
星期三, 12月 30, 2020

波士頓市長公佈2021SPARK委員會41名成員 Anita Yip再次代表華埠

           (Boston Orange 整理報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(30)日宣布2021年度的閃耀波士頓(SPARK Boston)”委員會,有 33名新人,8名連任者。


波士頓市政府計畫及發展局(BPDA)”2020年從數目看波士頓(Boston by the number)”報告指出,在2018年時,39%的波士頓居民年齡在18歲至34歲之間。波士頓市前市長萬寧路(Tom Menino)顯然也有鑑於此,在2004年創辦了三中有一(ONEin3)”這個促請年輕人向市府提意見的組織。

三中有一衍變到閃耀波士頓(SPARK Boston)”,這項目共辦理了16年,有超過4002035歲的年輕人擔任過委員。

SPARK由Audrey Seraphin擔任主任,隸屬於在波士頓市長的公民參與內閣(Civic Engagement Cabinet),主要任務是就影響千禧年及Z世代人口事務,位市長當顧問,並與市府各部門合作,改善年輕人在波士頓市的生活品質。


今年的SPARK委員,有8人續任,其中包括代表華埠的Anita Yip。在全部41名委員中,從姓名看,共有4人為華裔,1人為越南裔。他們分別為奧斯頓(Allston)Jessica Lau,東波士頓的48.            Xi Zhao Viola,南端(South End)Anja Young,以及多徹斯特的Anthony Nguyen

查詢有關SPARK詳情,可上市府網站 boston.gov/sparkboston


Incoming members tasked with promoting civic engagement among young Bostonians virtually


BOSTON - Wednesday, December 30, 2020 -  Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the incoming Mayor's 2021 SPARK Boston Council. The diverse 41-member group, composed of 33 new and eight returning members, will spend the next 12 months working to continue the program's work virtually, opening up new lines of communication between young adults and leaders in City government. Originally started as ONEin3 in 2004, SPARK Boston is celebrating 16 years of civic engagement with over 400 20- to 35-year-old Boston residents having served on the council over the years. Thirty-nine percent of Boston residents were between the ages of 18 and 34 in 2018, according to the Boston Planning & Development Agency's Boston by the Numbers 2020 report.

 "The SPARK Council has worked with my administration to highlight and advocate for their shared values - voter participation and activation, a more equitable and affordable child care system, comprehensive climate change policies, resiliency in our immigrant communities, and much more," said Mayor Walsh. "I look forward to working with the incoming SPARK Boston Council to ensure our young Bostonians voices are heard."

 The 2021 SPARK Boston Council members live in 21 of the 24 different Boston neighborhoods, and include people born and raised as far away as Pakistan and China. Over 65 percent of council members are people of color. Approximately 40 percent of the Council are native Bostonians, while others are from Texas, Ohio, Florida, New York, and California. 

 "I am so excited to engage this council virtually," said SPARK Director Audrey Seraphin of her new colleagues. "They have completed the entire application and interview process through the technologies that have allowed us to connect throughout the pandemic, and I look forward to seeing this cohort's creativity and passion in action. We have an incredibly talented group that highlights how bright Boston's future can be."

 SPARK Boston, housed in the Mayor's Civic Engagement Cabinet, is responsible for advising Mayor Walsh on issues affecting millennial and Gen Z populations, and working with City departments and community stakeholders to improve the lives of young people in Boston. The Council holds monthly meetings and puts on programs focused on connecting millennials with the City and one another. Historically, programs included many events, including neighborhood meetups, voter registration pop-ups, salary negotiation workshops, and Chief Chats, an event series which allows citizens to hear directly from Mayor Walsh's cabinet members on a variety of issues. This programming has moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and expanded to include virtual town halls; #CiviCoffees, a 30-minute monthly Facebook Live interview show with local civic leaders; and social media campaigns to promote proper mask usage, flu vaccines, voting, census participation, and more. 

 "Coming back to SPARK Council is how I'm choosing to respond to this moment in time," explained returning council member Anita Yip of Chinatown. "I see 2021 as an opportunity to not only create and continue conversations for change, but also an opportunity to reimagine civic engagement and ways to meaningfully connect with each other. I'm looking forward to continuing conversations on how Boston is increasing access to opportunities and driving inclusive economic growth in the wake of the pandemic with a focus on equity."

 "When I heard the news that I was selected to be part of the SPARK Boston 2021 Council, I was elated and overcome with joy because an opportunity like this will cement my path to making a substantial difference in the city of Boston," said Bassil Bascare, new council member and native of Hyde Park. "I am eager to be part of a group that has the drive to initiate change for the better. I look forward to meeting and collaborating with the rest of the council."

