
星期二, 1月 19, 2021

麻州市鎮首長年薪差距大 州長年薪比波士頓市長低

           (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 麻州Chicopee市考慮為市長加薪,一加37000元這事,讓人重新發現美國的各州各市,固然有人口多寡,腹地大小的不同,但州長、市長的年薪,卻並不和這些條件直接掛勾,差距幅度極大。

麻州人口6892503,州長年薪在查理貝克(Charlie Baker)的第一個任期中是151800元,2017年前後,州議會通過了加薪案,查理貝克否決,州議會再推翻他的否決,然後他在2018年又再拒絕了加薪以及房屋津貼。不過2019年他競選連任時表示,如果再當選,就會接受加薪,因此他現在的年薪是185000元,另加65000元房屋津貼。





較多華人聚居的城市,昆士市(Quincy)人口94468,市長柯奇(Tom Koch)的年薪15943元。摩頓市(Malden)人口6984,市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)年薪105000元。牛頓市(Newton)人口88,411,市長Ruthanne Fuller年薪155000元。尚莫維爾市(Somerville)人口81358,市長Joseph Curtatone,年薪181384元。

劍橋市(Cambridge)人口118,925,市長Sumbul Siddiqui的年薪遠不及劍橋市市經理Louis A. DePasquale年薪的33萬元。

傅萊明罕市(Framingham)人口74429,市長Yvonne M, Spicer的年薪,2019年時已經是$187,639,是麻州20個大城市中,年薪最高的市長之一。

            人口154000人的春田市,市長Domenic J. Sarno,年薪135000元。Holyoke市長年薪85000元,Westfield市長10萬元,另有5000元汽車津貼。這兩個城市的人口各約4萬。

            Northampton 市長年薪$92,500,西春田市市長年薪$125,000Agawam市長的年薪剛從$85,000 增加到 $110,000. 這三個城市的人口各約28000人。

            12月時,Easthampton市議會批准市長逐年加薪,從2020年的$70,000 增加到2025年的$90,000 。該市人口16,000

            麻州人口最少的城市,只有13,708人的北亞當市(North Adams),市長Thomas Bernard的年薪為88,470元。


Chicopee市人口55000,市長John L. Vieau認為某些民選官員的薪資已逾10年未加,請人調查後,把報告交給市議會,藉由該報告指出市府應為員工們加薪



不過市議員Joel McAuliffe,以及有些人認為,在疫情期間,有那麼多人被遣散,居民及企業主都在為繳房租或貸款而掙扎,今年實在不是個加薪的好時機。

麻州學校、警界最多高薪者 年領百萬有2人

             (Boston Orange編譯)根據主計長辦公室數據,儘管麻州在疫情期間刪減了數以千計的州府員工,去年的薪資總額仍然增長2%,達到82億美元。



             不過,傾向於自由主義的智庫,也是座落於波士頓的監督者的這先驅學院(Pioneer Institute)的研究主任Greg Sullivan,把大部分的州政府薪資總額增加歸因於集體議價協議。



             薪酬最高的是麻州大學醫學院校長Michael F. Collins2020年領得110萬元。另一名年薪逾百萬元的也來自醫學院,那是執行副校長Terence R. Flotte。他去年的薪資是107萬元。

             薪資第三高的是麻州大學民兵(Minutemen)棒球隊教練Matt McCall,年薪85萬元。排名前10的其他人,或者是在學界工作,或者是州立學校的體育教練。麻州大學系統總校長Marty Meehan 在這前10名中釣尾巴,去年薪資584000元。

             麻州內非麻州大學員工的去年最高薪者是首席法醫Mindy Hull,薪資額395000元,在高薪名單上排名第31

             在麻州薪資冊上最高薪的執法人員是州警中的副警長(lieutenant colonel )Richard Ball。他以年薪32700原排名第64。他是年薪超過30萬元的4名州警之一。另有48名執法人員年薪超過25萬元。州警警長(Colonel)Christopher Mason的年薪是286000元。

             做為麻州一州之長的州長,查理貝克(Charlie Baker)去年薪資185000元。不過大部分的州府員工賺得少多了。根據主計長的數計,去年麻州州府員工的平均薪資僅為62000元。






