
星期三, 3月 03, 2021



(Boston Orange 綜合編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(3)日宣佈,中小學教師311日起可在全州各地的170個疫苗站接種新冠疫苗了。麻州這個月只會收到約58000J&J疫苗。

下週,麻州將在Lower Merrimack Valley新增一個區域合作疫苗注射站,查詢詳情可上網mass.gov/covidvaccinemapmass

美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)2日才呼籲各州政府,最遲在本月底前,讓老師們接種新冠病毒疫苗,以期學校教育可以早日恢復正常。查理貝克坦言,把老師們接種疫苗的排序提前,是響應拜登總統的呼籲。


麻州參議會議長President Karen Spilka也在2日時號召議會同仁向查理貝克施壓,催促他在讓老師們注射疫苗上激進些。




查理貝克今早和副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)等人專程前往位於高羅士打(Gloucester)的西教區小學(West Parish),慶祝該校返校上課第101日。


GLOUCESTER — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that K-12 educators, child care workers and K-12 school staff will be eligible to schedule COVID-19 vaccine appointments starting March 11.  This group of workers will join the current eligible groups (including 65+ and individuals with 2+ certain medical conditions). 

The Administration also released details on available appointments for the upcoming week.

Vaccines for K-12 Educators, Child Care Workers and K-12 School Staff

Beginning March 11th, all K-12 educators, child care workers and K-12 school staff will be eligible to schedule appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine. Educators may book appointments at all 170 sites currently open to eligible residents in Massachusetts by visiting www.mass.gov/covidvaccinemap . 

Additionally, the Command Center will work to designate specific days at the seven mass vaccination sites for educators to get their shots.  More details will be released soon.

There are approximately 400,000 K-12 educators, child care workers and K-12 school staff in Massachusetts.  Due to a severely constrained federal supply and the existing population that is currently eligible for vaccines, it is estimated that it will take a month for all eligible individuals to secure a first appointment.  This timeframe is only subject to change if federal supply increases dramatically, including the recently authorized Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 

Vaccine Appointments

This week, the Commonwealth anticipates over 250,000 doses will be administered between first and second doses across all providers throughout the Commonwealth.

On Thursday, March 4, 12,000 new first appointments for mass vaccination sites will be made available to eligible groups. Over 45,000 new second dose appointments have also been scheduled at mass vaccination sites.

The number of new appointments (first dose appointments) is less than previous weeks due to the volume of second dose appointments. 7,500 appointments have also been booked by the call center (211) for older adults who were unable to use a computer to book an appointment and required assistance.

As more individuals have received a first vaccine dose  across the Commonwealth, there is a greater  need to book second appointments, so the mass vaccination sites have fewer first dose appointments available on a weekly basis.

Later next week, a new Regional Collaboration will go live: the Lower Merrimack Valley regional collaboration, to include the City of Amesbury, Georgetown, Groveland, Merrimac, Newbury, Newburyport, Rowley, Salisbury and West Newbury. Details on this collaborative will be on the website at mass.gov/covidvaccinemap next week.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

The COVID-19 Command Center was notified that Massachusetts is receiving only one shipment of 58,000 doses for the month of March. These doses have been allocated – primarily to hospitals and health systems.

Based on information the Commonwealth has received from the federal government, the Administration does not expect to be able to order more J&J doses until the end of March or early April.

While the Commonwealth is receiving limited doses of the J&J vaccine in March, the Administration is continuing to plan for eventual widespread distribution of the J&J vaccine

波克萊台商會3/8 昆士市3/15 辦會議慶祝婦女節

 (Boston Orange) 跨入三月份,大波士頓有一系列以女性為主題的演講活動,其中聲勢最浩大的是波克萊台灣商會和15個組織合辦,訂美東時間38日晚,78點半舉行的和婦女領袖晤談(A Conversation with Women Leaders)”

            這活動分生物科技,以及政治經濟兩場座談,講者包括中華民國駐美代表蕭美琴,刻正競選波士頓市長的波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),哈佛大學商學院首名台裔女教授黃樂仁(Laura Huang),美迪西基金(Foundation medicine)全球投資組合策略主管暨資深副總裁Amy Lin,Clinical Development Operation 副總裁   Tara O'malley,以及默克(Merk)225日宣佈以18.5億元收購的Pandion療法聯合創辦人Jo Viney等人。


北美台灣人工程科學協會(NATEA)則訂35日的晚上57點,以及312日舉辦婦女高峰會,介紹10名在科技、創業界的女性,以慶祝2021年的國際婦女節。講者包括播客主持人Vickie Tung,谷歌高級軟體工程師Jenny ChiehDictionary.com產品管理主任Jolie Huang,微軟金融服務消費者組主管Michelle Peterson500 Startups執行長Christine Tsai,北美台灣人工程科學協會董事Alice HuoFomulate Ventures創辦人Morgan Lai等人。查詢詳情可上網https://natea.org/upcoming-events/

