
星期二, 11月 15, 2016


美中医学交流学会(ACMES学术年会20161112在哈佛贝斯以色列医院隆重举行,与会者包括了来自大洋彼岸的中国,美国加州纽约等,及新英格兰地区的医生,治疗师医学科研人员百余人历时医界大碗云集,分两个会场,先后有二十多名医学专家讲演涵盖各种多发病最新进展,医学热点点评, 病例讨论,还有医学诉讼,医药对话,医生及医学科学生涯分享,博后论坛,成果分享内容丰富,形式多样,深受与会者好评,纷纷表示收益匪浅。
来自贝斯以色列医院的心血管专家Peter Kang教授指出心血管疾病的发病年龄趋势逐渐年轻化并介绍疾病成因、治疗趋势以及2016心血管病防治的最新进展来自布莱根妇女医院的内分泌专家Margo Hudson 教授则介绍了糖尿病微血管并发症的最新解析与治疗进展,随着糖尿病这一文明病近年的急剧增长,认识其合并症早期防治至关重要,而斯堡定康中心的王青梅教授则对于中风的治疗康复方面进展做了详尽的讲演,包括了最新的情景模拟,机器人协助等技术。
对亚裔多发病肝病,有资深专家对此进行专业讲座培训。加利福尼亚大学尔湾医学中心临床医学胡克勤教授和哈佛大学医学院临床医学刘丹阳副教授分别对 乙肝、肝的治疗病例做了专题讲座详细介绍了近年治疗方面突破性进展。
困扰着无数中老年的骨质疏松症也是极为关注的慢病,布莱根妇女医院的闽乐教授介绍了骨质疏松的临床评估及各种治疗方案,包括了最新的注射型药物的利弊, 并通过病例讨论阐述补充维生素D的重要性。
临床医师侯春秋与杨薇医生分享了她们成为医生的道路和临床生涯,成功的医学研究人员张眉博士介绍了他的细胞影像和职业,放射科医师Kye Kim大家介绍了远程放射学的挑战和机遇以及国际会平台临床药剂师温国林介绍了医生药剂师的关系,药物动力学和药效学测量对于医生开药的指导价值。医学诉讼首席律师David Gould带给听众的是他的拿手题目:医学实践中的法律问题,他强调医患关系和医责重要性博士后研究者宋瑞,Wenshu Luo, Jianting Huang, Mingzhu Xu, Han Xu, John Wong先后在博后论坛发言,讲演了他们医学研究新进展。刘君,宋瑞和陆平博士在最新期的美中医学NAJMS分别发表自闭症与肠道微生物,自闭症与自主功能失调,自闭症与免疫失调的综述文章。


波士頓商業期刊(BBJ)今(15)日下午報導,發行”個人電腦世界(PC World)",”資訊長(CIO)”等科技刊物,座落於傅萊明罕鎮(Framingham)的出版及研究巨擘,國際數據集團(International Data Group,簡稱IDG),傳出消息,有意以10億元把自己賣給和該公司有關的中國投資者。
創辦於1964年的IDG,近年走在十字路上。大約兩年前,該公司創辦人麥高文(Patrick McGovern)去世了。IDG的所有權轉移給了麥高文資產,以維護麥高文基金的利益。
IDG表示,一月份時,該公司找來高盛(Goldman Sachs)投資銀行來研究出售可能。


BOSTON - Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh will join Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans on Wednesday, November 16 at 12:15 p.m. to swear in 42 Boston Police Cadets to the Boston Police Department. 

Last year, Mayor Walsh announced the reinstatement of the Boston Police Cadet Program, a training program for Boston's youth seeking a career in law enforcement.

Candidates for the cadet program must be between the ages of 18-24, be a current resident of Boston, and have maintained Boston residency for the last 5 years, be a United States citizen, have a valid Massachusetts driver's license and take and pass an exam. 

