
星期四, 5月 29, 2014

Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s Fair Housing Commission Receives Legislative Boost from Governor Deval Patrick

Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s Fair Housing Commission Receives Legislative Boost from Governor Deval Patrick
BOSTON—Mayor Martin J. Walsh thanked Governor Deval Patrick for signing H.3625 An Act Relative to the Powers of the Boston Fair Housing Commission, sponsored by Majority Whip Byron Rushing, into law. This Home Rule Petition updates the enabling legislation for the City of Boston’s Fair Housing Commission (BFHC), rendering it consistent with current state and federal housing discrimination laws.

The Human Rights Commission is housed in the newly-re-named Office of Fair Housing and Equity, formerly known as the Office of Civil Rights. The Fair Housing Commission a) investigates housing discrimination and city vendor CORI ordinance compliance, b) reviews affirmative marketing plans for city aided housing developments, and c) provides affordable housing listings.

“The powers of the Boston Fair Housing Commission have not been evaluated since 1994. Governor Patrick made an important decision about the way we respond to discrimination by signing this Home Rule into law,” said Mayor Walsh. “There is no place for discrimination of any kind here in the City of Boston.”

H.3625, now Chapter 110 of the Acts of 2014:
      Adds the term “gender identity” as a protected class, and ensures that any additional protected classes that may be added to state of federal law in the future will fall under BFHC’s enforcement authority.
      Clarifies that, in accordance with state and federal laws, no dwelling owner is allowed to publish discriminatory ads or make discriminatory statements.
      Codifies the existing practices that judicial review of BFHC decisions are in accordance with MGL Chapter 30A, Section 14, the standard use for review of most state and administrative agencies.

The Home Rule Petition will update the Commission’s 1994 statute, which granted the City substantial housing discrimination enforcement powers. At present, Boston is one of only two municipalities with housing discrimination enforcement powers similar to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) and accepted by the United States Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP).
“We extend our appreciation to Governor Deval Patrick and the Legislature for taking steps to ensure that the rights of protected classes are respected and acknowledged in this legislation,” said Dion Irish, Executive Director of Boston’s Office of Fair Housing and Equity. “A lot of progress has been made, but we can do more to advance opportunities for everyone in Boston.”
“We commend the City of Boston for taking steps to ensure that transgender people have proper recourse if they experience housing discrimination,” said Jennifer Levi, Director of the Transgender Rights Project of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD). “Unfortunately, GLAD too often hears from transgender people who have difficulty finding or maintaining safe, appropriate housing simply because of who they are. This home rule petition will make a tangible, positive difference in the lives of the many transgender people living in communities across the City.”
For more information regarding this legislation, please visit www.cityofboston.gov/fairhousing or call 617.635.2500.


By Kristen Alberino
Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Quincy, MA
National Family Month takes place each year from Mother’s Day in May to Father’s Day in June, and coincides with the end of the school year when families are able to spend even more time together. It is the perfect time to spend more time focusing on each member of your family.
Social Security has your entire family in mind when it comes to coverage and benefits. We’re here to help everyone in the family— during every stage of life.
Most people think of retirement benefits when they think about Social Security, and that certainly is a big part of what we do. In fact, most of the benefits we pay go to retirees and their families—about 41 million people. But Social Security is more than retirement. Just read on.
If you work and pay Social Security taxes during your lifetime, you can look forward to a strong foundation of income in retirement from Social Security. Of course, Social Security was never intended to be your sole source of retirement income. It is a foundation upon which you build with pensions, savings, and other income.
But what if you become disabled before you retire and you are unable to continue working to support your family? Social Security has you covered with disability benefits. If you have a disability that is expected to last a year or longer, or result in death, you should apply for disability benefits.
Your work and taxes cover not only you, but your entire family, too. Family benefits can include retirement, disability and, in the event of your death, survivors benefits. This coverage includes everyone in your family who depends on you for support, such as your minor children who are under age 18, or age 19 if still in secondary school, as well as your spouse. It also can include older children who have severe disabilities that began before age 22. In some cases, parents and grandchildren can qualify for family benefits if they depend on your income and you are their only means of support
If you want to learn more about how Social Security benefits the younger members of your family, visit www.socialsecurity.gov/youngpeople. This page has information for you even if you don’t have children and are a young worker yourself.
So whether through survivors, disability, or retirement benefits, Social Security is here to help you and your entire family when the need arises.
And the best way to apply for benefits is online at www.socialsecurity.gov. Perhaps another popular family member—the family pet—can best explain why applying online is the best option for you. Check out our creative videos on our YouTube channel for sound advice from the four-legged members of the family. Just visit www.socialsecurity.gov and select the YouTube button at the bottom of the page.
Want to learn more? Read or listen to the publication, Understanding the Benefits, at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs.

星期三, 5月 28, 2014


波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh有意大幅度增建中等收入住宅,以期一般人能在波士頓市租或住得起房子,留住人才,保護波士頓的未來經濟發展。
根據市府資料,在波士頓市目前建造的6600個出租或出售單位中,約有22% 被年收入在五萬元至十萬元者視為可負擔住宅。絕大部分的這些單位,都是出租住宅。
2013年及今年年初,中等收入者基本上已買不起波士頓市內大部分地區的房屋,包括查理士城( Charlestown),後灣(Back Bay),畢肯丘(Beacon Hill),城中區(downtown),南端(South End),南波士頓(South Boston),以及芬衛(Fenway)。
馬丁華殊政府官員表示,因為房價的大幅上漲,他們將試圖在奧斯頓(Allston),布萊頓(Brighton),多徹斯特(Dorchester),洛士百利(Roxbury),東波士頓(East Boston),海德公園(Hyde Park),羅森岱爾(Roslindale)等地加建中等收入住宅。

