
星期三, 10月 05, 2022

美財政部設立族裔平等委員會 董繼玲等25人獲邀為首屆委員

委員們合影,前排左二為主席Michael Nutter 前排左三為董繼玲,
Janis Bowdler。  (全國亞裔總商會提供)
(Boston Orange) 美國財政部部長葉倫 (Janet L. Yellen) 在今日的佛里德曼銀行論壇 (Freedman’s Bank Forum) 年會上,宣佈成立財政部族裔平等顧問委員會 (Treasury Advisory Committee on Racial Equity) 25名首屆委員名單。

這首創的財政部族裔平等顧問委員會,將在經濟上促進族裔平等,解決有色族裔嚴重差距等議題上,向葉倫部長及Wally Adeyemo副部長提忠告及建議。


財政部部長Janet L. Yellen在佛德里曼論壇中致詞。 (全國亞裔總商會提供)





副總統Kamala Harris致詞。 (全國亞裔總商會提供)
哥倫比亞大學市區及公共事務專業實務的教授暨費城前市長Michael Nutter,將擔任委員會主席。



董繼玲現為全美亞裔總商會的會長與總裁,也是國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation)的創會會長 。董繼玲曾受命於布希、歐巴馬 、川普  拜登 等美國總統,在政府擔任公職。多數黨領袖麥康諾委任董繼玲為國會青年領袖勲章委員會的董事。

董繼玲被小布希 總統任命為美國商務部國際貿易管理局的常務副部長,職責為推展美國自由貿易政策、協助美國公司進入入亞太貿易圈、開展雙邊貿易談判、並執行及督導貿易法規。她也同時擔任美國商務部少數族裔經貿發展局的主任與副局長,促進美國少數族裔發展商業、救災援建等全國統籌工作,並負責少數族裔的相關立法和教育 。在歐巴馬總統任內,董繼玲繼續得到重用,被指派為全國商業諮詢委員會的一員。在小布希總統與川普總統任命下,董繼玲二度擔任總統的白宮亞太裔顧問委員會委員。在拜登政府任內,董繼玲担任數個聯邦機構的重要顧問及委員職位,包括商務部人口普查局、中小企業開發署委員等要職。現在又被財政部長葉倫任命為 財政部族裔機會平等委員會委員”。




Michael Nutter, 哥倫比亞大學市區及公共事務專業實務及教授計費城前市長 (主席)

Nicole Anand, 市府包容行動副主任

Janie Barrera,  提升基金 (LiftFund)董事長暨執行長  

Nicole Borromeo, 阿拉斯加土著聯邦執行副董事長暨總法律顧問

Dorothy Brown, 喬治城大學法律教授

William (Bill) Bynum, 希望企業執行長,希望聯邦信用合作社,希望政策研究院

David Clunie, 黑人經濟聯盟執行主任 

Gary Cunningham, 現在繁榮董事長及執行長 

Nicole Elam, 全國銀行協會 (NBA) 董事長兼執行長

John Friedman, 布朗大學經濟及國際和公共事務PDBF傑出教授

Gilbert Garcia, Garcia Hamilton及同事律師事務所執行合夥人,投資組合經理

Bulbul Gupta, 太平洋社區創投董事長及執行長

Darrick Hamilton, 新學校大學教授暨Henry Cohen經濟及市區政策教授

Michael McAfee, 政策鏈(PolicyLink)董事長暨執行長 

Michael Miebach, 萬事達卡執行長 

Gina Nisbeth, 9及柯林頓諮詢創辦人暨董事長

Lorella Praeli, 社區改變及社區改變行動共同會長

José Quiñonez, 使命資產基金創始執行長 

Carlos Rangel, 家樂氏基金投資長

Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, 已知控股公司共同創辦人 

Amanda Renteria, 為美國編碼執行長

John Rogers, Ariel投資創辦人,主席暨共同執行長

Chiling Ton, 董繼玲,全美亞裔總商會(ACE)會長兼執行長

Barika Williams, 鄰里住宅及發展協會執行主任

Felicia Wong, 羅斯福機構,羅斯福向前會長兼執行長


Maura Healey 支持 Ayanna Pressley 競選連任

Attorney General and Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee Maura Healey Endorses Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley for Re-Election to Congress

Boston, October 5 – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley announced that she has received the endorsement of Massachusetts Attorney General and Democratic Nominee for Governor Maura Healey in her campaign for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.

"Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley is a true champion for people and a powerful advocate for families and communities in Massachusetts’ 7th District and across our Commonwealth,” said Attorney General Healey. “I’m proud to have worked alongside her – during her time as a Boston City Councilor and now in Congress – and have great respect for her dedication to advancing justice and equity for all by organizing, advocating, and policymaking. I’m proud to endorse her campaign for re-election."


“I’m so glad to call Maura Healey a partner-in-good, and someone deeply committed to delivering for everyone in Massachusetts on issues of consequence, from education and climate change to healthcare justice and trauma-informed supports for survivors and their families,” said Congresswoman Pressley. “Maura is a trailblazer, she’ll make an exceptional Governor of Massachusetts, and I’m deeply grateful to receive her endorsement today.”


Since they were both elected to office, Congresswoman Pressley and Attorney General Healey have worked closely together on a number of issues including the opioid crisis, student loan debt, predatory lending, and support for survivors of sexual assault and violence.

Congresswoman Pressley made history in 2018 when she became the first woman of color elected to represent Massachusetts in the U.S. Congress, representing constituents in Boston, Somerville, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Randolph, and Milton. She currently serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and has introduced landmark legislation to codify the right to abortion and comprehensive reproductive care, abolish the federal death penalty, cancel student debt, expand transit justice, keep families safely house, and more. 


So far in her campaign, Congresswoman Pressley has also earned the endorsement of U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, and Bernie Sanders, along with the SEIU Massachusetts State Council, Massachusetts AFL-CIO, Working Families Party, Democracy for America, Sunrise, Higher Heights, the League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, National Women’s Political Caucus, National Organization for Women (NOW), Progressive Turnout Project, Giffords PAC, Common Defense, and others. 

To learn more about Congresswoman Pressley’s leadership, please visit https://ayannapressley.com/



Photo: Souledad by artist Victor "Marka27" Quiñonez, courtesy of Lee Hopkins.

BOSTON - Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture, in collaboration with the Boston Art Commission, Boston Housing Authority, the Boston Public Health Commission, the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, the Public Facilities Department, the Department of Youth Engagement & Employment and Youth Lead the Change, Hyde Square Task Force, and Street Theory, today announced the installation of 11 new murals throughout the City of Boston. The City allocated more than $1 million to new murals as part of the third year of the City’s Transformative Public Art Program.

“These new murals add so much to the city, and they are a wonderful reflection of the cultures and backgrounds that make our neighborhoods so unique,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I hope community members continue to be inspired by these beautiful additions to our streetscape.”

The City put out a Call to Artists for the Transformative Public Art Program that was split between mural commissions and grants for short-term activations and events. Artists were selected based on their prior experience making public art, their connections to the neighborhood and the themes of the program, and how well their proposals aligned with the City’s curatorial vision.

Through the program, the City commissioned murals across nine different neighborhoods, including: 

Additionally, murals will be installed at the Faneuil Branch of the Boston Public Library in Brighton, the BCYF Shelburne in Roxbury, a community center in East Boston, and the Malcolm X Park basketball courts in Roxbury next year.

“It's been an honor working with the City of Boston and being a part of the Transformative Public Art Program,” said Victor "Marka27" Quiñonez. “I have already seen first hand the amount of happiness and inclusiveness the Souledad mural is bringing to the community. I'm especially looking forward to seeing more large scale murals and public art created in the South End and hope that this project inspires future generations to appreciate self expression and diversity for each other's culture.”

In addition to murals, the City of Boston also supported 27 short-term projects and activations with grants totaling $323,950 through the Transformative Public Art Program. Projects spanned a variety of disciplines that promoted joy, healing, and unity. 

