
星期日, 9月 18, 2022


           (Boston Orange) 加斯林糖尿病中心提醒人們關心糖尿病,籌款支持相關研發、治療的「薑味 (A Taste of Ginger) 」,今年恢復實體舉行,訂919日晚在波士頓藝術中心的「天幕 (The Cyclorama) 」劇場舉行。

              「薑味」今年由Henry He Shunee Yee擔任籌辦委員會共同主席,曾任劍橋廚藝學校教師的甄碧鳳,以及富士集團董事長梁戰士擔任廚藝主席,他們和籌辦委員會今年邀到20家大波士頓的著名食肆,為出席嘉賓準備營養、健康的佳餚,提醒人們治療糖尿病的途徑之一是調節飲食。

              當晚的司儀將為NBC10號電視台新聞主播Susan Tran。出席賓客將在會場看到的食肆包括Antico Forno,劍橋廚藝學校 (Cambridge School of Culinary Arts),常熟 (Changsho)、龍鳳酒樓 (China Pearl)Cloud & SpiritsDelectable EATS,餃子女兒 (Dumpling Daughter)JP富士集團 (JP Fuji Group)、九龍 (Kowloon)餐廳,Lenox SophiaMasala ArtMEM Tea ImportsModern PastryPho Le RestaurantSimchaThe Smoke Shop BBQ,夏棚(Summer Shack)Sweet BasilTambo 22Tashan Bedford等。

              今年的活動贊助者包括Beth Israel Lahey Health,趙廣華 (Bernard Chiu)家族,CSoft 國際及Shunee YeeBoehringer Ingelheim,陳氏家族,范欽強及王柳娥夫婦,Lilly DiabetesSanofi,大同藥房,Deborah C. Richard CarlsonCarol Jeffrey E. Horvitz,金良城夫婦,華人醫務中心, Ed Feener博士,Jeanne You Wei LinPoint32健康,Shinemound Enterprise Inc., Sinocare Diabetes 基金會等。


星期六, 9月 17, 2022

中華耆英會慶50週年 表揚唯一主任梅伍銀寬

中華耆英會和嘉賓合影。前排左起,波士頓老人局局長 Emily Shea,歌劇演唱家Sergi Carrera,翟鵬 (Sarah Zhai Strauss) ,方柳君和吳皓夫婦,波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮,經文處施維鈞組長,麻州老人事務局局長陳倩,中華耆英會行政主任梅伍銀寬,中華耆英會董事會主席陳建立,陳黃美蘭夫婦,麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz) ,波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,麻州眾議員陳德基,麻州參議員Nick Collins的代表 Haley Dillo阮鴻燦等多名中華耆英會董事。 (周菊子攝)

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 環顧大波士頓,在同一個非牟利機構工作,服務長達半個世紀的,大概就只有梅伍銀寬一人。中華耆英會915日晚在帝苑酒樓慶祝50週年,當著500多賓客面前,頒獎表揚這位該會從創立迄今僅有的一位行政主任。

胡清白鶴派五頭瑞獅和嘉賓合影。 (周菊子攝)
                    中華耆英會白禮頓樓主任梅麗梨和前WCVB記者伍沅媚這晚擔任主持,在胡清白鶴派醒獅隊五獅齊舞拉開序幕後, 麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),麻州參議員Nick Collins 派的代表 Haley Dillon,麻州老人局局長陳倩,紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝,波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,波士頓市老人局局長Emily Shea,代表駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元的施維鈞組長,波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮等嘉賓,一一致詞或贈送表揚狀。

麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz) 頒發表揚狀給梅伍銀寬。右為中華耆英會董事會
主席陳建立。 (周菊子攝)

中華耆英會董事吳皓及其妻方柳君特地為50週年慶晚宴,請到來自歐洲的專業歌劇演唱家翟鵬 (Sarah Zhai Strauss)Sergi Carrera,男高音黃顥等現場演唱助興。

              梅伍銀寬是在波士頓華埠乞臣街 (Hudson) 出生的ABC,六、七歲時隨同家人回台山鄉下,住了五、六年,大約十二、三歲時,又搬回麻州,落腳秋河市。高中快畢業時,她在親友活動中遇見後來當上紐英崙中華公所主席的梅國康,兩人情投意合,於是在華人社會的催婚壓力下,交往一、二年就締結連理了。

