
星期五, 8月 25, 2017


QMAAAC Update – August 2017/ Quincy Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
(To request for removal from the email list, please write a note back.) 
1. "The Eye on Quincy TV Show" 
The Summer season ends quickly. "Eye on Quincy" will resume production after the Summer on September 18. Training for new member will begin as well. For those who are interested in the production workshop, please click on http://www.quincyasian.org for details and to fill out the registration form. Feel free also to contact either Jimmy Wong or Betty Yau at 617-376-1298. For more INFO: please check out facebook: Eye on Quincy. 

2. Constituent service - housekeeping notes:
Rat/ rodent controlRubbish should be secured with tight fitting, durable lids. Doing so helps to prevent animals from getting into your rubbish. 
Bulk item trash pickup: To have TVs, computer monitors, ACs and appliances collected on your trash day, please call Sunrise Scavenger at 617-376-7556 at least two full business days before your scheduled trash day. 
Important dates for Election 2017:
Tuesday, 9-12-2017 - City Preliminary, 
(Wed., 8-23-2017, last day to register to vote and to change party enrollment in the preliminary election.)
Tuesday, 11-7-2017 - Final Election,
(Wed., 10/18/2017, last day to register to vote and to change party enrollment in the final election.) 
For more info and/or to request a voter registration form: cchaudhary@quincyma.gov or 617-376-1144
The Candidates List 2017:

3. The most updated yard waste schedule 2017 (Sept, 2017 to Dec 2017)
To pick up printed copies at the Mayor's Office, please contact Betty Yau at byau@quincyma.gov
4. Recent Quincy News Headlines:
on Quincy Sun: http://www.theQuincySun.com & on the City’s Web: http://www.quincyma.gov
* K9 Karl Joins Quincy Police Dept
* High Schools Will Hire Full-Time ADs
* Wednesday (8/23/2017) Deadline To Register For Preliminary Election 
* South Shore Bank, Braintree Cooperative Bank Merging

5. What is Quincy 400? 


6. August Moon Festival 

Below is a collage photo taken at the 30th Annual Quincy August Moon Festival with the City of Quincy team.
Just  a reminder: the real date for Mid Autumn Festival for this year is Wednesday, Oct 4, 2017. 
Don't forget moon-gazing. “舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉。”

7. The "Quincy Monthly Gathering" 
The “Quincy Monthly Gathering” is a self-pay activity which was started in Quincy by a group of Asian community workers in the early 1990s. "New comers" are welcome to join this informal social gathering.
The next gathering is scheduled to Sat., Aug. 26 at 12p at the Pope John Paul II Park near the Staples in Dorchester 
The evite link: http://evite.me/s1hxGFgQ5D
To request an evite to the gathering to meet new and old friends, feel free to write an email to Betty Yau at Kfyau@aol.com or byau@quincyma.gov

Until next time.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Yau, (member) 
co-writer: Tom Fabrizio of the City of Quincy 
on behalf of
Fire Inspector Jimmy Wong (co-chair)
Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
(producer of the "Eye on Quincy" TV Show:)
to help create a unified community environment.
to provide a bridge between the City and the Asian American residents
Who we are:

We are a dedicated volunteer group. Many of us are Chinese Americans and long time Quincy residents. Our enthusiasm on community matters makes us realize that civil responsibilities are as equally important as civil rights.

facebook: eye on quincy


            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導)七億五千八把七十萬元。這麻州彩票威力球(Powerball)有史以來由單人獨得的最大額頭獎(jackpot),真正得主是53歲的Chicopee居民,Mavis Wanczyk
             有兩個小孩,在春田市憐憫醫療中心(Mercy Medical Center)工作的Mavis Wanczyk,在麻州彩票局宣佈得獎號碼時,正要下班離開。她的朋友唸完得獎彩票的6個號碼時,她拿著彩票一個數目,一個數目地看,對完後喊我有這些號碼,我有這些號碼,高興得癱坐下來。幾秒後才意識到,她現在是億萬富翁了。
            Mavis Wanczyk每周五晚上和母親,繼父,以及一名朋友一起吃飯,玩Keno。她的幸運號碼是4
            麻州彩票局在凌晨2點最初宣佈這威力球最大獎得主時,搞錯了彩票出售地點,讓水城(Watertown)Handy Variety小舖東主Gurinder Singh高興極了,不過凌晨6點,彩票局馬上更正,中獎彩票是在往西80哩的Chicopee賣出去的。
              麻州彩票局主任Michael Seeeney解釋,該局收到有兩張彩票中獎100萬元的通知,在印出,整理資訊時,一不小心搞錯了。售出中大獎彩票的店舖是Pride Station & Store,該店東主Bob Bolduc表示,因為售出中獎彩票可得的5萬元佣金,將全數捐給當地慈善機構。


