
星期五, 7月 12, 2019

科學家及工程師的美國總統早期職業獎 35名華裔獲獎

             (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)2019年度的"科學家及工程師的美國總統早期職業獎,今年共有312名獲獎者,其中華裔獲獎者來自18州,共有35人。麻州共有17人獲獎,其中麻省理工學院有7人獲獎,2名華裔。
             創設於1996年柯林頓政府時期的"科學家及工程師的美國總統早期職業獎(Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (簡稱,PECASE)”是美國政府頒發的最高榮譽之一,表揚在先進科學,技術,教育,數學等領域,以及社區服務上有卓越貢獻,正展開獨立研究事業的優秀科學家,工程師。
             麻省理工學院的獲獎華裔為腦及認知科學和化學工程系副教授Kwanghun Chung,以及物理系1958職業發展班副教授Yen-Jie Lee
             新英格蘭地區還有新罕布夏州,國家科學基金會駐達特茅斯學院的Xia Zhou
Yuji Zhao, Arizona State University, Department of Defense
Eric Chang, San Diego VA Healthcare System, Department of Veterans Affairs
Shiwoo Lee, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Department of Energy
Percy Liang, Stanford University, Department of Defense
Percy Liang, Stanford University, National Science Foundation
Lin Lin, University of California – Berkeley, Department of Energy
Andrea Young, University of California – Santa Barbara, Department of Defense
Wenjun Zhang, University of California – Berkeley, Department of Health and Human Services
Fengnian Xia, Yale University, National Science Foundation
Stephanie Law, University of Delaware – Newark, Department of Energy
Binnian Wei, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services
Pinshane Huang, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign, Department of Defense
Edwin Chan, National Institute of Standards and Technology Material Measurement Laboratory, Department of Commerce
Kwanghun Chung, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Health and Human Services
Yen-Jie Lee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Energy
新罕布夏州(New Hampshire)
Xia Zhou, Dartmouth College, National Science Foundation
新澤西州(New Jersey)
Jinglin Fu, Rutgers University – Camden, Department of Defense
Han Liu, Princeton University, National Science Foundation
紐約州(New York)
Jennifer Kao-Kniffin, Cornell University, Department of Agriculture
Qiang Lin, University of Rochester, National Science Foundation
Linwei Wang, Rochester Institute of Technology, National Science Foundation
北卡羅萊納州(North Carolina)
Hsiao-Ying Shadow Huang, North Carolina State University, National Science Foundation
Tracey Yap, Duke University, Department of Health and Human Services
Philip Feng, Case Western Reserve University, National Science Foundation
Chuan Xue, Ohio State University, National Science Foundation
Yuejie Chi, Carnegie-Mellon University, Department of Defense
Po-Shen Loh, Carnegie-Mellon University, National Science Foundation
Kin Fai Mak, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Defense
Tak-Sing Wong, Pennsylvania State University, National Science Foundation
Namkee Choi, University of Texas – Austin, Department of Health and Human Services
David Zhang, Rice University, Department of Health and Human Services
Alvin Cheung, University of Washington, Department of Energy
Jiun-Haw Chu, University of Washington, Department of Defense
華府(Washington, D.C.)
Chunlei Liang, George Washington University, National Science Foundation
Xudong Wang, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Health and Human Services

星期四, 7月 11, 2019

摩頓市99超市違反最低時薪法 繳罰款七萬餘元

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州總檢察官奚莉(Maura Healey)日前宣佈,位於摩頓市(Malden)99亞洲超市,以及其董事長夏女士(Xi Ping Xia)因違反麻州勞工時薪法,已付出73,686元的賠償金及罰款。
            麻州總檢察官辦公室在華人前進會舉報有一系列抱怨後,展開調查,並發現99超市有兩本帳,一本記支票付薪,一本記現金付薪,遞交的工資擔不完整,有些員工甚至不保留任何紀 錄。
             余翠鳳表示,相信自己的權益被侵犯了的工友,可上網申訴www.mass.gov/ago/wagetheft,或打電話到公平勞工法熱線(617)727-3465,或訪問總檢查辦公室的工作場所權益網站www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor。查詢詳情可洽華人前進會   617-357-4499。


