
星期六, 9月 28, 2019


              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)第九屆中美健康峰會(U.S. – China Health Summit)的美國波士頓場,日前在400多人出席,逾百中美專家,醫院院長雲集,探討中美都面對的建立可持續發展的衛生健康體系這重要議題聲中落幕。112日至3日,該會將轉往武漢東湖賓館,舉辦中國場會議。
              馬晶表示,近年來美國人民為醫療費用高漲頭痛,中國也面對出生率下降,人口老齡化的挑戰,而與此同時,醫療科技的快速日新月異,既擴大且提高了可治癒病種,卻又可能昂貴,還不易得到,如何在人們可負擔情況下,有效率的應用創新醫療科技來治病,改善人們的身體健康,變得十分迫切。今年的峰會,因此特地聚焦在” 建立可持續發展的衛生健康體系”。
              926日及27日這為期兩日的會議,第一天是側重在創新與投融資上,分為3場論壇,另有特別邀請到會的麻省理工學院商學院副院長黃亞生,講談中美脫鉤對美國高新技術產業的影響",甘迺迪家族辦公室Park Agency企業董事Stephen Kennedy Smith相互依存時代下的醫療健康
              3場論壇的主題演講,依序由哈佛醫學院遺傳學教授George ChurchIora 健康創始人兼執行長Rushika FernandopullePear Therapeutics創始人兼執行長Corey McCann主講了成本創新、預防罕見及常見病學會飛翔:建構以人為本的新型初級醫療數位醫療,內褲侏儒和處方藥數位療法(Digital Health, Underpants Gnomes, and Prescription Digital Therapeutics)”
              George Church指出,大多數的創新生物科技,可負擔性都是關鍵問題。他提出兩種降低價格的建議,完全轉向預防,或把某些療法轉為預防,此外應該聚焦常見病,以期做臨床實驗的固定開銷,可由更多人來分攤。他擔心的是,最常見的病大都和年齡引起的衰老有關。
              Rushika Fernandopulle表示,現有的醫療服務提供模式不充足,將來的新模式大概和人們現在看到的都不一樣,關鍵是要根據消費者的需求來打造服務提供模式。新進入市場者,將在帶動行業向前上,扮演重要腳色。
梁王淵恒(右起)主持生物製藥知識產權座談。崔粲,Jonathan Darrow,
Jeffrey J. Ellison等人與談。(周菊子攝)
              Corey McCann南園(South Park)”卡通片的內褲侏儒(Underpants Gnomes)”,來形容醫療健保行業的經營。內褲侏儒的第一階段是收集內褲,醫藥健保行業數位化的第一步是收集大數據,但第二步要做什麼,最後才達到盈利目的呢?他認為,得到法規機構授權,基於所創造的價值來補償費用,將是趨勢。該公司Pear就有美國食品及藥物管理局認證的商標和功效聲明,進而藉由定價和報銷途徑來反映其在健康上的經濟價值。他表示,處方數位療法(Prescription Digital Therapeutics)是下一代的主流治療方案。
Rushika Fernandopule (左起)主持"誰為創新買單"座談,謝懿立,
湯敏超,Stephen Knight, Beth Bierbower, Michael Greeley與談。
              出席與談者,包括啟菡生物及eGenesis執行長楊璐菡,愛康國賓創始人張黎剛,阿里健康院前運長蘇凌雲等多名備受矚目的醫療健康產業年輕後進,以及復星健康控股總裁謝懿立,松禾資本合夥人吳越,易創科技執行長湯敏超,廣州達博生物執行長周曉鴻,推想科技北美執行長鄧昱楓,Partners Healthcare副總裁Joseph Kvedar等等企業首長。
David Mou (左起)主持智慧醫療座談,張犁剛,Joseph Kvedar,
Corey McCann, 蘇凌雲與談。(周菊子攝)
              另外還有一場特別論壇,邀來美富律師事務所的崔粲和哈佛醫學院政策、治療與法律中心助理教授Jonathan DarrowClark+Elbing合夥人Jeffrey J. Ellison,從法律角度談"生物製藥創新的知識產權保護與監管
