
星期二, 9月 29, 2020




BOSTON - Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today delivered remarks to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce during their virtual Government Affairs Forum, laying out how his administration continues responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and how we are working together in recovering and rebuilding. 

Below are the Mayor's remarks as prepared for delivery:

Good morning to all the leaders, members, and guests of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. I'm addressing you this year under very different circumstances, so I'm here at a place that's different than our usual venue. It's a place that helps tell the story of our city - what we've been going through this year, how we've responded, and how we must move forward together.

This is The Guild, in Dorchester. It's a refuge, created by Black and Brown Bostonians, where neighbors come together to heal, reclaim, and revitalize their community. When COVID hit, The Guild jumped into action. They transformed this sanctuary into a relief hub, providing food, supplies, comfort, and care to the families and seniors in their community. 

But the need was overwhelming, and their staff and volunteers were themselves at higher risk from COVID. It was the same story at so many of our nonprofits. At the same time, members of Boston's business community were reaching out to me every day asking, what can I do to help? That's why, in March, we created the Boston Resiliency Fund to connect these powerful forces of compassion in our city, and put them to work saving lives.
Boston responded in a big way. We blew past our fundraising goals and, in a matter of days, we were getting food, healthcare, diapers, and formula into the homes of our residents, through trusted community providers.  

With Resiliency Fund backing, the Guild expanded its reach from a few hundred neighbors to a total of now 30,000 residents, including seniors, families in quarantine, and immigrant households, in neighborhoods across the city. One young woman discovered a passion for volunteering at the Guild and connecting with her elderly neighbors. She said, "it's so much more than just distributing supplies; it's uplifting our community."

In tough times, Bostonians work together. No one should get left behind. That's what The Guild works for here, and that's what we worked for in every neighborhood of our city, so Boston could stay home and flatten the curve.

To date, the Resiliency Fund has raised over $33 million from 6,700 individual people, companies, and foundations. We have distributed over $26 million to 348 organizations that are feeding, clothing, and caring for the vulnerable of our city. Fifty-five percent of those organizations are led by a person of color, 58 percent are led by women, and 27 percent are immigrant-serving organizations. That's who our city is. 

I want to thank everyone who donated to the Resiliency Fund for your generosity, and the many businesses who reached out in our time of need. And I want to thank the workers and volunteers who delivered these services to their neighbors, and continue to do so, every single day. 

We proved, in Boston, there is absolutely nothing we can't do when we come together. 

Early on in the crisis, I made decisions - sooner than some were comfortable with - to close school buildings, cancel events, and pause construction. I know why there was hesitancy. 

What the scientists were telling us was frightening. But we had to listen to that science, and we had to take action. Lives were at stake. And I knew our city could rise to the occasion. Here's what we did. 
  • We brought in the McChrystal Group to help us reorganize the operations of city government around a daily crisis response. 
  • We created a daily text message alert system that gets critical information to nearly 100,000 residents in 11 languages. 
  • We brought COVID testing to 18 community health centers, making sure that every single resident has access to no-cost testing from trusted providers in their own neighborhood. 
  • We built Boston Hope Medical Center at the Convention Center in 5 days, providing care for 750 COVID patients and protecting our hospital capacity. 
  • We created a Health Inequities Task Force and an Immigrant Collaborative to target resources to the vulnerable communities that are hardest hit by COVID.  
  • We put together a citywide food access system that has distributed over 3.5 million free meals to families and seniors in need. 
  • We funded 1,000 childcare seats for essential workers. 
  • In addition to gearing up our first responders, we've sent 700,000 units of PPE to outside partners, including nursing homes, community health centers, domestic violence shelters, and homeless providers. 
  • We bought 40,000 laptops for students learning at home. 
  • We got 850 permanent rental vouchers into the hands of families with students in the Boston Public Schools who were at risk from homelessness. 
  • We doubled our shelter capacity and placed 250 formerly homeless individuals into permanent housing. 
  • And, we created a rental relief fund that's gotten $3 million to nearly 900 households who couldn't otherwise pay their rent. 
  • We created small business funds that have gotten $9 million to over 2,500 businesses, more than half of them owned by people of color. 
  • We've approved over 550 restaurants all across the city for outdoor dining in both public and private space. 
  • And, in COVID-related City contracting, 33 percent of our spending has gone to certified women and minority owned businesses. 
To get all this done, we worked more collaboratively than ever before.  Seven straight months of crisis response has made city government more integrated, more nimble, and more responsive, and we're going to stay that way. We have broken down silos and we are working with anyone who can help our city move forward, from health centers and nonprofits, to businesses and community groups, to colleges and universities. We're going to keep working together, every single day, to get our city through this pandemic and meet all the challenges that lie ahead.