The Cadet program is a minimum of a two-year commitment. Cadets rotate throughout the Department in various assignments and shifts, including Headquarters, District Stations, and other specialized units throughout the City. Primary responsibilities include: routine clerical and administrative duties, answering phones, data entry, traffic duty, utilizing Department vehicles, barrier work, and related duties as required.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Building & Construction Trades Unions Celebrate Diversity on National Women in Apprenticeship Day

Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Building & Construction Trades Unions Celebrate Diversity on National Women in Apprenticeship Day
BOSTON – Tonight, as part of the U.S. Department of Labor’s National Apprenticeship Week and National Women in Apprenticeship Day, the Building and Construction Trades Unions and the Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues, in partnership with community groups and other industry stakeholders, will celebrate the building trades unions’ investment in expanding opportunities for women and people of color into registered apprenticeship programs to access high-wage, high-skill career opportunities here in Massachusetts.
Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh will also join the celebration, marking the Building and Construction Trades Unions’ support of a diverse workforce. Mayor Walsh launched Building Pathways in 2011, in coordination with the Boston Office of Workforce Development. Building Pathways is a pre-apprenticeship program that provides women and people of color a direct path into a career in the building trades. In 2015, Boston received a $3 million grant to expand the program, and create more apprenticeship opportunities in construction and hospitality. The City’s award, part of the $175 million American Apprenticeship Grant program, will serve 394 participants seeking to advance careers in the construction and hospitality sectors.
“Diversity is vital to creating a strong, thriving workforce,” said Mayor Walsh. “I’m proud the Building and Construction Trades Unions are working to expand opportunities for women and people of color.”
Building trades unions, contractors, and community groups will gather at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 17 Training Center in Dorchester to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, proclaim Women in Apprenticeship Day and recognize game changers for increasing racial and gender inclusion in the industry.
For over 100 years, the building trades unions have been the model of successful apprenticeship education and training programs in the U.S.  The Building Trades “earn while you learn” apprenticeship model combines formal classroom training with paid on-the-job training, providing a first step up the ladder to economic well-being.
“Apprenticeship has built the workforce that has built America,” said Frank Callahan, President of the Massachusetts Building Trades. “Training is a full time commitment by our unions and contractors, funded to the tune of over $40 million annually in Massachusetts.  This commitment to training satisfies the workforce demands of today and tomorrow, and helps raise standards throughout the construction industry.”
A top priority of the building and construction trades unions in Massachusetts over the past several years has been expanding opportunities to historically underrepresented groups through Project Labor Agreements (PLAs), building trades pre-apprenticeship programs, and partnerships with the Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues and community groups.
“Investment in initiatives like these support women and people of color in achieving access, opportunity and equity in the construction industry, and strengthen both our building trades unions and our communities,” said Brian Doherty, General Agent, Building and Construction Trades Council of the Metropolitan District.
The Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues (PGTI), founded in 2008, has brought together over 75 construction industry stakeholders to increase access to and demand for women in the industry.  PGTI works to ensure women have jobs by working with project owners on meeting workforce goals.  PGTI has found that where women are given access to high-wage, high-skill careers through quality apprenticeship training, coupled with commitments from owners to hire a diverse workforce, women can and do flourish in these careers.
“There’s something special happening here. For almost 40 years, efforts to bring more women into the trades have been largely unsuccessful,” Susan Moir, PGTI co-convener and Research Director, UMass Boston Labor Resource Center. “PGTI’s strategy of focusing on project owners improving compliance with workforce goals – of ensuring there is demand for women on the job – is turning the tide.  Women’s percentage of the work hours in Boston has almost doubled in the last five years. Our goal is 20% by 2020.”
“I love being a Sheet Metal Worker,” said fifth-year Local 17 Sheet Metal Worker apprentice Shamaiah Tibet-Turner, a testament to this success. “I love that it’s challenging both physically and mentally. I’m thankful for my apprenticeship program because I now have access to a rewarding and stable career that’s going to make sure that I can take care of myself and my family now and after I retire.”
The November 15th event will feature PGTI’s first annual “Crushing the Barriers to Women in Apprenticeship” Awards which will go to Walsh Brothers and the Elevator Constructors Local 4 registered apprenticeship program.
Walsh Brothers is being recognized for its work on the Integrated Sciences Complex at UMass Boston, a $180 million project completed under a union PLA that met the workforce goals for employing women and people of color.
“We’ve made the business decision to hire a diverse, well-trained workforce,” said Walsh Brothers owner, Richie Walsh. “We would not have access to a trained, diverse workforce without union apprenticeships.  We will continue to work with our partners to expand opportunities for all workers.”
The Elevator Constructors Local 4 Boston Registered Apprenticeship Program will be honored for adopting an innovative “direct entry” policy to accept graduates of the Building Pathways Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Program.
“The building trades unions are leading the way in innovative workforce development by providing increased opportunities to underserved communities through the use of apprenticeship readiness programs such as Building Pathways,” said Mary Vogel, Executive Director of Building Pathways.
“I grew up in Dorchester, right down the street from Local 4,” said Building Pathways graduate and first year Elevator Constructor apprentice Alex Monteiro, sharing his enthusiasm for his new career. “Every day is exciting. Every day new challenges present an opportunity to learn.  You can’t get this anywhere else. No matter what background you have, union apprenticeship will change your life. While I’m investing in my career, my union’s investing in me and my future.”
Sponsors of the November 15th celebration include the Massachusetts Building Trades Council, Building and Construction Trades Council of the Metropolitan District, Building Trades Training Directors’ Association, Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues, Building Pathways, Inc., Building Trades Employers Association, Greater Boston Plumbing Contractors Association, National Electrical Contractors Association of Greater Boston, and New England Mechanical Contractors Association.
The Massachusetts Building Trades represents 75,000 workers. www.massbuildingtrades.org
The Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues works to crush the barriers to women in high-skill, high-wage careers in union construction. www.policygroupontradeswomen.org

