
星期四, 10月 20, 2022


               (Boston Orange 編譯) 金錢雜誌 (Money magazine) 最近列出50個美國最佳居住地,麻州的尚莫維爾 (Somerville)和米爾頓 (Milton)入選,依序分列第7及第17名。


              尚莫維爾在公共運輸上的分數也很高,周邊還有名聲極佳的高等學府,例如哈佛大學,麻省理工學院。當然,座落在尚莫維爾市和麥德福市 (Medford) 的塔芙茨大學 (Tufts) 也是其中之一。

              不過這些優點來得並不廉宜。金錢雜誌估計,尚莫維爾的房屋中位價格約為818,437元。不過這數目和華倫集團 (Warren Group) 編撰的迄今為止中位數低得多。他們把尚莫維爾市住宅中位價格訂為115萬元。

              排名第17的米爾頓市 (Milton) 則以樹蔭滿街,犯罪率低,學校好得分。金錢雜誌還重點指出7000公頃,深入昆士市 (Quincy)Dedham ,龍都市 (Randolph) 的藍丘保留地 (Blue Hills Reservation),和鑒於1885年的藍丘觀察及科學中心 (Blue Hill Observatory & Science Center)


              新英格蘭地區另外2個擠進50佳居住市鎮的地方是,排名第34的佛蒙特州 (Vt.) 南伯靈頓 (South Burlington),以及排名第44的新罕布夏州 (NH) 納殊華 (Nashua)



1. Atlanta, Ga.

2. Tempe, Ariz.

3. Kirkland, Wash.

4. Raleigh, N.C.

5. Rogers Park (Chicago), Ill.

6. Columbia, Md.

7. Somerville, Mass.

8. Ann Arbor, Mich.

9. Tampa, Fla

10. Jersey City, N.J.

11. Boise, Idaho

12. Chapel Hill, N.C.

13. Irvine, Calif.

14. Fort Lee, N.J.

15. Arlington, Va.

16. Naperville, Ill.

17. Milton, Mass.

18. Fremont, Calif.

19. Carmel, Ind.

20. Rockville, Md.


Massachusetts State Police 87th RTT Graduation
                (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 麻州州警學校20日在屋斯特 (Worcester) DCU中心舉行第87屆招募警員訓練畢業典禮,歡迎193名新警員領取徽章,加入州警行列。麻州總檢察長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 致詞時提醒警員們,這工作伴隨著準備有所犧牲

            代表畢業生致詞的警察Bryce Boswell表示,他們這批警察是響應號召,進入執法領域擔任州警的第一批Z世代。他說,人們經常提醒他們,在原有的危險之外,還有公眾看法,監督等地持續挑戰,這是個加入警界的困難,甚至可能很糟的時刻,但他認為這是加入警界的最好時機。

               麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)、副州長白莉朵 (Karyn Polito),公安廳長Terrence Reidy,以及麻州州警將軍Christopher Mason這天都出席了典禮。



Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito join Public Safety and Security Secretary Terrence Reidy and Massachusetts State Police Colonel Christopher Mason for the graduation of the Massachusetts State Police’s 87th Recruit Training Troop.


波士頓市長吳弭匯報"美沙酮里"新況 籲州政府建1000戶低門檻住宅

                                       (Boston Orange綜合編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 20日在遊民、抗議者高聲嚷嚷中力稱市府清理「美沙酮英里 (Mass & Cass) 」努力有成果,但要徹底解決問題,需要州政府做為夥伴,支持行動,在波士頓市外建1000個以上的低門檻住宅。



「美沙酮英里」在吳弭市長上任後的新官三把火中,所有露天帳篷一掃而空,一度給人該一地段景觀改善印象,但是隨著時移日轉,從5月份起,不但街頭仍然有許多人流盪,還有帳棚陸續回籠。8月底時有人數過,在南安普頓街 (Southampton)的兩段路上,擠了不下160人,大部分人是拎著自己的衣物包,或是超市購物車,擠在大陽台傘,或是篷布下面,明顯可見已酗酒或在吸毒。

波士頓公共衛生局恢復服務主任Devin Larkin說,情況一直很混亂。8月一向是人最多的時候,今年他敢說人數比去年少很多,但是卻更暴力。波士頓市警察局的美洲最案統計數據也顯示,從1月到8月中的暴力犯罪案件和去年同期相比,增加了6%

