
星期三, 9月 04, 2019

中華表演藝術基金會夏日音樂會系列成功轉型 大獲好評

過去年,中華表演藝術基金會每年夏季,都在波士頓西部小鎮蒂克(Natick)胡桃山學校舉辦音樂夏令營由於租金突然高漲三倍,今年決定停止辦理夏令營,而轉型新英格蘭音樂學院(New England Conservatory) 舉辦第一屆夏季系列音樂會轉型取得了巨大成功,得到音樂界及觀眾們若大的讚賞及支持夏季系列音樂會87824日,舉辦了15高水平的音樂會,包括一場國際鋼琴協奏曲比賽。一共收到了來自5位不同樂評的9篇非常鼓舞的評論,以及大量觀眾的支持。早在7月份,新英格蘭最大的古典音樂雜誌 波士頓音樂情報(The Boston Musical Intelligencer) 就發布了一篇介紹性的報告。他們很可能很快會再次發布一篇總結評論。 波士頓環球報(The Boston Globe) 和波士頓環球報/雜誌 (The Boston Globe/ Magazine) 強力推薦本音樂系列,在The Ticket; 當地藝術界正在發生的事情 Five Things To Do您未來一周五件事要做的事情都高度推薦十五場免費音樂會都有極多觀眾到場觀賞其中有場是滿堂彩,座無虛席觀眾席中出現來自波士頓及其他地區的音樂愛好者,音樂老師,音樂學生和音樂名人。他們很高興能在炎炎夏日裡,在交通方便的波士頓市區裡,在如此舒適的音樂廳,欣賞到如此高水平的系列音樂會。

所有的音樂會都是由古典音樂界裡不同背景和世代的傑出音樂家演出。演奏家有小提琴,大提琴,鋼琴,長笛,女高音,男中音,以獨奏,二重奏,三重奏和五重奏格式精彩演出。 十五場音樂會詳細,包括表演者,節目,評論和照片請閱http//www.chineseperformingarts.net/contents/summer/2019/index.html

2019的鋼琴協奏曲比賽開放30歲以下的音樂人參加。不分國籍。比賽曲目是勃拉姆斯D小調第一號鋼琴協奏曲,作品15。這是一部難度極高的曲目,需要具有成熟的彈奏能力才能勝任參賽者來自美國,中國,台灣,英國和印度尼西亞。申請人提交演錄像影片評審初審。所有申請人都表現出。評審會選出10前往波士頓,在新英格蘭音樂學院參加半決賽和決賽。於81718在半決賽決賽中選出獲獎者。第一名是來自中國的林之燁Zhiye Lin獲得3000美元的獎金,以及在824水銀 (Mercury)交響樂團在新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳(Jordan Hall) 演出。林之燁名得獎者; 來自美國的Sam

Sahun Hong; 將受邀在2020的夏季系列音樂會中演出獨奏音樂會。


波士頓華語文教師研習營 今年內容別出心裁

                                  (Boston Orange) 新英格蘭中文學校協會經中華民國僑務委員會贊助,82425日在波士頓僑教中心舉辦「2019年波士頓地區華文教師研習會」,新英格蘭地區共40多名華文教師參加,內容從課堂管理,激勵學生學習到成為中文老師的技巧等,十分廣泛。

研習會的四名主講老師及講題,分別為新澤西州私立英華國際學校教務主任蘇文霖老師主講「全球華文網:學華語向前走教材使用分享」及「課堂管理之運用」;波士頓地區全美中小學中文教師協會第一副會長葉金惠老師,藉「參與、激勵與挑戰: 增進學生的中文熟練程度」這題目分享教學經驗,Pollard Middle School林賢琪老師講「讓學生動起來課堂活動分享」與「中文老師履歷表、面試及試教技巧」,還有民俗文化種子路永宜老師教「中文劇本編寫概論」。參加培訓的老師們都稱許今年的課程安排,別出心裁。