Malden Supermarket Cited for Wage Violations, Retaliation

BOSTON — A Malden grocery store and its president has paid $73,686 in restitution and penalties for state wage and hour law violations, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.
99 Asian Supermarket Inc. and its president Xi Ping Xia received five citations for failing to make timely payment of wages, failure to issue a suitable paystub, failure to keep true and accurate records, failure to pay the state minimum wage, and retaliation.
The AG’s Office began its investigation after the Chinese Progressive Association referred a series of complaints. The investigation revealed that 99 Supermarket engaged in payroll fraud by maintaining separate payroll records for hours paid by check and by cash, issued incomplete paystubs, and failed to maintain any records for some workers. The investigation also found that some cashiers-in-training were paid only $25 for a full day of work, far below the state minimum wage, and that the employer had not been paying required wages for work on Sundays and holidays. Investigators also determined that a worker who complained about wage violations to the employer was retaliated against.
"We are very happy to hear that there is justice in this case," said Chinese Progressive Association Worker Center Coordinator Fiona Yu. "In order for workers to stand for their rights, there needs to be workers’ right education, community support, and an Attorney General willing to work with the workers and the community to enforce labor laws."
As a result of complaints filed by workers and the AG’s investigation, 99 Supermarket agreed to pay workers restitution for the premium pay and minimum wage violations.
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated are encouraged to file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/wagetheft. For information about the state’s wage and hour laws, workers may call the Office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465 or go to the Attorney General’s Workplace Rights website www.mass.gov/ago/fairlaborfor materials in multiple languages.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Kate Watkins and Investigator Lili Wu, both of the AG’s Fair Labor Division.

Free Shade Trees Available Through D.C.R.’s Greening The Gateway Cities Program

Quincy – July 2, 2019 For the third year in a row, the Department of Conservation and Recreation recently announced the 2019 Greening The Gateway Cities Program. Quincy property owners in designated sections of North Quincy/Wollaston, and Germantown/Snug Harbor, are eligible for free trees to be planted on their properties. To be considered, properties need to fall within certain boundaries deemed by D.C.R. To ensure the tree’s survival, the property owner must commit to watering the new trees for a period of at least two years, while the tree roots are established. The program has already planted 869 trees in Quincy. The goal is to plant another 400 trees this season.

Trees can be planted anywhere on the property, including rear, side, or front yards. Residents can pick from a wide selection and obtain advice on appropriate trees for the available space. Popular varieties among Quincy residents are ginkos, elms, oaks, lindens, cherries, and serviceberries, but residents can select from about 80 different varieties. Trees can be planted on either private or public property.
To participate, residents should contact the Department of Conservation and Recreation at 617-626- 1570. A DCR forester will meet the owners to discuss what trees would be appropriate, and to help owners select the best tree for the space available. Chinese-speaking residents who need translation should call Quincy Asian Resources Inc. at 617-472-2200 and ask about the ‘Free Trees’ program. QARI is the local outreach agency for this program, and they will work with residents to ensure they understand the program details.

This opportunity is part of the Greening the Gateway Cities Program. “Recently, the 20,000th tree was planted in Massachusetts at North Quincy High School thanks to this program. Governor Charlie Baker helped plant 3 seedless Sweetgum trees out in front of N.Q.H.S,” shared Mayor Thomas P. Koch. Trees help clean the air and retain water during storms, and buffer properties from strong winds and sun, so they often save property owners money by reducing heating and cooling needs. Trees also lessen street noise and provide habitat for birds.

