
星期五, 7月 21, 2017

波市長挑出華埠等五社區 規定行車慢至時速20哩

Five neighborhoods will begin work on traffic-calming plans this year
BOSTON - Thursday, July 20, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Boston Transportation Commissioner Gina N. Fiandaca today announced the selection of five neighborhoods that will join the Neighborhood Slow Streets program in 2017. The Neighborhood Slow Streets program is a community-based effort to reduce speeds and improve the quality of life on Boston's local streets. The following five neighborhoods will work with the Boston Transportation and Public Works Departments to plan and implement their Neighborhood Slow Streets projects:

●      Chinatown
●      Grove Hall/Quincy Corridor
●      Highland Park
●      Mount Hope/Canterbury
●      West of Washington Coalition

"The Neighborhood Slow Streets program brings us closer to achieving Vision Zero by proactively lowering speeds on streets where Bostonians live, play, and travel," said Mayor Walsh. "This initiative is a great collaboration between city agencies and communities that delivers traffic calming results that will make our neighborhoods safer."

The Boston Transportation Department received applications from 47 different communities across 16 of Boston's neighborhoods. Each proposed area went through a scoring process that considered where vulnerable populations live and where more crashes were occurring. BTD used objective criteria that included the number of households with youth under 18, the percentage of the population aged 65 or older, the number of crashes per mile within the area, and the presence of parks, libraries, and transit. The five selected communities were among the top-scoring of the nearly 50 zones evaluated.

"This program not only improves safety on our streets, it also brings great quality-of-life benefits," said Commissioner Fiandaca. "I'm grateful for everyone's hard work on their applications this year. I look forward to working in partnership with the five selected communities."

BTD anticipates planning work to begin in the five new communities this year. The Neighborhood Slow Streets process calls for a community walk to kick off the process, allowing residents to identify key challenges and areas where residents would like to see changes. When completed, the selected Neighborhood Slow Streets areas will be equipped with visual and physical cues to slow drivers to 20 MPH, making each street feel more inviting for people of all ages who are walking, playing, or bicycling.

"So many communities stepped up to partner with the City on this important work," said Chris Osgood, Chief of Streets and Acting Commissioner of Public Works. "Providing a clear, simple way to participate and a transparent selection process are examples of the ways that we continue to embrace the ethos of Go Boston 2030 as we implement that plan's many projects and policies."

Mayor Walsh announced in May a commitment to increase Boston's Vision Zero investment by $1 million in Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) to $4.1 million, dedicated to Boston's Neighborhood Slow Streets program

Today's announcement builds on work already underway in the two pilot communities as traffic-calming plans go into construction at the Talbot-Norfolk Triangle in Dorchester and the Stonybrook neighborhood of Jamaica Plain. Construction work is anticipated to begin in August or September.

Details about this year's process, including the evaluation methodology and scores for each proposed area, are available at boston.gov/neighborhood-slow-streets. Information about applying for the next round of Neighborhood Slow Streets zones will be made available in early 2018.

This initiative is part of Go Boston 2030, the City's strategic transportation plan, will invest $709 million over the next five years to implement safer streets, more reliable and predictable transportation, and improved transportation access for residents.

Vision Zero, the City's plan to eliminate fatal and serious traffic crashes in Boston by 2030, leads Boston's strategy to reduce injuries for pedestrians and cyclists. Key Vision Zero accomplishments include lowering the City's default speed limit to 25 MPH; establishing dedicated, protected bike lanes; launching the Neighborhood Slow Streets program; and making pedestrian and cyclist safety a focus when planning major roadway construction. Earlier this month, the first Vision Zero annual report was released, detailing additional investments.

BTD works with communities throughout the year to plan, design, and implement transportation projects large and small. For more information about our work, visit boston.gov/transportation.

About Vision Zero
Vision Zero is an early action item of the Go Boston 2030 citywide transportation plan with the goal of eliminating fatal and serious crashes in Boston. The Vision Zero Boston Action Plan was released in December 2015 and a review of the first year was released this spring. More information can be found at visionzeroboston.org.