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              第二天的會議主旨是建立可持續發展的衛生健康體系,有五場論壇或圓桌討論,分別是"衛生體系與醫療機構間的學習與比較建立可持續發展的整合型醫療衛生體系以價值為基礎的保險和醫療品質中國公共衛生與醫療服務的未來美國公共衛生與醫療服務的未來,以及東亞問題著名學者傅高義(Ezra Vogel)和哈佛大學法學院教授伍人英(Mark Wu)中美關係何去何從午餐討論。
美國中華醫學基金會主席陳致和(Lincoln Chen)。(周菊子攝)
              "衛生體系與醫療機構間的學習與比較這場論壇中,有兩位特邀嘉賓。美國中華醫學基金會主席陳致和(Lincoln Chen),以及湖北省人民醫院院長暨武漢大學副校長唐其柱。
哈佛格林健保研究院醫療長 Michael Sherman。(周菊子攝)
              這場論壇,另有兩名嘉賓做主旨演講,分別是哈佛大學醫學院人口醫學系系主任暨哈佛格林健保醫護研究所(Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute )主任Richard Platt,主管麻州健康(MassHealth)及麻州聯邦醫療補助計畫的麻州衛生廳助理署長蔡維翰(Daniel Tsai)
              Richard Platt真實世界證據和學習型醫療體系為主題,發表了一段演講。他簡介了過去十年來,他和人合作建立了 一個有7000萬人提供新數據的全國醫療產品監測系統,哨兵(Sentinel)”公共衛生項目,希望到2020年時,90%的門診決策可以反映出來採用了最好的可得證據。他強調,中美在健康醫療上應該,也必須合作。
              蔡維翰綜述了麻州的醫療健保體系結構,概況與開銷。他表示,麻州的全民健康醫療保險涵蓋率已高達97%,遠高於美國各州平均數,其中大約50%60%是由商業醫保提供,20%30%是由他負責承辦的麻州健康(MassHealth)項目來提供醫療保險(Medicare),以及為貧窮,殘障等等人口提供的醫療補助(Medicaid)。整個麻州的政府預算,約有40%都是花在醫療保險上。他也談到麻州健康重整架構,藉由負責任醫療護理組織(Accountable Care Organization,簡稱ACOs)來根據醫療的價值與結果付費。
甘迺迪家族辦公室Park Agency 企業董事Stephen Kennedy Smith。
              建立可持續發展的整合型醫療衛生體系論壇中,哈佛大學社區健康計劃創辦人Gorgon Moore簡述了美國初級醫療歷史。中美健康峰會理事長William Haseltine,也是中國醫改專家小組顧問和中國老年保健協會會長的北京協和醫學院公共衛生學院院長劉遠立教授,美國醫學保健改善研究院榮休主席Donald M. Berwick,中國國家衛健委衛生發展研究中心衛生服務體系研究部副部長黃二丹,中國河南省人民醫院副院長顧建欽分別做了講談。
劉遠立教授從北京協和醫學院公共衛生創始主席John B. Grant和中國的第一次健康革命開始談起,重點闡述了中國如今重視更預防,治療結果的健康中國2030: 從計劃到行動,包括15項計劃,以及如何使地方領導行動如何使人們改變生活型態等挑戰。
麻州公共衛生署助理署長蔡維翰(Daniel Tsai)和中美健康峰會財政
              以價值為基礎的保險和醫療品質這論壇中,四川省人民醫院院長鄧紹屏,深圳市人民醫院院長徐勇和密西根大學以價值為基礎的保險設計中心主任Mark Fendrick,哈佛朝聖者醫療研究所醫療長Michael Sherman
愛醫傳遞(Morre Health)創始人朱郡伶專程從加州趕來與會。
              ”美國公共衛生與醫療服務的未來環節,美國衛生及公共服務醫療研究與質量菊證據與實踐改進中心主任Arlene Bierman先發表演講,再和CVS 微診所(Minute Clinic)前任執行長Marc-David Munk,哈佛醫學院人口醫學系精準醫學研究中心主任暨副教授Christine LuAtrius 健康社區醫療聯盟醫療長Joe Kimura,麻州公共衛生署傳染病局醫學主任Alfred Demaria座談。
              中美健康峰會現有9名董事,創始主席為哈佛傑出教授Barry Bloom,現任主席為國際ACCESS健康創辦人William Haseltine,總書記為哈佛副教授馬晶,財務為奧洛瑞(Aurora)執行長何淑圭,董事有哈佛中國基金主席柯偉林(William Kirby),北京協和醫學院公共衛生學院院長劉遠立,清華大學史瓦茲雯(Schwarzman)學院院長薛瀾,北極光創投執行長鄧鋒。馬晶在會中宣佈,愛康國賓創始人張犁剛將加入成為新董事。