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn頒發表揚狀給梅伍銀寬。 (周菊子攝)
              婚後,勤奮好學的梅伍銀寬,一邊繼續進大專院校進修,一邊和丈夫開夫妻店的經營餐館,掏存款,向親友借貸的籌得7000元後,開的第一家餐館名叫Cathay Inn,在Needham鎮,後來在鱈魚角,普利茅斯,前後開過3家餐廳。有生意頭腦的梅伍銀寬甚至很早就做過土地發展商。


麻州老人事務局局長陳倩(右)頒發表揚狀給梅伍銀寬。 (周菊子攝)
                        這些熱心人士爭取到波士頓重建局 (BRA)批准他們使用夏利臣街(Harrison) 239號店面,也爭取到波士頓市老人事務局設立廚房,聘請一名兼職員工,為華裔耆老烹煮中式熱食,每天有大約40人來享用。

19721月,他們正式成立擁有501 (C) 3免稅資格的中華耆英會,並成功游說梅伍銀寬接掌行政主任一職。

紐英崙婦女欣運會送禮物,恭喜該會前會長梅伍銀寬。 (周菊子攝)

梅氏公所送上一幅梅宇國的畫作,恭喜宗親梅伍銀寬得獎。 (周菊子攝)
                     梅伍銀寬回想起來也覺得50年,一愰就過了,有點不可思議,但是中華耆英會從只有幾名義工,為40人提供熱食,到現在每天為麻州各地耆英提供4千份精心調配的營養餐,在波士頓的君子樓、康樂樓,布萊頓鎮的白禮頓樓提供成人日間照護,老人服務,還擴展進昆士市的華樂頓 (Wollaton) 耆英中心,以及摩頓市和劍橋市老人協會。20118月又完成了把原有28各單位的康樂樓,改建成有75個單位的新大樓,梅伍銀寬的成就人們輕易可見。

梅伍銀寬本人積極參與社區服務,不但是華埠社區議會共同主席,也是婦女新運會的骨幹之一。 (文稿部分轉載自僑務電子報:   https://ocacnews.net/article/320336)


中華耆英會董事及嘉賓們向來賓敬酒。 (周菊子攝)
經理翁麗芳。 (周菊子攝)
國民黨波士頓分部的3名歷任常委,左起李伍綺蓮,張韻蘭,江文玲共襄盛舉。 (周菊子攝)
中華耆英會董事吳皓 和方柳君夫婦(右二、三)和他們請來為晚宴助興的歌唱家,
Sergi Carrera,翟鵬 (Sarah Zhai Strauss)和男高音黃顥。 (周菊子攝)
中華耆英會董事阮鴻燦 (右)送上拜登總統的肖像及白宮表揚狀給梅伍銀寬。 (周菊子攝)
的社區貢縣獎合影。 (周菊子攝)

星期五, 9月 16, 2022

吳弭市長和公校總監聯袂視察學生餐食新鮮度 (市府視頻)


Baker-Polito Administration Announces Details for Return of $2.941 Billion in Excess Tax Revenue to Taxpayers

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Details for Return of $2.941 Billion in Excess Tax Revenue to Taxpayers

Chapter 62F refunds expected to be distributed to approximately 3.6 million taxpayers beginning in November 2022



BOSTON – Following the State Auditor’s certification yesterday that Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) net state tax revenues exceeded allowable revenues per Chapter 62F by $2.941 billion, the Baker-Polito Administration has announced details regarding the return of this excess revenue to taxpayers.


“Stronger-than expected state tax revenues have led to a major surplus for Fiscal Year 2022, and we are pleased to be able to return nearly $3 billion in excess revenue to the taxpayers,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “With families facing continued pressure from high prices and inflation, these returns will provide some needed relief.  Even with nearly $3 billion going back to taxpayers, significant state and federal resources remain, and we look forward to working with the Legislature to invest this funding into our economy, communities and families.”


“Strong economic growth throughout our Commonwealth, combined with careful management of state tax dollars, has resulted in a significant surplus this past fiscal year,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “In the coming months, our administration will work diligently to distribute these funds back to taxpayers, and we look forward to working with the Legislature to invest additional surplus dollars in local economies across our state.”


