
星期日, 4月 09, 2017


【波士頓產學研科座談 陳良基籲人才回流】





(Boston Orange)科技部部長陳良基訪美團抵美東一連參訪3日後,在最後一天的48日,特地透過新英格蘭玉山科技協會(MJNE)、波士頓台灣人生物科技協會(BTBA)安排,和大波士頓本地台裔資深科學家,科技專家及意見領袖交流。
            陳良基率領的訪美團45日晚抵達波士頓,接著參訪了「麻省理工學院與哈佛大學合作的布洛德研究院(Broad Institute (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard) 」,MIT馬丁信託創業中心( Martin Trust Center for MIT),輝瑞製藥(Pfizer, Inc.),專注於育成新能源產業的綠城實驗室(Greentown Labs)MIT 醫學工程與科學研究所(Institute for Medical Engineering & Science,  IMES)MIT媒體實驗室(MIT Media Lab),以及華裔科學家蔣業明(Yet-Ming Chiang)與W. Craig Carter博士以及Throop Wilder所共同創辦的24M Startup等機構、企業,還會晤了去年訪台,獲生技醫藥類唐獎,在基因編輯上備受矚目的張鋒教授,針對先進科技發展與創新運作模式交換意見,也拓展選送學員進入前瞻實驗室參與特定尖端技術專題研究的機會。



運算生理實驗室主持人Roger Mark教授(右)
(Boston Orange) 科技部部長陳良基47日率團拜會麻省理工學院醫學工程與科學研究所(IMES),正式啟動科技部與麻省理工學院合作的「博士創新之星-前瞻科技人才海外培訓計畫(LEAP)」。
麻省理工學院與科技部合作的實驗室包括運算生理實驗室(Laboratory for Computational Physiology)、整合神經監測及重症醫學資訊實驗室(Integrative Neuromonitoring and Critical Care Informatics Group)、臨床機器學習實驗室(Clinical Machine Learning Group)等。

台灣培養智慧醫療人才 和麻州總醫院(MGH)簽約

(Boston Orange) 科技部部長陳良基4月初率團訪美,6日抵達波士頓,見證台灣國家實驗研究院和麻州總醫院(MGH)簽署備忘錄,正式啟動「台灣-波士頓智慧醫療人才培育計畫(簡稱BTH計畫)」。
陳良基此行率團訪美,先到加州參訪史丹佛大學(Stanford)與加州大學柏克萊分校(UC Berkeley),分別簽訂了合作備忘錄,為培育國內創新產業人才打基礎。46日再趕到美東,和全美排名前三的麻州總醫院簽署合作備忘錄,並特意選在Ether Dome紀念廳,這醫學史上實施首例乙醚麻醉手術的手術室來舉行簽署儀式,增強雙方合作歷史意義。
「台灣-波士頓智慧醫療人才培育計畫(簡稱BTH計畫)」的備忘錄,由台灣國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心主任莊裕澤與麻州總醫院電腦科學實驗室主任 Henry Chueh博士簽署,麻州總醫院院長 Peter Slavin和科技部部長陳良基列席見證。


