
星期二, 12月 23, 2014

Mayor Walsh Unveils New Online Permit Tools

Mayor Walsh Unveils New Online Permit Tools
City Launches Online Platform for Tracking Review Process and Requesting Fire Department Permits/Licenses

BOSTON—Following through on his commitment in the Chamber of Commerce speech, Mayor Martin J. Walsh has unveiled a new online permit tracking tool, and has launched online applications for a number of Boston Fire Department permits and licenses. These are the latest in a series of steps that Mayor Walsh has taken to streamline the permitting process.

“Since we’ve concentrated our efforts in this area, the City has gotten through a huge backlog of complaints and significantly increased the number of permits we’ve reviewed and processed,” said Mayor Walsh. “This is about making the process more clear and easy, and letting applicants and the public see where we stand on our performance goals around permit review. We’ve brought a lot online, and we’ll have another large round of permits later this Spring available online as well.”

Permit Finder is a new online tool which will allow residents, contractors and the general public to check the status of permits though the approval process. The application provides information on future steps in the approval process, City staff responsible for portions of the process, and timelines for each step in the process through a simple search interface. Users can track both Inspection Services Department (ISD) and Fire Department permits. The tool will also display all open reviews at any point in the review process. The tool was built off a prototype developed at the City's HubHacks civic hackathon in August. Over the past four months, the City has worked to complete its development. The permit tracker can be found online: http://permits.boston.gov.

In addition, the City has made some of the most common Fire Department permits and licenses available online. Applicants will now be able to apply for five permit applications, such as those for fire alarm installation, as well as two licenses from home, saving time spent traveling to Fire Prevention Headquarters at 1010 Massachusetts Avenue. With the addition of these Fire permits, the City now has 19 permits available online total. The Fire Department permits can be found online:www.cityofboston.gov/permits

“We’re excited to make these permits available to our customers,” said Fire Commissioner Joseph Finn.  “This is an important step towards modernizing our Department and making our services more accessible.”

The City of Boston issues 60 different types of permits, totaling approximately 86,000 permits annually. The announcement to overhaul the licensing and permitting system is one in a series of efforts that the Walsh Administration has made to streamline and improve licensing and permitting operations across City government. In recent months, Mayor Walsh:
Following Mayor Walsh’s efforts:

  • On-time permit issuance has increased to 75%, up from 56% in March 2014.
  • ISD issued 12,500 more permits in 2014 than in 2013, an increase of 21%.
  • Long-form permits are reviewed and issued within an average of 23 days, down from 28 days in March 2014. 
  • Appeal dates are now scheduled within an average of two months, down from five months prior to the launch of these streamlined efforts.
  • This past spring, the City had a backlog of approximately 3,500 open building complaints. Today, there are only 289 open complaints.  

Mayor Walsh celebrates winners of the annual “Deck the Windows” contest

Mayor Walsh celebrates winners of the annual “Deck the Windows” contest
Residents select West Roxbury, Brighton, Roslindale businesses as Boston’s best-dressed holiday windows

BOSTON—The owners of two restaurants and a hair salon were the winners of the City of Boston’s 2014 “Deck the Windows” contest.  First prize went to Vin Gately, the owner of West Roxbury’s Mangia Neapolitan Pizzeria & Yogoteria, with second place honors awarded to Tom Devlin, owner of Brighton’s Devlin’s Restaurant, and third place was awarded to Terry Fitzgerald, co-owner of Roslindale’s Centre Cuts Salon & Spa.  “Deck the Windows” is the City’s annual storefront decorating competition among Boston’s 20 Boston Main Streets districts.  This year, more than 300 small businesses competed.

“I congratulate the winners and all the businesses that participated in this year’s ‘Deck the Windows’ contest and brightened their windows and neighborhoods to support our local businesses," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "This year, we're reminding all Boston residents to shop locally. Our Main Street Districts offer some of the most unique gifts and dining options in the City of Boston."