海外13社團向國際請願 呼籲重視香港人民處境


International Petition Campaign calls for solidarity to address rights violations in Hong Kong
An International petition campaign to call for international solidarity to address civil and political rights violations in Hong Kong is being launched today by thirteen community organizations from USA, Canada, UK and Australia namely: 
1.     Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights  海外香港華人民主人權促進會 (Massachusetts, USA)                 
2.     Australia-Hong Kong Link 澳港聯 (Australia)
3.     Canada-Hong Kong Link 港加聯 (Canada) 
4.     Democracy for Hong Kong- D4HK (UK)       
5.     Federation of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese, Washington DC 華盛頓海外香港華人聯會(USA)
6.     Friends of Hong Kong and Macau of Boston 波士頓港澳之友社 (USA)
7.     Hong Kong Forum Los Angeles 洛杉磯香港論壇 (USA)
8.     Movement for Democracy in China (Calgary) 卡城中國民主促進會 (Canada)
9.     Northern California Hong Kong Club 北加州香港會 (USA)    
10.  NY4HK (New Yorkers supporting Hong Kong)  (USA)
11. Toronto Association for Democracy in China 多倫多支持中國民運會  (Canada)
12. Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society 溫哥華香港協進會 (Canada)
13. Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement 溫哥華支援民主運動聯會 (Canada)
 Major objectives of this international petition campaign are: 
1.     To raise international awareness of the political prosecution and imprisonment of pro-democracy activists and civil rights defenders in Hong Kong which is an attempt to silence those who dare to challenge the existing political power in Hong Kong and the authoritarian rule of the Chinese Communist Party. 
2.     To show international solidarity with Hong Kong to address the continuous decline of civil and political rights in Hong Kong which is a violation of the provisions on freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) of which China is a signatory. 
3.     To demand immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience and an end to the political prosecution of pro-democracy activists and civil rights defenders. 
The above thirteen community organizations will solicit support from prominent individuals and organizations outside of Hong Kong that have influence in their own fields, countries or in the international community. Signatories of the campaign will be by invitation only and include: 
1. Current or former members of government, 
2. International NGOs, 
3. Scholars, and 
4. Community leaders. 
As members of the international community, we encourage the general public to follow Story of the Frontiers on Facebook for latest updates on Hong Kong political prisoners and the free-the-prisoners campaign in Hong Kong. We also encourage the general public to write to all prisoners of conscience in Hong Kong particularly those who are less renowned to let them know that they have not been forgotten. The world is watching Hong Kong and all of us from the international community support them.

For further information, please contact: 
xxxxx (name)
xxxxx (title)
xxxxx (cell no)

from Story of Frontiers and show the list:

1. 葉寶琳(反新界東北,入獄2星期)
2. 張漢賢(反新界東北,入獄1星期)
3. 黃根源(反新界東北,入獄3星期,另一控罪為入獄8個月)
4. 梁曉暘(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
5. 黃浩銘(反新界東北,入獄13個月;雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中;928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
6. 劉國樑(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
7. 梁穎禮(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
8. 林朗彥(反新界東北,入獄13個月;反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
9. 朱偉聰(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
10. 何潔泓(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
11. 周豁然(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
12. 嚴敏華(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
13. 招顯聰(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
14. 郭耀昌(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
15. 陳白山(反新界東北,入獄13個月)
16. 黃之鋒(926公民廣場案,入獄6個月;雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
17. 周永康(926公民廣場案,入獄7個月)
18. 羅冠聰(926公民廣場案,入獄8個月)
19. 戴耀廷(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
20. 陳健民(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
21. 朱耀明(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
22. 陳淑莊(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
23. 邵家臻(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
24. 張秀賢(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
25. 鍾耀華(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
26. 李永達(928公眾妨擾案,審訊中)
27. 曾健超(襲警及拒捕,入獄5星期)
28. 鄭錦滿(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,入獄3個月)
29. 歐煜鈞(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,入獄1個月,緩刑1年)
30. 蕭雲龍(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
31. 文伙安(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
32. 黎宇聲(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
33. 羅慧茵(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
34. 陳子勛(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
35. 陳瑋鋒(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
36. 朱瑞英(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
37. 翁耀聲(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
38. 黃嘉義(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
39. 江金桃(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
40. 陳遨天(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
41. 陳柏陶(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
42. 陳榮華(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
43. 劉鐵民(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
44. 梁翰林(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
45. 岑敖暉(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
46. 司徒子朗(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
47. 朱緯圇(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
48. 周蘊瑩(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
49. 蔡達誠(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
50. 張啟康(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
51. 馬寶鈞(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
52. 黃麗蘊(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
53. 楊浩華(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
54. 張啟昕(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
55. 陳寶瑩(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
56. 朱佩欣(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
57. 郭陽煜(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
58. 趙志深(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
59. 麥盈湘(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
60. 關兆宏(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
61. 馮啟禧(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
62. 熊卓倫(雨傘旺角清場刑事藐視法庭案,審訊中)
63. 陳耀成(蠔涌炸彈案,審訊中)
64. 鄭偉成(蠔涌炸彈案,審訊中)
65. 彭艾烈(蠔涌炸彈案,審訊中)
66. 胡啟賦(蠔涌炸彈案,審訊中)
67. 文廷洛(蠔涌炸彈案,審訊中)
68. 楊逸朗(立會火燒垃圾桶案,監禁2年)
69. 葉卓賢(立會火燒垃圾桶案,被判入勞教中心)
70. 馮敬恩(圍堵港大校委會案,已被定罪,9月判刑)
71. 李峰琦(圍堵港大校委會案,已被定罪,9月判刑)
72. 陳柏洋(旺角初一衝突,監禁9個月)
73. 楊家倫(旺角初一衝突,監禁4年9個月)
74. 陳卓軒(旺角初一衝突,監禁21天)
75. 陳宇基(旺角初一衝突,監禁3個月)
76. 許嘉琪(旺角初一衝突,監禁3年)
77. 麥子晞(旺角初一衝突,監禁3年)
78. 薛達榮(旺角初一衝突,監禁3年)
79. 莫嘉濤(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
80. 李倩怡(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
81. 鍾志華(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
82. 何錦森(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
83. 霍廷昊(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
84. 陳和祥(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
85. 鄧敬宗(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
86. 李卓軒(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
87. 林永旺(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
88. 葉梓豐(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
89. 吳挺愷(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
90. 楊子軒(旺角初一衝突,被判入教導所)
91. 羅浩彥(旺角初一衝突,監禁3年)
92. 連潤發(旺角初一衝突,監禁3年)
93. 黃台仰(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
94. 梁天琦(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
95. 容偉業(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
96. 李諾文(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
97. 盧建民(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
98. 袁智駒(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
99. 林傲軒(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
100. 黃家駒(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
101. 李東昇(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
102. 林倫慶(旺角初一衝突,審訊中)
103. 吳文遠(披露受廉署調查人士身分案,審訊中;三文治擲梁振英案,審訊中;反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
104. 梁國雄(公職人員失當案,無罪釋放;藐視立法會案,審訊中;星島日報辯論比賽案,監禁7日)
105. 鄭松泰(倒轉國旗案,審訊中)
106. 林淳軒(反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
107. 周嘉發(反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
108. 葉志衍(反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
109. 陳文威(反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
110. 盧德昌(反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
111. 鄭沛倫(反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
112. 周樹榮(反釋法遊行案,審訊中)
113. 梁頌恆(立會非法集結案,審訊中)
114. 游蕙禎(立會非法集結案,審訊中)
115. 鍾雪瑩(立會非法集結案,審訊中)
116. 楊禮康(立會非法集結案,審訊中)
117. 張子龍(立會非法集結案,審訊中)