Let me give you an update on where we stand. As of September 25, 2020, Boston had recorded 16,924 cases of COVID-19. 13,852 of those patients have made confirmed recoveries. 762 Bostonians have lost their lives, and we must never forget them. 

As of now, roughly 1800 Bostonians are being tested for COVID every day, and our current positive test rate is 2.7 percent. All but four neighborhoods are under four percent positivity; with East Boston around six percent, Dorchester around five percent, and Hyde Park and Roslindale around four percent. Black Bostonians represent 32 percent of our total cases, while making up 22 percent of our population; and Latinx Bostonians are 31 percent of our cases, compared to 20 percent of our population. [Most recent data can be found here.]

These and other data are the metrics we monitor every single day. What they tell us now is that we have come a very long way since the peak of our surge in late April. But they also tell us that the virus is very much still with us. And the inequities affecting communities of color and immigrant communities continue to define the impact of this pandemic--the health impact and the economic impact as well. Limiting the spread and preventing another surge depends on the actions we all take to avoid transmitting the virus, to work together as a city in our response, and to bring resources and support to those who are most severely impacted.  

We are still in the thick of this fight. COVID is still very much with us. Economic recovery will be a long, hard road. Racial injustice must be addressed and equity must be our shared goal. 

These are no small tasks. But based on our response so far, we have proven we can do hard things. And my priorities remain clear.  I am dedicated to keeping the residents of our city safe throughout this pandemic; supporting them through whatever hardships they face; addressing the inequities that hold us back; and rebuilding our economy in a way that works for everyone. And I am committed to pushing forward a plan for the future, because just as we are meeting the needs of this pandemic, we must adapt to meet the economic, social, and global challenges of tomorrow.

Today I'm going to talk about how we are advancing these priorities in city government and what we all must do to stay safe, recover, and rebuild our city.
I'll start with our City finances. Every organization has faced tough realities this year. Whether you are a local business or a large corporation, a neighborhood nonprofit or a world-famous hospital, you have had to tighten your belt and make tough decisions. City government is no exception. This year we put in place a hiring freeze on non-essential positions, and we cut $65 million from the budget for Fiscal Year 2021. 

Despite this loss in revenue, we made sure to protect our record new investments in education, in affordable housing, and in public health - because these fundamental needs are more important now than ever. 

And, we protected city workers. We have more than 18,000 City of Boston employees, and not one has missed a paycheck. They've been able to continue spending and supporting grocery stores, restaurants, and small businesses all across our city. 

We also maintained our capital investments, so that we can continue to strengthen our city and Boston remains a place where people want to raise their families and come to work. In the midst of a trying time, residents in every neighborhood will continue to see improvements in safety, opportunity, and quality of life in their communities. 

For example, last week we topped off Engine 42 in Roxbury, the first new firehouse in Boston in over three decades. On Saturday, we started work on our newest bus lane, the outbound route down Washington Street in Roslindale. And, next month, we will open the $17 million, 27,000 square-foot renovation of the Roxbury branch Boston Public Library in Nubian Square. It's the largest neighborhood branch in the system and it's the transformative library that Roxbury deserves, with public art, learning spaces, and 21st-century resources. It will host an African-American collection and a center for economic justice dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King's legacy in our city. 

We've been laying the groundwork to withstand a crisis like this for years. Through responsible budgeting, we earned perfect AAA bond ratings for a record seven years in a row. That put us in a position to weather this storm, while continuing to support our city and invest in our neighborhoods. An analysis reported in the New York Times last month found that Boston is the city government best prepared fiscally for the current economic crisis. We will continue to make whatever adjustments to our budget are needed, because protecting the City's financial health is how we maintain a well functioning government that can be there for people in both good times and hard times.
On so many issues, the priorities, the planning, and the investments we made before COVID, have put us in a stronger position to respond, recover, and rebuild. 

