
星期二, 11月 23, 2021

哈佛、MIT 學術白話文 5分鐘新知說給你聽

           (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 五分鐘可以做什麼? 1120日舉行的2021哈佛-MIT秋季五乘五學術白話文活動,再次讓人驚覺,總被人形容為高高在象牙塔上的學術,其實可以那麼平民化的從另一個角度切入。







                   曾伯勤查悉,中美兩國間的正式關係,始於1844年簽署「望廈條約」。其後於1868年簽的中美天津條約增條款,竟是由原為美國駐中國大使,卸任後被中國聘為中國駐美特使的浦安臣(Anson Burlingame)簽署,而且浦安臣居然就葬在離哈佛不遠的Mt. Auburn墓園。曾伯勤前兩天親自到墓園,頗費一番工夫的找到這位哈佛法學院畢業生的墳墓,拍下照片。

               浦安臣簽的約,包括華工和留學2部分,使得美國第一位中國留學生容閎得以在耶魯完成學業,並於後來促成1872年第一批中國幼童來美留學。1838年,哈佛從中國聘來戈鯤化教中文,其後有哈佛教授龐德 (Roscoe Pound)

到中國擔任司法行政顧問,哈佛燕京學社成立,收藏有民國第二任大總統徐世昌的題字等等。哈佛大學校長白樂瑞 (Lawrence S. Bacow)2019年到北京會見習近平,曾任費正清中心主任的柯偉林(William Kirby)、歐立德 (Mark Elliot)和宋怡明(Michael A. Szoniy)也都在座。


3個有趣的小反應器,包括比爾蓋茲所投資的Terrra Power公司,可以把用過的核廢料轉換成可用的核燃料。








星期一, 11月 22, 2021



In first bill signing, Wu signals her administration’s commitment to a Boston Green New Deal



BOSTON - Monday, November 22, 2021 - At her first bill signing, Mayor Michelle Wu today signed an ordinance requiring the City of Boston to divest from fossil fuel, tobacco, and private prison industries by the end of 2025. The ordinance, co-sponsored by then-Councilor Wu, Councilor Edwards and Councilor O’Malley, was unanimously approved by the Boston City Council last week with the goal of growing a low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive economy. The ordinance also requires a report to track City investments that includes plans to improve its holdings 120 days after passage.


Today's signing is the culmination of Mayor Wu's years of commitment to reducing carbon, making advancements to shift to renewable energy, and prioritizing the stability of Boston's future for years to come. In 2014, Mayor Wu and Councilor O’Malley presided over the City Council hearing that examined the potential effects of fossil fuel divestment and its relation to Boston’s economy. Mayor Wu also provided testimony at the state in support of city/state divestment from fossil fuels.


“In this closing window of time to act, Boston must lead by taking every possible step for climate justice. Divesting from harmful industries to invest in sustainable and healthy jobs is not only the pathway to a green and resilient future; it’s also the most responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m thankful to the many advocates who fought for this important win and am so proud to take a big step forward towards a Boston Green New Deal today. Together, we are putting Boston on a path towards a healthier, brighter future.” 


“The City of Boston continues to lead on environmental, economic and social justice issues. With the signing of this ordinance, we are headed another step closer toward a more resilient city,” said Councilor O’Malley. “Through codifying our values through this ordinance, we are demonstrating our commitment to addressing global climate change and its impacts on our city for future generations to come.”


"I was proud to partner with Mayor Wu on the council to file this ordinance and I'm even prouder that it's the first one she's signing as mayor,” said Councilor Edwards. “I'm also grateful for Councilor O'Malley's partnership and for all of the advocates that helped push us to take this important step toward a cleaner, more sustainable future."


“This piece of legislation sends a strong signal of where Boston stands in our fight against the climate crisis and the prison industrial complex, and where we are headed in our shared future,” said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. “I want to thank Mayor Wu, Councilor Edwards, Councilor O’Malley, and all of the residents and activists for taking this major step towards racial justice and a just transition to the green economy.” 


