
星期日, 2月 25, 2018

新英格蘭華人專業人士協會論壇 6名講者包括郗小星




第一個講演者是潘軼超先生。潘軼超現在RethinkRobotics公司擔任產品經理。該公司總部位於波士頓,開發用於工業用途的智能、協作機器人 (cobots)。他於2015年6月加入該公司,並且從2015年9月到2017年2月在亞太地區工作。在此期間,他訪問了許多不同行業的工廠,並與客戶保持緊密的聯繫,了解他們的需求和應用情況。在此期間,他參加了許多展覽會和技術論壇,收集有關競爭對手和市場趨勢的信息,為產品開發提供方向。他於2017年2月返回波士頓總部工作,現在主要負責推出新產品,並與研發團隊一同開發新功能。他對工業機器人和自動化行業非常熟悉。在加入公司之前,他從2012年9月到2015年6月在麻省理工學院 (MIT) 仿生機器人實驗室擔任研究助理,並獲得了機械工程專業的碩士學位。 


Smart and Collaborative Robots for Industrial applications”, Yichao Pan, Product Manager at Energid Enimgineering, Inc.

第二個講演者是茅建人醫生,茅建人醫師是哈佛醫學院麻醉學的Richard J. Kitz教授、麻醉醫師和疼痛專家,擔任麻省總醫院(MGH)麻醉科疼痛醫學及重症監護部的科研副主任,同時也是麻省總醫院疼痛轉化醫學研究的負責人。茅教授還是《Pain Medicine》雜誌的副主編、《Pain Medicine》雜誌的轉化研究專欄編委、《Journal of Pain》《Molecular Pain》《Journal of Neuropathic Pain》的編委和30餘個專業期刊的審稿人。他同時還兼任數個基金評審委員會成員,包括美國國立衛生研究院、美國退伍軍人部、美國國防部、加拿大科技部、澳大利亞科學基金會和丹麥策略研究協會。茅教授迄今發表了130餘篇科研論文及75篇論文摘要,並主編發表3本專業著作。

“Chronic pain, east meets west treatment” Jianren Mao, MD, PhD, Chief, Division of pain medicine, Director, translational pain research Mass General Hospital, Richard J Kitz Professor, Harvard Medical School.

第三個講演者是張雲鵬,張雲鵬(Dennis)目前擔任State Street 的高級量化分析師、同時也是State Street的副總,他擁有七年以上金融量化建模,風險管理和機器學習應用的經驗。雲鵬從波士頓大學獲得了經濟博士學位,擁有FRM和ERP雙重認證。他對於探索區塊鏈技術充滿熱情,對該技術的應用以及形成中的數字貨幣市場有深入的研究。雲鵬在2017年京東全球數據大賽中,與另外兩名隊友憑藉將人工智能技術融入信貸預測的商業解決方案奪得冠軍。

“BlockchainTechnology 101 – Application& Outlook in 2018”  Yunpeng Zhang (Dennis,Vice President at State Street


“Impact of China's  the Belt and  Road Initiative to the East and the West”
,Counselor Xing, Jijun from New York Consulate China

第五個講演者是Zezam Afdhal博士,哈佛教授,著名肝病專家,Zezam Afdhal醫學博士是哈佛醫學院的醫學教授、知名腸胃病和肝病專家,擔任哈佛醫學院附屬以色列醫院(BIDMC)肝病主任。 Afdhal博士專精乙型肝炎及丙型肝炎的治療,同時他在美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)擔任肝炎、慢性肝病和肝癌等臨床實驗的首席研究員。他發表了將近400篇學術論文,同時也擔任許多頂尖醫學期刊的編輯與審稿人。

