
星期三, 3月 11, 2020

新冠狀病毒推動教育科技化 大專院校紛紛宣佈網上授課

                  (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)新冠狀病毒疫情在麻州正越演越烈,從摩頓市一所特許學校於35日時宣佈下週停課開始,多所中小學,大學,陸續宣佈停課,改為網上授課,取消會議,甚至提前放春假,要求學生搬出校園,放完春假也別回學校。
            摩頓市的神秘谷特許學校(Mystic Valley Charter School)早在35日宣佈停課時,家長一片錯愕聲。
             羅德島州的羅傑威廉斯大學(Roger Williams)決定展延春假一週,所有課程也將改為網上交授,看情況需要多久就多久。

麻州COVID-19病例翻倍至92宗 州長宣佈麻州進入緊急狀態


(Boston Orange 編譯) 新冠狀病毒(COVID-19)案例310日在麻州陡然倍增,從41例跳升到92例,其中Berkshire郡至少有一病例還追溯不出源頭。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)已宣佈麻州進入緊急狀態(state of emergency)
為降低病毒傳染的可能,查理貝克同時宣佈州府員工外出禁令, 42000名州府員工不准到外州出差,或舉行面對面會議,討論會。他鼓勵大型公司也都這麼做。
來源不明病例,已在麻州造成遠較人們預期嚴重的影響。位於Pittsfield市的 Berkshire醫療中心,有十幾名醫護人員在5名確診病人可以做檢測前接觸過他們,必須休假隔離14天,現正面對人手短缺困擾。
           麻州公共衛生局局長(Monica Bharel)表示,州府現在的工作重心已經不是防範,而是如何減輕疫情了。州府已派專家前往Berkshire郡,協助處理那兒的七宗案件。目前還不清楚有多少宗病例查不到來源。
           為因應COVID-19疫情的發展,麻州民主黨主席Gus Bickford表示,已暫時停止黨團聚會。他們原定這週末聚會,以選舉代表出席麻州民主黨大會,並決定在聯邦參議員初選中,支持約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Joseph P. Kennedy III),或馬基(Ed Markey)

Governor Baker Declares State of Emergency to Support Commonwealth’s Response to Coronavirus

Governor Baker Declares State of Emergency to Support Commonwealth’s Response to Coronavirus
Administration issues updated guidance for the public & Executive Branch employees around large events and travel

Governor Baker declared state emergency. (by Chutze Chou)
BOSTON – Today Governor Charlie Baker declared a State of Emergency in Massachusetts to support the Commonwealth’s response to the outbreak of Coronavirus.

The Baker-Polito Administration also announced new guidance for Executive Branch employees in order to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This includes discontinuing all out-of-state work-related travel, canceling or virtually holding conferences, seminars, and other discretionary gatherings, informing employees not to attend external work-related conferences, seminars, or events, reminding employees feeling sick with fever or flu symptoms to not come into work, and encouraging high risk employees to talk with their supervisors to review possible alternative work assignments.

(From MA Dept. of Public Health)
Regular internal government business will continue, and these new measures complement other precautions that have been put in place in recent days encouraging proper self-care and hygiene and increasing cleaning and sanitizing of Executive Branch buildings and offices.

“Today, I have declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts to further support our response to Coronavirus,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We will continue planning and preparing to mitigate the spread of this disease, and have issued new guidance for Executive Branch employees in the Commonwealth. I urge employers and other large organizations to follow our example and limit or eliminate non-essential travel, limit or eliminate large events where possible, and explore telework where appropriate for your organization. We are also urging older adults and those with health issues to avoid large crowds and large events.”

“Our Administration believes it is important to start taking additional actions now to mitigate spread based on the information we have available, including issuing the enhanced guidance for Executive Branch employees which prohibits nearly all  work-related travel, limits or cancels large events, and encourages teleworking where it is appropriate,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Our state agencies will continue to coordinate daily with health care professionals, educational institutions and federal and local partners on preparedness efforts for COVID-19.”

The guidance for Executive Branch employees goes into effect on Wednesday, March 11, and will be revisited in 30 days or sooner as circumstances dictate. The full details are as follows:

  • All work-related travel, both foreign and domestic, is to be discontinued until further notice. Executive Branch employees are also strongly encouraged to avoid any personal international travel.