該地區的參與中心 (Engagement Center),這個人們可在白天進去上洗手間,聯繫使用其他服務的地方,在發生數次暴力事件後,原本可容納120人,現在只准35個人進入,而且門口還安裝了金屬偵測器。

新市場企業協會 (Newmarket Business Association)主任Sue Sullivan上個月也在每月圓桌會議中表示,從七月以來,他們回應了11,353通發生事故電話。

波士頓前鋒報 (Boston Herald)2天的一篇報導,質疑市政府免費派發包括冰毒吸管和吸毒用止血帶等吸毒用具的做法。該報導稱波士頓市議會公安委員會主席米高法拉提員 (Michael Flaherty) 提交了召開公聽會要求,將把波士頓公共衛生委員會主任Ojikutu找來詢問該局有關這一做法的緣由及概況。他認為該委員會這做法為「美沙酮英里」提供了環境。

波士頓市議員Frank Bakeru抱怨把圓屋酒店 (Roundhouse Hotel)變成治療中心的做法。波士頓市府的「美沙酮英里」聯絡員De Rio才向市議會報告,圓屋酒店作為庇護服務所的部分,每年開銷為7487千元,作為診所部分的每年開銷為56082元。

            在吳弭的戶外說明會上,抗議人士隔著警察等地保護層,或站在吳弭市長身後,或站在活動場地外圍,有的舉著「Needles($) to say Wu doesn’t care (針不用說,吳不關心)」告示牌,有的喊著「Shame on Wu (吳弭丟臉)」,「Wu trash! Clean up Mass & Cass (吳垃圾,清理美沙酮英里) 」等的聲量過大,吳弭的說明匯報被迫中止,轉到鄰近的波士頓市公共衛生局辦公室繼續。


            波士頓市房屋長席拉狄倫 (Sheila Dillon)表示,選擇住進低門檻住宅,離開美沙酮英里的人中,有72人已經順利地有了穩定居所。安置進波士頓市府6個收容所的188人中,有150人已經和輔導者協商出居屋計畫,還有112人或者在等公寓,或者已經有錢可以租屋而住了。她認為波士頓市的做法已經證明有效,其他市鎮可以模仿。

            波士頓市公共衛生委員會 (Public Health Commission)主任Bisola Ojikutu說,每個市鎮都有他們自己的美沙酮英里,目前沒有人有徹底解決問題的辦法,波士頓已經很積極地在處理、面對各項挑站。在「美沙酮英里」一帶的無家可歸人數,已經從去年的262人降到173人,帳篷的數目也從90降到20。她認為應該給那些因為機能失調,吸用毒品的人改好的機會。

麻州州長候選人Maura Healey 推出第四個電視廣告 "

 Healey Campaign Releases Fourth TV Ad “Team Player”

BOSTON – Maura Healey’s campaign for Governor is releasing its fourth TV ad today. “Team Player” showcases Maura’s vision for the state and previous career as a professional basketball player.

A transcript of the ad is as follows:

SUPPORTER: I’m for Maura Healey for Governor. She’s a team player.

SUPPORTER: Maura’s got skills. She’s a great point guard.

SUPPORTER: She brings people together.

SUPPORTER: And gets results.

SUPPORTER: She fights for what’s right.

KIM DRISCOLL: She’s a great teammate.

SUPPORTER: As Governor, she’ll always protect our reproductive freedom…

SUPPORTER: Create jobs…

SUPPORTER: Cut taxes…

SUPPORTER: And make Massachusetts more affordable.

MAURA: I believe in teamwork. Together, we will make Massachusetts stronger than ever.

The ad will begin airing on broadcast, cable, and streaming across Massachusetts on Thursday, October 20th.

Editorial Boards from the Berkshires to Boston Endorse Healey for Governor

 Editorial Boards from the Berkshires to Boston Endorse Healey for Governor

Flagship papers praise Healey’s record and policy vision, criticize Diehl’s embrace ofTrump and election denial

BOSTON – Today Maura Healey earned editorial board endorsements from flagship papers on both sides of the state – the Berkshire Eagle and the Boston Globe. Both editorial boards praised Healey’s strong record as Attorney General and her vision for taking on the state’s most pressing issues – affordability, housing, transportation and the climate crisis.