The three-week-long “Deck the Windows” contest began on November 29th, and garnered the attention of more than 3,000 voters during the public voting period.  Storefronts from East Boston to Hyde Park were enlivened by glistening lights, bight stars, glittering snowflakes, hanging ornaments, lit Christmas trees, menorahs, and various other decorations, bringing holiday cheer to the Boston Main Street Districts across the city. 

The contest is part of Mayor Walsh’s Holiday Challenge, a campaign encouraging residents to support Main Streets and other local commercial districts during the 2014 holiday season.  Participants in the Mayor’s “Five on Main” Challenge pledged to support local business five times during the holiday season, either by purchasing gifts, dining, or participating in local holiday events in Main Streets districts.

The evening celebration took place at West Roxbury’s Mangia Neapolitan Pizzeria & Yogoteria, a new pizza shop that serves a wide range Neapolitan thin wheat crust pizzas with natural and locally grown ingredients and toppings.  The winning window featured a Christmas tree made out of pizza boxes, a large snowman, wrapped gifts and festive holiday lights that captured the attention of shoppers and online voters. 

“I want to thank General Manager Chris Silvia and his staff for creating such a beautiful holiday window display,” said owner Vin Gately.  “To win such a prestigious competition over more than 300 businesses entries throughout the City is very humbling considering our store just opened 6 months ago.” 
To learn more about the contest and view photos of the of the twenty finalists’ festive windows, visitwww.cityofboston.gov/deckthewindows/.



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兩岸EMBA學員大多來自金融相關產業、製造業及服務業;台灣EMBA院校表示學員從事的三大產業為金融相關產業、製造業及服務業,也有部分來自資訊業及政府單位;中國大陸EMBA學員則較集中從事前兩大產業 – 製造業、金融相關產業,服務業次之。




目前兩岸EMBA課程以"產業個案教學"及"定期國外參訪"最為普遍,兩岸均有五成或以上院校運用產業個案方式教學及安排國外參訪團。參考國外知名的EMBA課程經驗,未來可多加利用以討論為核心的"HBR個案教學"、"翻轉式教育(Flip Teaching)"及"影音教學(如: MOCCs)"將有助於提升兩岸EMBA的教學水準與效用。






調查方式:先以電話邀訪及確認主要聯絡人,再透過網路自填問卷蒐集第一手資料,必要時輔以電子郵件或傳真。 以一校回填一份問卷為原則。
成功樣本數:台灣43份,回卷率67%; 中國大陸19份,回卷率30%。



美國外語教學協會(ACTFL)為因應跨入廿一世紀後,世界走向全球化的現實,早於1996年就成立專人小組,訂立了“為廿一世紀做準備的外語學習標準”。今年十二月,第四版更新標準出爐,第廿六屆新英格蘭中文教師網(The New England Chinese Language Teacher Network)會議特地以此為主題,由麻大中國事務中心把曾任波士頓公校世界語主任的林遊嵐邀來,為中文老師們詳細解說世界語教學標準的改變。
            該中心還請得衛斯理(Wellesley),沙龍(Sharon),北牛頓(Newton North)高中等三校的外語主席或校長,說明個學區如何評估教師們在課堂內應用美國外語教學協會標準。
            她鼓勵老師們上網查能力描述標準(Can-do Statement)“,並善用該標準所訂的十一級語言流利程度,來作為鑑定學生學習成績的參考,以便於和學校,家長溝通學生的學習情況。
            衛斯理(Wellesley)公校的Timothy Eagan,沙龍(Sharon)公校的Kristina Dahled,以及北牛頓(Newton North)高中的Nancy Marrinucci等三人,當天坦白表示,由於他們不見得有很多時間仔細研究每名老師的教學情況,當他們到某個老師的教室做實地觀察評核時,最看重的是學生與老師之間的互動情況,學生投入學習的主動程度,以及學生在教室內使用多少目標語言等。


        左起,麻州大學波士頓分校孔子學院中方院長劉成運,中國事務中心主任胡萬里,衛斯理公校的Timothy Eagan,北牛頓(Newton North)高中的Nancy Marrinucci,沙龍(Sharon)公校的Kristina Dahled,林遊嵐,麻大孔子學院的王淑紅等人主持第廿六屆新英格蘭中文教師網會議。(菊子攝)