            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導)科技部日前率領12個台灣新創團隊來波士頓,參加有來自39國,1410家公司,3320名醫療科技高管雲集的第13屆全球性醫療科技會議(MedTech),並在劍橋創新中心(CIC)舉辦路演活動,為台灣新創科技打進國際市場鋪路。
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           科技部為協助台灣醫療新創團隊進軍國際市場,由科技部國際產學聯盟,生醫商品化中心攜手,率隊到世界各地參展,辦活動已近六年,這還是第一次帶隊到波士頓,參加麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)也出席了,在波士頓會議展覽中心舉行的2019醫療科技會議。
蔣沂成(左)和David Uffre。(周菊子攝)
其中疾病快篩類有睿信生醫科技(血液檢測阿茲海默症及癌症)AHEAD (AI 血癌快篩)、醫守科技 (AI降低醫師開藥錯誤)、律祈醫創 (快速篩查傳染病原的分子檢測系統)。健康醫療檢測類有聿信醫療器材科技 (自動肺音監測系統)、鉅怡智慧 (AI臉部辨識偵測心跳與疲勞)、上頂醫學影像科技 (腦神經年齡檢測服務)、皇芯全球國際股份(AI智慧給藥器+穿戴式 AED) 。創新醫材類有苡樂 (醫療導管與傷口貼片)、光宇生醫科技 (生物可吸收性3D列印產品與材料)、宇康生科 (術後可調式咽喉植入物),以及綿天科技 (MTAM 綿天膜)
參會之外,科技部還率領這12家團隊拜會了麻州醫藥中心 (MetroWest Medical Center) 、生醫創投( Carruth Capital)、波士頓科學會(Boston Scientific)、麻州大學醫學院(Mass Medic)、麻州生命科學中心(Massachusetts Life Sciences Center)及麻省總醫院Massachusetts General Hospital)等單位。
927日,這參訪團還在位於波士頓市內的劍橋創新中心(CIC),舉辦了一場台灣科技創新創業基地展示日(TTA Demo Day)”,安排9家新創團隊向5名應邀出席的5名風險投資基金合夥人,包括Flare資本合夥人蔣沂成(Ian Chiang)Picket Fence專利創辦人Greg SieczkiewiczAlira健康合夥人David Uffer,一企業創投管理合夥人Luis Barros,以及Medtronic的企業發展及牌照主任Geoff DaCosta等人,介紹他們各自研發的產品,給這些團隊爭取資金,拓展市場,加速發展機會。其中的AESOP,由共同創辦人靳嚴博做簡報,已獲選進入哈佛大學iLab。其他由首席策略顧問張紹堯做簡報的鉅怡智慧,由總經理許育舜做簡報的聿信醫療,由營運長張益慈做簡報的皇芯全球,由執行長胡文聰做簡報的睿信生醫科技等,都贏得創投人士深入垂問概況。

星期四, 9月 26, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Housing Choice Bill in Everett

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Housing Choice Bill in Everett
Local leaders endorse legislation that aims to support communities statewide in their goals to increase new housing production