In accordance with the statute, the $2.941 billion will be returned to eligible taxpayers by the Department of Revenue in proportion to personal income tax liability in Massachusetts incurred by taxpayers in the immediately preceding taxable year – Tax Year 2021. In general, eligible taxpayers will receive a credit in the form of a refund that is approximately 13% of their Massachusetts Tax Year 2021 personal income tax liability. This percentage is a preliminary estimate and will be finalized in late October, after all 2021 tax returns are filed. To be eligible, individuals must have filed a 2021 state tax return on or before October 17, 2022. An individual’s credit may be reduced due to refund intercepts, including for unpaid taxes, unpaid child support, and certain other debts.


Individuals eligible for a refund will receive it automatically as a check sent through the mail or through direct deposit. Distribution of refunds is expected to begin in November 2022.


"While the exceptionally high tax collections we saw in FY22 are a testament to the strength and resilience of the Massachusetts economy, we are pleased to be in a position to return a substantial portion of this revenue back to taxpayers," said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan. "With many feeling the strain of rising prices, these refunds will be a welcome source of relief for more than three million hardworking individuals across the state, and we look forward to executing on the delivery of the refunds in the coming months."


In total, $41.812 billion was collected in FY22, representing overall revenue growth of more than 20% above Fiscal Year 2021. After accounting for the Chapter 62F refunds and the recently filed $840 million final FY22 supplemental budget, a surplus of $1.5 billion remains available to support permanent tax relief measures and other critical investments pending in the FORWARD/economic development bill, in combination with $2.2 billion in remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds.


Additional information about Chapter 62F taxpayer refunds, including Frequently Asked Questions and a refund estimator, is available at www.mass.gov/62frefunds. This website will be updated as additional information becomes available in the coming months. A call center will also be available to answer questions about 62F refunds beginning Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 877-677-9727 and will be open Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm. The call center will not be able to provide exact refund amounts – however, the estimator on the FAQs page can help individuals calculate a preliminary estimate.  


About Chapter 62F

Chapter 62F is a Massachusetts law enacted by voters in 1986 via a ballot question that requires the Department of Revenue to issue a credit to taxpayers if total tax revenues in a given fiscal year exceed an annual cap tied to wage and salary growth in the Commonwealth.


The law requires that the Department of Revenue submit a report to the State Auditor on the net state tax revenues and the allowable state tax revenues for each fiscal year by September 1st. The State Auditor then makes the determination of whether net state tax revenues exceed allowable state tax revenues – and, if so, by what amount – on or before the third Tuesday of September. View the State Auditor’s report for Fiscal Year 2022.


The Chapter 62F process has been triggered once before, in 1987.


View the full statute: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleIX/Chapter62F.



Members poised to inspire civic leadership among Boston’s young adults

BOSTON - Friday, September 16, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced the newly-selected 2022-2023 SPARK Boston Council. The diverse, 40-member group will spend the next 12 months working to connect young adults to leaders in City government, City services, and one another. The SPARK Boston Council will advise Mayor Wu on City policies and programs affecting 20- to 35-year-olds.

“The future of Boston depends on having a well-informed and connected community of leaders in every generation,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “This year’s SPARK Boston Council spans many cultures, languages, and corners of our city—all united by a passion for civic engagement. I look forward to collaborating with the new members as we work to make Boston a city for everyone.”

The 2022-2023 SPARK Boston Council members live in neighborhoods throughout Boston and come from a wide variety of cultural and professional backgrounds. One fifth of the Council are native Bostonians, while others grew up as far away as Syria, Venezuela, and Jamaica. The new members come from a wide range of work industries, including public service, higher education, and scientific research. Sixteen members are multilingual. 

“This is a pivotal moment for SPARK Boston, as Boston’s first millennial Mayor appoints her first council,” said SPARK Boston Director Audrey Seraphin. “I am delighted to work with these bright young minds to bring Boston’s largest age group together again, both virtually and in-person, after a difficult two and half years for our community.”

For the first time, new SPARK Council members will be supported by eight returning SPARK captains, who will provide mentorship and organizational assistance critical to the program’s continued growth and success. 

“I am excited to enter this next year on SPARK as one of the new captains,” said returning council member Dianna Bronchuk of Roslindale. “I've learned about and engaged with so many new opportunities in Boston through SPARK, and I am looking forward to bringing those to the new council members in this role.”

“It’s such an honor to continue working to better our City, especially now as a captain,” said Anthony Nguyen, a lifelong resident of Dorchester. “I’m excited to help lead the new council to reach our potential as a talented, diverse family dedicated to civic engagement.” 