The North Quincy/Wollaston eligible planting area is between Quincy Shore Drive, Beach St/Beale St, Belmont St, Squantum St, Hancock St, and Sagamore St. The Germantown/Snug Harbor eligible area is bounded by the section of Sea St between Braintree Ave, Utica Ave. towards Cat Island, and both sides of Palmer St, out to the Fore River. For more information, please visit https://www.mass.gov/service-details/greening-the-gateway-cities-program. (From City of Quincy)

亞裔企業甜甜冰品(Sweety Ice Cream)贏得沃爾瑪上架機會

右起,甜甜冰品(Sweety Ice Cream)聯合執行長李家祥和營銷長程玢在
             (Boston Orange 華府報導) 全美亞裔總商會(ACE)報喜訊,亞裔家族經營的甜甜冰品 (Sweety Ice Cream)公司,日前在數百家企業參加的沃爾瑪(Walmart)第六屆供應商年度公開招募(Open Call)活動中,脫穎而出,當場贏得貨品上架機會。
20196月在阿肯色州本頓維爾的舉行的第六屆沃爾瑪年度公開招募(Open Call)活動,一樣有幾百家廠商應邀參加,沃爾瑪公司總裁 Doug McMillon 也出席了大會,並發表講話,強調該公司承諾,到2023年時,要增購高達2500億元在美國生產,種植,或找到的商品。
應邀出席的公司中,有16家當場贏得貨品上架機會。1978年在加州蒙特利公園創辦的麻糬冰淇淋公司,甜甜冰品 (Sweety Ice Cream)就是其中之一。
             全美亞裔總商會(ACE)是沃爾瑪的社區合作夥伴。ACE主席董繼玲表示,沃爾瑪致力和中小企業合作,從中尋找美國製造或種植的最佳產品,展現了為美國推動創新,創造就業機會的誠意。亞裔小商家甜甜冰品(Sweety Ice Cream)”獲選成為供應商,則是優秀亞裔商家得到認可的證明。
沃爾瑪公司事務總監Joanne Tabellija-Murphy 許多企業家或小企業主認為,成為沃爾瑪供應商,幾乎是不可能的事。但是,當他們聽到像甜甜冰品公司這樣的小型家庭企業,都能做到時,他們就會發現他們也有同樣的機會。沃爾瑪能夠和全美亞裔總商會,以及甜甜冰品公司一起幫助小企業家實現夢想,是一種很棒的感覺

星期三, 7月 10, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration Files Legislation Strengthening Public Safety Requirements for Transportation Network Companies

Baker-Polito Administration Files Legislation Strengthening Public Safety Requirements for Transportation Network Companies

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today filed legislation to enhance public safety requirements and empower the Department of Public Utilities to obtain enhanced ride data from TNCs in order to assist planning agencies and other state and local entities with transportation planning, congestion management and vehicle emissions tracking. An Act Relative to Public Safety and Transparency by Transportation Network Companies builds on one of the most stringent ride-for-hire background check systems in the country.

“Our administration is proud Massachusetts helped lead the way on background checks for the rideshare industry and today’s proposal is another important step toward ensuring public safety for riders as the TNC industry keeps growing,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This proposal will provide consumers and law enforcement with important additional security measures and also collect meaningful data that will help state and municipal partners make more informed environmental and planning decisions.” 

“The legislation will further ensure passenger safety and help grow these innovative transportation options in a responsible, strategic manner,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “By working with our partners at the local level, we have taken the steps necessary to make sure communities are equipped to make important infrastructure decisions in a strategic manner to reflect the continued growth of the rideshare industry in the Commonwealth.”

“As more and more people use ridesharing services– both as drivers and passengers– the law must keep pace with this emerging industry in order to keep the public safe,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas Turco. “This timely bill would add teeth to existing ‘account renting’ laws and create a strong deterrent against misusing riders’ personal information. These are common-sense provisions to protect the riding public that that we in the public safety community strongly support.”

“As the rideshare industry continues to grow, so do the environmental impacts associated with vehicle emissions,” said Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Kathleen Theoharides. “By requiring companies to report data for emissions tracking, the administration has taken the critical step of providing state and municipal officials with information that will continue the Commonwealth’s aggressive approach to combat and mitigate the impacts of climate change.”

