
星期日, 3月 12, 2017

黎安宙贏得Hilton Head國際鋼琴賽銀獎

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓小鋼琴家,年僅16歲的黎安宙,311日晚贏得第22Hilton Head國際鋼琴比賽銀獎,以及現金獎5000元。

            今年第22屆的Hilton Head國際鋼琴比賽,從36日至11日,在卡羅萊納州(Carolina)海岸藝術中心舉行,共有20名來自加拿大,中國,香港,日本,澳門,南韓及美國的年輕鋼琴家參賽。

            參加這比賽是圈內人都看好的跨向卡耐基廳(Carnegie Hall)表演的起步。許多比賽得獎者後來也都到世界各地的音樂節,和國際知名的交響樂團合作演奏。

            參加比賽的鋼琴家們,有的遠從澳洲趕來,所有的參賽者都住在主辦單位安排的接待家庭中。比賽前5名,全是1517 歲的年輕人。得第一名的是15歲,來自美國的日裔,Ray Ushikubo

            來自香港的Hoi Leong Cheong打入決賽,來自中國的Biguo Xing獲得Sascha Gorodnitzi紀念獎。


星期六, 3月 11, 2017

陸克文談民粹主義及政治危機 (圖片)

On behalf of the Fletcher Political Risk Group, my fellow Co-Chairs and I would like to thank you for attending this year’s conference, Flipping the Script: Populism and the Shifting Risk Landscape. 

Out panelists and breakout sessions helped to demystify the current challenges businesses face in a changing global environment. Former Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd, a leader committed to multilateralism and an expert on a pivotal region of the world, delivered an entertaining and informative keynote address.

We were very excited to put this conference together and hope that you found it to be as useful and interesting as we did. If you have a moment, we hope you'll send us your thoughts and feedback on the day. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions over the coming year and keep us in mind for the next conference on March 2nd, 2018!

Best regards,

James Kochien, Jared Nourse and Britaania Poppie
Co-Chairs, Fletcher Political Risk Group
The Fletcher School | Tufts University



三月十一日:欢聚嘉年华 (11am–3pm)
                    欢聚分享晚宴(6pm–9pm) (Invitation only)
     三月十二日: 感恩崇拜及按牧典礼 (11am–1pm)
  Please send them to Cy4949@hotmail.com (Deacon Louis Yip)
敎會已邀請了曾經在羅德島敎會事奉的鮑維均牧師囘來主領培靈及感恩聚會,更是誠心邀約四十年以來,曾是或先或後,或短或長,與我們一起事奉敬拜的每一位主內肢體,朋友們,囘到這屬靈的家中,一同歡聚,同頌主恩。我們也切望你們能抽空參加, 當知你們都常在我們的牽掛與代禱當中。
敎會內外已開始進行整修, 敎會的長幼都在為今年的慶典籌備當中, 彷彿當年以色列民走完四十年的曠野路, 就扶老攜幼, 一同走過神已將河水分開的約但河, 走進那應許之迦南美地, 走進祂更寬廣遼闊的恩福當中,就讓我們一起立石為記, 永念主恩。
敎會     電話:401 7228877  電郵:pennychz@cccri.org
葉執事 電話:401 9653666 電郵:CY4949@hotmail.com
無論能否出席, 懇請回覆。又為保持聯絡、並能將四十週年記念刊及記念禮物寄給你們、請將通訊地址、電郵地址等告知敎會、以作備用。
願 上帝與你們同在.
羅德島華人基督教會全體㒰人 暨
教牧:黃天祐牧師、Pastor Nelson Estrada、Minister Kevin Yiu、Minister Pang Yiu
長執:陳本生,葉超、吳子平、宋健人、梁健操、孫幼偉、胡少娟、亓靄雲,鄭心恩、葉桂珍、Steve Young、Yow-Pin Lim
同邀 一七年一月廾日

