
星期日, 6月 28, 2015



(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導)中華民俗藝術工作坊日前在有650個座位的瑞吉斯(Regis)大學凱西劇院(Casey Theatre),公演二場“展翅高飛”。觀眾驚嘆,社區青少年的舞蹈竟精彩奪目得有如專業演出。
            分別在下午兩點,晚上七點半在瑞吉斯學院凱西劇院演出的“展翅高飛”,安排有 <千手擊鼓><紅梅踏雪><龍馳九宵><女兒會><小荷綻放><戀念台灣><劍舞紅袖><從鈴開始><活鈴活現><吉祥孔雀><祥獅獻瑞><喜妞妞><展翅高飛>等共13支舞蹈,既有中國傳統民俗環節,也包含現代舞,雜技,無論是舞步、音樂、燈光、服裝,以及舞台佈置,煙霧等視覺特效,都有令人眼前一亮的感覺。
           在幕後統籌策劃,甚至自己動手設計舞服,帶團到各地演出三十多場的張昆,黃美晴團長夫婦,邊感欣慰邊強調,這些成績全是團員努力,家長配合,社區支持成就出來的。查詢中華民俗藝術工作坊詳情可洽(781) 608-3971,或發電郵: cfawboston@gmail.com 



星期六, 6月 27, 2015





波士頓華僑文教中心 ( Culture Center of TECO in Boston )




星期五, 6月 26, 2015


15, 22, 71, 73, 77等五條較少人搭的巴士路線,將停止開行深夜班車。其他路線的巴士及火車班次,也都將縮減。

Changes to MBTA Late Night Service Take Effect This Weekend
BOSTON- Friday, June 26, 2015 -   As first announced in April, changes are coming to MBTA Late Night Service.  After closely monitoring ridership levels for the year-long Late Night Service pilot program, the MBTA is implementing a schedule that continues to offer service when demand is greatest.
The following Late Night Service changes take effect on Saturday night/Sunday morning, June 27/28:
  • Last subway trains will depart downtown stations at approximately 2:00AM on Friday and Saturday nights; this is also the latest time to make connections between subway lines.
  • The five least productive Late Night bus routes will be eliminated: 15, 22, 71, 73, 77.
  • Frequency on all other bus routes and rail lines will be reduced.
The MBTA will continue to review and modify Late Night Service to meet customer needs in a cost effective way while considering future alternative service delivery options. 
The Late Night Service changes were made following a comprehensive review and public comment process in February and March of this year involving nearly 1,700 participants.
For details on the changes to late night service, please visit MBTA Late Night. 

Baker, DeLeo, Walsh's Statement on Supreme Court Marriage Equality Decision

Governor Baker Statement on Supreme Court Marriage Equality Decision
BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker issued the following statement on today’s Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges:

“For me, the issue of marriage equality is personal. I’m pleased the Commonwealth has already recognized same-sex marriages in our state, and with today’s Supreme Court decision every American citizen across the nation will have equal protection under the law and the right to marry the person they choose.”


"I am deeply moved by the news that the U.S. Supreme Court has made marriage equality the law of the land. This decision marks a milestone on our nation’s journey to become a more perfect union. I honor Jim Obergefell and all the plaintiffs and advocates who fought not only for their own rights but for the rights of all Americans to marry the person they love and enjoy equal protection under the law. I think especially of the courageous Bostonians who shared their stories with me in the early days of our struggle for Massachusetts’ pioneering marriage law. We’ve watched together with pride as our example spread across the nation and around the world. It brings Boston great joy to know that every American and every American community will experience this equality. It is a victory for democracy, for family, for community and for love."

A Statement from House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo

“As a society, one of our greatest responsibilities is to ensure that Americans are treated with equal respect and dignity. I commend the Supreme Court for its statement today that ‘the right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person’ and am proud that Massachusetts led the way in fighting for same-sex marriage.
Over the years I have worked with LGBTQ advocates on numerous issues and their involvement and courage has inspired me. On this important day, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the pioneers who worked tirelessly to make Massachusetts a bastion of equality.”

MAPC Releases Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Housing Bias Decision

MAPC Releases Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Housing Bias Decision

BOSTON – Marc D. Draisen, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), today issued the following statement:

“The Metropolitan Area Planning Council applauds yesterday’s United States Supreme Court decision the case of Texas v. Inclusive Communities. This important decision allows people to sue against public or private actions that have a discriminatory effect, without having to prove intent. It means that America will continue to pursue fairness in the distribution of housing throughout the nation.”

“Here in the Boston region, we have begun to overcome a long history of discrimination in the housing market. This decision means we can continue to make progress in creating a region that is welcoming to all people.”

“MAPC, the regional land use planning agency for Greater Boston, drafts plans to build and preserve affordable housing, trains cities and towns to comply with fair housing laws, and helps communities to cooperate on housing policy across municipal lines.

For more information about MAPC, visit www.mapc.org

第29屆中華民族舞蹈展 6/27 演出兩場


為了彰顯藝協宣揚中華文化的宗旨,今年藝協首次嘗試不消售入場劵,而改為免費索取入場劵的方式,譲更多有興趣觀賞的朋友們有機會欣賞到這兩場精彩的演出。兩場入場券可於五月三十日與六月六日兩個周週六 9:00AM 1:00PM到波士頓華僑文教服務中心,99 Lincoln St., Newton以及位於29 Montvale Ave., Woburn 的藝協活動中心索取。同時也可於五月三十一日周日下午至位於 Belmont Lexington 中文學校以及 Newton 中文學校兩地索取免費入場劵。舞展入場券也可以email 到中華藝術協會 jadelin@verizon.net索取,只要寫清楚姓名、地址、票數與場次,就可以在演出前半小時在蔡氏演藝中心門口領取到所訂的入場劵。