Here’s what they’re saying:

Berkshire Eagle: “It was particularly heartening to hear Ms. Healey mention, without prompting, challenges specific to Berkshire communities — and potential remedies… Beacon Hill’s lack of attention on their constituents in the western part of the state has set the bar quite low, but we’re pleased at least to hear someone not just recognize but show some granular familiarity with our communities’ issues while seeking the Statehouse corner office.”

Boston Globe: “Her agenda as a candidate for governor shows a clear-eyed sense of the Commonwealth’s major problems. She has wisely placed affordable housing near the top of that agenda, vowing to assist lower-income and elderly tenants, make state land available for development, spur construction near MBTA stations, and appoint a Cabinet-level housing secretary — all good ideas.”

Both editorial boards raised significant concerns about Geoff Diehl’s candidacy, pointing specifically to his embrace of Donald Trump and his election lies:

Berkshire Eagle: “Mr. Diehl, who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has been unacceptably ambivalent about the 45th president’s assault on democracy. In fact, he’s carelessly contributed to it by regurgitating baseless ‘big lie’ rhetoric that contributed to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and continues to undermine our democratic institutions.”

Boston Globe: “Her Republican rival, Geoff Diehl, a former state senator and the party’s US Senate nominee in 2018, has distinguished himself mainly by his inability to decide whether President Biden won fair and square in 2020. First he said Biden won. Then he said the election was stolen. And then the moment he won the Republican primary, he was talking about Biden as the winner again.”

Baker-Polito Administration Announces New STEM Tech Career Academies

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces New STEM Tech Career Academies

High schools, community colleges and employers will work together to create opportunities for students
BOSTON –– The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the creation of STEM Tech Career Academies, a new initiative designed to help more young people earn associate degrees and industry certificates in STEM fields. STEM Tech Career Academies will be new six-year programs that enable high school students to earn both a high school diploma and a post-secondary credential at a community college, at no cost to the students.
The administration has committed $6.5 million in multi-year grants to cover the costs of planning, implementation, and launch. High schools, community colleges and employers will work together to plan and launch four to six different STEM Tech Career Academies across the Commonwealth. The goal is to enroll between 1,600 and 2,000 students in the programs.
STEM Tech Career Academies combine and extend key elements of the highly successful Early College and early career Innovation Pathways programs that were launched several years ago, including technical curriculum, work-based learning experiences, post-secondary courses, and college and career coaching. The administration anticipates that by fall of 2023, more than 75 high schools will have students enrolled in Innovation Pathway programs and 65 high schools will have Early College programs, which can serve as starting points for STEM Tech Career Academies.   
The initiative is modeled after P-Tech, a grades 9-14 school model where students earn a high school diploma, an industry-recognized associate degree and gain relevant work experience in a growing field. Students completing a P-Tech program are typically provided with hiring preferences by participating employers.
“STEM Tech Career Academies can accomplish several education goals – more high school students enrolling in early college and career pathways, more students earning degrees and credentials and more young people with skills and knowledge in STEM fields to serve them and employers well as they enter the STEM workforce,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This new initiative will build off the success of our administration’s Early College and Innovation Pathway programs to create more intentional links between high schools, community colleges and employers.”  
“Across the Commonwealth, we have many STEM jobs that are going unfilled because companies cannot find qualified applicants for careers that require associate degrees and credentials, such as biotechnicians, data analysts, cyber security specialists, health care occupations and many more,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “This new initiative will make it easier for students who start on a college or career pathway to continue on that course and go on to earn degrees or credentials, and eventually land a well-paying job in a STEM field.”
STEM Tech Career Academies are an initiative of the Governor’s Workforce Skills Cabinet, which connects the work of three Secretariats - the Executive Office of Education, Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development and the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development - and seeks to align education, workforce, and economic development strategies across the state. The announcement was made during the 5th annual Massachusetts STEM Week, a week-long celebration highlighting the importance of STEM education in the Commonwealth.
“The challenge of getting more people to enroll and earn an associate degree or credentials has existed for many years. We hope the STEM Tech Career Academies will be a way to smooth the transition from high school to college and give more young people added support,” said Education Secretary James Peyser. “The STEM Tech Career Academies will create cohorts of students that move from high school to higher education, which has proven to give students more opportunities for academic success and better outcomes in persisting until they graduate from college.” 
The new initiative also aims to address equity and opportunity gaps in STEM industries. Women and minority groups continue to be underrepresented in STEM fields in Massachusetts and across the country. Outside of healthcare, there are roughly three men to every woman in STEM jobs like computer science, mathematics, engineering, and 2020 data estimated that just 27 percent of STEM workers are non-white. In Massachusetts, just 5 percent of the STEM workforce is Black, and just 6 percent Hispanic.
"As we strive toward equity in our workforce, the STEM Tech Career Academies will provide access and opportunity to those traditionally underserved in this high-demand sector," said Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Rosalin Acosta. "This initiative will have profound impact on both high school students and their future employers as we work together on creating a stronger economy for all."
The need for STEM graduates particularly impacts Massachusetts because growth in these jobs will outpace average job growth and is projected to account for 40 percent of total employment increases in Massachusetts. According to 2018-2028 Massachusetts job growth projections, STEM occupations will grow at 7.2 percent versus 3 percent across all occupations.
"This is an exciting initiative aimed at providing young people with the education and skills they need to enter our workforce," said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. "At a time when the demand for skilled labor is high, the Baker-Polito Administration is taking action to build career pathways that can support Massachusetts' long-term economic competitiveness."

