
星期四, 2月 27, 2020



(Boston Orange) 為協助人們了解新冠狀病毒(COVID-19),更有效的預防感染,並集結眾力,紓解疫情,大波士頓地區的美中醫學交流協會和武漢同鄉會,已舉辦兩期有5000多人參加的線上講課,並加入了WeStar聯盟的募資捐贈醫用急需品支援武漢行動。
美中醫學交流協會會長孔學君副會長李維根秘書長盧剛協會核心成員侯春秋醫師牛江河心理學博士,Bonnie Wang醫學博士武漢同鄉會會長沈文音樂心理治療師陳娟劉君博士王品秋及田銳儀等人,分別匯報概況

麻州爆已600多人自我隔離 231人還在觀察中

           (Boston Orange 編譯) 有關當局人員週三(26)透露,有600多名最近去過中國的麻州居民已在家自我隔離,以觀察是否感染了新冠狀病毒(COVID-19)。其中的377人隔離期滿,並未染病,另外231人還在繼續隔離中。
           麻州公共衛生廳廳長Monica Bharel表示,迄今只有一名在波士頓讀書的麻州居民染病,並在居家隔離中逐漸復原。曾到訪中國的居民都很合作,自動自發的居家隔離14天,並和當地衛生局人員保持經常聯繫,每天量體溫。
早前公共衛生局人員表示,只會討論已證實感染的個案。週三時,為因應聯邦政府的相關聲明,Monica Bharel在電話記者會中,第一次透露州內有600多人自我隔離的數據,勸人們提防病毒有在美國廣泛散佈的可能,強調麻州已為處理新冠狀病毒(COVID-19)爆發,做好準備,提撥了經費為醫護人員充分準備個人防護裝備。
           Monica Bharel勸人們遵循美國疾病防治中心(US CDC)的忠告,採取正常的防範傳染病措施,勤洗手,咳嗽時要掩口,生病就待在家等等。
約翰霍普金斯健康安全中心(Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security)資深學者Eric Toner博士表示,COVID-19很可能在美國爆發嚴重疫情。不過對個人來說,危險很小。
美國總統川普(Donald Trump)結束印度訪問行,回美後的僅幾小時,也在26日晚召開了記者會,指派副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)出任新冠狀病毒工作小組(Coronavirus Task Force)統帥,為疫情可能在美國爆發做準備。
早在129日時,川普首次為新冠狀病毒召開記者會,宣佈成立12人工作小組,成員包括交通部代理副政策部長傑龍(Joel Szabat)

星期日, 2月 23, 2020


            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)紐英崙中華專業人員協會(NEACP)日前與18個社團攜手,匯聚近百人在貝德福鎮(Bedford)竹葉青(Bamboo)餐廳迎接鼠年新春,兼慶元宵,以魔術配燈謎,彰顯傳承。會場中年輕人逾半,朝氣蓬勃。
當天應邀合作,攜手慶祝新年、元宵的機構包括慈濟基金會波士頓聯絡處,台美專業人士協會(TAP),新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會(TCCNE),紐英崙青少年中文夏令營,全球玉山科技協會,新英格蘭玉山科技協會(MJNE),劍橋合唱團(CCCS),波士頓台灣龍舟隊(BTBC),新英格蘭成功大學校友會(NCKUAA),波士頓北一女校友會(BEINUAA),波士頓台灣人科技協會(BTBA),波士頓台灣同鄉會(TAA Boston),台灣電影節(TFF),新英格蘭台灣學聯(FTSANE),大波士頓台大校友會(GBAANTU),波士頓建中校友會,台灣師範大學紐英崙校友會,紐英倫客家鄉親會等。