In housing, on top of 1,000 new rental vouchers for BPS families, we are creating the first city-funded voucher program in Boston's history. And we have continued our two-year push at the State Legislature for a right to legal counsel for tenants in eviction proceedings. That's more crucial than ever, as the state and federal eviction moratoriums expire. 

In transportation, the plans we made to expand bus lanes and bike lanes are exactly what we needed to help front line workers get to and from their jobs safely. Now we're making them permanent. 

On the environment, the pandemic has shown why our commitment to following science, investing in resilience, and advancing environmental justice is so important. I've expanded investment in parks across the city, and I've kept the pledge I made at the Chamber two years ago to invest 10 percent of the capital budget in waterfront parks that protect our homes and businesses. 

Because we created the nation's first municipal office of recovery services, we have been able to be there for those who need help with addiction throughout the pandemic, as we fight in court for our long-term, regional recovery campus on Long Island

And in education, the three-year, $100 million investment that I announced at the beginning of this year - targeted directly at the equity and opportunity gaps that impact students with the deepest needs - is helping us support our students most in need during this pandemic.  

Last week, the Boston Public Schools opened remotely for the first time in history. To be ready, we accelerated our plan to make Boston a district that provides a computer for every single student. 

As we do this work, we're preparing for the education model that emerges when we move past this pandemic. To close the digital divide over the long-term, we're going to need all hands on deck. We're going to need every level of government, along with the private sector, to step up in a big way, to find and fund solutions. 

It's not just an achievement gap in our schools; it's a skills gap in our future workforce. And it's the concept of equity, clearly defined. A child without a computer or the internet at home needs a different level of engagement and investment than a child in a well-resourced home -especially when you consider how likely it is that same child also experiences systemic racism through housing insecurity, health inequity, and a host of other challenges. We have to address these issues together. 

That's why we are committed to rebuilding an economy that works for everyone.  

We are working with leaders and experts in every industry: providing safety guidelines and protective equipment, listening to their needs and concerns, and identifying opportunities to help - especially for the hardest hit. 

To help the tourism sector rebuild, we have launched a plan for a marketing campaign to invite and welcome regional visitors to our city in a safe and healthy way. 

We are making sure Boston is open for business and investment is coming to our city. In the last two months, we have approved 776,000 square feet of development and 421 housing units, 30 percent of which are income restricted, affordable homes. That's not counting Suffolk Downs, the largest private investment in affordable housing and resilient infrastructure in Boston's history. 

At the same time we welcome these major investments, we are in the trenches helping our small businesses. They are the backbone of our neighborhood economies and local communities and they have taken a huge hit due to COVID. So while we've taken the steps necessary to protect our residents, we've also worked harder than ever before to understand and respond to the needs of small businesses. For restaurants like El Barrio Cafe in Dorchester, these measures have been life-savers. Owner Joandry Vasquez said he could not have reopened without grant funding and outdoor dining support from the City.  

That's also why I'm here at The Guild today. This is a place where Black and Brown Bostonians come together to share ideas and grow new businesses. At a time when we're planning our economic recovery, we must continue to foster creativity, encourage innovation, and remove barriers for communities of color to build wealth.

Racial equity is not a new conversation. In 2016, I devoted my Chamber address to calling on our city to dismantle and end systemic racism.  Here's what I said: "racial inequities are evident in health, education, and almost every aspect of community and individual wellbeing. These disparities are not only rooted in history, they continue presenting barriers to opportunity today. That means it's not enough to have color-blind policies, and it's not enough to have good intentions. Personal virtue doesn't add up to systemic change." 

It was the first time in Boston's history that a mayor put ending systemic racism at the top of our city's agenda. And we have advanced this priority in every aspect of city policy: in our school investments, in our housing policies, in our neighborhood investments, and in transportation access. It's our economic vision and it's our public health mission.  

