
星期五, 9月 23, 2022

張亞中訪波稱國民黨有危機 大陸同胞歡迎他去北京 (圖片)




Multistate Amicus Brief Argues Texas’ Abortion Laws Violate Individuals’ Constitutional Right to Interstate Travel 

BOSTON – Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey today joined a multistate coalition of 21 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief in support of the right of Texas residents, as well as those visiting the state for school, work or vacation, to travel to other states to access or provide safe and legal abortions. 


The brief, filed today Fund Texas Choice et al. v. Ken Paxon et al., argues that an individual’s constitutional right to interstate travel is at risk due to Texas’ anti-abortion laws, and that interference with that right poses a substantial threat to the liberty and safety of those individuals, some of whom may need to leave the state under urgent circumstances. Texas’ laws not only deprive its residents of access to the reproductive care they may need within Texas’ borders, but also, as Texas lawmakers have indicated, seek to impede an individual’s ability to travel access state lines to obtain an abortion, provide an abortion, or to support a patient in need of an abortion. The brief argues that while Texas may regulate abortion within its borders, intruding on the right to interstate travel, including for abortion, is illegal.  


“Following Dobbs, we made a commitment to ensure that patients from across the country can access abortion and to protect providers offering that care,” AG Healey said. “Interstate travel is a constitutional right and we are going to do everything we can to protect access to critical health care.” 


Fund Texas Choice et al. v. Ken Paxton et al. was filed by a group of reproductive health advocacy organizations – Fund Texas Choice, Jane’s Due Process, the Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity, Clinic Access Support Network, The Afiya Center, West Fund, and OB-GYN Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi. Today’s brief supports the plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction to block several of Texas’ anti-abortion laws. According to the motion, Dr. Moayedi is seeking to travel out-of-state to provide abortion services in states where abortions are legal, and the organizations are seeking to support individuals in Texas seeking to travel out-of -state to obtain reproductive care. 


The brief argues that while Texas may regulate abortion within its borders, intruding on the right to interstate travel, including for abortion, is unlawful. The coalition states have thousands of residents living in Texas to attend college or graduate school, or for work, and millions of others visit the state each year, and as such, the states want to ensure their residents can leave Texas and return to their home states to access time-sensitive, legal and safe medical care.  As states that are committed to protecting access to reproductive healthcare, the coalition states are also seeking to preserve the right to travel for millions of individuals that live in states with restrictive abortion laws like Texas’ and for whom travel to seek an abortion is critical.  


In July, the Massachusetts Legislature passed An Act Expanding Protections for Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Care, which includes protections for healthcare workers who provide abortion services to patients living outside the state—both those who travel to Massachusetts for care, and those who receive care in their home states from Massachusetts providers via telemedicine. 


Joining AG Healey in filing today’s amicus are the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Washington, D.C.  

加斯林糖尿病中心第18屆「薑味」 吳弭、Deval Patrick助陣


「薑味」廚藝大賽由JP 復市集團董事長梁戰士 (左二)主持,大廚曹明 (左四)和Tran Le (右四)競比,加斯林糖尿病中心科學者金良城 (右起),大廚甄碧鳳、加斯林董事長Roberta Herman,Smoke Shop BBQ大廚Andy Husbands (左一)當評審,NBC10號電視台新聞主播Susan Tran市當晚司儀。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓市長吳弭致詞後,和「薑味」廚藝共同主席甄碧鳳合影。 (周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 加斯林糖尿病中心的年度籌款大會「薑味 (A Taste of Ginger) 」,今年第18屆,有波士頓市長吳弭,麻州前州長Deval Patrick出席加持,19日在南端波士頓藝術中心的天幕劇場 (The Cyclorama) ,再次聚集約250嘉賓,籌得215000元。

加斯林糖尿病中心科學長,也是2000年創辦加斯林亞裔糖尿病研進會 (AADI)的金良城 (George King)表示,來年的二項重點為針對患糖尿病亞裔母親做治療研究,以及尋找可以幫助亞裔糖尿病患者的新設備或儀器。

麻州前州長Deval Patrick 重逢當年粉絲黃州麗桃,開心合影。 (周菊子攝)
根據加斯林糖尿病中心今年一月發表的報告,這類儀器包括自動化胰島素劑量的Tandem Diabetes Control-IQ等。

