
星期日, 7月 15, 2018

波士頓北一女校友會夏日郊遊 85人樂融融

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓北一女校友會七月十四日在艾克頓鎮(Acton)Nara公園野餐,85名校友與嘉賓在半山腰上賞美景,話家常,用餐點,競答趣味提問,大跳健身尼雅運動,人人滿臉帶笑,興高采烈的歡渡了一下午,還宣佈喜訊,有30人加入永久會員行列。




            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 波士頓計畫及發展局(BPDA)一聲通過,紐英崙中華公所喜露街50號建可負擔住宅有譜啦,最多將蓋313個單位,其中至少26%可負擔。
            波士頓計畫及發展局(BPDA)712日晚批准了兩個位於南端(South End)的發展計畫,將為波士頓市新添786個住宅單位。
其中一個是所物/華盛頓街發展計畫(Shawmut/Washington Street development),將由雀喜市的建築隊公司(The Architectural Team Inc.) 設計,由戴維斯公司(The Davis Cos.),紐英崙 華公所(CCBA)波士頓華人佈道會(BCEC)合作,要建蓋三棟樓,共536個住宅單位,分別供出租、出售,其中26%,至少139個指定撥給中低收入住戶,此外還有一個新的教堂,社區空間,以及一個公園。
戴維斯公司董事長Brian Fallon表示,藉由這獨特的合作關係,申請到指定計畫區域(PDA)”,才容許他們提供社區所迫切需要的可負擔住宅,以及供居民及鄰居使用的開放公共空間。

波士頓計畫及發展局當晚也批准了墨水塊(Ink Block)大樓群附近,阿爾巴尼(Albany)217號大樓的施工。那是國家發展公司(National Development)在墨水塊蓋的第七棟樓,由波士頓的Elkus Manfredi Architects公司設計,座落於南端一個角落,東南快速公路旁,是一棟14層高,最多有250個單位的大樓,包括327個單獨出租的”共同生活(Co-Living)”微型公寓睡房,其中有197個所謂的微型單位(microunits)”35個兩睡房單位,12個三睡房單位,以及六個四睡房單位。每個單位都有自己的私有廚房,浴室及起居區。計畫中的住宅單位將可拎包入住狀態,有傢俱,很好的無線網路,電視接頭。這大樓的另一特別之處是大樓內將有一名住在裡面的社區經理,為樓內居民安排各種社交活動。發展商形容那是個”千禧年代人士休閒勝地”,預計耗資9000萬元建造,將是墨水塊大樓群的最後一項工程。

星期六, 7月 14, 2018

第27屆胡桃山音樂營 7/19開營 將有19場音樂會

(Boston Orange) 中華表演藝術基金會主辦的第27屆胡桃山音樂營,訂719日開營,將從721日起推出19場音樂會,11次大師班。其中音樂會全部免費,歡迎各界出席欣賞。
中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵表示,該會已排定的2018/2019年度節目,除了7月份的第27屆胡桃山音樂營之外,九月份起直至明年,將有多位知名音樂家在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall)舉辦演奏會,期間還有第28屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽等活動。
胡桃山音樂營的所有音樂會,除811日那場在哈佛大學聖德斯音樂廳 (Sanders Theatre) 與水星交響樂團合作演出外,全部在Natick 胡桃山音樂學校 (Walnut Hill School) 舉行。地址及詳細內容請上網查詢http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/contents/festival/index.htm

