
星期五, 7月 27, 2018


                            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)紐英崙中華公所即將於731日舉行本年度第四次董事大會。公所主席陳家驊提交的9點報告,透露中華公所籌畫中的可負擔住宅土地發展計畫可能增為三項。
              中華公所主席陳家驊在報告中指出,波士頓計畫發展局(BPDA)712日的董事會議中,批准了位於所物道/華盛頓街區塊的這發展計畫,下一步將是等區域規畫委員會(zoning commission)912日批准這區域劃分的變更,然後由波士頓市長簽署通過。估計過程會很順利。
              中華公所也已和鄰里發展局(DND)的席拉狄倫(Sheila Dillon )克莉絲汀歐奇菲(Christine O’Keefe),波士頓計畫發展局(BPDA)的提姆戴維斯(Tim Davis)談過,估計可從波士頓市政府獲得合理補助數額。中華公所將藉由這些資訊,向前述三機構提出進一步問題,並在本月稍後再審閱他們的回應。

Governor Baker Signs Bill Repealing Archaic Massachusetts Laws

Governor Baker Signs Bill Repealing Archaic Massachusetts Laws
Removing antiquated laws will formally ensure women’s access to reproductive health care in MA

BOSTON – Governor Baker today signed S. 2260, An Act relative to reproductive health, repealing a number of archaic provisions, some of which were initially passed into law in the 1800s and have since become largely unenforceable in light of decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court and Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. He was joined by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Speaker DeLeo (D-Winthrop), Senator Chandler (D-Worcester), Representative Haddad (D-Somerset), Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Massachusetts, Rebecca Hart Holder, Executive Director of NARAL Massachusetts, and several other members of the legislature.

“Massachusetts has long been a leader in women’s health care and access to family planning services, and signing this bipartisan bill into law is another step in the right direction,” said Governor Baker.  “We are pleased to join our colleagues in the Legislature to formally repeal archaic laws.”

We are pleased to collaborate with our legislative colleagues to continue the Commonwealth’s tradition of protecting a woman’s right to reproductive health care,” said Lieutenant Governor Polito. “Repealing such antiquated laws from an unrecognizable time will ensure that Massachusetts remains a safe and welcoming place for all young women.”

S. 2260 repeals a law that requires an abortion conducted during or after the 13th week of pregnancy be performed in a hospital authorized for general surgery, which conflicts with current practice that permits women to also receive services at health clinics. These laws are rescinded effective immediately upon the governor’s signature.

“The Baker-Polito Administration has a proven track record of protecting women’s access to affordable, safe and reliable family planning services,” saidHealth and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “Massachusetts leads the country in health care with nearly universal coverage, and signing this important bill into law reaffirms our commitment to comprehensive health care.”

“It’s critical that we protect the rights of Massachusetts women so they may continue to make their own choices regarding their health,” said HouseSpeaker Robert A. DeLeo, (D – Winthrop). “This action takes outdated and misguided laws off the books and makes clear where the Commonwealth stands on reproductive and women’s rights.”

“As women’s rights are under constant assault on a national level, this vital legislation will ensure Massachusetts remains at the forefront of protecting women and the services they most need,” said Senate President Karen Spilka (D-Ashland). “I am thankful the Governor signed this bill. It is as a sign of our Commonwealth’s continued and steadfast commitment to protecting the health of women and their access to essential care.”

“I have filed this legislation over and over again to no avail. But in these times we have reached a tipping point, and women and men across Massachusetts are standing up to anti-women, anti-choice policies,” said Senate President Emerita Harriette L. Chandler (D-Worcester). “Access to women’s health services are under constant threat in Washington, and state legislatures must act to ensure that women continue to have the right to choose. I am very happy that we are signing this bill today.”

"By passing this legislation, we in Massachusetts are reaffirming our commitment to further ensure basic rights for our citizens", stated Rep. Patricia A. Haddad (D-Somerset), House Speaker Pro Tempore. "We are removing opportunities to enforce archaic laws which should have been removed long ago".

