
星期三, 11月 11, 2020

白宮改朝換代在望 麻州政壇從Warren起吹風點將

             (Boston Orange編譯)美國大選投票結束,計票仍在持續,川普(Donald Trump)還未退讓,媒體宣稱拜登(Joe Biden)當選為候任美國總統之際,麻州已迫不急待的開始猜測,華倫,華殊,普斯莉,奚莉將花落何方

             波士頓環球報(Boston Globe)(11)日發文表示,訪問了16名政治圈內人,得到各種說法,包括聯邦參議員伊莉莎白華倫(Elizabeth Warren)可能當美國財政部部長,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)可能當駐愛爾蘭大使,聯邦眾議員普斯莉(Ayanna Pressley)和麻州總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey)可能會在民主黨初選中對決,角逐聯邦參議員席位。

             民主黨的策略家說,實在很難說這政治骨牌最後會翻滾成甚麼樣子,從麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)2022年的麻州國會議員團,都會受影響。


             早在選前19個月就支持拜登的聯邦眾議員林奇(Stephen F. Lynch),曾經是工會鐵工,去過伊拉克和阿富汗20多次,對勞工議題,外國事務及國家安全等議題,都有深入了解,讓他也成了民主黨觀察名單上另一個受歡迎的名字。


             不過,有幾個政治圈內人認為,麻州還有一些著名的民主黨人更可能被招攬進白宮,包括2013年奧巴馬就職委員會成員Steve Kerrigan,奧巴馬政府時代的前助理國務卿,曾參選麻州州長,目前在哈佛甘迺迪政府學院任教的Juliette Kayyem,以及在柯林頓總統時期在司法部工作的麻州前州長派區克(Deval Patrick)等等。

             如果伊莉莎白華倫進白宮了,她代表麻州的聯邦參議員席位,將在麻州州長指派人選頂替之後,非常可能引出聯邦眾議員普斯莉(Ayanna Pressley)和麻州總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey)出面參選。甚至才剛在今年的聯邦參議員選舉中被競選連任的馬基(Ed Markey)打敗的約瑟夫甘迺迪三世,都有可能再次出征。

Baker-Polito Administration Advances Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke Capital Project with Release of Rapid Planning Phase Report, Selection of Vendor for Design Phase

 Baker-Polito Administration Advances Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke Capital Project with Release of Rapid Planning Phase Report, Selection of Vendor for Design Phase


BOSTON – Today on Veterans Day, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the next steps for the expedited capital project for the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke. Following the conclusion of the 12-week Rapid Planning Phase of the project, the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance released the needs assessment report, and announced the selection of a vendor for the next phase.


The Rapid Planning Phase was launched in August to identify a sustainable, public health, implementation roadmap to provide significant upgrades to the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke. The architecture firm that led this project, Payette, wrote a report detailing its findings and recommended next steps. This report represents the culmination of research gathered by a broad group of veterans, families, veterans’ organizations, the community, and other stakeholders through focus groups, interviews, and surveys. These recommendations reflect the learnings from those engagements, and the analysis of demographic data and services in Western Massachusetts. Read the full report here.


Payette has been conditionally selected pending execution of a contract as the design firm to lead the design and planning phase, the next step of the expedited capital project. Payette will build on the evaluation they previously completed, and will develop a full project scope, refine the plan, and confirm the budget, timelines, and ensure conformity with the regulatory process. One of the early deliverables is the preparation of the submission for the VA State Home Construction Grant by its April 15, 2021 deadline. Following the submission of the grant application, the Design Phase will include further work to incorporate feedback from the VA on the grant submission.


“We are pleased to announce the advancement of this capital project for the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke to ensure that the facility remains safe and able to support the Commonwealth’s veterans as they age,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “By updating and modernizing the facility, we will continue to provide high-quality health care to both aging veterans now and the next generation of veterans who need care.”


“The capital improvements this project entails will ensure longevity of services at the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke, which provides care to aging veterans from all across the Commonwealth,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Soldiers’ Homes are also unique as they recognize the selfless service of our veterans to the Nation and Commonwealth, not only on Veterans Day, but every day.”


“This expedited capital project for the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke provides an exciting opportunity to provide a state of the art long term care facility to meet the needs of our veterans in the coming years and to ensure that they are aligned with anticipated demand,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “It is also essential that any renovation meets the most stringent infection control standards.”


“Thank you to all the individuals and groups who have provided insight and recommendations for the future of the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke, we look forward to continuing our partnership throughout this process,” said Veterans’ Secretary Cheryl Lussier Poppe. “This needs assessment and selection of a design vendor marks a significant milestone in this expedited process as we continue our commitment to our aging veterans on this Veterans Day.”