華林功夫泰及學校瑞獅獻吉,會場熱鬧十分。 (周菊子攝)
當晚的最主要嘉賓,波士頓市長吳弭旋風式出席,以不到一分鐘的講話,稱許加斯林亞裔糖尿病研進會多年來的工作,不僅提高了人們對糖尿病的正確認知,還提供很多實用資源,包括各種幫助人避免或減輕糖尿病症狀的食譜等。應「薑味」長期支持者李超榮之邀到會的麻州前州長Deval Patrick強調,對社區、人們有益的事,都值得支持。

新上任的波士頓市聯邦關係主任Sam Hyun,也獲邀上台講話。他侃言亞裔社區需要團結,在美國社會中發揮更大影響力,但由於現場音響效果不佳,聽清楚他發言內容的人不多。

今年的「薑味」由金良城的門生,加斯林糖尿病中心醫師何志恆 (Henry He),以及CSoft 國際及CSoft 健康科學公司董事長葉雪泥 (Shunee Yee)擔任「薑味」共同主席,曾任劍橋廚藝學校教師的甄碧鳳和8月份開張了第10家餐館的富士集團董事長梁戰士擔任廚藝主席。

今年的薑味共同主席維何志恆 (左)和葉雪泥 (右)。 (周菊子攝)
參加活動的餐館食肆,在常熟餐廳,富士集團,龍鳳酒樓,MEM進口茶,夏棚 (Summer Shack),劍橋廚藝學校等長期支持者之外,今年也有好幾家新的餐飲食肆加入陣容,包括自創品牌,在法國釀製,從麻州行銷的Golden Wat干邑酒。企業主Kevin Ly認為他應該是麻州唯一自創干邑品牌,並自行經銷的亞裔。2014年在衛斯頓 (Weston)創辦第一家「餃子女兒 (Dumpling Daughter) 」的劉小蘭,已陸續在布魯克蘭 (Brookline)、劍橋市開張了第二,第三家,二個月後還要再波士頓再開一家。當初和他一起經營餃子舖的妹妹,如今自行創業,在她的餃子鋪旁開飲品店。在波士頓待得夠久的人都還記得,劉小蘭的父親劉南,當年在北端 (North End) 經營著名餐廳「Sally Ling」。
甄碧鳳(左二)和夏棚老闆兼大廚Jasper White (右四)和華埠社區人士合影。 (周菊子攝)

梁戰士當晚還主持了一場廚師PK大賽,由JP富士集團大廚曹明和Pho Le餐廳大廚Tran Le競比,由加斯林糖尿病中心董事長 Roberta Herman,科學長金良城,以及甄碧鳳和Smoke Shop BBQ大廚Andy Husbands4人當評審。不少人現場偷師,看得十分專注。


梁戰士 (中)主持大廚PK大賽,訪問Tran Le。左為曹明。 (周菊子攝)

常熟大廚陳維禮準備的龍蝦松,西人也喜歡。 (周菊子攝)
華林太極功夫學校創辦人余翠梅 (左)和門徒蘇靜思 (右)。 (周菊子攝)

星期四, 9月 22, 2022

波士頓北一女校友會迎新野餐 永久會員再添4人

部分出席校友與出席眷屬合影。 (趙小怡提供)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) Sudbury鎮的Sewataro公園,917日綠波蕩漾,波士頓北一女校友會在新冠病毒疫情延宕近3年後,首次舉辦實體聚會,野餐兼迎新。60多名校友及家眷、親友齊聚一堂,歡聲笑語,不絕於耳。

波士頓北一女校友會會長吳杏玫請波士頓經文處處長孫儉元 (左)、波士頓僑教中心主任



、趙雨辰,張薰文,林曉嵐。 (周菊子攝)



波士頓北一女校友會的歷屆會長趙小怡 (右起),吳國志,江佩蓉,李欣,吳萍萍,吳杏玫。


波士頓北一女校友會會長吳杏玫 (中) 為繳費成為永久會員的校友,親手製作紀念禮物。
左起為許翠玲,張松梅,江雨慈,饒雨涵。 (周菊子攝)




3 韓國餐館違反薪資法罰款5萬餘元


Citations Total Over $51,000 Including Restitution for Affected Workers  


BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey has issued citations, totaling over $51,000, to three specialty Korean food stores located in the Burlington Mall and the North Shore Mall for wage and hour and child labor violations. 

