
星期四, 4月 09, 2015


數十名華埠居民和多個社區組織者攜手,七日下午從波士頓華埠遊行到市政府大樓,高喊“提高工資,降低租金”,出席公聽會,為民眾陳情,呼籲政府劃出“鄰里穩定區(neighborhood stabilization zones),制定正當防衛逼遷政策(Just Cause Eviction policy,穩定華埠社區。
華埠民眾在華人前進會前導中,高舉“這是我們的家”,“乞臣街103住客要求“,”發短信,打電話給Tim,要他讓租戶搬回華埠“等標語牌,從乞臣街103號遊行到波士頓市政府大樓,以擴音器陳情,唱歌,彰顯要求,再魚貫進入市府大樓五樓的市議會議事廳,出席住宅委員會討論流離,社區穩定,鄰里保護,由Frank Baker擔任主席,市議員提多傑克遜(Tito Jackson),查金(Josh Zakim),歐馬力(Matt O'Malley等人聆訊的公聽會。
在遊行陳情中,華埠居民們高喊“提高工資,降低租金”還呼籲第一薩福克公司(First Suffolk LLC)停止收購華埠內已儼然史蹟的排屋,別逼低收入移民流離失所。
他們指出,過去十五年來,華埠增加了將近3000個豪華單位,房地產也漲成天價。原本住在乞臣街103號的耆英余培英(譯音,Pei Ying Yu),談起第一薩福克公司收購,他們被逼遷的經過,就淚從中來。她哽噎表示,希望能搬回已住了那麼多年的家去。
包括華人前進會共同主任陳玉珍,曾在波士頓重建局工作的麻省理工學院榮休教授李燦輝,有權在波士頓(Right to the City Boston)的Darnell Johnson等人,都在公聽會中陳情。
Darnell Johnson表示,過去六年來,波士頓是內共有4500戶人家遭遇貸款贖回權被取消命運,從屋主變成了租客,整個大波士頓如今有67%的居民租屋而住。他指出,是低薪,企業貪婪,強調營利的土地發展等,奪走了社區的穩定。他認為波士頓市政府應該制定正當防衛逼遷政策(Just Cause Eviction policy),以保護房客免於在毫無預警情況中,被迫立即搬遷。
波士頓市經濟發展長巴洛斯(John Barros),鄰里發展局(DND)局長狄倫(Sheila Dillon)等人,當天都出席旁聽,關切情況。巴洛斯表示,許多社區組織已針對現象提出許多建議。市政府將仔細審閱,市府能更自行決定的,就進一步討論,需要推動州政府立法的,就找州議會商量。


         波市議會住宅委員會主席Frank Baker(右),市議員提多傑克遜(Tito Jackson)主持公聽會。(菊子攝)

            波市鄰里發展局局長狄倫(Sheila Dillon)也出席公聽會。(菊子攝)

            波市經濟長巴洛斯(John Barros)關心民情,出席公聽會。(菊子攝)



麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker )昨(八)日公佈特別小組提交的MBTA報告,建議成立一個五人的財政及管理控制委員會(Fiscal and Management Control Board),在未來三到五年內監管MBTA營運。
            聯合獨立黨(United Independent Party)主席費卻克(Evan Falchuk)昨日批評麻州州長特別小組提出的報告,指該報告並無關於未來的遠見,彷如只是為了要讓查理貝克對MBTA有更多控制權而撰寫。他認為整頓MBTA的營運,應該從二月份就開始做了,而且MBTA的營運表現,早已壞到足夠要求MBTA董事會的董事們辭職,沒有必要等了幾個星期,才來說大家早已知道的“該採取大膽的改革行動”。

