
星期二, 4月 15, 2014


Mayor Walsh asks Residents to “Scrub the Hub” During Boston Shines

BOSTON – Mayor Martin J. Walsh has asked for Boston residents’ help in beautifying the city for Spring. This year marks the twelfth year of Boston Shines, the City’s annual volunteer Spring clean-up. This year, the event has been extended across three weekends, and will bring together more than 5,000 volunteers, including businesses, community groups, and residents to clean up after this year's harsh winter.
“It was a long, tough winter,” Mayor Walsh said. “But the days are getting longer and it’s time for Spring cleaning. Boston belongs to all of us, and I’m encouraging residents in all our neighborhoods to come out and volunteer to ‘Scrub the Hub’ and help make Boston even more beautiful. When we work together across the city, we improve the quality of life for all Boston residents. I’m looking forward to working with my neighbors to make Boston shine.”
The City of Boston will be expanding Boston Shines volunteer opportunities while focusing on four service areas: physical service, university engagement, youth development, and creating opportunities to help unite neighbors and communities. Through Boston Shines, Mayor Walsh seeks to increase volunteerism and civic engagement across the city, improve the quality of life for all Boston residents, and help demonstrate the City’s solidarity working together to make one Boston. 
Representatives from the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services will call upon constituents to help each other bring vibrancy back to the parks, sidewalks, school yards, and streets. Brooms, shovels, and other tools will be provided by the City and distributed at one of the hundreds of sites that have been identified for cleaning.
This year, Boston Shines will take place over three weekends in April and May:

•         The first weekend, April 25 and 26, will take place in West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain, Roxbury, Allston and Brighton.

•         The second weekend, May 2 and 3, will take place in Hyde Park, Roslindale, Dorchester and Mattapan.

•         The final weekend, May 9 and 10, will finish up in Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Mission Hill, Fenway, South End, Bay Village, North End, West End, Downtown, Charlestown, Chinatown, East Boston and South Boston.

Individuals, Groups, and Organizations can sign up now at the following link: http://www.cityofboston.gov/ons/bostonshines/register.asp. For more information, participants can call the Office of Neighborhood Services at 617-635-3485, or the Mayor’s 24-Hour Hotline (617-635-4500) on weekends and after-hours.


波士頓體育協會(Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.)昨(十四)日宣佈,今年的第118屆波士頓馬拉松賽,以及包括約翰漢考克運動及健身展,BAA五千公尺賽等相關活動,將為大波士頓地區帶來一億七千五百八十萬元的消費額。
這一數據來自大波士頓會議遊客局執行長Patrick Moscaritolo的估計。
波士頓馬拉松賽今年將有35660名正式參賽者,5330名參賽者來自70個美國以外國家。四月廿一日的愛國者日這一天,將有更多圍觀者,沿路在全長26.2哩的馬拉松賽路徑中為跑步者加油。約有來自300 個媒體機構的1800名新聞從業人員趕來波士頓,報導這一比賽。大波士頓地區將經歷前所未有的國際曝光率。
            波士頓體育協會行政主任Tom Grilk表示,2014年的波士頓馬拉松賽對所有的大波士頓人來說,都將市場特別活動。
約翰漢考克運動及健身展(The John Hancock Sports & Fitness Expo)將設在波約斯頓街900號的約翰海恩斯老兵紀念會議中心,從四月十八日進行至四月廿日。將有200家參展商,預計十萬人參加。


這兩屆比賽的參賽團隊,以信息技術產業比率最高,達43.9%,醫療健康其次,佔20.71%,環保節能13.65%。其中有31.76%的參賽團隊,已回中國創業,另有29.41% 的團隊,已回中國,還未創業。已在國外創業的約18.82%






