
星期四, 5月 07, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration, Partners in Health, Public Health Officials Provide Update on Community Tracing Collaborative

Baker-Polito Administration, Partners in Health, Public Health Officials Provide Update on Community Tracing Collaborative

BOSTON  Today, the Baker-Polito Administration joined Partners in Health and local public health officials to provide an update on contract tracing efforts through the COVID-19 Community Tracing Collaborative (CTC) launched last month. The initiative focuses on tracing the contacts of confirmed positive COVID-19 patients, and supporting individuals in quarantine, building on COVID-19 Response Command Center efforts to leverage public health college students to augment the contact tracing being done by local boards of health.

If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, the MA COVID Team will reach out by phone to connect the confirmed case with support and resources necessary for quarantine, and to identify any close contacts that may have been exposed. As the CTC continues its contact tracing work to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, it is critical that Massachusetts residents answer the phone when a contact tracer calls or texts. Contact tracers will only reach out from phone numbers with 833 or 857 area codes, and the phone’s caller ID will say MA COVID Team.

Since calls began on April 12, tens of thousands of Massachusetts residents have participated in contact tracing. Staffed with more than 1,600 tracers, the Tracing Collaborative has reached nearly 14,000 confirmed cases and established more than 7,500 of their contacts since calls began on April 12. In part due to effective social distancing measures, the median number of contacts reported by each confirmed case remains approximately two.

To learn more about the MA COVID Team and the Community Tracing Collaborative, visit www.mass.gov/MATracingTeam.


(CPA Boston 提供)
(Boston Orange)華人前進會(CPA)近日派員工拜訪屋村,分發口罩,洗手液,送上中領館和波士頓第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)的愛心,請屋村居民們”齊心抗疫,共克時艱”。
華人前進會送防疫物資到公路村。(CPA Boston 提供)
                                  近日,華人前進會收到轄區包括華埠的波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林贈送的一批洗手液,口罩,中國駐紐約總領事館發來的總領事黃屏”祖籍國總在你身後,總領館總在你身邊”慰問信和中華海外聯誼會籌集的近萬口罩,數千手套,除了發給要上班的工友之外,還從52日起,派該會社區組織員鄺寶蓮和該會榮譽會長李素影召集的一批義工,陸續拜訪波士頓市南端(South End)的統一樓,聯合公園(Union Park)80號,以及華埠的公路村,美順樓,康樂樓,南灣東,南灣西,美華村等大樓,分送這些防疫物資,供居住在這些大樓內的耆英們領取。

(CPA Boston 提供)

昆士市一亞裔員工辭世 Walmart現關閉3家麻州分店

             (Boston Orange 編譯)沃爾瑪(Walmart)在一名昆士市分店員工死於新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的消息傳出後,56日又再關閉2家在麻州的分店。
             69歲的Yok Yen Lee420日下班後,被緊急送到醫院,53日傳出死訊。她在那兒工作的昆士市瀑布大道(Falls Boulevard)”沃爾瑪分店,54(週一)下午3點半關閉。該店現有11名員工確診。昆士市公共衛生當局宣佈,將在該店員工全部都做了新型冠狀病毒檢測後,再決定應該採取甚麼樣的適當措施。
             沃爾瑪是全美第一批實施安全措施的大公司之一,但在因應病毒侵襲上,一直處於掙扎狀態。根據支持沃爾瑪員工的組織,為尊嚴團結(United for Respect)”,全美已有21名沃爾瑪員工死於新型冠狀病毒。
             Yok Yen Lee的女兒,住在衛斯理鎮(Wellesley)Elaine Eklund表示,她不覺得昆士市沃爾瑪採取了足夠措施來保護她母親的生命。她感到很憤怒,說她從來沒想到會發生這種事,她現在仍然感到震驚,心中十分酸楚。
             Elaine Eklund說她媽媽是個充滿活力,有愛心,想得很週到的人,在她有需要時,總是在那兒。她媽媽還喜歡和3歲及剛出生的外孫玩,享受天倫之樂,聽他們喊她婆婆。然後竟然她就死了。
             Elaine Eklund形容她母親身材合宜,很活躍,從來不會很容易生病,一直很健康,每天跳尊巴舞(Zumba)。她母親的死訊真的讓人很震驚。
Yok Yen Lee死前,沃爾瑪已在當地公衛人員的觀察名單上。昆士市公衛局局長Ruth Jones表示,有民眾抱怨,昆士市沃爾瑪店裡人太多,還不遵守社交安全距離要求,所以在427日至51日間,她都派有人員駐店監督。沃爾瑪企業辦公室也派了地區代表到該店觀察,也看到社交安全距離不足情況。
Elaine Eklund表示,她媽媽早在昆士市公衛局及沃爾瑪企業部採取行動前二星期,就已經住院了。沃爾瑪明知她母親住在重症病房,卻沒做任何改變。
Elaine Eklund非常難過,她說自己甚至沒有機會和母親道別,只透過急診室窗戶看到2秒鐘。