EVERETT – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy and Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Janelle Chan joined Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria, the Everett Legislative delegation, and local leaders to highlight An Act to Promote Housing Choiceslegislation filed by Governor Baker in February that calls for targeted zoning reform to advance new housing production in Massachusetts and support the Administration’s goal to produce 135,000 new housing units by 2025.
“Communities as diverse as Everett in Greater Boston and Williamstown in the Berkshires know that Massachusetts has a housing crisis, and the lack of affordable and available housing is a serious problem for the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We have filed An Act to Promote Housing Choices to jumpstart the construction of housing in every region of the Commonwealth by empowering communities to build the housing they need where they need it. We will continue to work with our legislative colleagues to swiftly take this crucial first step.”
“While our economy continues to grow, too many families, businesses and communities continue to struggle with Massachusetts’ housing crisis,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Governor Baker and I remain committed to leveraging every tool at our disposal to advance the production of housing across the Commonwealth, from funding affordable housing development to pursuing legislative reform through Housing Choice, so more communities like Everett can remain affordable to current and future residents.”
Today’s event at The Pioneer celebrated Everett’s commitment to boosting the production of housing viable for a wide range of incomes, with a particular focus on transit-oriented development to leverage the City’s extensive bus network and close proximity to employers in both Everett and Boston. In 2016, Everett became the first community in the Commonwealth outside of Boston to add a dedicated bus lane, leading to a significant reduction in commute times. These efforts earned Everett designation as a Housing Choice community, in recognition for the city’s success in adopting best practices and increasing the housing stock by more than 3% over the last five years.
Local community and business leaders including Antonio Amaya Iraheta of La Comunidad, a nonprofit organization supporting Everett’s Latin American community, Marjorie White, President of Everett Co-operative Bank, and Rafael Mares of The Neighborhood Developers, a Chelsea-based community development corporation leading the affordable housing development at St Therese in Everett, joined Mayor DeMaria in endorsing the legislation.
The legislative proposal will enable cities and towns to adopt certain zoning best practices related to housing production by a simple majority vote, rather than the current two-thirds supermajority. While this legislation will lower the voting threshold to change zoning for all communities in the Commonwealth, it does not require cities and towns to make any of these changes. With the proposed simple majority threshold, municipalities that pursue rezoning efforts including those enabling transit-oriented or downtown-oriented new housing, would gain approval if they achieve more than 50 percent of the vote, as opposed to the current super majority of more than 66 percent. Massachusetts is currently one of only a few states to require a supermajority to change local zoning.
Zoning changes that promote best practices for housing growth that would qualify for the simple majority threshold include:
                 Building mixed-use, multi-family, and starter homes, and adopting 40R “Smart Growth” zoning in town centers and near transit.
                 Allowing the development of accessory dwelling units, or “in-law” apartments.
                 Approving Smart Growth or Starter Homes districts that put housing near existing activity centers.
                 Granting increased density through a special permit process.
                 Allowing for the transfer of development rights and enacting natural resource protection zoning.
                 Reducing parking requirements and dimensional requirements, such as minimum lot sizes.
This legislation also includes a provision, added by the Joint Committee on Housing last session, that would reduce the voting threshold for a special permit issued by a local permit granting authority to a simple majority vote, for certain multi-family or mixed-use projects with at least 10 percent affordable units in locations near transit or, in centers of commercial activity within a municipality.
“The housing crisis facing Massachusetts is the greatest threat to our economic success and it is especially acute in cities like Everett, which make up the inner core of Greater Boston,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy. “This administration is committed to confronting this crisis and will continue to work closely with our colleagues in the Legislature to pass Housing Choice, in order to empower communities to advance the housing production they need to grow and thrive far into the future.”