While Massachusetts is widely understood to have the most comprehensive TNC safety and enforcement laws in the country, this proposal would enhance safety measures by:

·                 Increasing fines and penalties, up to two and half years in a House of Correction, for the practice of “account renting,” or allowing another individual to utilize a TNC driver’s account or identity, to provide TNC services. 

·                 Making it a criminal offense for a driver to exploit the personal information of a rider to stalk, harass or defraud a rider.

·                 Implementing tougher penalties for drivers who:
·       Fail to maintain a driver certificate or a background check clearance certificate
·       Fail to display TNC vehicle decals
·       Fail to maintain adequate insurance, or carry proof of a TNC vehicle inspection

In conjunction with safety proposals, today’s legislation also allows for new transportation data to be collected from TNCs and eases the administrative burden on small towns. Specifically, the bill will:

·                 Authorize the DPU to obtain more detailed trip data from TNCs on a monthly basis that can then be shared in an anonymous and confidential manner with state agencies, municipalities and local organizations for planning purposes. 
·       The more detailed data called for in this legislation includes: total miles and minutes when drivers are en route to pick up riders and when they are providing rides; whether riders were successfully matched for shared rides; and, additional data on accidents and reasonable accommodations.

·                 Allow better emission data to be collected by requiring TNCs to report the total miles and minutes that each vehicle is on the road, together with vehicle make, model and year information.

·                 Adjust the requirements for communities that receive $25,000 or less from TNCs to only need to report their appropriations to the DPU once every five years, rather than every year, and allow those communities to make spending decisions on those relatively small funds without going through their local appropriation process.

The additional data will help transportation planners analyze how rides impact transportation infrastructure and the environment, and allow them to make more informed decisions about the location of dedicated bus lanes, specific investments in infrastructure, and overall impacts from vehicle emissions.

TNC rides that started in the Commonwealth increased from 64.8 million in 2017 to 83.1 million in 2018. Since January 2017, the Department of Public Utilities’ Transportation Network Company Division has implemented the most comprehensive state background checks for TNC drivers in the country, and has approved over 210,500 individuals to operate as TNC drivers, though not all are currently active drivers. Drivers engaged in providing transportation services on behalf of Transportation Network Companies undergo a full state driving record and Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) background check, including confirmation that the driver is not a registered sex offender. Additionally, drivers are subjected to a bi-annual national commercial background check conducted by the TNC companies.

星期二, 7月 09, 2019

陳毓禮伉儷公園揭牌 麻州長議員齊到賀

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker,前左二)和陳毓禮等人玩自拍。(周菊子攝)