35日至6日,有一場以黑人,土著及有色婦女(BIWOC)同聚,談健康,療癒及希望的會議。講者包括亞裔婦女健康會的黃千姬。查詢詳情可上網BIWOC Gathering Circle

                         315日晚上6點,有昆士市計畫局舉辦的小企業市場行銷網路會議,講者包括CareDash的資深數位行銷專員Tiffany Tang,亞美專業人士協會波士頓分會(NAAAP Boston)主任暨Meduvi創辦人Renee Lin,以及婦女加速器共同創辦人Susu Wong。查詢可上網https://fb.me/e/1atets0G0。(更新版)

星期二, 3月 02, 2021

吳弭(Michelle Wu)競選波士頓市長 倡議可負擔幼兒托育計劃


           (Boston Orange綜合報導)刻正競選波士頓市市長的吳弭(Michelle Wu)(2)日宣佈,為彌平波士頓市的兒童照顧差距,要為03歲兒童制定真正具普遍性的可負擔高品質學齡前教育計畫。










             聯邦參議員,也是吳弭的政治導師的伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)參選美國總統時,就把早期教育列為政策之一。這議題在新冠病毒大流行,托兒所及幼稚園紛紛關閉,許多職業婦女被迫離職之際,也更顯重要。


             也在競選波士頓市長的波士頓市議員Andrea Campbell上週也要求召開公聽會,就波士頓市內普遍性學齡前教育狀態,以及為零到5歲兒童建立全民早期教育的完整計畫,聽取意見。

             波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)2013年競選市長時也允諾為所有人提供免費的有品質幼稚園前學習。八年之後,波士頓公校仍然只照顧到市內64004歲大兒童的大概一半。許多人認為對家長來說,該系統繼麻煩,又不公平,需要研究一大堆學校,然後經由抽籤競爭,還不保證是否會被接受入學。


             現年35歲的吳弭和現年38歲的Andrea Campbell各有2名男孩,也都未能免於在波士頓市作為幼兒母親的沮喪。




第125屆波士頓馬拉松賽訂10月11日舉行 首7萬報名者可參加虛擬賽


B.A.A. Announces Virtual Fall Boston Marathon Open to First 70,000 Entrants

Held in addition to in-person Boston Marathon in celebration of the 125th edition of the historic race 

BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has announced it will offer a virtual Boston Marathon, which will be open to everyone aged 18 or over, in celebration of the 125th Boston Marathon this fall. Held in addition to the in-person Boston Marathon scheduled for Monday, October 11, 2021, the virtual race will be open to the first 70,000 registrants.

“We anticipate having a reduced field size for the in-person road race on Monday, October 11 but want to celebrate and honor the 125th running of the Boston Marathon through this virtual race,” said Tom Grilk, President and C.E.O. of the B.A.A. “For the first time in our history, most everyone will have the opportunity to earn a Unicorn finisher’s medal for every B.A.A. race in 2021—no matter whether they choose to walk or run.”

Registration for the virtual Boston Marathon will open through the B.A.A.’s Athletes’ Village and will take place separately from the in-person registration. All participants will need to complete the marathon distance of 26.2 miles in one, continuous attempt in order to earn their Unicorn finisher’s medal, but will not be limited to any time restrictions. Participants in the virtual 125th Boston Marathon also will receive a virtual toolkit with an official bib number, champion’s breaktape, start and finish line, and more.

Field size for the in-person Boston Marathon, scheduled to take place on Monday, October 11, has not yet been finalized but will be smaller than previous years in order to enhance participant and public safety. The B.A.A. will strive to achieve a field size composition as close to previous years as possible, with approximately 80% of the field being comprised of qualified entrants and 20% being comprised of invitational entries, including charity program runners. Details about the in-person race, including registration dates, COVID-19 safety measures, and participant requirements will be announced in the coming weeks.

"Building upon the success of the 2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Experience, we again will strive to bring the spirit of Boston to neighborhoods around the world through this virtual race," said Grilk. "No matter where you cross the finish line, the 125th Boston Marathon will be a celebration for all runners." In 2020, 16,183 runners from nearly 90 countries and all 50 U.S. states finished the Boston Marathon Virtual Experience.

In January, the B.A.A. launched Athletes’ Village, a virtual hub for free monthly challenges, paid training programs, and an online community for runners to interact. As part of the #RunTo125 campaign, the B.A.A. seeks to engage 125,000 athletes worldwide through virtual events and Athletes' Village challenges. The #RunTo125 celebrates athletes of all abilities, whether participating in the virtual B.A.A. 5K (April 16-18), Boston Marathon (in-person and virtual), or other upcoming B.A.A. races. Registration is currently open for the virtual B.A.A. 5K, which can be run anywhere over Patriots’ Day weekend.