SPARK Boston, housed in the Mayor’s Community Engagement Cabinet, is responsible for advising Mayor Wu on issues affecting millennial and Gen Z populations and working with City departments and community stakeholders to create innovative solutions. The Council meets monthly with City Hall leaders and creates free programming for their peers including voter resources, events highlighting the City’s on-going initiatives, and professional and social networking opportunities across Boston’s many neighborhoods. 

Over 34 percent of Boston residents are between the ages of 20 and 34 according to the Boston Planning & Development Agency’s Boston at a Glance 2022.

“I'm honored and excited to be a part of SPARK council, where I feel that our voices and lived experiences will make a difference in what public services and policies are prioritized by the city,” said new council member Ki-Wan Sim from East Boston. 

“I’m so grateful to be offered the opportunity to serve on the 2022-2023 SPARK Boston Council,” said Kennedy Avery, new member from Beacon Hill. “Enthusiastic and innovative young people have long been committed to improving the City, and I can’t wait to work with my peers to connect the innovation and energy of young people in the City to the levers of power within City Hall.” 

This year, the SPARK Boston program received 110 applications for the 2022-2023 Council, showing continued robust interest for involvement and engagement. Projects for the 2021-2022 SPARK Boston Council included the creation of the Allston-Brighton Renters’ Garden Contest, the on-going Pint with a Planner series, the Haitian Migrant Household Goods Drive with IFSI, the 2021 Living & Learning Debt Survey, Rat City Arts Fest, and countless voter registration pop-ups and neighborhood social events.

The 2022-2023 Council includes:

  1. Sydney Neugebauer, Allston
  2. Anthony O’Neil, Allston
  3. Bianca Beltran, Back Bay
  4. Kennedy Avery, Beacon Hill
  5. Janine Jay, Beacon Hill
  6. Olivia S. Harris, Brighton 
  7. Cristen Mathews, Brighton
  8. Steven Murnane, Jr., Brighton 
  9. Christopher Rockwell, Charlestown 
  10. Liza Perry, Charlestown
  11. Abby Jamiel, Dorchester 
  12. Brenna Galvin, Dorchester 
  13. Alexa Monfort, Dorchester 
  14. Yakeisha L. Gray Sinclair, Dorchester
  15. Tania Jaime Lopez, Dorchester
  16. Taufiq Dhanani, Dorchester
  17. Emmy Carragher, Dorchester 
  18. Ki Wan Sim, East Boston 
  19. Liz Cory, Fenway-Kenmore
  20. Ashley Garrett, Hyde Park 
  21. Katharine Martinez, Hyde Park 
  22. Jenn Meakem, Jamaica Plain 
  23. Eryn-Ashlei Bailey, Jamaica Plain
  24. Lendsey Thicklin, Mattapan
  25. Hannah Hooven, Mission Hill
  26. Hannah Schur, North End
  27. Melissa Mazzeo, North End
  28. Daniel Semeniuta, Roslindale
  29. Melissa Beltran, Roxbury
  30. Shaikh Hasib, Roxbury
  31. Jasmine Rose, Roxbury
  32. Aly Madan, Roxbury
  33. Nohely Vargas, Roxbury 
  34. Kyle Miller, Roxbury/Jamaica Plain
  35. Rafael Trujillo, Seaport
  36. Sarah Ballinger, South Boston 
  37. Nicholas Fils-Aime, South End 
  38. Ihsan Kaadan, West End 
  39. Zachary Kinnaird, West End
  40. Eduardo Sanchez, West Roxbury

The SPARK Council captains for the 2022-2023 term are:

  1. Alessandra Panares, Allston-Brighton
  2. Richard Meinke, Allston-Brighton
  3. Anthony Nguyen, Dorchester
  4. Kristyn Berry, Dorchester
  5. Mia Healy-Waldron, East Boston
  6. Thomas Pelkey, Jamaica Plain
  7. Dianna Bronchuk, Roslindale
  8. Caitlin Zeytoonian, South Boston

For more information, please visit boston.gov/sparkboston

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Coordinated Support for Newly Arriving Families and Individuals to the Commonwealth

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces Coordinated Support for Newly Arriving Families and Individuals to the Commonwealth

Emergency response plan includes temporary shelter and humanitarian services

BARNSTABLE – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced new shelter and humanitarian supports at Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC) for the approximately 50 migrants who arrived in Martha’s Vineyard this week. The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is coordinating efforts among state and local officials to ensure access to food, shelter and essential services for these men, women and children. Governor Charlie Baker also plans to activate up to 125 members of the Massachusetts National Guard as part of this relief effort. 


