
星期日, 4月 28, 2019

路加基金會、ILF頒羅島華協、威廉黑石獎學金 鼓勵26學生

  羅德島州的副州長麥基(Daniel Mckee)(後左三),州務卿Nellie Corbea(前左三)眾議員
Carlos Toban(前右一)頒發威廉黑石獎學金。(周菊子攝)
  (Boston Orange羅德島州報導) 路加慈善基金會和國際領袖基金會(ILF)新英格蘭分會427 日在羅德島州普塔基市中國客棧頒發威廉黑石和羅德島華人協會的兩項獎學金,鼓勵共26名即將升讀大學高中學子。國際領袖基金會創辦人董繼玲應邀分享個人經歷,強調積極正面,建立關係,回饋社會,表達感謝,懂得溝通的重要性。
             頒獎典禮由黑石谷旅遊局主任畢靈頓(Bob Billington)主持。他指出,來自香港大澳的葉超和吳子平,移民來美後定居羅德島州,從經營餐館,洗衣店,漸次轉型做房地產土地發展,累積財富後,積極回饋社區,七年前設立羅德島華人協會獎學金,鼓勵華人子弟求學深造,二年前再增設威廉黑石(William Blackstone)獎學金,造福地方後進。

羅德島州的副州長麥基(Daniel Mckee)(),州務卿
Nellie Corbea(右一)和代表威廉黑石獎學金得主致詞的
Charlotte Geohehan(左二)及其父母。(周菊子攝)
             今年的獎學金頒獎典禮,照例政要雲集,羅德島州的副州長麥基(Daniel Mckee),州務卿Nellie Corbea,眾議員Carlos Toban,克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung),中央瀑布市市長James Diosa,以及國際領袖基金會創辦人董繼玲,代理主任朱小棣,在會上分別致詞或頒獎。
             董繼玲的丈夫Joel Szabat是白人,現任美國交通部助理部長。曾有人開玩笑的對她說,她那麼成功,是因為嫁給了一個白人,她就回答,不是的,她先生能夠成功,是因為娶了個華裔女人。
             根據獎學金委員會資料,羅德島華人協會獎學金得主為東格林威治高中的劉陽熙,王樂山,巴靈頓高中的王芬妮,林肯高中的李憶薷,岩丘(Rocky Hill)學校吳旺侯。
             威廉黑石獎學金得主為Cumberland高中的Juliana KarbonikLeah MottaDavies科技學校的Luz CorreaVanessa SanchezBeacon 學校的Maia Young-OndrasekElla MenocheBlackstone AcademyDa-Naijah GibbsWoonsocket 高中的Victoria DuguayDavid MarszalkowskiRI Alternative AcademyArieanna LarameeBlackston Prep. Charlotte GeogheganDaniella MaganaCentral Falls 高中的 Kamolat lbikuntekelsea MoranJ. M. Walsh Alexander PretoriusShea高中的Brendon Lorena Kaylin FortesTolman高中的Alexandra ClarkAlexandria Lorenzo。(updated version)


                  (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導)行銷台灣,爭取加入WHO? 中華民國前駐法國大使呂慶龍,應「北美臺商總會 WHO 工作委員會」之邀,426日晚在波士頓僑教中心,宣揚「疼惜台灣.放眼國際」,生動提醒有心人,把握當下,有恆堅持,兼顧務實與創意,努力就有希望。
             426日這晚,呂慶龍的使命是協助「北美臺商總會 WHO 工作委員會」,爭取海外僑胞支持台灣加入WHO”的行動。他強調,愛台灣固然好,有行動更重要。