“We appreciate all of the hard work that went into completing the rapid planning phase report for the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke and the many stakeholders that offered valuable input,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael Heffernan. “We look forward to working with Payette to execute the design and planning phase so that we can invest in this important project to provide the very best for those who have sacrificed so much.”  


“The Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke is a special place,” said Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance Commissioner Carol Gladstone. “We have a team ready and committed to work with our partners at the Soldiers’ Home, the Department of Veterans’ Services, and Health and Human Services to implement the recommendations identified as part of this Rapid Planning Report .”


Payette is a well-known firm that has done scores of similar projects, including completing the Community Living Center and Campus Framework Plan for Chelsea Soldiers’ Home. 


While the expedited capital project will address long-term facility viability, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), the Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS) and the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) have been addressing immediate capital needs, including a $6 million refresh of units, to significantly improve infection control for the  residents and staff. The refresh includes refinishing the living and working environment to support infection control, including the installation of air purification units.


Learn more about the expedited capital project for the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke at www.mass.gov/HolyokeSHproject.

麻州退伍軍人紀念日儀式 陳紹章將軍致詞


星期二, 11月 10, 2020

新型冠狀病毒確診案例 美國破千萬大關 麻州又回升 2047宗

            (Boston Orange 編譯)新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情在歐美多個國家又再嚴峻。根據約翰霍普金斯大學數據,在1110日,全世界已有5129萬餘人確診,美國的確診人數也打破了千萬大關。



             麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)今日在匯報疫情時指出,雖然疫情轉趨嚴重,州民不須擔心,州政府已做好準備,將把400個急診病床改為重症病床,也已做好設置田野醫院的準備。州政府也正在和麻州緊急管理局(MEMA),醫院人員合作,研究臨時醫院及人手的安置。本週稍後在公佈細節。


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Asian Americans Advancing Justice Reacts To Historic Biden/Harris Win

 Asian Americans Advancing Justice Reacts To Historic Biden/Harris Win


Washington, DC — November 10, 2020 Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliates in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. issued the following statement on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s election win:

“Asian Americans Advancing Justice is committed to empowering Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to participate in our democracy and making sure our voices are heard at all levels of government. It is clear that the people have spoken: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the next leaders of our country. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders turned out to have their voices heard, and in the process helped elect the first vice president of Black and South Asian descent. This is an historic moment. 

Throughout the election process, Advancing Justice has worked to protect the rights of all Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and to hold election officials accountable for providing our communities with the information and access we need to vote. Our communities overcame barriers and showed up to make our voices heard. We’ve worked and will continue to work with our communities to exercise their political power to shape the policies that affect us.

The election is over, but our work continues. For years, we’ve fought alongside local and national partners to make the American dream and the promise of opportunity a reality for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. We will work closely with the new administration and the new Congress to ensure the federal government makes strides on issues most important to our communities – such as protecting and expanding family-based immigration, defunding immigration enforcement, protecting and expanding voting rights, eradicating racial profiling and more – to create a society that accepts, respects and celebrates our differences.”



AG Encourages Residents Who Are Facing Financial Difficulty to Contact their Utility for Assistance


            BOSTON – With the cold weather season approaching, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that she has awarded nearly $570,000 in grant funding to 14 organizations across the state to help low-income households pay off or lower their natural gas heating bills.


            “Each winter, thousands of Massachusetts households struggle to come up with the funds to pay their monthly heating bills, and we expect many more to be in need this year amid the COVID-19 public health crisis,” AG Healey said. “This grant program will help us ensure that families have the financial support they need to stay warm during the cold months.”


            This year, AG Healey’s Natural Gas Fuel Assistance Grant program is providing approximately $569,000 to programs run through state agencies, municipalities, and nonprofit organizations that currently assist residents in paying for gas service. Approximately one-in-four low-income eligible households in Massachusetts currently receive assistance on their heating bills, and many more are expected to need help this year with the COVID-19 pandemic. This grant program aims to close that gap by providing assistance to families who are in need but are not currently receiving assistance or not receiving enough help in paying their monthly bills.


           The grant program utilizes funds from a settlement the AG’s Office reached with National Grid for improperly charging customers reconnection fees. Since 2018, the grant program has awarded more than $2 million to programs and initiatives that provide fuel assistance.


            The AG’s Office is awarding grant funding to the following organizations:


·        Casa Myrna Vazquez (Greater Boston and Boston Harbor Communities in Middlesex and Norfolk Counties): The organization will provide funds to survivors of domestic and dating violence who need assistance paying their natural gas bills.