 This year, the SPARK Boston program received 95 applications for the Council, showing a continued interest in community engagement, despite the new virtual format. New council members, which include academic counselors, students, non-profit workers, entrepreneurs, community leaders, medical professionals, and consultants, will begin their work on January 4, 2021.

 Returning 2019-2020 Council

  1. Cristian Morales, Allston
  2. Kat Waxstein, Brighton
  3. Anita Yip, Chinatown
  4. Kathleen Carroll, Dorchester
  5. Monee Vance, Hyde Park/Mattapan
  6. Daphney Pacouloute, Mattapan
  7. Nikki Shults, Roslindale
  8. Kaitlin McCarthy, West End/Downtown

 New 2021 Council

  1. Jessica Lau, Allston
  2. Alessandra Panares, Allston/Brighton
  3. Tara Wilson, Bay Village
  4. Spencer Crawford, Beacon Hill
  5. Julia Bogiages, Brighton
  6. Sumali Dey, Brighton
  7. Victor Franco, Brighton
  8. Nyambura Barrow, Dorchester
  9. Anthony Nguyen, Dorchester
  10. Dennisse Rorie, Dorchester
  11. Romy St. Hilaire, Dorchester
  12. Alia Thompson, Dorchester
  13. Mia Healy-Waldron, East Boston
  14. Amanda Sabia, East Boston
  15. Xi Zhao Viola, East Boston
  16. Lindsey Santana, Hyde Park
  17. Albert Jimenez, Jamaica Plain
  18. Thomas Pelkey, Jamaica Plain
  19. Nicholas DiCairano, Leather District
  20. Genevieve Bien-Aime, Mid-Dorchester 
  21. Antonio Centeio, Mid-Dorchester
  22. Stephen McBride, Mid-Dorchester
  23. Dianna Bronchuk, Mission Hill/Jamaica Plain
  24. Lilly Stairs, North End
  25. Kensha Grandoit, Roxbury
  26. Nate Lash, Roxbury
  27. Adriana Lasso-Harrier, Roxbury
  28. Karol Mendieta, Roxbury/Jamaica Plain
  29. Mohammad Haider Ali Abbasi, South Boston
  30. Aishwarya Bhadouria, South End
  31. Anja Young, South End
  32. Ramie Schneider, South End
  33. Bassil Bacare, West Roxbury/Hyde Park

 For more information, please visit boston.gov/sparkboston


麻州州長疫情匯報12月30日 新年請勿開派對 本週為2萬人施打疫苗

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)籲請州民新年別開派對。
            (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)明天就是除夕夜,後天就是2021年了。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(30)日中午匯報新冠病毒疫情時,再次懇請州民別開派對慶祝新年,別放下戒心,要謹慎防疫。


             麻州已經開始分發新冠病毒疫苗。查理貝克表示,州政府和CVSWalgeen合作,已經設立了50個疫苗診所,依序將以頤養院(nursing home),療養院(rest home),輔助居住(assisted living)等長照機構為優先施打疫苗對象。

麻州公共衛生廳廳長Marylou Sudders:新冠病毒疫情資訊將更易查。




              麻州公共衛生廳廳長Marylou Sudder表示,麻州將於下週四開始更新疫情匯報方式,民眾將可以更靈活的查察不同時期及類別的資訊。


 The Baker-Polito Administration today provided an update on the ongoing distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in Massachusetts. Including shipments arriving today and tomorrow, the Commonwealth expects more than 287,000 vaccine doses to arrive in the state by the end of 2020 (including second doses).


            (Boston Orange整理編譯)波士頓市在揮別2020年之前的1229日,死於新冠病毒(COVID-19)人數打破1000大關,在新增3人後,累計1002人。




一位4月中因為新冠病毒失去母親的麻州居民,對於母親所居住的任務丘(Mission Hill)頤養院,至今仍有很多疑問。她問為什麼這頤養院沒有在病毒大流行一開始就劃出一個指定隔離地點來安置確診者,頤養院員工有沒有足夠的個人防護用品,她母親的健康到底是從甚麼時候開始變壞的,是漸漸地還是突然的?她甚至在母親辭世前都不知道母親感染了病毒。

她在獲悉Holyoke士兵之家(Holyoke Soldiers’ Home)爆發疫情後,特地問過她母親所住那家頤養院,有沒人感染了新冠病毒。回來的答案是沒有。但兩週後,她母親就過世了,離她母親88歲生日只差一天。她說,母親辭世時沒有親人在身邊,讓人很難過。

星期二, 12月 29, 2020


(Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)和波士房屋局(BHA)局長Kate Bennett(29)日聯袂宣佈,暫停非必要的驅逐公屋居民的行政命令效期,將展延至31日。



