
星期六, 8月 27, 2022


           (Boston Orange) 大波士頓區中華文化協會 (GBCCA)青少年國樂團為儲備國樂人才,訂9/10(週六)下午一點至二點,在文協活動中心 (437 Cherry Street, W. Newton, MA 02465) 甄試新團員。

             凡有演奏各類國樂器能力者,該團都歡迎參加甄試,樂器種類包括1.拉弦:高胡,中胡,二胡,大提琴及低3音大提琴;2.彈弦:琵琶,中阮,大阮,柳琴,揚琴; 3.吹管:笛子,笙,吶;4.打擊樂等。 

參加甄試者,需準備:1.自選曲獨奏,2. 音階(所有考生需要演奏兩個大調音階),3.視奏,4.節奏感測驗。除打擊樂外,參加甄試者需自備樂器。甄試活動免費,報名表格可上網下載: http://www.chinesemusicensemble.com。查詢詳情,或安排甄試時間,可電洽歐陽東美 (978)369-6656tungmeipan@hotmail.com 

文協成人國樂團也歡迎會演奏中國樂器的朋友加入,查詢或聯絡,可洽潘台春 (978)369-665taichunpan@hotmail.com


The GBCCA Youth Ensemble provides an opportunity for young Chinese musicians to practice and perform as a group, as well as to allow its members to improve their performance ability. The Youth Ensemble has been performed at various events. The objective of this group is to promote Chinese classical music and culture. 

Auditioning for the following instruments:

Wind (Dizi, Sheng, Suona)

String (Erhu, Zhonghu, Cello, Double bass)

Plucked String (Liuqin, Pipa, Ruan)


Time:09/10/2022 (Saturday), 13:00pm ~ 14:00pm

Place: 437 Cherry Street, West Newton, MA 02465

Audition Items: solo peice, scales, scale reading ability and rhythm test.

Audition activity is free, you can download registration form from www.chinesemusicensemble.com, under “Contact”.

For more information on the audition schedule and arrange audition time, please contact Tung-Mei Pan (978)369-6656 orEmail:tungmeipan@hotmail.com


劍橋合唱團9月招新 9月9日起每週五晚練唱

             (Boston Orange) 劍橋合唱團的2022秋季新團員招募,將於九月初開始,99日起,每週五晚間7-9點,在摩門教堂(65 Binney St. (corner of 2nd St.) Cambridge)練唱。


該團今年演練的曲目將包括中文歌曲,以及巴赫(JS Bach)的聖母讚主曲(Magnificat)






The CCCS is now recruiting new members for the upcoming season. Rehearsals are on Fridays 7-9pm at the Mormon Stake Center 65 Binney St. (corner of 2nd St.) in Cambridge, starting from September 9th. We plan to include JS Bach’s Magnificat in our repertoire, and the CCCS member will be eligible to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City in 2023.


Those interested in auditioning for CCCS should come prepared with a song of your choice, and select a 10-minute slot at the link below. Auditionees are welcome to join the choir to experience our rehearsals during the audition weeks. Proof of full COVID vaccination is required for participation. We will follow the masking policies of the local government and the rehearsal facility (currently the facility does not require masking for vaccinated individuals).


Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/UXfSzN8QLsZ2MLfV6

Pick a 10-minute audition time: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e0gWyvXd  

第35屆昆士市中秋節聯歡會 又一年萬人空巷盛況

昆士市長助理邱潔芳代表昆士市長柯奇 (Tom Koch)致詞,提醒民眾今年的中秋節
正日是9月10日。 (周菊子設)
             (Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市綜合報導) 昆市亞協服務中心 (QARI) 主辦的第35屆昆士市中秋節聯歡會,821日在Coddington街上,從昆士市公共圖書館總館穿過昆士高中,一直到青年會會址那兒,攤位櫛比鱗次,遊人魚貫穿梭,大太陽下重現了2年前的熱鬧。

            Coddington街入口旁擺出的主舞台前,余翠梅創辦的華林功夫太極學校以「祥龍慶中秋」,為昆士市中秋節聯歡會拉開序幕,接著美國第42童軍及北昆士市女童軍團升旗,整個開幕式簡單隆重,包括麻州參議員John Kenan,昆士市議員梁秀婷 (Nina Liang) 在內,台上嘉賓雖多,致詞的只有亞協服務中心執行長莊建浩 (Philp Chong) ,代表昆士市長柯奇 (Tom Koch)的邱潔芳,以及麻州眾議員陳德基 (Tackey Chan) 。

亞協服務中心執行長莊建浩 (左)。 (周菊子攝)