To watch the webinar with more information about this new program, click here and enter 8rK0.*Q1 as the passcode.

星期二, 10月 18, 2022

麻州教育廳廳長James Peyser 參訪The BASE強調科學教育的重要

 Education Secretary James Peyser visits The BASE, as 5th Annual STEM Week Events Continue Across the Commonwealth

BOSTON  –– Today Education Secretary James Peyser, joined by two graduate students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), visited middle and high school students at The BASE to discuss the importance of studying science, technology, engineering, and math, during an event celebrating the 5th annual Massachusetts STEM Week. The BASE, a nonprofit organization based in Roxbury, provides athletic programs and academic support to student-athletes to help them succeed in school and graduate high school with a plan for success.

The organization creates a college-going culture and sets expectations for young people to continue education or training after high school. Sports, post-secondary planning, STEM programs and skill-based learning opportunities are offered to students from 6-years-old to 19.

“Science, technology, engineering, and math are the cornerstones of many exciting careers that might surprise people, even in professional sports. For example, the Boston Red Sox hire data analysts who conduct statistical modeling and quantitative analysis from a variety of data sources to evaluate players and make strategic decisions,” said Education Secretary James Peyser. “STEM jobs exist in every industry, and that will only increase in the future. We need to make sure all young people are prepared.”

“It’s critical that our kids are exposed to STEM at an early age and develop comfort and confidence with these technologies,” said The BASE President and CEO Stephen Lewis. “We know there is so much growth and opportunity in the STEM fields, particularly in Greater Boston, so we feel it is incumbent upon us to provide these programs and experiences for our student-athletes.”

Malik George and Miles George, twin brothers who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  in May and are now Ph.D. candidates at MIT, spoke to students about the importance of studying STEM, and the need to diversify the workforce.

“Inclusivity and access are some of the biggest drivers in any change, no matter the field, STEM or otherwise, and we need to make sure younger generations can see people doing science and know what it is all about. That’s how you start passions,” said Malik George. “Not everyone has access to science labs or know people who work in STEM fields, especially at younger ages. As scientists, we try to show young people what the science fields are like to make sure everyone has access.”

In partnership with the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, the BASE Robotics program introduces young people to engineering, robotics, and coding. With small classes and hands-on instruction, students create unique designs and solve coding tasks with interactive software tools. Launched in the summer of 2021, the robotics program has served over 250 students to date. Now in its second year, the program has expanded beyond the introductory course to include more advanced learning opportunities and the first-ever BASE Robotics team is preparing to compete in local competitions with other programs and schools through FIRST Robotics WPI, one of the organizations awarded a grant to provide STEM Design Challenges to students in schools around the Commonwealth.
“The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center is proud to support The BASE's STEM programming which is re-imagining pathways to success for urban youth,” said Massachusetts Life Sciences Center President and CEO Kenn Turner. “The young people benefiting from the stellar programming at The Base are exactly the type of talent that we in the life sciences sector need to attract and retain right here in Massachusetts. These young women and men have unlimited potential.”
The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center has previously provided $100,000 to support The BASE’s STEM, career exploration, and experiential learning programming. The BASE provides its Student-Athletes with opportunities to develop specific skills that are in high demand across sectors of the Commonwealth’s life sciences industry. Funding also supported The BASE’s Robotics Club which provides students the opportunity to learn about engineering, robotics, and coding by creating robots from scratch and solving coding tasks via interactive software and tools.

