
星期二, 2月 27, 2018

Nonprofit, Community, and Business Leaders Celebrate Local Unsung Heroes at Fourth Annual Light of Dawnn Awards Ceremony

Nonprofit, Community, and Business Leaders Celebrate Local Unsung Heroes at Fourth Annual Light of Dawnn Awards Ceremony
Mayor Martin J. Walsh Joins to Honor Nonprofit Workers and High School Students for Their Remarkable Contributions to Their Communities

BOSTON, MA (February 27, 2018) Nonprofit, government, community, and business leaders, along with the Jaffier Family, came together at the West End House Boys and Girls Club for the fourth annual Light of Dawnn Awards Ceremony to honor the life of Dawnn Jaffier. During the ceremony, three nonprofit workers and three high school seniors were recognized for their outstanding work and commitment to serving their communities.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined the ceremony and made remarks on the legacy of Dawnn Jaffier and the accomplishments of the Light of Dawnn Award winners.

"There is no better way to honor the life of Dawnn Jaffier than to celebrate those who have continued to carry on her legacy through acts of goodwill and service to our local communities," said Mayor Walsh. "Dawnn and her spirit will not be forgotten, and I congratulate this year's award winners who make a difference throughout our city. Thank you for making the City of Boston proud."

The Light of Dawnn Awards were created to honor the memory of Dawnn Jaffier, who in 2014 was tragically killed at just 26 years old. While just a young woman, Dawnn had already made a significant impact in her community through her work with the West End House Boys and Girls Club, Playworks, City Year, and Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston. Upon Dawnn's untimely passing, her family, friends, and colleagues came together to create the Light of Dawnn Awards so that her legacy may continue to inspire. Each year, three individuals who represent Dawnn's spirit are selected to receive a Light of Dawnn Award and a $5,000 prize. The Awards are presented by the Highland Street Foundation and managed by the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network.

This year's recipients are Khara Burns, FoodSource Hotline Director of Project Bread; Mao Kang, Streetworker at UTEC, Inc.; and Shalaun Brown, Operations Manager at Codman Academy Public Charter School.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker lauded the award winners for their invaluable contributions to the Commonwealth's nonprofit sector and commitment to strengthening their communities.

"Congratulations to this year's Light of Dawnn Award recipients Khara, Mao and Shalaun for their work carrying on Dawnn's legacy of serving the community and giving back to others," said Governor Baker in a statement. "As we remember Dawnn, we must all strive to follow her outstanding example and engage in acts of kindness to support others in our local communities."

"Khara, Mao, and Shalaun quietly go about their work every day, not in pursuit of recognition, but purely driven by a desire to make a difference in someone's life," said Blake Jordan, Executive Director of the Highland Street Foundation. "It is an honor to shine a light on them and a privilege to do so in the name of Dawnn Jaffier."

"It is our honor to remember Dawnn and her memory by recognizing this year's impressive Light of Dawnn Awards recipients," said Jim Ayres, chair of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network's board of directors. "The heart and dedication that Khara, Mao, and Shalaun bring to their work remind us of Dawnn and her legacy of service, building relationships, strengthening support, and providing opportunities for others. They are outstanding examples of the thousands of nonprofit professionals working to make Massachusetts a better place for all to live."

Also during the ceremony, three high school seniors were awarded the Light of Dawnn Scholarships for their community work. Now in their second year, these scholarships were created by John Hancock, where Dawnn's mother is a longtime employee, in partnership with the Foundation to be Named Later. The scholarships award $5,000 to each student to go towards pursuing a college education.

This year's scholarship recipients are Bilguissa Barry, Kaylene Sheran, and Wooddynne Dejeanlouis.

"It is an honor to celebrate the life and legacy of Dawnn Jaffier by once again joining her family and civic partners to pay tribute to leaders who are serving their communities," said Tom Crohan of John Hancock. "We are especially proud to recognize Bilguissa, Wooddynne and Kaylene and hope this award helps make their journey just a little bit easier."