Boston Youth Host Health Fair to Promote Cancer Prevention

Boston Youth Host Health Fair to Promote Cancer Prevention
Special Guest Troy Brown and City Leaders Join Trained Youth Ambassadors in HPV Prevention Efforts
BOSTON - Saturday, April 8, 2017 - As part of a Boston Public Health Commission's (BPHC) cancer prevention initiative, teenagers from eight Boston Public Schools hosted a health fair for their peers Saturday, sharing information on testing for and prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV), handing out educational materials, and leading workshops on prevention at the Kroc Center.
Boston's Chief of Health and Human Services Felix G. Arroyo and Patriots Super Bowl champion Troy Brown recognized the teens for their work to educate their peers and serve as leaders for HPV prevention in their communities.
"I am proud of these Youth Ambassadors for stepping up to the plate and having a positive impact on the health and well-being of their peers," Arroyo said. "I think peer-to-peer engagement is one of the most effective ways of getting the message out, and it plays a major role in promoting youth leadership within our communities."
The youth ambassadors, recruited by the BPHC's Boston Area Health Education Center (BAHEC) received 12 weeks of training on Sexual Health and HPV in collaboration with Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston before engaging in weekly outreach activities in their schools in collaboration with School-Based Health Center (SBHC) staff. They worked with a local film company to produce two public service announcements, available in English and Spanish, that encourage boys and young men to get vaccinated against HPV.
"These teens understand the risks of HPV to both men and women, and serve as powerful champions for raising awareness among theirs peers about how to prevent cancer from HPV,"said Monica Valdes Lupi, JD, MPH, Executive Director. "As the public health department, we're happy to support the youth as they spread the important message that you can significantly reduce your risk of HPV-related cancers with the HPV vaccine."
Specific strains of the HPV virus can cause cancers of the cervix, mouth, throat, and genitals, and HPV is a leading cause of head and neck cancer in men. Nearly 80 million people in the United States are infected with HPV, and 14 million people are newly infected each year, making HPV the most common sexually transmitted infection. Every year in the United States, HPV causes 30,700 cancers in men and women. HPV vaccination can prevent most of those cancers from occurring.
The HPV vaccine, which is administered in two to three doses, has been proven the best protection against most HPV-related cancers, including cervical cancer. The vaccine is ideally given to boys and girls ages 11 and 12, and may be given up to age 21 in young men and age 26 in young women. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that 11- to 12-year-olds receive two doses of HPV vaccine at least six months apart rather than the previously recommended three doses to protect against cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Teens and young adults who start the series later, at ages 15 through 26 years, will need three doses of HPV vaccine to protect against cancer-causing HPV infection.
Patriots Super Bowl champion Troy Brown, at Saturday's event, congratulated the youth on their work to spread the message that the HPV vaccine prevents cancer.

"My two sons were vaccinated, but beyond that it's great that the student ambassadors in this program are being leaders in their communities by working to educate their peers about these health issues," Brown said.
Despite having higher HPV immunization completion rates than the national average, Massachusetts -at 53 percent completion for females and 35 percent for males in 2015- is still working toward the 80 percent completion goal that was set out in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services's Healthy People 2020 Report.

星期五, 4月 07, 2017



 (NAI, National Academy of Inventors) 院士」表揚





Parcel P-12 Planning & Disposition Public Meeting 4/27

Parcel P-12 Planning & Disposition

Public Meeting

Description:The BPDA will present to the community an outline of draft development guidelines which is based upon feedback received at the January 19, 2017 community workshop. These guidelines are slated to be part of a Request for Proposals to be issued for the P-12 site. This site, located on Tremont Street between the Doubletree Hotel and a Tufts New England Medical Center parking garage, is in the Mid-Town Cultural Zoning District and South Cove Urban Renewal Area. This site offers potential for a mixed-use development that will create synergy between neighboring elements and communities.

Time: 04/27/2017 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: Josiah Quincy Elementary School, Cafeteria, 885 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111


Reay Pannesi


BOSTON - Friday, April 7, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) today launched Analyze Boston, the City's open data hub. Analyze Boston will create a user-friendly digital catalog of facts, figures, and maps that reflect on life in Boston, such as maps of Boston's historic districts and datasets of 311 services requests.

"In Boston we don't shy away from new technologies -- we embrace them as we look for ways to better serve the residents of our City," said Mayor Walsh. "Building off of previous, successful models like CityScore and 311, Analyze Boston will make civic data easily available to all our residents."

Analyze Boston curates more than a hundred datasets, enriches them with descriptive information, and pairs them with tools for data exploration and analysis to broaden their accessibility. Most importantly, the site presents the City's data with plain language and vivid imagery to spark the imaginations of all City residents, regardless of technical background.

Sparked by a grant from the Knight Foundation's News Challenge competition, the City's Department of Innovation and Technology partnered with the Boston Public Library to create a user-friendly digital catalog of facts, figures, and maps that reflect on life in Boston.

