
星期二, 1月 18, 2022


麻州州長Charlie Baker說明中小學增加新冠病毒檢測選擇。
(Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) (18) 日一早和麻州教育廳廳長James Peyser,以及麻州中小學教育局局長Jeffrey Riley聯袂宣佈,下週起,將每週分發新冠病毒快速居家抗體檢測給州內的中小學師生。

查理貝克說,各學校可在現行的檢測並留校 (Test and Stay)”辦法之外,自行決定是否參加這快速檢測計畫。

參加”檢測並留校”,以及症狀及/或者群檢測 (Pool testing)的學校,將可停止做接觸追蹤,以及檢測並留校的作法。那將容許學校把時間和資源集中用於辨認有症狀的個人。

他還說麻州已設有915個檢測門診為170個社區的民眾服務。分發居家檢測劑則是麻州政府中小學教育廳 (DESE),公共衛生廳 (DPH)在現有的檢測辦法之外,為中小學師生增加的一項選擇。

麻州中小學教育局局長Jeffrey C. Riley (右)。

新英格蘭各州中的康州 (CT)、佛蒙特州 (VT)最近都從個人的接觸追蹤,轉為居家檢測,並把學校內的保護師生健康做法,集中在有症狀者的檢測。


Jeffrey Riley稱許這新的居家檢測計畫。他說這新的居家檢測計畫確實可讓情況幡變,容許護士們把更多時間花在辨識有症狀者,以及校內的其他新冠病毒疫情管理工作。





牛頓公校系統在本月初就表示,自從具有高傳染性的新冠病毒奧米克戎 (Omocron)變種出現以來,由於學生教職員確診人數陡增,超過1000人,校方已無力繼續做接觸追蹤。




Baker-Polito Administration Announces Weekly At-Home Tests Available for Students and Staff Enrolled in State’s Testing Programs

Schools Will Have Increased Testing Resources and Flexibility to Effectively Respond to COVID-19 and Maintain In-Person Learning

 — The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) announced today updated school COVID-19 testing options, including providing participating teachers and staff with at-home rapid tests weekly, to optimize in-person learning. The two departments also released updated data on the pooled testing and Test and Stay programs, showing very few positive cases and low transmission rates.

At-Home Test Option
Beginning this week, schools will be able to sign up to receive at-home rapid antigen tests for weekly use by all participating staff and students. Schools exercising this option will discontinue contact tracing and Test and Stay. This will enable school health staff to spend more time and resources identifying symptomatic individuals and focusing on other aspects of COVID-19 management. Schools must continue to participate in symptomatic and/or pooled testing in order to take part in the new at-home test program.

Other New England states, including Connecticut and Vermont, have recently transitioned from individualized contact tracing to the use of at-home tests and focusing school health efforts on symptomatic testing. This new option will give Massachusetts school districts more flexibility and more resources in COVID-19 testing that have the most immediate impact to keep schools open.

Schools will be able to start opting-in to the program this week for staff and will receive tests during the week of January 24. Schools will receive tests for students whose families opt-in during the week of January 31.

The at-home tests will be shipped directly to school districts for distribution and are packaged in kits that contain two tests. Students and staff who participate will receive one kit every two weeks to test themselves. Families will need to inform their school if they want at-home rapid antigen tests sent home with students. If an individual tests positive at home, they should inform their school of the result. Schools will report positive cases to DESE as part of the weekly COVID-19 reporting already in place. 

The tests for this program will come from the supply of 26 million at-home rapid antigen tests the Baker-Polito Administration announced last week it ordered from iHealth and that will be delivered over the next three months. K-12 schools and child care centers will be prioritized for those tests.
Testing Program Data
With more than 2,000 public and private schools in the Commonwealth participating in COVID-19 testing, DESE and DPH have gathered robust data about the prevalence of COVID-19 in schools that clearly illustrates schools are safe environments for teaching and learning. Schools are one of the few types of settings in the state where individuals are tested on a regular basis.

Data collected over the past few months from the Test and Stay program is compelling around what it reveals about school safety. Students and staff individually identified as asymptomatic close contacts and repeatedly tested in school through Test and Stay test negative more than 90 percent of the time. As of January 9, 503,312 Test and Stay tests had been conducted; 496,440 of them were negative (almost 99 percent).
Data from K-12 pooled testing is equally as strong, pointing to the fact that school is safe. The data reveal that individual positivity rates are significantly lower than statewide positivity rates. Last week, despite elevated positivity rates in K-12 schools, the estimated individual positivity rate was still roughly 1/5 of the statewide positivity rate.

