
星期三, 11月 25, 2020

感恩節前夕 全世界新冠病毒確診人數破 6000萬大關 麻州30小時確診人數統計新增3224 死亡53


慶祝節日 即起每週六波士頓計時停車位可免費停2小時


Discounted Bluebike memberships, free passes for essential workers also available


BOSTON - Wednesday, November 25, 2020 - As a way to support Boston's small businesses during the holiday season, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the City of Boston will provide two hours of free parking at the city's 8,000 metered spaces on Saturdays during the holiday season, beginning this Saturday, November 28 (Small Business Saturday). Parking meters are located throughout Boston's downtown, as well as in several of the city's residential neighborhoods that host commercial districts, including Boston's Main Streets. 

The City is also offering a holiday discount for the Bluebikes bike-sharing program, including a 30 percent discount on annual memberships on Monday, November 30 (Cyber Monday). Additionally, free 90-day passes are still available for employees in retail shops and restaurants in Boston. These efforts build on the City's ongoing commitment to support small businesses that have been hit hardest during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"While shopping during the holiday season will look different this year, we are doing more than ever to help our small businesses get through a very difficult time," said Mayor Walsh. "Our small businesses contribute so much to our local economy, and I encourage everyone to shop safely and shop local this year." 

Two hours of free parking at metered spaces will be offered in Boston on the following days:

  • Saturday, November 28 (Small Business Saturday)
  • Saturday, December 5
  • Saturday, December 12
  • Saturday, December 19
  • Saturday, December 26

While payment at meters will not be required on these five days, the time limit on the meters will be in effect. The purpose of this is to allow as many customers as possible a chance to take advantage of this opportunity. 

"We are pleased to provide this incentive for Boston residents to shop locally this holiday season," said Boston Transportation Department Commissioner Greg Rooney. "Parking meters are located throughout several of Boston's neighborhood commercial districts, and I encourage drivers to take advantage of this opportunity."

The City is asking everyone who participates in in-person shopping this weekend and this holiday season to take steps to stay safe from COVID-19, including: wearing a face covering in public, staying 6 feet apart from others whenever possible, avoiding crowds and crowded places, bringing an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and washing your hands often, and staying home if you are sick. The City is also encouraging shoppers to consider alternative, safer options including shopping online, using contactless services, such as curbside pick-up, and shopping in open air markets. 

To date, a total of more than $9.6 million in debt-free grants have been issued to 3,391 small businesses across Boston. The Office of Economic Development's Small Business Unit continues to engage with Boston's business owners through weekly calls, office hours, and ongoing surveys in order to best understand their needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business owners are encouraged to complete Survey #10 to share their thoughts and experiences to better shape our programs and policies to serve the small business community. For additional questions, the Small Business Unit can be reached at smallbiz@boston.gov.

麻州5080萬元2補助計畫有逾萬企業申請 恐僧多粥少

             (Boston Orange 編譯)新冠病毒疫情對社會民生的影響到底有多嚴重?從麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)日前經由「麻州成長資本法人團體(Massachusetts Growth Capital Corp.,)」推出的2項共5080萬元補助計畫,竟然收到超過1萬宗申請案,就或可略見端倪。






            麻州社區發展協會執行長Joe Kriesberg表示,如果所有申請者都獲發最高額補助,大約有1000家企業可拿到補助款。他估計得到補助的企業不會超過2000家。



            這補助計畫早在1022日就推出了,「支持地方計畫(Local Initiative Support Corp)」執行主任Karen Kelleher表示,羅爾市的一家企業告訴他,每50家企業大概只有1家知道這補助項目。

            大波士頓商會執行長Jim Rooney表示,申請者過多彰顯了麻州,以及全美都需要聯邦政府早日一致行動,著手下一波紓困。

波士頓僑教中心: 12/1起入境台灣需出示COVID-19檢驗報告


Happy Thanksgiving, Boston!



Happy Thanksgiving, Boston!

This Thanksgiving is unlike any we’ve seen in our lifetimes. As cases of COVID-19 increase in the City, across the Commonwealth, and across the United States, we’re asking everyone to take necessary steps to prevent the spread of this virus as we enter a critical period in the pandemic. The safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving is at home with the people in your household. Gathering with family and friends who do not live with you can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19.