  • Conferences, seminars and other discretionary gatherings, scheduled and hosted by Executive Branch agencies involving external parties, are to be held virtually or cancelled. Regular internal business shall continue, including but not limited to mandated public hearings and board meetings. Meeting organizers are strongly encouraged to utilize alternatives like conference calls, WebEx and other group communication tools.

  • Additionally, Executive Branch employees should not attend external work-related conferences, seminars or events. Alternatively, Executive Branch employees are encouraged to participate remotely.

  • Executive Branch employees feeling sick with fever or flu symptoms should not come into work. Information available to date regarding COVID-19 indicates that the highest risk population includes older adults and individuals with serious chronic medical conditions. Employees in this risk group are encouraged to talk with their supervisors to review possible alternative work assignments.

  • These actions complement additional precautions that have been undertaken in recent days including encouraging proper self-care and hygiene such as washing hands, ensuring bathrooms are stocked with hand washing materials and paper products, frequently cleaning touch points such as doorknobs, handles, elevator buttons and common area surface, and making cleaning products and sanitizers available in all Executive Branch workspaces.

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has been activated and is bringing together health, human services, public safety and several other government agencies. This working group follows the Department of Public Health’s infectious disease task force that was stood up in January.

The Administration also issued updated guidance to members of the public. This guidance is posted on the Department of Public Health’s website, www.mass.gov/2019coronavirus.  

The Administration urges older adults and those with health issues to avoid large crowds and events. Individuals who live in households with vulnerable people, like elderly parents, should also consider avoiding crowds.

Tomorrow, DPH will distribute guidance to long term care facility operators. This guidance will outline how these facilities should protect elderly residents at higher risk for Coronavirus. This will include banning visitors who show signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat). Visitors will be prohibited if in the last 14 days they had contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, are under investigation for COVID-19 or has been sick. Visitors will be prohibited if they have travelled internationally in the last 14 days or are residing in a community where community-based spread of COVID-19 is occurring. Visitors will not be allowed to visit long term care facilities if they currently feel sick or exhibit symptoms.
On public transportation, the MBTA will continue to disinfect surfaces and vehicles in line with its new cleaning protocol, but the Administration encourages older adults and those with underlying health issues to avoid large crowds of possible.

Regarding K-12 schools, the Department of Secondary and Elementary Education (DESE) is providing local schools with relief from attendance and school year requirements so that schools have the flexibility to make decisions on temporary closures due to Coronavirus concerns. More specifically:

  • The longest that any school district will be required to go is its scheduled 185th day.  No schools will be required to be in session after June 30th.
  • For accountability purposes for school year 2019-20, DESE will calculate chronic absenteeism as of Monday, March 2, 2020 and disregard all attendance data for the remainder of the school year.

  • DESE Commissioner Jeff Riley is strongly urging all districts to cancel all out-of-state travel at this time. This is in addition to the Administration’s existing request for schools to cancel international trips.

  • The Department of Public Health will be issuing updated guidance to Superintendents on how to address cases that arise at a school, including potential school closures.

The public is also reminded of steps to take to limit the spread of COVID-19:

  • Cover your mouth – when you cough or sneeze use a tissue or your inner elbow, not your hands.

  • Wash your hands – with soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based sanitizing gel.

  • Stay home if you are sick – and avoid close contact with others.

The Administration will continue to update the public on further developments and individuals are encouraged to consult both the Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites for the most up to date information.