第六講演者是著名物理學家,郗小星博士,原天普大學Laura H. Carnell教授,並於2014至2016年間任物理系臨時主任。在2009年加入天普大學前,他是賓州州立大學物理與材料科學與工程系教授。他於1987年在北京大學物理研究所獲得物理博士學位,並在德國卡爾斯魯厄研究中心、Telcordia Technologies(前身為貝爾通訊實驗室)和馬里蘭大學進行數年科研工作後,於1995年加入賓州州立大學任教。郗教授是著名的外延薄膜材料專家,他的研究領域包括高溫超導、鐵電體、新型超導體二硼化鎂和原子級逐層激光分子束外延氧化物薄膜及界面。他發表了330餘篇科研論文和3個美國專利,並且是美國物理學會會員。郗教授在中國北京出生,現已入美國國籍。在2015年,美國政府指控他向中國提供美國的超導技術,在證實是誤判之後撤銷了訴訟。自此以後,他公開為反對種族歧視發聲,並積極參與社會活動。

最後一個講演者是陸德禮博士,攝影專家,著名僑領,陸德禮是波士頓華人攝影協會(BCPA)的董事會成員,並於2013至2016年間擔任協會的主席。他的攝影生涯始於15歲在香港時,父親的一部Nikkormat相機,然而這份攝影愛好在當時只持續了一年就暫停了。直到多年後,當他在波士頓定居下來時,他才又重新拿出了一部Rebel XS(當時最入門級別的單反)來繼續追逐闊別多年的攝影夢。對於他而言,攝影不僅僅是單純的照相,更是一種連結世界的方式。攝影使他從平凡中看到了不平凡,讓他能從日常生活中發現奇蹟。通過攝影,陸德禮學會了欣賞美,並且相信只要敞開心扉去觀察、去感受,生活中處處皆是美。這是一個觀察、覺知、體驗、感受的美妙過程。陸德禮也是紐英崙中華資訊網路協會(NECINA)的董事會成員和2005-2006、2009-2010年間的協會會長。他曾被麻薩諸塞州州州長Mitt Romney任命為麻薩諸塞州亞裔委員會的成員,就亞裔美國事宜向州長提供意見。

星期五, 2月 23, 2018

華盛頓郵報座談美國毒癮問題 (圖片)


網協幹部和講者合影。左起,陸德禮,徐永光,吳凡,Albert Ma,吳波,李震宇,倪繼紅等人。(周菊子攝)


Albert MA。


講者Albert Ma (左),吳波。(周菊子攝)



BOSTON – February 23, 2018 – Mayor Martin J. Walsh will host New England Patriots player and Super Bowl champion Malcolm Mitchell as he visits the Central Library in Copley Square on Monday, February 26, at 10:30 a.m. to host a reading rally with local school groups and celebrate the release of the newly-illustrated edition of Malcolm’s book, The Magician’s Hat (Scholastic).Malcolm and Mayor Walsh will be joined by guest Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.
Malcolm’s rally takes place in conjunction with his youth literacy initiative, Read with Malcolm and non-profit, Share the Magic Foundation, in which he hosts a week-long series of in-school events designed to boost reading skills and access to books for students in under-resourced communities.  Children in attendance will enjoy a magic show, ask Malcolm questions, and receive a hardback copy of The Magician’s Hat.
Please note that limited public seating will be available for this event and via a first-come, first-served basis to visitors with children.

WHEN: Monday, February 26, at 10:30 a.m.

WHERE: Rabb Hall, Central Library, 700 Boylston Street

WHO: New England Patriots player and Super Bowl champion Malcolm Mitchell
            Mayor Martin J. Walsh
           Lt. Governor Karyn Polito
           Boston Public Library President David Leonard
           Boston-area schoolchildren

About BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Boston Public Library provides educational, cultural and civic enrichment, free to all, for the residents of Boston, Massachusetts and beyond, through its collections, services, programs, and spaces. Established in 1848, the Boston Public Library is a pioneer of public library service in America. It was the first large free municipal library in the United States, the first public library to lend books, the first to have a branch library, and the first to have a children’s room. As a City of Boston historic cultural institution, Boston Public Library today features a Central Library, twenty-five branches, a map center, business library, archival center; extensive special collections of rare books, manuscripts, photographs, and prints; and rich digital content and online services. The award-winning renovation of the Central Library in Copley Square, completed in 2016, together with new, renovated and historic branches, provide a transformed library system for the next generation of users. Boston Public Library enriches lives, hosting thousands of free educational programs and exhibitions, and providing free library services online and in-person to millions of people each year.  To learn more, visit bpl.org.


