
星期日, 11月 05, 2017


(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 今年的選舉雖然是市級選舉年,由於每個市鎮首長的任期年限不同,麻州的351個市鎮,並不是每個市鎮今年都得改選首長。波士頓市之外,波士頓環球報建議關注5個城市的市長選舉,其中華裔選民最關注的是牛頓市。
            明年,2018年,華裔選民勢必忙碌許多,因為一東一西,各有一名華裔參選州長,西部加州有加州現任財政長江俊輝(John Chiang)2016年就宣佈了角逐加州州長一職;東部有羅州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)重披戰袍,上週才正式宣佈,再次參選羅德島州州長。
            波士頓環球報建議民眾在波士頓市之外關注的五個城市,有羅倫斯市(Lawrence),牛頓市( Newton),塞冷市(Salem),林市(Lynn),以及傅萊明罕市(Framingham)
            進入波士頓市市長大選的兩名候選人,一是在位市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),一是在位市議員提多傑克遜(Tito Jackson)。馬丁華殊挾在位優勢,一般咸認連任絕無問題。提多傑克遜的願意跳入選戰,博得不少人讚他有勇氣。
            在麻州之外,緬因州有一半華裔血統的陳樂(Ben Chin),今年捲土重來,再次參選路易斯頓市市長。

星期六, 11月 04, 2017


(Boston Orange)新英格蘭玉山科技協會於114日在麻省理工學院舉辦2017年會,為彰顯今年「超越邊界的創新--醫療互聯網」的主題,特別藉由研討會的形式,邀請等多位在醫療、生技等產業及學術界各領域的學者專家,分別就數位與移動式醫療、醫療分工管理、消費者穿戴式設備設施,以及實務中的困難與挑戰等議題發表演講,並透過經驗分享與傳承,鼓勵與會人士促成新觀念,並建立新產品的合作關係和機會,共計近百位各界專家及僑界專業人士參加。







波士頓關懷救助協會首場講座 長金滿分享經驗、技巧


             (Boston Orange)由波士頓僑教中心與波士頓地區僑界關懷救助協會合辦的「關懷救助教育訓練講座」活動於114日在僑教中心舉行,邀請波士頓慈濟聯絡處長金滿師姐以「關懷救助的技巧及經驗分享」為題發表專題演講,並與出席人員座談,共計10餘位該會幹部及會員參加。




星期五, 11月 03, 2017

AARP Underwrites 1,000 Congressional Gold Medals for Filipino WWII Veterans

AARP Underwrites 1,000 Congressional Gold Medals
for Filipino WWII Veterans

Medal Replicas to be Presented to Veterans and Their Family Members
Back row, left to right: Susan PretroRon Mori, AARP Multicultural Leadership Manager; Maria Gillen, AARP New Product Development Director; Edna Kane-Williams, AARP Senior Vice President, Multicultural Leadership; (Ret.) Maj. Gen. Tony Taguba, Chairman of the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project; Bill Walsh, AARP Senior Strategic Advisor; Karina Hurley, AARP Strategic Communications Director; Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy; Francis Montenegro. Front row: Leo Duran and Ryan Letada, CEO and Co-founder, NextDayBetter, at the FilVetREP Gala Celebration for Filipino WWII Veterans on October 25, 2017 in Tysons Corner, Va. Photo credit Jessie Whiles.

WASHINGTON, DC, October 27, 2017 — AARP saluted the Filipino and Filipino American veterans of World War II by funding the minting of 1,000 bronze replicas of the Congressional Gold Medal to be given to veterans and their family members in recognition of their service and sacrifice. Commissioned by Congress, the medals are the highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions.

The veterans were honored in a national celebration on Capitol Hill on October 25, where House Speaker Paul Ryan presented them the Congressional Gold Medal on behalf of the nation for the distinguished contributions of 260,000 Filipino soldiers and guerrillas during World War II in the Philippines.

“AARP is proud to support the efforts to recognize and celebrate Filipino and Filipino American World War II veterans,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “We are so pleased to join with the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project and this nation in the shared goal of ensuring that future generations of Americans understand these vets’ incredible sacrifices.”

The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetREP) spearheaded the effort to pass the Congressional Gold Medal legislation and worked with the U.S. Mint to manage the minting and production of the medals.