The ordinance prohibits the use of public funds from being invested in the stocks, securities, or other obligations of any company which derives more than 15 percent of its revenue from fossil fuels, tobacco products, or carceral facilities. Fossil fuel investments are defined as any company which derives more than 15 percent of its revenue from the combustion, distribution, extraction, manufacture, or sale of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and gas, or fossil fuel products, and electric distribution companies with corporate affiliates that derive revenue from fossil fuels. Full divestment from these industries will be achieved by 2025. 


Boston joins a divestment movement that includes a growing number of municipalities, universities, and private investment funds worldwide. As a Council member, Mayor Wu joined students and activists in filing a complaint with the Massachusetts Attorney General that states Harvard College's investment in fossil fuels goes against the state's Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. Colleges, universities, and municipalities across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as Maine, New York, and Quebec, have all led successful divestment campaigns showing that investing in renewable energy can be more profitable and create more jobs than investing in the fossil fuel industry. The City of Boston passed a similar divestment ordinance in 1984 as part of the global anti-apartheid movement.


"Michelle Wu is clearly intent on becoming a transformative mayor for the climate era, and this is a powerful first step--breaking with the fossil-fueled (and money-losing) status quo. Divestment has become a key part of the fight for a working future, and Boston's action today, coming as it does from a center of financial and scientific power, sends a signal that will be heard loud and clear across the country and around the world,” said Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org and Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College.


“Sierra Club applauds Mayor Wu’s strong and sensible climate leadership. Our new mayor understands that to build a resilient Boston, the city must divest from the corporations that are powering the accelerating climate crisis. The outdated, expensive and dirty 20th century fossil fuel energy technologies cannot be part of a 21st century sustainable Boston,” said Michele Brooks, Sierra Club’s Boston Lead Organizer.


This ordinance builds on Mayor Wu’s work to create an accessible, inclusive green economy that works for all of Boston’s residents. Last week, on her first full day in office, Mayor Wu filed an appropriation order with the City Council for $8 million in federal funds to eliminate fares on the 23, 28 and 29 MBTA bus routes for a two-year period. This program builds on the 4-month fare-free 28 bus pilot program initiated by former Mayor Janey. While overall bus and subway ridership is at 53% of pre-pandemic weekday ridership, the free 28 bus saw ridership surge to 92% of pre-pandemic levels, making it the most popular in the system.




波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 簽署條例,禁市府資金投資於燃料化石業。
            (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)上任一週,繼續實踐競選承諾,在邁向地鐵免費之路上寸步前進之際,今(22)日中午她在市議員、環保人士簇擁中,簽署條例(ordinance),禁止波士頓市府資金投入化石燃料行業。

                          在環保議題上和吳弭步調相類似的聯邦參議員Ed Markey特地出席簽署儀式,稱這就是「綠色新政 (Green New Deal)」的一部分。他為參與這一儀式感到榮幸。







             刻正參選麻州參議員補選的波士頓市議員Lydia Edwards週末時在推特上發貼文,稱氣候危機需要人們立即採取行動,波士頓市議會剛剛批准了她和市議員Matt OMalley,以及吳弭提議的,把市府資金從化石燃料業中移除出去。

            吳弭在星期天(21)下午出席洛士百利波士頓青年家庭中心的「藤蔓 (Vine)街社區中心」紀念凱爾特人(Celtic)籃球隊隊員Terrence Clarke的練球活動中,也透露她為自己能夠親筆簽署這一條例,感到興奮。



             波士頓市議員Lydia Edwards表示,該法令將在2025年前,把大約6500萬元的市府資金,從化石燃料業完全撤出。


             麻州財政長高柏珂 (Deb Goldberg)上周四也宣佈草擬計畫,有意逼使企業減排環保。

             今日中午在市政府大樓三樓觀禮的嘉賓包括聯邦參議員Ed   Markey,350 MassCabell, 社區及環境替代方案的Emmanuell De Barros, 氣候金融行動的Mary Cerulli,波士頓清潔能源聯盟的Rickie Harvey,麻州Sierra俱樂部的Vernon Walker,麻州環保聯盟的Maliha Khan,波士頓大學榮譽教授Richard ClappEastie 農場的Kannan Thiruvengadam,波士頓大學教授Nathan Phillips





(Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 波士頓文教中心日前召開年終僑務工作線上座談會,匯報僑務會議概要,建議加強傳統與郊區僑團聯繫,敦請僑胞多多利用隨時更新的電子版「僑胞服務手冊」。












星期日, 11月 21, 2021

波士頓市長吳弭以身作則 帶6歲兒子接種新冠疫苗

波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu,左)帶著6歲的兒子Blaise注射輝瑞新冠疫苗。
      (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 20日中午,帶著6歲大兒子 Blaise到多徹斯特的全美最古老非洲裔洪門總會所 (Prince Hall Grand Lodge) ,注射輝瑞(Pfizer)新冠疫苗,藉以鼓勵人們接種疫苗,同時提醒民眾,5-11歲兒童現在也有疫苗可打了。       

              波士頓公共衛生局 (BPHC)和哈佛街鄰里健康中心 (Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center)合作,借用位於華盛頓街24號的全美最古老非洲裔洪門總會所 (Prince Hall Grand Lodge),設立家庭疫苗接種門診。

波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu,左)帶著6歲的兒子Blaise注射輝瑞新冠疫苗。(周菊子攝)

           哈佛街鄰里健康中心執行長Charles Murphy表示,從去年4月該機構在這地點設立疫苗門診以來,已有14,000多人在那兒接種了疫苗。112日聯邦疾病防治中心 (CDC)批准輝瑞兒童新冠疫苗上路,他們也開始為兒童提供疫苗接種服務。


             波士頓市府在新聞稿中稱,波士頓公共衛生局行政主任Bisola Ojikutu博士既是一名醫生,也是一名5歲女兒的母親。她們注意到社區中感染新冠病毒的個案數,最近增加了,兒童感染新冠病毒,雖然少見,而一旦感染,仍然可能造成嚴重併發症,得住院,甚至死亡,但研究顯示兒童接種疫苗,預防感染新冠病毒的有效率高達90%以上,她強烈建議家長及監護人帶兒童去接種疫苗。


             波士頓公共衛生局在全市各地支持7個家庭接種疫苗門診。除了位於多徹斯特的普林斯霍爾總會所(Prince Hall Grand Lodge)之外,還有在麥特潘(Mattapan)的移民家庭服務所 (Immigrant Family Services Institute)Gallivan社區中心,晨星(Morningstar) 浸信會教堂,在羅森岱爾(Roslindale)的大羅森岱爾醫療及牙科中心,在海德公園的海德公園(Hyde Park)青年會,在多徹斯特的柯德門(Codman)廣場健康中心。這些家庭疫苗門診提供兒童疫苗,也提供成人疫苗及補充劑。

波士頓公共衛生局也和波士頓公校,醫療護理提供者合作,以確保波士頓市內所有兒童都可以接種到疫苗。查詢相關地點,可上網 here


波士頓市府提醒民眾,任何年滿18歲以上成人,接種輝瑞或莫德納(Moderna)疫苗已超過6個月,或接種強生(Johnson & Johnson)疫苗已2個月,都有資格接種補充劑。查詢疫苗接種地點或相關訊息,可電洽市長健康熱線617-534-5050

左起,  哈佛街鄰里健康中心執行長Charles Murphy和Prince Hall總會所總會長M. W. Timothy R. Downes等人紛紛和波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle   Wu)合影。

星期五, 11月 19, 2021


麻州州長Charlie Baker (右三),波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 和大波士頓銀行董事長
Catherine D'Amato等人各拿一隻冷凍火雞,提醒人們節日將至,請攜手協助人們溫飽。

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 1125日就是感恩節了,大波士頓食物銀行18日特地請出麻州州長、波士頓市長來聯袂宣導「給予鍊 (Chain of Giving)」,鼓勵民眾捐款,捐食物,當義工,幫助更多人溫飽過節。