波士頓市議員Ed Flynn舉辦疫苗說明會。
         (Boston Orange) 波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)辦公室日轉告社區,塔芙茨醫療中心因收到了更多的疫苗,現在開始可以接受外界預約接種新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫苗。


             符合以上資格者,可上網(www . tuftsmcvaccine . org)預約接種疫苗日期,然後在約定時間到天滿街(Tremont)279號,就在萬豪(Marriott)酒店旁邊的塔芙茨醫療中心去。現場將有口翻譯人員提供協助。

             塔芙茨醫療中心並補充說明,根據麻州公共衛生廳的疫苗指南,輝瑞(Pfizer),莫德納(Moderna),以及強生和強生(Johnson & Johnson)這三種疫苗麻州都有,經過聯邦藥品管理局(FDA)和其他法規ㄉ位的嚴格審核,在預防住院和死亡上100%有效。






o        17位確診病例被隔離

o          16位密切接觸者被隔離

o          181位患者已痊愈


o          0名學生檢測為陽性,1,476名為陰性(0%陽性)

o          2名工作人員或教職人員檢測為陽性,731名為陰性(0.27%陽性)


o          波士頓健康科學校區內,104名學生檢測為陽性,2,128名為陰性 (4.66%陽性)

o          波士頓健康科學校區內,38名雇員檢測為陽性,984名為陰性 (3.72%陽性)


星期一, 3月 01, 2021


 街道清掃將於 3 月 1 日(週一)起在 North End、South End 和 Beacon Hill 恢復,並於 4 月 1 日在全市恢復。針對 針對街道清掃開立強制執行罰單也分別將在這些日期恢復,違反規定的車輛將予拖吊。 此外,Boston Transportation Department(波士頓交通局)也將於 3 月 1 日針對驗車貼紙和車輛登記過期者恢復開立強制執行罰單。


未能於公告的街道清掃時段移車者將處以 40 美元罰鍰; Charlestown 的罰鍰為 90 美元,過夜街道清掃罰鍰為 90 美元。 驗車貼紙或車輛登記過期者將處以 40 美元罰鍰。 停車代碼和罰鍰的完整清單請參閱 波士頓市網站。 若要瞭解更多有關日間和夜間街道清掃計畫,包括 Public Works Department(公共工程部)何時清掃特定社區,您可 線上註冊,接收街道清掃通知和 No-Tow(勿拖吊)提醒服務。



殘障標語牌/牌照如在公共衛生緊急狀況期間過期,介於當時民眾更新可能存在困難,BTD 將不會開具罰單。 Registry of Motor Vehicles(汽機車登記局)限定以郵寄方式處理殘障標語牌/牌照相關案件



為支援醫護系統,BTD 已列出設施,為醫療專業人員提供免費、優待或保留車位服務。 若要享有停車折扣,醫護人員需出示醫院識別證。 請參閱參與服務的 設施清單。



波士頓市聯合位於布魯克萊恩、劍橋、埃弗雷特及薩默維爾的市政合作夥伴為波士頓都會區所有雜貨店和藥局工作者提供公共單車共享系統 Bluebikes 的 90 天免費通行證。 為支持小型企業的員工,波士頓市也提供 90 天免費通行證給波士頓的零售店或餐廳工作者。 如需更多資訊,可參閱  boston.gov/bike-share

Translations available in Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cabo Verdean Creole, Vietnamese, and Traditional Chinese.


Beginning Monday, March 1, street sweeping will resume in the North End, South End and Beacon Hill, and will resume citywide on April 1. Street sweeping ticketing enforcement will also resume on those dates respectively, and vehicles in violation will be subject to towing. Additionally, the Boston Transportation Department will resume ticketing enforcement for expired inspection stickers and vehicle registration on March 1.


Failure to move a vehicle during posted street sweeping hours results in a $40 fine; the fine is $90 in Charlestown, and $90 for overnight street sweeping. An expired inspection sticker or vehicle registration will result in a $40 fine. View a complete list of parking codes and fines in the City of Boston. To learn more about the daytime and nighttime street sweeping program, including when the Public Works Department cleans a particular neighborhood, you can sign up for street sweeping alerts and No-Tow reminder service online.



BTD will not ticket for expired disability placards/plates if they expired during the public health emergency, given potential challenges for people to renew at this time. The Registry of Motor Vehicles is only processing requests for disability placards/plates by mail.



To support the medical community, BTD has identified facilities offering free, reduced rate or reserved parking for medical professionals. To receive discounted parking, medical staff will need to present a hospital ID. See the list of participating facilities.