In recent months, The BASE has formed a partnership with Bedford-based iRobot Education, introducing their students to new robotics applications and forms of coding. They have also purchased two 3D printers and launched a beginner-level course in 3D modeling and printing techniques.

星期一, 10月 17, 2022

華埠、皮革區居民呼籲MassDOT簽約 1元一年把紀念黃述沾公園租給社區

波士頓華埠及皮革區居民呼籲麻州交通廳簽組約,把紀念黃述沾公園以1元一年的租金,租給社區使用。 (華埠土地信託會提供)

               (Boston Orange) 波士頓華埠及皮革區居民和打排球的,溜滑板的愛好者,1016日聚集在位於尼倫街 (Kneeland)上的紀念黃述沾公園,分享他們保護和翻新這受歡迎娛樂場所的計畫,促請麻州交通廳 (MassDOT) 實踐承諾簽約,以一元一年租給社區使用。

               華埠土地信託會主任駱理德在聚會中表示,麻州交通廳以口頭承諾將以一年1元的租金,把這個地方租給社區,同時將承擔整建土壤,重鋪公園的責任。紀念黃述沾公園之友將於11月和麻州交通廳開會。皮革區社區協會主席Chris Betke表示,經過多年協商,社區已經準備好要向下一步邁進了。他還帶頭吟唱簽租約

               麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)這天也特地出席,以示他們支持社區民眾的意願。

               麥家威透露,州政府計畫動用的美國援救計畫 (ARPA)經費,有25萬元要用來翻修,改善紀念黃述沾公園。他稱黃述沾有如橋梁,把人們聚到了一起,而這公園也持續了黃述沾當年的角色。

               黃述沾公園之友會長Russell Eng,也是黃述沾的姪子說,在這地方成為公園以前,他們就在這兒玩耍了。等到這兒成為公園時,黃述沾稱之為寶塔公園,以使之成為華埠的公園。2012年時,這公園被重新命名為"紀念黃述沾公園。他說這公園的存在就是社區倖存及堅持的見證。





               三年前,麻州交通廳廳長Stephanie Pollack承諾要以一年1元的租金,把這塊空地租給社區。後來項目換人接手,麻州交通廳又發現這塊地已受汙染,協商就在去年停了下來。不過麻州交通廳官員現在確認了社區承租的承諾,整治計畫也準備好要啟動了。

波士頓考試學校招生資訊會議 11/9


Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates the 5th Annual Massachusetts STEM Week at Northeastern University

 Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates the 5th Annual Massachusetts STEM Week at Northeastern University

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined Education Secretary James Peyser and Northeastern University President Joseph Aoun to kick off the 5th annual statewide Massachusetts STEM Week, an effort launched in 2018 to inspire students in all grades, from elementary school to college, to pursue studies in science, technology, engineering and math fields. The kickoff event was held at Northeastern University, with the Governor signing a proclamation officially declaring October 17 through 21 as Massachusetts STEM Week.

Schools, colleges and universities, museums and businesses will hold STEM-focused events for young people. During the kickoff event, Northeastern University students, who are part of a team invited to design and build a Mars Rover that can compete at the Mars Desert Research Society in Utah, demonstrated their work. 

On Wednesday, several businesses will host tours and job shadow opportunities to give students a glimpse of STEM occupations as part of Industry Day, a new STEM Week effort this year aimed at making more connections between students and employers. Throughout the week, approximately 25,000 students in more than 1,000 classrooms will participate in one of six Design Challenges, which give students more exposure and experience in STEM subjects in an engaging and hands-on manner, announced earlier this year. 

Strengthening STEM education in all schools has been a priority of the Baker-Polito Administration since taking office in 2015. Lt. Governor Polito co-chairs the STEM Advisory Council along with U.S. Congressman Jake Auchincloss, and Dr. Jeffrey Leiden, executive chairman of Vertex Pharmaceuticals. The STEM Advisory Council is appointed by the Governor and includes education and business leaders in STEM industries that work to promote STEM education, partnerships among industries and schools, and internships for students. 

