
星期三, 7月 03, 2019

MIT年度評選35歲以下創新者 9名華裔

(Boston Orange 周菊子編譯報導)麻省理工學院科技評論的”3535歲以下創新者(35 Innovators Under 35)名單出爐了。其中有9名華裔。
麻省理工學院科技評論(MIT Technology Review)表示,他們每年都收到大約600個提名,先由一群編輯挑出最具創意,最有趣的100個人,再由科技領域內各有專長的32名評判審核,最後選出35人,分別歸為發明家(10)、創業家(6),具遠見者(8),人道主義者(3),開荒者(8)這五個類別。其中有9名華裔,除了人道主義類別外,其他每個類別都至少有1人。
發明家類(Inventor)獲選的是發明發光二極管新材料的狄大為(譯音,Dawei Di)
              創業家類(Entrepreneurs)入選的華人有2名,一個是製作幫醫院工作人員做非技術性繁瑣雜務機器人,開了勤勞機器人(Diligent Robotics)”Vivian Chu,一個是要在電池領域帶來大突破,開了固態能源系統(Solid Energy System)”公司的胡啟朝(Qichao Hu)
            Vivian Chu今年32歲,在美國出生,2017年開公司Diligent Robotics,用人工智慧軟體研發出醫院機器人Moxi,目前在德州4家醫院試用。
Vivian Chu的畢業論文,重點就在可以混合視覺,聽覺等來自周遭不同種類感應器資訊,作為遭遇新情況時指引的機器人。例如,一個機器人在知道抽屜已經半開時,會自動調整拉抽屜的力度。
Vivian Chu 生長在矽谷中心區的一個三代同堂家庭,親身體會祖父母老去時,家人在照顧時的掙扎。她希望她的機器人能讓住在頤養院的老人家們有個工具,活得更有尊嚴,獨立自主更久些。
胡啟朝(Qichao Hu)今年33歲,在中國出生,12歲時隨家人搬到紐約。他相信自己正走在電池革命的風口浪尖上。他創辦的公司固態能源系統(Solid Energy System),座落在麻州屋本市(Woburn),已經非常接近商業化量產用鋰金屬做的可充電電池。那會比目前電池業幾乎所有電子產品,電動車都使用的鋰離子電池的能源密度高兩倍。
              夢想者(Visionaries)類別,有3名華人,一為研究結果可能導致革命性腦部治療的洪國松(譯音,Guosong Hong),一為使基因剪輯技術CRISPR在治療腦疾病上更靈活的徐帕萃(譯音,Patrick Hsu),一為用人工智慧使城市更能呼應人們需要的徐亮(譯音,Liang Xu)
洪國松(Guosong Hong)今 年33歲,中國出生,史丹福大學,
              徐帕萃(譯音,Patrick Hsu)今年27歲,在台灣出生,Salk生物研究院。他擴展了RNA負責把脫氧核醣核酸(DNA)藍圖轉印進蛋白質分子的影響,還用它來治療腦疾病。
            在加州Salk生物研究院帶領一個實驗室的Partick Hsu,小時候看到祖父老年癡呆病發作時,會半夜到他床上,茫然的不知道自己在哪兒。這促使他認真思考,怎麼才能改善。
Patrick Hsu設立自己的Salk實驗室後,做出一個電腦程式,把公開可用的基因數據網羅來做新蛋白質。他發現了針對RNA的一系列高度有效,具選擇性地的CRISPR酵素。
              徐亮(Liang Xu),今年31歲,中國出生,在平安科技公司工作。他獲選是因為使用人工智能(AI)讓城市更能呼應居民需要。
              開荒者類別有3人。一為用人工智慧來設想新一代,更輕,更強有力材料的古蕾絲(譯音,Grace Gu),一為製作軟體讓強大的人工智能程式跑得更順暢的韓松(譯音,Song Han),一為做出來的微型機器人可以用來治療感染的李金興(譯音,Jinxing Li)
            古蕾絲(譯音,Grace Gu)今年30歲,在美國出生,目前在加州大學柏克萊分校。她用人工智能來找出使材料更好的方法。她想像能夠用更輕,更強而有力的材料來做身體盔甲,再用3維印刷做客製化的醫療植入物,推進可再生能源科技極限的可調整太陽能電池材料。
              韓松(Song Han),今年30歲,中國出生,現為麻省理工學院助理教授,
              李金興(譯音,Jinxing Li),今年32歲,中國出生,史丹福大學。
            李金興說下一步是製造半機器人細胞(cyborg cells)”,拿人體獵找並毀滅細菌或癌細胞的免疫細胞來和奈米機器人融合,航向疾病部位。