星期一, 3月 09, 2020

美國9州宣佈進入緊急狀況 波士頓聖派翠克日遊行取消

               (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)COVID-19這新型冠狀病毒疫情,在中國似乎已漸受控制,在中國以外,卻似正爆發。義大利今(39)日宣佈鎖國,美國在羅德島州今日傍晚宣佈後,已有9州進入緊急狀況(state of emergency),全美病例總數超過500,死亡人數升高至22人。
               波士頓市的聖派翠克日(St. Patrick’s Day)遊行,在觀望許久後,今日傍晚也宣佈取消了。
               美國疾病防治中心(CDC)在網上公佈的新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)39日最新疫情,確診案例已超過500宗,22人死亡。災情最慘重的華盛頓州,新增136宗病例,新增18人死亡,大部分都和西雅圖座落地的金郡(King County)有關。加州報告了114宗病例,1人死亡,紐約州報告了105宗病例。現在已有至少34州,以及華府特區出現COVID-19病例了。
               在西雅圖,華盛頓大學員工可經由駕車經過診所(drive-through clinic)COVID-19檢測。該作法可以每5分鐘完成檢測一人,並在24小時內交出結果,目前僅限出現染患COVID-19症狀的醫護工作人員使用。
               義大利的截至38日數據是6387人確診,366人死亡。84%都在北部的LombardyEmilia Romagna一帶。



BOSTON - Monday, March 9, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today issued the following statement regarding the 2020 St. Patrick's Day Parade in South Boston:

"In collaboration with Congressman Lynch, Councilors Flaherty and Flynn, Senator Collins, Representative Biele, and David Falvey from the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council, the St. Patrick's Day Parade is being cancelled. This decision is being made out of an abundance of caution to ensure that we are doing what is needed to keep the residents of Boston safe and healthy.

"While the risk in Boston remains low, this situation is changing very quickly and we are closely monitoring any local cases. Our top priority is preventing any new cases, to the best of our ability, and we are paying close attention to guidance from public health officials. We encourage all residents to follow preventive measures to avoid illness, such as washing hands and staying home if you are feeling sick, and we will continue to make public any information as this situation develops in Boston." 

For more information on these preventative measures, please visit: boston.gov/coronavirus

麻州新型冠狀病毒個案跳升至41 至少5大會議已取消

(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州公共衛生廳今(9)日公佈,州內的新型冠狀病毒個案,跳升至41了。
波士頓會議展覽中心發言人Mark Aurigemma表示,每年約有4000人參加的逆轉病毒及機會感染會議(CROI)”,直到星期三,將改開虛擬網上會議。
原定週六至下周二舉行的認知神經科學2020會議,也將轉以虛擬方式舉行。該協會發言人Lisa M.P. Munoz表示,估計那原本是個有1500人的會議。
其他取消會議的還包括,波士頓大學訂320日至22日,為記者舉行的敘事力量(Power of Narrative)”會議,現改到明年舉行。另外還有哈佛大學為女工程師舉辦的我們編碼(WeCode)”會議。
大波士頓會議及旅遊局發言人David O’Donnell表示,這將是今年的一大打擊,影響還會延至2021
           原定31516日在波士頓舉辦,估計可吸引18,000人的最大行業展之一的北美海產展(The Seafood Expo North America),也已經延期舉行了。
          不過有幾個預定在未來幾週舉行的大會議,將仍照計畫進行,包括估計會有21000人參加的新英格蘭大麻會議(New England Cannabis Convention),以及估計約有8000人參加的全美餐館協會新英格蘭食品展。
          預定320日至22日,在波士頓會議展覽中心舉行的東北王牌漫畫展(Ace Comic Con Northeast),也仍將如期舉行。不過組織者表示,他們會持續密切觀察狀況,並訂新規則。
例如,在拍照、簽名環節,王牌宇宙(Ace Universe)在網站上表示,不准握手,擁抱,或要求拿道具,做身體接觸等。名人嘉賓將不接受禮物,信件或卡片。所有的粉絲在拍照簽名環節中,都須使用洗手液。所有表面都必須每30分鐘清潔一次。
在全世界,現在已有11萬多宗的確診病例了。美國疾病防治中心報告的案例,包括紐約市和華府(D. C.),已有來自34州的500多宗。19人已因此病毒死亡,其中18人在華盛頓州,1人在加州。

昆士市出現一宗COVID-19病例 市長籲民眾先別緊張

               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導)麻州亞裔人口最多的昆士市,今(9)日下午2點半發出通告,市長柯奇(Thomas P. Koch)及公共衛生局局長Ruth Jones確認,該市一名女子是和百奧健(Biogen)會議有關的新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)假定陽性病例。
               昆士市公共衛生局局長Ruth Jones表示,這個病毒和流感很像,對耆英和身體健康原本就有狀況的人來說,可能很危險。不過,迄今,大部分個案的症狀都相當輕微。她補充道,我們的社區應該很有信心,來自公私領域各行業的一群努力又有才華專業人士,已加入處理這一情況的團隊。昆市府不敲警鐘,只保護市民的身心健康。