中華風嶺南韻 慶祝廣東麻州結為姊妹35週年

助理署長范文南(Nam Phan),和
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 中國駐紐約總領館、廣東省外事辦公室和文化廳攜手,223日晚在波士頓天滿街(Tremont)上已更名為BOCH中心的舒伯特(Shubert)劇院舉辦中華風,嶺南韻文藝晚會,慶祝麻州和廣東省結為姊妹省35週年,也同時和近千名僑胞慶祝狗年農曆新春。
暨國際貿易署助理署長范文南(Nam Phan),右為廣東省外事辦公室
中國駐紐約總領館總領事章啟月在領事王軍等人陪同下,特地從紐約趕來,和率團抵達波士頓的廣東省外事辦公室副主任李堅,以及應邀到會的麻州企業發展暨國際貿易署助理署長范文南(Nam Phan)聯袂致詞。

北美海產展訂3月11日開幕 台灣將有20廠商參展觀摩

(Boston Orange) 北美最大的海產品展(Seafood Expo North America)今年訂311日至13日在波士頓會議展覽中心舉行,將近1500家廠商預定參展,台灣冷凍水產公會也將再度率領20家廠商參展及觀摩。
著名經濟學家,曾準確預測英國脫歐,川普當選美國總統,以及全球性川普主義現象的布朗大學教授Mark Blyth已確定將為今年的北美海產展擔任主講嘉賓,在311日早上11點至1215分,暢論全球化3.0 看起來會是什麼樣? 在地方民粹世界中的全球貿易 (What Does Globalization 3.0 look like? Global Trade in a World of Local Populism)”

北美最大海產品展—Seafood Expo North America 於去年(2017)招攬來自53 個國家1,343 家參展廠商,使用253,460 平方英尺的攤位,吸引超過22,000 位海產專業人士參展,該展媒合參展廠商與來自北美當地大盤、中盤、零售、進出口貿易的食品服務與零售業者,使廠商直接與關鍵買主接觸,得以輕易打入北美海產市場。2017 年台灣水產出口值約有18 8726 萬美元,其中北美佔了10%(約19,174.9 萬美元),是台灣第四大出口市場(僅次於日本、泰國及中國大陸),且出口值年年穩定成長,2016 2017 年約有13%的成長幅度,產品則以臺灣鯛為最大宗。
冷凍水產公會為協助會員掌握商機,每年皆組團參與此國際盛會,會員參展意願極高,每年展覽結束即搶先預定明年展位,以確保參展機會。今年總計有17 個展位(1,700 平方英尺)、13 家廠商一同參展,包括蘭揚、文鯕、竹門、錦元益、允偉、富發、新和興、嘉豐、海之寶、源進、青葉、冠民、詠璽等公司,多數參展會員每年均固定參與盛會。另今年報名觀展會員計有晏林、鈺贊、嘉楠、品元、達洲、力佳綠能、佢懋等7 家廠商前往觀摩。
為建立臺灣優質漁產品品牌及國際形象與知名度,並開拓海外市場,冷凍水產公會一改二十多年之佈置設計,以台灣外銷大宗魚種搭配台灣各地名勝,主打「來自台灣」之意象,預計將帶給台灣館新的風采,並將最新鮮美味、符合HACCP 之台灣優質漁產品介紹給北美展參展來賓,陳列展品包括冷凍台灣鯛、冷凍虱目魚、冷凍秋刀魚、冷凍石斑魚、冷凍魷魚、冷凍鮪魚類、冷凍劍旗魚、冷凍鯊、冷凍鬼頭刀、冷凍鱸魚、冷凍鯖魚、冷凍油魚、飛魚卵系列、調理沙拉、調理章魚、調理蝦製品等,也有廠商現場提供產品試吃活動。台灣區冷凍水產工業同業公會(TFSIA)成立於1976 年,秉持協調同業關係,增進共同利益,謀劃冷凍水產加工業的升級,促進國家經濟發展,致力各項會務推廣,會員涵蓋台灣區冷凍水產加工廠及從事冷凍水產貿易商,現任理事長為蘭揚食品股份有限公司董事長陸根田先生,目前計有會員廠102 家,冷凍水產貿易商48 家,合計有150家會員,所屬會員加工廠多具備優良之生產技術、嚴格之品質與衛生安全管理,並積極申請EUHACCPASCMSCISO 22000HALAL等認證,以提供全球優質、安全的水產品。
公會自2016 年著手整建網站,並自去年(2017)起於參展活動廣宣網路平台,目前已獲得相當成效,將收到之訊息發布予會員,會員即可透過網站得知臺灣政府相關單位新政策、公會公告、展覽資訊、教育訓練資訊、商機媒合、問卷調查、社會救助等訊息,得以迅速掌握產業發展方向。且英文版內容已經上線,該網站將作為一商機媒合平台,供國外客戶直接在網站上搜尋目標廠商並獲取廠商聯絡資訊。公會亦積極擔任產官之間橋樑,反映會員心聲,同時承接政府單位相關計畫案並與國內學術單位合作,期以產、官、學三方面合力帶動水產業均衡發展。
2017 年台灣水產品十大出口市場(依出口值)名次 國家 出口值(萬美元) 佔比 出口量(公斤) 佔比:
1 日本 53,431.2 28.3% 89,166,617 12.3%
2 泰國 26,419.0 14.0% 196,619,904 27.1%
3 中國大陸 20,514.6 10.9% 125,939,761 17.3%
4 北美 19,174.9 10.2% 45,956,121 6.3%
5 越南 13,432.7 7.1% 56,301,367 7.7%
6 香港 8,250.2 4.4% 11,560,079 1.6%
7 模里西斯 7,661.4 4.0% 22,680,313 3.1%
8 韓國 6,642.6 3.5% 55,119,655 7.6%
9 印尼 4,418.3 2.3% 6,565,303 0.9%
10 澳洲 4,397.3 2.3% 8,117,908 1.1%
合計 164,342.2 87.0% 618,027,028 85.0%
出口值(萬美元) 成長幅度 出口量(公斤) 成長幅度
2017 19,174.9 12% 45,956,121 8%
2016 17,091.1 10% 42,757,786 5%
2015 15,529.7 - 40,700,018 -__