波士頓鄰里發展局局長狄倫(Sheila Dillon)表示,試圖在城中區建低價住宅,將是沒有善用任何一個人的時間的做法。應該要在有機會成長,有便利交通,有可用土地的地方下功夫。

BTBA每月辦學術講座 六月中舉行第二屆年會

           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓台灣生物科技協會(BTBA)上週末在麻省理工學院舉辦學術講座,請兩名博士後談“大腸癌”,“聚合酶”,提醒各界,第二屆年會訂六月十四,十五兩日舉行,邀有中研院院士何大一等名人主講。
            去年十一月剛到波士頓,目前在麻省總醫院(MGH),以及哈佛大學醫學院做博士後研究的謝富凱,闡述了他正在進行的研究,RNA聚合 II (RNA polymerase II)如何在染色質上把DNA分子所構成的遺傳編碼轉化成RNA分子的過程。他指出,這個看似簡單的過程,因為纏繞在組蛋白上,構成染色質基本單位的DNA分子, 在RNA聚合進行轉錄時,形成強大阻力,因此變得複雜許多
            目前在CHB Daley 實驗室做第三年博士後研究的杜荷洲,這天談的是“大腸癌”。她指出,大腸癌在癌症致死率中幾乎年年名列前茅,但治療方法到現在還是沒有太大的創新突破。 其中一個很大原因是沒有適合的分子,作"智慧藥(smart drug)" 標靶,另一個原因是現有的動物模式,都沒有發展成晚期惡性腫瘤,和病人的真正情況,差距比較遠,不太能當成好“模型"。
不過,最近她們發現,LIN28是一個只在早期胚胎表現的蛋白,跟大腸癌的發展息息相關,也許會是一個好的藥物標靶(drug target)。她們用LIN28做了一個新的大腸癌動物模型,腫瘤發展到比較晚期,也比較惡性,希望可以為日後發展新藥,對付晚期惡性大腸癌有所貢獻。
波士頓台灣生物科技協會表示,去年的首屆會議大獲成功後,許多住在外州的同行,學生,都不斷探問今年會議情況,讓他們很感窩心。目前會議概況底定,已定邀有在洛克菲勒大學任教的中研院院士何大一,Genentech 副總裁沈華智,杜邦中國商務及企業發展資深主任沈碧君等人擔任主講人。今年增加的職業展部分,邀有台灣微脂體股份有限公司,交通大學,中央研究院的基因研究中心,分子生物院,農業生物科技研究中心,植物及微生物院等派要員到會與出席者面談,收履歷表。


麻州碧樹市(Braintree)市長蘇利文(Joseph C. Sullivan)日前實踐諾言,到賢慧佛院做年度探訪,聆聽點傳師蔡玉滿親自講談“天地君親師”等五恩。
            天恩至德聖道院賢慧佛院是點傳師蔡玉滿1992 年從台灣來波士頓佈道,歷經廿餘年發展,供天道道親修行的地方。
            根據昆士愛國者報(Patriot Ledger),以及 WickedLocal.com 等英文報章的報導,賢慧佛院是1992年在昆士市開設育德佛堂的蔡點傳師,1997年與眾道親, 在碧樹市買下一所浸信會(Baptist)教堂後,改建而成的佛堂,是碧樹市三所佛廟中最老的一間。由於道親陸續增千人,該院2011年時籌備擴建,擬斥資三百五十萬元到四百萬元,把佛堂擴建為佔地16840平方尺,可容人數從150人增至295人,有75個停車位的道場。
            由於在申請擴建前,賢慧佛院每週聚會時,已經得向鄰近的羅斯(Ross)小學借場地,包括碧樹市市長蘇利文在,有許多人擔心該院擴建,將對地方安寧造成影響。有關道場擴建工程的公聽會,當時在大半年就開了兩次, 問答和舒解鄰居的關注。
        在其後的溝通過程中,碧樹市(Braintree)市長蘇利文(Joseph C. Sullivan)透過賢慧佛院講師,賢慧佛院董事長劉承熹的居間聯繫解釋與翻譯,對點傳師蔡玉滿,以及賢慧佛院有了進一步了解,與民眾一樣, 態度轉為支持,不但在賢慧佛院擴建安座時出席盛典,還允諾每年探望。
            日前,蘇利文實踐諾言的再訪賢慧佛院,在劉承熹等人的陪同下,視察佛院,參觀佛院為小朋友開設的中文班,現學現賣的用國語向小朋友“你好,謝謝“,還和逾百名穿著深藍色制服的道親一起, 聆聽蔡玉滿點傳師親自開示“天地君親師”這五恩,品了該院道親特製的齋宴。

            詢該院詳情,可上網http://www.tiananntemple.org。賢慧佛院的地址為 49 Hayward Street, Braintree MA 02184.  聯絡電話: (781) 848-8999。

            麻州碧樹市(Braintree)市長蘇利文(Joseph C. Sullivan)(左三)日前實踐諾言,到天恩至德聖道院做年度探訪,點傳師蔡玉滿(右四),該院董事長劉承熹(左二)等人在道院恭迎。(菊子攝)

            麻州碧樹市(Braintree)市長蘇利文(Joseph C. Sullivan)(左三)透過劉承熹(右三)的翻譯,和點傳師蔡玉滿(左二)等人晤談。(菊子攝)
麻州碧樹市(Braintree)市長蘇利文(Joseph C. Sullivan)(右二)參觀天恩至德聖道院小朋友上課學中文情況。(菊子攝)