華埠治安巡邏隊聚餐慶聖誕 牌樓外巧遇A-1區警長鄺志強

波士頓華埠治安巡邏隊聖誕聚餐後,在華埠牌樓旁巧遇波士頓警察局A-1區警長鄺志強(Ken Fong
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華公所麾下的“華埠治安巡邏隊”,十二月廿一日晚在肥牛火鍋聚餐,慶祝聖誕節,希望來年更多義工加入巡邏隊伍,改善冷巷街角,不時見到吸毒針頭現象。

Alstom Pleads Guilty and Agrees to Pay $772 Million Criminal Penalty to Resolve Foreign Bribery Charges

Alstom Pleads Guilty and Agrees to Pay $772 Million Criminal Penalty to Resolve Foreign Bribery Charges
Largest-Ever Foreign Bribery Resolution with the Department of Justice

WASHINGTON—Alstom S.A. (Alstom), a French power and transportation company, pleaded guilty today and agreed to pay a $772,290,000 fine to resolve charges related to a widespread scheme involving tens of millions of dollars in bribes in countries around the world, including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the Bahamas.
Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole, Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, First Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael J. Gustafson of the District of Connecticut and FBI Executive Assistant Director Robert Anderson Jr. made the announcement.
“Alstom’s corruption scheme was sustained over more than a decade and across several continents,” said Deputy Attorney General Cole. “It was astounding in its breadth, its brazenness and its worldwide consequences. And it is both my expectation—and my intention—that the comprehensive resolution we are announcing today will send an unmistakable message to other companies around the world: that this Department of Justice will be relentless in rooting out and punishing corruption to the fullest extent of the law, no matter how sweeping its scale or how daunting its prosecution.”
“This case is emblematic of how the Department of Justice will investigate and prosecute FCPA cases—and other corporate crimes,” said Assistant Attorney General Caldwell. “We encourage companies to maintain robust compliance programs, to voluntarily disclose and eradicate misconduct when it is detected, and to cooperate in the government’s investigation. But we will not wait for companies to act responsibly. With cooperation or without it, the department will identify criminal activity at corporations and investigate the conduct ourselves, using all of our resources, employing every law enforcement tool, and considering all possible actions, including charges against both corporations and individuals.”
“Today’s historic resolution is an important reminder that our moral and legal mandate to stamp out corruption does not stop at any border, whether city, state or national,” said First Assistant U.S. Attorney Gustafson. “A significant part of this illicit work was unfortunately carried out from Alstom Power’s offices in Windsor, Connecticut. I am hopeful that this resolution, and in particular the deferred prosecution agreement with Alstom Power, will provide the company an opportunity to reshape its culture and restore its place as a respected corporate citizen.”
“This investigation spanned years and crossed continents, as agents from the FBI Washington and New Haven field offices conducted interviews and collected evidence in every corner of the globe,” said FBI Executive Assistant Director Anderson. “The record dollar amount of the fine is a clear deterrent to companies who would engage in foreign bribery, but an even better deterrent is that we are sending executives who commit these crimes to prison.”
Alstom pleaded guilty to a two-count criminal information filed today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, charging the company with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) by falsifying its books and records and failing to implement adequate internal controls. Alstom admitted its criminal conduct and agreed to pay a criminal penalty of $772,290,000. U.S. District Judge Janet B. Arterton of the District of Connecticut scheduled a sentencing hearing for June 23, 2015 at 3 p.m..
In addition, Alstom Network Schweiz AG, formerly Alstom Prom (Alstom Prom), Alstom’s Swiss subsidiary, pleaded guilty to a criminal information charging the company with conspiracy to violate the anti-bribery provisions of the FCPA. Alstom Power Inc. (Alstom Power) and Alstom Grid Inc. (Alstom Grid), two U.S. subsidiaries, both entered into deferred prosecution agreements, admitting that they conspired to violate the anti-bribery provisions of the FCPA. Alstom Power is headquartered in Windsor, Connecticut, and Alstom Grid, formerly Alstom T&D, was headquartered in New Jersey.