星期五, 2月 21, 2020

鄧泰山2.29 帶樂迷接近蕭邦

(Boston Orange) 中華表演藝術基金會2/29在新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall)安排的音樂會,原定北京中央音樂學院鋼琴家盛原教授演出,現因COVID-19疫情影響,改請1980國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽金牌得主鄧泰山演出。
            1995鄧泰山成為加拿大公民後,才開始在美洲演出。那次他在喬登廳首演,觀眾很少但是《波士頓環球報(Boston Globe) 的首席評論家代爾(Richard Dyer)先生出席了,並極力推崇,稱他為「世界第一流鋼琴家」。
鄧泰山這次音樂會的曲目包括,德彪西:5首前奏曲舒伯特:C大調奏鳴曲D. 840蕭邦:三首生態曲,作品 723-5三首華爾茲舞曲:E大調,A小調和降A大調
C大調 Bolero作品19四首瑪祖卡舞曲,作品24F大調 Rondo作品 5A大調波蘭舞曲英雄,作品 53
             音樂會票價 $15-$50,另有一百張學生免費票(十四歲以上),供學生們上網索取。六歲以下兒童請勿入場. 查詢請洽中華表演藝術基金會譚嘉陵foundation@ChinesePerformingArts.net或網站購票:

星期四, 2月 20, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration Brings Awareness to New Hands-Free Law Taking Effect Sunday

Baker-Polito Administration Brings Awareness to New Hands-Free Law Taking Effect Sunday
Fines will range between $100 and $500 per violation

BOSTON  Today, the Baker-Polito Administration issued a reminder to motorists that the hands-free law goes into effect this Sunday, February 23rd. Signed by Governor Charlie Baker in November, the new law is intended to reduce the number of people injured or killed because of distracted driving, and levies penalties that will be enforced by local and state police.

“Our administration is committed to keeping Massachusetts roads safe, and we urge all drivers to pay attention when they are behind the wheel,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This law holds drivers accountable for keeping their focus on the road while being aware of the vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists around them and we are pleased that it will take effect this week.”

The new law, An Act requiring the hands-free use of mobile telephones while driving, stipulates that operators of motor vehicles cannot use an electronic device unless the device is being used in hands-free mode. Operators cannot read or view text,  images or videos, unless what is being viewed is helping with navigation, and the device is mounted in an appropriate location. Motorists also cannot make phone calls unless they can do so without holding their phones, by utilizing technology such as Bluetooth. The law also requires law enforcement officers to report data on violations that will be shared with the public.

The use of phones and all electronic devices, including phones in hands-free mode, remains illegal for drivers under the age of 18.

“The hands-free law will help increase road safety for all users, including pedestrians and bicyclists, who have the fastest growing rate of crashes caused by inattentive drivers,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “If you are behind the wheel, your attention should be on the road.”

“Nothing you text, watch, or search for on your device is more important than your safety, the safety of your passengers, and everyone on the road around you,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas Turco. “Even when you’re stopped at a traffic light, you need to put your device away and focus on the road.”

Punishment for violating the hands-free law includes a $100 fine for a first offense, a $250 fine for a second offense, and a $500 fine for a third or subsequent offense. Operators who commit a second or subsequent offense are required to complete an educational program focused on distracted driving prevention. A third or subsequent offense will count as a surchargeable incident.

“Today is an important day for everyone who uses roads across the Commonwealth,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “MassDOT thanks the Baker-Polito Administration, transportation experts, advocacy groups and victims’ families who pushed for this law because they know how dangerous distracted drivers are to everyone around them. We look forward to continue working with our partners to make Massachusetts roadways safe.”

“Every driver has a responsibility to operate their vehicle safely,” said Acting Registrar of Motor Vehicles Jamey Tesler. “Elevating distracted driving to a fineable offense with potential insurance surcharges sends a clear message to motorists that it is dangerous and will not be tolerated.”

“The Massachusetts State Police and local police departments will roll extra patrols to kick off enforcement of the Hands-Free law,” said Colonel Christopher S. Mason, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police. “But our hope is that all drivers will comply with this important law and keep their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel. There is nothing on your screen that is worth your life or the life of another.”