(Boston Oange)  波士頓環球報報導,經過4星期有關性騷擾女性下屬的詢問、調查後,波士頓市政府宣佈,小阿若約(Felix G. Arroyo)的人民服務健康長職務,立即終止。
               波市長傳播長Laura Oggeri表示,波市府做了詳盡的內部調查,才做此決定,將立刻展開尋覓新人補位工作。
現年38歲的小阿若約,原本是工會組織者,市議員助理,然後做了兩任市議員,2013年參選波士頓市長,和現任市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)競爭,還在初選時贏得9%選票,儼然政壇新星。
               他的一名女性下屬上週向麻州反歧視委員會(Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination)申訴,指他從2015年開始就不斷性騷擾她,常拍打她的臀部,還在知道她要去市府有關當局提告時,從背後緊抓她的頸部。小阿若約事後透過發言人否認這些指控。市府當局後來把她調到另一個部門,讓她覺得自己被降職了。
               小阿若約透過發言Colette Phillips發了一份聲明,指該名女子的指控是報復性行為,完全沒有根據。他對市府的決定感到失望。他會全力和MCAD合作,努力澄清他的名譽。
               該名女子送交MCAD的申訴,一一點名了波士頓市長馬丁華殊,小阿若約,以及小阿若約的幕僚長Ilyitch Nahiely Tabora,聲稱她受到性騷擾,源自年齡及性別的報復,以及受敵視的工作環境。




Subjects featured in the East Boston mural recognized for contributions made to the community

波士頓新增2榮譽僑務職人員 歐陽路、蘇鴻昌

                                (Boston Orange)駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪於823日宴請今年630日任期屆滿的僑務榮譽職人員,並代表僑務委員會頒發續聘及新聘僑務榮譽職人員聘書,包括續敦請黃氏宗親會元老黃官羨先生擔任僑務諮詢委員,許炳煌及余麗媖等2人續聘為僑務顧問,周萬欽、陳裕逢、陳式儀、溫陳美月、張鳳、馮文鸞、薛劍童、黎雯、陳永茂及鄭玉春等人續聘為僑務促進委員;至於新聘的僑務促進委員則包括新英格蘭大波士頓臺灣商會會長歐陽露,以及波克萊臺灣商會會長蘇鴻昌等2人,任期均自10671日起至108630日止。



星期四, 8月 24, 2017



BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey issued the following statement in response to a proposed update to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) announced yesterday:

“The new RGGI agreement is just the latest way that Massachusetts and the other participating states are stepping up to lead the country in cutting carbon pollution and expanding renewable energy. Now, more than ever, state and local governments need to take charge. I am confident that we can use this agreement to attract new states to our regional program and expand our impact at this critical time.”

Massachusetts is one of nine states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the nation’s first market-based regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Yesterday, the RGGI states announced their agreement to reduce the RGGI emissions cap by 30 percent from 2020 to 2030. Under the agreement, the 2030 regional cap will be more than 65 percent lower than RGGI’s 2009 starting cap. The agreement also allows states to withhold allowances from auctions if emission reduction costs are lower than projected.

The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states participating in RGGI are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.

波士頓公校和教師工會達成協議 簽兩年合約

Boston Public Schools and Boston Teachers Union Reach Agreement on Two-Year Contract
Collaborative Effort Leads to Improvements in Wages, Parental Leave, Hiring Flexibility, and More
BOSTON — Thursday, August 24, 2017 — Today, the Boston School Committee and the Boston Teachers Union (BTU) have mutually announced an agreement on a two-year Boston Public Schools (BPS) teachers contract that brings improvements that will benefit students, families, and our schools. The agreement includes improvements in wages, parental leave policies, hiring processes, school nurse staffing, and restorative justice practices.

The two-year agreement, retroactive to fiscal 2017, will introduce policy updates for the start of the 2017-18 school year as BPS and the BTU continue to collaborate on shared priorities of fostering safe, healthy, and welcoming schools.

“We are all pleased to announce an agreement on a fair and reasonable contract as we begin the 2017-18 school year,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “This agreement provides reforms that will make it easier for schools to hire effective teachers, reasonable wage increases, more access to parental leave, and increased supports for our most vulnerable students.”