星期一, 1月 18, 2021


             (Boston Orange周菊子綜合編譯)中美之間的科技競爭越形激烈,近年似乎正藉由多名科學家,科研者陸續遭遇指控,展現在大眾眼前。

             波士頓環球報在117日也以一篇貝斯以色列女執事醫療中心(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)31歲前研究員鄭朝松(Zaosong Zheng),服刑87天後被遣送回中國的報導,把114日發生的麻省理工學院知名教授陳剛,遭聯邦調查局以未據實申報境外兼職與科研活動而逮捕,再說了一遍。




             去年128日,美國檢察官Andrew Lelling稱,鄭朝松和哈佛大學化學系主任Charles Lieber,以及也具有中國人民解放軍中尉身份的波士頓大學楊燕清(譯音,Yanqing Ye)的涉案,描繪出中國的大規模,長期的偷取美國技術為己用的行為





             鄭超松的律師之一,Norman Zalkind表示,他的客戶如果來自歐洲國家,就不會被這麼嚴厲的對待。但是美國政府在全球性的科學主導競爭中有恐懼,美國已經被中國超越了,於是即使很輕微的罪也很努力追查。






             陳剛的律師Robert Fisher說,他的客戶愛美國,而且打算強烈捍衛這些指控




            (Boston Orange) 麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(18)日將分別於早上11點,以及下午1點,5點,分別出席不同活動,紀念馬丁路德金(Martin Luther King, Jr.)博士。

           馬丁華殊另將於今日下午1點,參加終結上癮標記 承諾幫助那些在你的社區內掙扎的人這活動,藉以誌記國家服務日

Mayor Martin J. Walsh


12:00 p.m. 

Mayor Walsh, in partnership with Boston University, presents "A Day of Celebration in Honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The event will be live streamed on both Boston.gov and BU.edu, as well as on the City of Boston's cable network (Xfinity: channel 24, RCN: channel 13, and Fios: channel 962.)

1:00 p.m.

As part of the National Day of Service, Mayor Walsh participates in Shatterproof's "End Addiction Stigma - Pledge to Help Those Struggling In Your Community" event. 

The event will be livestreamed on Youtube: https://youtu.be/mw8AMTPbXcM

Charlie Baker 

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker will provide remarks for Springfield’s virtual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration, titled “The Dream is Calling You.”

Then, Governor Baker will provide remarks for King Boston’s “Voices on King” program. The program honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King, and highlights the work of King Boston to honor their lives and legacy. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Governor Baker to participate the Springfield MLK Day Celebration: “The Dream is Calling You”  on Focus Springfield TV at 11AM.

 Live stream available here.

Governor Baker to participate “Voices on King” by King Boston at 5:00 PM on TBF.org; 7:25 PM on NBC 10 Boston and NECN

 Live stream available here.

星期日, 1月 17, 2021


(Boston Orange編譯) 麻州公共衛生廳(DPH)117日宣佈,麻州出現第一宗新冠病毒變種,B.1.1.7,和英國發現的一樣。






Department of Public Health announces first case of COVID-19 variant confirmed in Massachusetts


  • Department of Public Health

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Public Health today announced that the first case of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7 has been detected in Massachusetts. This is the same variant initially discovered in the United Kingdom. The individual developed symptoms in early January and tested positive for COVID-19. A genetic sample was sent to an out-of-state laboratory as part of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) established surveillance process to identify COVID-19 variants. The State Public Health Laboratory was notified last evening of the results.

The individual is a Boston resident, a female in her 20’s.  She had traveled to the United Kingdom and became ill the day after she returned. She had tested negative prior to leaving the UK. The individual was interviewed by contact tracers at the time the initial positive result was received, and close contacts were identified. She is being re-interviewed by public health officials now that the variant has been identified as the cause of illness.

Surveillance testing for the B.1.1.7 variant has been ongoing at the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory in collaboration with clinical diagnostic laboratories and academic partners. Surveillance consists of genomic sequencing on portions of COVID-19 positive specimens.

To date, the CDC has reported 88 cases from 14 states in the United States.

Given the increased transmissibility of this variant and the number of states and other countries that have found infected cases, the Department expected the variant to arrive in Massachusetts eventually. The public health risk reduction measures remain the same. Individuals must continue to wear masks or face coverings while out in public, maintain 6-foot social distancing, stay home when you are sick, and get tested if you have symptoms or are identified as a close contact.