Alejandra St. Guillen正式宣佈參選 七人角逐波士頓不分區市議員

吳弭(Michelle Wu)支持盛吉蘭(Alejandra St. Guillen)
                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)今年的波士頓市議員選舉,將於924日初選,115日大選。四席不分區市議員席位,已有至少七人宣佈參選,其中包括在位的吳弭(Michelle Wu),以及辭去市府移民進步辦公室主任職位參選的盛吉蘭(Alejandra St. Guillen)
             今年42歲的盛吉蘭(Alejandra St. Guillen),父母來自委內瑞拉,出生成長於波士頓使命丘(Mission Hill),上了波士頓拉丁學校,畢業於衛斯理安(Wesleyan)大學,曾在南布朗斯(South Bronx)教過兩年書,才搬回波士頓,為一家教育性非牟利機構工作。
盛吉蘭(Alejandra St. Guillen)辭去移民進步辦公室主任職位,
原本和政治沾不上邊的她,因妹妹Imette St. Guillen被酒館保鑣謀殺,父親辭世,大受打擊。
搬回波士頓後的這些年來,她在當年的麻州眾議員黛安威可遜(Dianne Wilkerson)辦公室工作過,曾出任西語裔倡議民權政治組織你聽說過(¿Oiste?)”的行政主任,積極行動幫助馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh) 當選波士頓市長後,她取代了陳清音,出任新波士頓人辦公室主任,最近才辭職,專心參選波士頓市不分區市議員。
St. Guillen)參選。(周菊子攝)
424日,盛吉蘭在多徹斯特一啤酒店內,當著五、六十名支持者,正式宣布參選。波士頓不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)為她站台,透露當年她初次參選波士頓市議員時,盛吉蘭是你聽說過(¿Oiste?)”的主任,給了她許多幫助,後來她也一直鼓勵盛吉蘭參選民代。她指出,波士頓市議會近年來不斷多元化,盛吉蘭一旦當選,將是波市府首名拉丁裔女市議員。
曾經是波士頓首名拉丁裔市議員的Felix G. Arroyo。
參選波士頓市第九區的Brandon Bowser,參選第五區市議員的Ricardo Arroyo和他哥哥,前波士頓市議員Felix G. Arroyo,他爸爸薩福克郡遺囑認證登記處主管Felix D. Arroyo,以及波士頓市長的政策長Joyce Linehan,當晚都到會支持。
市級的期中選舉,候選職位不包括市長,選民出席率一般偏低,但波士頓市今年的市級選舉,因為第五區的Timothy McCarthy,第八區的Josh Zakim,以及第九區的Mark Ciommo3名在位市議員已宣佈不參選連任,選戰變得十分熱鬧,迄今共有14人要角逐這3個席位。 (圖片已於4月25日發表)
右起,麻州港務局前政策主任Jose C. Masso,盛吉蘭
(Alejandra St. Guillen),波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭
(Michelle Wu),波市議員參選人Richard Arroyo,
盛吉蘭的另一半,Josiane Martinez。(周菊子攝)

Statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Q1 2019 GDP Growth

Statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Q1 2019 GDP Growth

U.S. Economy Grows 3.2 Percent in First Quarter
WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the first quarter 2019 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers. The Bureau found that the real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2019.
“This blockbuster GDP report shows that President Donald J. Trump’s policies are unleashing the vitality of the American economy, fulfilling the President’s promise for 3 percent economic growth and benefiting American workers in the form of better jobs and higher wages,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. “The Trump economy has repeatedly defied the skeptics who predicted an economic downturn and has restored America’s position in the world as a consistent source of economic growth.”
The U.S. economy has gotten off to a strong start so far in 2019. In January and February of 2019, the two months for which data is available, the U.S. trade deficit dropped well below expectations. This trend continued as exports alone drove nearly half a percentage point of overall GDP growth in the first quarter.
After starting off the year by adding over 300,000 jobs in January, the economy ended the first quarter at a 3.8 percent unemployment rate. In February, annual wage growth for hourly workers increased by 3.4 percent, the fastest rate since early 2009.
As they have since the start of his term in office, President Trump’s actions have yielded real results for American businesses, workers, and families, increasing incomes while cutting taxes and regulations.