            當天會場安排的表演節目眾多,包括華林派功夫示範,種籽音樂社 (Seed Music)的現場樂隊演奏,李國全師傅示範打太極,Revelasian舞團表演「花為什麼這麼紅」,「藍山」,金聲音樂社柳葉老師跳藏舞「卓瑪」,昆士跆拳道示範,大波士頓中華文化中心 (GBCCA) 揚琴團的Shirley Wong演奏「孔雀開屏」、「喜訊」,GBCCA扯鈴隊表演,新星藝術學校「兒童拉丁鬥牛舞」,ShinDaiko表演日本太鼓,紅夕陽廣場舞團跳廣場舞,廣州聯誼會跳紅棗村舞、七月火把節舞,西木中文學校舞團表演「壯麗」,「青春」,Aalliyah演出「KARD- 紅月」,波士頓中國鄉土舞團表演「芒種」,「美麗的姑娘卓瑪拉」,
麻州總檢察長參選人Andrea   Campbell (左二)在麻州眾議員陳德基 (右) 陪同下,到昆士市
中秋節聯歡會拜票,和安泰殯儀館的譚秀婷  (左一),C&C印說公司老闆蔡麗梨 (右二)
打招呼, 介紹自己。蔡麗梨身上穿的是她為本屆中秋節聯歡會設計的T恤。 (周菊子設)

            由於今年是麻州選舉年,昆士市政府如常擺出攤位,鼓勵民眾登記成為選民,但會場除了競選連任的陳德基擺出攤位之外,竟只有應陳德基邀請來的麻州總檢察長參選人Andrea Campbell,到場拜票,沿路分別和安泰殯儀館的譚秀婷,昆士亞協董事暨C&C印刷公司老闆蔡麗梨,亞裔婦女健康會(AWH)創辦人黃千姬,見聞旅行社老闆謝樂兒寒暄,打招呼,還很高興的拿到陳海恩送給她的一幅書法作品。


City of Boston funding updates



The Funding Update

National Institutes of Health, 10/28/2022
Fostering Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Among Children in School Settings: Opportunities for Multisite Trials of Complementary and Integrative Health Interventions. Max award: $500,000.

Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov


Massachusetts Service Alliance, 9/26/2022
Youth Development Volunteer Initiative grants will provide matching funds up to $10,000 for capacity-building by nonprofits and Volunteer Connector Organizations. Applicants are encouraged to submit their Intent to Apply by 9/9/ 2022. 

New This Week:

City of Lawrence, 9/8/2022
Seeking proposals for Consulting Services for Earned Autonomy Phase 4 work.

Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, 9/19/2022
Seeking a Communications Consultant for the Franklin County/North Quabbin HEALing Communities Study.

Town of Freetown, 9/29/2022
Update feasibility study of town buildings, assess space needs, analyze the feasibility of rehabilitation, reuse, consolidation or reconstruction of those buildings and create conceptual design scenarios to meet town needs using existing and/or new buildings.

Brookline Housing Authority, 9/30/2022
Seeking proposals for comprehensive supportive services at five properties designated for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities. WBE/MBE encouraged to apply.

State Lottery Commission, 1/31/2025
Reposted for rolling enrollment by Massachusetts law firms and individual attorneys to provide legal services for matters involving the various divisions within the Lottery.

Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.


Boston Housing Authority, 9/2/2022
Inviting applications for a digital storytelling/art history project at Mildred C. Hailey Apartments. Max award: $20,000. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  

Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.


National Endowment for Democracy, 9/14/2022
Grants (average: $50,000) support non-governmental organizations dedicated to advancing democratic goals and strengthening democratic institutions.

Artadia, 9/15/2022
Artadia Awards winners will receive unrestricted funds of $10,000 and access to the Artadia Network, which offers structured opportunities for valuable new connections and resource sharing, and  a dedicated webpage on Artadia’s online Artist Registry. 

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 9/16/2022
Fellowships are awarded annually to mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or creative ability in the arts and exhibit great promise for their future endeavors.

American Bar Endowment, 9/23/2022
The Opportunity Grant supports nonprofit programs, projects or services that focus on the advancement of social justice and legal assistance in communities across the country. 

Cigna Foundation, 9/26/2022
Funding focus: mental health. Applicants must align their funding request with the Community Health Implementation Plan for their community. Awards range from $50,000 to $100,000 per year for 3 years, max. 

Youth Service of America, 9/30/2022
The goal of the 50by250 campaign is to increase youth participation rates in volunteering and service, voting and civic engagement, and joining and leadership to at least 50% by America's Semiquincentennial on July 4, 2026. Max award: $5,000.

Gratis Foundation, 9/30/2022
Funding priorities: assisting US military personnel and family, Animal Advocacy, Food Pantries. 

Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation, Open
Miller Innovation Fund grants will support work targeting the most vulnerable such as those affected by homelessness, domestic violence, immigration or refugee status, disability, addiction and mental illness, former incarceration or old age, and similar populations; and/or those excluded from or challenged to obtain health services access, vaccine access, or economic relief. Begin the application process by speaking with a program officer.

Christopher Reynolds Foundation, Open
The Foundation is currently considering work relating to climate justice; climate resilience and adaptation; and ecosystem health and integrity in the face of unraveling global systems. Begin the application process by writing a description of your work. 

Schrafft Charitable Trust, Open                  Funding priorities: education and cultural enrichment of youth ages 6 to 18 in under-resourced neighborhoods of the city of Boston. Awards range from $5,000 to $30,000.

Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines.



Free 30-day passes are available during the closure of the Orange and Green Lines, beginning 8/19/2022. To get a pass, click here or use the mobile app.