"Boston has been an innovator in using data and analytics to improve many aspects of City Services," said Andrew Therriault, the City's first Chief Data Officer. "I am thrilled to share all the work we've done on Analyze Boston with our residents so they can better access open data in their City. Analyze Boston represents our desire to share meaningful data and information with everyone in this city in a way that is clear and relevant."

Analyze Boston is the City's latest step to set a better example by improving government transparency, increasing accountability and fostering civic participation throughout Boston. This next generation open data hub will support the city's goal of publishing open datasets of high quality with clear public value.

During the site's beta period, the Analyze Boston team shared how they planned to re-imagine the open data experience and asked for feedback to help figure out how to make the site as functional as possible for current and future users. Working with partners AppGeo and OpenGov, the Department of Innovation and Technology worked to build out the site, and improve its functionality.

The newest features coming to Boston include implemented data dictionaries, added downloadable file formats, an enhanced data preview experience and improved content. There will be more datasets and improvements as the year goes on.

The release is a significant milestone for the Knight Foundation funded "Open Data to Open Knowledge" projectwhicseekto democratize access to the City's datasets.

For more information on Analyze Boston visit boston.gov, sign up for their newsletter or follow them on Twitter at @AnalyzeBoston.

MIRA: Immigration Day a success

Immigrants’ Day was a huge success! Now we fight on

We had more than 1,600 registered participants and made a big splash at the State House. So let’s celebrate… and keep up the good work

IDSH2017 crowdThank you so much for your support and for showing up to our biggest ever Immigrants' Day at the State House. We had more than 1,600 registered for the event and boy, was the Hall of Flags packed! It was incredible to see so many faces from across the state there and buzzing around the State House meeting with legislators. All of this happened because YOU showed up, and we are so grateful.
Read our wrap-up of the event, look at our photos, and check out some of our media coverage:
• On Immigrants’ Day, advocates urge legislators to pass ‘sanctuary state’ bill (Boston Globe)
• Immigrants Day held in Boston (NECN and NBC Boston)
• Safe Communities Act may force Beacon Hill to weigh in on immigration (State House News Service)
But the fight for immigrant rights is not over, there is still so much that needs to be done.
First, if you were at Immigrants’ Day, we need you to fill out this survey on how you visit with your legislator went (so we know who to target with more education).
Second, we have some postcards left! If you want to get some to write messages to legislators you haven’t reached, or to Governor Baker, let us know and we'll get you a bunch.
Third, be ready to help us advocate for key items in the state budget – and fight anti-immigrant amendments (see below).
Fourth, save May 1 on your calendar – there will be a big rally for #UnDiaSinInmigrantes.
Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication! It is only by your efforts that we will make Massachusetts a safe place for ALL people.
In solidarity,
– MIRA Organizing Team

State House update

The Safe Communities Act has the attention of state legislators and is currently before the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security. We anticipate that the Committee will hold a hearing on the bill this summer, which gives us time to educate legislators and the public about this complex bill and the issues that make statewide legislation so essential.
If we can get two thirds of each chamber to commit to voting in favor of the bill – our next project – we will have a veto-proof majority, which will convince State House leadership the public has their back. Keep us posted on your visits with state legislators – and remember, you can always offer MIRA’s expertise. We are a phone call away! We will be making legislative visits too, but remember, legislators listen to their constituents’ concerns. Your voices count more than ours do!
Upcoming advocacy opportunities: The House Ways and Means committee releases its proposed budget this Monday, April 10th, followed by three days of amendment filing, both pro- and anti-immigrant. We will need your help calling on state legislators to support pro-immigrant budget amendments calling for more funds for programs that serve immigrants and refugees, and to oppose the anti-immigrant budget amendments seeking to exclude and punish immigrants and refugees.