星期五, 1月 15, 2021



BOSTON - Friday, January 15, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today celebrated the passage of legislation that will provide the City of Boston with more flexibility to leverage the strong development market to fund affordable housing and workforce training programs. Originally introduced by the Mayor as a Home Rule Petition in January 2019, he signed "An Act to Further Leverage Commercial Development to Build Housing, Create Jobs, and Preserve Inclusionary Development" with the support of the City Council in September 2019, and the legislation was sponsored by Representative Kevin Honan at the State House. The legislation was signed by Governor Baker on Thursday, January 14, 2021. 

"In Boston we will continue to use every tool that we have to make sure that Boston's strong growth is reaching all of our residents by creating affordable housing and investing in workforce training," said Mayor Walsh. "This historic legislation will strengthen Boston's Inclusionary Development Policy and linkage program, and allow us to continue to leverage millions of dollars in funding for programs that positively impact the lives of Boston's residents. I thank the many advocates, the Boston City Council, and the Legislature for helping us reach this milestone."

In December 2019, the Mayor testified at the State House alongside residents and workers in support of the legislation.

"This is an incredible opportunity to step up on the production of affordable housing in our City and meet the challenges that have been underscored by the pandemic," said Vanessa Calderon-Rosado, CEO, Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA).  "I'm grateful to the Mayor for his leadership in keeping this measure front and center, and to the State legislature and Governor Baker for taking it through to the finish line.  

"The Job Training Alliance is thrilled to be able to collaborate with the City on a re-employment strategy for the many Bostonians who are currently out of work," said Amy Nishman, Senior Vice President of Strategy at JVS. "Job training is an integral service that moves low-income residents into and up in the labor market."

"It is important that all our residents are benefitting from the increase in development across the city. With greater flexibility in our linkage fees, we can further leverage a proven resource to meaningfully expand our affordable housing stock," said Chairman Kevin Honan. "This is critical funding for affordable housing and workforce development programs, both of which have become increasingly important during this pandemic."

Linkage Updates

Boston's Linkage program provides funding for affordable housing and workforce training through payments by large-scale commercial real estate development. While previously, the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) was only allowed to adjust Linkage every three years based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the new law will allow Boston to adjust the required payment and program guidelines, including annual adjustments, allowing for Linkage to be more closely aligned with the market and offering additional opportunities for the creation of affordable housing and workforce development.

Currently, commercial developments over 100,000 square feet pay $10.81 per square foot, of which $9.03 is for housing and $1.78 is for jobs Linkage. The money collected is made available through competitive funding rounds administered by the Neighborhood Housing Trust and the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development. 

Since 2014, new development has generated over $80 million in linkage to support affordable housing and job training, and provided industry-recognized job training to over 2,000 Boston residents annually.  Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Neighborhood Jobs Trust has dedicated $2.4 million to emergency supports for workforce and education programs, as well as specialized job training for workers preparing to enter the IT/tech industry.

Since inception in 1986, linkage has produced more than $200 million for affordable housing and workforce training. 

Inclusionary Development Policy Updates 

The new law will also allow Boston to codify its Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) into the Boston Zoning Code. Under the current policy, IDP requires that developers of buildings with 10 or more units seeking zoning relief or building on City of Boston-owned land set aside a percentage of their on-site units as income-restricted, create off-site income-restricted units, or make a payment to the IDP fund. 

As the BPDA completes comprehensive planning in Boston's neighborhoods and updates Boston's existing zoning, more market-rate residential projects may become 'as of right' and be exempt from IDP requirements. The legislation would allow Boston to strengthen its IDP as a strategy to capture affordable housing units and funding from projects which are zoning compliant, expanding the work under Mayor Walsh to create and preserve Boston's affordable housing. 

The IDP has led to the creation of 2,917 units of stable, income-restricted housing, and $89.2 million in contributions to the IDP Fund since its inception in 2000. When combined with other affordable housing resources, the IDP has supported the completion or preservation of 1,847 additional units of income-restricted housing. In total, 4,764 income-restricted units have been created through the IDP.