All trips up to 45 minutes will be free. You are responsible for any overage fees or lost bikes.

New Commonwealth Racial Equity and Social Justice Fund

NCF is a funding and support resource for Black, Latino, and Indigenous entrepreneurs, innovators, and nonprofits. To learn more about their FY23 grant-making strategy and ask questions, you can register for an information session on September 7, September 20, October 13, or October 17.

Boston Residents: Do you need help getting online?
Request FREE High Speed Internet & a Chromebook Laptop through the Boston Public Library's Long Term Lending Program! Click here to learn if you qualify.
More BPL events and services are listed here.




Agreement Includes Restitution for 30 Employees


            BOSTON – A Revere-based residential and commercial insulation company and its owner and president have agreed to pay more than $281,000 in penalties and restitution in an agreement reached with Attorney General Maura Healey’s Office for overtime, earned sick time, and payroll records violations.


            Master Spray Foam Insulation Inc., and its owner and president, Luciano Teixeira, were issued three citations by the AG’s Office for failing to pay proper overtime rates to 30 employees, failing to keep true and accurate payroll records, and for failing to furnish a suitable paystub from the period of Jan. 1, 2019 to Nov. 1, 2021. 


            “My office works hard to ensure Massachusetts employers are following our state labor laws, treating their employees fairly, and paying them the wages that they are owed,” said AG Healey. “We are pleased to have secured this relief for the workers affected, and hope this sends a message to other companies that we will hold them accountable if they do not properly compensate their employees.”


The AG’s Office began investigating Master Spray Foam after receiving a complaint from an employee alleging that they were not being paid the proper overtime rate for hours worked in excess of 40 per week. Massachusetts law requires that most employees be paid one-and-a-half times their regular rate for every hour worked over 40 in one week.


The AG’s investigation found the company paid employees at their regular hourly rate in cash for hours worked in excess of 40 hours a week, or paid them a weekly lump sum in cash, and did not report those amounts on pay stubs or payroll records, as required by Massachusetts law. The company also did not have an earned sick time policy, as required by the Massachusetts Earned Sick Time law. Under that law, all employees in Massachusetts are entitled to an hour of earned sick time for every 30 hours worked, up to a maximum of 40 hours in a year.


Under the terms of the AG’s settlement, Master Spray Foam has agreed to pay the affected employees the wages they are owed for underpaid overtime and for failing to provide earned sick time pay to their employees. The company has since revised its payroll practices and come into compliance with state labor and wage laws. Master Spray Foam has also adopted an earned sick leave policy and provided copies of the earned sick leave policy in both Portuguese and English to all employees.


Failure to pay overtime is one of the most common forms of wage theft, especially within the construction industry. This practice, while common, is nonetheless illegal and the AG’s Office is committed to ensuring that all hourly employees receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40. In fiscal year 2022, the AG’s Office issued 216 citations against 100 construction companies for violating state wage and hour and prevailing wage laws, securing more than $1.7 million in restitution for more than 853 workers.


            Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace are encouraged to file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor.  For information about the state’s wage and hour laws, workers may call the AG’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465 or go to www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor for materials in multiple languages including Spanish and Portuguese.


            This case was handled by Assistant Attorney General Alex Sugerman-Brozan, and Supervising Investigator Greg Reutlinger, both of the AG’s Fair Labor Division.

中華表演藝術基金會夏日音樂會 8/27


 Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts  
           3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773
Please support us.
Summer FREE Concerts @ NEC 2022
The Grand Finale

Saturday, Aug 27,
7:30 pm
NEC's Jordan Hall

Mercury Orchestra
2010 national winner of the
American Prize in
Orchestral Performance
Channing Yu
Music Director and Conductor 

Nan Ni 倪楠, pianist
First Prize of 2022 Fou Ts'ong 傅聰 International Concerto Competition

An All- Beethoven Program

Coriolan Overture, Op. 62

Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 ("Emperor")

Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67


Free Admission.
Donation $10 at door.
Age 6 and under not admitted. 
Proof of vaccination or negative test required

Fou Ts'ong 傅聰 International Concerto Competition 2022


First Prize
Nan Ni 倪楠

Second Prize (tie)
Han Chen 陳涵
Sahun Sam Hong

Video Recordings
of concerts at ISGM Boston Calderwood Hall
and NEC's Jordan Hall are at:
Take a look

By popular demand,
Haochen Zhang's 張昊辰
live recording at NEC's Jordan Hall on March 12
is back for 2 more months.
Enjoy Haochen,
the 2009 Van Cliburn
Gold Medalist's amazing performance of
the complete
Liszt Transcendental Etudes
on this video.
Summer FREE Concerts @ NEC 2022
August 10-27, 2022
The 34th Season
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Ya-Fei Chuang 
莊雅斐,  pianist
Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022
Yazhi Guo 郭雅志 , suona
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Kate Liu, pianist

Saturday, May 6, 2023
Wu Man, pipa
Hsin-Yun Huang, viola
Your tax-deductible donation enables us to continue presenting the best artists, maintaining low admission fees and free student tickets. Please support us especially at this time.
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts
Cathy Chan 譚嘉陵, Founder and President