 


The funding for this round of grants was included in An Act Relative to Immediate Covid-19 Recovery Needs, passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor, which included $100 million in state resources to provide capital improvement grants to vocational high schools and public schools operating career and technical education programs.


“Since taking office, our administration has made significant investments through the Skills Capital Grant program to help more young people and adults gain the education, training and skills necessary for successful careers in rapidly growing industry sectors,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud of the impact these grants have had on both students’ educations and their futures in the Massachusetts workforce.”


“As a result of the Skills Capital Grants, high schools, colleges and other educational institutions have modernized how students learn and provided crucial experiential learning that serves students and employers well,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We appreciate the continued support of our partners in the Legislature, and we look forward to the continued growth and expansion of hands-on, career technical education programs made possible by Skills Capital Grants.” 


Since 2015, 491 Skills Capital Grants totaling more than $153 million have been awarded to different schools and educational institutions across the Commonwealth, with many organizations receiving multiple grants over the years. 


“Education is our lodestar here in the Commonwealth, and I am proud that we continue to invest in educational innovation and upgrades at every level. At a time when our economy is changing at a rapid pace, ensuring that students have state-of-the-art and up-to-date equipment and technology is more crucial than ever,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “I’d like to thank all of my partners in the Legislature for advancing this important funding, as well as the Baker Administration for operationalizing our vision to provide increased support to vocational high schools and public schools operating career and technical education programs.”


“I'm proud of the House's ongoing commitment prioritizing investments in job training and workforce development that meet the needs of the 21st Century economy, including dedicating funding for these grants," said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I want to thank my colleagues in the House, as well as our partners in the Senate and the Administration for supporting this critical programming, as it will help to ensure that the next generation, including our adult learners, have the tools to succeed in high demand industries.”


The Skills Capital Grant program was originally launched in 2015 with the goal of replacing outdated equipment and technology, mainly at vocational technical high schools and community colleges. Since then, the program has evolved into a crucial component of local workforce training efforts by expanding the number of young people and adults trained and experienced with the newest technologies used by local employers.


The competitive grants are awarded to educational institutions that demonstrate partnerships with local businesses, as well as align curriculum and credentials with industry demand to maximize hiring opportunities in each region of the state.


"High schools across the Commonwealth are valued partners in our efforts to create opportunity and exciting career pathways for both young students and adults," said Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Rosalin Acosta. "This round of Skills Capital Grants is funding a wide expansion of Career Technical Initiative programming which will help the unemployed and underemployed find meaningful work that supports themselves and their families." 


Upgrading equipment and providing hands-on learning experiences ensures that our students – both young people and adults – graduate with vital skills and knowledge,” said Education Secretary James Peyser. “Through the Skills Capital Grants, thousands of young people and adults have been provided with educational opportunities to be successful in high-demand careers that are growing in the Commonwealth.”


"Our economy is strengthened when students and other prospective employees are equipped with skills that align with industry needs," said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. "Skills Capital Grants continue to play an important role preparing individuals for meaningful careers and helping companies find qualified employees to grow their businesses."


The Skills Capital Grants are awarded by Governor Baker’s Workforce Skills Cabinet, which was created in 2015 to bring together the Secretariats of Education, Labor and Workforce Development, and Housing and Economic Development to align education, economic development, and workforce policies to strategize around how to meet employers’ demand for skilled workers in every region of the Commonwealth.


The following organizations received awards in this round:


Assabet Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School, Marlborough - $1,268,229

HVAC: The school will modernize and expand HVAC instructional lab space to triple enrollment at the school over the next three years. The grant will enable the purchase of equipment such as work benches, project tools, oil burners, furnaces, and heat pump training equipment. The improvements will support traditional high school students and expand the Career Technical Initiative (CTI) adult training programming.


Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School, Taunton - $1,000,000

Culinary Arts: The school will use Skills Capital funds, along with funds from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) to construct a new school that will expand culinary arts instruction. More than 100 high school students and adult program students will be taught professional cooking techniques, bakery and pastry art fundamentals, food sanitation and safety, and hospitality skills. The school will host a school restaurant and hospitality functions for the local community.


Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School, Danvers - $1,725,000

Culinary Arts and Animal Sciences: The school will modernize and expand Culinary Arts and Animal Sciences instructional labs impacting more than 500 high school students and CTI adult students, through afternoon training programs for students from Beverly, Swampscott, Gloucester, and Marblehead.


Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School, Fall River - $2,500,000

Advanced Manufacturing and Dental Assisting: The school will renovate its Advanced Manufacturing and Dental Assisting instructional lab space, impacting 175 school students, as well as launch adult CTI training programs. The lab space will also feature equipment such as dental chairs, sterilization equipment, and imaging X-ray equipment for students to get hands-on experience.


Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School, New Bedford - $1,800,000

Culinary Arts and HVAC: The school will modernize and expand Culinary Arts and HVAC instructional labs, supporting 280 high students.  The school will also expand CTI adult training programming.


Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, Boston - $1,000,000

Carpentry and Information Support Services and Networking: The school will modernize carpentry as well as the Information Support Services and Networking (ISSN) instructional labs to support 140 additional high school students, which will double enrollment in the Information Technology and Security Networking programs. The school will also launch a new CTI adult training program.


Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School, Fitchburg - $1,887,127 Electrical and Carpentry: The school will repurpose and remodel space to create expanded Electrical and Carpentry instructional lab capacity, partnering with Fitchburg Public Schools, Gardner Public Schools, and Narragansett Regional School District to develop a new afternoon program projected to serve 800 high school students as well as expand the schools’ evening CTI adult training program.


Nashoba Valley Technical High School, Westford - $2,500,000

Electrical and Veterinary Science: The school will modernize and expand instructional lab space in the Electrical and Veterinary Science programs to increase enrollment by 50 percent, creating the capability to support 180 high school students and expand the school’s CTI adult training programs. Equipment will include new renewable energy training equipment, including solar panel installation, Li-Ion battery storage Unit, Hydrogen Fuel Cell battery storage unit and wind turbines.


Salem High School, Salem - $1,034,398

Culinary Arts and Medical Assistance: The school will modernize the Culinary Arts and Medical Assisting instructional labs to double student enrollment. The Culinary Arts equipment to be purchased includes advanced technology multi-use ovens with remote monitoring and cooking controls, high-efficiency ranges, ovens, fryers, steamers, dishwashers, and serving systems. Funding for Medical Assisting equipment includes innovative simulation and virtual learning technology.


Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School, Northampton - $2,121,200 Horticulture and Animal Science: The school will modernize and expand space for Horticulture and Animal Science instructional labs to expand student enrollment by 25 percent. The funding will support 120 additional students during the day programs and provide new capabilities for future CTI adult training programming.  Students will receive simulator training on construction machines such as excavators, graders, dump trucks, and cranes.


South Shore Regional Vocational Technical High School, Hanover - $2,500,000 Carpentry and Culinary Arts: The school will modernize and expand square footage for Carpentry and Culinary Arts instructional lab space to increase enrollment by 45 percent.  The funding will impact 197 students as well as the school’s CTI adult training programs.


Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School, Bourne - $2,496,500

Environmental Science and Technology: The school will modernize and update the infrastructure of Environmental Science and Technology instructional labs supporting 100 high school and adult training program students, with new laboratory equipment such as microscopes, HAZMAT/oil spill simulators, and field equipment including sampling devices, field and marine access vehicles, cameras, and weather stations.


Westfield Technical Academy, Westfield - $1,014,665

Advanced Manufacturing and Electrical: The school will modernize and update infrastructure for Advanced Manufacturing and Electrical instructional labs supporting 110 high school students, with new equipment such as Proto TRAK Lathes and Mills, Haas Mini Mills, CAD Workstations, Fire Alarm, Burglar and Access Control Trainers. The school will also launch a CTI training program.


Worcester Technical High School, Worcester - $1,100,031

Automotive Technician: The school will renovate and modernize the Automotive Technician instructional lab supporting 145 high school students and provide new capabilities to expand the school’s CTI adult training programming.  New equipment includes auto lifts, brake lathe machines, tire balancers, alignment machines, bench racks, paint booths, and hybrid auto system tools.