中華表演藝術基金會2017/2018年度的節目已排定,包括從七月份開始的第二十六屆胡桃山音樂營,十月份起至明年多場知名音樂家的演奏會,加上第十屆『絲竹春吟』青少年中國器樂選拔賽和音樂會,及第二十七屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽。一如往年,今年請到在音樂界極有成就的音樂家在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) 精彩演出。其中有獲得蕭邦大獎的越裔鋼琴家鄧泰山, 旅德鋼琴家陳必先及華裔青年小提琴家于翔。第二十六屆胡桃山音樂營將有19場重量級音樂會和11場大師班及講座,和一場協奏曲比賽。除許多世界級大師的演奏及大師班之外,還有許多明日之星多場清新演出。前來的大師及經甄選的 48位青年才俊,三周密集切磋,風雲際會,激出燦爛的火花。所有演出都是免費入場,每人樂捐五元。除七月二十四日在Orchard Cove退休中心演出,八月十二日在麻省理工學院Kresge音樂廳演出外,全部在Natick 胡桃山音樂學校 (Walnut Hill School) 舉行。地址及詳細內容請上網查詢:


1,  七月二十三日週日晚上七點半: 朱莉亞音樂學院鋼琴教授陳宏寬鋼琴演奏會
2, 七月二十四日一晚上七點半鋼琴家王寅飛Orchard Cove退休中心演出
3, 七月二十日週晚上七點半鋼琴家 Larry Weng鋼琴演奏會。
4, 七月二十七日週四晚上七點半:  Carpe Diem弦樂四重奏音樂會。
5, 七月二十八日週五晚上七點半鋼琴家Artur Haftman 鋼琴演奏會。
6, 七月二十九日週六晚上七點半: 大提琴家JiYoung Lee 和鋼琴演奏家Iris Hsu  聯合音樂會。
7, 七月三十一日週一 晚上七點半: 鋼琴家 Han Chen鋼琴演奏會。
8, 八月一日週二晚上七點半: 紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授Alexander Korsantia鋼琴演奏會。
9, 八月二日週三晚上七點半Borremeo 弦樂四重奏音樂會。
10, 八月四日週五晚上七點半: 大提琴家陳南呈和鋼琴演奏家駱奇偉聯合音樂會。
11, 八月五日週六晚上七點半: 音樂營教師聯合音樂會。
12, 八月六日週日晚上七點半: 獲得第十七屆全美蕭邦鋼琴比賽第一名的華裔青年鋼琴家陸逸軒 Eric     Lu鋼琴演奏會
13, 八月七日週一晚上七點半: 由本屆傑出學生們演出第一場  ”明日之星音樂會。
14, 八月八日週二晚上七點半: 音樂營教師學生聯合音樂會。
15, 八月九日週三晚上七點半: 由本屆傑出學生們演出第2  ”明日之星音樂會。
16, 八月十日週四晚上七點半: 日裔鋼琴家Mana Tokuno鋼琴演奏會。
17, 八月十一日週五下午兩點: 音樂營學生演出第一場獨奏及室內樂。
18, 八月十二日週六下午兩點: 音樂營學生演出第二場獨奏及室內樂。
19, 八月十二日週六 晚上八點: 由本營管弦樂學生在麻省理工學院Kresge音樂廳與水銀 (Mercury) 響樂團聯合演出。鋼琴獨奏由本營協奏曲比賽優勝者擔任。

1, 七月二十五日週二下午三點: 紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴系主任Bruce Brubaker鋼琴大師班。
2, 七月二十六日週三下午三點: 小提琴家James Buswell大師班。
3, 七月二十七日週四下午三點: Carpe Diem弦樂四重奏大師班。