1, 七月二十一日星期六晚上七 點半: 國際肖邦比賽獲勝者鋼琴家,Tony Yike Yang 鋼琴獨奏會。
2, 七月二十二日星期日晚上七 點半: 鋼琴家徐小培 鋼琴獨奏會。
3, 七月二十三日星期一 晚上七 點半: 鋼琴家方壯壯 鋼琴獨奏會。
4, 七月二十四日星期二晚上七 點半: 魯賓斯坦及普松尼二項國際鋼琴大賽金牌獎主,前上海音樂學院鋼琴系主任,曾任教於紐英倫音樂學院及耶鲁大学,現任教於紐約茱莉亞音樂學院鋼琴教授陳宏寬鋼琴獨奏會。
5, 七月二十六日星期四 晚上七點半:大提琴家Jonah Ellisworth 及鋼琴家 Michael Bukhman 合作音樂會。
6, 七月二十七日星期五晚上七 點半: 鋼琴家Yue Chu 鋼琴獨奏會。
7, 七月二十八日週六晚上七點半: 大提琴家Jiyoung Lee 和鋼琴家Victor Cayres聯合音樂會。
8, 七月三十日星期一 晚上七點半:鋼琴家Larry Weng 鋼琴獨奏會
9, 七月三十一日星期二 晚上七點半: 鋼琴家牛牛鋼琴獨奏會。
10, 八月一日星期三 晚上七點半: 鋼琴Sang Young Kim鋼琴獨奏會。
11, 八月三日週五晚上七點半:音樂營教師聯合音樂會。
12, 八月四日週六晚上七點半: 榮獲2012梅紐因 ( Menuhin) 國際小提琴比賽冠軍的于翔及鋼琴家方壯壯聯合音樂會。
13, 八月五日週日晚上七點半: 由本屆傑出學生們演出“明日之星”第一 場音樂會。
14, 八月六日週一 晚上七點半: ”明日之星”第二場音樂會。
15, 八月七日週二 晚上七點半:音樂營學生和教師聯合音樂會。
16, 八月八日週三 晚上七點半Borremeo 弦樂四重奏音樂會。
17, 八月十日週五下午兩點: 音樂營學生演出獨奏及室內樂第一場音樂會。
18, 八月十一日週六下午兩點: 音樂營學生演出獨奏及室內樂音樂會第二場音樂會。
19, 八月十一日週六晚上八點: 協奏曲音樂會; 由本營管弦樂學生在哈佛大學聖德斯音樂廳與水銀 (Mercury)交響樂團聯合演出。鋼琴獨奏由本營協奏曲比賽優勝者擔任。

1, 七月二十三日星期一下午三點 : 魯賓斯坦及普松尼二項國際鋼琴大賽金牌獎主,前上海音樂學院鋼            琴系主任,曾任教於紐英倫音樂學院及耶鲁大学,現任教於紐約茱莉亞音樂學院鋼琴教授陳宏            寬鋼琴大師班。
2, 七月二十六日星期四下午三點 : 紐英格蘭音樂學院前任校長 Laurence Lesser大提琴大師班。
3, 七月三十日星期一下午三點 :紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授 Alexander Korsantia鋼琴大師班。
4, 七月三十一日星期二下午三點 : 紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授 Victor Rosenbaum鋼琴大師班。
5, 八月一日星期三下午三點 : 普立茲音樂獎主Yehudi Wyner鋼琴和室內樂大師講座。
6, 八月二日週四下午三點 : 紐英倫音樂學院教授 Wha Kyung Byun鋼琴大師班。
7, 八月三日週五下午三點 : 著名指揮家Benjamin Zander大師班:音樂的詮釋 -人生課題。
8, 八月六日週一下午三點 : 紐英倫音樂學院大提琴教授 Paul Katz大提琴大師班。
9, 八月七日週二下午三點 : 小提琴家James Buswell小提琴及中提琴大師班。
10, 八月八日週三下午三點: 紐英倫音樂學院小提琴教授 Nicholas Kitchen示範演出及講解演講主題                    Well Tempered Gathering。”
11, 八月九日週四下午二點半: 由樂壇泰斗,當今最受尊敬的鋼琴家 Russell Sherman鋼琴大師班。