Today’s show of support built on recent bipartisan endorsements from officials and organizations including former Secretaries of Economic Development from the Romney, Patrick, and Baker administrations. The bill was formally discussed at the May 14th hearing of the Joint Committee on Housing. The legislation is part of the administration’s Housing Choice Initiative, which provides incentives, technical assistance, and capital grant funding to encourage new housing production that meets the long-term needs of the Commonwealth’s growing, and aging, population.
“Our families, seniors, workforce, individuals with disabilities, and vulnerable populations have diverse housing needs, and today’s market is not meeting them. Housing that our residents can afford is a crucial resource and An Act to Promote Housing Choices will create the tools we need to promote new housing development for those across incomes,” said Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Janelle Chan. “We are proud of the coalition we’ve built in support of this legislation and the investments we’ve made in affordable housing, community development, and public housing to benefit the many communities that contribute to our strong, inclusive Commonwealth.”
“People want to live in this great community and I am proud that here in Everett we have issued the third highest number of new multi-family housing permits in the Commonwealth, many of which are transit oriented developments. However, we must do more,” said Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “Governor Baker’s legislation will expedite the construction of ‘in-law’ apartments and accessory dwelling units, increase density through special permits and will cut parking and dimensional requirements. As a result, I believe we can substantially reduce the number of unsafe, overcrowded illegal units, by creating safe and affordable high quality housing for current and future residents.”     
“The Housing Choice Initiative is critical for our constituency in the city of Everett,” said Antonio Amaya Iraheta, Executive Director of La Comunidad. “Across the city there are a lot of illegal units. It is very dangerous living 2 or 3 families in one or two bedroom apartments. The Governor’s bill will bring a huge benefit and better condition of living, building more housing units in the City of Everett and across the state.”
“While recent development in Everett has been impressive and provided increased housing for the community, too many opportunities have been missed due to outdated zoning provisions,” said President of Everett Co-Operative Bank Marjorie White. “Modification of local zoning ordinances has been a cumbersome and lengthy process. This legislation will enable local officials to assess their communities’ housing needs and enact responsible, thoughtful zoning changes to meet them.”
“The need for more affordable housing in the Greater Boston area has reached drastic proportions. Zoning directly impacts how much housing is produced and in turn how much our region is paying for rent,” said Rafael Mares, Executive Director of The Neighborhood Developers. “The Governor's Housing Choice legislation will empower local leaders to develop better policies that will help people in our communities find the home they deserve.”
“Housing security has long been a critical concern for Everett residents, and even more so today as our community continues to grow and evolve,” said Senator Sal DiDomenico. “I would like to thank Governor Baker and Lieutenant Governor Polito for making this a top priority issue for their Administration and committing to create more housing options for people of all incomes. I look forward to continue working together along with my legislative colleagues and municipal leaders to craft a bill that will adequately address our Commonwealth’s diverse housing needs.”
The event also highlighted Everett’s recent Affordable Rental Housing Award, announced by Governor Baker in Swampscott this July. The award will fund the first of two phases to rehabilitate the former St. Therese Parish into two developments for low-income and formerly homeless seniors featuring onsite services.
The Baker-Polito Administration has shown a deep commitment to increasing the production of housing across income levels. Since 2015, the administration has invested more than $1 billion in affordable housing, resulting in the production and preservation of more than 17,000 housing units, including 15,000 affordable units. In 2018, Governor Baker signed the largest housing bond bill in Massachusetts history, committing more than $1.8 billion to the future of affordable housing production and preservation. The Baker-Polito Administration has also advanced the development of more than 11,000 mixed-income housing units through the successful MassWorks Infrastructure Program, reformed the Housing Development Incentive Program, and worked with communities to implement smart-growth development and planning efforts.