波市府2020預算 5萬元支持移民辯護基金


April 25, 2019

Mayor's Office
Building on his commitment to supporting Boston's immigrant communities, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced his FY20 Budget proposal includes $50,000 in City funds dedicated to the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund, a public-private partnership that works to increase education and access to legal services to defend its many immigrant communities, refugees, and temporary status holders.
BOSTON - Saturday, April 20, 2019 - Building on his commitment to supporting Boston's immigrant communities, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced his FY20 Budget proposal includes $50,000 in City funds dedicated to the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund, a public-private partnership that works to increase education and access to legal services to defend its many immigrant communities, refugees, and temporary status holders. 
"The Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund is a statement of our values as a City: that immigrants deserve to have access to information about their rights and to legal services," said Mayor Walsh. "I am proud to include City funds in the FY20 Budget to further the success demonstrated during the early stages of the program, and I thank those who have invested in our City's wellbeing by participating as funders, conveners, advisors, and service providers."
The Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund was launched in 2017 by Mayor Walsh, Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC), and the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI), as a pilot program originally expected to conclude in December 2019. The two-year pilot has shown that Boston residents make up the largest percentage of the cases opened among the 27 cities and towns served by the Defense Fund. City funds included in the FY20 Budget will jumpstart the third year of the Fund and are estimated to pay counsel for approximately 30 cases.
"We are grateful for the Mayor's leadership and for being an ardent supporter of immigrant communities in Boston and beyond," said Jocelyn V. Sargent, Executive Director of the Hyams Foundation. "The Walsh Administration's generous contribution to the fund will further support efforts to strengthen and defend immigrants rights especially with increasingly uncertain times ahead. The Hyams Foundation is proud to support the Mayor's efforts in creating an inclusive and welcoming city for all."
Through the Defense Fund, $1 million was awarded in December 2017 to five legal services providers and six non-profit community partners to further build the capacity to support and defend immigrants rights in the Greater Boston area. In many detention proceedings, having an attorney is critical. Detained people who have a lawyer are 10.5 times more likely to be granted some form of relief, according to the National Study of Access to Counsel. Appropriation of funds in the City's Budget is a step towards addressing this need for representation amongst those facing deportation, especially those in detention.
Through their contributions to the cultural, social and economic landscape of the city, immigrants play an essential role in Boston's unique civic life. Foreign-born Bostonians account for 28 percent of City's population. Immigrants generate nearly a quarter of the economic output of Suffolk County. In 2014, immigrants contributed $2.3 billion to the regional economy, generating more than $116.1 million in state and local tax revenues and approximately 15,000 jobs. Additionally, a high proportion of foreign-born Bostonians are self-employed, which has helped revitalize and reinvigorate many of Boston's neighborhoods.
The Defense Fund is made possible by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR), a national network of foundations working on issues related to immigrant integration, as well as by contributions from local philanthropic, corporate and legal partners. Local foundations and corporate partners contributing to the fund include The Barr Foundation, The Boston Foundation, The Fish Family Foundation, Foley Hoag LLP, The Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation, The Hyams Foundation, and The Klarman Family Foundation.
To learn more about the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund and participate, please click here.
市長華殊將專為大波士頓地區移民辯護基金(GREATER BOSTON IMMIGRANT DEFENSE FUND)提供的資金納入2020會計年度預算提案中

基於對支持波士頓移民社區的承諾,市長Martin J. Walsh日前宣佈了他的2020會計年度預算提案,其中包含專為大波士頓地區移民辯護基金-提供的50,000美元城市資金,該基金會以公私合作的方式致力於提高教育以及使該地區的許多移民社區、難民和持有臨時身份的人能夠獲得法律服務來為自己辯護。


大波士頓地區移民辯護基金是由市長華殊、麻省法律援助公司(Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC))和麻省法律改革機構(Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI))於2017年發起的。這是一項最初預計於201912月結束的試點項目。這個為期兩年的試點項目已表明,在該辯護基金計劃服務的27個城鎮中開審的案件中,波士頓市居民所占比例最大。納入2020財年預算的城市資金將在該基金計劃的第三年開始啟動,估計將向約30個案件的法律顧問支付費用。