波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)強調為有需要者提供新鮮、健康、營養食物的重要性。
             今年感恩節,整個社會都面對著物價上漲,人手短缺,供給不足,運送延遲等挑戰,大波士頓食物銀行董事長Catherine D'Amato指出,今年恐怕是他們曾經歷的最昂貴節日,火雞漲價了10%,甜薯漲價20%,卡車司機及包裝材料的短缺也十分嚴重,往年3週能運達的東西,今年恐怕得花5週時間,為保障更多家庭能享受感恩節大餐,萬一火雞供應量不足,他們將以雞取代。


             麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)恭喜大波士頓食物銀行今年40週年,感謝該機構所有工作人員,開卡車的,包裝食物的,那些穿著夾克在現場服務的所有人,直言新冠病毒大流行開始時,人們面對的最大問題之一,就是運送食物等的很多服務停頓了,很多食物儲藏室無法營運,或者沒了義工,或者是車輛不足,整個食物運送系統都必須重新構想如何運作,才能把食物送到有需要的人那兒。他還特地頒發表揚狀給該機構董事長Catherine D'Amato,感謝她的堅持服務。

麻州州長Charlie Baker感謝基層服務人員,讚揚他們維持住了食物運送系統。(周菊子攝)
             波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)也感謝Catherine D'Amato為女性做模範,並指出早前曾攜手商議如何促進社團機構合作,讓更多社區民眾知道這些資源。她也感謝波士頓市府的「獲取食物(Food Access)」部門在保障學童有營養餐食等方面的努力。她強調,食物系統是鍊接所有人的媒介,不論人們的背景,收入,族裔為何,一旦食物系統出問題,所有人都會受影響。所以她很感謝大波士頓食物銀行不但確保食物的新鮮,健康,營養,還關注因應社區文化,族裔身分。


大波士頓銀行董事長Catherine D'Amato獲頒表揚狀,籲請更多人加入服務行列,(周菊子攝)

Mayor Michelle Wu will address all City of Boston workers on Nov. 19th


At 9:30AM on Nov. 19, Mayor Michelle Wu will address all City of Boston workers to touch base, give an update from her administration, and share her plans for the coming weeks. We invite you to join us!

吳弭市長、聯邦眾議員Pressley支持 Lydia Edwards 角逐麻州參議員

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley endorses
Lydia Edwards for State Senate

BOSTON – Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley has endorsed Lydia Edwards in her campaign for State Senate to represent the First Suffolk and Middlesex District.

U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley said: "Our communities are facing overlapping crises of public health, economic inequality, and racial injustice. At the heart of each of these issues is housing, and Lydia has been a champion for housing justice throughout her career. On the City Council, she has brought compassion and commitment to the fight for safe, stable housing for every Bostonian — that brings with it the opportunity for greater economic mobility, better health, and generational wealth building. I know Lydia will bring that same understanding, determination, and leadership to the State Senate, and I'm proud to endorse her campaign."

“Ayanna Pressley opened doors for people like me on the Boston City Council. She is a pioneer who shattered glass ceilings and literally changed the face of our elected government,” said Lydia Edwards. “I was proud to serve with her on the council before her election to Congress and hope that we can continue that partnership in the legislature.”

This past June, U.S. Rep. Pressley joined Councilor Edwards in East Boston to address climate justice and to advocate for a green economy and promote clean energy jobs with the aid of President Biden’s American Jobs Plan. Recently, Lydia led the effort to create a Boston-Cambridge tourism marketing district. This partnership between cities of Boston and Cambridge, and hotels in both communities, will create revenue to stimulate the economy and promote local businesses, particularly critical in the wake of COVID-19’s devastating impacts on the physical and financial health of our communities.

Primary Election Day is December 14, 2021. Early vote in Boston begins on December 4 and will take place at City Hall and neighborhood locations to be announced by Mayor Wu. Boston Democratic voters that requested mail-in ballots through the end of the year on their initial applications should receive ballots in the mail in the coming week.