
星期一, 3月 20, 2017

第一次參加"薑味"? 50%折扣

Special discount for first-time attendees available!
6:30PM - 9:30PM
6:00 Private V.I.P. Reception
March 27, 2017

Musuem of Fine Arts, Boston
Art of the Americas Wing
This year marks the 13th anniversary of A Taste of Ginger, one of Boston's largest culinary events of the year.  Join us and meet celebrated chefs, including Jasper WhiteJoanne Chang, Andy Husbands, Karen Akunowicz, David Becker, Brian Flagg, and more from the 29 restaurants we are lucky to have in the Greater Boston area.

Limited offer at 50% off for first-time attendees!

To redeem this special discounted price, click HERE:
or contact Jean Doliber at 617-309-2512 or email

僑教中心續租10年 牛頓市長頒感謝狀

牛頓市市長Setti D. Warren()致送波士頓僑教中心感謝狀,由
牛頓市議員John Rice()一同合影。
牛頓市政府為感謝波士頓僑教中心自今年21日起於現址續租10年,經牛頓市議員John Rice聯繫安排,該市市長Setti D. Warren317日前往僑教中心致送感謝狀及舉辦續租10年剪綵儀式。駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪代表接感謝狀,並和牛頓高地社區發展協會副會長Jeff Swope、牛頓住屋局主任Amy Zarechian、僑務委員蔣宗壬、僑教中心主任歐宏偉共同剪綵。
從左至右:牛頓高地社區發展協會副會長Jeff Swope、牛頓市
住屋局主任Amy Zarechian、牛頓市市長Setti D. Warren、駐波士頓
牛頓市議員John Rice及僑務委員蔣宗壬共同剪綵。

星期日, 3月 19, 2017


(Boston Orange)在波士頓地區僑界熱心人士支持,40多名僑團首長出席的熱絡中,波士頓地區僑界關懷救助協會(Boston Taiwanese Emergency Assistance Association,簡稱BTEAA) 317日在波士頓華僑文教服務中心正式成立。



在全美华裔青年和留学生创业圈中最具影响力的2017年度华裔30岁以下优秀创业者(AACYF 30 under 30)评选,历时近3个月,从近700名优秀候选人中评选出30位来自不同行业领域的30岁以下杰出创业者,319日在洛杉矶公布获奖者名单。这是在全美、也是在海外第一个专门面向华裔青年和留学生的优秀创业者评选活动。
投资类:锋芒展露的风投基金公司、牛犊创投创始人王静远;NewGen Capital的张璐;E3 Capital赵晨;Agile VC Shuonan Chen
时尚和传媒类: 在北美留学生群体中极具影响力的新媒体平台、北美留学生日报的创始人果宇;在全美华人社群中、声誉鹊起的饮食类专项新媒体平台“吃货小分队的创始人段方旖;留学生时尚先锋、中美时代集团创始人杨静竹;VERAWANGxNYC创始人、时尚博主王大宝;内容创业者、聚星会创始人郑泽宇
制造和能源类: 生产新能源户外电池应急能源等电子产品的融硅集团RNG Group的创始人李懿博士;生产新款智能眼镜的VUE的创始人桂家勋,曾创下在美国众筹网站45天筹款200万美元的佳绩;生产美容护发电子产品的AMAXY Inc创始人Du Chen;生产智能存钱罐的阿里辛巴科技公司创始人阮宇博
企业、消费者科技类:获得风投公司青睐的ProspectWise联合创始人刘佳科;曾经被洛杉矶时报在头版报道过的Magic Cube公司创始人戎若天;Price Hacker创始人连润雄;Data Application Lab (数据应用学院)的联合创始人陈晓理博士
音乐表演艺术类:青年吉他演奏家胡滨博士、青年古筝演奏家夏菁、好莱坞华裔青年演员唐辰瀛(Chen Tang
2017年度华裔30岁以下优秀创业者 (AACYF 30 under 30) 评选活动由全美中华青年联合会、美国华人公共外交促进会、洛杉矶邮报联合主办。中国侨网、紫荆网等40多家全球知名媒体为媒体支持单位。(AACYF洛杉矶讯)


Grand Opening of the BCNC Pao Arts Center

Arts Center will be a community unifier that preserves the rich Asian American legacy

Boston (MA) - Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) will proudly open the Pao Arts Center on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 99 Albany Street, Boston, in the One Greenway building.

The Pao Arts Center is located at a historically important parcel of land, Parcel 24, which was once home to over 200 Chinatown families before they were displaced by the construction of highways. This reclamation of space celebrates both traditional artistic practice and supports contemporary artists. As metro Boston’s newly dedicated Asian and Asian immigrant cultural space, the Pao Arts Center invites all Bostonians to experience cultural performances and exhibitions, exchange ideas with contemporary thought leaders, and support and amplify voices of underrepresented artists and community.

To mark the opening, BCNC will host several events open to the public, including:
  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Tuesday, May 2, 1:00 pm
  • Grand Opening Celebration, Tuesday, May 2, 2:00-6:00 pm
  • Community Celebration, Saturday, May 6, 1:00-7:00 pm
Formerly known as One Chinatown, the Pao Arts Center has been renamed in recognition of the generous support of Eleanor and Frank Pao. As active philanthropists, they have endowed many scholarships in higher education and the Boston Ballet School. The Pao Family business varies from hi-tech, to solar, to commercial real estate, and Eleanor has been a Board Member of Boston Ballet and the Celebrity Series of Boston.