星期四, 4月 06, 2017

Newton Passes Accessory Apartment Ordinance

Newton Passes Accessory Apartment Ordinance
Step forward in Mayor Setti Warren’s Housing Strategy goal to expand housing options and affordability for individuals, families, and seniors

Newton, MA – On Monday night, the Newton City Council voted 22-2 to pass an ordinance that allows internal accessory apartments by right, one of the two priority policies in Mayor Setti Warren’s 2016 Housing Strategy. The passage of this ordinance marks the first time that accessory apartments will be allowed by right in all Newton single and two-family homes. 

Accessory apartments will provide much-needed diversity to Newton’s housing stock, increasing options and affordability. This new accessory apartment ordinance will allow individuals, seniors, and families to reside and thrive in Newton and take advantage of all the amenities that the City has to offer.

“This ordinance is a vital component of our housing strategy,” said Mayor Warren. “It is a great step in creating more housing diversity and moderately priced units, giving options to our families and seniors. I am thankful of the collaborative work with the City Council and community members who have worked hard to get this important ordinance passed in our City.”

An accessory apartment is a fully contained, separate unit located within a single- or two-family property.  The new ordinance allows for the construction of interior accessory apartments by right and detached accessory apartments through the special permit process. The owner of the household with an accessory unit must live on the premises. There are size restrictions on the interior unit as well as building codes that must be followed.

For further information visit: www.newtonma.gov/accessoryapartments


BOSTON - Friday, April 7, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) that will expand the Boston Fiber Network (BoNet) through a $10 million investment in its fiber backbone and infrastructure. The project will provide broadband services to Boston Public Schools, public housing and more than 100 City buildings, in addition to strengthening public safety communications.

"Boston is a world-class city -- and that needs to include our technology," said Mayor Walsh. "That's why my administration has made the first significant fiber network expansion in over ten years. With this investment, are continuing to provide opportunities for our students, and providing our police, fire and emergency services with the communication and information tools they need. Through expanding the City's fiber network, we are working to close the digital divide, and make broadband services available to all."

The City of Boston's Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) is requesting proposals that will bolster the City's existing BoNet infrastructure and provide future connectivity to the Boston Housing Authority's (BHA) family developments and critical public safety sites. Additionally, this investment will help the City to expand and improve public safety services across the City and present opportunities to deploy Wicked Free Wi-Fi to a broader geography.

The City is seeking multiple proposals and options, including citywide solutions, indivisible multi-zone solutions, and solutions by individual zone(s). Respondents may submit a proposal for one, two, or all three categories.

This investment will match the Boston Public Schools' demand for connectivity and broadband capacity for its students and educators. Expanding Boston's Fiber Optic Network to these schools will deliver gigabit (1 Gbps) bandwidth capacity for PARCC online testing, online learning, administrative and video services and in-campus Wi-Fi, along with additional services. In the future, the City will be able to offer faster speeds using the same fiber optic cables.

Currently, over 130 City buildings are connected to Boston's Fiber Optic Network, including interconnection to state agencies and a remote data center and colocation facility. The BoNet network is the backbone for connectivity in City buildings,  phone service, public safety video surveillance and wireless access points, including Boston's Wicked Free Wi-Fi. By operating its own fiber network, the City saves millions of dollars per year in telecommunications costs.

This network buildout will expand the BoNet network by connecting the remaining 73 Boston Public Schools with City fiber, as well as 24 family housing developments and other sites for public safety and transportation services.

To view the RFP, visit: boston.gov/procurement, select "Access the Supplier Portal" and search for EV00004171


Governor Baker, Massport Celebrate Improvements to Logan’s International Terminal and Launch of 1st Nonstop South American Service
Flights to Bogotá become Logan’s 53rd international destination beginning in June

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) announced renovations and enhancements at Boston Logan International Airport’s Terminal E while celebrating Avianca airlines’ first nonstop flights between Boston and South America through Colombia’s capital of Bogotá in June. Logan will now offer 53 international destinations, including nonstop service to South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

“Better connecting all Massachusetts has to offer to the global economy allows the Commonwealth to maintain its competitive edge and continue to reap the benefits of a culturally and professionally diverse population,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “New international routes are estimated to bring an economic benefit of over $1 billion annually and I’m proud our administration and Massport continue to make strategic investments, like the Terminal E improvements, to attract new services to the Commonwealth.” 