星期五, 3月 10, 2017

曾莉涵音樂會 3/26

Soprano, Li-Han Lily Tseng, Concert / 女高音 曾莉涵 音樂會

Songs from Far Away / 遠方有歌聲
Location / 地點:First Church in Boston / 波士頓第一教堂, (62 Marlborough St. Boston, MA 02116, MBTA Arlington Station) 
Time / 時間:3/26/17 (Sun)4:30PM
Performers / 演出人員:Soprano, Li-Han Lily Tseng / 女高音 曾莉涵
                                   Pianist, Daniel Jepson / 鋼琴家 吉丹
                                   Viola, Chen Lin / 中提琴家 林蓁
                                   Cambridge Chinese Choral Society / 劍橋合唱團

Program / 曲目: 
Three Kazakh folk song / 三首哈薩克民歌 --- Swallow, Fair Maiden from afar,  Under the silver moonlight /  燕子, 在那遙遠的地方, 在銀色的月光下
Three Chinese Love songs  / 三首中國情歌  --- Blue Flower, At the Hillside Where Horses Are Running, The Streams Flows / 藍花花,康定情歌, 小河淌水
Four Art songs in Chinese / 四首中文藝術歌曲 --- Over the snow for wintersweet, Azalea, The rose is everywhere in May, Autumn Night / 踏雪尋梅, 杜鵑花, 五月裡薔為處處開, 秋夜
Four Choir Songs in Chinese / 四首中文合唱曲 --- Over the snow for wintersweet, Red Bean Song, Swallow, Dance of Youth / 踏雪尋梅, 紅豆詞, 燕子, 青春舞曲
Three Arts songs in Chinese poetry --- Red Bean Song, Prelude to water melody, Lyrics to the Adagio of Resonance /  紅豆詞, 水調歌頭, 聲聲慢
Two nostalgia songs in Chinese / 兩首中文思鄉歌曲 --- Nostalgia, It'll be me / 思鄉, 那就是我

Soprano 女高音/ Li-Han “Lily” Tseng 曾莉涵
Soprano Li-Han “Lily” Tseng received her Doctor of Music Arts in vocal performance from The University of Alabama and Master of Music degrees in voice performance from Longy School of Music of Bard College and Taipei National University of the Arts.
Dr. Tseng is an active performer in chamber music, choir, recital and opera. She was an assistant accompanist for the Adult Chancel Choir and the principal accompanist for the Children’s Worship Arts Choir at First United Methodist Church at Tuscaloosa, AL. With years of performing experience, Tseng’s wide-ranging interests and expertise include working with professional musicians, adult avocational singers at all levels, and young singers. Tseng’s performance experiences included with the University of Alabama Opera Theatre, University Singers, the Contemporary Ensemble, and Ethos, a newly-formed professional choral ensemble in residence at First Methodist Church of Tuscaloosa. Recently, she has performed the role of Patience in Patience with University of Alabama Opera Theatre (UAOT), The Foreign Woman in The Council (UAOT), The Witch in Hansel and Gretel (UAOT), and Mrs. Discobbolos in Mr & Mrs. Discobbolos with the UA Contemporary Ensemble.
Dr. Tseng has experience teaching private voice and piano students in addition to teaching musicianship lab and accompanying undergraduate and graduate students studying voice. Tseng’s teaching is based on a comprehensive approach to the training of students and incorporates strong technical skill-building for all kind of music genres. Now, Dr. Tseng is a resident singer at The First Church in Boston, voice and piano faculty member of New School of Music (Cambridge).

        女高音曾莉涵聲樂博士畢業於阿拉巴馬大學音樂系,先後畢業於Longy音樂學院與臺北藝術大學的聲樂研究所。曾博士是一位活躍的歌唱家,致力於室內樂、獨唱、合唱、歌劇的演出。現在曾博士擔任波士頓第一教堂的常任歌唱家,並任教於波士頓的New School of Music EKS Studio