         在波士頓市長支持並推廣住宅穩定的措施中,波士頓市已經由租金救濟基金(Rental Relief Fund)撥款約500萬元幫助了1400個無力交租的家庭。波士頓市也開始執行住宅穩定通知法(Housing Stability Notification Act),規定房東提供租客避免驅逐的資源。目前已有30名房東簽字承諾,支持這一行動,其中包括波士頓是最大的物業主。另有17家銀行或貸款承辦人同意展延繳款三個月。

             波士頓市也採取步驟加強服務屋主,以及許多小房東,幫助他們履行財務義務,做重要的維修,並留在他們的家中。波士頓居家中心(BHC)已和波士頓市的稅/產權(Tax/Title division)部門合作,在發稅表給8000多名欠繳物業稅的屋主時,附帶了多種語言印製的夾頁,讓他們知道市府可提供的援助。波士頓居家中心也發出多語通知給取消貸款贖回權頻率高地區的1萬名屋主,通知他們可經由預防取消貸款贖回權及干預服務可獲得援助。


Policy addresses continued need for housing stability during pandemic & reduces public health risks


BOSTON - Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Administrator of the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) Kate Bennett today announced an extension on the moratorium on nonessential evictions for BHA public housing residents until March 1, 2021. The moratorium offers housing stability to BHA's public housing residents and reduces coronavirus risks associated with the processing of its nonessential eviction cases. Nonessential evictions include all eviction proceedings except for those related to criminal activity, and those that are necessary to protect the health and safety of BHA residents, employees, and others. 

"It's been a difficult year, with a dueling public health and economic crisis that has hit our communities hard," said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "This moratorium continues to serve the best interests of both our residents who struggle to make ends meet and of our city as a whole, as we fight to maintain the health and safety of our city."

The Boston Housing Authority was the first major housing provider in Boston to implement a moratorium on non-essential evictions in March 2020. Its previous extension was set to expire at the end of 2020. 

"A safe, stable home is the best protection our residents have in battling coronavirus, and it is critical that we take the steps we can to keep our residents safely housed through this pandemic," said BHA Administrator Kate Bennett. "The vaccine is on its way, and there's cause for optimism going into 2021, but now is not the time to take our foot off the gas. There were reasons we put this moratorium in place, and those reasons are still with us."

"This moratorium has given public housing residents some extra peace of mind at a time when many families are struggling," said Matilda Drayton, President of the Alice Taylor Tenant Task Force. "BHA has been a strong partner for residents this year as we have worked together to keep our families and communities safe."

Any BHA program participant who is unable to pay current rent during the pandemic should notify their housing manager or landlord through text, email or printed letter and establish a plan for repayment. Although there is an eviction moratorium currently in place for public housing, it is temporary, and tenants are still required to perform their contractual obligation to pay their rent.

BHA program participants facing a financial hardship must reach out to BHA to re-certify their income and reduce their monthly payments. Statewide financial assistance for rent is available through RAFT funding.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Boston and the BHA have taken swift action to protect homeowners and renters from eviction, and have made resources available to help residents stay in their homes. In March, BHA and the Boston Public Schools (BPS) announced a new partnership to house up to 1,000 families with BPS students at risk of displacement and experiencing homelessness over the next year. 

Building on the Mayor's support of promoting housing stability, the City has also made $5 million available to almost 1,400 households in Boston through the Rental Relief Fund to assist tenants who were unable to make their rental payments. The City has also enacted the Housing Stability Notification Act which requires landlords to provide information to tenants on resources available to help avoid evictions. The Landlord Pledge was created during this time to encourage landlords to work with their tenants on payment plans and strategies to keep tenants in their homes. To date more than 30 landlords have signed it including some of the largest property owners in the City. 

In addition, the City has contracted with Greater Boston Legal Services to add additional attorneys to assist tenants facing eviction. The Office of Housing Stability (OHS) has expanded the Housing Court Navigator Program that assists tenants who are in Housing Court and need financial, legal or other assistance.

This effort supplements the City of Boston's work in partnering with banks and mortgage lenders. Currently, 17 banks and mortgage lenders have signed on to a pledge, issued by the Mayor, which provides homeowners with at least a three month loan deferment from lenders.

The City has also taken steps to enhance services to help homeowners, many of whom are small landlords, to meet their own financial obligations, make critical repairs, and stay in their homes. The Boston Home Center (BHC) has partnered with the City of Boston's Tax/Title division to send multi-lingual inserts in tax bills to more than 8,000 homeowners who are past due in property taxes to let them know that help is available from the City. The Boston Home Center also sent multi-lingual notices to 10,000 homeowners, in neighborhoods with traditionally high foreclosure rates, informing them of assistance available through  Foreclosure Prevention and Intervention services.