“It has been 72 years since the end of World War II, and these vets’ service and sacrifice have not been forgotten,” said FilVetREP Chairman (Ret.) Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba. “These Congressional Gold Medals recognize and celebrate the extraordinary sacrifices and contributions of Filipino WWII soldiers. AARP’s support has been extremely valuable in this effort.”

Filipino World War II veterans or surviving family members are urged to register so they can receive long-overdue recognition of their service. Register with The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project at filvetrep.org/registry.

CAPAC Statement on Trump’s Decision to Delay Action on DACA

CAPAC Statement on Trump’s Decision to Delay Action on DACA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), CAPAC’s Immigration Task Force Chair, issued the following statements in response to the Trump Administration’s plan to delay legislative action to protect Dreamers.

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“I am deeply disturbed by reports that President Trump and Republicans in Congress plan to delay legislative action to protect our nation’s Dreamers until after the holidays. When President Trump made the cruel decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, he left the lives of 800,000 Dreamers – including many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders – in limbo.

“It is reprehensible that the President is now attempting to use these young people as bargaining chips to advance his anti-immigrant agenda. As I have previously stated, any effort to attach poison pills that would curtail our legal immigration system and fund an ineffective border wall are complete non-starters for the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.  

“The White House should not play politics with the lives of our nation’s Dreamers. If the bipartisan, bicameral DREAM Act were brought to the floor today, it would have the votes to pass. I urge my Republican colleagues to do the right thing and allow us to vote on a clean DREAM Act before Congress adjourns in December.”

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, CAPAC Immigration Task Force Chair:

“I have a simple message for President Trump and congressional Republicans: There is no other deal to be made besides passing a clean Dream Act before the end of the year and protecting the 1.5 million young people eligible for relief who had the floor taken out from under them.

“Shamefully, while the futures of these young people hang in the balance, President Trump and his accomplices in Congress are doing nothing but pursuing immigration policies straight from the wishlists of white supremacists.

“Dreamers are woven into the fabric of our country – they are our friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. It is our moral responsibility to ensure they have a future here. I continue to call for all of my Republican colleagues to stand on the side of compassion and pass a clean Dream Act this year.”


Local foundations, legal aid programs, nonprofits and corporate partners come together to support immigrant community
BOSTON - Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC) today announced the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund has reached $1 million in donations, and the $1 million in funds will support ten organizations in the Greater Boston area. This week, the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC) distributed over $1 million in private funds to both legal services providers and community outreach organizations, which were awarded after the competitive application process. More than 35 individual organizations responded to the Request for Proposals, and projects were selected based on their potential to enhance legal services capacity, strengthen community education and outreach, and build network infrastructure, in addition to advancing the goals of Defense Fund.

"The overwhelming support the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund has received shows how committed Boston is to ensuring we are an inclusive, supportive city for all -- qualities that are now more important than ever," said Mayor Walsh. "Through these funds, organizations will be able to better protect and serve immigrants throughout the Boston area, helping the families, friends and neighbors who contribute so much to our city. I'm grateful to all the partners and organizations who made this Fund, and these grants, possible."

"MLAC appreciates the opportunity to partner with the City, the foundations and law firms that have come together to support access to justice for immigrants in Greater Boston," said Lonnie Powers, executive director of MLAC. "The Immigrant Defense Fund gives concrete recognition to the overwhelming need for civil legal assistance in communities affected by policy changes at the federal level."

The Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund, launched on September 13th, is a public-private partnership and funding collaborative that seeks to strengthen the Greater Boston area's capacity to protect and defend its many immigrant communities, refugees, and temporary status holders by increasing education and access to legal services.

Given the high volume of competitive applications and the growing need for community education and legal services in immigrant communities across the region, the partners will continue to fundraise, with the goal of expanding the fund to more organizations.

The design of the initiative is the product of a collaborative effort between the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement, Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC) and Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI) with input from local funders and immigration advocates. During the course of the two-year pilot period, MLRI, a statewide poverty law and policy center, and legal services Immigration Coalition convenor, will serve as the network coordinator. The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement will track and evaluate the impact of the initiative.

"Immigrants are vital members of our society. Unfortunately, changes in federal policy have forced many to fear going about their daily life activities. This grant will enable GBLS to work with community-based organizations and provide needed legal support to change this dynamic," said Jacquelynne Bowman, Executive Director of Greater Boston Legal Services, one of the organizations receiving a grant. "We are thankful to Mayor Walsh for spearheading this initiative to ensure that Boston remains a welcoming community."