The COVID crisis is a good example. It's a lesson in systemic inequity and it's taken intentional work, every day, to address it. That's also a lesson in how we are leading in Boston: by tackling inequities head-on and unlocking the immense talent in the Black community and communities of color to build, create, and succeed.  

But when George Floyd was murdered in late May of this year, it was clear: we are nowhere near ending systemic racism and achieving justice in our country. The conversations in the 70s, 80s, or 90s didn't get us there. The conversations after Ferguson didn't get us there. The conversation we had with the Chamber in 2016 didn't get us there. 

This time must be different.  

In the coming days I will receive the final recommendations of our Police Reform Task Force. We will break new ground in accountability, diversity, and transparency. 

But ending systemic racism goes so much further than police policies. As I said in 2016, it affects every aspect of our society and every kind of opportunity. That's what systemic means. 

And that's why we reorganized city government, putting a Chief of Equity in my cabinet to drive this work forward and make sure everything we do is laser focused on ending systemic racism and achieving racial equity in our city.  

I don't want to be back with the Chamber, three years from now, having the same conversation again. We must do more, all of us: The City of Boston; the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and all of our 351 cities and towns; and every leader in the private sector.  

We also need leadership at the head of the federal government. Boston, and every city and state, needs a steady partner in Washington and a White House committed to the health and wellbeing of all Americans. Unfortunately, we don't have that, and our country has paid a price. 

But in the meantime, Boston will lead: on COVID; on economic recovery; on racial justice; and on climate action.

These are tough fights, and we face a long road ahead. We need to keep making health and safety our priority every day. We need to work together to rebuild our economy so it works for everyone. And we need to guarantee justice for everyone who calls our city and country home.

At this moment of uncertainty, we must continue to move Boston forward. As Mayor, I'm focused on our safety, our recovery, and our path ahead.  And while our city battles a pandemic, I've drawn strength from the resilience and the selflessness I've seen and felt all across our city.  

So if you are on this call, or you are watching this speech, I want to thank you.  

I want to thank the business and nonprofit leaders who reached out to help us.
I want to thank the nurses, doctors, and medical staff who worked around the clock to save lives. 

I want to thank the police, fire, and EMS first responders who never stopped being there for us, no matter the risk.  

I want to thank the grocery store workers, restaurant workers, and delivery drivers who kept us fed.

I want to thank all our public employees who have kept our city government going without missing a beat. 

I want to thank everyone who worked from home and continues to work from home.  

I want to thank the parents and guardians who are helping children learn at home while trying to do their own jobs and manage their finances. 

I want to thank the small business owners who have worked so hard.

And I want to thank every single person who puts on a mask when they leave the house. 

Boston has been knocked down before, and we've always gotten back up. And when we rise up, we reach back to lift all those who have been held down in the past. This year, and these challenges, are no different. We are determined to keep the people of our city safe, and we are determined to come out of this crisis a more resilient and more equitable city than we entered it.

We are Boston, and there is nothing we can't do when we work together. 

Thank you. God bless you. God bless the City of Boston.

亞裔高中生發公開信 呼籲三市學校領導出面反對種族歧視


             (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)分別住在波士頓、昆士(Quincy)、摩頓(Malden)這三個城市的6名高中生,921日在波士頓華埠社區中心網站上發表公開信,呼籲老師,請採取行動,反對種族歧視,保護我們的安全。

             波士頓環球報(Boston Globe)(29)日刊文,報導了這封公開信。




數個加州亞美民權組織發起的停止仇恨亞裔美人太平洋島民(Stop AAPI Hate)”行動指出,在3月中到8月初之間,已追蹤到2500多宗反亞裔美人太平洋島民的仇恨事件,包括工作場所騎士,網路騷擾,身體攻擊等。

            停止仇恨亞裔美人太平洋島民(Stop AAPI Hate)”在麻州也記錄了61宗這類事件。


6名學生中,簽署全名的2名學生為波士頓拉丁學校的Sarah XuMandy Sun。截至929日,已有逾百人簽名支持他們的公開信,網址鍊接為https://bcnc.net/news/youthletter2020