星期一, 2月 26, 2018



【波士頓青商辦桌賀新年 青春洋溢】




波城三僑團主辦台灣轉型正義演講 紀念二二八事件71周年

【波城三僑團主辦台灣轉型正義演講 紀念二二八事件71周年】
李怡俐是國立臺灣大學法學博士,現為Global Taiwan Institute的短期訪問學人,主要研究領域為轉型正義、比較憲法、國際人權法、國際人道法和國際刑事法,曾任美國哈佛法學院人權中心訪問學人(2016.08-2017.07)、美國哈佛法學院東亞法中心訪問學人(2017.08-2018.01),2016年獲美國傅爾布萊特博士後獎助,2017年獲台灣科技部補助前來美國從事博士後研究。(圖與文:波士頓僑教中心提供)



BOSTON  A Boston man has been convicted by a jury and sentenced to three to four years in state prison in connection with illegally selling and possessing firearms, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.
Canez Tout-Puissant, 42, of Boston, was convicted Thursday after a two-day jury trial in Suffolk Superior Court on the charges of Possession of a Rifle (one count) Possession of a Firearm (one count) and Possession of Ammunition (two counts). He later pleaded guilty to being an armed career criminal and was sentenced by Judge Jeffrey Locke to three to four years in state prison.
The charges stem from a long-running investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) into Tout-Puissant for selling illegal firearms. The investigation revealed that Tout-Puissant illegally sold a rifle, a pistol and ammunition to an undercover police officer in a car in Mattapan.
AG Healey is committed to putting an end to irresponsible and illegal gun use and sales in Massachusetts and is working with partners in law enforcement to get guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant Attorneys General Cesar Vega and Jessica Frattaroli, both of AG Healey’s Criminal Bureau. The case was investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Boston Police and Brockton Police.

Baker-Polito Administration and Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office Announce Treatment and Diversion Partnership Pilot for Low Level Substance Misuse Offenses

Baker-Polito Administration and Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office Announce Treatment and Diversion Partnership Pilot for Low Level Substance Misuse Offenses

QUINCY – The Baker-Polito Administration and Executive Office of Public Safety today announced an award of $99,000 and a partnership with the Norfolk County District Attorney’s office to pilot an innovative new approach to tackle the heroin and opioid epidemic plaguing Massachusetts cities and towns. The “Buyer Diversion Treatment Alternative” (BDTA) program is designed to divert lower level offenders arrested for purchasing narcotics from a dealer under law enforcement surveillance away from the criminal justice system and into treatment and recovery options. In September the administration announced a similar partnership with the City of Worcester Police Department and the Worcester County District Attorney’s Office.