"In these times of great insecurity and crisis for the immigrant community, it means so much to organizations that not only work directly with these vulnerable communities, but are staffed by immigrants themselves, to know that our city and the civic organizations of the city support and stand with us," said Patricia Montes, Executive Director of Centro Presente, one of the organizations receiving a grant. "Making sure that our communities know about their rights as immigrants, as workers and as human beings who contribute to this society is critical at moments such as these."

The fund is made possible by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR), a national network of foundations working on issues related to immigrant integration, as well as by contributions from local philanthropic, corporate and legal partners. Local foundations and corporate partners contributing to the fund include the Barr Foundation, the Klarman Family Foundation, the Boston Foundation, the Fish Family Foundation, the Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation, Foley Hoag, Mintz Levin, and the Hyams Foundation, the lead funder for the initiative.

The selected organizations are:

Legal Service Providers:
To enhance legal services capacity
Greater Boston Legal Services
PAIR Project (Political Asylum / Immigration Representation Project)
MetroWest Legal Services
Northeast Legal Aid
Southeast Coastal Counties Legal Services

Community Organizations:
To strengthen community education, outreach, organizing & referral
Brazilian Workers Center
Catholic Social Services of Fall River
Centro Presente
Chelsea Collaborative
Essex County Community Organization

Through their contributions to the cultural, social and economic landscape of the city, immigrants play an essential role in Boston's unique civic life. Foreign-born Bostonians account for 28.4 percent of City's population, and nearly half of Boston's children under that age of 18 lived with at least one foreign-born parent in 2015. Immigrants generate nearly a quarter of the economic output of Suffolk County. In 2014, immigrants contributed $2.3 billion to the regional economy, generating more than $116.1 million in state and local tax revenues and approximately 15,000 jobs. Additionally, a high proportion of foreign-born Bostonians are self-employed, which has helped revitalize and reinvigorate many of Boston's neighborhoods

AARP Online Caregiving Fair 11/16

Online Caregiving Fair
Thursday, November 16
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. ET / 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. PT

For the 40 million adults in the U.S. who provide unpaid care to a family member— or first-time caregivers looking for helpful tips and advice, the AARP Online Family Caregiving Fair is helping caregivers navigate their caregiving journey. There will be valuable resources, real-life tips, and support. Additionally, caregivers can check out interactive videos, games, presentations, and video chats.

Thursday, November 16, 2017
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. ET / 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. PT

Richard Lui, MSNBC Journalist and Anchor
Beyond a demanding work schedule and frequent speaking engagements, Richard flies from NYC to San Francisco each week to care for his father, an Alzheimer's patient. He’ll share his experience on the changing roles during his caregiving journey, while answering audience questions.

Can’t make the live date? Register anyway. By registering, you can visit the Online Family Caregiving Fair environment and see all resources available to help you care for your loved ones. The webinar will also be available on demand.

Watch “Enduring Together: Asian Americans and Alzheimer's Disease" at Facebook.com/AARPAAPI. This is a story that highlights the challenges of an Asian American couple and their battle with Alzheimer's Disease. They share their immigrant story and the sacrifices, fears, and hopes in enduring Alzheimer's Disease together. MSNBC News Anchor and family caregiver Richard Lui ends with his personal story and insights about Alzheimer's, and a powerful call to action for all present and future caregivers.