中華耆英會白禮頓樓 九月慶生會(圖片)

崑科大訪仁人家園實習 辦台灣日宣揚台灣愛心、文化、農產品

(Boston Orange)崑山科技大學公共關係暨廣告系師生團隊日前在波士頓二手商店(ReStore)舉辦台灣日,不但帶來台灣愛心,還展示台灣文化與農業,要讓更多波士頓人愛台灣。










FRAMINGHAM, Mass., Sept. 26, 2019 –  U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pemberton today called upon Senator Ed Markey and Congressman Joe Kennedy III to return the millions of dollars in PAC money that they have received. This follows Markey and Kennedy’s very recent disavowal of such contributions.

“Both Congressman Kennedy and Senator Markey have taken millions of dollars in PAC money. If these statements of theirs aren’t just tired political rhetoric, then they should give all those contributions back tomorrow,” Pemberton said. “People are angry with career Washington politicians who suddenly 'see the light' on special interest money when it suits their immediate political agenda, but the truth remains: they both have millions of dollars in their accounts right now from PACs. I’m challenging them to do the right thing and give it all back."

According to reports, Markey has raised more than $5.3 million in PAC money since 2003 [Center for Responsive Politics, 2019]. Kennedy has raised more than $2.7 million in PAC money since 2012 [CQ Political MoneyLine, accessed September 2019]. Both have raised more than $100,000 in PAC money this year alone. Pemberton foreswore all PAC money the day he announced his candidacy on July 23, 2019. 

星期三, 9月 25, 2019

2020波士頓馬拉松資格標準公佈 將擴大參賽人數至31,500

2020 Boston Marathon® Qualifier Acceptances Announced
Field size for 2020 Boston Marathon to expand to 31,500 participants

 BOSTON - The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) today continued its notification to qualified applicants of their acceptance into the 2020 Boston Marathon®. In preparation for the 2020 Boston Marathon, the B.A.A. implemented the same registration process for qualified runners as used in recent years, allowing the fastest qualifiers to register first. The 124th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 20, 2020 and will mark the 35th consecutive year that John Hancock will serve as principal sponsor.
 Qualifiers who were one minute, 39 seconds (1:39) or faster than the qualifying time for their age group and gender have been accepted into the 2020 Boston Marathon. A total of 24,127 qualified applicants have been accepted to date or are in the process of being accepted, pending verification of their qualifying performance. In total, 27,288 applications were received during the registration period for qualifiers. 
 In cooperation with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the eight cities and towns along the Boston Marathon route, the B.A.A. has also announced an increased field size of 1,500 official entrants for the 2020 Boston Marathon. The expanded field size will allow even more qualified and charity participants to take part in the Boston Marathon. Previously, the Boston Marathon featured a field size of 30,000 participants from 2015 through 2019. 
 Among those accepted into the 2020 Boston Marathon were athletes from 112 countries and all 50 U.S. states. This year the B.A.A. was unable to accept 3,161 qualifiers due to field size limitations. 
 More than 80% of the 2020 Boston Marathon field will be comprised of athletes who have met the qualifying standards. The balance will consist of invitational entrants, including runners participating as part of the Boston Marathon’s Official Charity Program and John Hancock’s Non-Profit Program, as well as invited elite athletes. Participants who ran on behalf of nearly 300 non-profit organizations raised a race-record $38.7 million for charity at the 2019 Boston Marathon.
 “Each year, the Boston Marathon brings together participants from around the world in pursuit of athletic excellence,” said Tom Grilk, B.A.A. Chief Executive Officer. “For many, earning a spot on the starting line in Hopkinton is the pinnacle of their running aspirations. We celebrate those who will be joining us next April, and also recognize and applaud the many runners who displayed interest in being part of the 2020 race. We thank the entire running community, and look forward to a memorable 124th running of the Boston Marathon.” 
 Since 1970, the Boston Marathon has featured qualifying standards as a means of entry. In September of 2018, the B.A.A. updated qualifying standards for the 2020 race; a breakdown of Boston Marathon qualifying standards can be found below.
 Registration for runners who met the B.A.A.’s Qualifying Standards for the 2020 Boston Marathon began on Monday, September 9 using a “rolling admission” schedule and continued through Saturday, September 14. Registration re-opened on Monday, September 16 and application submissions were received through Wednesday, September 18. Registration for the Boston Marathon is not first-come, first-served, but rather allows for a more systematic and orderly application procedure with the fastest qualifiers of those who submitted entries accepted.