波士頓香港人"反送中"抗議 再上街頭 (圖片)

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波士頓的一眾香港人將於七一放工時間一同在Downtown Crossing行人區帶同上次集會的牌、穿黑衫戴白絲帶默站,藉此聲援港人及把警方的暴力惡行傳播開去。我們堅持要求政府全面撤回引渡條例、釋放被捕義士、收回6.12暴動之論、徹查警察暴力、全面推行香港真普選。

地點:Downtown Crossing Pedestrian Road

1000 Jews and supporters rallied in demand of closing border camps

(Boston Orange) More than 1,000 people rallied through Boston downtown to South Bay Detention Center on evening of July 2nd, demanding elected officials to close camps at border, defund ICE and CBP, and provide permanent protection for all undocumented immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. 
This group of people includes Jews, immigrants and allies, marched from the New England Holocaust Memorial through downtown Boston to the South Bay Detention Center. 18 of them were arrested shutting down the entrance of the South Bay Detention Center.
One of the protester is Michaela Caplan, a Jewish American whose family was heavily affected by the Holocaust and the intergenerational waves of trauma that followed. He said that his being there is first and foremost that he is a Jewish American, and then his family was heavily affected by the Holocaust and the intergenerational waves of trauma that followed.
Michaela Caplan says  “I grew up learning not just about the Holocaust but what led up to it— years of increasingly violent rhetoric and dangerous dehumanization of the Jewish people. I learned about the millions of people that looked away as mass atrocity grew and crystallized. To me, never again does not only mean fighting dehumanization and terrorizing of entire communities; it means fighting apathy and bystanderism. Never again is now.”
The protestors sang Jewish prayers of healing and mourning to grieve for those who have fallen ill or lost their lives because of ICE and CBP’s inhumane policies. 
18 of the protestors were arrested shutting down the entrance of the South Bay Detention Center.
“This is Judaism in action,” said Jaclyn Friedman who was arrested blocking the steps to the detention center.
           Organizers of the protest says, “today, eleven million immigrants and asylum-seekers across the United States are subjected to physical and psychological abuse by our own government. This crisis isn’t just happening at the border, but in our neighborhoods and communities here in Massachusetts and across the US. Many of our congressmen who have spoken out against the concentration camps voted last week to give ICE more funding. We cannot become numb and paralyzed by the depth of these atrocities and human rights abuses - we must take action on a massive scale”.
           According to a statement provided by protest organizers, this action comes following a protest on Sunday in Elizabeth, NJ where 36 young Jews were arrested for stopping business as usual at the Elizabeth Detention Center (Newsweek, JTA, Teen Vogue), and in tandem with protests happening this week across the country. 18 activists blocked an ICE detention center in Central Falls, RI, and more actions are planned: in Los Angeles on July 3rd, in Philadelphia on July 4th, and in San Francisco on July 5th. They demand dignity and permanent protection for all immigrants and migrants and safe pathways for those seeking refuge from places beleaguered by colonialism and violence. They also demand an end to detention and the abolition of ICE.  As Jews, they’ve seen this before. They know how it ends. It is their duty, both as Jews and as moral human beings, to stand up and take action. They will not stop until the camps are closed. 

星期二, 7月 02, 2019

CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu on Trump Administration Decision to Print the 2020 Census Without a Citizenship Question

CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu on Trump Administration Decision to Print the 2020 Census Without a Citizenship Question

Washington, DC —  Today the Trump Administration announced that it would move forward with printing the 2020 census without a citizenship question. Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chairwoman Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement:  

“This decision to move forward with the census without the problematic citizenship question is a victory for democracy! Despite the false answer Secretary Ross gave me about the origin of this question, we know from court records that the citizenship question was put forward by a Republican strategist looking to help the Republican party. In order to do so, they wanted to use the citizenship question as a way to frighten immigrants away from the census, hiding the true number of people in this country, and jeopardizing federal representation and funding for everything from housing to transportation to education. I’m so relieved the Supreme Court saw through this ‘contrived’ argument, as Chief Justice Roberts put it, and stopped the question from being added. Our task now is to ensure every family is able to fill out a census and that every person is counted. I plan on continuing to work with communities in my district and across the country to make this the most successful census ever.”