麻州財政廳長宣傳經濟賦權辦公室 參訪BCNC

麻州財政廳廳長高伯珂(Deborah B. Goldberg )上任後,宣傳新設的“經濟賦權辦公室(Office of Economic Empowerment). ”之旅,昨()日來到波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC)。
            波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)表示,高伯珂的學習財務計畫,將對全州的家庭,尤其是移民社區有幫助,可以在經濟方面幫他們打開實現美國夢的大門。她很高興有機會從旁協助。
            上個星期,OEE辦公室宣佈組成薪資平等顧問委員會,包括波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)將擔任該委員會的榮譽主席。 
            高伯珂辦公室表示,創立於1968年的BCNC,目前聘有72名員工,200多名義工。學習財務是該中心的工作重點之一,One Hen Inc.是其中幫助兒童成為社會企業家的項目,教兒童們學會處理財務,管理金錢技能。該中心的成人學習金融項目是“打造更好生活(Build a Better Life)”,提供免費的財務計畫和諮詢顧問。
            查詢麻州財政廳賦權辦公室詳情,可上網 www.mass.gov/treasury ,或跟蹤推特#EqualPayMA。




MA governor and Boston Mayor's statement on Marathon Bombing Trial

Governor Baker Statement on Guilty Verdict in Boston Marathon Bombing Trial
BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker released the following statement in response to a jury’s decision to convict Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on all counts for his role in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing:

“I applaud the verdict rendered today by the jury in the Marathon bombing case, and I hope this brings some degree of closure to those individuals and their families whose lives were changed forever on that horrific day.”

"I am thankful that this phase of the trial has come to an end and am hopeful for a swift sentencing process. I hope today’s verdict provides a small amount of closure for the survivors, families, and all impacted by the violent and tragic events surrounding the 2013 Boston Marathon. The incidents of those days have forever left a mark on our City. As we remember those who lost so much, we reflect on how tragedy revealed our deepest values, and the best of who we are as a community."

Team Hoyt’s Dick Hoyt Named Grand Marshal of the 2015 Boston Marathon

Team Hoyt’s Dick Hoyt Named Grand Marshal of the 2015 Boston Marathon

Along with son Rick, Dick Hoyt Completed 32 Boston Marathons. Lisa Rainsberger to be Honorary Starter of Elite Women’s Race.

BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced today that Dick Hoyt of Team Hoyt will be the Grand Marshal of the 2015 Boston Marathon® on Monday, April 20. Two of the Boston Marathon’s most recognizable figures, Dick and son Rick Hoyt completed their 32nd and final Boston Marathon together in 2014. Dick announced afterwards that he would retire from the Boston Marathon.

Dick and Rick Hoyt first ran from Hopkinton to Boston in 1980. In the three decades since, both father and son have inspired countless participants and spectators with their unrelenting will power, determination, and incredible bond. Since 2008, Boston Marathon Principal Sponsor John Hancock has been proud to serve as a corporate sponsor of Team Hoyt, supporting Dick and Rick’s inspirational example.

“Year after year, Dick and Rick Hoyt toed the starting line in Hopkinton to celebrate the Boston Marathon, showing millions of runners and spectators they could achieve anything and that there are no limits,” said Tom Grilk, Executive Director of the Boston Athletic Association. “Although he will not be racing this year, Dick will continue to be at the head of the field, leading 30,000 runners on their trek to Boston. Dick and Rick Hoyt will forever be synonymous with the Boston Marathon and the sport of running.”

Rick was born a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy, unable to walk or talk. When Rick was 15, he asked Dick to push him in a five-mile road race to benefit a local recently-paralyzed lacrosse player. Since then, the Hoyts have competed in more than 1,000 road races, marathons, and triathlons, father pushing son in a specialized wheelchair. Team Hoyt’s 1,000th race together came at the 2009 Boston Marathon.

Rick will again participate in the Boston Marathon, this year pushed by fellow Team Hoyt athlete Bryan Lyons.

Dick, 74, and Rick, 53, had planned for the 2013 Boston Marathon to be their final race as a duo. In response to the tragic events of April 2013, the pair resolved to run Boston one more time in honor of those who were most affected. On April 21, 2014, the Hoyts crossed the finish line with nearly 20 members of Team Hoyt, the organization they created to help those who are physically disabled become active members of the community. In 2014, the team crossed the finish line on Boylston Street in 7 hours, 37 minutes, and 33 seconds.

As Grand Marshal, Dick will ride in a pace car ahead of the lead runners, heralding to spectators along the course that thousands of runners will soon be coming. The B.A.A. has reserved the grand marshal role as a position of recognition and honor. Last year’s grand marshal was four-time Boston Marathon winner Bill Rodgers, while the 2013 Grand Marshals were Roberta “Bobbi” Gibb and Sara Mae Berman, Boston champions and pioneers of women’s marathon running.