The Terminal E Renovation and Enhancements project focused on improving the passenger experience throughout the terminal, expanding terminal space by an additional 95,000 square feet and renovating three existing gates and adding the required services to accommodate larger aircrafts. The project incorporates sustainable and resilient design elements and has submitted documentation for LEED Gold certification. Boston Logan International Airport offers nonstop service to 75 domestic and 53 international destinations and served more than 36 million passengers last year.

“The addition of nonstop service to Bogotá is another example of Massport’s focus on connecting New England with the global economy,” said Massport CEO Thomas P. Glynn. “Our strategic investment in upgrading and improving Terminal E will better accommodate and serve our growing international customer base.”

Beginning on June 2nd, Avianca will operate year-round service from Boston to Bogotá four times per week on an A319 aircraft. In Bogotá, passengers can conveniently connect to 36 destinations throughout South and Central America through Avianca’s hub. A city of almost seven million people with a growing economy and booming tourism market, Bogotá is quickly becoming a “must-see” destination in South America; with both Forbes and Vogue naming it a top travel destination for 2017.

“With this with new addition to our route network, Avianca becomes the first and only airline to directly join Boston with Bogotá and vice versa, connecting travelers coming from the State of Massachusetts more efficiently to the main capitals in Latin America. On their part, travelers from South America will be able to fly more easily to key destinations in New England,” added Hernan Rincon, President of Avianca.

Avianca is the flag carrier of Colombia and the country’s largest air carrier. The second largest air carrier in Latin America, it has been in operations since 1919, making it the oldest airline in the Western Hemisphere. A member of the Star Alliance, Avianca serves over 100 destinations in almost 30 countries with a modern fleet of over 180 aircraft.

“Bostonians and residents of New England will be able to get to know our beautiful country where people are happy and always have a smile for visitors, discover beautiful landscapes, see the Sea of 7 colors, and taste the best coffee in the world,” said Consul of the Consulate General of Colombia in Boston, Yida Ximena Mora Silva. “This flight is an example of how the United States and Colombia continue to develop strong ties that benefit both countries.”

The Colombian community in Massachusetts has had significant growth since the 1960s, with over 20,000 Colombians now residing in the Commonwealth. Colombians also make up the 8th largest foreign-born population in Boston, with the majority (75%) residing in East Boston.

“The ties between Massachusetts and Latin America are strong and deep; Latino-Americans make up almost 10% of the Commonwealth’s population and are an integral part of the vibrancy and diversity of all Massachusetts has to offer,” said Nader Acevedo, Executive Vice President, Hispanic-American Institute.“ The opportunities for loved ones to reconnect, investments to be made and adventures to be had on both continents are now closer than ever through nonstop air service to Colombia on Avianca.”

Sustaining Boston’s competitive edge in international travel is critical to the state’s highly travel-dependent and diversified economic base which is spread across sectors such as information technology, biotechnology, healthcare, education, and medical scientific research and products. International non-stop flights make Boston more attractive to foreign companies to locate U.S. facilities in the Commonwealth.

“This service now means a major South American gateway city is now connected directly to Boston and New England's visitor industry; bringing with it new visitors, new visitor spending and new jobs for our visitor economy,” Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau CEO, Patrick Moscaritolo said. 

“With more international direct air service than ever from Boston’s Logan International Airport, Massachusetts continues to attract record numbers of overseas visitors,” said Francois-Laurent Nivaud, Executive Director of Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism. “In 2015, Massachusetts’ overseas visitor market increased by 13% to 1.7 million visitors, bolstering our state economy through direct spending, taxes and jobs.” 