4, 七月三十一日週一下午三點: 2006 普立茲音樂獎主Yehudi Wyner室內樂大師講座。
5, 八月一日週二下午三點紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授Victor Rosenbaum鋼琴大師班。
6, 八月二日週三下午三點: 紐英倫音樂學院小提琴教授Nicholas Kitchen示範演出及講解貝多芬的第一       份第九名交響曲手稿。
7, 八月三日週四下午三點: : 韓裔名鋼琴家紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授Wha Kyung  Byun鋼琴大師班。
8,八月四日週五下午三點: 中提琴家黃心芸音樂講座巴洛克式的想法,現代手法 - 音樂之旅。
9, 八月七日週一下午三點: 由樂壇泰斗,當今最受尊敬的鋼琴家Russell Sherman 鋼琴大師講座。
10, 八月八日週二下午三點:著名指揮家Benjamin Zander大師班; 音樂的詮釋 人生課題。
11, 八月十日週四下午三點: 紐英格蘭音樂學院前任校長Laurence Lesser大提琴大師班。

1.   2017年九月二十三日週六晚八時,在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳(Jordan Hall) 由北美中樂團演出花果靈根集。
2, 2017年十一月四日週六晚上八時,在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) Parker 弦樂四重奏 韓裔鋼琴家Jung-Ja Kim聯合演出。

3, 2018127日週六晚上八時,在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳由旅德鋼琴家陳必先鋼琴演奏會 
4, 2018321日週六晚上八時,在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳由華裔青年小提琴家于翔及鋼琴家Andrew Hsu聯合舉行音樂會。
5, 2018512日週六晚上八時,在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳由獲得蕭邦大獎的越裔鋼琴家鄧泰山鋼琴演奏會 

1.       2017年九月三十日及十月七日週六 9絲竹春吟青少年中國器樂選拔賽和音樂會於波士頓第一教堂 (First Church in Boston) 舉行

2, 2018年四月十五日: 第二十七屆全美青少年國畫書法賽。

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $2.38 Million to Support Winthrop’s Centre Business District

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $2.38 Million to Support Winthrop’s Centre Business District
MassWorks Infrastructure Funding supports local development and job growth

WINTHROP – Today the Baker-Polito Administration announced a $2.38 million MassWorks Infrastructure Program grant to the Town of Winthrop to redevelop the Centre Business District. Funding will be used for significant public infrastructure improvements, including water, sewer, roadway, sidewalk and streetscape improvements.

“We are proud to support Winthrop’s long-term planning efforts to revitalize the Centre Business District and create opportunities for new, mixed-use development,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The MassWorks Infrastructure Program allows us to make targeted, impactful investments in the economic future and growth of our cities and towns and the job opportunities available to Massachusetts residents.”

“Winthrop has done an outstanding job of planning for future growth, and these resources enable them to complete critical infrastructure improvements to continue their momentum,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We are pleased to have opportunities like this around the Commonwealth to partner with municipal leaders on advancing local and regional economic development goals.”

The MassWorks award also furthers the completion of Winthrop’s masterplan for the revitalization of the Centre Business District and reuse of a former middle school on a neighboring site. The creation of a master-plan was funded through an Urban Agenda Economic Development Planning Grant from the Baker-Polito Administration in January 2016. Winthrop also received supplementary funding from MassDevelopment and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council DLTA program.

“When we give communities access to a diverse set of resources, we can accelerate the pace of thoughtful long-term planning that supports increased economic activity and gives towns the ability to fulfill their community vision,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “I congratulate Winthrop on their foresight and smart planning to revitalize the Centre Business District to attract new private investment to the town.”

“I am thrilled that Winthrop has received this grant and I wholeheartedly thank the Baker Administration,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo. “Winthrop is a special place for many reasons including its geography and tightknit community. The small and local businesses in our town are uniquely positioned for growth because of these factors, among others. I look forward to the infrastructure improvements that will help spur economic growth in Winthrop.”

"The Centre Business District is Winthrop's economic engine," said Senator Joseph Boncore. "This MassWorks grant will provide an essential investment in the future of our town." 

“This will be a transformational investment for Winthrop Centre and for the Town of Winthrop as a whole,” said Winthrop Town Manager James McKenna

"The Winthrop Town Council and I appreciate the investment the state is making in the redevelopment of Winthrop Centre and we thank Governor Baker, Speaker DeLeo, Senator Boncore and Secretary Ash for working with us to make this a reality,” said Winthrop Town Council President Russ Sanford. “Winthrop has been working for several years on plans to redevelop and re-energize Winthrop Centre. The state's investment in our community now, shows that we are on the right track and that the future of our wonderful town is very bright. It is a very exciting time here in Winthrop and I could not be prouder of our community."