Pianist 鋼琴家 / Daniel Jepson 吉丹
            Pianist Daniel Jepson holds a Masters degree and a Graduate Performance Diploma from The Boston Conservatory, where he studied with Max Levinson.  He received the school’s Community Service Award in 2009.  Daniel has performed at Harvard’s Paine Hall and numerous other venues in the Boston area, and has participated in several international competitions.  As a scholarship recipient at the Toronto Summer Music Academy in 2009, he performed at University of Toronto’s Walter Hall, and studied with internationally-renowned performers such as Andre Laplante and Anton Kuerti.  An active collaborative pianist, he has often accompanied prize-winners at concerto and vocal competitions.
        鋼琴家吉丹畢業於波士頓音樂學院,並獲得鋼琴碩士學位和演奏文憑,師承 Max Levinson。吉丹在校期間,曾獲得音樂院的 Community Service Award並且曾在哈佛的潘恩音樂廳以及波士頓的許多地方演出過,更是非常積極的參與國際音樂比賽。2009年獲得多倫多夏季音樂學院的獎學金,在多倫多大學的Walter 音樂廳演出,並跟隨國際知名的演奏家Andre Laplante Anton Kuertivm學習。現在吉丹是個非常活躍的鋼琴合作藝術家,經常與大賽得獎者一同演出,也是許多聲樂比賽的常任鋼琴合作藝術家。

劉孟捷、紫禁城室內樂團"四面來風" 3/25

中華表演藝術基金會,將於三月二十五日星期六 ,於新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),舉辦 《四面來風》- 音樂國際對話(系列之5)音樂會 ,由 中國音樂學院的紫禁城室內樂團,新英格蘭音樂學院的駐院藝術家 Borromeo 弦樂四重奏,和柯蒂斯音樂學院及新英格蘭音樂學院兩所學校教授 著名鋼琴家劉孟捷合作演出。當晚節目精彩 ,曲目包含有古曲 『寒鴉戲水  』, 及『春江花月夜 』, 及中國著名作曲家葉小剛應約創作的《光明行》的室内乐版本世界首演。表達了作曲家對劉天華先生的敬仰和追念 。 音樂會還將演出 柯蒂斯音樂學院作曲家 David Ludwig 的《百合、歌謠和星辰》(為簫、鋼琴和弦樂),中國作曲家鄒航的《十變五化》(為中國樂器和弦樂四重奏)等,旨在探索中西音樂文化的對比與交融。 這是紫禁城室內樂團繼 2014 - 2015在天津、西安和北京 與劉孟捷和 Borromeo 弦樂四重奏 成功的聯合演出之後,再次聯袂演出。

紫禁城室內樂團是活躍在世界舞台和具有廣泛影響的中國民族室內樂團,由來自中國民族音樂的最高學府中國音樂學院著名的11位音樂家組成。2008年成立以來多次參加國內外的重大音樂活動,足跡遍布世界各地。是中國對外交流的高端藝術家團體。 近年來,赴世界各地推廣中國優秀傳統音樂文化,同時著力推動中國民族音樂的時代創新,廣泛開展國際交流與合作。 紫禁城室內樂團出版了《梅邊四夢》《風聲》《天運》《四面來風》《四面來風》五張原創音樂 CD唱片,收錄多首中國民族音樂經典作品,並委約了中國、美國、俄羅斯、新西蘭、波蘭、菲律賓等國家的著名作曲家,為樂團創作了數十首風格多樣並具有實驗與探索性的原創作品。 被評為:體現了中國傳統音樂特有的華貴與典雅,表現了當代音樂舞台罕見的經典與魅力是探索中國當代音樂語境與世界對話的範例是當今世界最具影響力的室內樂團之一

Borromeo 弦樂四重奏是新英格蘭音樂學院的常駐藝術家、伊莎貝拉博物館 (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum) 常駐四重奏、美國Taos音樂學校常駐四重奏。當是今最具探索精神的四重奏之一。