In total, Logan Airport generates $13 billion in economic activity each year and last year more than 36 million passengers flew through Logan, which accounts for over 17,000 local jobs. During the past decade, the number of international non-stop destinations from Logan Airport has nearly doubled from 27 to 53 and international passengers now account for 16% of travelers at Logan Airport. International passengers are predicted to be the fastest growing component of airport business. In 2016, 6.5 million international passengers traveled through Terminal E.

Other renovations to Logan’s international Terminal E include: 

  • Displays throughout the terminal to showcase innovations and innovators with strong ties to Massachusetts;
  • Art installations that represent current Massachusetts Innovations, current Massachusetts innovators, a Wall of Fame featuring Nobel Prize winners that have roots in Massachusetts, News Desks with local headlines and the interactive Boston “T” Party selfie moment;
  • Newly designed seating arrangement in the terminal and all seats include power and USB charging capabilities;
  • New arrivals level de-boarding areas that connect to the Customs Primary Inspection hall;
  • A new fourth level that hold brand new Airline Clubs, which allow for their passengers to directly board from the lounge to either level of an Airbus A380;
  • And new two-level aircraft boarding jet bridges on the three renovated gates.


The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) owns and operates Boston Logan International Airport, public terminals in the Port of Boston, Hanscom Field, and Worcester Regional Airport. Massport is a financially self-sustaining public authority whose premier transportation facilities generate more than $15 billion annually, and enhance and enable economic growth and vitality in New England. For more information please visit massport.com.

Workforce Skills Cabinet Kicks Off New Regional Planning Initiative

Workforce Skills Cabinet Kicks Off New Regional Planning Initiative
Seven teams to develop regional plans to address skills gap, spur economic growth

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced a new regional planning initiative aimed at addressing the skills gap by bringing together regional teams of educators, workforce, and economic development professionals to create a statewide blueprint for growth strategies in every region of the Commonwealth.

The regional planning initiative, launched by the Governor’s Workforce Skills Cabinet, will better align work across different state and local agencies to fuel job growth and address employer demand for talent by region. The regional approach will help build strong regional economies to ensure all residents benefit from the state’s economic successes.

Seven regional teams will devise local strategies for a statewide plan used to inform policy-making and investments targeted at strengthening the Massachusetts economy. 
“While the Massachusetts economy continues to thrive, these regional initiatives will help ensure the state is continuing our work to match skills with employer demand,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The regional teams have an opportunity to specifically tailor our regional economic strengths, needs, and investments in a way that will shape the entire Commonwealth.”
“We believe this work will be important for connecting local and state government to improve economic growth,” Lt. Governor Karyn Polito said. “These regional strategies will help inform our decision-making at the state level, so we can better help communities strengthen their local economies, and make strategic investments as a state to close the skills gap.” 

Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito announced the new initiative at Worcester Technical High School, along with the Workforce Skills Cabinet - Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash, Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Ronald L. Walker, II and Education Secretary James Peyser.

The regional teams will use local labor market data to identify industries and occupations that are growing in their regions, and develop action steps to address gaps in talent and skills for those jobs. The regional planning initiative is aimed at helping more residents gain credentials, education and job skills in high-demand career pipelines.

“This is the first time the three sectors – education, economic development and workforce – have come together at a regional level to make joint decisions,” said Education Secretary James Peyser. “The goal for this state-regional planning process is to bring together multiple local organizations to create consensus on high-demand industries and occupations, and then identify strategies that regional partners can collectively advance.” 

“The Regional Planning Initiative will provide a vital bridge between local and state policy makers on how to maximize our workforce development programs across Massachusetts,” said Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Ronald Walker. "We look forward to furthering these partnerships and helping to ensure that workers and employers have access to resources which fit their unique employment environments.”

“A deep dive into regional data will help us solve outstanding challenges in our workforce pipeline,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “We need fresh strategies to pull more residents into high-performing community college and training programs, ensure their completion and accelerate matching graduates and qualified workers with open job opportunities.”

Since Governor Baker established the Workforce Skills Cabinet by Executive Order in February, 2015 the three Cabinet Secretaries have worked closely to create partnerships to respond to businesses’ demand for skilled workers and develop plans to help residents get the skills they need to fill jobs in the Commonwealth.