星期一, 9月 28, 2020

中華公所9/29開董事大會 營運季報已交AG辦公室

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華公所將於929日晚舉行本年度第三次董事大會。從議程看,並無大事,但有董事反應上次會議紀錄的中英文版本內容落差太大,中華公所的營運體制,各僑團推舉代表董事辦法,恐將成為新話題。

中華公所目前有46名董事,5名職員及行政主任。本屆董事大會議程有6項內容,依序包括律師姜家為客戶他湘(Burbor Chacha)”的店舖酒牌更換經理陳情,董事大會討論通過728日的上次會議記錄,行政主任報告大同村多家商鋪租戶須更新租約,主席報告,財政/核數小組報告,選舉/章程小組報告。



在這份最新的報告中,中華公所指出,2019年末,中華公所董事提出的紐英崙世界廣東同鄉會(World Kwong Tung Community Association of New England)雙包案,在128日的董事大會中就恢復紐英崙世界廣東同鄉會(1996年成立,2014年在麻州復活)為中華公所具投票權董事的提案討論,投票後,以17票贊成,19票反對,5票棄權的結果,未能通過。


喜露街(Herald)50 號這目前出租給中國超市的土地,由中華公所在20194月,發出招標書給10家以上發展商,結果卻全無回應,待中華公所一一追問原因後,Samuels & AssociatesPennrose有興趣做有限期的獨家談判,以探討雙方達成合作協議的可能性。這兩家公司在今年4月及2月提出了潛在的財務及發展項目計畫,然後又出現一家公司表達強烈興趣。





大同村停車場的發展計劃。中華公所在20195月和烽火社區有限公司(Beacon Communities LLC)達成發展大同村南停車場的備忘協議,如今被稱為"夏利臣街288(288 Harrison Ave.,)的這發展計畫,要蓋6層樓,85個出租單位,全是可負擔住宅,估計耗資4500萬元。中華公所估計大約有一半的經費,會來自鄰近市價土地發展計畫的連鎖發展金,其餘的經費將經由低收入住宅抵稅優惠,免稅債券,貸款等方式取得。

波士頓計畫及發展局(BPDA)已於今年3月批准這一發展計畫。波士頓區域規劃局(Zoning Commission)也在 今年5月批准了。中華公所和烽火社區公司正在總結最後的建築設計,以及各種法律協議,尋求貸款等。希望2021年中可以動工。


NAPCA Awarded $14 Million to Help America's Diverse Mature Workforce

 SEATTLE, WA, September 28, 2020– The US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (DOL-ETA) has awarded the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) $14 million in 2020-21 and for the upcoming 4 years to operate the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans. NAPCA is one of 20 national non-profit organizations to receive the award and will operate SCSEP in 59 counties in 7 states.

“NAPCA is the only Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) national organization to receive an award to operate the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) from the Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (DOL-ETA). SCSEP provides job-skills and training to diverse older workers – thereby lifting them out of poverty and restoring their dignity. By 2030, 20% of US workers will be 65 or older,” said Anna E. Crosslin, Chair of NAPCA’s Board of Directors. “They are most at-risk to being left behind because of the socioeconomic inequities that persist in our systems,” she added.

SCSEP serves those 55 and older who are unemployed and have a family income of no more than 125% of the federal poverty level. The program provides qualified participants with paid training opportunities through community service activities at non-profit and public facilities to serve as a bridge to long term, unsubsidized employment opportunities. SCSEP prioritizes individuals who are veterans and qualified spouses, are over 65, have a disability, have low literacy skills or limited English proficiency, reside in a rural area, are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and have low employment prospects.

“Now more than ever, we need to act to address the poverty crisis impacting our nation’s older adults and acknowledge the importance of the SCSEP program in light of the economic and health inequities accelerated by COVID-19. Prior to the pandemic, more than 7 million older adults were identified to be living below the federal poverty guidelines with the trajectory of reaching 72 million in the next ten years. This award reflects the dedication of NAPCA’s staff and we receive the award as a call to action to stand and serve in the widening gap for our country’s diverse older adults," said Joon Bang, NAPCA’s President & CEO.