與紐約林肯中心室內樂協會以及華盛頓特區國會圖書館進行廣泛合作,美國國家公共廣播台常年播放其節目。 Borromeo弦樂四重奏團曾在全世界各地的多個音樂廳演出。 在其22年的歷史中,Borromeo四重奏曾獲得許多獎項,包括林肯中心艾弗里費雪事業獎 (Avery Fisher Career Grant)、林肯中心馬丁獎、美國室內樂克利夫蘭四重奏獎、音樂會青年藝術家國際試演獎以及法國埃維昂國際弦樂四重奏大賽最高獎。

鋼琴家劉孟捷,榮獲艾弗里費雪事業獎。1993年以柯蒂斯音樂學院學生之姿,臨時通知代替鋼琴大師安德烈瓦茲(André Watts)演出。這個完美的演出,贏得許多高度的讚賞 ,讓劉孟捷登上頭條新聞。一場場大型的音樂會邀約接踵而來。 劉孟捷的演奏事業正值蒸蒸日上時,卻被一場突如其來的罕見疾病中斷,亢奮的免疫系統侵蝕了他全身的肌肉、皮膚、關節和心臟等組織。在住院一年多期間,歷經癱瘓、全身無法動彈,醫生認為他活下來的機會微乎其微,即使能僥倖存活,也不可能繼續他的演奏生涯。但劉孟捷憑著堅毅的決心與嚴酷的物理治療,通過重重考驗,奇蹟似的恢復健康,繼續活耀在演奏舞台上。浴火重生之後,劉孟捷除舉辦鋼琴獨奏會外,也與許多知名指揮和樂團合作。 2002年獲艾弗里費雪事業獎及費城音樂基金會職業成就獎。 劉孟捷的現場音樂會常被電台廣播,電視台也曾將劉孟捷人生故事作成特輯播出。 其演出被《芝加哥古典樂評》讚譽為「完美無瑕,周衍且均衡的鋼琴演奏」。

1,  漢調古曲: 寒鴉戲水 
2, David Ludwig: 百合、歌謠和星辰  (簫、鋼琴和弦樂)
3,  葉小綱: 光明行 (鋼琴和幾件中西樂器) (室內樂版本世界首演)                                                                            
4, 黃安倫 : 序曲與舞曲, 中國暢想曲之二  (鋼琴獨奏)
5,  古曲: 春江花月夜     
6,  鄒航: 十變五化 (中國樂器和弦樂四重奏)

票價 $15-$50,一百張學生免費票(十四歲以上)請上網索取。六歲以下兒童請勿入場. 查詢請洽中華表演藝術基金會譚嘉陵. 網站購票: www.ChinesePerformingArts.net  喬登廳票房 617-585-1260 (updated on 3/11/2017)
Music Dialogue and Cooperation (Series 5)
Meng-Chieh Liu 劉孟捷, piano
Borromeo String Quartet
The Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra 紫禁城室內樂團
On Saturday, March 25, 8 PM, at NEC's Jordan Hall, celebrated pianist Meng-Chieh Liu 劉孟捷, together with the renowned Borromeo String Quartet will join the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra 紫禁城室內樂團to perform a program that covers from an ancient tune of the Han Dynasty, to world premier works by award winning Chinese composer Xiaogang Ye葉小綱and Eli Marshall. Established in 2008, the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra, form China Conservatory of Music, is composed of eleven classically trained musicians, which interpret elements of Chinese traditional music. They have appeared and received critical acclaim worldwide and is remarked as “the embodiment of the elegance of Chinese traditional and the charm of contemporary music.” Tickets and other details at www.ChinesePerformingArts.net.
Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

Music Dialogue and Cooperation (Series 5)
Meng-Chieh Liu 劉孟捷,  piano
Borromeo String Quartet
The Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra 紫禁城室內樂團

Saturday, March 25, 2017, 8 PM
New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall
Tickets: $15-$50, Order online: www.ChinesePerformingArts.net, 781-259-8195


1  Jackdaws play in the cold water 寒鴉戲水  
Ancient Tune from the Han Dynasty  漢調古曲

2  With the lilies, the song, and the stars 百合、歌謠和星辰  by David Ludwig
--- for xiao, strings, and piano

3  Ten Changes and Five Variables  十變五化  by Hang Zou鄒航                                                                                          
-- for Chinese ensemble and string quartet