星期三, 5月 06, 2020

麻州5/6新增確診1754、死亡208 州長考慮逐步解禁

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)在吉列體育場出席州警就職宣誓儀式。

(Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(6)日到吉列體育場(Gillette Stadium)出席警察宣誓就職儀式,透露州政府考慮未來數週,在有限制情況下,容許一些企業重新開門營業,但前提是新增感染個案和住院人數持續下降。
               其餘確診比率最多排名前10城市及其確診人數,包括布洛克頓(Brockton) 3179 (3235) 林市(Lynn)2536(2513),艾佛瑞特(Everett) 1212(2497),羅倫斯(Lawrence) 1975 (2239),龍都(Randolph)735(2147),瑞維爾(Revere)1307(2145),丹佛(Danvers)(1887),斯托頓(Stoughton)485 (1753)及羅爾市( Lowell) 2002(1713),屋斯特(Worcester)2989(1557.84)等。
               零確診的市鎮,從疫情發生迄今,仍為這20個,AlfordAquinnahBlandfordCharlemontGosnoldHawleyHeathLeydenMiddlefieldMonroeMontereyMount WashingtonNew Ashford New SalemNorthfieldPlainfieldWarwickWendellWindsorWorthington

每天1500人 波士頓市要加快檢測速度

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(6)日在COVID-19疫情匯報中表示,要把波士頓市的每日檢測人數提高至1500
             馬丁華殊表示,波市府已從波士頓彈性基金(Boston Resiliency Fund)撥款100萬元,用來擴展社區醫療中心的病毒檢測能量,本週將在牙買加平原及查理士城(Charlestown)依序增加2家及1家社區醫療中心提供檢測服務。波士頓市將在18個社區醫療中心和5個醫院提供病毒檢測。
             波市府也用了波士頓彈性基金的錢來和聯邦廚房(Commonwealth Kitchen)”合作辦理公共桌(Common Table)”項目,讓地方上的小企業能為有需要的居民提供食物,還和地方上少數族裔擁有的餐廳合作送餐計畫,把餐食送到食物站或居民聚居的地方。


星期二, 5月 05, 2020


AG’S OFFICE AND MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS REACH HISTORIC AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIVITYMFA Will Invest $500,0000 and Implement Innovative Policies and Procedures Following Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Field Trip
            BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that her office has reached an agreement with the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston that includes important policies and procedures and a $500,000 fund devoted to diversity and inclusion initiatives following allegations of racial discrimination raised by teachers and students from the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy (DLA).

            The memorandum of understanding (MOU) is the result of an investigation by the AG’s Office and represents an innovative, forward-looking, and collaborative approach to address allegations of racism after a field trip last year. This first-of-its-kind agreement structures a reconciliation process between the MFA and the field trip participants, as well as a community-driven process through which the MFA will engage with and support local communities, artists, and youth of color.