華人前進會與支持者,昨(十四)日一大早,在千禧年夥伴公司(Millennium Partners)的天滿街辦公室門口喊口號,抗議該公司少付了一千五百萬元可負擔住宅基金,呼籲社區採取行動。
        千禧年夥伴公司高層(Principal)拉金斯(Joe Larkin)回應本報提問時表示,該公司的千禧地(Millennium Place),麗晶(Ritz-Carlton)酒店,以及麗晶酒店住宅等三項土地發展,至少聘用了八百人,換言之,創造了八百個就業機會,其中約有一半員工把自己歸類為少數族裔。他也指出,該公司的發展方案與實施細則,都獲波市府認可。
        華人前進會和城市居住權聯盟(Right to the City Boston),波士頓就業聯盟(Boston Jobs Coalition)等,昨日一早八點半,匯聚了約廿人,在千禧年夥伴公司的天滿街辦公室前,舉牌示威,並張貼一紙“逾期未付款通知(Payment Overdue Notice),指該公司欠一千五百萬元可負擔住宅費用。
            華人前進會說明,這是全美性,促使人們關注可負擔住宅危機的“全民有屋(Home for All)“示威行動之一。昨日出席抗議活動者,還包括早年與華人前進會關係良好,曾任波士頓市第七區市議員的查克透納(Chuck Turner)。華人前進會的陳玉珍,鄺寶蓮等人帶領出席者高喊“保留,重建,紮根”等口號,打出標語牌,強調全美有至少一百萬人在苦等可負擔住宅。
            華人前進會營運主任劉衛恒表示,根據波士頓市的包容性發展政策(inclusionary development policy),共管公寓(condo發展商若不在所建造住宅大樓內,包括法例規定必需提供的可負擔住宅數量,就須付出每戶廿萬元的費用,供發展出租的可負擔住宅。該會估計,千禧地大樓少付的可負擔住宅費用約為五百九十萬元。上星期,他們發現,千禧年夥伴公司承接的舊費林百貨(Filene Basement)大樓翻建工程,預計以千禧塔(Millennium Tower)之名,建造450個單位,但該公司和波士頓市政府取得協議,少付了約九百萬元可負擔住宅費用。
            華人前進會昨日早上在示威後發出新聞稿,指組織者之一的沈小姐(Lorrayne Shen)表示,千禧年夥伴公司已獲得二千六百萬元的底稅減免,竟還獲得一千五百萬元的可負擔住宅費用折扣,但華埠內卻有兩三戶人家擠住一間公寓,其他們被逼流離失所的情況,千禧年夥伴公司少付的可負擔住宅費用實在可用來為這些家庭建造住宅。
         千禧年夥伴公司高層之一的龐加羅(Anthony Pangaro)早前曾透露,華人前進會和該公司曾就社區福利與就業機會等事談判,但該公司無法應允華人前進會提出的要求。







取得麻省理工學院建築系碩士,進了媒體實驗室研究電動車的來自台灣學生莊智超,昨(十三)日在天下雜誌跟拍中,和表親蔡明容一起正式揭櫫他們努力了兩年多的初創事業,IOH(個人經驗開放平台),MINI Open(秘密公開)。
            莊智超這構想,贏得很多支持。在很短的時間內,就有TED x Taipei可以幫忙建網站,台灣創意中心可以幫忙聯繫,資策會與時代基金會都願意提供協助。 MIT與哈佛有約40名志工,他回到台灣後,在那兒也吸引了20多名義工,分別提供經驗,錄製影片,剪接上網。如今已累積了6070個經驗分享記錄,有過不下100人做講者。
            去年五月,IOH獲得第九屆Keep Walking夢想資助計劃大獎。今年一月十六日,IOH還和美國在台協會(AIT)合作,在該會剛開幕的美國創新中心,舉辦了在美國求學、工作與創業的講座。
            在台灣滯留一年多後,莊智超和表親蔡明容十一日回到美國,十二日出席新英格蘭台灣同學會聯合會改選,昨(十三)日回到麻省理工學院舉辦現場轉播的IOH講座,邀他的MIT媒體實驗室同學,去年剛取得博士學位的李務熙,分享他五歲學鋼琴,八歲寫程式,2006MIT2013畢業,創立CharmPI LLC繼續開發聲音與影像專案的經歷。