4  The Prelude and the Dance for solo piano    by Anlun Huang 黃安倫 (1974)
formerly known as  “Chinese Rhapsody No.2”

5  The Selin Lake  色林錯  by Xiaogang Ye  葉小綱
--- for piano and Eastern and Western instruments
World Premiere (世界首演
Commissioned by the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra紫禁城室內樂團

6  Concertinetto di buonora 捷指先登  by Eli Marshall
--- for solo piano and ten instrumentalists with optional string quartet obbligato
World Premiere (世界首演
Commissioned by Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts 中華表演藝術基金會

Tickets: (Children under 6 not admitted)
$50: VIP Reserved Seats, $30: open seating at non-VIP section , $15: student open seating at non-VIP section
100 free student tickets (age 14 and up) available at :

Rush tickets $10 for students and senior, available 6:30 pm on concert day at Jordan Hall Box Office only, 617-585-1260.

Meng-Chieh Liu 劉孟捷,  piano

Faculty member at New England Conservatory and Curtis Institute of Music
Recipient of the Avery Fisher Career Grant
and the Philadelphia Musical Fund Society Career Advancement Award.
"faultless, discreetly balanced pianism"Chicago Classical Review

Borromeo String Quartet

Nicholas Kitchen and Kristopher Tong, violins
Mai Motobuchi, viola
Yeesun Kim, cello

A Trio of String Quartets, from Wearisome to Sublime, The Borromeo String Quartet is
simply the best there is on this planet; every appearance they make is an Event
The Boston Globe
  Winner of the 2007 Avery Fisher Career Grant
  Winner of Lincoln Center's Martin E. Segal Award (2001)
  Winner of the Cleveland Quartet Award (1998)

Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra 紫禁城室內樂團
The Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra, form China Conservatory of Music,  is composed of eleven classically trained musicians, which interpret elements of Chinese traditional music. Established in 2008, it has appeared and received critical acclaim worldwide. It is remarked as “the embodiment of the elegance of Chinese traditional music and the charm of contemporary music.”

LIU Shun 劉順, music director and conductor , YANG Jing 楊靖, director and founder, pipa 
SHEN Cheng 沈誠, huqin,  ZHANG Zunlian 張尊連, huqin,  ZHAO Chengwei 趙承偉, sanxian
JIAO Shanlin 焦山林, percussion,  YANG Lin 楊琳, Guzheng,  LUO Yuan 羅媛, dulcimer
WANG Hua 王華, flute and xiao,  WANG Yang 王洋, sheng,  DI Yang 邸揚, ruan and  liuqin (Originally posted on 2/23/2017)

Lowell resuable bag factory fined $1.2 Million for violates wage law and retaliation

Alleged Violations of State Minimum Wage, Earned Sick Time Law and Federal Overtime and Child Labor Laws; More Than 500 Workers to Receive Restitution

            BOSTON – A Lowell reusable bag factory has agreed to pay nearly $1.2 million to resolve numerous alleged wage and hour law violations and for retaliating against employees, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today. As a result, more than 550 affected workers will receive restitution, some of it in double damages.

“Hundreds of low-income workers were cheated by this employer who we allege tried to evade state labor laws,” said AG Healey. “Our laws ensure that every employee in Massachusetts is paid fairly and these workers will now get back the wages they earned.”

Today’s announcement is the result of a joint enforcement between the AG’s Office and the United States Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division.

The company, known as UnWrapped Inc., primarily sells reusable grocery bags to chain supermarkets and many of its workers are paid by staffing agencies. The AG’s Office alleges that the employer used staffing agencies in an attempt to shield itself from liability, asserting that it did not employ the workers.
In a settlement agreement with the AG’s Office, Unwrapped, Inc. and its president Steven Katz, Esq. have agreed to pay $293,170 for alleged violations of state laws including failure to pay minimum wage, failure to provide earned sick time, and retaliation against two workers who cooperated with the investigation.