According to the companies’ admissions, Alstom, Alstom Prom, Alstom Power and Alstom Grid, through various executives and employees, paid bribes to government officials and falsified books and records in connection with power, grid and transportation projects for state-owned entities around the world, including in Indonesia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Bahamas and Taiwan. In Indonesia, for example, Alstom, Alstom Prom, and Alstom Power paid bribes to government officials—including a high-ranking member of the Indonesian Parliament and high-ranking members of Perusahaan Listrik Negara, the state-owned electricity company in Indonesia—in exchange for assistance in securing several contracts to provide power-related services valued at approximately $375 million. In total, Alstom paid more than $75 million to secure $4 billion in projects around the world, with a profit to the company of approximately $300 million.
Alstom and its subsidiaries also attempted to conceal the bribery scheme by retaining consultants purportedly to provide consulting services on behalf of the companies, but who actually served as conduits for corrupt payments to the government officials. Internal Alstom documents refer to some of the consultants in code, including “Mr. Geneva,” “Mr. Paris,” “London,” “Quiet Man” and “Old Friend.”
The plea agreement cites many factors considered by the department in reaching the appropriate resolution, including: Alstom’s failure to voluntarily disclose the misconduct even though it was aware of related misconduct at a U.S. subsidiary that previously resolved corruption charges with the department in connection with a power project in Italy; Alstom’s refusal to fully cooperate with the department’s investigation for several years; the breadth of the companies’ misconduct, which spanned many years, occurred in countries around the globe and in several business lines, and involved sophisticated schemes to bribe high-level government officials; Alstom’s lack of an effective compliance and ethics program at the time of the conduct; and Alstom’s prior criminal misconduct, including conduct that led to resolutions with various other governments and the World Bank.
After the department publicly charged several Alstom executives, however, Alstom began providing thorough cooperation, including assisting the department’s prosecution of other companies and individuals.
To date, the department has announced charges against five individuals, including four corporate executives of Alstom and its subsidiaries, for alleged corrupt conduct involving Alstom. Frederic Pierucci, Alstom’s former vice president of global boiler sales, pleaded guilty on July 29, 2013, to conspiring to violate the FCPA and a charge of violating the FCPA for his role in the Indonesia bribery scheme. David Rothschild, Alstom Power’s former vice president of regional sales, pleaded guilty on Nov. 2, 2012, to conspiracy to violate the FCPA. William Pomponi, Alstom Power’s former vice president of regional sales, pleaded guilty on July 17, 2014, to conspiracy to violate the FCPA. Lawrence Hoskins, Alstom’s former senior vice president for the Asia region, was charged in a second superseding indictment on July 30, 2013, and is pending trial in the District of Connecticut in June 2015. The charges against Hoskins are merely allegations, and he is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. The high-ranking member of Indonesian Parliament was also convicted in Indonesia of accepting bribes from Alstom, and is currently serving a three-year term of imprisonment.
In connection with a corrupt scheme in Egypt, Asem Elgawhary, the general manager of an entity working on behalf of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, a state-owned electricity company, pleaded guilty on Dec. 4, 2014, in federal court in the District of Maryland to mail fraud, conspiring to launder money, and tax fraud for accepting kickbacks from Alstom and other companies. In his plea agreement, Elgawhary agreed to serve 42 months in prison and forfeit approximately $5.2 million in proceeds.
This case is being investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office, with assistance from the FBI’s Meriden, Connecticut Resident Agency, and the FBI’s Newark and Baltimore Divisions. The department appreciates the significant cooperation provided by its law enforcement colleagues in Indonesia at the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Corruption Eradication Commission), the Office of the Attorney General in Switzerland, the Serious Fraud Office in the United Kingdom, as well as authorities in Germany, Italy, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus and Taiwan.
The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Chief Daniel S. Kahn of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney David E. Novick of the District of Connecticut, together with Assistant U.S. Attorney Zach Intrater of the District of New Jersey on the investigation of Alstom Grid and Assistant U.S. Attorney David I. Salem of the District of Maryland on the investigation of Asem Elgawhary. The Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs also provided substantial assistance.