“The Boston Teachers Union and the Boston Public Schools share the common priority of having safe and healthy schools that provide enriching educational experiences and opportunities for our students,” said Jessica Tang, president of the Boston Teachers Union. “The BTU advocates not just for the interests of educators, but for students, parents, and the school district we serve. This agreement will have a positive impact on our schools, and it represents just one piece of the work involved in our partnership with the Boston Public Schools.”

After 18 months of contract negotiations, this agreement supports wage increases of 2% in fiscal 2017 and 3% in fiscal 2018 for teachers and paraprofessionals. It also allows for school leaders to more easily facilitate the process of hiring teachers and paraprofessionals earlier in the school year, which has shown to result in more effective teachers in classrooms.

The contract, which covers the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years, also ensures properly trained paraprofessionals are supporting students with autism and emotional impairment. In addition, it increases the numbers of nurses in schools, extends access to the parental leave policy to second- and third-year teachers and paraprofessionals — bringing them in line with the City’s parental leave policy — and grows the promising Restorative Practice initiative to help foster social-emotional learning in a way that is aligned with the BPS Code of Conduct.

“This agreement is a prudent step forward, and a representation of a reasonable meeting of the minds for all parties involved,” said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael O’Neill. “It provides reasonable financial support for our teachers, paraprofessionals, and other members of the BTU while also allowing for reasonable steps forward in the autonomy of hiring and supports for our most vulnerable students. As the school year begins, it is critical that our focus is on teaching and learning, and this agreement makes that possible. I look forward to the full Boston School Committee considering this tentative agreement during our September meetings.”

The Boston School Committee is expected to discuss the contract on September 6 and vote whether to approve or deny the contract on September 13.

BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang said the contract agreement strengthens the ongoing collaboration with the BTU in a variety of areas, such as the first-ever BPS-BTU Teacher Summer Institute training workshop, which was held at Boston University this week.

“This agreement represents a renewed focus on collaboration between the Boston Public Schools and the Boston Teachers Union as we work toward shared common goals around creating safe, healthy, and sustaining learning environments for all students,” said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. “This collaboration will only help us as we continue to work together with the BTU on resolving future matters of mutual interest.”

Parties from BPS and the BTU have agreed to resume contract negotiations soon for the period beginning September 1, 2018.

Mayor Fung Receives Prestigious U.S. Sen. George F. Hoar Award

Mayor Fung Receives Prestigious U.S. Sen. George F. Hoar Award

Mayor Allan Fung (in the middle)receiving U. S. Sen. George F. Hoar Award.
(Photo By Chutze Chou)
BOSTON, MA—Cranston Mayor Allan W. Fung was honored for his years of inspiring public service and acting as a positive role model for the Chinese-American community at the Chinese American Citizen Alliance Boston Lodge’s annual gala in Boston on Saturday, Aug. 19.

Mayor Fung was one of three individual recipients of the U.S. Sen. George Frisbie Hoar Award at the gala, joining Connecticut State Rep. William Tong and former Fitchburg, Mass. Mayor Lisa Wong in receipt of the tremendous honor.

The award is named after former Massachusetts Sen. George F. Hoar, who served in the Senate from 1879 to 1904 and was the only U.S. Senator to vote against the 1902 Scott Act, which was an extension of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Hoar was an outspoken critic of anti-immigration policies and American imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th century. Also a founder of the Worcester County Free Institute of Industrial Science, now the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Hoar was a U.S. Congressman before his election to the Senate and served as President of both the American Historical Association and the American Antiquarian Society.

“It is a great honor to receive this recognition from the Chinese American Citizen Alliance,” commented Mayor Fung. “As the Mayor of Cranston, it’s my job to work on behalf of all residents, regardless of their backgrounds, but I am mindful that my heritage has had a positive influence on my fellow Chinese-American citizens. I’m very proud to receive this award from an organization that promotes ethics, morals, public service and the core American values of freedom, liberty and equal justice for all.”

Earlier on Saturday, Mayor Fung was a guest panelist during a special Town Hall Meeting hosted by CACA at Tufts University. The topic was “Challenges, Opportunities and Expectations on Public Service.” Joining Mayor Fung were California State Treasurer John Chiang, Utah State Representative Karen Kwan, CACA National President Edmond Gor and Committee of 100 Co-Founder Henry Tang.