
星期二, 5月 01, 2018



張紹遠你問我答 竭盡所能助人創業 (圖片)

曾為Paypal高館的張紹遠(David Chang)近年已Personal VC聯合創辦人
身分,積極協助初創企業者發展。日前應StartUp Institute




Baker-Polito Administration Launches Innovative Transportation Network Company Ride Data Website

Baker-Polito Administration Launches Innovative Transportation Network Company Ride Data Website
Massachusetts Home to 64.8 Million Rideshare Trips in 2017

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today became the first state in the nation to launch a website containing data about Transportation Network Companies and the origin, destination, and other metrics captured by ridesharing services operating in the Commonwealth. The portal further continues the framework established by Governor Baker following the implementation of legislation creating a modern statewide regulatory framework for TNCs, and is the most comprehensive statewide ridesharing data in the country.

“We’re pleased to be the first state in the nation to create a clearinghouse that informs Massachusetts riders on the ridesharing services they use, and we look forward to continuing our work with Transportation Network Companies and cities towns to provide transparent, comprehensive data,” said Governor Charlie Baker.

Developed by the Department of Public Utilities and the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security, the online portal provides comprehensive, transparent data and interactive maps depicting ridesharing statistics by location, population, and demographic. The information, which will be aggregated yearly, was collected as part of the Commonwealth’s overall regulatory framework of TNCs and will enable municipalities to further understand how their communities are serviced by these companies. 

“The Baker-Polito Administration’s launch of a website containing comprehensive ride data represents a significant step towards providing useful tools for our communities and planning authorities to understand how the Commonwealth’s transportation landscape is evolving and being shaped by the advent Transportation Network Companies,” said Department of Public Utilities Chairman Angela O’Connor.

“Putting this data on-line and in a way that makes it accessible to policy makers and the public helps everyone gain new insights,” said Technology Services and Security Secretary Mark Nunnelly. “Publishing Massachusetts specific rideshare data has helped to ground policy discussions and spark new lines of questions for further analysis.”

The website, created in accordance with An Act Regulating Transportation Network Companies which authorized the creation of regulations by which to obtain this data from rideshare services, provides residents and communities with comprehensive statistics about ride origin, destination, duration, as well as information about rider demographics. Specifically, the data captured the following:

  • In 2017 there were approximately 64.8 million rideshare trips started in Massachusetts.
  • A total of 34.9 million rides originated in Boston, which is the most of any city or town. This is roughly five times the next highest municipality, Cambridge, with just more than 6.8 million.
  • Of the rides that started in Boston, 1.8 million were out of Boston Logan International Airport.
  • Suffolk and Middlesex Counties were the starting points for more than 80% of all trips in the state. They were also two of the top three counties in per capita rides along with Nantucket.
  • Hampshire County has the highest rides started per capita outside of the Cape and Islands and Greater Boston

Since January 2017, the Department of Public Utilities’ Transportation Network Company Division has implemented the most comprehensive state background checks for TNC drivers in the country, and has approved 150,000 individuals to operate as TNC drivers, though not all are currently active drivers. Drivers engaged in providing transportation services on behalf of Transportation Network Companies undergo a full state Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) background check, including confirmation that the driver is not a registered sex offender. Additionally, drivers are subjected to a bi-annual national commercial background check conducted by the TNC companies.