If you may have COVID-19, are not feeling well, or have been exposed to the virus, you should stay home and not host or participate in any in-person gatherings. If you are at an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, such as older adults or those with certain medical conditions, you should also not take part in any in-person gatherings.

Everyone can make Thanksgiving safer this year

Remember, celebrating at home with people you live with is the safest option this year. If you are planning on gathering with family outside your household or traveling, we urge extreme caution. Getting tested does not protect you from infection. It will still be a higher risk activity, and we ask that you refrain from engaging in this activity if possible.


Holding a gathering?

  • Keep it small and limit the number of guests. In Boston, indoor gatherings should be 10 people or less.
  • Ask guests to wear a mask unless eating and drinking, and stay 6 feet apart when possible.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and items between use.
  • Ask guests to avoid going in and out of areas where food is being prepared and handled, like the kitchen.
  • Do not share food, drink, or any utensils.
  • Have guests bring their own food and drink.
  • Avoid any self-serve food or drink options, such as buffets, potlucks, or drink stations.

Keep in mind:

  • If sharing food, have one person (wearing a face mask and gloves) serve food and use single-use options and disposable items, like plastic food containers, plates, and utensils.
  • Consider small seating table arrangements in multiple rooms with plenty of spacing instead of a large family table.
  • Improve ventilation by opening windows and doors.
  • For 14 days before and after holiday gatherings, minimize contact with other people. Leave home only for essential services like going to work, buying groceries, and appointments with doctors.

Are you planning to travel?

As a reminder, we strongly advise against traveling for Thanksgiving, which may increase your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others this year. If you must travel:

  • Know the higher-risk states and what the Massachusetts travel order means for you when you return home. All visitors entering Massachusetts, including returning residents, are required to quarantine for 14 days or produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours before your arrival in Massachusetts.
  • Wear a face covering at all times in public.
  • Stay 6 feet apart from anyone who is not in your household.
  • Get a flu shot before traveling, if you have not already.
  • Wash your hands often or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your mask, eyes, nose, and mouth.

Safe alternatives for celebrating Thanksgiving

Looking for safer, alternative, or virtual ways to celebrate the holiday? The safest celebrations are with people from your household, or ones held outdoors that allow for safety measures.


Lower-risk activities:

  • Having a small Thanksgiving dinner with only people who live in your household.
  • Hosting a virtual dinner with extended family and friends.
  • Hosting a Thanksgiving meal outdoors, if possible.
  • Taking a walk with extended family while wearing a mask and staying 6 feet apart.
  • Preparing traditional recipes for family and neighbors. Deliver them in a way that doesn't involve contact with others.

Higher-risk activities:

  • Attending or hosting indoor gatherings with people from outside your home.
  • Sharing food and drinks.
  • Shaking hands and hugging. Wave and verbally greet others instead.
  • Singing, dancing, and shouting. These activities increase your chances of catching COVID-19 through the air.


Black Friday shopping?

Black Friday and Small Business Saturday are some of the biggest shopping days of the year. Take steps to stay safe:

  • Always wear a face covering in public.
  • Stay 6 feet apart from others.
  • Avoid crowds and crowded places.
  • Bring an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and wash your hands often.

Consider alternative, safer options:

  • Shop online
  • Use contactless services, like curbside pick-up
  • Shop in open air markets, staying 6 feet away from others and wearing a mask


Get the COVID-19 test!

As you would whenever you participate in any kind of gathering, consider getting tested for COVID-19. The City of Boston partners with community health centers, hospitals, and pharmacies to increase access to COVID-19 testing for Boston residents.

As a reminder, we have over 30 testing sites across the City, as well as two mobile testing sites currently at Central Square Park in East Boston and at Jubilee Christian Church in Mattapan. Find a site near you.

You can read more about Thanksgiving guidance on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. For more information on Boston's response to COVID-19, please visit our COVID-19 website.

Do you have time for a quick survey?

We are working to improve the Boston Public Health Commission website and we would love to hear from you! If you have a few minutes, please take our survey about the site.