Traffic safety experts believe driver inattention is a contributing factor in the following trends:

  • Between 2012 and 2017, nearly 20,000 people died in crashes involving a distracted driver in the United States. 9.5% of all fatal crashes in this time frame involved a distracted driver (NHTSA).
  • Total traffic fatalities in Massachusetts increased 12.8% (345 to 389) from 2015 to 2016, more than double the national rate of increase of 5.6% (FARS).
  • Between 2014 and 2018, 233 people in Massachusetts died in crashes involving a distracted driver.
  • In Massachusetts, annual crashes involving a distracted driver have risen 35.7% from 28 in 2014 to 38 in 2018.
  • Distracted crashes in which a driver was “manually operating an electronic device” rose 70% from 2014 to 2016.
  • Distracted driving crashes resulting in injury have increased by nearly 170% from 2014 to 2016.
  • 78 pedestrians were killed in Massachusetts in 2018; this represents an increase of 8.3% from 2017 (FARS).
  • 17% of children 14 and younger killed in traffic crashes in 2018 were pedestrians (NHTSA).

Under the new law, vehicles without built-in GPS, Apple Car Play, or Android Audio must be equipped with a phone mount on the dash or windshield for GPS navigation. Acceptable options to equip your vehicle for hands-free phone use are listed below.

For vehicles with Bluetooth, a phone mount is all that is needed for GPS navigation. All phone communication can be routed through the Bluetooth connection.

For vehicles with an Aux port but no Bluetooth, operators can purchase a Bluetooth adapter that plugs into their vehicle’s cigarette lighter and includes a cable for connecting to the Aux port for phone audio. Some include microphones and a dash-mountable button to answer calls, while some others rely on the phone’s microphone.

For vehicles without Bluetooth or an Aux port, the following options are acceptable:
  • Standalone hands-free device with built-in Bluetooth, speaker and microphone
  • Bluetooth adapter with FM transmitter to use car speakers for audio
  • Single-ear earpiece that can connect to phone via Bluetooth
  • Replacement head unit that includes either Apple CarPlay, Android Audio, or Bluetooth (must be professionally installed)

To fully comply with the law while using any of these options, the use of a voice assistant on the phone or through the car’s infotainment system is required. Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant must be enabled and used to issue commands to place calls, and listen to and respond to text messages.

For motorists not using hands-free technology, the EOPSS Office of Grants and Research offers these additional tips:
  • Before driving, please turn your phone off and put it out of reach.
  • Set your mobile phone to “Do Not Disturb While Driving” mode.
  • Let your friends and family know that you’ll be driving and can’t take their calls or texts.
  • If you have to make a call or send a text, pull over.
  • Watch for pedestrians and bicyclists – especially at night.
  • Remember to buckle up! Seatbelts are your best defense against a distracted driver.

Please visit our website to learn more information about the new Hands-Free Law.

The hands-free legislation is one proposal included in comprehensive road-safety package filed earlier this year by the Baker-Polito AdministrationThat proposal includes measures to improve work zone safety, require the use of ignition interlock devices for first time offenders, and the creation of a framework to regulate new technology like electronic scooters and other low-speed mobility devices. For additional information, please visit: https://www.mass.gov/news/baker-polito-administration-files-legislation-to-improve-road-safety

2020 CEB美西南高校籃聯賽 加州北岭分校中國留學生隊奪冠



2020年CEB美西南高校篮球联赛决赛16日在洛杉矶奥运场馆(Expo Center)上演,加州州立大学北岭分校(CSUN-CSSA)中国留学生队击败加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA-CSSA)篮球队夺冠,这也是加州州立大学北岭分校(CSUN-CSSA)中国留学生队第一次在这个美国西海岸最大规模的中国留学生篮球校际联赛夺冠。加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(UCSB-CSSA)队、俄勒冈大学中国留学生队并列第三名。