世界醫藥創新論壇探討人工智能 麻州長查理貝克致詞

夥伴健康(Partners Health)集團董事長暨執行長David Torchiana。
                   (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)夥伴健康(Partners Health)集團為期三日的2018世界醫藥創新論壇,425日落幕,1700名與會者從各種角度探討人工智能(AI)對醫療世界的影響,絕大多數認為變化可能天翻地覆,但個人隱私,法規管制,數據的蒐集、整合,病人及醫生對人工智能的接受度等等許多複雜元素,仍將是漫漫長路上需要超越的挑戰。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。(周菊子攝)
             夥伴健康首席學術長Anne Klibanski在開幕致詞中透露,該公司有員工74000人,每年的研發經費支出逾17億元,在數據整合,管理,計算上,長期投資。今年的會議將側重交流,促進人工智能在醫療界的實施、應用,讓真正的精準治療得以出現。
             夥伴健康執行長David Torchiana表示,今年的會議有來自30多個不同國家的人參加,有140多名專家,業界人士分享經驗,更難得的是還有注重數位醫療(digital health)的麻州州長親自出席致歡迎詞。
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             麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)直言人工智能很重要,有這麼多頂尖的相關業界人士匯聚,實在難得,他很羨慕能全程出席的人。他提及自己的外祖父是外科醫生,母親晚年時曾患老人痴呆症,自己曾在醫藥界工作,親眼見證了醫療界這些年來的許多驚人發展與變化。他認為人工智能有極大潛力,可改善醫療方法,設備與流程,更重要的是可以讓人們更容易得到更多做相關決定所需的資訊,但人工智能將給人類社會帶來什麼影響,實在也很難預測,人們一路走下去,可能需要更謹慎。
PHS科學長Keith Dreyer(左)訪談輝達(Nvidia)執行長黃仁勳
(Jensen Huang)(右)。(周菊子攝(
             這會議為期三日,涵蓋的範圍十分廣泛,更由於人工智能這主題,不下三分之一為企業執行長的140多名高管講者,不但來自哈佛醫學院及其附屬醫院,Vertex,諾華(Novartis),強生(Johnson & Johnson),羅氏(Roche),賽諾菲(Sanofi),輝瑞(Pfizer)等大製藥公司,更包括了諸如微軟,谷歌,高通(Qualcomm),通用電子(GE),國際機器(IBM),西門子(Simens)等科技公司麾下的醫療事業分支,還有戴爾(Dell)電腦公司,思科(Cisco),以及北極星合夥人(Polaris Partners)Sante 創投,北極光創投,輿圖(Atlas)創投等風險投資公司。
             發明圖形處理晶片(GPU)的輝達(Nvidia,又稱英偉達)公司執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang),做為大會主要贊助者及主講者,也因為醫療領域應用人工智能的前景無限美好,來到會場,在爐邊談話中分享了他的看法。他直指人工智能與機器深度學習幾乎是一體兩面,機器必要具備足夠運算能力,才能深度學習,進而擬人或以超人的致能來適當處理、分析數據。他認為在這人工智能的發展趨勢下,軟體甚至能夠經由深度學習,自行設計,製造出新軟體來因應需求。
             在人工智能與醫療結合上,政府法規如何制定,其實也很重要。大會的爐邊談話之一,邀請了川普總統指派的美國醫療護理及醫療補助服務(Medicare and Medicaid Services)執行長Seema Verma來討論。她以自己和丈夫在外度假,丈夫突然身體出狀況,緊急送醫,出院後,他們做為病人竟拿不到自己的完整醫療紀錄為例,侃談人工智能可有效改善這種數據資料散亂不全情況,以及可能涉及的醫患關係,醫療行政作業,法令規定等錯綜關係。
PHS醫療長Gregg Meyer(左)訪談美國醫療護理及醫療補助服務局行政長
Seema Verma(右)。(周菊子攝)
             這場會議,還安排有第一眼(First Look)”顛覆的一打(Disruptive Dozen)”這兩個環節。
今年的"第一眼"有麻省總醫院(MGH),布里根醫療(Brigham Health)19人獲選,各做10分鐘介紹。來自麻省總醫院的Sabine Wilhelm醫師,以及來自布里根及婦女醫院(BWH)Ziad Obermeyer,獲得Peter K. Ranney創新獎,拿到獎金10000元。
唯一的亞裔面孔為Long Le(左五)。(周菊子攝)
哈佛醫學院副教授Quanzheng Li,是獲選的19人之一。他展示了應用可深度學習系統來檢測氣胸量化是否出現嚴重情況。
”顛覆的一打(Disruptive Dozen)”部分,則是由伙伴醫療系統(PHS)的教授們,挑選出可能在未來10年內對醫療護理有重大影響的12種科技。(部分圖片已於4/24發表)

左起,PHS的醫療長Gregg Meyer,學術長Anne Kilbanski,科學長
Keith Dreyer為大會閉幕致詞。(周菊子攝)

MIT前校長Susan Hockfield(右)也列席其中一場座談。(周菊子攝)

星期一, 4月 30, 2018

Governor Baker, Secretary Ureña, Major General Keefe Meet with World War II Veteran Sidney Walton

Governor Baker, Secretary Ureña, Major General Keefe Meet with World War II Veteran Sidney Walton

Governor Baker meets with World War II Veteran Sidney Walton and his son Paul Walton as part of the “Go Sidney Go” National No Regrets Tour across the United States.

For more high-resolution photos, click here.

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Secretary of the Department of Veterans’ Services Francisco Ureña and Massachusetts National Guard Adjutant General Gary Keefe presented a citation to Sidney Walton for his years of distinguished service to the U.S. Army during World War II. Sidney was also presented with the Massachusetts Medal of Merit by the Massachusetts Army National Guard for his outstanding service to the United States Armed Forces.

As part of his National No Regrets Tour, Sidney Walton is travelling across the country with his son, Paul Walton, to meet with governors from all 50 states before concluding with a visit to the White House on his 100th birthday in February 2019.

Sidney’s one regret was missing an opportunity to meet with the last surviving Civil War veterans prior to joining the United States Army in 1941. The National No Regrets Tour gives people across the country a chance to meet with one of the last surviving WWII veterans. Last year, there were approximately 558,000 veterans still alive in the U.S. out of 16 million Americans who served in WWII.