Democracy Wins: Citizenship Question Removed From 2020 Census

Democracy Wins: Citizenship Question Removed From 2020 Census
Work must continue to ensure a fair and accurate count

WASHINGTON – Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference Education Fund, issued the following statement on the U.S. government’s decision to remove the citizenship question from the 2020 Census and begin printing the forms:

“The people have spoken, the courts have spoken, and finally, the Trump administration has conceded – there will be no 2020 Census citizenship question. This is a victory for all those who fought so hard against this partisan ploy to weaponize the census and rig our democracy. Now we double down on the work to ensure a fair and accurate count. We remain particularly committed to ensuring that hard-to-count communities, especially those understandably fearful of this administration’s motives, take part in the next census. Through our Census Counts campaign, and alongside our allies, we will stay focused on making sure everyone is counted so that all of our country’s communities get the representation and resources they deserve.”

The Leadership Conference Education Fund builds public will for federal policies that promote and protect the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States. The Education Fund’s campaigns empower and mobilize advocates around the country to push for progressive change in the United States. It was founded in 1969 as the education and research arm of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. For more information on The Education Fund, visit civilrights.org/edfund/.
More information about The Education Fund’s Census Counts campaign is available atcensuscounts.org.

"自然"稱MIT華裔科學家"心生恐懼" 抗議美國氛圍不友善

(Boston Orange 周菊子編譯整理)美國自然(Nature)”雜誌今(2)日發表文章,以心理恐懼為標題,描述麻省理工學院華裔科學家們大都有只因自己是華人,就被針對的感覺,並稱張曙光等學者已站出來抗議美國大環境中的不友善氛圍。
自然期刊的這篇文章提及,中國出生,已入籍美國,在麻省理工學院工作了25年,經常往返美國及亞洲各國的免疫學家陳劍筑(譯音,Jianzhu Chen)的遭遇。他今年5月從新加坡返美時,突然被海關人員拉到一旁,問他有沒為外國政府工作。文章引述陳劍筑的喟嘆,這讓人十分困擾,任何一個有中國血統的人都成嫌犯了
康州新港的耶魯大學(Yale),加州的史丹福大學(Standford)等至少10所大專院校都發表聲明,支持華裔學者後,麻省理工學院校長Rafael Reif625日也發表了一封公開信,表示該校教職員,老師及學生已經告訴他,只因為他們是華人,如今和政府打交道都面對不公平的審查,汙衊和邊緣化。但學校會很小心,不會因為毫無根據的懷疑或恐懼,就在校園內造成有毒氛圍。
數個華裔美國科學家團體和紐約市的非牟利機構,”憂心的科學家委員會(Committee of Concerned Scientists)”一樣,已提高警覺,
麻省理工學院物理學者Nicholas Fang表示,根據族裔樣貌(racial profiling)劃定,任何活動和中國有關,就可疑,那才是真正的問題
NIH去年八月開始大掃除計畫(sweeping initiative )”。美國研究機構收到該計畫的通知後,已解雇至少5名華裔研究員,理由包括未申報中國經費,研究者違反和政府支持項目有關的保密法。至少兩名研究人員已公開反駁這說法。
NIH強烈反駁種族歧視和調查有關。NIH校外研究副主任Michael Lauer表示,我們的重點不是特定的人,而是特定行為,特別是未透露來自外國機構的經費或聘雇協議。
聯邦調查局人員已公開形容千人計畫是從海外偷取專業知識資訊的方法。上個月,能源局禁止員工參加中國,北韓,俄國,伊朗經營的人才招聘項目。能源局發言人Kelly Love表示,我們針對的是項目,不是人,或是他們的國籍


(Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓環球報今(2)日報導,新英格蘭也要品嚐5G滋味了。委瑞森(Verizon)通訊七月一日在羅德島州的普域敦斯市(Providence)推出超快的5G數據服務。
5G系統是設計來提供比目前4G更快的數據下載科技。委瑞森承諾下載速度每秒450 百萬位元(megabits),大概比最新4G服務快10倍。委瑞森還承諾,下載的最快速度可高達每秒1.5千兆字節(gigabites),快到在幾秒之內就可以下載一部完整的高清電影。
委瑞森表示,住在學院丘(College Hill),聯邦丘(Federal Hill),希望山(Mount Hope),以及布朗大學,羅德島設計學院,普域敦斯學院校園的居民,都可以享受5G服務,

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates South Coast Rail Groundbreaking

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates South Coast Rail Groundbreaking
Five-year capital investment plan includes $1 billion for project

FREETOWN – Today Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack and MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak joined municipal leaders, elected officials and local stakeholder groups to celebrate the beginning of Phase 1 South Coast Rail work and tour action taking place along the New Bedford Main Line in East Freetown, an area in which culvert work is taking place.

“South Coast Rail Phase 1 will connect Taunton, Fall River, New Bedford, and the surrounding areas to Boston, giving people more options to get to and from southeastern Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud to advance South Coast Rail further than it’s ever been as part of our administration’s $8 billion MBTA infrastructure investment plan over the next five years.”

“Having Phase 1 of South Coast Rail fully funded in the FY20-24 Capital Investment Plan is a significant milestone,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Thank you to everyone who played a role in keeping this project going forward and we look forward to Phase 1’s start of service in 2023.”

“After years of advocacy, the day when this expansion project will provide service to Southeastern Massachusetts communities is finally in sight,” said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “This is a proud moment for MassDOT and the MBTA, and a proud moment for the Commonwealth. I look forward to watching the infrastructure in this corridor take shape and am eager for the day in 2023 when the very first train operates on this route carrying passengers.”

“Like the Green Line Extension, South Coast Rail is a priority that would not be possible without the strong support of the Baker-Polito Administration and the MassDOT and MBTA Boards,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “The MBTA is excited to build on the foundation that MassDOT built, and to begin passenger rail service to the  South Coast in 2023.”

“Since the first SouthCoast Rail Groundbreaking Ceremony I attended twenty-one years ago, the necessity of this project has only become more clear,” said Senator Michael J. Rodrigues. “The communities of the SouthCoast deserve to be economically competitive with the rest of the region, and SouthCoast Rail is a large piece of that. I applaud the Baker-Polito Administration for finally making this long-promised project a reality.”

“This is a milestone for transportation equity in the commonwealth and it has been a long time coming,” said Representative Bill Straus, House chair of the Joint Committee on Transportation. “After many attempts over the decades to restore rail service to the southeastern Massachusetts, we are under construction of the early steps to restore Commuter Rail to our region. I want to single out for praise Governor Baker who has been committed to the project and kept the promises he made to find an innovative and effective way to enhance rail service with the Phase I connection through Middleboro."

“Residents in Greater New Bedford have been waiting years to gain access to Boston via rail,” said Senator Mark Montigny. “While we still have a long way to go to ensure completion, today marks a significant milestone in this long-overdue project.  I am thankful we have a committed partner in Governor Baker to help us finally achieve real success that will undoubtedly provide an economic boost to New Bedford.”

“Today’s groundbreaking on Phase 1 of South Coast Rail represents a significant turning point in the on-going fight towards regional transit equity in Massachusetts,” said Representative Antonio Cabral. “The future of transportation looks much brighter for New Bedford and the entire South Coast region, thanks to our collective, relentless efforts to bring this project to fruition.  I’m thrilled to be here today to see this project moving forward, which will provide New Bedford residents with commuter rail service we have long deserved.”

“Brockton’s 3 commuter rail stations have transformed how my region gets to work,” said Representative Michelle Dubois. “This extension of the Old Colony line will do the same for Fall River and New Bedford, while further expanding job options in my district and connecting our three similar Cities once again.”