中華耆英會白禮頓樓八月慶生 七名壽星

(Boston Orange)中華耆英會白禮頓樓八月慶生會,祝賀七位耆英生日快樂,特邀也是八月出生的該會董事陳建立加入慶生。

耆英會白禮頓樓的八月慶生會,照例由李積秀和樂趙令瑜主持,中心主任梅麗梨致詞,向這個月過生日的劉明惠姚鎭鉅戴慶玲錢如瑩潘錦芳,一位善心人,以及Evelyn Cosme等七位耆英祝壽。

耆英會董事陳建立剛好也是八月出生,這天和另一半陳黃美蘭邀特聯袂出席。他半開玩笑的說,自子84日出生,今年七十晉一,能夠外貌常保年輕, 秘訣就是聽太太的話,不信的人可以試試。

已愛上寫詩多年的陳建立,這天還特地做詩一首,誌記中華耆英會的2019年八月聯歡。詩文如下: 八月生辰共感恩,中華耆英親上親,壽與天齊信望愛,民權福利要惜珍,陳腔濫調我不為,建設社區有賴君,立雪程門真善美,互敬互勉智勇仁。

當天的慶生會,還有抽獎,用餐,欣賞表演等活動。表演的節目包括樂趙令瑜《吉祥西藏》舞蹈,李積秀眾人合唱《順流逆流》《耆英會好處多》。李潤蓮鋼琴伴奏吕玲何佩榮與張洋合唱《深深的海洋》 和《大海啊,故鄉》。鄧東慧白禮樓舞蹈組表演優美舞蹈《相約快樂》。樂趙令瑜和國語歌唱組演唱了《高山青》和《鳳凰花鼓》。

中華耆英會白禮頓樓位於677 Cambridge Street, Brighton, MA 02135,公共巴士或地鐵可到達,查詢或報名參加各項活動服務諮詢,可洽617789-4289朱小姐。


星期日, 8月 18, 2019

吳弭競選連任 8/22辦第三屆街區派對

South Cove Manor Hosts Secretary of Elder Affairs Elizabeth Chen for a Conversation on Elder Care in the Commonwealth

麻州老人事務署署長陳倩(右三)拜會中華頤養院,和中華頤養院董事長雷偉志(右起),院長陳力,共同創辦人阮陳金鳳,陳秀英,以及執行長Bill Graves合影。(中華頤養院提供)

                    (Boston Orange) 麻州新上任的老人事務署(EOCA)署長陳倩(Elizabeth Chen)815日專程拜會中華頤養院,了解麻州地區的老人服務概況。
           中華頤養院共同創辦人暨董事陳秀英,主席雷偉志召集了一場午餐會,介紹中華頤                                     養院從1985年,由華埠社區一群熱心人在波士頓華埠創建,然後於2014年擴張,遷至昆士市華盛頓街現址,從平地新建的經過。
           中華頤養院執行長Bill Graves從照顧服務提供者的角度,綜述了他所觀察到的麻州長期照顧業現狀。他也感謝麻州議會及麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),在簽署通過的2020會計年度麻州財政預算中,包括了給頤養院等機構的新編5000萬元醫療補助經費。
                                      根據Graves所說,費用補償方面的挑戰,影響了照顧品質,也威脅到許多耆英們賴以為家的頤養院等機構的生存。麻州2020會計年度增列的醫療補助經費,將對長期照顧業者解決經費效率不足問題大有助益。該預算也設立了護理機構緊急任務小組(Nursing Facility Emergency Task Force)來提供建議,以確保頤養護理機構的持續性。