Eleanor and Frank Pao share, “We felt that arts can enrich and transform our daily lives. We are thrilled to support this exciting new project and do something for the Boston community.”

“Chinatown is an important neighborhood in the City of Boston,” says Giles Li, BCNC Executive Director. “Chinatown has been home to countless immigrants to our country, and served as a place where newcomers could find a community that helped them adjust to life in America. As the city and the neighborhood changes, the Pao Arts Center sends a message to all people – long-time residents, new arrivals, transplants – that everyone is welcome, and everyone should belong.”

The Pao Arts Center, located at 99 Albany Street in Boston, was developed by BCNC in partnership with Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC). The 5,000 square-foot space includes a theater, gallery, and classrooms. To support the Arts Center, BCNC received the prestigious National Creative Placemaking award from ArtPlace America in 2016, just one of 29 funded projects out of more than 1,400 applicants.
Partnerships and support from across sectors include the Barr Foundation, Liberty Mutual Foundation, Bunker Hill Community College, Tufts University School of Medicine, South Cove Community Health Center, and Asian Community Development Corporation. The robust Community Advisory Committee – with representatives ranging from health, sciences, and arts and culture – ensure that the Pao Arts Center has a holistic approach and impact on the community.


Defendants Permanently Barred from Operating Unlicensed Medical Clinics in Massachusetts

BOSTON – Two individuals have been ordered to pay $13.5 million for the deceptive marketing of medications and services relating to the treatment of erectile dysfunction at an unlicensed medical clinic in Framingham, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today. The judgment also orders preventive measures to ensure future compliance with the law.       

Pursuant to the Suffolk Superior Court judgment, Kevin Hornsby, M.D., was ordered to pay $11 million in civil penalties and his wife, Heidi Hornsby, was ordered to pay $2.5 million. The judgment also permanently prohibits these defendants from operating unlicensed medical clinics in Massachusetts or deceptively marketing any medication or medical service relating to the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the state.

According to the AG’s complaint filed in Suffolk Superior Court in July 2015, the defendants, Florida Men’s Medical Clinic, LLC (FMMC), Men’s Medical Clinic, LLC (MMC), Kevin Hornsby, MD and Heidi Hornsby, were responsible for the deceptive marketing of medications and services relating to the treatment of erectile dysfunction at an unlicensed medical clinic in Framingham that went by the names Massachusetts Men’s Medical Clinic, Massachusetts Men’s Medical and Men’s Medical Clinic.

The defendants used various deceptive practices in widespread TV, print and radio advertising to market the erectile dysfunction services and treatments sold at their Framingham facility. According to the complaint, more than 4,000 consumers went to the unlicensed facility for care.

Kevin and Heidi Hornsby have filed for bankruptcy, although this judgment is not dischargeable through those proceedings. The AG’s Office’s obtained a separate and final judgment against FMMC and MMC in August 2016. 

The litigation is being handled by Assistant Attorney General Emiliano Mazlen with assistance from Division Chief Karen Tseng and Deputy Division Chief Eric Gold of AG Healey’s Health Care Division and Kevin McCarthy and Anthony Crespi of AG Healey’s Civil Investigations Division.

Social workers are marching!

Social workers are marching!

NASW-MA Hosts Annual Lobby Day (LEAD) on Monday, March 28, 2016

Social Workers for Social Justice

Boston – The MA Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers holds its annual Legislative Education and Advocacy Day (LEAD) on Monday, March 21st from 9am – 3pm. Celebrating March as National Social Work Month, LEAD is one of the largest annual lobby days at the State House each year with a record-breaking 800 participants expected on the 21st. 

For the first time in LEAD’s 12-year history, this year’s event will begin with a plenary inside historic Faneuil Hall, capacious enough to seat the 800 social workers who will be participating. Then social workers will march through the streets of Boston to the State House.

“The March for Social Work Values” highlights the importance of our profession and social justice for those with whom we work.

LEAD empowers social workers to effectively advocate for legislation that advances human rights, anti-racism, economic justice and access to health and mental health care – all the more important in 2017 given the policies, budget priorities and threats coming from Washington.

Many legislators will be in attendance or expecting social workers for lobby visits. Representative Byron Rushing, longtime Civil Rights Activist, will speak with participants in Faneuil Hall about what makes a good advocate and why engagement is so critical at this time. Other speakers include Tiziana Dearing, Boston College Social Work professor known for her anti-poverty work, and Kate Audet, social worker and State Government Relations Director at Boston Children’s Hospital, who will tell the story of a legislative win.

The first priority for many social workers will be the Social Work Loan Forgiveness bill establishing a pilot program for young professionals aimed at building the workforce in underserved agencies and including elder services and child welfare. Social workers on the front lines of the opiate crisis will advocate to increase treatment from 14 to 30 days, referring to evidence that demonstrates much stronger effectiveness. Child welfare, economic justice, ending mass incarceration, mental health access, and other social work issues will be at the forefront with related bills.

As the legislative session gets underway, timing could not be better for social workers to make an impact!

From 12-2pm social workers will be headquartered in the Great Hall of the MA State House. Please join us for interviews and photos