(Boston Orange) 美國東北部的私立大學,早就貴得出名,今年卻更貴了,好幾所學校的費用,已經漲到7萬美元以上了。
康州哈特福(Hartford)的小型文學藝術學校,三一學院(Trinity College),最近決定大學部學生的2018-2019年度學雜食宿費調漲3.9%,費用總額因此從68,970漲到71,660
三醫學院校長Joanne Berger-Sweeney上星期在發給校內的一封信中表示,這不是輕率做出來的決定,他們也和其他學校一樣明白,這是在要求學生家庭付更高的費用,但他們必須如此做。

星期四, 2月 22, 2018


Funding will create or preserve 436 new units of housing in Boston
BOSTON - Thursday, February 22, 2018 - Building on his commitment to create more affordable housing in the City of Boston, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) and the Neighborhood Housing Trust (NHT) Fund have awarded more than $15 million in funds to seven rental projects across Boston. These awards will help fund the production and preservation of 354 units of affordable housing in Boston.  

"Preserving Boston's affordability is key to ensuring everyone who wants to live here can afford to do so," said Mayor Walsh. "It's important now more than ever that we use every resource available to build more housing for working families in our City. I'm proud that by working together with our partners in the Neighborhood Housing Trust, this funding will help us preserve and create more affordable housing in Boston."
The funding awards for the seven new housing proposals total $10.4 million of HOMECommunity Development Block Grant, and Inclusionary Developmentfunding along with $4.25 million in Linkage funding.  The Neighborhood Housing Trust also supported a funding measure to the Boston and Planning Development Agency (BPDA) for a Housing Creation award in the amount of $1.2 million.  

The seven projects receiving funding will create 436 units of housing. Of these units, 354 units will be income restricted to low-, moderate- and middle-income households. The City's most recent Request for Proposals for funding put a premium on the creation of units of housing for very low-income households; as a result, 139 units of affordable housing will be accessible to households with incomes at 50 percent or below the Area Median Income, which amounts to $51,000 or less for a family of four. 47 of these units will be set aside for formerly homeless households, and 64 units will be available to households earning less than 30 percent of Area Median Income -- $31,000 for a family of four.  

To ensure that all units recieving City funding will remain affordable, all affordable units will have a deed restriction in perpetuity. In all cases, the projects have been carefully underwritten to leverage alternative sources to minimize City funding.

"Our team is extremely proud that we were able to fund projects with such deep affordability, ranging from 60 percent of the area median income to homeless individuals," said Boston's Chief of Housing Sheila Dillon. "I can't wait to see these projects completed, and I want to thank the Neighborhood Housing Trust and our partners for helping us create more affordable housing in Boston."   

"Many thanks to Mayor Marty Walsh and to the City of Boston for their ongoing commitment to redevelop Roxbury and Jamaica Plain," said Frank Shea, Urban Edge's Chief Executive Officer. "The Holtzer Park project, which is part of a larger effort with our partners at Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation and The Community Builders to strengthen the community for all of the families living here, will bring 62 new affordable apartments to the area. We are thrilled to be in partnership with the Boston Housing Authority on this project and we look forward to working with the city as this development gets underway."

With the awarding of these funds, the Walsh Administration has now committed more than $115 million in affordable housing funding since Mayor Walsh took office. Since the launch of Housing Boston 2030, 4,649 new income-restricted units have been permitted, of which 2,234 are targeted to low-income households. There are an additional 4,240 deed-restricted units in the City's development pipeline.