           當天出席參與討論的人,包括中華頤養院院長陳力,護理主任Mary Louise,共同創辦人阮陳金鳳,以及社區志工Thomas Chen       (Boston Orange) South Cove Manor at Quincy Point, a non-profit rehabilitation and care community located in Quincy, welcomed Elizabeth Chen, Secretary, Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), on August 15th for a substantive conversation on elder care in the Commonwealth.           South Cove Manor Founder and Board Member Helen Chin Schlichte and Chairman Richard Lui convened the luncheon meeting with an introduction outlining South Cove Manor’s founding in 1985 by members of Boston’s Chinatown community, and the expansion of South Cove and its 2014 move to its current, newly constructed community on Washington Street.
         CEO Bill Graves shared insights on the current state of long-term care in Massachusetts from the provider and caregiver perspective and expressed his appreciation to the Massachusetts Legislature for passing, and Governor Charlie Baker for signing, the FY 2020 budget which includes $50 million in new Medicaid funding for nursing facility care.
          According to Graves, reimbursement challenges have impacted the quality of care and threatened the viability of many nursing centers that are home to frail elders across the Commonwealth. He stated, “The FY 2020 budget increase for Medicaid funding will go a long way in helping us address inefficiencies in funding for long term care.” The budget also establishes a Nursing Facility Emergency Task Force to make recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the nursing facility sector.
         Joining in the discussion, which was followed by a tour of the campus, were South Cove Manor at Quincy Point Administrator Li Chen, Director of Nursing Mary Louise Butler, Founder Amy Guen and community volunteer Thomas Chen.

紐英崙客家鄉親會夏日野餐 天氣好 人情暖 都開心



Interested parties should submit their applications for affordable housing, parks and open space, and historic preservation projects by September 27, 2019

BOSTON - Friday, August 16, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the release of applications for Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding for fall 2019. The application calls for CPA eligible projects that are ready to begin construction in the next 18 months, bringing new investments in affordable housing, parks and open space, and preservation of historic sites to Boston's neighborhoods. Interested parties should submit their full application by September 27, 2019. 

"The three components of the Community Preservation Act --  affordable housing, open space, and historic preservation -- connect the past, present, and future of a community," said Mayor Walsh. "I invite residents and organizations to submit their applications for funding and I look forward to recommending great projects that will help us restore history and strengthen our communities." 

The Community Preservation Fund is capitalized primarily by a one percent property tax-based surcharge on residential and business property tax bills that began in July 2017 after voters adopted the measure in November 2016. The last round of CPA awards in February 2019 funded $34 million to 56 projects across the city, including affordable housing developments and programs, parks and open space, and historic preservation projects consistent with statewide guidelines. 

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is committed to broad community participation, supporting accessible and visible projects that have a positive impact on neighborhoods and residents. CPA staff has been hosting community conversations in various neighborhoods to explain the eligibility requirements and the application process to residents and organizations interested in applying for funding. Following the application deadline, the CPC will meet to review applications and recommend projects to the Mayor and City Council for approval.

"As a housing developer, community volunteer, lover of historic buildings, and longtime Roxbury resident, I feel honored to be tasked with the challenge of recommending transformative CPA projects to our Mayor and City Council," said Felicia Jacques, chair of the Community Preservation Committee. "Our neighborhoods have not had a boost like this in years, possibly ever. It's thrilling to see CPA signs on fences, buildings, and backstops across the City!"

CPA funds contribute to building strong neighborhoods through strategic investments that support affordable housing, open space and historic preservation. Mayor Walshrecently announced the ONE+Boston mortgage, which utilizes $3.8 million in Community Preservation funds to finance a permanent reduction in the interest rate of a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. The ONE+Boston mortgage product will be offered by the Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) to income-eligible Bostonians buying their first home within the city limits and was supported by the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance (MAHA) and Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO). 

In just two years, CPA's impact in Boston includes funding more than 225 units of affordable housing at a range of income levels, new parks and playgrounds, the creation of community gardens and urban farms, and the rescue of historic buildings in nearly every neighborhood. Projects selected in previous application rounds include awarding CPA funds for basketball courts in Roxbury, affordable housing for seniors in East Boston, and preserving the historic home of John Adams' Secretary of War in Charlestown, just to name a few. 

"We've wanted a park in our Dorchester neighborhood forever. The most accessible greenspace now is across busy Talbot Ave to Franklin Field or across Blue Hill Ave to the stone wall around Franklin Park," said Laquisa Burke from the West of Washington Coalition. "They are a long walk, especially with little kids. But thanks to CPA we've purchased three plots of land next to the new Fairmount train station. We'll have a playground, picnic tables, a monarch butterfly garden, and best of all, a place where our neighbors can gather for the annual barbecue!"