“This was an unprecedented investment in City-commissioned murals, and through the Transformative Public Art Program we are able to bring artwork to City buildings and in partnership with communities in a way that hasn’t been done before,” said Chief Kara Elliott-Ortega. “We’re excited to use this as a model going forward to foster more collaborations and creative opportunities throughout the city.”

“This program has brought incredible creativity and beauty directly into four BHA communities,” said BHA Administrator Kate Bennett. “The murals themselves are amazing, but they also serve to strengthen the link between BHA residents and the broader neighborhood.”

The City commissions murals, short-term public projects, and activations every year as part of the Transformative Public Art Program. The themes and structure of the program change with each iteration of the program, and this year’s focus was to commission public art projects in a variety of disciplines that promote joy, healing, and unity. The program included funding for murals, cultural events, and new media projects, among others.

To learn more about completed and ongoing public art projects in the City of Boston, visit boston.gov/public-art.



Preparations include early voting at sites throughout the City including Fenway Park

BOSTON - Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - The City of Boston’s Election Department today announced its preparations ahead of the State Election taking place on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, including two weeks of early voting and ballot drop box locations.

The City previously announced the addition of 20 new voting precincts, following the Boston Election Precinct Adjustment Plan completed in October 2021, which aimed to increase voting accessibility by distributing voters equitably across precincts. The number of voting precincts has now increased from 255 to 275. As a result, the City of Boston is advising voters that they may experience a change in their precinct and polling location. Voters can find their polling location here.

The Elections Department has been conducting outreach to ensure that residents are aware of any change to their polling location ahead of the election. Voters can also check their registration status via the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website to find their election day polling location.

In-Person Early Voting

Voters registered in Boston can vote during the early voting period starting Saturday, October 22  and lasting through Friday, November 4, 2022 at any of the early voting sites. Hours and locations for in-person early voting can be found here

The Boston Red Sox have partnered with the City to make Fenway Park available as an early voting location on Saturday, October 28 and Sunday, October 29 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters may access the ballpark using the Gate A entrance located on Jersey Street. Voters will cast their ballots in the Third Base Concourse and will have an opportunity to view the field before exiting onto Lansdowne Street.


All early voting sites are equipped with electronic poll books for voter check in. Early voting locations are well-staffed with poll workers and interpreters, and fully accessible to voters with disabilities. 

Accessible Voting

Massachusetts has implemented an Accessible Electronic Voting System. Boston voters may now request, receive, complete, and return their ballot electronically using a secure web portal.  More information about voting for persons with disabilities is available here. Boston residents may also make requests through the Boston Election Department. The deadline to make a request is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

Vote By Mail

Applications for vote-by-mail ballots have been mailed out to every voter in Boston. To be eligible to vote by mail in the State Election, vote-by-mail applications must reach the Boston Election Department by Tuesday, November 1, at 5:00 p.m. Vote-by-mail applications can be returned by U.S. mail using the prepaid postcard, in person at the Boston Election Department (located at Boston City Hall, Room 241), or by emailing absenteevoter@boston.gov

If a voter did not receive a vote-by-mail application or misplaced the application, they should apply directly on the Massachusetts online portal.

Voters should follow the instructions enclosed with their ballot package. Voters must sign the yellow ballot affidavit envelope. Unsigned ballot affidavit envelopes will cause a ballot to be rejected. 

Ballot Drop Boxes

Voters are able to drop their mail-in ballot at any of the 21 ballot drop boxes the Elections Department has placed around the City, including at both the first and third floor entrances of Boston City Hall. All drop boxes are monitored under 24 hour video surveillance. Drop boxes will also be available at each early voting location during the scheduled voting hours. To find a ballot drop box location, visit here. Voters can track their ballot through the state's website

Voters may drop their ballots into a drop box until 8 p.m. on November 8, 2022. Ballots that are returned by U.S. mail and are postmarked by November 8, 2022 must be received by the Election Department by November 12.

Voting on Election Day 


Polling locations for the State Election will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Ballots will be available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Language assistance will be available on Election Day by interpreters at polling locations or by contacting the Election Department’s interpreters phone bank. Those interested in volunteering can apply to be a poll worker here.

For more information on how to participate in this year's elections, please visit boston.gov/election.