            “Our cultural institutions play an important role in fostering and providing an inclusive environment for communities and people of all backgrounds,” said AG Healey. “Today’s agreement affirms the experiences of students and teachers from the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy and lifts up their voices and the voices of local communities of color to help shape change and greater understanding. This agreement lays out processes which can serve as a model for cultural institutions in our ongoing collective work to build diversity and inclusivity in Boston and well beyond. I am grateful to all of our partners who worked with our office on this effort.” 

“There’s nothing more important to us than making sure everyone feels welcome at the MFA,” said Matthew Teitelbaum, Ann and Graham Gund Director. “Working with Attorney General Healey and the Davis Leadership Academy, we have the opportunity to create a new model of inclusion and diversity to serve Boston and we hope to set an example for others to follow. We look forward to our partnership and embracing this important work. It will build upon the foundation established by our strategic plan over the past three years. We have learned a great deal during the past year and through this process, and while we have more to learn and more work to do, together we will succeed. Whether you walk through the doors of the Museum every day, every week, once a year, or just once, everyone is welcome at the MFA.”
            “On behalf of the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter Public School, we would like to thank Attorney General Maura Healey and her staff in the Civil Rights Division for all the hard work expended in investigating and resolving serious allegations of racial discrimination reported by our students and staff arising out of a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts last May,” said Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Michael Silas, Executive Director Christopher Coblyn, and Principal Arturo Forrest. “The Academy also is grateful that the MFA, in recognizing that much more needs to be done to create a more inclusive environment for current and future patrons, is willing to take constructive measures to build community relationships to achieve that goal. We look forward to working together with the MFA and the Attorney General’s Office in the development and implementation of a meaningful action plan with that common goal in mind.”

            The memorandum of understanding was developed with input from key community partners, including the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy, Lawyers for Civil Rights, and the NAACP Boston Branch.

            “We are deeply grateful to the Attorney General for championing these important civil rights issues on behalf of students, families, educators, and communities of color,” said Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, Executive Director of Lawyers for Civil Rights. “We are pleased that the MFA will be working closely with the Attorney General, the DLA community, and NAACP Boston Branch to help the MFA become a more welcoming space for all visitors. This agreement creates a unique blueprint for community engagement and dialogue about the importance of diversity, inclusion, and cultural competency in all cultural and public institutions so that they better reflect and respect the diverse populations they serve. We look forward to continued collaboration with the MFA, the Attorney General, the NAACP Boston Branch, and the DLA community to ensure that students of color have a positive experience at the MFA moving forward.”

“This is a historic agreement that we hope serves as a national model. When we began this journey nearly one year ago, it was our hope that this process would affirm that regardless of where we come from, we all belong in Boston; and that our most difficult moments can be transformative in breaking down racial barriers when we lean into them. It is our hope that this MOU is affirming for our community, and that both the experience of the DLA students and the guidance provided by this MOU are instructive for other institutions in our community seeking to deepen their racial equity and inclusion work,” said Tanisha M. Sullivan, President of the NAACP Boston Branch. “We are proud of the DLA students for being persistent in raising important racial equity issues throughout this process, and grateful for the steadfast leadership of AG Healey, her team, and LCR. We also want to commend the partnership commitment made by the MFA through this MOU, and we look forward to supporting the MFA as it deepens its racial equity and inclusion work so that all of our community can feel, and be, welcomed into one of the greatest cultural institutions in our nation.”