Hyams 基金會執行理事Jocelyn V. Sargent說:「我們非常感謝市長的領導,並且感謝市長成為波士頓及其他地區移民社區的忠實支持者。本屆市政府對該計劃的慷慨捐助將進一步支持加強和捍衛移民權利的工作,尤其是在未來形勢越來越不明朗的情況下。Hyams 基金會非常自豪能夠支持市長為所有人創造一個包容和熱情的城市所付出的努力。



關心移民和難民的資助者(Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees)這家機構,以及來自當地慈善、企業和法律合作夥伴的捐助使該辯護基金計劃成為可能,這個機構是一個致力於解決移民融合相關問題的國家基金會網絡。為該基金計劃捐助的當地基金會和企業合作夥伴包括The Barr FoundationThe Boston FoundationThe Fish Family FoundationFoley Hoag LLPThe Herman and Frieda L. Miller FoundationThe Hyams FoundationThe Klarman Family Foundation

要瞭解有關Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund的更多資訊並參與該計劃,請訪問此處

Former United States Senator Paul Kirk Jr. and Massachusetts State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg to receive the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Awards

Former United States Senator Paul Kirk Jr. and Massachusetts State Treasurer
Deborah B. Goldberg to receive the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s Franklin
and Eleanor Roosevelt Awards
BOSTON– Former United States Senator Paul G. Kirk Jr. and Massachusetts State
Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg will be the 2019 recipients of the Massachusetts
Democratic Party’s Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Awards. This year’s dinner will
occur on the 102nd birthday of Former United States President, John F. Kennedy.
President Kennedy’s grand-nephew, Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III, will be
in attendance to mark the occasion. The keynote speaker will be the honorable
Tom Perez, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Every spring, two distinguished Massachusetts Democrats are selected to
receive this honorable award. Senator Kirk and Treasurer Goldberg will be
honored at the 20th annual Roosevelt Award Dinner on Wednesday, May 29th at
the Fairmont Copley Hotel in Boston, MA.
“As strong Massachusetts leaders—both at the national and the state level—
Senator Kirk and Treasurer Goldberg exemplify what it means to be a New Deal
Democrat.” said Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair Gus Bickford. “They
have continued President Roosevelt and Ms. Roosevelt’s fight to protect all
people in this country—from fighting for our hard-working, middle-class families
on the picket line to ensuring everyone has access to affordable healthcare,
Senator Kirk and Treasurer Goldberg have led the charge in moving our
Commonwealth, and our nation, forward.”
“I am honored to receive this year’s Roosevelt Award alongside Treasurer
Goldberg,” said Senator Kirk. “Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt’s enlightened
moral leadership remains a constant inspiration to our Democratic Party and to
our country to work tirelessly for fairness and security for all our citizens. To be
selected by the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee for an award that
evokes those enduring values is among the highest of honors.”
"I am delighted to receive this award with my good friend Senator Paul Kirk," said
Treasurer Deb Goldberg. "As your State Treasurer I work every day to break down
barriers and create opportunity for every person in Massachusetts."
Paul Kirk Jr. was born in Newton, Massachusetts. He is the son of the late Judge
Paul G. Kirk, an associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts.
Mr. Kirk was a special assistant to Senator Ted Kennedy from 1969 to 1977. In
1983, he became treasurer of the national Democratic Party.
In 1985, Kirk was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee. In
the 1986 mid-term elections under Chairman Kirk, the Democrats regained the
Senate majority from Republicans, who controlled the senate since 1980. During
his time as DNC Chair, Mr. Kirk co-founded the non-partisan commission which
executes presidential and vice-presidential debates in the general elections.
Senator Kirk also chaired the National Democratic Institute for International
Affairs from 1992 to 2001 and the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation from 1992
to 2009.
Following Senator Ted Kennedy’s death in August 2009, Governor Deval Patrick
appointed Paul Kirk as his successor. Senator Kirk graduated from St. Sebastian's
School in 1956, Harvard College in 1960, and Harvard Law School in 1964. He
and his wife, Gail, reside in Marstons Mills, Massachusetts.
Deborah B. Goldberg is the Massachusetts State Treasurer and Receiver
General. In that role she is responsible for the state’s cash and debt
management, unclaimed property, and chairs state boards and commissions,
including the Massachusetts School Building Authority, the Pension Reserves
Investment Management Board, the State Board of Retirement, Massachusetts
State Lottery Commission, and the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust. In 2015, she
established the new Office of Economic Empowerment, the first of its kind in the
country, and chairs its Economic Empowerment Trust Fund. Treasurer Goldberg
also was elected to serve as Secretary-Treasurer of the National Association of
State Treasurers.
As a former businesswoman and local elected leader, Treasurer Goldberg brings
innovative leadership, disciplined fiscal management and an unwavering
commitment to uphold economic stability and create opportunity for every
Massachusetts resident. Treasurer Goldberg served for six years on the Brookline
Board of Selectmen, including two as its Chair. Prior to her career in public
service, she worked in retail operations, buying, and consumer affairs at The
Stop & Shop Companies, Inc.
Treasurer Goldberg serves on the Advisory Board of the Greater Boston Food
Bank. She was one of the founders of Berkshire Hills Music Academy, a school for
individuals with intellectual disabilities, is a trustee emeritus at Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, and a Director at Affiliated Physicians Group / Beth
Israel Deaconess HealthCare. Treasurer Goldberg has been actively involved
with numerous philanthropic activities, including The Grow Clinic, the 100 Club,
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, and the Combined Jewish
A graduate of Boston University, Boston College Law School and Harvard
Business School, Treasurer Goldberg lives in Brookline with her husband Michael
Winter and their son, Evan, and daughter, Meredith.