“Massachusetts’ first and most comprehensive in the nation school testing program has reinforced the fact that our schools remain safe places for students, teachers and faculty,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “The Test and Stay program data revealed extremely low rates of secondary transmission, which shows that close contacts very rarely test positive.”  
“Through experience with our robust K-12 testing programs, we have been able to learn that in-school transmission is extremely rare, and we understand from medical professionals and school nurses that now is time to provide additional options to districts. This increased flexibility will give communities the ability to do what is best for their students and staff and keep schools open for learning,” said Education Secretary James Peyser.
“As always, we are committed to using available data to inform our recommendations to schools and districts. We have heard from school nurses and superintendents that we need to adapt our strategy to allow them to focus directly on symptomatic individuals rather than identifying asymptomatic close contacts,” said Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Jeffrey C. Riley.
Schools have maintained effective and safe operations all year, including during periods of high community transmission, by employing robust mitigation strategies which will remain in place. Public health officials continue to emphasize the importance of increasing vaccination and booster rates, monitoring daily for all COVID-specific symptoms, and staying home when sick.
As a reminder, vaccines continue to be the best way to protect all Massachusetts residents against the effects of COVID-19, and Massachusetts has among the highest vaccinations rates in the country for adults and adolescents. Students and staff are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated. Schools can host mobile vaccination clinics to continue to provide access to vaccines and boosters for staff and students.

星期一, 1月 17, 2022

1/19起 每戶可免費申請4套新冠病毒居家檢測劑

               (Boston Orange整理報導) 聯邦疾病防治中心在網站上宣佈,119日起,人們可上網 (COVIDTests.gov.) 訂購居家篩檢劑,每個家庭可以申請到4套,並在民眾上網訂購的712日之內,郵寄到府。

                                                                              新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 2種檢測,病毒檢測,抗體檢測。











COVID-19 testing location search

How to search for a testing location

  • Please enter your zip code to find a testing location near you.
  • Check the boxes that apply to your search.  

If you don’t check any boxes, all results within your zip code radius will show.

Testing location search

CDC: Testing for COVID-19 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/testing/index.html

CDC: What to do if you’re sick https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/steps-when-sick.html

HHS: Community-based testing sites for COVID-19 https://www.hhs.gov/coronavirus/community-based-testing-sites/index.html

Testing for COVID-19 (cdc.gov)

歷年開進麻州港口的最大船隻 台灣造的

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州港務局在2022116日發佈了3張照片,說是位於南波士頓的康利碼頭 (Conley Terminal),這天開進來一艘,長1,100英尺的大船,創下該碼頭歷年來接納最大船隻記錄。這艘船是來自台灣長榮海運的「永遠幸運號 (Ever Fortune)」。

              「永遠幸運號」現由海洋聯盟 (Ocean Alliance)財團使用,在美國東岸和亞洲之間轉運貨物。去年11月時,因為喬治亞州Savannah的港口阻塞,造成排班問題,海洋聯盟暫停了該集團開船到波士頓的每週服務。這艘船是登記在海洋聯盟成員之一的長榮海運 (Evergreen Marine) 旗下。






牧師及活躍人士紀念馬丁路德金 呼籲通過投票權法案

不可分割麻州聯盟 (Indivisible Maa Coalition)主席Debbie Paul (前右)主持會議。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 綜合報導) 一群牧師,支持投票權人士,116日傍晚聚集在波士頓市芬紐廳 (Faneuil Hall)前,申述馬丁路德金 (Martin Luther King)的民主理念,呼籲聯邦議會通過投票權法案,甚至倡議芬紐廳改名。

這些倡議者呼籲聯邦議會只要爭取到多數票,就通過約翰路易斯投票權促進法案 (John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act),別讓參議院的阻饒議事(filibuster)做法阻擋。

大都會浸信會教堂牧師Kevin Peterson (右)呼籲芬紐廳應該改名稱。(周菊子攝)
大都會浸信會教堂牧師Kevin Peterson說得很直白,「如果我們不能夠追隨約翰路易斯 (John Lewis)奠下的基礎,在國會通過投票權法案,讓每一個美國人都能真正的享有投票權,我們應該感到很尷尬,所以在馬丁路德金生日這天,象徵性地,其實很緊急,推動通過投票法,是很洽當的」。

Kevin Peterson認為,對馬丁路德金來說,在他生日這週落實這投票權法案很重要。


民主黨籍,代表麻州牛頓市地區的聯邦眾議員 Jake Auchincloss這天也出席支持。他說,「我們必須通過這有利,完整的法案,以保護投票權,別讓黨派顛覆選舉,否則我們將破壞了馬丁路德金博士的承諾。我們必須採取行動,而且51就是多數」。