Shortly after the arrival of these individuals, Martha’s Vineyard residents joined with local and state officials to create temporary shelter and provide necessities in a moment of urgent need. However, the island communities are not equipped to provide sustainable accommodation, and state officials developed a plan to deliver a comprehensive humanitarian response. On Friday, September 16, the Commonwealth will offer transportation to a new temporary shelter on JBCC. This move will be voluntary.


JBCC is a facility already designated by MEMA as an emergency shelter in Barnstable County, and its existing infrastructure provides a safe temporary accommodation appropriate for the needs of families and individuals. Additionally, the facility can provide dedicated space for access to legal services and other essential services such as basic healthcare. JBCC has historically housed and cared for displaced individuals, including Louisiana residents fleeing the impact of Hurricane Katrina, as well as an alternative care medical site for Massachusetts residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.


In addition to MEMA, the robust response of state and local agencies includes the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, the Massachusetts National Guard, the Massachusetts State Police, Dukes County and Barnstable County, as well as state, local and federal elected officials.


“We are grateful to the providers, volunteers and local officials that stepped up on Martha’s Vineyard over the past few days to provide immediate services to these individuals,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our Administration has been working across state government to develop a plan to ensure these individuals will have access to the services they need going forward, and Joint Base Cape Cod is well equipped to serve these needs.”


“The Baker-Polito Administration has been in close contact with providers and local officials on the ground in Martha’s Vineyard throughout this process,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We will continue to work with officials at all levels of government to make sure everyone has access to the appropriate resources, including shelter.”


“While Wednesday’s arrival on Martha’s Vineyard was unexpected, the extraordinary response was not,” said Public Safety and Security Secretary Terrence Reidy. “The work of so many state and local partners exemplify the best values of our Commonwealth, providing safe shelter, food and care for individuals that had been through a long harrowing journey.”


MEMA is collaborating with state agencies and non-profit organizations to ensure that individuals and families have access to a broad range of services, including legal, health care, food and other needs.


The individuals and families will be housed in dormitory-style spaces at JBCC, with separate spaces accommodating both individuals and families. Families will not be separated.


As part of the emergency planning process in any situation, state officials deploy a “wraparound” service approach which includes accommodation, clothing and hygiene kits, nutrition, needs assessment, and access to health care, mental health, and crisis counseling services. All services will be available in the recipient’s native language through interpreters. 


The Administration is aware of many charitable individuals and organizations who wish to donate items to those in need. Please note that Joint Base Cape Cod is not logistically able to accept donations of any kind. MEMA is establishing a process to accept relief donations, and additional information is forthcoming.

星期四, 9月 15, 2022

Governor Baker Issues Statement on Arrival of Migrants in Martha’s Vineyard

 Governor Baker Issues Statement on Arrival of Migrants in Martha’s Vineyard

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker issued the following statement on the arrival of migrants in Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday:


“On behalf of the Commonwealth, I thank everyone on the ground who quickly came together to provide assistance on the Vineyard. The Commonwealth has many resources for assisting individuals that arrive in Massachusetts with varying immigration statuses and needs and is working with all partners involved to make sure those resources are available to the migrants that arrived last night. In addition, the Baker-Polito Administration is exploring setting up temporary shelter and humanitarian services at Joint Base Cape Cod and will share additional information as soon as it becomes available.” – Governor Charlie Baker

Jesse Brown Responds to Florida’s Flying of Illegal Immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard

PLYMOUTH, Mass. - The 9th Congressional District candidate Jesse Brown responded to the events of September 14th in which approximately 50 illegal immigrants were flown to Martha’s Vineyard from Florida.

“I applaud Governor Baker, along with the local officials and organizations, for providing humanitarian support to these illegal migrants who deserve humane living conditions while they get resettled. But make no mistake, they were invited here by Rep. Bill Keating and President Biden who have opened our borders to mass illegal migration. Their refusal to act on securing the border has caused this crisis, and it’s about time they take responsibility for it.” 

Jesse Brown has been a longtime advocate of securing the southern border and stopping the record numbers of illegal crossings and drug trafficking. Please contact brandon@jessebrownforcongress.com with any inquiries.