Building Pathways Inc. is a building trades unions pre-apprenticeship program that recruits and trains women and people of color to prepare them for the building trades.


(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓市政府主辦的”火花影響獎(Boston Spark Impact Award)”,15名入圍者中只有一名華裔,”雞肉飯傢伙(Chicken & Rice Guy)”創辦人蘇宇寅。最後獎落誰家,將由市民投票決定,12月1日晚將在"麻州挑戰"會址舉行頒獎禮。
“火花影響獎"是波士頓市政府”波士頓火花理事會(Spark Boston Council)”從2014年起舉辦,鼓勵年輕市民從各行各業發揮領導力,做一名創造改變者的活動,今年有100多人參選。
蘇宇寅創辦"雞肉飯傢伙"以來,一直很注重承擔社會責任,致力支持社區,員工,並藉由雞肉飯傢伙基金"這慈善組織,捐了4200份餐食給婦女的午餐地(Women’s Lunch Place),和三角公司(Triangle Inc.)傑為夥伴,為精神或身體殘障者提供就業培訓。迄今,雞肉飯傢伙"幾乎每天都在為不同的人服務,平均一個月要服務160小時。雞肉飯傢伙"也經由"建造(BUILD)"項目,贊助市內學生創業,在麻省總醫院為捐血者提供免費食物,還捐禮物卡,免費食物給吉米基金(Jimmy Fund)"等數以打計的大波士頓內非牟利組織。
波士頓火花理事會今年有35名理事。從波市府的名單資料來看,其中應有兩人為華裔,一為南波士頓的Justin Yiu,一為奧斯頓(Allston)Edith Shi

Mayor Walsh and SPARK Boston invite residents to choose from millennial residents making a positive impact in Boston
BOSTON - Thursday, November 17, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and SPARK Boston, the Mayor's millennial engagement program, today announced 15 finalists for the 2016 SPARK Impact Awards. The finalists will be honored and the winners will be announced at the award ceremony on Thursday, December 1st at MassChallenge.

"The 15 finalists for the 2016 SPARK Impact Awards are setting the standard for Boston's next generation of civic leadership," said Mayor Walsh. "They are promoting arts and culture, expanding economic opportunity for all, elevating the voices of Boston's immigrant communities, fighting the addiction epidemic, helping homeless veterans become self-sufficient, and working tirelessly to make Boston a healthy, thriving city. At a young age, they have already made an incredible impact, and I am proud to recognize their passion and dedication to improving Boston's future."

"We are thrilled to announce this slate of finalists for the 2016 SPARK Impact Awards," said SPARK Boston Council Member Tina Natale. "It was incredibly difficult to choose from so many outstanding nominees, but these 15 individuals have truly gone above and beyond to make our city a better place. We are eager to share their stories and let the SPARK Boston community decide who will win the 2016 SPARK Impact Awards."

Mayor Walsh put out an open call for nominations for the 2016 SPARK Impact Awards this summer. A selection committee comprised of SPARK Boston Council members reviewed over 100 nominations in order to select the finalists, whose personal stories can be found on SPARK Boston's website. A round of online voting will determine the winners in each category, to be announced at the award ceremony.

In addition to the award presentation, the event will feature a networking reception with refreshments provided by the Glynn Group, Aeronaut Brewing Co., Archer Roose, Coole Swan and more, a keynote address by award winning filmmaker and arts education advocate Jae Williams, and remarks from City of Boston officials.