代表Melrose的民主黨及聯邦眾議院助理議長Katherine Clark,這天原本預定出席,但因故未能到場。Jake Auchincloss幫她念了一段聲明,稱和選票箱的戰爭,威脅了民主的存在。

出席發言者還包括全國有色人種協進會(NAACP)的波士頓會長Tanisha Sullivan,不可分割麻州聯盟 (Indivisible Maa Coalition)主席Debbie Paul,新民主聯盟Jeremy Thompson,波士頓北美印第安人中心的Raquel Halsey Aron,麻州和平聯盟的Cole Harrison,以及倡議世界和平的Sara Ding


民主黨籍,代表麻州牛頓市地區的聯邦眾議員 Jake Auchincloss支持通過投票權法案。

星期日, 1月 16, 2022


               (Boston Orange 整理編譯)
25分硬幣時,上面的人像很可能是黃霜柳 (Anna May Wong),美國好萊塢的第一位華裔影星。

              美國造幣廠 (U.S. Mint) 從今 (2022)年開始推出「美國婦女25分硬幣 (American Women Quarters)」,預定在20222025年的4年內,以新設計的25分硬幣頭像,每年表揚最多5名在歷史中對美國有貢獻的婦女。

              2022年的第一批,5名入選婦女分別為著名作者、表演者兼社會活動家Maya Angelou,物理學家,教育家及美國第一位踏上太空的女性 Sally Ride博士,切諾基國 (Cherokee Nation)第一位女首長 Wilma Mankiller,新墨西哥州選舉權運動領導者暨聖塔非功效第一位女性總監 Nina Otero-Warren,還有好萊塢的第一位華裔影星黃霜柳 (Anna May Wong)

              創辦Mediaversity (媒體多元化)的賴立萍 (Li Lai)表示,黃霜柳是在好萊塢電影業中價值被貶低的無數演員之一。


              媒體人王嵐之 (Nancy W. Yuen)也說,黃霜柳非常有才華,但種族及性別歧視讓她從來都沒當上主角。

              黃霜柳在洛杉磯出生,起初因為別無選擇,接演了一些很刻板印象的角色,出現在諸如「龍的女兒 (Daughter of the Dragon)」,「過海費 (Toll of the Sea)」等電影中。但在她的事業顛峰期,她成為了大膽敢言的好萊塢批評家。


              人們引述她的話,「為什麼螢幕上的華人總是壞人? 而且是那麼殘暴的壞人 兇殘、奸詐、一條草叢中的蛇! 我們不是那樣的。有著比西方久遠那麼多倍的文明,我們怎麼可能會是那樣?


              在黃霜柳的職業生涯中,讓她最難過的一次是和主角贏得奧斯卡獎的「大地 (The Good Earth)」這部關於一個華人家庭的電影,擦身而過。整部片的主要角色,都由白人來扮演黃皮膚角色











No. of Reeds


8.33% Nickel

Balance Copper

5.670 g

0.955 in.

24.26 mm

1.75 mm



星期六, 1月 15, 2022

波士頓台灣僑團年輕世代接棒 林思妤、王志維、林致中出任會長

            (Boston Orange
) 2021過去, 2022開始,大波士頓僑社團體已陸續換屆改選,波士頓台灣世衛協進會,新英格蘭台灣商會 (TCCNE),紐英崙中華專業人員協會 (NEACP)依序由林思妤、王志維,林致中等年輕世代接任會長。


王志維(右二)接任新英格蘭台灣商會會長 。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)

林致中 (左)接任紐英崙中華專業人員協會會長。2017年和時任台大校友會

                   林思妤接任後表示,今年將續辦車隊遊行的支持台灣加入世界衛生組織 (WHO) 活動,也希望眾人集思廣益,構想更多表達訴求的活動。




波士頓推出共同抗疫程式 方便民眾出示接種疫苗證明

From right, Mayor Michelle Wu, Whittier Street Health Center CEO Frederica M. Williams, 
City Council President Ed Flynn. (Photo by Chutze Chou)
BOSTON - Saturday, January 15, 2022 - Today Mayor Michelle Wu launched 
B Together, a requirement to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter certain indoor spaces in Boston, including indoor dining, fitness, and entertainment venues. Starting today, patrons and staff of covered businesses must provide proof they have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The goal of B Together is to close the gaps in vaccination rates, and to create safer indoor spaces for patrons and small business staff. 