MGM Springfield to Officially Open August 24, 2018

MGM Springfield to Officially Open August 24, 2018

$960 Million MGM Resorts International Property Marks Largest Private Investment in Western Massachusetts’ History 

SPRINGFIELD, MASS. (April 26, 2018) – Expanding its presence on the East Coast, MGM Resorts International will open the doors to MGM Springfield, New England’s first integrated luxury resort and entertainment destination, on Friday, August 24, 2018.

“A testament to a decade of collaboration between the City of Springfield and MGM Resorts, MGM Springfield will pay tribute to the city’s legacy and celebrate its bright future, while introducing a stellar array of hospitality and entertainment experiences that will attract guests from New England and beyond,” said Michael Mathis, President of MGM Springfield. “We are incredibly proud to debut what we believe will become the region’s premier entertainment destination and play a role in an exciting renaissance for Springfield.”

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “I look forward to working with MGM Springfield for many years to come. They’re a world-class company and an outstanding corporate citizen. I deeply appreciate their belief and investment in our Springfield. I wish them continued success as we create another ‘Springfield first!’”

MGM Springfield will commemorate the city’s rich history through the preservation and reimagination of its most storied buildings. Locals and tourists can experience venues such as the First Spiritualist Church, Springfield Armory and Chandler Union Hotel – where Presidents Polk and Buchanan both stayed – in an entirely new way.


 BOSTON - Monday, April 30, 2018 - On Friday, Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined members of the City's Youth Action Board to launch Rising to the Challenge: Ending Youth & Young Adult Homelessness in Boston, the City of Boston's community planning process centered around preventing and ending homelessness among unaccompanied youth and young adults. The Youth Action Board is the City's consumer advisory group of youth and young adults who have current or former experience with homelessness or housing instability.  

"Whether it's attendance and graduation rates, unemployment and the local economy, youth incarceration rates, or emergency room costs, the effects of youth and young adult homelessness are broad," said Mayor Walsh. "I'm proud that our city is taking the critical first steps in ending youth homelessness. Each of the Youth Action Board members -- and their peers -- have important stories to tell us, and will contribute so much to the creation of this plan. There is a role for all of us to play in ending youth and young adult homelessness in Boston, and I look forward to working with everyone who has came together to reach this goal."

Boston's Way Home, the Walsh Administration's plan to end chronic and veteran homelessness, highlighted unaccompanied youth and young adults as a priority population and identified the need for a comprehensive plan to prevent and end youth and young adult homelessness in Boston. Rising to the Challenge gathered community partners to launch the 4-month process of developing the first draft of this comprehensive plan.

In February 2018, the City selected Matthew Aronson and his team of consultants to build on the City's work to end youth homelessness in Boston by researching and creating an action plan to support young individuals experiencing homelessness and put them on pathways towards stable housing. Aronson and his team facilitated Friday's event, which was held at the Bolling Building in Roxbury with more than 150 people in attendance, including youth and young adults and community partners from City, State, and nonprofit agencies.

At Rising to the Challenge, Mr. Aronson's team presented data they compiled in an attempt to estimate the size and scale of unaccompanied youth and young adult homelessness in Boston. In Boston, just like in most cities across the country, many youth and young adults experiencing homelessness are not sleeping in shelters or on the streets but are "doubled up" or couch surfing from one unstable situation to another. For this reason, it is challenging to estimate the full number of youth experiencing homelessness. An important part of this strategic plan will be to gather additional data about this group.

Boston's annual Homeless Census shows that on a given night, 360 youth and young adults are either sleeping in Boston's shelters or on the street. The City's data also shows that the majority of these youth and young adults stay in shelter for a week or less.

In addition to gathering additional data on youth and young adult homelessness, the City's plan will require a new understanding of the current system's capacity; identifying the unmet needs of youth and young adults; and designing a plan to address gaps in Boston's emergency assistance system that will end youth homelessness. The plan will be tied to concrete investments in housing and services necessary to end youth homelessness.

The plan will outline how to find resources for youth and young adults to access better permanent connections, education and employment, and improve their health and well-being. Creation of the plan will involve disparate stakeholders from across Boston, including law enforcement and adult and juvenile justice; healthcare providers; educators; the State's child welfare system; landlords; school programs and private foundations.

Throughout the day, attendees broke into small groups to discuss the current state of youth and young adult homeless services and an ideal future system, as well as concrete steps to take for a successful planning process.

Youth and young adults are central in the planning process. The Boston Youth Action Board participates in all planning committees and and meets monthly with representatives from the Department of Neighborhood Development.

Prior to the launch of the community planning process, Aronson and his team focused on assisting the City in applying for the U.S. Office of Housing and Urban Development's Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, a grant that would provide an estimated $2-$3 million to the City of Boston to develop and implement its plan to end youth homelessness.

In January 2016, Mayor Walsh announced Boston had ended chronic veteran homelessness; to date, nearly 850 homeless veterans have been housed. In 2016, the City scaled up its efforts to end chronic homelessness; and since January of 2016, 425 chronically homeless individuals have been housed, representing more than 3,000 years of homelessness ended.