Today's announcement contributes to the goal of creating 6,500 new units of affordable housing outlined in Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030, Mayor Walsh's housing plan, and also supports Boston's Way Home, the administration's plan to end chronic homelessness. In addition, the growth of affordable housing in Boston supports the goals of Imagine Boston 2030, Boston's citywide plan.

The following is a complete list of the developments that have received funding awards:

191 -195 Bowdoin Street
Viet AID proposes to combine a city-owned parcel with an adjacent privately-owned parcel to create 41 affordable rental units and approximately 7,000 square feet of commercial space.   

270 Huntington Street
Renovation and preservation of 72 affordable rental units in the Fenway.

Jamaica Plain
125 Amory Street
In response to the BHA's RFP for the 125 Amory Street site, Urban Edge is proposing to construct 62 new units of affordable rental housing in Jamaica Plain.   

Mattapan Station
The development team for Mattapan Station includes The Preservation of Affordable Housing & Nuestra Comunidad CDC. The development comprises 135 units of mixed income rental housing in Mattapan, with 69 affordable rental units and 66 market rate units. The first floor of the development will also include 10,000 square feet of commercial space.   

872 Morton Street
The development team of the Caribbean Integration Community Development & Planning Office for Urban Affairs will create a 38-unit, mixed-income development, along with over 2,000 square feet of commercial space. The site will also include a serenity garden to be named after Stephen P. Odom. The developer is working closely with the Parks Department to design the serenity garden.  

Mission Hill
Parcel 25
Parcel 25 is a 3 phase, transit-oriented development located on a site formerly owned by the MBTA and located across from the Roxbury Crossing MBTA station. The 2nd phase will create 46 units of affordable rental housing. The Trust voted to support an a Housing Creation proposal in the amount of $1,250,000 from Children's Hospital in December.  

Bartlett Building A
As the next phase of the Bartlett Yard redevelopment, the Developer Nuestra Comunidad will create 42 units of mixed income rental housing along with 14,000 square feet of commercial space and 20,000 square feet of office space.  

To help choose appropriate developments for funding, the City of Boston has established funding priorities, based on the goals outlined in Housing A Changing City: Boston 2030.  

Proposals submitted are expected to fall under at least one of the priority criteria:
  • Affordable housing developments that utilize City-owned land.
  • Affordable housing developments targeting a mix of incomes: from units for homeless households to units targeted and restricted to incomes representative of Boston's workforce. The City prioritizes proposals that, in addition to the homeless set-aside, provide some portion of units targeting extremely low income tenancies. 
  • Affordable housing developments that have reduced the cost to build and/or efficiently use subsidy so that the project is able to move into construction more quickly.   
  • Affordable housing developments that provide units that serve the disabled community, vulnerable or special needs populations, elders, veterans, artists, aging out youth, etc.
  • Acquisition of unrestricted housing developments in order to stabilize the tenancies, and provide long term affordability for a mix of incomes (i.e. unrestricted properties).
  • Developments that are at risk of losing their affordability within 5 years. 
  • Large projects with more than 50 units of housing, of which at least 51 percent will be deed-restricted affordable units.
  • Projects creating new affordable units in high-cost neighborhoods where most of the IDP funds are generated.
  • Projects that contain affordable units that cannot be funded from other subsidy sources available under this RFP, or through the Neighborhood Housing Trust RFP.
  • Projects that can quickly acquire existing unregulated units and convert them into long-term affordable housing.
To date, the Walsh Administration has committed more than $100 million in funding to the creation and preservation of affordable housing. Today's announcement builds on the City's preservation and anti-displacement goals, outlined in Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030, Mayor Walsh's housing plan, and the housing goals laid out in Imagine Boston 2030, Boston's first citywide plan in 50 years. As part of both plans, Boston has prioritized increasing the overall housing supply, with a focus on creating and preserving affordable housing.