The MassWorks Infrastructure Program provides a one-stop shop for municipalities and other eligible public entities seeking public infrastructure funding to support housing production, economic development, and job creation. 

In August 2016, Governor Baker signed An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development (H.4569) to reauthorize MassWorks and support $500 million of future investment in critical infrastructure, a significant commitment by the Commonwealth. The Baker-Polito Administration has increased MassWorks funding by $35 million over the past two fiscal years. Since 2015, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded $190 million to 89 projects in communities throughout the Commonwealth.

賴銘琪處長高度推薦渥斯特美術館之 臺灣藝術家黃世傑「再生萬物」特展

駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪夫婦20日應邀出席麻州渥斯特美術館(Worcester Arts Museum)之臺灣藝術家黃世傑「再生萬物」(Reusable Universes)特展茶會,除欣賞黃世傑作品靜態展出外,也親睹他結合科技與藝術之「原創概念」(Organic Concept)動態視覺演出。賴處長在致詞時表示不看此展會「終身遺憾」,高度推薦所有藝術愛好者都前往參觀。

賴銘琪處長夫婦與黃世傑()、渥斯特美術館館長Matthias Waschek()
亞洲藝術助理典藏員Dr. Vivian Li(右二)



黃世傑目前旅居紐約,從事藝術創作。此次在渥斯特美術館之展出係由該館亞洲藝術助理典藏員Vivian Li策畫,我國文化部為主要贊助單位。駐波士頓臺北經文處與駐紐約臺北文化中心也聯合贊助20日的茶會活動。



Local Communities and Environmental Groups Join Call to Protest Proposed Eversource Rate Change, Fight for Continued Investment in Solar

Newton – Newton Mayor Setti Warren led a conference call Wednesday with local communities and environmental groups opposing the reduction in rates paid to cities and towns for municipal solar projects being proposed in the Eversource rate case currently under review by The Department of Utilities (DPU). The Eversource proposal would reduce this compensation by about 40%. 

Participants were: Newton Mayor Setti Warren; State Senator Cynthia Creem; Natick Sustainability Coordinator Jillian Wilson Martin; Chair of Sustainable Lexington Mark Sandeen; staff attorney at the Acadia Center, Mark LeBel; and outgoing Chair of the Environmental League of Massachusetts George Bachrach. 

“This group of municipalities, elected officials, and environmental non-profits has come together to say that these proposed changes would be detrimental to our communities and the Commonwealth,” said Mayor Warren. “Our cities and towns use the savings from these solar installations to invest in much needed projects that benefit our communities. In addition to the direct benefit to our residents, we are proud to invest in solar energy because it’s vital to putting us on a path towards a more sustainable future. This rate change would threaten both of those outcomes.”

“Last year, after very tough negotiations, the Legislature specifically voted to keep the net metering rate for cities and towns at 22 cents per kilowatt hour,” said Senator Creem.  “We have been working since 2008 to accomplish a 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. This Eversource request is an end-run to circumvent the State Legislature and a roll-back of the environmental commitments we have made.”

Arlington, Lexington, Natick, Newton, Wayland, Weston, and Westwood have signed a comment letter to the DPU stating that these communities stand to lose a combined $32 million over the next 20 years if the proposed rate change goes into effect. Additionally, Arlington, Lexington, Natick, Newton, and Weston have become interveners in the case, allowing them to present testimony, cross-examine Eversource’s witnesses, and submit briefs.

"A 40 percent reduction in the value of municipal solar projects hurts everyone," said Jillian Wilson Martin, Natick's Sustainability Coordinator. "It harms the viability of existing and future solar projects, places an extreme burden on local taxpayers, and reduces the likelihood of Massachusetts achieving the requirements set in the Global Warming Solutions Act."

“The Eversource proposal that impacts these municipal solar projects is part of broader rate proposals to reduce customer control over bills and lower incentives for local clean energy,” said Mark LeBel. “Eversource’s proposals would set back efforts to promote energy efficiency, electric vehicles, storage, and efficient electric heating too. The DPU should be looking for economically sensible ways to advance innovative clean energy efforts and should not roll back the progress the Commonwealth has made to date.”