“The best tool we have to end the ongoing COVID surge, reduce hospitalization rates, and save lives is for everyone to get vaccinated,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “We are putting this measure in place to help safeguard our residents, our businesses, and our community. I thank our Main Streets organizations and community groups for sharing information and supporting our local vaccination clinics across the city.”

Mayor Wu kicked off B Together Saturday at Whittier Street Health Center’s vaccine clinic in Roxbury, which has been working to serve populations with lower vaccination rates. Established through a public health order issued by the Boston Public Health Commission, the new guidance seeks to increase vaccination rates among residents and slow the spread of COVID-19 and the new Omicron variant. The Mayor originally announced this latest effort to combat COVID-19 last month

“The B Together initiative is an integral part of our multilayered plan to keep the people of Boston safe and healthy," said Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission. "Vaccines and boosters are our most important tools for slowing the spread of COVID-19 and preventing severe cases that result in hospitalization. It is imperative that we do everything we can to increase vaccine and booster uptake among Boston residents."

“The coronavirus disease continues to spread in uncertain ways,” said Frederica M. Williams, President & CEO of Whittier Street Health Center. “We fully support Mayor Wu’s B Together initiative and applaud her leadership. Vaccinations, boosters and compliance with the CDC COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control guidelines are the best strategies to return life to normalcy, prevent illnesses and save lives.” 

B Together applies to patrons and staff of indoor restaurants, bars, nightclubs, gyms, and entertainment facilities (those picking up takeout orders and other quick visits are exempt). A full list of businesses that fall under the B Together policy can be found here

The City is making providing proof of vaccination as easy and accessible as possible. To enter one of the establishments included in the policy, individuals can show a CDC vaccination card, a photo of the card, the newly launched B Together app, or any other COVID-19 vaccine verification app, including the new Massachusetts digital vaccine card. The free B Together app is available through both the Apple Store and Google Play.

The City has been working with businesses on implementation practices since B Together was announced. On Tuesday, Mayor Wu visited businesses across Allston to answer questions about the policy and to discuss how the City can continue to help businesses recover financially from the pandemic.

Leading up to today’s launch, the City hosted four B Together webinars focused on answering questions from small business owners. Roughly 150 - 200 people joined each session, and more than 800 registered for the webinars overall.

“B Together serves as a necessary measure to mitigate the surge of COVID-19 infections and keep our residents and workforce safe and healthy,” said Segun Idowu, Chief of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion. “By implementing this vaccine mandate at our businesses where staff and patrons are the most prone to infection, we can ensure that our economy will recover from the pandemic as quickly and effectively as possible.”

"The B Together initiative is a key response to ensure the safety of our communities, especially those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Chief of Community Engagement Brianna Millor. "To ensure the equitable implementation of the policy, the Office of Neighborhood Services employed a robust outreach strategy to notify all Boston residents and businesses and address any questions and concerns, and will continue to do so, in partnership with the Office of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion and City's Main Streets organizations."

Businesses included in B Together will also be required to post a notice at the entrance. As of today, the city has distributed flyers to approximately 1,000 businesses.

“TD Garden is in full support of Mayor Wu’s ‘B Together’ vaccination mandate, with the purpose to protect public health and put this pandemic behind us,” said Amy Latimer, President of TD Garden. “We started the season with all new policies and guidelines to keep our guests and associates as safe as possible, and we are hopeful, as we continue to work together through these new requirements, that we are making continued progress in the fight against COVID-19.”   

"The Tres Gatos and Casa Verde restaurant teams are proud to implement and support Mayor Wu’s ‘B Together’ program requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for restaurants and other indoor venues,” said David Doyle, the founder of Tres Gatos and Casa Verde. “We believe this is an important and effective way to maximize vaccination in our city, to instill confidence and a sense of security among the dining public, and to protect our staff and our guests. The restaurant community, which has faced many difficult hurdles during this pandemic, and is vital to our city’s economy, greatly appreciates Mayor Wu’s ongoing support."

Throughout the pandemic, the City of Boston has closely watched COVID-19 metrics to guide policy decisions. 

As of Monday, January 10, the COVID-19 positivity rate in Boston was almost 32 percent. Boston is averaging 2,519 new positive cases per day, which is a 16 percent increase from a week ago.

More than 81 percent of Boston’s population have received at least one dose, as of January 11, while almost 70 percent are fully vaccinated. 

The newly implemented policy is being phased in as follows:
The City of Boston and the Boston Public Health Commission continue to support easily accessible walk-in vaccination clinics across the city, including at many community centers, schools, and community health centers. A full list of vaccination sites, including walk-in facilities, can be found here