            In a related settlement with USDOL, the company and Katz have agreed to pay $890,021 for alleged violations of federal overtime law, plus a penalty of $8,350 for a violation of federal child labor law.
            These settlements resolve allegations resulting from a joint investigation by the AG’s Fair Labor Division and the USDOL that began in April 2016 after the matter was referred by the Massachusetts Council on Underground Economy.

The investigation revealed that between April 2014 and April 2016, temporary workers at UnWrapped were paid at an hourly rate below the state minimum wage. These workers will receive double damages for these violations.

The company allegedly did not have an earned sick time policy and employees and workers were not given access to earned sick time. The Massachusetts earned sick time policy allows for workers to use earned sick time if they (or their child, spouse, parent, or spouse’s parent) are sick or injured or have a routine medical appointment.

Additionally, two employees who cooperated during the investigation were fired until Katz agreed to hire them back and pay them for the hours of work missed.
The investigation also found that there was an 11-year-old child working at the factory and that workers were not paid one-and-a-half times the regular rate for all hours worked over 40 per week, as required by law.

UnWrapped will be paying restitution to all workers on the job site, regardless of whether the company claims that they were employed by a staffing agency. The AG’s settlement also requires that UnWrapped strengthen their recordkeeping practices, as well those of any staffing agency that they work with. UnWrapped is now posting in its facility information on Massachusetts Wage and Hour Laws.

AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division is responsible for enforcing state laws regulating the payment of wages, including prevailing wage, minimum wage and overtime laws.
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace are encouraged to call the Office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465. More information about the state’s wage and hour laws is also available in multiple languages at the Attorney General’s new Workplace Rights website www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Scully, Investigator Kevin Shanahan and Division Chief Cynthia Mark, all of Attorney General Healey’s Fair Labor Division

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Boston Teachers demand a contract they can call it fair

Boston Teachers “Walk-In” at 100+ Local Schools To Demand a Fair Contract That Helps Students

BOSTON — This morning, Boston teachers and school staff rallied outside Boston schools and walked in before classes began to demand a fair contract that is good for students, good for schools, and fair to educators.

“On behalf of our 76% female teaching force, we’re asking for a contract that protects our most vulnerable students, reduces class sizes in kindergarten classes as well as in schools with the highest needs, and provides paid parental leave for all early-career teachers, but we’ve been treated poorly and disrespectfully,” said Richard Stutman, President of the Boston Teachers Union. “We’ve been bargaining in good faith for months, and it’s time to settle.”

The Boston Teachers Union contract expired in August 2016.

“Under the current contract, I won’t be able to take any paid maternity leave time,” said Leila Parks, a third year teacher and expectant mother. “I hope that the city will apply its new maternity leave policy to include early career teachers as well.”

“Special education inclusion, done well, is a priority for us,” explained Nicole Mullen, a Boston Public Schools teacher and BTU negotiating team member. “We believe in inclusion, but know that for it to be successful, we need to have to full staffing and the right supports in place. That’s what we’re fighting for.” 

The current Boston Public Schools contract proposal would harm our most vulnerable students in Inclusion classes, would maintain high class size maxima in kindergarten and schools that have the highest needs, and would fail to provide paid parental leave (currently provided to all non-unionized city employees) for our early-career teachers.

“We’ve been negotiating for 14 months, and we’ve met 32 times in negotiations, for over 200 hours, but we have had no success,” said Melanie Allen, a Boston Public Schools parent, teacher, and BTU negotiating team member. “We have little doubt that, were the BTU a workforce that was 76% male, we’d have settled the contract by now.”