• 27,237 applications were received during the registration period for qualifiers. • 24,127 qualified applicants have been accepted to date or are in the process of being accepted, pending verification of their qualifying performance.  • 3,110 applicants were unable to be accepted due to the large number of eligible qualifiers who submitted an application for entry. • This year’s ‘Cut-Off’ time needed to gain entry into the Boston Marathon was one minute, 39 seconds or faster than the qualifying time for each respective age group and gender. 
 During the registration period, the breakdown of accepted Qualifiers was as follows:

• 4,051 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 20 minutes, 00 seconds or faster. • 6,772 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 10 minutes, 00 seconds or faster. • 6,948 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 05 minutes, 00 seconds or faster. • 5,885 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 1 minute, 39 seconds or faster. • 471 Qualifiers were accepted based on finishing 10 or more consecutive Boston Marathons.
• 290 Qualified Para Athletes have been accepted, or are expected to be accepted, through the conclusion of the Para Athletics Divisions and Adaptive Programs registration period.
 Qualifying performances for the 2020 Boston Marathon must have been run between September 15, 2018 and September 18, 2019. Notices to those accepted will be issued by the B.A.A via e-mail.
 For reference, qualifiers needed to be four minutes, 52 seconds or faster than their age group and gender for the 2019 Boston Marathon; three minutes, 23 seconds or faster for the 2018 Boston Marathon; two minutes, nine seconds or faster for the 2017 Boston Marathon; two minutes, 28 seconds or faster for the 2016 Boston Marathon; one minute, two seconds or faster for the 2015 Boston Marathon; and one minute, 38 seconds or faster for the 2014 Boston Marathon. 
 This year’s one minute, 39 second cut-off is the lowest cut-off time since 2015 (1:02). A history of Boston Marathon qualifying standards and cut-off times can be found here. Notices to those who submitted an application for entry but who were not accepted were also issued today.

2020 BOSTON MARATHON: Men’s Qualifying Standards and Accepted Times*

AGE GROUP QUALIFYING STANDARD QUALIFICATION TIMES ACCEPTED (faster than and including) 18-34 3hrs 00min 00sec 2hrs 58min 21sec 35-39 3hrs 05min 00sec 3hrs 03min 21sec 40-44 3hrs 10min 00sec 3hrs 08min 21sec 45-49 3hrs 20min 00sec 3hrs 18min 21sec 50-54 3hrs 25min 00sec 3hrs 23min 21sec 55-59 3hrs 35min 00sec 3hrs 33min 21sec 60-64 3hrs 50min 00sec 3hrs 48min 21sec 65-69 4hrs 05min 00sec 4hrs 03min 21sec 70-74 4hrs 20min 00sec 4hrs 18min 21sec 75-79 4hrs 35min 00sec 4hrs 33min 21sec 80 and older 4hrs 50min 00sec 4hrs 48min 21sec

2020 BOSTON MARATHON: Women’s Qualifying Standards and Accepted Times*

AGE GROUP QUALIFYING STANDARD QUALIFICATION TIMES ACCEPTED (faster than and including) 18-34  3hrs 30min 00sec  3hrs 28min 21sec 35-39  3hrs 35min 00sec  3hrs 33min 21sec 40-44  3hrs 40min 00sec  3hrs 38min 21sec 45-49  3hrs 50min 00sec  3hrs 48min 21sec 50-54  3hrs 55min 00sec  3hrs 53min 21sec 55-59  4hrs 05min 00sec  4hrs 03min 21sec 60-64  4hrs 20min 00sec  4hrs 18min 21sec 65-69  4hrs 35min 00sec  4hrs 33min 21sec 70-74  4hrs 50min 00sec  4hrs 48min 21sec 75-79  5hrs 05min 00sec  5hrs 03min 21sec 80 and older 5hrs 20min 00sec 5hrs 18min 21sec

* Qualified entrants for the 2020 Boston Marathon must have met the designated time standard that corresponds with their age group and gender in a certified marathon on or after September 15, 2018. Proof of qualification must accompany each athlete's application, and participants are required to be 18 years or older on Boston Marathon race day.

The qualifying window for the 2021 Boston Marathon began on Saturday, September 14, 2019, and will continue through the conclusion of 2021 Boston Marathon registration next fall. Registration dates for the 2021 Boston Marathon will be announced next year. 




時間:2019-09-24 台湾




(蔡英文拿出博士畢業證書,但仍漏洞百出遭質疑。圖片來源:YouTube 截圖)