1, 2018年九月十五日週六晚上八時,紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall): 鋼琴家陳宏寬鋼琴    獨奏會 。
2, 2019年一月二十六日週六晚八時,紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳:小提琴家黃俊文 及鋼琴家黃海倫聯合音樂會。
3, 2019年三月三十日週六晚八時,紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 : Van Cliburn 國際鋼琴大賽銅牌鋼琴家 Daniel  Hsu鋼琴獨奏會 。
4, 2019年五月十一日週六晚八時,紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 : 鋼琴家Gloria Chen 及小提琴家Soovin Kim聯合音樂會。

除上列音樂會外,2019年四月十五日: 28屆全美青少年國畫書法賽。也將如期舉行:詳情歡迎上網查詢。"http://www.ChinesePerformingArts.net/"www.ChinesePerformingArts.net,或洽譚嘉陵會長

Univercells raises €16 million in Series B financing round led by Global Health Investment Fund

Univercells raises €16 million in Series B financing round led by Global Health Investment Fund

Investment proceeds will support commercialization of the company’s breakthrough biologics manufacturing technology

Brussels and New York, July 16, 2018 – Univercells SA (‘Univercells’) and Global Health Investment Fund (‘GHIF’) are pleased to announce the closing of a €16 million ($18.8M) Series B equity financing. Investment proceeds will support the continued development of Univercells’ game-changing biomanufacturing technology, which has the potential to dramatically reduce the capital expenditure, physical footprint and operating costs required to produce a variety of complex biologics.

The financing, which was heavily over-subscribed, is anchored by institutional commitments from prominent investment funds on three continents. In addition to GHIF (a public health-focused R&D fund based in New York), the Series B syndicate includes Seoul-based Korea Investment Partners, a leading technology investor in Asia and two Belgian technology investors: The Innovation Fund, supporting innovative chemistry and life sciences companies, and Inventures II, a leading impact venture capital fund. Rodolphe de Spoelberch, a Belgium-based independent private equity investor with a long-term horizon, is welcomed as an incoming Univercells board observer, while a variety of prominent private investors were federated by TheClubDeal, a private investment holding.

The Series B financing was catalyzed by new validations of the breakthrough biologics manufacturing solutions being pioneered at Univercells. The company’s flagship Sabin inactivated polio vaccine (sIPV) program recently achieved a 40-fold increase in polio D-antigen productivity compared to the benchmark process and manufacturing cost estimates are within striking distance of the original goal of $0.15 per dose. With continued process development and high-efficiency fill-finish operations, the Univercells sIPV technology could enable a 10-fold reduction of the current public-sector sales price.

On the heels of these milestones, Univercells is concluding technology transfer negotiations with a number of established biologics manufacturers and healthcare providers in China, India and Latin America. In parallel, Univercells will be demonstrating the versatility of its technology platform by developing turn-key manufacturing solutions for two additional public health vaccines. With the current financing in place, Univercells has the resources to commercialize a diversified portfolio of technology solutions for a variety of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and enzyme replacement therapies, with the first products available for human use as soon as 2019.

“The Univercells platform represents a unique win-win opportunity,” said Glenn Rockman, partner at GHIF and incoming Univercells board member. “Its technology has incredible potential to make complex biologics more affordable and more widely accessible, while simultaneously pursuing an enormous commercial market opportunity.”

Hugues Bultot, CEO of Univercells, added: “We are delighted by all the encouragement and interest shown to us during this capital increase, which exceeded our expectations. I am convinced we have strategically expanded the circle of Univercells shareholders to include organizations and individuals with the potential to be long-term, value-added supporters of our rapidly growing company. Importantly, all of our investors are also very closely aligned with our mission to make biologics affordable to all; they recognize the compelling financial return opportunities associated with that objective.”