MA Drought Conditions Improved

Drought Conditions Improve Across Commonwealth,
Water Deficit Continues Throughout State
Monitoring of Water Resources to Continue, Indoor Water Conservation by Public Necessary

BOSTON – March 10, 2017 – While many areas of the state experienced some levels of precipitation in February, a majority of the state continues to experience a water deficit. As a result, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton today declared the following drought levels throughout the Commonwealth: a Drought Watch for the Connecticut River Valley and Southeast Region, down from a Drought Warning in the month of February; and a Drought Advisory for the Western, Central, and Northeast Region as well as the Cape and Islands, down from a Drought Watch for the Western and Central Regions in the month of February, and unchanged for the Northeast Region and Cape and Islands. The declaration was the result of a recommendation issued from a recent meeting of the Drought Management Task Force, comprised of state and federal officials, and other entities, and will remain in effect until water levels return to normal in the affected regions.

“While we remain cautiously optimistic of recent rain events, the Commonwealth is still in the midst of a long-term drought, which has resulted in a precipitation deficit over the course of more than two years,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito Administration asks that the public continues to monitor indoor home water usage by fixing leaks in their system and practicing best water conservation methods in order to allow the state’s water systems to further rebound.”

“Drought conditions across the Commonwealth improved over the past month as a result of precipitation and the public’s water conservation efforts.  Nonetheless, the drought persists and it remains critical that the public continues to conserve water,” said Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Director Kurt Schwartz. “Additionally, with spring and summer fast approaching, and the likelihood of drought conditions continuing for the foreseeable future, now is the time to plan for, and implement outdoor water conservation measures to offset the expected seasonal increase in the demand for water to support recreational and agricultural activities.”   

A Drought Watch, as outlined in the Massachusetts Drought Management Plan, warrants detailed monitoring of drought conditions, close coordination among state and federal agencies, and technical outreach and assistance for the affected municipalities. The declaration of a Drought Advisory indicates a level of dry conditions that warrants closer tracking by government agencies. 

Description: drought_status_map2017 February

The state continues to intensely monitor and assess the drought situation, and any associated environmental and agricultural impacts. Furthermore, the state asks the public to be mindful of the amount of water they are using, and to reduce indoor water use, address leaks as soon as possible, and for larger buildings and businesses to conduct water audits to ensure they identify areas of leaks and potential water conservation. All these steps will greatly help reduce water use to ensure essential needs such as drinking water and fire protection are being met, habitats have enough water to recover, and to stretch our water supplies into the spring.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) continues to provide technical assistance to communities on managing systems, including assistance on use of emergency connections and water supplies, as well as assisting towns on how to request a declaration of drought emergency.

“After several months of near normal precipitation we have seen conditions improve, but we are still dealing with a deficit acquired over the last two years,” said Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “The next two months are especially important to ensure that we enter the heavy water-use season with conditions as near-normal as possible. We ask for people’s continued attention to conservation and advise everyone to be aware of any specific limitations imposed by their local public water system.”

Task Force officials also noted the lack of snow pack at this time of the year that would typically result in slow recharge of the ground during the winter and spring months. Additionally, officials noted that while reservoir levels are recovering during this natural recharge period, some are still below normal. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) water supply system is not currently experiencing drought conditions, as defined within its individual plan.

“Unfortunately, we did not get much of a snowpack in the Quabbin Reservoir watershed and the recent rains seemed to have missed it as well,” said MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey. “It is going to be increasingly important that residents and businesses practice conservation measures as we start getting into the warmer months.”

The declaration of a Drought Watch and a Drought Advisory requires the Drought Management Task Force to meet on a regular basis to more closely assess conditions across the state, coordinate dissemination of information to the public, and help state, federal and local agencies prepare any responses that may be needed in the future. The Task Force will next meet in April. For further information on water conservation and what residents can do, visit the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ drought page, the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s drought management page, and the MassDEP Water Conservation page.

$850,000 in Community Compact Grants awarded

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Over $850,000 in Community Compact Grants
Second round of Efficiency and Regionalization Grants awarded to 38 communities

BOSTON – Today the Baker-Polito Administration awarded over $850,000 in Community Compact Cabinet grants to 38 municipalities and 8 school districts across the Commonwealth. These grants will assist municipalities in exploring and implementing efficiency and regionalization initiatives. In December, the administration awarded more than $1 million to over 70 municipalities during the first round of Community Compact Cabinet’s efficiency and regionalization grants.