When the cities and towns entered into the contracts for these projects, they relied on some amount of “rate continuity,” which is a core DPU rate-setting principle. This kind of rate instability will make it less likely that cities and towns will invest in solar projects in the future, seriously undermining the Commonwealth’s efforts to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.

"There is an unholy alliance between our for-profit utilities and the state's DPU charged with regulating them,” said George Bachrach. “Together they pay lip-service to solar energy while quietly creating economic impediments for expanding renewable energy. This rate case is merely one example. "

The rate case is expected to be ruled upon in late November or early December.

Eversource電力公司要漲價 麻州總檢察官反對

Company’s Proposal Seeks First-Year Rate Hike of $96 million for NSTAR Electric and Western Massachusetts Electric Company Customers

BOSTON – In a brief filed today, Attorney General Maura Healey urged the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to reject Eversource’s proposal to increase the electricity rates of its 1.4 million Massachusetts customers by nearly 20 percent. Calling the proposed increase of $284 million over the next five years “unwarranted,” AG Healey’s Office also called on the DPU to order the company to decrease its rates.

“As customers and businesses across our state are looking to trim their costs, now is not the time to burden them with a 20 percent bill hike to benefit a company that is already highly profitable,” AG Healey said. “Customers in Massachusetts deserve a decrease in rates, not hundreds of millions in extra charges.”

In a January 2017 filing, Eversource asked the DPU to raise the price that customers pay to have their electricity delivered by NSTAR Electric Company (NSTAR) and Western Massachusetts Electric Company (WMECo) by nearly 20 percent over the next five years. The company proposed a five-year rate plan that would raise customers’ rates by $284 million, a $96 million increase in the first year and then an additional $188 million more over the next four years.

In the brief, the AG’s Office challenged the need for the rate increase, noting NSTAR’s and WMECo’s stable cost structure, record stock price, and outsized investor returns over the last few years.  According to the brief, in both 2015 and 2016, Eversource shareholders earned far more on their investments than others who made similar investments with similar risks. NSTAR’s reported returns for those years were 13.2 and 11.3 percent, respectively, and WMECo’s were 8.9 and 9.1, respectively. The AG’s Office also noted that Eversource has spent hundreds of millions on tangential investments, recently paying $800 million in cash for a water company and acquiring a 50 percent interest in an offshore wind partnership that could cost billions of dollars.

AG Healey and her office have been challenging Eversource’s proposed rate increase since the company announced it in early January. Prior to the company filing its request, AG Healey sent the DPU a letter urging it to launch an investigation to explain why the allowed profits for Massachusetts utility companies are higher than the allowed profits in neighboring states. Her office echoed that sentiment in the brief and challenged the DPU to consider the appropriateness of Eversource’s request to earn a 10.5 percent rate of allowed shareholder profits – or return on equity (ROE).

If approved by the DPU, Eversource’s ROE would be the highest allowed return in New England, and significantly higher than the average ROE (9.3 percent) allowed by state public utility commissions throughout the country last year.  A 10.5 percent ROE would be the highest ROE granted by the DPU in a decade.  In its brief, the AG’s Office urged the DPU to reject the requested ROE and instead approve a reduction to 8.875 percent, which will save Eversource customers $42 million, almost half of the requested first-year rate increase.

The AG’s Office is also calling on the DPU to reject Eversource’s proposed multi-year rate plan, consisting of a series of automatic rate increases. The AG’s Office argues in its brief that “the [c]ompany’s proposal creates an up-front guessing game that creates substantial risks for ratepayers that Eversource’s electric distribution companies will be over-compensated, with very little risk for [the company] that it will suffer low returns.”