“The South Coast Rail groundbreaking in Freetown is historic. For years, constituents of the South Coast have asked for more accessibility to Boston and the Commonwealth has spent years developing and planning this project,”said Representative Carole Fiola. “This groundbreaking symbolizes the physical start to this project which is beyond exciting and I am proud to be a part of it. I would like to thank the South Coast residents for their passion, persistence, and perseverance.”

“This is a great day for the people of New Bedford and Fall River who have been waiting so long for this project to come to fruition,” said Representative Susan Gifford. “But it is also a great step forward to expanding commuter rail service in the future to other areas of the South Coast such as Wareham and Buzzards Bay. I applaud the Baker-Polito Administration for their commitment to delivering the South Coast Rail Project.”

“We on the South Coast have been eagerly awaiting better transportation opportunities such as the rail for well over two decades. For us South Coast Rail is not just a means by which to get to greater Boston, but a means to expand our collective economic development efforts,” said Representative Patricia A. Haddad, Speaker Pro Tempore.

“It is imperative that the Commonwealth move firmly in the direction of lower emissions and reduced congestion,” said Representative Chris Hendricks. “This project works toward easing both of these urgent problems while providing South Coast residents improved access to jobs and other opportunities.” 

“The Baker/Polito Administration has made good on their promise to see that this rail system comes to fruition,” said Representative Steven Howitt. “South Coast Rail will not only be an economic boost to Southeastern MA, but the train will also, and more importantly, address the traffic congestion into Boston for the South Coast's many commuters.”

“This increased access will open new opportunities to residents of Southeastern Massachusetts who otherwise would have been prevented from travelling such great distances,” said Representative Paul Schmid. “The Baker/Polito team are delivering on what we in the south coast have been fighting for over the last 25 years.”

South Coast Rail early action projects currently underway have included infrastructure work on track, culverts, and bridges as well as the acquisition of land for stations:

                 Special track work: awarded to Progress Rail in December 2018 with shop drawings submitted for approval;
                 Early action culverts: awarded to JF White in March 2019 with right of way clearing having begun and the first culvert installed in late April 2019;
                 Early action for four bridges: contract awarded by MassDOT Board in April 2019.

Other South Coast Rail activities have included:

                 Developing Phase 1 Operations and Maintenance cost;
                 Advancing a portion of the Northern Corridor’s 30% design;
                 Development of MBTA Commuter Rail station design standards;
                 Ongoing community meetings;
                 Developing scopes for Force Account Agreements with utility companies, Mass Coastal Railroad, Keolis Commuter Services, and Amtrak;
                 Property acquisition for station sites.

In April 2019, MassDOT and the MBTA announced that the South Coast Rail Program recently reached two critical Phase 1 milestones. First, a finance plan was completed and fully funded in the Commonwealth’s Capital Investment Plan. Second, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved the final federal permit required for the program to advance.

With a recently agreed upon total program cost of $1.047 billion, Phase 1 of the South Coast Rail Program will be funded 100 percent by the Commonwealth through a combination of general obligation bonds and special obligation bonds to be issued under existing authorization for the Rail Enhancement Program. The MBTA is not required to issue any revenue bonds that might otherwise impact the MBTA’s future operating budgets. All bond cap provided to the South Coast Rail Program will be in addition to the bond cap that MassDOT currently receives to fund its capital plan. There will be no reduction in bond cap allocated to MassDOT as part of the South Coast Rail Finance Plan.

Other permitting milestones that have been achieved this year include the final USACE approval and the issuance of the Chapter 91 License, MassDEP 401 Permit, and the Mass Coastal Zone Management Consistency Review. 

South Coast Rail Phase 1 program management and oversight is also currently transitioning from MassDOT to the MBTA with the MassDOT Highway Division and Rail Group continuing to manage early action projects.

Additional elements of South Coast Rail Program Phase 1 work include:

                 Extending the existing Middleborough Line service using diesel-powered trains to New Bedford and Fall River;
                 Reconstructing 17.3 miles of the New Bedford Main Line and 11.7 miles of the Fall River Secondary;
                 Upgrading the existing Middleborough Secondary track from Pilgrim Junction to Cotley Junction (a distance of 7.1 miles);
                 Constructing two new layover facilities; and
                 Constructing six new stations.