
星期一, 10月 21, 2013


49届查理士河划船賽(Charles Regatta),一連兩天都遇上陽光普照的好日子。 分成55組的逾九千名參賽者,在第一天就締造出不下17項破記錄賽時。
今年的參賽者中,還有來自蒙古的隊伍。分別25歲,28歲的Dulguun Baasandavaa 和 Tuvshinzaya Gantulga說,蒙古文裏沒有划船這個字,他們只好自己發明出“長槳划船(Urt Seluurt Zavi)“這個字。
Tuvshinzaya Gantulga在蒙古的美國商會做事。Dulguun Baasandavaa在 TenGer 金融集團做事。他們說,以前沒有蒙古人划過艇,要不是他兩都在西方上過大學,他們也不知道有這種運動,他們的組隊參加查理士河划艇賽,也因此成為蒙古人運動中的一個里程碑。
包括五十歲以上的大師級男子單人隊,由劍橋市船屋的Greg Benning1815 秒,打破已有21年歷史的18 54 秒的紀錄。五十歲以上大師級女子組,五十歲以上耆英大師級男子八人隊,女子八人隊,大師級男子四人隊,大師級女子四人隊,耆英大師級男子雙人隊,女子雙人隊,都打破了紀錄。
根據查理士河划艇賽網站,這是劍橋划船俱樂部(Cambridge Boat Club)在哈佛大學划船教練Ernest Arlett建議下,早從1965年就開始,把全世界最優秀的划船手都邀來查理士河畔,進行為期兩天划船比賽的活動。

            阿姆斯特丹OTC隊只比美國划船中心(US Rowing Center)隊快1.48秒,2011年的冠軍,哈佛隊排名第三。
            女子八人隊由劍橋划船俱樂部(The Cambridge Boat Club)的“超八)隊,以比美國划船中心0.8秒的成績,奪得冠軍。該隊成員中包括數名世界最佳的單人划船手。
四人隊的男子冠軍是威斯康辛州(Wisconsin)的 Camp Randall 划船俱樂部,女子冠軍是美國划船隊( US Rowing )。
大學八人隊男子組冠軍為Drexel,女子組冠軍為大谷(Grand Valley)州立大學划船俱樂部。
Sharon Kaplan Peter Morelli 贏得單人隊冠軍。





哈佛中國之夜 11/1

星期六, 10月 19, 2013

波士頓亞裔電影節 10/24-27 李安開幕 香港狂舞派閉幕

國際名導演李安將於十月廿四日晚出席開幕式,在劍橋市布瑞托電影院(40 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA)與觀眾一同慶祝“喜宴”一片推出廿週年。
當晚在六點四十五分起舉行開幕式,放映“喜宴”一片後,九點四十五分將放映哈佛畢業的林書豪克服種種困難,偏見,成為NBA名球手的紀錄片,“林瘋狂(Linsanity)”。該片製片人楊明樂(Brian Yang)也將出席電影節,與觀眾晤談。
楊明樂本人因參加演出Hawaii Five-O而出名。他還參加演出了本屆波士頓亞裔電影節選映,將於十月廿五日在派拉蒙中心放映的”我以前認識的一個人(Someone I Used to Know)”。楊明樂和“我”片製片Nadine Truong當晚都將出席與觀眾互動。
為期四日的電影節,開幕日在劍橋市的布瑞托電影院舉行,其餘幾天,分別在派拉蒙中心(559 Washington Street, Boston, MA),昆士小學(885 Washington Street., Boston, MA)放映影片。十月廿五日晚上七點起,將在派拉蒙中心放映短片,以及”清酒炸彈(Sake-Bomb)“。在本屆電影節中分成 “石頭,剪刀,布”三個主題的短片,十月廿五日放映“石頭”單元。波市頓本地編劇和導演,將攜短片”蚯蚓的雨天( Rainy Day for Earthworms)出席。
十月廿六日下午一點半起,將在昆士小學放映短片。下午兩點起在派拉蒙中心放映三部影片,以及短片,包括兩點半的“The Haumāna “,晚上六點四十五分的”我以前認識的一個人“,以及晚上九點的”無辜血(Innocent Blood)“。
“無辜血“一片是本屆電影節的核心片,描述一名曾有黑暗過去的臥底警探,退休後兒子被與他過去有關的神秘罪犯綁架,讓他與妻子面對人生中最糟噩夢的情況。該片演員 Alexandra Chun和製片人Trip Hope將隨片出席。
十月廿七日下午一點起,將在派拉蒙中心放映主題為“剪刀”的短片,“所以你是中國人(So You are Chinese)下午三點放映講述柬埔寨紅色高棉兒童兵,如何面對過去這段經歷的“失落兒童( lost child)。該片由新英格蘭本地的Janet Gardner執導。她將和該片的聯合製片Sophea Theam,該片主角Sayon Soeun聯袂隨片出席。
各場電影門票約每張十元,在昆士小學放映的短片,入場免費。查詢詳情,可洽個電影院,或上洽www.baaff.org  ,電郵 baaff@aarw.org