                       (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)在州長,州議員,市議員紛紛出席的隆重中,波士頓華埠公園在201979日正式改名為 "毓禮叔,麗蓉姨公園(Auntie Kay and Uncle Frank Chin Park)
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker,左)一到會場,就親切地擁著陳毓禮
             麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)在致詞時說,陳毓禮從1970年代在懷特市長時期擔任申訴委員會(grievance committee)共同主席開始參與政治,黃麗蓉從經營麗禮禮品店後,深入社區。他們倆在過去這半個世紀的50多年來,為華埠社區服務,爭取支持,創造機會,給數以萬計的人,以及波士頓市帶來正面,深遠的影響。看陳毓禮的一生,有如看翻看歷史,他們的心繫社區,教人無法不心生尊敬。沒有像他們這樣的人,華埠、波士頓不會有今日的美好,繁榮,現代化。
右起,波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),麻州長查理貝克,麻州眾議員
麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),麻州參議員賓加利(Joe Boncore)。
             麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)和陳毓禮交情匪淺,早從十七,八歲,進波士頓市府實習時,就認識了陳毓禮,之後進州議會當議員,議長助理,一路到200978日經由特別選舉當選麻州眾議員迄今。今年41歲的他說,陳毓禮一直都從旁輔佐,真誠忠告,讓他少走了不少彎路。他一直心存感激。華埠公園改名為"毓禮叔,麗蓉姨公園,也是麥家威提案,在州議會上一個會期結束前通過的。
             麻州參議員賓加利(Joe Boncore)也說,當年他只不過是麻州小鎮溫卓普(Winthrop)的鎮經理,可是陳毓禮卻毫不嫌棄的幫他助選,才讓他順利的在2016年當選。今年37歲的他還做了一下現場調查,證明當天在場者,有很多人和他一樣,都接受過陳毓禮的幫助。
             看著州長,州市議員都來祝賀,許多過去這幾十年中的老同事都來致意,陳毓禮十分感動,也無限感慨。他說,他和黃麗蓉在Maryknoll姊妹中心認識,在聖沾士(St. James)教堂結婚。雖然黃麗蓉已辭世,但是精神與大家同在。華埠一直是他倆生命的一部分,也是他們的家庭移民來到,工作,生活的地方。
             這樣的人生經歷,使得他和哥哥陳毓璇等家人,一直都知道彼此扶持的重要,一直非常重視宗親會,關懷社區。在他們事業有成,政界關係厚實之際,幫助過數難以計的鄉親,無論是找工作,辦移民,覓居屋,和政府打交道,只要是他們能力所及,幾乎求無不應,於是早在三十多年前,波士頓華埠內已是人人都喊他們法蘭克叔叔(uncle Frank)"比爾叔叔(uncle Bill)”。黃麗蓉也當然是麗蓉姨(auntie Kay)”
             陳毓禮由於在波士頓市政府做過三朝元老,從凱文懷特(kevin White),雷夫連(Ray Flynn)到萬寧路(Tom Menino),歷經三任市長,才從波士頓市政府採購局局長一職退休。許多他的舊同事79日都來出席公園揭牌儀式,讓他感動非常。 
                當天到會的除了州長,州議員外,波士頓市的市議長Annissa Essaibi,市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty),愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),以及駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典,波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,前任聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano),前麻州眾議會議長Sal Dimasi,前市長萬寧路的夫人安琪拉等,都夾雜在道賀人群中。

波士頓警察局局長William Gross(左五)等波士頓警察和陳毓禮合影。
波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)和陳毓禮。(周菊子攝)
波士頓市議員波士頓市的市議長Annissa Essaibi(左起)米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty),愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)



Baker-Polito Administration Announces $86 Million Investment in Workforce Housing

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces $86 Million Investment in Workforce Housing
Funding will expand programming, enable workforce homeownership

MATTAPAN – Today, Governor Charlie Baker joined Undersecretary for Housing and Community Development Janelle Chan, MassHousing Executive Director Chrystal Kornegay, legislators and affordable housing advocates to announce $86 million in new funding to expand the Workforce Housing Initiative, including $60 million to support homeownership.

The investment announced today will allow MassHousing to expand this initiative and develop new homes to increase first-time homeownership opportunities. The $60 million commitment will create roughly 500 new workforce homes that will be affordable and accessible for moderate-income, first-time homebuyers. The remaining $26 million will support the creation of roughly 260 new workforce housing rental units.

“Since taking office, our administration has invested more than $1 billion into affordable housing, building and preserving tens of thousands of units for residents and families across the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud to add an additional $86 million of funding targeted towards middle-income families, and we will keep advocating for the passage of the Housing Choice legislation to boost the production of much-needed units.”

“Access to adequate, affordable housing is critical to the growth of our communities and the families that comprise them,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Governor Baker and I will continue to draw upon every tool at our disposal to promote housing options for residents, and look forward to using today’s new funding to help more families buy their first homes and lay roots in their neighborhoods.”