While AG Healey and her office strongly support the state’s efforts to meet its statutory obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to invest in Massachusetts’ clean energy future, the office raises concerns about the company’s $400 million plan for grid modernization, electric vehicle, and storage investments.  In its brief the AG’s Office told the DPU that the company’s plan “essentially amounts to a request for a blank check, lacking in critical details and providing no guarantee that ratepayers will benefit from the proposed investment.”  Instead, AG Healey advocated for moving forward with statewide policies to advance these investments while ensuring that specific proposals benefit customers at the lowest possible cost.

Filing the brief is the latest action in AG Healey’s and her office’s months-long public opposition to the rate case, including cross-examining witnesses during the DPU’s four weeks of evidentiary hearings on the case and testifying at the ten public hearings the DPU held on the case.

In March, AG Healey herself testified before the DPU in Boston and then again in April in Pittsfield urging it to reset the balance between company profits and customers’ rates. She told the DPU, “it is time to return money to customers, not to raise their electric bills to benefit highly profitable utility companies.”


今年10月13-15日北美洲成大校友們相約在華府 - 美國首都華盛頓!!

10月13-15日在Tysons Corner Marriott:
- 和蘇校長談成大的未來
- 和科技部陳部長談台灣未來科技與世界的接軌
- 和內政部前李部長談國土保育安樂民生
- 和資策會郭董事長談資訊產業的未來

- 華府地區成功企業家和你分享就業與創業
- 養生與健身專家分享如何有調養快樂人生
- 談乳癌在東西方女性的不同與個人療養
- 介紹人工智慧在未來癌症的篩檢
- 還有圍棋擂台賽!小朋友也可以參加喔!
晚宴還有精彩的表演,由華府及各地方校友會勁爆演出!  還有歌唱跳舞享受溫馨的團聚!

會後10月15日開始還有精彩的華府一日遊以及美東四日遊,記得把家人和朋友一起帶來華府,看看美國首都最新的人文和政治風貌!享受新的博物館,美食,音樂,和近在咫尺最大最新的的Tysons shopping mall!!!

註冊網站( 8月31日截止): https://sites.google.com/a/dc.ncku.net/nckuaa12/

林雄生 Alven Lam (都計1979)


(Boston Orange 整理報導)羅德島新通過一條州法,規定學區提供亞裔美籍學生的詳細族裔背景,50多名亞裔因此720日在州議會前聚集示威,質問州議員們為什麼只有亞裔要細分?”
布朗大學教授吳知今(譯音,Zhijin Wu)向該報表示,如果是所有學生,就應該真正是所有的學生如果真要弄清楚誰才真需要幫助,請不要假裝只有亞裔人口很多元
羅德島州的所有學生都算法案(The All Students Count Act)”是由民主黨籍,代表普域敦斯市的眾議員Grace Diaz所提出,有鼓吹東南亞裔學生成功的羅德島東南亞人支持教育聯盟(The Alliance of Rhode Island Southeast Asians for Education)支持,模仿聯邦層級,以及加州,華盛頓州,明尼蘇達州所提出的類似法案。
羅德島州州長雷蒙朵(Gina Raimondo)719日週三時,簽署通過了這一法案,規定中小學教育廳在每一個關於祖先或族裔源頭的地理人口報告上,使用分開的收集類別,並計算特定的亞裔族群。
當這法案在眾議會通過時,Grace Diaz歡呼聲稱這是為自己身分掙扎的亞裔學生的勝利。這些數據有助於地方把資源集中在特定的有需要社區。週四時,英文報章找不到Diaz來回應。

組織抗議的華裔美人陳建浩(譯音,Jianhao Chen)把這法案比作德國納粹的1935年紐倫堡法案,在收集數據時把猶太人挑了出來,接著的10年,就很方便的用這數據來做種族滅絕大屠殺的根據。
在週四的羅德島州抗議事件中,困惑是整體情緒。彭麗英(譯音,Liying Peng)說,羅德島最近的人口統計數據顯示,全州只有3.6%的人口是亞裔。有些學校只有一,二名亞裔學生,如今卻需要做如此細微分類的數據,令人困惑。
她問到,這得額外花錢來收集這資料,為什麼? “有更多族群的問題更多,為什麼是我們?”
邱易觀(譯音,Yiguang Qiu)帶領著一群人誦吟團結而立,分崩而落以及教育不是歧視