Under Mayor Walsh, the BPDA is leading an unprecedented number of planning studies, each guided by Imagine Boston 2030 the first city-wide master plan in 50 years aimed at guiding growth. Currently, there are neighborhood planning studies moving forward in Charlestown, Downtown, Dorchester's Glover's Corner, East Boston, Mattapan, Newmarket and Allston-Brighton's Western Avenue, and since 2014, planning guidelines have been passed for PLAN: JP/Rox, PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue, and PLAN: Nubian Square

In 2020 alone, new development approved by BPDA is generating 2,826 income-restricted units, over $5.4 million in new Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) funds, over $43.2 million in Linkage fees to support affordable housing, and over $8.5 million in Linkage fees to support job training programs. This legislation will allow the BPDA to further leverage development to increase these streams of funding. 



The City of Boston and Boston University continue the tradition of paying tribute
to the life, legacy, and influence of Dr. King.

BOSTON - Friday, January 15, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that, in partnership with Boston University, the City of Boston will present "A Day of Celebration in Honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr" on Monday, January 18, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. The event will be live streamed on both boston.gov and bu.edu, as well as on the City of Boston's cable network (Xfinity: channel 24, RCN: channel 13, and Fios: channel 962.)

"Commemorating the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is pivotal to remembering the long history of racial injustice in our country, especially as we strive to achieve equity for all," said Mayor Walsh. "Thank you to Boston University and the New England Conservatory for your partnership in celebrating Dr. King's life and for adapting our annual event to allow us to safely honor this day. I'm proud to invite all Bostonians to mark this important day with us."

This year, the City of Boston and Boston University welcome New England Conservatory as a partner in its celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. King. This year's program will spotlight Coretta Scott King, who graduated from New England Conservatory in 1954, and it will feature the works of James Baldwin, who wrote of the resistance movements, dissent and humanity of young people. The event will feature remarks from Mayor Martin J. Walsh, BU President Robert A. Brown and Karen Holmes Ward, and performances by the New England Conservatory.  The event culminates with featured speakers Eddie S. Glaude, the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor and chair of the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University and Ibram X. Kendi, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University and Director and Founder of the BU Center for Antiracist Research.

"On Monday we celebrate Dr. King's legacy and honor his sacrifice. At Boston University we are mindful that as we emerge from COVID-which has affected African-American and Hispanic members of our communities far more than others-we will not, and should not, revert to the old normal," said Boston University President Robert A. Brown. "We must aim to establish new and better conditions and protections for everyone and fight against both prejudice and complacency."

"We count it a great privilege to call Coretta Scott King an alumna of NEC, and are thrilled to join Boston University and the City of Boston in honouring the profound work and contributions of Dr. and Mrs. King," said NEC President Andrea Kalyn. "As individuals and as a couple, the Kings lived their commitment to the principles of freedom, equity, and justice, and their belief in the very concept of humanity."

In previous years, leaders such as U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley, Beverly Morgan-Welch, Sonia Sanchez, Dr. Alvin Poussaint, Ernest Green of the Little Rock Nine, Judy Richardson of Eyes on the Prize, and civil rights activist and filmmaker Topper Carew served as keynote speakers. Governor Deval Patrick, Chief Justice Roderick Ireland, Boston Poet Laureates Sam Cornish and Danielle Legros Georges, former Orthopaedic Surgeon-in-Chief at Beth Israel Hospital Dr. Augustus White, and WGBH Radio host Eric Jackson are among those who have served as readers in previous years.

Governor Baker Signs ‘Laura’s Law’ (with video)


BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito participated in a ceremonial signing of S.2931, An Act to ensure safe patient access to emergency care.

 Named in memory of Laura Levis, Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito were also joined by Laura’s husband, Pete DeMarco, members of her family, and Senator Pat Jehlen.

 “I signed ‘Laura’s Law’ to safeguard against future tragedies occurring just steps away from hospital emergency departments,” said Governor Baker. “In the wake of her tragic passing, Laura’s husband, Pete, undertook an exhaustive effort to honor her legacy and protect others from similar fates. After months of collaboration and hard work with legislators, including Senator Jehlen and Representative Barber, I am proud to sign Laura’s Law and celebrate her memory in a meaningful way.”

 The new law would implement minimum criteria and standards that ensure safe, timely and accessible patient access to the entrances of Massachusetts hospital emergency departments. These regulations will require that entries must be clearly marked, easily accessible and properly monitored by security when appropriate. Additionally, the Department of Public Health will convene a working group on patient access to hospital emergency rooms or departments to report on and make recommendations to inform these policies. In 2016, Laura Levis died of an asthma attack outside of an area hospital when she was unable to locate an accessible entrance to the emergency room.