Launched in 2016, the Workforce Housing Initiative supports the development of homes for middle-income households who struggle to meet high housing costs, but do not qualify for traditional affordable housing. Since then, MassHousing has committed or closed workforce housing financing totaling $73.4 million to 31 projects in 16 communities across the state, making the Workforce Housing Initiative the largest state-level middle-income housing program in the United States.

Governor Baker made the announcement at Olmsted Green, a multi-phased workforce housing development at the site of the former Boston State Hospital. Led by Lena New Boston, a partnership between Lena Park Community Development Corporation and the New Boston Fund, the transit-oriented re-development of former Boston State Hospital will feature more than 500 mixed-income units once completed, including 41 townhomes that extend homeownership to families otherwise unable to afford it. In June 2018, the Governor joined Mayor Martin Walsh to cut the ribbon on the project’s latest phase.

2018 MassWorks grant worth $3 million funded the road and subsurface work required to deliver the project’s final 268 additional units of housing, 109 of them affordable.

“The housing shortage facing Massachusetts continues to intensify and poses a serious threat to maintaining our recent economic success,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy. “From our Housing Choice legislation to our affordable housing investments, our team is working around the clock to address this crisis head-on, and this additional investment in workforce housing is a meaningful step forward.”  

“Across the Commonwealth, the need for more housing, for households at every stage of life and across all incomes is only growing,” said Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Janelle Chan. “Our team is committed to meeting this critical housing challenge with new initiatives and funding, and today’s recapitalization of the Workforce Housing Fund is another great example.”

“We are thrilled the Baker-Polito Administration is investing in MassHousing’s Workforce Housing Initiative, the largest statewide program providing middle-income households with affordable homes,” said MassHousing Executive Director Chrystal Kornegay. “This substantial new state commitment will build on that success, opening new homeownership opportunities for Massachusetts workers, while also creating hundreds of new workforce housing rentals. It will advance our efforts to close the state’s racial homeownership gap, and unlock sustainable, inclusive economic growth.”

“Homeownership is the American Dream – when we own a home, we have security and an investment in our future. For too many people, particularly households of color, that dream is out of reach. Investing in homeownership is an investment in the Commonwealth's residents, our communities, and the state's economic growth,” said CHAPA CEO Rachel Heller. “Today’s announcement is exciting, and we applaud the Baker-Polito Administration for making this significant investment.”

“Olmsted Green is a clear demonstration of what is made possible by unique programs like the one Governor Baker announced here today,” said Jerry Rappaport Jr. of New Boston Fund. “We are incredibly proud of the success of this development, which has delivered hundreds of opportunities for rental and homeownership to the workforce community here in Mattapan. We look forward to continuing this project and serving as a model for similar homeownership opportunities across the Commonwealth.”

“A healthy mix of both workforce rental and workforce ownership housing is vital to building strong and vibrant communities across the Commonwealth. This is especially true in neighborhoods of color which are last to see investments from traditional lenders,” said Representative Russell E. Holmes. “Today’s announcement ensures a commitment to solutions that help address the wealth disparity that continues to grow as home prices become more and more out of reach for modest income first time home buyers.”

“Homeownership is an important step in addressing the wealth gap in communities of color,” said Representative Carlos Gonzalez, Chair of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus. “I commend Governor Baker for this bold initiative that will provide economic resources that will have impact today and for future generations.”

This $86 million commitment to expanding MassHousing's Workforce Housing Initiative is being made possible through the capital the state received from the sale of General Electric’s headquarters.

The Baker-Polito Administration has shown a deep commitment to increasing the production of housing across income levels. Since 2015, the administration has invested more than $1 billion in affordable housing, resulting in the production and preservation of more than 17,000 housing units, including 15,000 affordable units. In 2018, Governor Baker signed the largest housing bond bill in Massachusetts history, committing more than $1.8 billion to the future of affordable housing production and preservation. The Baker-Polito Administration has also advanced the development of more than 7,000 mixed-income housing units through the successful MassWorks Infrastructure Program, reformed the Housing Development Incentive Program, and worked with communities to implement smart-growth development and planning efforts.