星期五, 7月 13, 2018

Bunker Hill Community College receives $25.7 Million from Baker-Polito Administration to Modernize Capital Assets

Bunker Hill Community College receives $25.7 Million from Baker-Polito Administration to Modernize Capital Assets

BOSTON, July 13, 2018Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) was awarded $25.7M from the Baker-Polito Administration’s to fund a major renovation project at the College’s Charlestown Campus.
The announcement was made on July 10, 2018, on the Westfield State University campus at a ceremonial bill-signing of H.4549, An Act providing for capital facility repairs and improvements for the Commonwealth, authorizing approximately $3.9 billion to address the Commonwealth’s statewide capital needs, including higher education campuses, health and human services facilities, state office buildings, public safety facilities and courts. The bond bill authorizes $950 million overall for public education investments.

“This funding will transform BHCC’s Charlestown Campus,” says BHCC’s President Pam Eddinger. “We are grateful to the Administration for authorizing this bill that will enhance the college experience for our students by providing the supports and spaces that community college students need to complete their programs and enter the workforce successfully.”

Renovations at the College’s Charlestown Campus are one of six new projects in the Administration’s capital plan for higher education. The $25.7 million grant will allow BHCC to modernize its campus by converting existing, underutilized space to create new space for the College’s growing student population. 

The largest community college in Massachusetts, BHCC serves 19,000 students annually. The main campus, a contiguous structure of approximately 450,000 square feet, has not been significantly renovated since it was built in 1973 for a student population of 4,000–less than one quarter the number of students currently served.

By re-imagining the College’s E-building atrium, an expansive, open-air space that spans four levels, the renovations will provide easy access and visibility for critical academic and student support services,while reclaiming significant square footage and repurposing existing space. Plans include the construction of a new Academic Success Center to expand and co-locate space for key services such as the College’s International Center; Veteran’s Center; LifeMap, an academic planning and career center; and Single Stop office, which links students with government benefits and services.

The project will also improve student success and retention, addressing critical student needs by expanding the College’s Library and Learning Commons to include integrated spaces for studying and collaboration, centralizing the College’s tutoring services and providing a welcoming social space for students to better connect with their classmates. Additionally, the renovations will include a new culinary innovation classroom to support students entering this growing field and will address deferred maintenance issues across the campus.

State Officials Urge Continued Water Conservation

State Officials Urge Continued Water Conservation
Commonwealth to Increase Monitoring of Water Resources

BOSTON – Following two months of dry weather and above normal temperatures, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) and Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) today urged residents across the Commonwealth to conserve water.  The Drought Management Task Force, composed of state, federal and local officials, continue to assess hydrological conditions across the state and determined that while conditions do not meet the level of a drought at this time, closer monitoring of water resources by government officials and water conservation by the public are necessary.

“As dry conditions continue across the state, the Baker-Polito Administration is working with the Drought Management Task Force, government officials, and stakeholders to monitor hydrological conditions and act proactively to minimize any harmful effects,” said EEA Secretary Matthew Beaton. “We strongly encourage the public to follow any local water restrictions, integrate water-saving techniques into their daily routine, minimize outdoor watering and postpone planting anything new until conditions recover.”

“With recent below normal precipitation, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency is asking the public to actively conserve water by reducing indoor and outdoor water usage,” said Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Director Kurt Schwartz. “Additionally, because of the increased threat of brush and wildland fires due to the dry conditions, the public is urged to exercise caution when using matches, charcoal grills, and other open flames during outdoor activities.”

Residents can incorporate water-saving tips like these into their daily routines:
·         Limit lawn watering, and choose native plants or turf that need less water;
·         Sweep driveways, patios and other outdoor areas with a broom rather than hosing them off;
·         Take shorter showers and use water-saving showerheads;
·         Turn off water while brushing teeth or shaving;
·         Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes; and
·         Fix leaks in faucets toilets, pipes, and appliances.

The Drought Management Task Force, co-chaired by EEA and MEMA, noted at their meeting yesterday that while many of the indices are still at normal and conditions have been relatively dry over the last two months, they have worsened over the last month. Since May, the state has seen low flows at several sites in the Western Region, the Connecticut Valley and the Central Region, groundwater levels decreasing in most regions, and Fire Danger at either an Advisory or a Watch in all six regions.