“Our administration formed the Community Compact Cabinet, led by Lieutenant Governor Polito, to solidify state government’s role as a reliable partner for cities and towns,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud to announce the second round of grants to help cities, towns, and school districts from across the Commonwealth work together on improving their regionalization and efficiency efforts to better serve their residents.”
“We are pleased to continue supporting our municipalities through this effective grant program,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Chair of the Community Compact Cabinet. “As former local officials, Governor Baker and I understand the importance of maintaining strong relationships with our 351 cities and towns and we believe these grants will increase efficiencies and maximize taxpayer dollars to make every corner of the Commonwealth a better place to live, work and raise a family.”
“Supporting our cities and towns and giving them the tools to best deliver services has been a priority since the administration has taken office,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Kristen Lepore. “The $2 million in regionalization and efficiency grants awarded over the last four months will help the Commonwealth’s cities and towns better serve their communities in a more efficient way, and I am pleased that we once again are able to provide this important funding.”

The Community Compact Cabinet’s Efficiency & Regionalization grant program is a new initiative for Fiscal Year 2017 that provides financial support for governmental entities interested in implementing regionalization and other efficiency initiatives that allow for long-term sustainability. The grants will provide funds for one-time or transition costs for municipalities, regional school districts, school districts considering  forming a regional school district or regionalizing services, regional planning agencies and councils of governments interested in such projects.

The Governor’s FY18 budget proposal filed in January, 2017 includes $2 million for the Community Compact Best Practices program and $2 million to continue supporting these thoughtful efficiency and regionalization grants. Also previously announced, the Governor’s third capital budget, released this upcoming spring, will provide another $2 million for the Community Compact IT Grant program.

Grant Recipients:

Regionalization / Shared Services
  • Rural Economic Development Planning (Chester, Blandford, Huntington, Middlefield, Montgomery, and Russell) - $100,511
  • Joint Economic Development (Boston, Braintree, Cambridge, Chelsea, Quincy and Somerville) - $100,000
  • Shared Town Administrator (Lenox and Lee) - $86,000
  • Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) On-line Permitting Platform and Shared Permit Data Standard (Ayer, Milton, North Reading, Westborough) - $70,619
  • Regional Animal Control (Fitchburg, Lunenburg, Townsend) - $42,257
  • Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) Economic Development Planning Services (Clarksburg, Great Barrington, Hinsdale, and Lanesborough) - $22,735

Municipal / School Shared Services
  • Wareham Town and School HR Functions - $72,499
  • Carver Town and School Facilities Department - $41,500
  • Easthampton City and School IT Department Consolidation - $38,000
  • Southbridge Town and School Facilities Management Team - $35,000
  • Norwell Town Hall and School Administration Building Consolidation - $25,000

School Regionalization
  • Exploration of further consolidation of the Quabbin Regional School District - $100,000
  • Exploration of  further school regionalization (Orange Elementary School District and Petersham Center School District to the Ralph C. Mahar Regional School District) - $53,000
  • Exploration of forming a Regionalization School District (Acushnet Public Schools and Fairhaven Public Schools) - $40,000
  • Exploration of further consolidation of the Adams-Cheshire Regional School District - $28,000

About the Community Compact Cabinet:

Formed in January 2015, the Community Compact Cabinet is chaired by Lt. Governor Polito and comprised of the secretaries of Housing & Economic Development, Education, Transportation, and Energy & Environmental Affairs, the Senior Deputy Commissioner of Local Services, the Assistant Secretary of Operational Services, and the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth. The Community Compact Cabinet elevates the Administration’s partnerships with cities and towns, and allows the Governor’s Office to work more closely with leaders from all municipalities. The Cabinet champions municipal interests across all executive secretariats and agencies, and develops, in consultation with cities and towns, mutual standards and best practices for both the state and municipalities.  The creation of Community Compacts creates clear standards, expectations and accountability for both partners.

As of today, 266 compacts have been signed