As part of his 2019 legislative agenda, Mayor Walsh has been advocating for adjusting the surcharge on fees for recording deeds to increase the State CPA match, protecting the Act that more than 170 cities and towns depend on for the creation of affordable housing, open space, and historic preservation. When municipalities voted to enact CPA, they did so with the promise of a substantial state match. This year, the match was just 11 percent with a one-time surplus allotment added, but the CPA bill people voted for is no longer the same bill. The FY20 State budget increases the match, raising an estimated additional $36 million in revenue, putting the state match at around 30 percent and allowing us to invest more in our communities.

To apply for CPA funding for affordable housing projects, please visit here. For parks and open space projects, please visit here. For historic preservation projects, please visit here. 

CA Treasurer Fiona Ma Announces Fall Bond Sales of $4.16 Billion

Treasurer Fiona Ma Announces Fall Bond Sales of $4.16 Billion

SACRAMENTO – State Treasurer Fiona Ma today announced the upcoming sales of seven bond issues totaling approximately $5.16 billion. The sales begin September 5 with $2.3 billion of General Obligation bonds.

“Significant portions of these General Obligation bond sales will be used to finance older debt at today’s lower rates,” the Treasurer said. “This will save taxpayers money and free up resources for other important projects and programs.”

The funding, she added, will also provide support for a range of vital infrastructure projects across the state.

The schedule of fall bond sales includes:

September 5: Various Purpose General Obligation Bonds and Various Purpose General Obligation Refunding Bonds -- approximately $2.3 billion.
o   Proceeds will provide funding for Prop 51 (the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016) and refinance previously issued bonds.
Week of October 28: State Public Works Board Lease Revenue Bonds, 2019 Series C -- approximately $400 million.
o   Proceeds will provide funding for the following projects:
§ Department of Forestry and Fire (CalFire) Academy to construct dormitory authority building and expand mess hall.
§ Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR): (1) Riverside County Jail Project; (2) Santa Barbara County Jail Project; (3) Tulare County Jail Project; (4) Sutter County Jail Project; and (5) various CDCR Health Care Facility Improvement Program projects.

November 6: California Health Facilities Financing Authority: No Place Like Home Program Senior Revenue Bonds (Social Bonds - Federally Taxable) -- approximately $500 million. 
o   Proceeds will provide funding to the Department of Housing and Community Development’s No Place Like Home Program, which aids in the acquisition, design, construction, rehabilitation, preservation and operation of permanent and supportive housing for persons who are experiencing homelessness, chronic homelessness or who are at risk of chronic homelessness, and who are in need of mental health services.
Proceeds will provide permanent financing for projects funded with commercial paper notes and refinance previously issued bonds at lower interest cost.

Week of December 2: IBank, California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) Headquarters Expansion Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (Green Bonds) -- approximately $300 million.
o   Proceeds will fund the acquisition, design, construction and equipping of an expansion to the CalSTRS headquarters facility in West Sacramento.

More information about the upcoming fall bond sales can be found at BuyCaliforniaBonds.com. The bond issuances described above (including the amounts and timing thereof) are preliminary and subject to change or cancellation based on market conditions or other factors as determined by the State Treasurer.

Note: This does not constitute an offer to sell nor an offer to buy bonds. Bonds may only be offered by means of an official statement. Contact your broker.

Fiona Ma is California’s 34th State Treasurer. She was elected November 6, 2018 with more votes (7,825,587) than any other candidate for treasurer in the state's history. She is the first woman of color and the first woman Certified Public Accountant elected to the position. California is the world’s fifth-largest economy and Fiona serves as its head banker, providing transparency and oversight for the government’s investment portfolio and accounts as well as managing the state’s $92 billion in financial assets. The Treasurer’s Office provides financing for our schools, roads, housing, levees, public facilities, and other crucial infrastructure projects that better the lives of all Californians. We manage cash receipts for the state and manage bond issuances and oversee programs that fund schools, hospitals, and affordable housing and small businesses. We also manage three savings programs helping individuals with disabilities, college, and private-employee retirement.