The Task Force has decided to meet two times over the next month to assess conditions across the state, coordinate dissemination of information to the public, and help state, federal and local agencies prepare any responses that may be needed in the future.

Several public water suppliers around the state have issued conservation measures such as outdoor watering restrictions in response to the drying conditions. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) supply system, however, is well above normal. 



MLK Scholars program will provide 650 Boston Youth with summer employment opportunities at 65 nonprofits; expanded EVERFI financial literacy tools to benefit other City summer jobs program participants

BOSTON - Friday, July 13, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh together with corporate, youth and nonprofit leaders today joined John Hancock and Boston University to kick off the 11th year of the MLK Scholars Program. The MLK Scholars Program provides meaningful employment and job readiness opportunities to 650 Boston youth through summer job assignments and workshops. The program is believed to be the largest, most comprehensive corporate summer jobs program of its kind in the country.

As part of the event, Mayor Walsh announced an expanded pilot between John Hancock and EVERFI that allows Boston students from summer job programs outside of the MLK Scholars Program access to the same financial education curriculum. Through this pilot, all students in the Boston Summer Jobs Program will gain the skills to help them manage their finances and achieve their goals. John Hancock has committed to a three year expansion partnership and will work closely with the City of Boston and other summer job providers to give EVERFI access to participants each year.

"I am proud of the work the City of Boston is doing to support our youth through the Summer Jobs Program," said Mayor Walsh. "By providing a student with a job we are doing more than giving them a paycheck, we are matching our youth to meaningful employment opportunities that will equip them with the tools and skills needed for long lasting future success."

To ensure every youth receives the support they need to succeed now and in the future, the Walsh Administration, through its partnerships with Bank of America, Mass Mentoring Partnership, and Bunker Hill Community College will provide youth additional resources and training to enhance their experience in the Mayor's Summer Youth Jobs Program.

  • With Bank of America, the City will offer the One Love program, which will focus on building healthy peer relationships and domestic violence awareness;
  • With Mass Mentoring Partnership, the City will provide supervisor training focused on empowering youth-adult relationships;
  • With Bunker Hill Community College, the City will make available a Learn and Earn free three-credit course that will connect students to other paid BHCC corporate, not-for-profit and small business partners.

Additionally, through a partnership with Commonwealth Corporation, youth that self-identify as homeless, being in foster care, court or gang involved, DYS-committed or having experienced juvenile arrest or probation, experiencing poor academic performance, a child of a single parent, having a disability or special needs, lack of fluency in English or being a foreign immigrant, or  being a teen parent will be able to participate in the Signal Success Program, a 15 hour career and skill development to set up youth for success during and after the completion of the Mayor's Summer Youth Jobs Program.

"We are thrilled to be partnering with John Hancock on expanding access to EVERFI tools. It is a true melding of missions, bringing together the necessary passion, resources, and networks to drive our joint mission to build financial capability forward," said EVERFI Co-Founder and President, Ray Martinez. "John Hancock has taken the long-view, and their three-year commitment underscores the impact the MLK Scholars program, and others like it, will have in improving financial access in the communities they serve."

"Meaningful work experience builds long-term, positive financial behaviors, skills, and confidence," said John Hancock President and CEO, Marianne Harrison. "Economic empowerment and financial knowledge is critical for young people, and, for too many, these aren't accessible. A primary goal of the MLK Scholars Program is to level the playing field, because we are all strengthened when young people have access to career readiness opportunities."

In collaboration with the City of Boston, Boston University, Partners HealthCare, and The Boston Globe, MLK Scholars employs youth for approximately 20-25 hours a week in 65 Boston not-for-profit organizations. John Hancock provides youth salaries to all participants, exposing them to community-based work with substantive economic support.

波士頓僑務簡訊 7月第1期

 僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國1077月第1

Culture Center of TECO in Boston
90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461
Tel: 617-965-8801
Fax: 617-965-8815          




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