BOSTON - Monday, September 28, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the Steering Committee members for the Boston Racial Equity Fund, created to invest in nonprofits and initiatives that empower Boston's Black and Brown residents. The 16-member group consists of Boston leaders in education, the business sector, health and the overall civic life of the city. Its list of desired outcomes includes working to reduce and eliminate the dramatic wealth and opportunity gaps between white families and families of color in the City of Boston. 

"We have an opportunity and sense of real urgency to work together, to not only meet pressing needs, but empower communities and individuals to define and lead systemic change," said Mayor Walsh. "The Racial Equity Fund will complement the work that the City of Boston is doing to embed equity into all of City work and to dismantle racism by putting an intentional focus on supporting communities of color and marginalized groups across all departments. I thank all the members of the Steering Committee for leading this work as we continue to make progress on our work to better the lives of our residents now and for generations to come." 

The Boston Racial Equity Fund was created in June of this year to increase the safety, wellbeing, equity, and prosperity of the Black and Brown community. The mission of the Fund is to advance racial equity and to dismantle systemic racism in the City of Boston and its enduring effects including economic and health inequities. The Fund will work to coordinate and amplify philanthropic interest, raising $10 million as its initial goal and ultimately getting it up to $50 million. 

"This is a significant effort that is tangible and will have a real and enduring positive impact on our communities" said Emerson College President Lee Pelton, chair of the Boston Racial Equity Fund Steering Committee. "We have a very long way to go to end structural racism in our society, and I'm encouraged by this important step forward. We will navigate, as best we can, the need to respond to urgent needs while putting into place efforts and investments for long-term, sustained and continuous improvement.  Our objective is to dismantle the stubborn structural racial inequities that prevent folks from fully participating in this evolving experiment  we call American democracy. "

"Boston is fortunate to have institutions and grassroots organizations that work every day to override decades of disinvestment and tear down obstacles to opportunity that face too many of our residents, particularly Black and Brown Bostonians," said Linda Dorcena Forry, Suffolk Construction's Vice President of Diversity, Inclusion & Community. "In coordination with the New Commonwealth Fund, we are ready to get to work to boost and complement the racial equity efforts being driven by each of our industry sectors." 

The Steering Committee members are: 
  • Lee Pelton, (Chair) Emerson College
  • Beth Chandler, YW Boston
  • Denella Clark, Boston Arts Academy Foundation
  • Dr. Thea L. James, BMC
  • Eric Esteves, The Lenny Zakim Fund
  • Fatima Ali-Salaam, Greater Mattapan Neighborhood Council
  • Karla Nicholson, Haymarket People's Fund
  • Klare Shaw. Liberty Mutual Foundation
  • Linda Dorcena Forry, Suffolk Construction
  • Lori Smith-Britton, Community Resource Consulting, Inc.
  • Mo Cowan, GE
  • Pam Everhart, Fidelity Investments
  • Penn Loh, Hyams Foundation
  • Steve Tompkins, Suffolk County Sheriff
  • Thelma Burns, Community Advocate, formerly ABCD
  • Vanessa Calderón-Rosado, Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA)
The Boston Racial Equity Fund is being staffed and coordinated by the newly-established Equity and Inclusion cabinet, under the leadership of Chief of Equity Dr. Karilyn Crockett. The cabinet works across departments to embed equity into all city work, and actively works to dismantle racism by putting an intentional focus on supporting communities of color and marginalized groups across all departments, and building equitable governmental structures to sustain this work. The cabinet comprises the following existing departments and agencies, including: Resilience and Racial Equity, Diversity, Human Rights Commission, Women's Advancement, Immigrant Advancement, Language and Communication Access. 

As part of its COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, the City created the following emergency relief funds to help Boston's most vulnerable, including the Rental Relief Fund, the Small Business Relief Fund, the Reopen Boston Fund, and the Boston Resiliency Fund, collectively distributing over $38 million to renters, small businesses and nonprofit organizations in need. 

The Boston Racial Equity Fund will initially exist as a program within the Boston Charitable Trust, an existing 501(c)(3) designated trust fund managed by the City of Boston's Treasury Department. For more information on how to make a donation, please visit: boston.gov/racialequityfund.