 Heffernan, Rodrigues, Michlewitz, Announce Consensus Revenue Forecast of $30.120 Billion for Fiscal Year 2022


Projected state tax revenue growth set at 3.5%


BOSTON — Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan, Senate Ways and Means Chair Michael J. Rodrigues, and House Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz today announced a consensus revenue forecast for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) of $30.120 billion, representing 3.5% growth in state tax revenue over adjusted Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) projected revenue of $29.090 billion.


The adjusted FY21 revenue collections estimate incorporates a $700 million upgrade of projected state tax revenues announced by Secretary Heffernan today, which is based upon current year-to-date revenues and economic data.


The consensus revenue forecast is the basis on which the Baker-Polito Administration, the House, and the Senate will build their respective FY22 budget recommendations.


Pursuant to Section 5B of Chapter 29 of the General Laws, the three officials above convene every year to establish a joint revenue forecast by January 15th. In addition to conferring with each other, the Secretary and Chairs held a public hearing on December 15, 2020 to receive testimony from the Department of Revenue, the State Treasurer’s Office, the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission, and independent, local economists from area foundations and universities on tax revenue.


“The consensus revenue forecast for Fiscal Year 2022 is consistent with the expert testimony offered in December and importantly accounts for updated revenue trends in the current fiscal year,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “We appreciate the consistent and thoughtful collaboration of our colleagues in the House and Senate Ways and Means Offices, and look forward to developing spending plans for Fiscal Year 2022 which continue to protect essential government services, fund critical priorities, and maintain financial discipline and responsibility.”


“We have worked diligently with our partners in the Administration and the House throughout this pandemic, and the consensus revenue agreement reached today for Fiscal Year 2022 reflects our continued partnership to ensure our Commonwealth remains in sound fiscal health,” said Senate Committee on Ways and Means Chair Michael J. Rodrigues (D-Westport). “As we develop a budget for Fiscal Year 2022, we will continue to closely monitor tax collections, weigh the fiscal implications of COVID-19, and strive to put forward a budget that maintains fiscal responsibility and protects core essential services for our most vulnerable populations, while building an equitable economic recovery for all.”


“After a tumultuous budget cycle over the last few months, this consensus revenue agreement for Fiscal Year 2022 is a modest and responsible forecast that will allow the Commonwealth to continue to provide the services our constituents deserve, while at the same time preserving our fiscal health. Despite the pandemic, our revenue intake continues to be better than anticipated, proving the continued resiliency of the Commonwealth’s economy,” said House Committee on Ways and Means Chair Representative Aaron Michlewitz (D-Boston). “I want to thank Chair Rodrigues and Secretary Heffernan for their continued partnership in these challenging times.”


Additional details:


  • Of the forecasted $30.120 billion in FY22 state tax revenues, an estimated $1.516 billion is projected to be capital gains tax revenue, of which $165 million will be transferred to the Stabilization Fund per statute and other long term liability funds for pension and retiree health insurance costs ($16 million).
  • The agreement also includes the following statutorily required off-budget transfers that are mandated by current law:
    • $3.415 billion transferred to the pension fund, a $300 million increase over the FY21 contribution, which keeps the Commonwealth on schedule to fully fund its pension liability by 2036
    • $1.174 billion for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
    • $1.014 billion for the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)
    • $25 million for the Workforce Training Fund


After $5.628 billion in off-budget transfers, the Secretary and Committee Chairs agree that $24.327 billion will be the maximum amount of tax revenue available for the budget in FY22, absent statutory changes.


M.G.L. Chapter 29 Section 7H ½ requires the Secretary and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means to jointly develop a potential gross state product (PGSP) growth benchmark for the ensuing calendar year. The PGSP growth benchmark is used by the Health Policy Commission to establish the Commonwealth’s health care cost growth benchmark. The three bodies have reached an agreement that the PGSP figure for calendar year 2021 will remain 3.6%. PGSP is a measure of the “full employment” output of the Commonwealth’s economy and reflects long-term trends in the economy rather than fluctuations due to the business cycle and, as a result, is meant to be fairly stable from year to year.