QUINCY – One of the presumptive positive cases of the COVID-19 virus associated with the Biogen employee conference last month in Boston is a Quincy woman, Mayor Thomas P. Koch and Commissioner of Public Health Ruth Jones confirmed today.  The woman, in her 40s, is isolated and recovering well at home and is being monitored by the Quincy Department of Public Health.  The patient appears to have had little community exposure since falling ill, and has no connection with Quincy Public Schools, officials said.   “This is nothing unexpected or unanticipated, and the threat to the general public remains quite low. That does not mean we do not take it seriously, and we are confirming this local case to provide as much information to our residents as possible. Commissioner Jones and our entire team is fully engaged with our partners and state and federal authorities in a methodical, rational response to both prevention and containment,” said Mayor Koch.  “The public discourse can sometimes be heavily weighted to the two extremes, and that’s what we are going to avoid. There is no reason to overreact and amplify fears people may have, but at the same time, our residents and families should be prepared for some level of disruption to their daily lives in the coming weeks. It’s nothing we can’t get through,” Koch said.   Commissioner Jones noted that the virus, much like the flu, is potentially dangerous for vulnerable populations like seniors and those with underlying health conditions.  In most cases, however, symptoms have been relatively minor to date, she said.  She added: “Our community should have great confidence that a group of dedicated, talented professionals from a wide range of disciplines in both the public and private sectors are actively involved in our response to this situation.  We do not ring alarm bells, we protect the health and well-being of our residents. That mission doesn’t change,’ 

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) on Sunday announced 15 new presumptive positive cases of COVID-19, including the Quincy resident, bringing the total number of confirmed or presumptive positive cases in Massachusetts to 28.  All 15 cases had a direct connection to the Biogen employee conference in late February. The presumptive positive cases include five from Suffolk County ranging in age from 30s to 60s; five from Middlesex County ranging in age from 40s to 60s; four cases from Norfolk County ranging in age from 40s to 60s; and a female whose age and county of residence are unknown at the time of this release. Among these presumptive positive cases were eight men and seven women.  With this release, 23 of the presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 identified in Massachusetts are associated with the Biogen employee meeting held in late February. All of these presumptive positive cases are isolating at home. On March 7, 2020, DPH announced five new presumptive positive cases, three of which had a direct connection to Biogen’s employee conference, one with recent international travel, and a fifth case for whom there is no current known linkage to the Biogen conference or foreign travel. The State Public Health Lab’s result is considered “presumptive positive” and the specimens will now be sent to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for confirmation.  Since the onset of the coronavirus, local health departments have been monitoring residents that returned from China and Iran, with a 14-day self-isolation period. None of those being monitored in Quincy have had any symptoms of the virus. This practice will continue per the guidance of state and federal authorities.  Additionally, those returning from several other countries that are now at Level 3 travel restrictions (the same as China and Iran) will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days, monitoring their temperature and symptoms twice daily, and are advised to call their local health department if deviations occur, such as temperature greater than 100.4, chills, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, headache/muscle aches, diarrhea or vomiting. These countries are Italy and South Korea. The DPH has also urged all schools and colleges to cancel any trips abroad for the present time period, and advises everyone to avoid non-essential travel to any Level 3 restricted countries. Many of the things you do to help prevent colds and the flu can help protect you against other respiratory viruses such as Coronavirus: • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. • Cover your coughs and sneezes. • Stay home if you are sick. If you are ill call your healthcare provider for instructions before going to a clinic, office or emergency room. There are currently no vaccines available to protect against this novel coronavirus infection. It is not recommended that people wear masks when they are in public. Masks can be useful in some settings, such as a clinic waiting room, to prevent someone who has a respiratory illness from
spreading it to others. There is no hard evidence that wearing a mask protects the wearer outside of the healthcare setting.