 Peabody Losoon Park, Inc. dba Losoon Park, and its owners Losoon Park and Mili “Terry” Kim were issued nine citations for various labor violations including failure to pay wages, pay minimum wage and overtime, furnish and keep true and accurate payroll records, issue a suitable paystub, provide earned sick time, obtain a valid work permit for working teens, and for the employment of a minor past 8:00 p.m. without supervision. Park and Kim operate several Korean food stores located in Burlington and local Simon Malls in the North Shore area. 

The AG’s Office began investigating the company after receiving a complaint from a driver working for Losoon Park, alleging that they were not properly compensated for hours worked at the required minimum wage, or paid for overtime hours worked. The office issued a payroll demand to the company, however, Losoon Park has not furnished all required records, including payroll records and time-keeping records, requiring investigators to rely on employee testimony to audit the company.  

The AG’s Fair Labor Division found that Losoon Park frequently failed to pay employees for hours worked. Employees were also not offered earned sick leave or provided suitable paystubs. Additionally, the AG’s investigation uncovered that at least two minors worked past 8 p.m. without supervision, and that neither minor employee had been asked for a work permit prior to or during their employment.  

Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace are encouraged to file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor. For information about the state’s wage and hour laws, workers may call the AG’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465 or go to www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor for materials in multiple languages including Spanish and Portuguese. 

This case was handled by Assistant Attorney General Amy Goyer and Supervising Investigator Jennifer Pak, both of the AG’s Fair Labor Division.  

新英格蘭美中藥協第24屆年會 9/24


Saturday, Sep 24, 2022, 9 AM – 4 PM EDT (美东时间)


Dear SAPA-NE Members and Friends,


秋高气爽,金桂飘香。 金秋时节, SAPA-NE 诚邀各界朋友与广大会员参加第24届线上年会——开发新疗法中前所未有的机遇和新纪元本次年会于美东时间9月24日上午9点至下午4点举行,重点关注基于RANi的疗法新型RNA生物工程该活动包括一系列讲座和演讲,以及由来自学术界和工业界的杰出专家和领导者就以下主题进行的小组讨论:

• 药物发现和开发前景

• 新型模式平台和前沿

• 促进技术进步和应用

• 靶向药物和监管问题


午餐会期间,我们很高兴邀请到来自Moderna、BMS 和 Beam Therapeutics 嘉宾来举办职业发展讨论会。这些嘉宾将会分享他们在开发细胞、基因,mRNA和生物药疗法的经验和收获,希望对各位在生物制药行业的职业发展有所助益。






Welcome to the SAPA-NE 24th Annual ConferenceNew Era and Unprecedented Opportunities for Developing Novel Therapies. This year’s conference comprises a full-day scientific program that focuses on RNAi Based Therapeutics and Novel RNA Bioengineering. The event features a series of lectures and presentations as well as panel discussions to be delivered by distinguished experts and leaders from both academic and industry. This annual conference will be held virtually on Saturday, Sep 24, 2022, 9 AM – 4 PM EDT (美东时间).


Topics include:

•            Future of Drug Discovery and Development

•            New Modality Platforms and Frontiers 

•            Enabling Technology Advancement and Applications 

•            Targeted Drug Delivery and Regulatory Issues


During the lunch session, we are delighted to hold career development panel discussion to help you build a successful career in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. Panelists from Moderna, BMS and Beam Therapeutics are looking forward to seeing many of you and are excited to share their diverse career experiences in developing gene, cell, mRNA and biologics therapies.


SAPA-NE Annual Conference is a great platform for participants to share their knowledge, wisdom, and viewpoints on science, technology, and business in the biomedical/pharmaceutical field. We sincerely thank all the keynote speakers and conference sponsors who have made this exciting program possible. Regardless of your interest in the subject matter, you would find their talks in the program stimulating and insightful, which may help to generate new ideas, innovations, and collaborations in your drug discovery and development efforts.


Please plan to register for the event early to ensure a visual seat is available for you!! Also, contact us at info@sapa-neweb.org if you have any membership or registration-related questions.


Thank you,


SAPA-NE 24th Annual Conference Organizing Committee

Saturday, Sep 24, 2022, 9 AM – 4 PM EDT (美东时间)


How to become a SAPA-NE Member?

Paid Membership Rate

Student & Postdoc (Annual): $15

Professionals (Annual): $30

Life-time: $300

Note: Paid membership will be effective immediately after purchase