"Repealing archaic laws impacting women's reproductive health care has been decades in the making. Once again, we have proven that regardless of what happens in Washington, the basic rights of women will be safeguarded in Massachusetts” said Rebecca Hart Holder, President of NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts. “We are grateful to Governor Baker for signing this legislation and removing harmful, archaic laws from the Massachusetts General Laws. With this important victory, we are sending a clear message to Washington. We will not turn back the clock, and we will not put the lives of women at risk. Repealing antiquated laws is the first, critical step to ensuring that even if Roe v. Wade were overturned tomorrow, the reproductive freedom of the people of Massachusetts will be unequivocally guaranteed."

“Today Massachusetts proclaimed its commitment to reproductive rights, health care access, and equality by wiping these harmful laws from the books,”said Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, President and CEO, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts. “These archaic laws represented a Massachusetts that no longer exists—one in which women did not have autonomy over their bodies, lives, or futures—and one that should never again exist. As Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court puts the right to abortion on the line, Massachusetts is reaffirming we value reproductive rights, individual liberty, and the ability of all people to make their own decisions about their own bodies, their own lives, and their own futures.”

“I’ve been concerned about the impact of archaic laws remaining on the books since the fight for marriage equality,” said House Majority Whip Byron Rushing (D – South End). “During the fight for marriage, city and town clerks began to enforce the ‘1913 law’ that prevented marriages in Massachusetts if they were not legal in the couple’s home state. This law was originally used to prevent interracial couples from coming to Massachusetts to be legally married here.  After decades in obscurity, and not being enforced – but still ‘on the books’ – it was then used to prohibit marriage for same sex couples. It is critical that we take all archaic laws off of our books, because we never know how an old, hateful law will be used in new, hateful ways in the future.”


Coalition of Attorneys General Files Supreme Court Brief Alongside Major Company in Support of Higher Standards

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey led a coalition of 18 attorneys general in urging the U.S. Supreme Court to review a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that upended the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) longstanding authority under the Clean Air Act to ban dangerous substitutes, such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), for ozone-depleting substances. 

Since 1990, the Clean Air Act has required EPA to phase out the production and use of substances that harm the Earth’s stratospheric ozone layer. The Clean Air Act’s “Safe Alternatives Policy” is designed to ensure that this phase-out of harmful ozone-depleting substances does not give rise to dangerous substitute chemicals. Under the Safe Alternatives Policy, EPA is required to publish and update lists of safe and prohibited substitutes for ozone-depleting substances.

“Leading manufacturers have already adopted higher standards that protect the ozone layer, and now the EPA wants to pull the rug out from under them to reward companies that damage the planet with dangerous chemicals,” said AG Healey. “We’re in this case alongside major businesses and environmental groups to defend these commonsense restrictions that make our products safer and protect public health and our environment.”

In 2015, EPA issued a rule prohibiting certain uses of HFCs as a substitute for ozone-depleting substances. HFCs are climate super-pollutants and are commonly used in millions of consumer products, from refrigerators and air-conditioning units to cosmetics, spray cans, and household cleaners. They are among the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas pollution globally, with hundreds to thousands of times the global-warming potential of carbon dioxide. When EPA finalized its HFC rule in 2015, EPA estimated that the rule would avoid 26 to 31 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually by 2020. This would be the equivalent of the emissions of 6.4 million passenger cars driven for year, or the annual energy use for 3.2 million homes.

The coalition attorneys general filed the brief Thursday in support of the Natural Resources Defense Council and Honeywell International Inc.’s petitions for U.S. Supreme Court review of the D.C. Circuit Court’s decision in Mexichem v. EPA.  In response to a lawsuit brought by two foreign chemical companies challenging the 2015 Rule, a divided D.C. Circuit Court panel held in that case that EPA can no longer ban all uses of a prohibited substitute under the Clean Air Act’s so-called “safe alternative policy,” no matter how poisonous, explosive, or harmful to the environment the substitute may be.