The agreement acknowledges that the MFA has already undertaken efforts – both before and after the field trip – designed to create a welcoming environment of diversity and inclusion, including staff training on unconscious bias, hiring a Chief of Learning and Community Engagement, and creating the position of Senior Director of Belonging and Inclusion. 
Under the terms of today’s agreement, the MFA further commits to the following:
Reconciliation and Collaboration
The MFA, field trip participants, and the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy will collaborate on an action plan to ensure a welcoming experience for all members of the community. 
External Consultant
The MFA will retain an external consultant with experience in structuring an organization’s diversity and inclusion efforts to assist with the implementation of the commitments made in today’s agreement. The consultant will also study the broader culture and climate at the MFA with respect to matters of diversity, inclusion, belonging, and welcoming.
Biannual Reports
The MFA and the external consultant will provide biannual reports for the public on the progress of diversity and inclusion efforts. The biannual reports will be provided to the AG’s Office and will be made available on the MFA’s website.
Community Engagement
The MFA will create and improve processes for building and deepening connections with communities of color, including through the MFA’s programming and exhibits. With input from community groups, the MFA will document and finalize a Community Engagement Action Plan that may involve new programming or enhancement of existing programs, such as partnerships with and programming for local schools and community organizations that primarily serve students of color, partnerships with local artists of color, and leadership programs and internship opportunities for local high school students of color.
            Implementation Fund

The MFA has committed to creating a fund in the amount of $500,000 dedicated to implementing the commitments to community engagement and collaboration with the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy.

Improved Policies and Procedures

The MFA will implement an anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy that applies to the treatment of members of the public by MFA staff and volunteers, and to the treatment of members of the public by other visitors. The MFA will also implement a policy that applies to complaints of discrimination and harassment made by members of the public, and a policy for conducting internal investigations into complaints.

The MFA will continue to develop and implement a plan to provide unconscious bias training for all employees at all levels and for volunteers. The MFA will also train front-line staff, security guards, and volunteers on its new policies and how to interact with children in a developmentally appropriate and positive way.

This matter was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Amanda Hainsworth and Widmaier Charles, Division Chief Abigail Taylor, and former Assistant Attorney General Tara Dunn, all of the AG’s Civil Rights Division.


APAMC disappointed “Crazy Rich Asians” success failed to significantly increase APA representation on network TV; Fox receives its lowest Actors grade in 18 years

Los Angeles —The Asian Pacific American Media Coalition (APAMC)—the only organization to have graded the top four television networks since 2001—issued its annual Report Cards for the past 2018-19 season, assessing the four major TV networks on their progress toward diversity and inclusion of Asian Pacific Americans (APAs) onscreen and behind the camera.
Although ABC and CBS maintained their same grades for Actors and NBC increased (from C to C+), the Coalition fears that the unprecedented success of Crazy Rich Asians in the Summer of 2018 failed to boost significantly the number of APA-led series on network TV. ABC had three pilots in contention that would have starred APAs (first name in the credits), including two that would have featured Asian American families. NBC had a pilot about an Asian American magician, and CBS was considering an Asian American family sitcom including Ken Jeong as a cast member. But none of them made the 2018-19 line-up.
What’s more, with the cancellation of ABC’s “Fresh Off The Boat” and “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” the number of APA regulars is expected to fall in the 2020-21 season.
“Since the APAMC began meeting with the networks in 1999,” noted APAMC chair Daniel Mayeda, “we have generally seen an improvement in the various categories (such as Actors, Unscripted, Writers/Producers, Directors). For example, in the 2002-03 season, onscreen representation of APAs was so bad, we gave two networks Fs in the Actors category.  As part of the larger Multi-Ethnic Media Coalition (MEMC) which also includes the NAACP, National Latino Media Council, and American Indians in Film/TV—we pushed the networks to sign Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), create diversity departments, actors showcases, writers and directors programs, and other pipeline programs.”
But progress has plateaued in many cases for the networks, with Fox recording its lowest grade in the Actors category (D+) in the past 18 years.
The biggest gains for APAs now seem to be happening in non-network media, including streaming services Netflix (“Master of None,” “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” parts 1 and 2, “Ugly Delicious,” “Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj,” “Always Be My Maybe,” “Tigertail,” “Never Have I Ever,” “The Half of It”), Amazon Prime (“Man in the High Castle,” “Warrior”), and Hulu (“PEN15”); cable channels Comedy Central (“Awkwafina is Nora from Queens,” “Ronny Chieng: International Student”), AMC (“Into the Badlands,” “Killing Eve,” “The Terror: Infamy”), Bravo (“Family Karma”), and Disney Channel (“Andi Mack,” “Mira, Royal Detective”); and theatrically-released motion pictures (“Searching,” “The Farewell,” “Plus One,” “Stuber”).
“While we continue to advocate for the networks to feature more APAs in leading roles, the Coalition applauds the increased inclusion of APAs in other venues,” Mayeda said. “We recognize that many of these programs and films would not have been possible without the training and opportunities created by the networks’ diversity efforts. But the networks themselves need to redouble their efforts to avoid slipping behind their streaming and cable counterparts in representing APAs.”
“Given the backlash many Asian Americans have faced because of COVID-19, we urge the networks to also produce news stories on this rising concern as well as the remarkable contributions our communities have made to this country,” added Rita Pin Ahrens, Executive Director of OCA—Asian Pacific American Advocates, an APAMC member organization.