台學聯改選 李慧真出任新會長

            教育組當日還特地邀請公費留學生,麻省理工學院媒體實驗室的莊智超,分享他創辦簡稱為IOHInnovation Open House)的海外留學及工作經驗分享平台,以及“秘密公開(Mini Open)的經驗。
            “開放個人經驗平台(IOH)” 邀請在世界各地,各系所就讀者,分享他們的求學,生活經驗,製成錄影帶,放到網上,供有心出國留學者做為參考。迷你公開則以高中生為對象,提供一對一咨詢,讓高中生有機會深入了解,他們有意升讀的大學系所概況。查詢IOH詳情,可上網http://www.ioh.tw








 波士頓市長馬丁華殊(左三),波市警察局長伊文斯(William Evans)(講台前)等人,
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)今年的波士頓馬拉松賽,波士頓市府將加強安全措施,部署更多警力,醫護人員,在五十多個觀察點,增加安裝100個以上的錄影攝像機。波士頓警察局局長伊文斯(William Evans)呼籲有意到現場觀賽民眾,別帶揹包出席。
 波士頓市長馬丁華殊率波市警察局長伊文斯(William Evans),波市公共衛生局局長

            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)十二日(週六)下午與波士頓警察局局長伊文斯(William Evans)等近十名高層人員,在波市府廣場前宣佈,為預防慘案再度發生,波市府將在今年預定四月廿一日舉行的波士頓馬拉松賽路徑沿途,派出更多制服,以及便衣警察。沿路安排有十三輛救護車,以及140名緊急醫護人員,或徒步,或騎自行車,開車的巡邏,並駐守在四個醫療帳篷內。終點線旁將安置最大的,可容220人的醫療帳篷。
波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC)日前也表示,將有潘嘉欣(Chloe Poon) , Brendan Greally代表該中心跑波士頓馬拉松賽。
在緊急醫療服務上,除前述安排外,波士頓公共衛生局(Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC))將在波士頓廣場安置一個小醫療站,以及一輛有30張床的救護車備用。
在週一(廿一日)波士頓馬拉松賽當日,紐百利街( Newbury )杭亭頓道(Huntington的出城方向路段,將封路,以便圍觀者移動。
需要創傷輔導(Trauma Counseling)者,可撥打市長健康熱線at 617-534-5050

Mayor Walsh’s Elderly Commission releases “Aging in Boston”

Mayor Walsh’s Elderly Commission releases “Aging in Boston”
Report includes a demographic profile of the City’s fastest growing population and
the City’s next steps
Boston – Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh released “Aging in Boston,” a comprehensive report on Boston seniors  produced by the Boston Commission on Affairs of the Elderly in collaboration with the Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging at the Gerontology Institute of the University of Massachusetts Boston.  In addition, Mayor Walsh announced that the City of Boston will join the World Health Organization’s Age Friendly Cities Network.
“The over 60 population is growing rapidly in Boston. In fact, by 2030 one out of every five residents of Boston will be over the age of 60,” said Mayor Walsh. “This population has a strong legacy in Boston and they continue to contribute in important ways to life in the city. Yet too many of our seniors still struggle day to day as they face difficulties in maintaining their ability to continue to live independently.”
“At the University of Massachusetts Boston we are committed to developing a growing body of knowledge that will address the wellbeing of New England’s older residents,” said Chancellor J. Keith Motley. “We are honored to collaborate with the Boston Commission on Affairs of the Elderly on this report, and we look forward to continuing to work together with the City of Boston.”
Research staff at the Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging at the Gerontology Institute at UMass Boston performed all calculations and generated the report based on publicly available data obtained from the United States Census Bureau, the Boston Public Health Commission, and from the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA). Projections for the Boston population were generated by the UMass Donahue Institute and by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC).
The report includes information related to the welfare of older adults in Boston with data on age, gender, race, education, as well as income, housing situation, mobility, and health and disabilities. The report highlights an increasingly diverse senior community where nearly one in five older adults speak little to no English and live in linguistically isolated households. While many seniors have the resources they need as they age, 75 percent of Boston seniors living alone have incomes insufficient to meet their expenses. Additionally, while there are many Boston residents who are still healthy and thriving, 50 percent of residents age 80 and over don’t have access to a vehicle and one out of five seniors age 60 to 70 report ambulatory difficulties.
Today Mayor Walsh also announced that the City of Boston will join the World Health Organization’s Age Friendly Cities Network to better prepare Boston for the growth in the over 60 population.  In joining the network, Boston makes a commitment to create environments that promote healthy and active aging and a good quality of life for older residents. Over the next five years, the City will work with partners to assess its “age friendliness,” and then create and implement a three-year action plan.
“We are excited to finally have Boston specific data on this population. We look forward to working with our partner agencies to utilize this data to plan for Boston’s growing and diverse older adult population,” stated Elderly Commissioner Emily Shea. “We are one of the first cities in Massachusetts to join the WHO Age Friendly Cities and we are eager to get started and make Boston an even better place to grow older.”
To view the full report, visit the City of Boston’s Elderly Commission website at www.cityofboston.gov/elderly.