The B.A.A. also announced today that 1985 champion Lisa Rainsberger will be the official starter for the Elite Women’s division of the Boston Marathon. This year, Rainsberger celebrates the 30th anniversary of her victory, the last by an American woman in the open division.

At the 1985 Boston Marathon, Rainsberger cruised to victory in a time of 2:34:06, defeating the field by more than six minutes. After starting the Elite Women’s division, Rainsberger will run the Boston Marathon. She is also planning to participate in the B.A.A. 5K two days prior.

Boston Athletic Association Executive Director Tom Grilk will start the Boston Marathon Mobility Impaired participants, while B.A.A. President Joann Flaminio will start the men’s and women’s Push Rim Wheelchair divisions. Christina Whelton, daughter of B.A.A. Board of Governors member Thomas W. Whelton, will start the Elite Men and Wave 1 at 10:00 a.m. A member of Boston’s legendary Brown family, Christina is the granddaughter of Walter Brown, founder of the Boston Celtics, former owner of the Boston Bruins, and President of the B.A.A. from 1941-1964.

星期三, 4月 08, 2015

Boston Housing Authority awarded $2 Million from HUD and more than $1 million from City of Boston to increase economic independence for families at the Charlestown public housing development

Boston Housing Authority awarded $2 Million from HUD and more than $1 million from City of Boston to increase economic independence for families at the Charlestown public housing development
Charlestown Works Program will provide incentives and training toward better job opportunities and greater financial independence for residents

Boston, MA - In an effort to help low-income residents find higher-paying jobs, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a $2 million grant for the next four years to the Boston Housing Authority.  BHA competed with 57 other applications across the nation to be one of nine agencies awarded a Jobs-Plus grant.  The HUD funding comes with more than $1 million in matching funds through the City of Boston aimed at increasing education levels, job search and placement and financial literacy assistance for public housing residents.

“I am committed to ensuring that every Boston resident has the opportunity to excel, thrive, and reach his or her fullest potential," said Mayor Walsh. "This funding will boost the expansion of high school equivalency and provide opportunities to residents in low-income public housing through additional English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programming at the Bunker Hill development." 

Currently, the Charlestown Adult Education Center enrolls about 150 people per year in its high school equivalency and ESOL programs.  HUD’s Jobs-Plus Pilot Program will connect the BHA’s educational programs with employment and training services, new rent rules that make work pay, and neighbor-to-neighbor outreaching— demonstrating how cross-agency partnerships make a difference in the economic prospects of public housing residents. The purpose of the program is to develop locally-based, job-driven approaches to increase earnings and advance employment outcomes through work readiness, employer linkages, job placement, educational advancement technology skills, and financial literacy for residents of public housing. The place-based Jobs Plus Pilot program addresses poverty among public housing residents by incentivizing and enabling employment through income disregards for working families, and a set of services designed to support work including employer linkages, job placement and counseling, educational advancement and financial counseling. Ideally, these incentives will help foster a culture of work and make working families the norm.  The grant covers BHA’s implementation of the Charlestown Works program and activities for a four-year period.
“This grant will help insure that our residents have the opportunities they need to increase their incomes and quality of life going forward,” said BHA Administrator Bill McGonagle.  “We also want to thank our Congressional delegation for their continued support and advocacy for the public housing residents of Boston.”

Thirty-five percent of residents aged 25 or over in the Charlestown development do not have a high school diploma and another 29% of residents have achieved a high school diploma but have not been able to further their education beyond high school level.  Few have the extra education or training necessary for available office, administrative and health care industry jobs that would provide financial stability.  The Charlestown development contains a total of 1,061 units, with 943 adults between the ages of 18 and 64.

Partners in addition to the City of Boston providing matching funds and/or services include Boston Private Industry Council, Big Sister Association of Greater Boston, Boston College, John F. Kennedy Family Service Center, and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation.  City Departments contributing include the Office of Jobs and Community Services, Boston Public Health Commission and Department of Neighborhood Development.  BHA is providing renovated program space at 76 Monument Street in Charlestown.  Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, along with Congressman Capuano fully supported the BHA’s grant application.