Finally, this Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, APAMC celebrates all APA creators and artists who represent and reflect the diversity of the Asian American and Pacific Islander experience. “We urge everyone to take advantage of the many online programs available in May that will showcase the tremendous talent in the APA community,” remarked Francis Cullado, Executive Director of APAMC member group Visual Communications. “We also want to bring attention to the multi-part documentary series ‘Asian Americans’ that will air on the PBS network of stations on May 11-12.” A Calendar of Events can be found here:

Governor Baker Tours Participating M-ERT Company, Merrow Manufacturing, in Fall River

Governor Baker Tours Participating M-ERT Company, Merrow Manufacturing, in Fall River

From the governor's office. By Joshua Qualls.
FALL RIVER - Governor Charlie Baker today toured Merrow Manufacturing in Fall River, an 8th generation family-owned and -operated company participating in the Administration’s Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (M-ERT). This initiative assists local manufacturers in transitioning operations to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and other critical items needed to support the Commonwealth’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
From the governor's office, By Joshua Qualls.

According to Merrow, the partnership with the M-ERT has allowed the company to scale its diverse manufacturing operations to become the largest manufacturer of USA-sourced PPE reusable and disposable medical isolation gowns in the country. This collaboration is projected to produce 650,000 gowns per week by July 2020, establishing a new, substantial and secure supply chain for essential medical products nationwide. Their operations have also pivoted to produce surgical caps, gaiters and pillow cases.

In addition to providing essential PPE for frontline medical workers battling COVID-19, Merrow Manufacturing’s M-ERT efforts has so far created 41 new manufacturing jobs for local workers, employing 1,200 total to build Merrow PPE products across all of their factories, and estimate the company will invest approximately $5 million into the City of Fall River this year.

About the Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (M-ERT): The M-ERT is a coordinated response by the Baker-Polito Administration and leading academic and industry stakeholders to support the Commonwealth’s manufacturers in their efforts to produce much-needed supplies for front-line workers and the health care system. Members of the M-ERT include representatives from: Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA), MIT, MIT Lincoln Labs, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP), Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), and other industry partners.

The M-ERT also launched $10.6 million in new funding to help manufacturers scale their operations to produce PPE and other critical items. Companies can apply for grants through an online form for equipment, materials, supplies, workforce training and other needs. A Review Committee will process applications based on criteria including production timeline and recommend grant awards.

To date, 667 companies in total have reached out to participate in the M-ERT initiative, including 424 from Massachusetts

星期一, 5月 04, 2020


             (Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭今(4)日在推特上透露,她做了新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)及抗體的檢測,結果一陰一陽,意味著她曾經感染了病毒。
             麻省總醫院院長Peter L. Slavin博士表示,檢測計畫的結果將為對抗病毒提供重要資訊。