(From BAAFF)

The Boston Asian American Film Festival (BAAFF), a production of the Asian American Resource Workshop (AARW), is hosting its 5th anniversary October 24th to 27th at the Brattle Theatre in Cambridge, ArtsEmerson’s Bright Family Screening Room in the Paramount Center and Josiah Quincy School Auditorium in Boston. BAAFF 2013 is showcasing over 30 films—including 6 New England premieres, 6 by Boston-area filmmakers. From romantic comedies to thoughtful documentaries, to serious dramas and innovative short films, this year’s selection includes a wide range of contemporary films which speak to the breadth and depth of Asian American cinema.
It’s 5th anniversary of BAAFF, 20th anniversary screening of The Wedding Banquet. To celebrate this, opening Night will feature a special screening of The Wedding Banquet at the Brattle Theatre in Harvard Square, Cambridge. Ang Lee, Academy Award and Oscar winning director will be on hand to introduce his Oscar and Golden Globe nominated film The Wedding Banquet.
The Wedding Banquet stands the test of time, and is still a touching must-see film that speaks to the experience of many gay Asian Americans in both a sincere and comedic way,” says Susan Chinsen, BAAFF Director, “I can’t think of a better honor for our 5th anniversary, than to have Ang Lee here with us to celebrate this milestone here in Massachusetts, the first state to uphold equal marriage rights.”
After Wedding Banquet, producer Brian Yang, known for his role in the television series “Hawaii Five-0,” will be present for a Harvard Square screening of “Linsanity,” at 9:45 p.m. on Thursday, also at the Brattle Theatre. The documentary tells the story of Harvard graduate Jeremy Lin, who overcame obstacles and shattered stereotypes as a player in the NBA. Yang will also join director Nadine Truong for “Someone I Used to Know,” in which he is an actor, screening on Saturday, Oct. 25 at 6:45 p.m. at the Paramount Center.
On Friday, Oct. 25, Boston-based writer and director Gary Mei will present “Rainy Day for Earthworms,” screening at 7 p.m. at Paramount Center as part of “Rock: Shorts I,” the first of four short film programs at the festival.
In honor of the festival’s 5th anniversary, two community screenings, free and open to the public will be held at Saturday, October 26 at the Josiah Quincy School, Chinatown. At 1:30 p.m. several local filmmakers will attend “Community Shorts,” highlighting short films by and about the Boston Asian American community and experiences.  At 3:30 p.m., director Yuriko Gamo Rome will present her film “Mrs. Judo: Be Strong, Be Gentle, Be Beautiful,” a documentary on Keiko Fukuda the highest ranking woman in judo history and the last surviving student of the founder of judo.
Actor Alexandra Chun, and Producer Trip Hope of the festival’s Centerpiece film “Innocent Blood,” will be present for a post-screening talk following the 9 p.m. screening of this psychological-thriller on Saturday, October 26 at the Paramount Center.
On Sunday, October 27, Boston-based filmmaker Yvonne Ng will speak about “So Are you Chinese?” a short documentary about the intersection of race and culture during the Boston Busing Crisis, screening at 1 p.m. at the Paramount Center as part of “Scissors: Shorts III.”
Directors Timothy Tau (“Keye Luke”) and Minhae Shim (“Color Theory”)—winner of the 2013 Short Waves competition—will also be in attendance to talk about their respective films.
At 3 p.m. on Sunday, October 27, New England locals Director Janet Gardner, co-Producer Sopheap Theam and subject feature Sayon Soeun will be present for the Boston premiere of “Lost Child,” which documents how a Khmer Rouge child soldier confronts his childhood experiences during Cambodia’s darkest hour.
Closing out the festival will be Hong Kong-based director Adam Wong attending the East Coast premiere of “The Way We Dance,” at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 27 at the Paramount Center. This film, recently nominated for two Golden Horse Awards, chronicles a young girl born with the soul of hip-hop who joins a collegiate dance crew and discovers that dance and Tai Chi are more connected than it seems.
Tickets to the 2012 BAAFF can be purchased at the door or online by visiting baaff.org. Individual tickets for each film (excluding the Opening Night film) are $10 for General Admission, and additional member and student rates may be available and vary depending on venue.
For more information and updates on the 2012 Boston Asian American Film Festival, visit http://www.baaff.org/ or contact us at baaff@aarw.org