Tom Cruise 科幻片“EDGE OF TOMORROW”預定4/29上演

EDGE OF TOMORROW - Movie Tie-In Edition:
©2014 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved.
 Two New Science Fiction Action Titles Timed To Release With The Summer Blockbuster Movie EDGE OF TOMORROW Starring Tom Cruise And Emily Blunt

San Francisco, CA, April 14, 2014 – VIZ Media’s Haikasoru literary imprint supports the upcoming release of the gripping sci-fi action film, Edge of Tomorrow with the release of an official movie tie-in novel on April 29th. The new EDGE OF TOMORROW paperback release will carry an MSRP of $7.99 U.S. / $9.99 CAN. The book features a cover with the official movie poster featuring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt in their title roles from the film. The EDGE OF TOMORROW novel was written by Japanese author Hiroshi Sakurazaka, and was previously published as ALL YOU NEED IS KILL.

The Haikasoru imprint has also announced the May 6th release of the ALL YOU NEED IS KILL official graphic novel adaptation. Written by Haikasoru editor and noted sci-fi author, Nick Mamatas, and featuring full-color artwork by popular comic book artist Lee Ferguson (Green Arrow, Miranda Mercury), the new graphic novel offers a single-volume retelling of the original ALL YOU NEED IS KILL novel that inspired the EDGE OF TOMORROW movie. The graphic novel carries an MSRP of $14.99 U.S. / $17.99 CAN, and features an oversized North American graphic novel trim size of 6 5/8" x 10 ¼”. An eBook edition will also be available worldwide for $8.99 (U.S. / CAN) for the Amazon Kindle, Apple’s iBooks Store, Barnes & Noble’s Nook Book Store, and the Kobo eBooks Store. North American fans can also access the graphic novel digitally on the VIZ Manga App as well as through VIZManga.com.

The Edge of Tomorrow feature film is slated for U.S. release from Warner Bros. Pictures on June 6th, and will be presented in 3D and 2D in select theaters, and 3D IMAX. The movie is directed by Doug Liman and stars Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt and Bill Paxton.

The story is set in the future when aliens called Mimics invade. Keiji Kiriya is just one of many recruits shoved into a suit of battle armor called a Jacket and sent out to kill. But he dies on the battlefield after only a few minutes, only to be reborn each morning to fight and die again and again. On his 158th iteration, he gets a message from a mysterious ally – the female soldier known as the Full Metal Bitch. Is she the key to Keiji's escape or his final death?

In 2009, ALL YOU NEED IS KILL served as the launch title for Haikasoru, a unique imprint developed by VIZ Media dedicated to publishing the most compelling contemporary Japanese science fiction and fantasy for English-speaking audiences. New York Times best-selling author John Scalzi declared ALL YOU NEED IS KILL to be a novel that, "reads fast, kicks ass, and keeps on coming," and it has proven to be one of Haikasoru's most popular titles. Sakurazaka's other novels include Characters (co-written with Hiroki Azuma) and SLUM ONLINE, which was published in English by Haikasoru in 2010.