星期日, 9月 27, 2020

麻州新冠病毒疫情上揚 今日確診數將近600

                   (Boston Orange) 927日,麻州又新添594人新冠病毒(COVID-19)確診,13人死亡。明天,928日,卻是餐館內可同桌共餐的人數從6人放寬到10人的開始。疫情到底如何,有點讓人困擾了。










星期六, 9月 26, 2020


                 (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙華人歷史協會的李燦輝(Tunney F. Lee)紀念講座,926日下午以華裔耆英為主題,在網上揭幕。未來將以華裔美人為主要對象,陸續舉辦不同內容講座。11月12日年會後,12月將以新英格蘭地區二次界大戰華裔退伍軍人為主題。

             李燦輝曾任波士頓市政府重建局計畫及設計長,麻省理工學院都市計畫系主任,並為香港中文大學創辦了建築系。由於他的曾祖父早於1892年就已定居波士頓,他自己卻是1938年,7歲時才移民來美,並在父親去華府工作後,獨自留在波士頓升學。這經歷讓他對華埠歷史一直懷有深厚感情,退休後積極蒐集歷史文件,製作了波士頓華埠圖嶼(Chinatown Altas)”展覽,並一直在和華史會董事張大衛密切合作,準備把他們所蒐集與華埠建築及人文有關的資料,整理成書。只是書還未付印,今年712日,李燦輝就辭世了。

             2011年起加入紐英崙華人歷史協會董事會,2012年出版過東成西就: 七個華人基督教家族與中西交流百年一書,現任約翰漢考克投資管理公司(John Hancock Investment Management)機構及退休產品發展主管,發起並擔任李燦輝紀念講座系列委員會主席的羅元旭指出,該會希望藉由成立李燦輝紀念講座,以李燦輝違失,繼續他那致力保存,宣揚華裔美人歷史,文化的工作。該會董事張大衛也將和李燦輝的家人繼續合作,整理出版李燦輝和他所整理出來的那些華埠歷史。

在"華埠圖嶼(Chinatown Altas)前合影。
             926日的首場講座,邀來哈佛大學社會研究學位委員會大三、大四研究助理主任暨講師,今年(2020)出版了華裔耆英移民及退休全球化(Chinese Senior Migrants and the Globalization of Retirement)”的柳雲嫦(Nicole Newendorp)來講談來自城市的故事:當代華裔耆英移民及波士頓的華埠(Stories from the City: Sontemporary Chinese Senior Migrants and Boston’s Chinatown)

             柳雲嫦(Nicole Newendorp)2007年起,曾在波士頓中華耆英會等機構教成人英語,因而認識不少華裔耆英,並在接觸中,聽了許多故事,後來再做許多訪談,調查,先後出版了至少2本書。

          Nicole Newendorp指出,以人數來計,美國移民的第二大族群是華裔,僅次於墨西哥。2010年時,有180萬名在中國出生的人住在美國,在所有出生於外國的人口中,華裔佔4.5%,而且在外國出生華人中,有1/32000以後來美的,其中29.8%為年紀在55歲以上的耆英。她還用散居(diaspora),家人分離,華埠等三種類別來敘述不同時期的移民故事,指當代耆英移民,多半經濟環境條件還不錯,所來自地區遠不止珠江三角洲一帶,來到美國後對華埠多半比較髒亂,印象不佳,但仍有部分耆英甚至願意每天花二小時搭車進城,或為與同文同種人群相處,或為回饋社區來做義工,好讓他們的退休生活過得更有意義。

哈佛大學講師Nicole Newendorp。(周菊子攝)
             李燦輝的女兒, Dara Lee Lewis博士,這天應邀出席,代表李燦輝家人感謝紐英崙華史會推出紀念講座,將和張大衛把她父親這本書交給麻省理工學院出版社出版。

             羅元旭透露,李燦輝紀念講座系列預定12月邀陳紹章(Bill Chen)將軍講談二次世界大戰的華裔退伍軍人,明年第一季,將邀Rob Morrison講談強烈反對排華法案的聯邦參議員George Hoar(更新版)

李燦輝的女兒Dara Lee Lewis博士。(周菊子攝)