Through the Workforce Skills Cabinet, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded more than $24 million in Workforce Skills Capital Grants to 63 different vocational technical schools, community colleges and traditional public high schools to upgrade vocational technical equipment and expand skills training programs for careers in growing industries, impacting more than 7,100 students per year.

Baker-Polito Administration Provides Gateway Cities Additional Support to Combat Heroin and Opioid Abuse

Baker-Polito Administration Provides Gateway Cities Additional Support to Combat Heroin and Opioid Abuse

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced seven awards for local law enforcement departments from Massachusetts Gateway Cities to fund additional support for their efforts in combatting the heroin and opioid epidemic. The awards will assist law enforcement investigations, local drug prevention programs, and provide mental health and treatment wraparound services for those struggling with addiction.

“The heroin and opioid epidemic has shattered the lives of far too many Commonwealth families and our administration is committed to eradicating the epidemic at every level to support our communities and address this public health crisis,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am pleased that these grants will serve as another important tool to support our gateway cities from law enforcement investigations to critical treatment services.”  

“I’m incredibly proud of the work currently being done within our municipalities and spearheaded by our local leaders,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “This funding will provide much needed resources to these law enforcement departments as they investigate and apprehend those who traffic and distribute drugs illegally.”

The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) will distribute over $250,000 in federal Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds to local law enforcement departments of Gateway Cities who submitted a competitive proposal for financial assistance.  In the past 24-months, Pubic Safety Secretary, Daniel Bennett has made available over $7M in JAG funding awarded to EOPSS by the Department of Justice to assist state and local law enforcement agencies in the fight against substance abuse and violence.  

“These awards will support our public safety officers who are on the front lines tackling heroin, fentanyl and prescription drug abuse every day,” said Secretary Bennett. “Providing these much needed resources at the local level is an important first step in making communities safer for all.” 

“The City of Quincy police are pleased to receive this grant funding as it will give us the opportunity to increase education, awareness, and enforcement around addiction issues,” said Quincy Police Chief Paul Keenan. “It will also help us develop a strategic plan to make a positive difference to combat illegal substance abuse in our community.”

“This grant will greatly assist us as we try to mitigate the impact of deadly opiates in our community,” said Taunton Chief of Police Edward James Walsh. “Through outreach we are able to work with our community partners to provide assistance to users and families and help end the stigma of addiction.”

“This department will use grant funds to focus limited resources on areas in which drug activity is occurring or likely to occur based on data and intelligence,” said Fitchburg Chief of Police Ernest F. Martineau. “Increased enforcement in hot spots for drug activity and other criminal activity associated with drugs will reduce drug traffic, property crime, violent crime, and may increase overall arrests.”

2017 EOPSS Heroin and Opioid Local Crime Reduction Gateway City Awardees

Attleboro Police Department $49,920.00
The Attleboro Police Department will be adding a trained addiction counselor to be available at both the police department as well as making home visits to individuals seeking treatment services.

Brockton Police Department $50,000.00
The Brockton Police Department will be partnering with Gandara Health center to provide treatment and wraparound services to individuals struggling with addiction.

Fitchburg Police Department $49,881.15
The Fitchburg Police Department will be increasing drug interdiction and investigation to identify sources of opiates. Their officers will also partake in Street Level Narcotics training.

Leominster Police Department $45,815.84
The Leominster Police Department will hire a recovery advocate to assist the department with wrap around services for addicts, as well as track individual cases to build stronger data and lower recidivism.

Quincy Police Department $44,760.00
Data and analysis is used to drive law enforcement strategies to reduce crime, solve community problems, and improve operational effectiveness.

Salem Police Department $27,773.02
Salem Police Department will be partnering with the Boys and Girls club to implement new training and early intervention tools for at risk youth.

Taunton Police Department $21,600.00
Taunton Police Department will be increasing their community outreach in high risk areas.