The attorneys general argue in the brief that the D.C. Circuit’s ruling is legally flawed and disrupted states’ decades-long reliance on EPA’s authority to ban the use of unsafe chemical substitutes. The court upended a strong national program that efficiently and effectively protected human health and the environment from the risks of chemical substitutes, and that promoted innovation and investment in developing safe alternatives. The attorneys general contend that the decision below generated enormous uncertainty for states, their consumers, and their businesses. 

Following the D.C. Circuit’s ruling, former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt effectively rescinded the 2015 HFC rule in its entirety in April 2018.  Pruitt rolled back the rule by issuing guidance, rather than through a public rulemaking process, as required by federal law. AG Healey was part of a coalition of 12 attorneys general that sued the EPA last month over the rollback of the HFC rule. In the lawsuit, the attorneys general allege that lifting limits on the use of HFCs will damage ongoing efforts to combat climate change.

            Joining AG Healey in filing the brief in the Supreme Court are the attorneys general of Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland,Minnesota, by and through its Pollution Control Agency, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia.

This matter was handled by Special Assistant Attorney General Megan Herzog, Assistant Attorneys General Amanda Morejon and Seth Schofield, and Christophe Courchesne, Chief of AG Healey’s Environmental Protection Division.

Tri-Caucus Chairs Statement On Amazon Rekognition

Tri-Caucus Chairs Statement On Amazon Rekognition

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Chairs of the Congressional Tri-Caucus – composed of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – released the following joint statement in response to a test of Amazon’s facial recognition platform that misidentified 28 members of Congress, a disproportionate number of whom were people of color, as people who have been arrested for a crime.

Facial recognition and artificial intelligence technology have advanced significantly, but the recent ACLU test confirms how far such technology has to go – especially when it applies to our daily lives. The Tri-Caucus encourages both the tech community and the law enforcement community to take our concerns about the use of these emerging technologies seriously and engage in an open and honest discussion with our members going forward.”

ILF 年會表揚10人熱心服務 美交通部長趙小蘭稱亞裔也是主流

            (Boston Orange 周菊子華府報導)國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation,簡稱ILF)七月十九日晚在華府(DC)首都希爾頓大飯店舉行19屆年會,約500嘉賓共襄盛舉,聆聽美國交通部部長趙小蘭(Elaine Chao)的主題演講,恭賀10名對社區有傑出貢獻人士,分別獲得公共服務獎,領袖服務獎,見證23「公共事務實習計畫」學員結業。
獲得公共服務獎的5名傑出人士分別為,美國健康及人民服務部少數族裔健康助理部長林元清,美國專利及商標辦公室退休法官Chung Pak,加州司法廳督導副檢察長劉馨儀,亞利桑那州參議員暨財政長候選人余艷芬,德州眾議員陳筱玲。
獲得領袖服務獎的5名傑出人士分別為,夏威夷醫療獎學金創辦人陳本生,汎美財務公司(World Financial Group)主席Xuan Nguyen,哈佛大學學者王開元,徐李基金會創辦人徐玲,誠美(Chengmei)集團執行長張恩。
王開元是一名企業家,學者,慈善家。他的履歷洋洋灑灑,既是甘迺迪圖書館基金會董事,哈佛費正清中心研究員,也是紐約經濟俱樂部會員,紐約青年企業家圓桌會共同創辦人,以及可持續發展科技基金會,聯合國的木魚基金會,亞太創新協會,北美中國大學校友會聯盟等的董事。他還是北京大學企業家俱樂部的創會董事,北大企管碩士校友會副主席。2015年時,他還在麻州劍橋市創辦了一個非牟利機構,治理學院(Goverance Institute),在2013年到2017年間,他曾是哥倫比亞大學,哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院艾許(Ash)民主治理及創新中心,法學院東亞法律研究中心的訪問學者。2016年獲得奧巴馬總統義工服務獎,
當上交通部部長後,她訂有三個優先要務,分別是安全,照顧國家基礎建設需要,以增加經濟上的競爭力與生產力,以及借助新興科技,來既不傷害國家利益,又照顧到有關安全及隱私的合理顧慮。在此同時,她一樣致力協助受照顧程度不足社區(underserved community),還舉辦就業展來增加交通部員工的多元化,舉辦工作坊來說明爭取政府工作或採購合約的流程。有興趣到交通部實習的人,可以上交通部網站,www.Dot.gov,查詢資訊。