星期五, 4月 26, 2019

U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Countervailable Subsidization of Imports of Glycine from India, China, and Japan

U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Countervailable Subsidization of Imports of Glycine from India, China, and Japan

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the affirmative final determinations in the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of glycine from India (AD and CVD), China, (CVD only), and Japan (AD only), finding that exporters from India and Japan have sold glycine at less than fair value in the United States at the following rates:
  • India – 7.75 to 10.86 percent
  • Japan – 53.66 to 86.22 percent
Commerce also determined that exporters from India and China received countervailable subsidies at rates of:
  • India – 3.03 to 6.99 percent
  • China – 144.01 percent
In 2017, U.S. imports of glycine from China, India, and Japan were valued at an estimated $1.1 million, $6.7 million, and $9.5 million, respectively. The values for China include imports from Cambodia, which U.S. Customs and Border Protection determined, in its December 2017 interim measures in an Enforcement and Protection Act duty evasion investigation, were transshipments of Chinese glycine.
The petitioners are GEO Specialty Chemicals, Inc. (Lafayette, IN) and Chattem Chemicals, Inc. (Chattanooga, TN).
The strict enforcement of U.S. trade law is a primary focus of the Trump Administration. Since the beginning of the current Administration, Commerce has initiated 158 new antidumping and countervailing duty investigations – this is a 216 percent increase from the comparable period in the previous administration.
Antidumping and countervailing duty laws provide American businesses and workers with an internationally accepted mechanism to seek relief from the harmful effects of the unfair pricing of imports into the United States. Commerce currently maintains 476 antidumping and countervailing duty orders which provide relief to American companies and industries impacted by unfair trade.
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) is currently scheduled to make its final injury determinations on or about June 10, 2019. If the ITC makes affirmative final injury determinations, Commerce will issue AD and CVD orders. If the ITC makes negative final determinations of injury, the investigations will be terminated and no orders will be issued.
Click HERE for a fact sheet on today’s decisions.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Enforcement and Compliance unit within the International Trade Administration is responsible for vigorously enforcing U.S. trade law and does so through an impartial, transparent process that abides by international law and is based on factual evidence provided on the record.
Foreign companies that price their products in the U.S. market below the cost of production or below prices in their home markets are subject to antidumping duties. Companies that receive unfair subsidies from their governments, such as grants, loans, equity infusions, tax breaks, or production inputs, are subject to countervailing duties aimed at directly countering those subsidies.

羅聞全談金融工程如何可以幫助治療癌症 (圖片)