12月29日新冠疫情 新增確診麻州3659 美國176974 世界576347 新增死亡 麻州58 美國1783 世界 12972

              (Boston Orange編譯)聖誕節過後的1229日,麻州疫情似乎回緩,新增確診人數降到3,659,累計346,423人,新增死亡58人,累計11,958人。






星期一, 12月 28, 2020

12/28新冠疫情 新增確診麻州4060 美國145,959 世界486,953 新增死亡 麻州48 美國1345 世界9101


麻州眾議會議長Robert Deleo宣佈退休 昆士市Ronald Mariano有望接任


麻州眾議會議長狄樂歐(Robert Deleo)

             (Boston Orange編譯)麻州在位時間最長的眾議會議長狄樂歐(Robert Deleo)(28)日正式宣布退休。轄區包括昆士市(Quincy)的資深眾議員Ronald Mariano有望接任。

              在麻州眾議會中佔多數的民主黨籍議員訂週三(30)召開遠距黨團會議,提名Ronald Mariano繼任眾議會議長一職。

              轄區包括波士頓的麻州眾議員Russell Holmes原本有意角逐,但今日退出,坦白表示支持他的票數不夠。

              Ronald Mariano今年74歲,目前是麻州眾議會多數黨領袖,為當議長,多年來一直在尋求支持,這次預計能在126名民主黨眾議員中爭取到110章支持票。




麻州眾議員Ronald Mariano(右起)有望出任議長,陳德基祝賀。
              Ronald Mariano很有信心麻州眾議員們會支持他接任議長。轄區在昆士市的陳德基(Tacky Chan)表示,他為Ronald Mariano也來自昆士市,感到非常驕傲。他說那會是82年來的第一次,麻州眾議會有位來自波士頓以南的議長,而且也會是歷史性的,自1779年以來,第一次有昆士市人當眾議會議長。

吳弭競選波士頓市長 鄰市議員、年輕人都支持


吳弭(Michelle Wu)競選
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)揮別2020,迎向2021,新年新氣象是所有人的渴望。波士頓市有史以來的首名華裔市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)也在爭取著一新波士頓歷史,要成為波士頓市有史以來首名女市長,打造全新的波士頓形象。





             WGBH的記者Adam Reilly在吳弭宣佈參選波士頓市長時就表了一篇文章,就能贏,不會贏,分別列舉了5個理由。前述的在位市長競選連任沒人輸過的歷史記錄,就是其一。

             Adam Reilly列出的5個會贏的理由包括,吳弭的吸票力很強,前幾次選舉的得票率都超過20%,得票數高居第一或第二;她很擅長於挑選議題,從反對地鐵漲價,立法管制愛彼迎(AirBnB)在波士頓的短租業務,民眾都很關心;麻州政治已經和以前不一樣了;導致馬基(Ed Markey)打敗約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Joe Kennedy III)的年輕前進派,正在支持吳弭;吳弭一旦競選成功,將是波士頓是有史以來的首名女性暨首名有色人種市長;可能會輸的理由包括,歷史不站在她這邊;她沒有足夠的錢;波士頓的地理人口是個很大變數;馬丁華殊在處理新冠病毒疫情上好評極佳;年輕人通常不關心市鎮級選舉。

             波士頓市第四區市議員Andrea Campbell在吳弭宣佈參選之後的一星期,也宣佈參選波士頓市長,使得吳弭的這場市長選戰,更加不容易打了。

             和吳弭一樣,Andrea Campbell一旦當選,也將是波士頓市的首名女性,有色人種市長,而且還將是首名黑人女市長。截至1130日,她的競選財庫也有將近50萬元($464,631.32)

             目前吳弭的人氣仍然很高,當初和查理貝克角逐州長職位的Jay Gonzalez已正式表態支持吳弭,包括昆士市市議會議長梁秀婷在內的劍橋市,水城,尚莫維爾市,雀喜市,艾佛瑞市,羅爾市,摩頓市,匹茲菲爾德市,布魯克蘭鎮等的市鎮議員們,日前還特地在網路上舉行支持會,討論當市長可以做到些甚麼事。

             波士頓的政治觀察家們說,從馬丁華殊最近的競選經費開支看來,他會競選再度連任,但是在未來幾個月內,他可能突然被拜登(Joe Biden)徵召,遠赴華府當高官,或甚至像波士頓前市長雷夫連(Ray Flynn)一樣,被派去當大使,到底政治就是沒有什麼是不可能的。