·        The Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP) (Statewide): MASSCAP will provide 22 statewide organizations with additional funds to help natural gas customers who participate in the federal Low Income and Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), as well as those who do not qualify for the program but make less than 80 percent of the state median income.

·        City of Marlborough: The municipally-run heating assistance program will use the funds to enhance its current fuel assistance program to assist more families.

·        Lend a Hand Society (Greater Boston): The organization will use the funding to enhance its current program to assist more households in need in Greater Boston with paying their heating bills.

·        Town of Norton: The municipally-run program will expand its outreach to senior and veteran populations who need assistance in paying their heating bills.

·        United Way (Bristol, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk and Suffolk Counties): The emergency heating assistance program will expand its outreach to families in need.

·        Springfield Partners for Community Action: The organization will use the funds to increase the reach of its current program which helps residents in need who do not qualify for LIHEAP.

·        The Towns of Palmer, Weymouth, and Dartmouth: The towns will expand the reach of their current fuel assistance programs.

·        The Southeast Asian Coalition of Massachusetts (Essex, Plymouth, Suffolk and Worcester Counties): The organization will use the funds to enhance its current program that is geared toward assisting Southeast Asian and Arabic-speaking households gain access to fuel assistance programs.

·        The Spanish American Center (Northern Worcester County): The organization will use the funding to expand its current program that provides assistance to Latinx families. 

·        REACH (Greater Boston Communities in Middlesex County): The organization will provide funds for survivors of domestic violence in need of assistance in paying their gas heating bills.

·        Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association (Greater Lowell): The organization will use the funds to help those in the Cambodian American community in Greater Lowell who are in need.


The grant program began on November 1, 2020 and will run through October 31, 2021.


            AG Healey is also encouraging residents who are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic to contact their utility company to learn about the available assistance programs. The state’s utility companies are offering financial assistance to residents impacted by the pandemic, including flexible payment plans and balance forgiveness plans for those who are eligible. Utility companies are authorized to provide payment plans for up to 12 months for residents who are behind in their payments.


The AG’s Office urges residents who are experiencing a loss of income to consult with their utility to see if they may qualify for the utility’s low-income rate, arrearage management programs (AMP), or the federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Customers may qualify for low-income assistance, even if they haven’t in the past, as eligibility is based on the last four weeks of gross household income. The AMP provides for an individualized payment plan that, if followed, allows the customer to have forgiven all or a portion of an outstanding unpaid balance. In order to qualify for LIHEAP, customers must have a household income that does not exceed 60 percent of the state median income. The office also urges residents who are struggling to pay their bills to contact their local Community Action Network to determine if they qualify for available financial assistance. Some recipients of the AG Healey’s Natural Gas Fuel Assistance Grant program will supplement LIHEAP funding at Community Action Networks.


As the state’s ratepayer advocate, AG Healey works to ensure that customers do not pay more for their natural gas service than they should.


            For more information about gas utilities during the COVID-19 pandemic visit the AG’s resource page, which includes contact information for Massachusetts utility companies. Customers who have concerns about their utility rights during the public health crisis should contact the AG’s consumer assistance hotline at 617-727-8400 or file a complaint online.

Huntington theatre offers digital Christmas Carol





“Raise the Curtain” packages and tickets to A Christmas Carol are

now available for purchase and for holiday gift-giving



(BOSTON) – Huntington Theatre Company announces it has joined producer Hunter Arnold and a consortium of theatres across the US to present a special filmed version of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol this holiday season, featuring Tony Award winner Jefferson Mays. Tickets are available on the Huntington’s website (huntingtontheatre.org), and the film will be available for streaming from November 28 through January 3.


In this special production of A Christmas Carol, the timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge comes to thrilling new life as Tony Award winner Jefferson Mays (I Am My Own Wife, Oslo, A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder on Broadway) plays over 50 roles in a virtuosic, master class of a performance.


Staged exclusively for this film and captured live at New York’s United Palace, this rousing streaming event conjures the powerful spirits of Christmas and brings all the magic of live theatre home for the holidays.


Directed by one of Broadway’s most imaginative directors, two-time Tony Award nominee Michael Arden (Deaf West’s Spring Awakening, Once on this Island on Broadway), adapted by Mays, Susan Lyons (director of I Am My Own Wife on Broadway), and Arden, and conceived by Arden and Tony Award nominee Dane Laffrey (I Was Most Alive with YouGod of Carnage, and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner at the Huntington, Once on this Island on Broadway), the filmed version is based on the highly acclaimed 2018 production which made its world premiere at the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles.