The City of Boston and its municipal partners in Brookline, Cambridge, Everett, and Somerville are offering all grocery store and pharmacy workers in metro Boston a free 90-day pass for the public bike share system, Bluebikes. To support employees of small businesses, the City of Boston is also offering free 90-day passes to people who work in retail shops or restaurants in Boston. More information is available at boston.gov/bike-share.


(Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)31日宣佈,41日起,餐館可以在戶外供餐。

            波士頓市將延續2020年實施得頗為成功的戶外用餐試驗計畫(Outdoor Dining Pilot Program)”,讓餐館經由簡便手續申請許可,就可在餐館外的人行道,狹窄巷弄等地方,擺設露臺式的戶外用餐區。




             為協助餐館業者,波士頓市府已免除出申請費,並將持續提供辦理申請的技術援助。申請協助可發電郵到 smallbiz@boston.gov

             波士頓殘障局(Boston Disabilities Commission)也將和餐館業者密切合作,全市配送殘障坡道。



              波士頓是經濟發展辦公室在新型冠狀病毒大流行期間,經由小企業紓困基金(Small Business Relief Fund)共發出1510萬元給3700家企業,其中500萬元是直接發給將近1000家餐館業主。大約有670萬元的免償還補助,發給了1850家小企業。




City of Boston to provide additional assistance to restaurants; open outdoor dining sooner if weather permits


BOSTON - Monday, March 1, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that in collaboration with the Boston Licensing Board and City departments, outdoor dining for restaurants in Boston will begin on April 1, 2021. The 2021 Outdoor Dining Pilot Program will continue many of the successful initiatives from last year's program, such as streamlined permitting and outdoor patios on roadways that enable restaurants with narrow sidewalks to offer patio seating to patrons, while offering new features based on community feedback. Applications for outdoor dining licenses on both public and private property are now open, and businesses can apply online. A start date of April 1 is weather-dependent, and City departments are meeting regularly and observing the weather forecast to determine whether an earlier start date is possible.

 “Outdoor dining contributes to a vibrant, welcoming city, and we’ve seen the benefits outdooring has had on our neighborhoods: supporting local businesses, a safe and enjoyable experience for restaurant patrons, and an added resource for Boston’s small businesses during this challenging time,” said Mayor Walsh. “Boston has worked hard to ensure this is an accessible, streamlined process for businesses, and I look forward to the 2021 outdoor dining season starting this spring.”

 The 2021 Outdoor Dining Pilot Program season will begin on April 1, 2021, or earlier if weather permits, and will end on December 1, 2021, weather permitting. Restaurants who took part in the 2020 temporary outdoor dining program and who wish to do so in 2021 must re-apply, and the City will also be accepting applications from restaurants who did not take part in the 2020 temporary outdoor dining program. 

 The City has held a series of virtual training sessions to help businesses with the application process. Outreach to businesses on outdoor dining is a coordinated effort through the Licensing Board, Office of Economic Development, Office of Neighborhood Services, and Boston Main Streets. 

 Updated support for businesses include:

 Waived fees to reduce barriers to applying to the program including Licensing Board fees and fees for the use of the public way.

Continued technical support and additional targeted outreach to help support underrepresented restaurant owners. Businesses can get direct support by emailing smallbiz@boston.gov.

Centralized online application that allows City departments to reduce administrative load of reviewing and approving applications and increases transparency in the review process for restaurant owners

Clearer guidance and instructions that improve upon the guidance offered in 2020 (more standardized site plan, clearer language around barrier requirements, etc.)

 The Boston Disabilities Commission will also again work closely with restaurants to distribute ramps throughout the City.

 The online application went live on December 10, 2020 and to date, the City has received more than 370 applications of which more than 150 have been approved. For the 2020 temporary outdoor dining season, the Licensing Board approved more than 550 requests for outdoor dining licenses with over 415 on public property. Of the total approved outdoor spaces, applications from every single neighborhood in the City of Boston were represented.

 Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Boston has been steadfast in its commitment to supporting the small business community. To date, the Office of Economic Development has issued $15.1 million to more than 3,700 businesses, of which $5 million has been directly allocated to nearly 1,000 restaurant owners. More than $6.7 million in debt-free grants have been distributed to over 1,850 small businesses in every neighborhood across the City of Boston through the Office of Economic Development's Small Business Relief Fund. In November 2020, the City launched three new funds totaling $6.3 million that support small businesses in Boston that have been affected by COVID-19, focusing on commercial rent relief, supporting certified women-, minority-, and veteran-owned small businesses, and restaurant relief. To further assist the City's small businesses, the City of Boston has created a list of suppliers to help businesses source the personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaning supplies required to ensure the safety of employees and customers as industries reopen. 

 Additional information on outdoor dining, and applications for businesses, is available on boston.gov.