“When our administration held the first annual STEM Week in 2018, we aimed to offer students, teachers and employers throughout the Commonwealth an opportunity to explore exciting fields of study and industries that benefit from hands-on skills and experience in STEM,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Since then, we have been proud to grow and expand STEM Week throughout the Commonwealth, ensuring that more organizations and businesses recognize the importance of encouraging young people to gain knowledge and skills in these in-demand fields.” 

“As Co-Chair of the STEM Advisory Council, it has been a privilege each year to host the annual, statewide Massachusetts STEM Week and ensure that students of all ages have the opportunity to see themselves succeeding in cutting-edge, leading science, technology, engineering and mathematics industries,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Our administration has made strides in expanding STEM achievement and growing more robust STEM curriculum and training programs, but it’s imperative that this important work continues so that the next generation of our STEM workforce grows and thrives.” 

“Educators say students are more engaged and curious about their courses and learn how to problem solve through experiential learning, said Education Secretary James Peyser. “Exploring different fields helps students grow to their fullest potential. When students have a sense of purpose, they become more engaged in their studies, able to easily see how it all fits into the future they would like to create for themselves.” 

“Massachusetts is the STEM powerhouse of the next generation. But there are challenges: we face deep math learning loss due to COVID. We must redouble our efforts to improve math education so that every teacher and student can be successful,” said Congressman Jake Auchincloss 

“It is well known that future economic growth is directly connected to the STEM fields,” said President Joseph E. Aoun of Northeastern University. “To further our competitive edge here in the Commonwealth—and the nation—we need to go beyond STEM. Students who master technology, data, and human literacies will be the graduates who shape our knowledge economy.”  

“STEM Week represents another opportunity to provide students across the Commonwealth with hands-on STEM experiences, with the goal of creating high-quality pathways into a STEM career throughout a student’s educational journey,” said Jeffrey Leiden, M.D. Ph.D., Executive Chairman at Vertex Pharmaceuticals. “As the largest biotech company in Boston, we at Vertex believe it’s important to be a leader in investing in STEM education and partnering with the community to ensure all students — particularly young women and those who are traditionally underrepresented in STEM — continue to have the opportunities they need to pursue and succeed in a STEM career.” 

Since taking office in 2015, the Baker-Polito Administration has been committed to equipping students, teachers, and schools across Massachusetts with the resources necessary to expand access to STEM studies. 

Among its successes, the administration has worked to: 

  • Expand college and career pathways for young people to pursue industry-recognized credentials.
  • Invested in equipment, awarding more than $153 million in Skills Capital Grants to high schools, colleges, and other educational institutions to modernize classrooms and labs.
  • Developed the Career Technical Initiative (CTI), turning vocational schools into three-shifts-a-day education sites so more young people and adults gain career experience and credentials.
  • Boosted enrollment in vocational-technical programs by 8,000 more students than enrolled in 2015.
  • Launched Innovation Pathway early career programs at 60 high schools to give thousands of students both technical courses and workplace internships in STEM fields.
  • Adopted new digital literacy and computer science curriculum standards, giving public school students the first statewide computer science curriculum framework.
  • Provided teachers statewide with access to professional development and high-quality applied learning STEM curriculum.
  • Deepened partnerships between educational institutions and employers to offer more work-based learning experiences in STEM fields. 

The need for STEM graduates particularly impacts Massachusetts because growth in these jobs will outpace average job growth and is projected to account for 40 percent of total employment increases in Massachusetts. According to 2018-2028 Massachusetts job growth projections, STEM occupations will grow at 7.2% versus 3% across all occupations. 

Yet, women and minority groups continue to be underrepresented in STEM fields in Massachusetts and across the country. Outside of healthcare, there are roughly three men to every woman in STEM jobs like computer science, mathematics, engineering, and 2020 data estimated that just 27% of STEM workers are non-white. In Massachusetts, just 5% of the STEM workforce is Black, and just 6% Hispanic. 

STEM Week is a collaborative effort with the STEM Advisory Council, which is working to generate interest from the business community for STEM Week activities around the Commonwealth, and foster partnerships with school districts. The state’s Regional STEM Networks plan and coordinate activities for STEM Week in conjunction with the STEM Advisory Council. Regional STEM networks connect educators, community leaders, and industry partners in order to foster opportunities for students in STEM fields. 

To learn more, www.massstemweek.org