MIT-CHIEF 啟動、招新 (圖片)



BOSTON – Treasurer Goldberg has announced an additional location for the Women’s Economic Empowerment Series. The workshop, hosted by the Treasurer’s Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE) and Framingham Mayor Yvonne Spicer, is a free program focusing on wage negotiation, money management, retirement and investment strategies for women. The workshop will be held at Framingham State University on Saturday, March 3rd.

“Women face unique challenges when it comes to financial security,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “This Program will provide critical information that will give women the skills they need to be successful in today’s economy.”

“Framingham is very excited to partner with Treasurer Goldberg to bring the Women’s Economic Empowerment Series to our community. We welcome this amazing program and hope to encourage students to become financially literate, economically independent as well as empower women to control their futures,” said Framingham Mayor Yvonne Spicer.
 “At Citizens Bank we are committed to helping our neighbors reach their potential, and our communities thrive,” said Jerry Sargent, President of Citizens Bank Massachusetts. “Through our Citizens Helping Citizens Manage Money partnership with the Women’s Economic Empowerment Series, women are gaining the confidence and tools they need to budget, save and take charge of their personal finances.” 

Women, on average, earn less than men over the course of their working lives because of the wage gap and more likely to leave the workforce to care for family members. Framingham was chosen as part of an expansion to bring economic security workshops to women across Massachusetts to help empower women and give them the tools to reach their full financial potential.

The Women’s Economic Empowerment Series will take place on Saturday, March 3rd at 9:00AM in the McCarthy Center at Framingham State University. The program will include financial education workshops and salary negotiation training. Lunch will be provided to participants. For more specifics on the event details, programmatic content, and to register please visit the program’s site here. The Women’s Economic Empowerment Series is made possible by a grant from Citizens Bank.

On day one, Treasurer Goldberg created OEE with the deliberate goal of implementing a range of economic empowerment initiatives that include closing the gender wage gap, increasing access to financial education, improving college affordability, and investing in STEM careers and education. For more information visit http://www.mass.gov/treasury/empowerment or follow @EmpowermentMA on Twitter.

Superintendent Tommy Chang Issues Statement on Idea of Arming Teachers in Response to Mass Shootings

Superintendent Tommy Chang Issues Statement on Idea of Arming Teachers in Response to Mass Shootings
Chang Stands With Mayor Walsh, Calls Idea "Illogical"
BOSTON — Thursday, February 22, 2018 — Today, Boston Public Schools (BPS) Superintendent Tommy Chang issued the following statement in response to comments made by President Trump, who spoke publicly yesterday about arming teachers with firearms as a way to avert school shootings.


“The mere thought that teachers should be armed in order to ward off violence is utterly illogical and will only result in making our students and teachers less safe.

“The real issue at hand continues to be access to guns. In Boston, we have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. We have a Mayor and a Police Commissioner who are fighting federal proposals that threaten to move us backward, such as the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. Just last year, we hosted the New England Regional Gun Summit right here at the Bolling Building to work with our neighboring cities and states on preventing the illegal flow of firearms into our city.

“When it comes to school safety, we know that our focus should be on violence prevention and creating a culture of inclusion in all of our schools. We are providing regular training that’s rooted in best practices to ensure the safety of our students if a situation were to occur, not wasting our time training educators how to carry and use a firearm. Our priority in Boston will always be the well-being of our school communities, and bringing guns into schools is simply not the answer.”