Category: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Sarah Pace, nominated for founding TechGen
  • Ian So, nominated for spearheading the Chicken & Rice Guys Foundation and founding of the Boston Asian Entrepreneurship Foundation
  • Noah Hicks, nominated for creating and directing the Bowdoin Bike School

Category: Arts & Culture
  • Raber Umphenour, nominated for securing long-term artist housing in Fort Point
  • Hailey McGee, nominated for founding Emerging Boston Singer-Songwriters
  • Matt Parker, nominated for using poetry as a tool for effective community building and violence prevention

Category: Community Building and Neighborhood Improvement
  • Sherri Snow, nominated for leadership as Executive Director of the North End Music & Performing Arts Center
  • Shavel'le Olivier, nominated for serving as co-Chair of the Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
  • Sahar Lawrence, nominated for serving as Chair of the Grove Hall Trust

Category: Activism and Issue Advocacy
  • Mario Paredes, nominated for serving as Centro Presente's youngest board member
  • Andrea Macone, nominated for serving as Chair of UMass Boston's Recovery Task Force
  • Kevin Lilly, nominated for founding Samaritan Steps

Category: Unsung Heroes
  • Portsha Franklin, nominated for her work as a College Success Coach in conjunction with the Success Boston Initiative
  • Taylor Curley, nominated for going above and beyond to support her special needs students at the Mattahunt Elementary School
  • Corina Pinto, nominated for her work as a Community Health Worker at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Clinic

Massachusetts Officials Announce Additional $750,000 for Drinking Water Tests at Public Schools

Massachusetts Officials Announce Additional $750,000 for Drinking Water Tests at Public Schools
Funds will Pay for Continued Technical Assistance, Lab Analysis of Water Fountain and Tap Samples

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and State Treasurer Deb Goldberg announced an additional $750,000 from the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust (MCWT), enabling cooperative efforts to test for lead and copper within Massachusetts public schools. Additionally, the funds, which come on the heels of an April 2016 announcement that awarded $2 million for the program, allows the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to provide technical assistance for public school districts to sample water taps and fountains, and to identify results that indicate lead contamination over the federal action level.

“Ensuring every water tap and fountain is properly tested expeditiously is an important priority for our administration, the more than 900 schools, and the thousands of students attending them,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Making these critical funds available through the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust is an important tool for providing students everywhere with access to safe drinking water in their schools.”

“These additional funds allow for us to test more schools across the Commonwealth,” said Treasurer Goldberg, Chair of the MCWT. “By leveraging our money and expertise we will ensure that our children are drinking safe and clean water.” 

“It is incredibly important that every school district throughout Massachusetts has safe drinking water for the Commonwealth’s students,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “In the past three months, the Commonwealth and local school districts have worked together to collect hundreds of water samples, and this new funding will go a long way in protecting water quality within our schools.”

The funding from the MCWT, which launched the assistance program last spring, provides for sampling to confirm drinking water levels are below action levels in public school water fountains and fixtures used for food preparation, and is utilized for the training of school personnel to assist in designing sampling plans.

“To date, approximately 26,000 water samples have been collected and analyzed at local schools throughout the Commonwealth,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The additional funding from the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust underscores the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to ensuring safe drinking water remains available to all of the Commonwealth’s students.”

“The Trust’s vote to provide additional funds for our cities and towns to test their school’s district’s water quality is another example of the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to working as partners with our municipalities to provide vital services to Massachusetts residents,” said Kristen Lepore, Secretary of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, who is also a member of the Clean Water Trust Board of Directors.

“We encourage our school districts to take advantage of these additional resources and thank all the partners who have come together to support the safety and health of our Commonwealth’s students,” said Secretary of Education Jim Peyser

Working with technical assistance contractors from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, the MassDEP has completed sampling of 451 school buildings in 90 communities. Furthermore, another 21 school facilities in six additional communities are scheduled to be sampled over the next two weeks.

Of the 25,900 samples secured thus far, 164 school buildings have had one or more exceedances of the lead action level, while 76 school buildings have had one or more exceedance of the copper action level. A total of 73 school buildings have had no exceedance for either lead or copper. Information pertaining to school building water taps and fountain sample results reported to date can be found here

 “We are pleased with the participation of the schools, and as a result, have found many more taps to test,”said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg, who is also a member of the MCWT Board of Trustees. “When schools identify problem fixtures, they are quickly taking steps to fix the problem and providing timely updates to their students, families, staff and community.”

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) has also provided assistance to schools in their Greater Boston service area. Utilizing the MWRA’s own lab, they have analyzed more than 7,000 water samples from 240 school buildings since spring 2016. This analysis has included thousands of water samples from schools participating in the Commonwealth’s program.