國際領袖基金會政商菁英午宴 孟昭文、劉雲平鼓勵青年參與公共事務

(Boston Orange 周菊子華府報導)國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation,簡稱ILF)七月十九日中午,在華府(D.C.)首都希爾頓大飯店舉行第19屆年會的「政商菁英午餐演講會」。聯邦眾議員孟昭文(Grace Meng)劉雲平 (Ted Lieu) 應邀出席,鼓勵亞裔青年、學子積極參與公共事務,服務社區,競選公職,為亞裔社區發聲。
國際領袖基金會的「公共事務實習計畫」,今年錄取23名全美各地的頂尖大專院校學生。其中加州柏克萊大學的Stanley Shaw和喬治城大學的王馨怡(Casey Wang),也在年會上代表實習計畫學生們匯報成果。
聯邦眾議員劉雲平在會中致詞,主要談亞美社區,以及網路安全(Cyber Security)。他指出,美國人口統計局的資料顯示,過去十年,亞裔是美國人口成長最快族裔,皮優研究中心(Pew Research)去年的資料也稱,到2050年時,來自亞洲的移民比世界上的其他地區都多,這趨勢恐無法遏止。確保亞裔在政策制定桌上也有席位,因此更加重要。
劉雲平指出,這是名為”七號系統信號法(Signal system number 7 law)”的電信圈已知缺失,持有遙距監控權力的人,只要拿到一個電話號碼,就能在全球任何地方取得使用者的資訊。
她指出,目前她花較多心力關注的議題包括,明年將舉辦的華裔太平洋鐵路工人紀念會,這是她作為一名在紐約長大小孩,在學校中從未學到過的歷史,她希望藉此讓亞裔,以及所有其他人都知道亞裔對美國社會的這巨大貢獻。她還新成立了一個撥款(appropriation)委員會,希望藉以為項目爭取經費,其中一個獲得經費機構是史密森尼博物館(Smithsonian museum)的亞美中心。她的夢想是,有一天在華府會有個亞美博物館,讓每一個到華府參觀的人,都有機會看到,了解到亞裔對美國的各種貢獻。
19日中午舉行的國際領袖基金會年會「政商菁英午餐演講會」,嘉賓冠蓋雲集,除前述兩名聯邦眾議員外,出席嘉賓還有刻正競選羅德島州州長的Cranston市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)羅德島州Central Falls市市長James Diosa,加州第39區國會眾議員韓裔候選人金映玉(Young Kim)亞利桑那州財務長參選人暨現任參議員余艷芬(Kimberly Yee)加州司法部督察副檢察長劉馨儀(Linda Sun)等人。
國際領袖基金會在全美共有15個分會和5個委員會。各分會會長和共同主,包括林美蓮(舊金山)黃亞村、(紐約)洪逸青、蔡慶雲(洛杉磯)吳小燕(西雅圖)孔慶超、姚學智(底特律)吳來、傅惠芬(芝加哥)嚴培達(奧蘭多)鄭漢城(邁阿密)簡衛(亞特蘭大)李蔚華(休士頓)谷祖光、陳文珊(達拉斯)葉超、吳子平(新英格蘭)黃國清、何西典(華盛頓DC)陳銘達、吳垣(全球)等,以及委員會主委董殿會,陳鈞亞,白越珠,俞乃,汪清,Matthew Lee,沈郭逸媛,ILF執行主任具秀慶(Soo Kyung Koo)等人,當天也幾乎悉數在座。