The City of Boston to begin auditing and retrofitting 80,000 streetlights and other exterior lighting as well as the third phase of Renew Boston Trust to support carbon neutrality goals

BOSTON - Thursday, September 15, 2022 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu announced that the City of Boston will begin an inventory of all its exterior lights as a part of Renew Boston Trust (RBT), a self-funding finance mechanism that uses the cost savings from efficiency projects to pay for themselves. The City of Boston plans to convert all electric lighting to efficient LED fixtures in alignment with its carbon neutrality goals. The City released a request for qualifications in July 2021 and selected the contractor Ameresco, Inc to move forward with the audit. Ameresco will be charged with auditing exterior lighting as well as recording its location, technology, condition, and other relevant data over the next six months.

The initial audit of the exterior lighting is being conducted as the first step in the process. Using the collected data, the City will develop energy conservation measures designed to reduce the amount of electricity and natural gas used by the City’s streetlights, traffic lights, athletic field and park lights, and school department security lighting. The work to improve the efficiency of the fixtures will be implemented in stages over several years. This stage of the Renew Boston Trust project has already been allocated $10.0 million in capital funds.

This announcement builds off the progress of the RBT building energy efficiency program,  including the most recent work on Phase III. This phase of the program is the most ambitious yet, conducting lighting improvements, water conservation, building envelope improvements, and pipe insulation upgrades in nine Boston Public Schools, one police station, and one property management facility. The selected properties include the Parkman House, the C-6 Police Station, City Hall, and the JFK Elementary, Condon K-8, Taylor Elementary, Russell Elementary, Tynan Elementary, Murphy K-8, Ohrenberger School (3-8), Otis Elementary, and the Boston Latin Academy schools. The schools were selected based on the Opportunity Index with schools prioritized that were not already scheduled for Capital improvements over the next five years. Mayor Wu’s FY23 budget contains $65 million in City capital funds for the continuation of Phase III of the RBT program. 

“We have a unique opportunity to update our municipal buildings and exterior lighting in a way that preserves Boston’s character and aligns with our broader environmental goals,” said Mayor Wu. “I am excited to work on ensuring our city is saving energy and the associated costs while bringing us closer to our net zero goals.”

“We’re thrilled to partner with the City on their forward progress to become more energy efficient through LED lighting retrofits,” said Pete Christakis, Senior Vice President, Ameresco. “This retrofit will not only reduce energy spend for the City but also result in a significant reduction of carbon emissions. We commend the City leadership for championing this project as another piece of the decarbonization puzzle.”

The initial phase of exterior lighting retrofits is expected to focus on replacing electric streetlights that use conventional technology with LED technology.  It is estimated that of the 80,000 streetlights, 14,000 are conventional. There are also 2,800 natural gas street lamps that account for 4 percent of streetlights across the city, but account for 37 percent of the emissions from all streetlights. The retrofit of these gas lamps will occur in stages, after community engagement opportunities and input. 

“We know that the Renew Boston Trust mechanism works for reducing our energy expenses and our carbon emissions,” said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. “The first two phases of RBT have saved significant greenhouse gas emissions and nearly $1.1 million in debt service. We are particularly excited that this phase has a green jobs component with a portion of our spending supporting residents flowing into the City’s green transformation.” 

“In addition to substantial energy savings, upgrading our streetlights to LED will reduce maintenance costs, increase reliability, and allow our Street Lighting Division to optimize their operations planning,” stated Chief of Streets Jascha Franklin-Hodge. “We’re excited this initiative will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and serve as an important component of Mayor Wu’s Green New Deal.”  

Phase I of the program completed energy conservation measures at 14 municipal sites including community centers, libraries, parks, and police and fire stations across the city. Phase II is nearly complete and includes $20 million of energy conservation measures for 31 City-owned buildings. Renew Boston Trust uses performance contracts that ensure the City’s Capital Budget allocations are repaid by the energy savings. 

This announcement exemplifies the Wu administration’s commitment to a Green New Deal and retrofitting municipal properties to align with the City’s carbon neutrality goals. Mayor Wu’s FY23 Budget includes investments that further support these objectives, including $20 million of ARPA funding towards deep energy retrofits for affordable housing, $2.5 million of ARPA funds to electrify Boston Public School buses, and $2.5 million of Capital funding for a Climate Ready Streets initiative to support green infrastructure. Additionally, Mayor Wu recently filed legislation to give Boston the local option to set building standards eliminating the use of fossil fuels for new developments and major renovations in Boston.