“Our Administration continues to pursue prevention, treatment and recovery programming for Massachusetts families and local law enforcement facing the opioid and heroin epidemic,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to partnering with our colleagues in Norfolk County to support individuals struggling with substance misuse by diverting them into programs that reduce the barriers to conquering addiction.”

“The severe nature of the opioid crisis challenges us all to develop different and innovative approaches to law enforcement and substance misuse issues,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Offering individuals suffering from addiction an alternative path to treatment and recovery will help empower them to change their own lives as the criminal justice system focuses on more serious crimes in our communities.”

“Each day they’re on patrol, police officers see firsthand the destruction wrought by the opioid crisis,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Dan Bennett. “This program is unique because it gives the police a mechanism to redirect drug buyers toward treatment so that they can break the cycle of addiction.”  

Eligibility for the BDTA program will be based on individuals meeting certain criteria as determined by the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office in conjunction with local police departments. 

The funds will allow the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office to engage a Licensed Clinician from Bay State Community Services who will provide clinical assessments, personalized treatment plans and intensive wrap around services for the program participants and funds for a part time Program Coordinator to manage the daily operations and communication flow between Bay State Community Services; the Braintree, Randolph, Quincy and Weymouth Police Departments, and the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office.

“We have been assembling programs to counter the opiate addiction epidemic. We think that this will help get people dealing with substance abuse disorder into treatment and out of the courts – hopefully for good,” said Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey. “Without treatment, we will continue to see the same people in our justice system again and again. The administration is partnering with us to try something different. I believe it will help.”

“Bay State Community Services (BSCS) is honored to partner with the Norfolk DA Buyer Diversion Treatment Alternative Program,” said Dr. Daurice Cox, Chief Executive Officer, Bay State Community Services. “This innovative and responsive program allows officers in Braintree, Quincy, Randolph and Weymouth to immediately access treatment for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. The BSCS clinical team will provide intensive wrap-around services to support these individuals, throughout their recovery process.”

星期日, 2月 25, 2018

波士頓華埠今日冒雨舞獅 波士頓市長出席致賀

               (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 波士頓華埠125日舞獅迎新年,儘管瑞雨紛飛,地面濕漉,一眾嘉賓仍興致高昂,匯聚在夏利臣街的特製帳篷中,和10隊瑞獅一起向過往民眾拜年,祈願年年有餘,歲歲平安。
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),波士頓市第二區議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),麻州眾議員黃子安,波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉等嘉賓和紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,以及朱蘇珊,雷國輝,陳文浩,周樹昂等公所幹部之外,中華公所前主席阮鴻燦,公所董事陳文棟,余麗媖等人,全都趕到現場,出席開年儀式。
華埠街道上,由於天雨,並無人潮,但10隊瑞獅 敲鑼打鼓的沿路向商家拜年,商家在迎接瑞獅十,擺出吉橘,生菜,燃放鞭炮,讓經過的人們在鞭炮煙霧繚繞, 鑼鼓砲聲劈哩啪啦,感到濃濃年味。
不畏風雨的遊客們,撐著傘,披著雨衣,忙碌的拿手機,相機搶鏡頭,跟著分頭向商家拜年的洪青體育會,華林派,南派,波士頓安良工商會,黃強醒獅隊,巾幗醒獅隊,黃氏公所醒獅隊,胡清白鶴派,陳耀祥武館,超武館等10 隊醒獅隊,輾轉各街道,全都非常高興。 
這天在中華公所內,還有已是第四屆舉辦的文化村活動,在中華璞石文化工作坊的安排下,有吳紹營等書法家帶頭揮毫寫春聯,許淑芬,黃明嘉,李春蘭,Cathy Chang等教做手工藝及剪紙,捏麵人等,許多到中華公所會議廳遊逛的西人都學會了用中文說新年快樂。





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