“We are collaborating closely with MassDEP on this testing program. It is critical to ensuring the health and safety of our children,” said MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey

 The water sampling and technical assistance for all 930 school buildings enrolled in the program is expected to be completed by January 2017. Water supplied to schools is generally free of lead, but lead can be introduced into drinking water through plumbing and fixtures in buildings – especially in facilities more than 20 years old. The assistance program also addresses copper, which can also enter drinking water through plumbing.

Historically, the majority of lead poisoning cases in Massachusetts are attributable to lead paint exposures; however, other sources including drinking water in schools continue to be an important concern for a child’s health. Additional information on lead in drinking water and school-related issues can be found on the MassDEP’s “Lead in Drinking Water” webpage.

The Massachusetts Clean Water Trust lends financial assistance to the Commonwealth under the State Revolving Fund program by providing subsidized loans to cities and towns for clean water and drinking water infrastructure development. Since its establishment in 1989, the Trust has loaned more than $6.6 billion to improve and maintain the quality of water in the Commonwealth. An estimated 97 percent of Massachusetts’ citizens have benefited from the financial assistance of the Clean Water Trust.

Stephen Pike Named CEO of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Stephen Pike Named CEO of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

BOSTON – November 15, 2016 – Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton today announced that Stephen Pike has been named CEO and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), which is dedicated to building a nation-leading clean energy economy in Massachusetts.

“As the Baker-Polito Administration continues to diversify Massachusetts’ energy portfolio, we believe Steve is the right leader to help grow our state’s vibrant clean energy economy,” said Secretary Beaton. “His broad experience across the clean energy and environmental industries will help further our mission of making clean energy accessible, innovative and affordable in Massachusetts.”

“I look forward to continuing to build on our ongoing and emerging clean energy initiatives,” said MassCEC CEO Pike. “Fueled by entrepreneurship and innovation, Massachusetts’ clean energy industry is driving energy and cost savings while diversifying the state’s energy portfolio by bringing much needed clean resources such as solar, offshore wind and storage to the grid.”

Stephen Pike, CEO and Executive Director, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Stephen Pike first joined MassCEC as General Counsel in 2013, and began serving as Interim Chief Executive Officer in September 2015.

Prior to joining MassCEC, Pike practiced corporate law in Boston for nearly 15 years. Most recently he worked as a shareholder at Davis, Malm & D’Agostine, PC and prior to that as a partner and associate at Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP.  During this time, he focused primarily on commercial transactions, venture capital and private equity transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and general corporate law.  

At the state level, Pike has served as the Assistant to the Undersecretary at the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs and as the legislative director for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, during the Weld administration. Pike, a Haverhill resident, graduated from Yale University with a Bachelor’s degree in History and earned a Jurist Doctorate from the Boston University School of Law where he was an editor of the Law Review.

He is a member of the Massachusetts STEM Advisory Council and the Fraunhofer CSE Advisory Board. He also serves as a director on the boards of the Northeast Clean Energy Council and Greentown Labs. 

王力宏博士袍加身 歌聲繚繞波士頓交響樂廳

(Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導) 流行樂王子"王力宏,1113日晚回到波士頓辦演唱會,領取母校頒給的榮譽博士學位。有2300多個座位的波士頓交響樂廳,儘管高價門票美金逾百一張,仍全場爆滿。
在演唱會中,柏克萊音樂學院校長Roger H. Brown親自頒發榮譽博士學位給王力宏,並宣佈該校將設立王力宏獎學金",資助中國學生到該校學習。
出道這20年來,王力宏不但發行了19張以上專輯,出版5本書,拍了不下15部電影,2部電視劇,做過3個節目主持,開過的演唱會,做過的廣告代言,更是數難以計,其中2011年的"Music Man II 火力全開世界巡迴演唱會"更是歷時四年,總觀眾人數超過200萬。
王力宏早在今年6月時,已在自己的臉書上透露,母校柏克萊音樂學院頒給他榮譽博士學位。這趟他回波士頓,是參加母校每年一度的系列音樂會(signature series),學校還安排了不同國籍學生上台演唱王力宏的落葉歸根"等歌曲作品。

星期一, 11月 14, 2016


Roger Brown


臺北經文處指出,今年8月伯克利音樂學院國際事務負責人Mirek Vana等人至該處拜會賴處長,並說明該校頒發王力宏榮譽學位及演唱會活動,尋求合作,也邀請賴處長以貴賓身分出席活動及提供歡迎詞刊印於節目冊上。