  • Last month, BPS announced a partnership with the Sandy Hook Promiseorganization, founded by courageous parents who lost children in the Sandy Hook shooting. This free initiative aims to help foster safe and welcoming school climates, along with teaching school communities how to spot the warning signs to prevent a tragedy.
  • Sandy Hook Promise is working with BPS on the “Know The Signs” program, which educates students and teachers on how to identify signals that a student may commit a violent act.
  • 80% of school shooters tell someone of their violent plans, and 69% tell more than one person.
  • 37% of threats of violence occur electronically, and 28% of those are done via social media.
  • 70% of people who commit suicide tell someone of their plans or give a warning sign.
  • 1 million students are harassed, threatened, or cyberbullied.
  • BPS is working with Sandy Hook Promise to develop an anonymous reporting app for students that would allow them to report concerns about safety or threats to commit violence or suicide. BPS is in the early stages of development of the app. It will not be available until at least next school year.
  • During the first week of February, BPS participated in Sandy Hook Promise’s “Start With Hello Week,” which teaches students how to be more inclusive and connected with one another. Because social isolation is a predictor in school violence, this effort helps students be kind to one another and build a more supportive and inclusive environment.
  • Another Sandy Hook Promise initiative which we will implement is Safety Assessment and Intervention, which teaches adults how to identify, assess, and respond to threats of violence of at-risk behavior before a tragedy takes place.
  • Signs of Suicide is another Sandy Hook Promise initiative, which teaches students and educators how to intervene and get help for a student who may be depressed or suicidal.
  • The Boston Police Department conducts presentations with school staff on what to do in the case of an active shooter. BPS and BPD have been doing this for the past three years.
  • All of our schools conduct “safe mode drills” at least twice a year.
  • Two years ago, BPS created an Office of Safety Services to work closely with the Boston School Police Department, which works with school staff to identify any potential safety threats, and to build a collaborative atmosphere with students.
  • In the last year, BPS created an Office of Safe and Welcoming Schools, which provides support teams to help students with their social and emotional needs.



Winners to be announced at Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America
Portland, ME (February 21, 2018) – The 12 finalists for the 2018 Seafood Excellence Awards, the prestigious best new products competition at Seafood Expo North America, were just announced. Winners of the competition will be presented during the Seafood Excellence Awards ceremony, which will take place on Sunday, March 11, 2018 at 3:00pm in the Demonstration Theater during Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America in Boston, MA, USA.
The Seafood Excellence Awards annually recognize the product leaders in the North American seafood market. Each year, exhibitors have the opportunity to submit their new products for consideration. Products are evaluated by three seafood industry experts based on their uniqueness and appropriateness to the market, taste profile, packaging, market potential, convenience, nutritional value and originality.
The 2018 finalists were selected from 84 entries in the exposition’s New Product Showcase and compete for two awards: Best New Foodservice Product and Best New Retail Product.
The finalists for the 2018 Seafood Excellence Awards are:
Acme Smoked Fish Corp.
Blue Hill Bay Smoked Fish Poke Bowl
Australis Aquaculture
Australis Barramundi Hand-Cut Taco Strips
Azuma Foods International Inc., U.S.A.
Lobster Roe Paste
Cedar Bay Grilling Company
Sous Chef Kits – Shrimp Pho Bowl
Cozy Harbor Seafood Inc.
“Lobster Tonight” Lobster Slider Chef’s Kit
Handy Seafood Incorporated
Shrimp Power Bites 
Iceland’s Finest
Iceland´s Finest – Creamy Masago Bites
Kitchens Seafood
Kitchens Seafood Shoreline Feast
MacKnight Smoke House
MacKnight Salmon Crackle – Salt & Vinegar Flavor
Trident Seafoods
Hot & Spicy Alaskan Pollock Fish Sandwich
Trident Seafoods
Wild Caught Alaskan Pollock Skillet Cuts
Thai Union – Chicken of the Sea
Yellowfin Tuna Slices 
Each finalist’s product will be showcased during the three-day event in Boston. 
The Seafood Excellence Awards serve as the North American extension of the Seafood Excellence Global Awards competition, held at Seafood Expo Global in Brussels, Belgium.  Both Seafood Excellence Awards and Seafood Excellence Global Awards are organized by Diversified Communications, producers of Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America, Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global and Seafood Expo Asia.
SeafoodSource, produced by Diversified Communications, is the official media for Seafood Expo North America & Seafood Processing North America. As the largest online source for seafood industry news, SeafoodSource will extensively cover the event.
Seafood-industry buyers and processors can learn more about Seafood Expo North America & Seafood Processing North America and register to attend by visiting the exposition’s website, seafoodexpo.com/north-america.