“Live…die…repeat. ALL YOU NEED IS KILL / EDGE OF TOMORROW delivers a nightmarish, action-packed spin on reliving one’s own triumphs, and failures,” says Nick Mamatas, Editor, Haikasoru. “Catch the original story that inspired the gripping movie with the official movie tie-in edition, and in the Western comic book mode with the ALL YOU NEED IS KILL official graphic novel. Both of these debuts are perfect reads leading up to the highly anticipated theatrical debut of Edge of Tomorrow this summer!”

All You Need Is Kill © 2004 by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
"The ALL YOU NEED TO KILL graphic novel stays very true to the original source novel," says Joel Enos, editor for the new comic. "We made a conscious effort to create something unique that could stand on it's own away from both the original novel, the film and the upcoming manga, but would nicely complement and pay respects to all three! Lee's retro-futuristic art style especially puts ALL YOU NEED TO KILL as a comic into it's own orbit!"

Author Hiroshi Sakurazaka was born in Tokyo in 1970 and published his first novel, Modern Magic Made Simple, in 2003 with Super Dash Bunko, a popular young adult light novel imprint. There are now seven volumes in the series, and it was adapted as a manga in 2008 and became a television anime series in 2009. His 2004 short story, "Saitama Chainsaw Massacre," also won the 16th SF Magazine Reader's Award. Sakurazaka published All You Need Is Kill with Super Dash Bunko in 2004 and earned his first Seiun Award nomination for best of the year honors in Japanese science fiction. In 2010, Sakurazaka started an experimental digital magazine AiR with fellow author Junji Hotta. He remains one of Japan's most energetic writers of both light novels and adult science fiction. 

Haikasoru’s Nick Mamatas is the author of several novels, including The Damned Highway (with Brian Keene) and Love is the Law. His short fiction has appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, Tor.com, Weird Tales, and numerous other venues. He's also written comics for Media Blasters and the Squid Works! Collective and has been nominated for the Hugo, World Fantasy, Bram Stoker, and Shirley Jackson awards.

Artist Lee Ferguson has worked in comics since 2001, when he broke in at Marvel on the 9/11 Heroes tribute book, followed by work on the company's X-Men titles. Since then, he's worked at DC, IDW, and Dynamite, while also putting out Freak, his creator-owned project from Image Comics. His newest book is The Many Adventures of Miranda Mercury, co-created with Brandon Thomas and published through Archaia Comics. In 2012, Miranda Mercury was on YALSA’s Best Graphic Novels for Teens list and was also nominated for four Glyph Awards, including Best Artist.

Tufts Medical Center, Lowell General Hospital announce formation of new health care system

Tufts Medical Center, Lowell General Hospital announce formation
of new health care system

Alternative model to emphasize unmatched collaboration and provider autonomy
to manage and improve health

BOSTON (April 14) —Tufts Medical Center and Lowell General Hospital today announced plans to form a new health system. Designed as an alternative model, this new system will foster collaboration between and among community-based and academic medical providers to effectively identify patient needs and manage the health of the communities they serve.

The organizations will align with a new parent company, led by Normand Deschene as Chief Executive Officer and Ellen Zane as Chairperson. Tufts MC, Lowell General and their physician groups will maintain local governance but will partner to create the scale needed to capitalize on population data management, efficiencies of group purchasing and the development of innovative services while assuring autonomy. The organizations will have equal representation on the parent company board.

“We believe in keeping physicians close to patients and removing the barriers that stand in the way of patients receiving care at the right time in the most appropriate setting, conveniently and affordably,” said Deschene, CEO of Lowell General Hospital. “This partnership with Tufts Medical Center will do just that. The new system will allow us to build and strengthen connections, remove obstacles and ultimately ensure that patients are navigating a far less complex healthcare experience.”

The new system will unite organizations who share a demonstrated high quality, lower-cost approach to health care services and an established set of population health management practices and programs – a crucial aspect of the Affordable Care Act environment.