When it played the Geffen Playhouse in 2018, A Christmas Carol was called “a stunning adaptation” by The Hollywood Reporter, and Charles McNulty of the Los Angeles Times raved that “Jefferson Mays not only got me to see A Christmas Carol, something I’ve vowed never to do again. But he got me to rave about it. For true theatre lovers, there can be no better gift this season.”


Adaptor and actor Jefferson Mays says, “A Christmas Carol was my first experience of living theatre. My mother and father would read it out loud every year. My father would tell the story with clarity and humanity, while my mother, eyes ablaze, would transform into the characters, from the tortured Jacob Marley, to little Fan and the entire Cratchit family. Both, in their ways, created magic. And now here we are, aspiring to bring this magic to people across the country during this challenging time.”


Director and adaptor Michael Arden says, “My theatre career began when I was a 10-year-old Texan playing Tiny Tim in the Midland Community Theatre production of A Christmas Carol. In a time when theatres and arts workers across the country are in great need, bringing a story that celebrates the power of creativity, community, and our shared humanity is humbling.”


Producer Hunter Arnold says, “Due to COVID-19, the country’s theatres have lost over 80% of their income, a number that is devastating to our community. These theatres, the work they produce, and the artists and workers they support are a fundamental part of our society. We must fight for their survival.”


The creative team for A Christmas Carol includes Dane Laffrey (scenic and costume design), Maceo Bishop (director of photography), Ben Stanton (lighting design, Man in the Ring and Love’s Labour’s Lost at the Huntington), Lucy Mackinnon (projection design, Ripcord at the Huntington), Joshua D. Reid (sound design), Cookie Jordan (hair and makeup design), James Ortiz (puppet design), and Nikki M. James (assistant director). A Christmas Carol is produced by Hunter Arnold with George BamberKayla GreenspanCarl DaikelerRoberto Quiroz Mata, and Tom Kirdahy serving as Executive Producers for the film.


Huntington Theatre Company is a partner through a joint project between Arnold's TBD Pictures, La Jolla Playhouse, and On The Stage. Other partner theatres currently include Actors' Playhouse, Geffen Playhouse, George Street Playhouse, Iowa Stage Theatre Company, La Jolla Playhouse, Sankofa Collective, Shea's Performing Arts Center, South Coast Repertory, Springfield Contemporary Theatre, Theatre Tallahassee, and Vermont Stage.





Tickets are $50 per household, with select discounts for students and others, and are available online at huntingtontheatre.org/christmas-carol or by phone at 617 266 0800. (At least $20 per full price ticket will benefit the Huntington Theatre Company.) Closed-captioning will be available.


Ticket buyers will receive an email from the streaming company On The Stage with a viewing link, and beginning November 28 at 9pm through January 3, viewers will have 24 hours to watch the performance once the link has been activated. The performance can be watched on any device or cast to a television.


SPECIAL OFFER: The first 25 people to purchase the “Raise the Curtain” package (details below) will receive complimentary access to the digital streaming production of A Christmas Carol this holiday season.





In order to help sustain the company when live theatre is not possible and revenue opportunities are limited, the Huntington has created the “Raise the Curtain” package as a way for theatre lovers to show their support. For $199, purchasers of the “Raise the Curtain” package receive 2 FlexPass tickets to be used to redeem seats to any available Huntington performance in the future, as well as a Huntington tote bag ($69 per package for 35 Below and students). “Raise the Curtain” packages will make great holiday gifts for theatre fans and supporters.


As a special offer to launch the program, the first 25 people to purchase the “Raise the Curtain” package will receive complimentary access to the digital streaming production of A Christmas Carol this holiday season (tickets to A Christmas Carol are regularly $50).


麻州州長11/10疫情匯報 抨擊川普拒不交接

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(10)日在新冠病毒疫情匯報記者會中,高調表示不滿川普總統的拒不辦理交接行為,直言疫情仍在持續,這是阻止政府過渡的最糟糕時刻。

             查理貝克今日邀請了羅倫斯總醫院董事長Jody White,波士頓醫療中心執行長 Kate Walsh出席,與麻州健康及人民服務長Marylou Sudder一起說明,麻州在應付疫情上有充分準備,不但增加了400個床位,將再設置田野醫院,甚至還已儲備了一年份量的個人防護用品(PPP)


             查理貝克強調,他實在想不出,還有什麼時候會是比疫情橫行的現在更糟糕的拒絕交接時刻。 他簡直不敢相信他所聽到來自總統,其團隊,以及多名華府民選議員的毫無根據說法。