“Our partnership will be the first of its kind in Massachusetts,” said Zane, Vice Chair of the Tufts MC Board of Trustees. “This system is not being formed by one entity taking over another, with the academic medical center as the hub of the universe.  What we are creating is a ‘round table,’ if you will, predicated on our commitment to managing the health and well-being of the communities we serve. This system we are forming with Lowell General Hospital is powerful both on its own, and as an alternative for other community providers and regional physician groups who share our vision and values.”

Lowell General Hospital and Tufts Medical Center have been recognized repeatedly in reports from the Attorney General’s Office and the Center for Health Information and Analysis for their ability to deliver high quality care with a lower cost structure, just the formula that legislators, business leaders and patients have been demanding to make care better and more affordable in Massachusetts.

“We know from experience that strong hospitals and physician groups like ours seek the scale necessary to leverage collaborative technologies and data sharing that allow us to improve access to affordable, high quality health care for the communities we serve,” said Deschene. “We believe the market is hungry for this type of value-driven system.”

Tufts Medical Center CEO Michael Wagner, MD, said, “Lowell General is a perfect teammate, one of the strongest and most well-respected community hospital systems in Massachusetts. By joining together, we can accelerate the development of services and technologies to help patients across the spectrum from the healthy to the chronically ill to the critically ill.  As a CEO and a physician, I find the benefits offered by this system unmatched and extremely attractive.”

“We have seen the success of working with Tufts Medical Center and its commitment to partnering with community hospitals firsthand through our successful pediatric and critical care affiliations,” said Joseph White, President of Lowell General Hospital. “Ultimately, this partnership will help us continue to deliver on our promise of complete connected care to members of our community – no matter where they access that care. Tufts Medical Center will bring its commitment to research, teaching and specialty care innovation to this partnership, and will help us to increase the breadth and scope of the care we provide in the community.”

The new system will leverage population health data and services already available through the Lowell General Hospital and New England Quality Care Alliance (NEQCA), a network of 1,800 physicians affiliated with Tufts Medical Center.  This will support a cost-efficient and optimally effective approach to population health management, a method by which hospitals, doctors and other health care providers work together to improve patients’ health rather than simply treat episodes of disease. It is a critical component of health care reform. NEQCA and Lowell General Hospital have had significant success and are highly regarded for their innovations in this area.

“Physicians and hospitals are going to find this unique system attractive in that it provides a level of local control and collaboration between academic and community medicine that currently does not exist,” said Jeffrey Lasker, MD, President and CEO of NEQCA.  “This new model has been designed to support the relationship between the doctor and patient and will allow us the opportunity to build on our demonstrated success in ensuring healthier outcomes for patients and limiting health care costs.”

Springwell 4/16起舉辦保護耆英系列講座

Springwell launches a series of informational presentations for the Chinese-speaking community

What:             Elder Protective Services – The Response to Elder Abuse and Neglect in Massachusetts”

Who:                      April Evans, Protective Services Program Manager, Springwell

Where:               Boston Chinese Evangelical Church Newton Campus,
            218 Walnut St, Newton, MA

When:                Wednesday, April 16, 2014, at 10:30 AM 
Translation by:        The Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center

In coordination with the Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center, Springwell is hosting a series of educational events in the Chinese-speaking community, starting April 16, 2014 at the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church Newton Campus. April Evans, Springwell’s Protective Services Program Manager, will describe the various types of elder abuse and neglect as well as provide guidance on how to identify instances of elder abuse and neglect, and will also explain the process of reporting abuse and neglect. April will be available for a questions and answers at the end of the presentation. The presentation will be conducted in Chinese, courtesy of staff from the Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center.

Springwell is a private, nonprofit agency that has been creating, implementing, and providing services for over 35 years to older adults, adults with disabilities, and those who help care for them. Springwell’s service area includes Belmont, Brookline, Newton, Needham, Waltham, Watertown, Wellesley, and Weston. Springwell has a history of providing a variety of culturally appropriate services to Chinese-speaking older adults and has administered several community grants to the Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center to facilitate programs within the communities that the agency serves.