Search Warrant Netted the Largest Single Seizure of Illegal Guns by AG Healey’s Office
BOSTON – A man has been arrested and arraigned on 21 separate counts of various drug and gun charges in connection with a major heroin and fentanyl trafficking operation, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today. Today’s charges are the result of the largest single search warrant seizure of illegal guns under AG Healey’s administration.
Jose Cutoen, age 35, of Lawrence, was arraigned in Lawrence District Court this morning on the charges of Improper Storage of a Firearm (seven counts), Possession of a Firearm during a Felony (one count), Possession of a Firearm (seven counts), Possession of Ammunition (one count), Possession of a Large Capacity Feeding Device (three counts), Possession with Intent to Distribute Heroin (one count), Trafficking more than 200 grams of Heroin (one count). Cutoen pleaded not guilty to the charges and was held on $500,000 cash bail. He is due back in Lawrence District Court on Nov. 30 for a probable cause hearing.
Cutoen was arrested Thursday night in Lawrence following the execution of wiretap warrants and a search warrant of his home that resulted in the seizure of seven guns, three large capacity magazine, ammunition, 14 pounds of marijuana, 400 grams of suspected heroin and $5,000 in cash.
Authorities allege Cutoen is part of a major fentanyl trafficking operation that AG Healey’s Enterprise, Major and Cyber Crime Division has been investigating along with the Massachusetts State Police assigned to the AG’s Office, the State Police Transportation Drug Unit, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and Homeland Security Investigations, with assistance from the Lowell, Lawrence, Haverhill and Peabody Police Departments.
Authorities arrested 12 other individuals who are allegedly part of this operation last Friday in a large-scale takedown in Lawrence. They were arraigned in Lawrence District Court on Monday on various drug trafficking charges. Authorities executed search warrants at multiple locations in Haverhill and Lawrence last Friday and seized approximately 600 grams of suspected heroin and fentanyl and $21,000 in cash.
This investigation is ongoing. These charges are allegations and defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Gina Kwon, Deputy Chief of AG Healey’s Enterprise, Major and Cyber Crimes DivisionThe case is being investigated by State Police assigned to the AG’s Office, the State Police Transportation Drug Unit, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Homeland Security Investigations, and the AG’s Cyber Crime Lab, along with Lowell Police, Haverhill Police, Lawrence Police, and Peabody Police.

The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Statement on the House Tax Reform Bill

The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Statement on the House Tax Reform Bill

The following is a statement from Jim Klocke, CEO of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network:
"The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act released yesterday by the US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee is a step backwards in many important ways. It will harm the Commonwealth's nonprofits and the people they serve.

Federal tax policy should continue to support the work of the nonprofit sector—and it should encourage all Americans, regardless of income, to give back to their communities.

This bill is a step backwards on both fronts. It reduces charitable giving 
incentives in ways that will have a severely negative effect. It introduces partisan politics into the nonprofit sector in new and dangerous ways, jeopardizing the sector's integrity. It imposes new and unfair taxes on the nonprofit sector, undercutting its tax exempt status. And it does not include any provisions to make giving easier for the 70% today, and 95% of Americans tomorrow, who do not itemize their federal tax deductions.
For these reasons, the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network is strongly opposed to the bill in its current form. We will continue to work with our nonprofit members and organizational allies to push for solutions that enhance giving, benefit Massachusetts families, and allow nonprofits to continue to serve our communities."


BOSTON - Thursday, November 2, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the City's Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) today launched a new crowdsourcing effort to gather the data that will power the City's new 311 web interface. The new interface, developed in partnership with BOS:311 and the City's Department of Innovation and Technology, will use a computer model that takes a description of the user's issue and suggests case types that are most likely to fit that description.

"We're committed to using data to improve City services and make the lives of our residents easier," said Mayor Walsh. "The stronger dataset we have to power the 311 system, the more efficient the service will be."

This new interface will change the way each resident will interact with the 311 program. The current system prompts the user to choose from dozens of the most frequent 311 case types and find the one that matches their issue, in order to direct them to the right form.

The new system will have the user tell 311 in their own words what's wrong, in a sentence or less, and a computer model will suggest the correct case type. Users will no longer need to scroll through the full set of case types to find the one they are looking for, making it easier and more efficient to submit requests.

"We're excited for the opportunity the new model brings to the 311 service," said Jerome Smith, the City of Boston's Chief of Civic Engagement. "We're always looking to provide constituents with helpful and responsive interactions and I look forward to seeing how this new feature can improve the user-experience." 
In order for the new 311 model to predict what case type the user is searching for, the model needs data. This data will link certain keywords or phrases to case types. For example, the phrase "no one has cleaned the snow off my sidewalk" would most likely indicate a "Sidewalk not shoveled" case, so users would see that as the top suggestion in the list.

As the new 311 model gets more data, it will learn what words and phrases are most common when talking about different case types. Over time, the model will even be able to recognize patterns. If the model notices that snow-related cases typically come in batches (like during and after a storm), those suggestions will more likely be shown when a spike in snow cases comes in. 
"The new 311 model is unique in that it will translate the perspective of the constituent into the language of the 311 system" said Dan O'Brien, co-director of the Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI) and faculty in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Northeastern University. "Using data to connect these perspectives makes public maintenance even more efficient."

To gather the data needed for the new 311 system, the City has released a web application that provides a user with a case type and asks for three different ways the user may describe it.

The City plans to release the dataset on Analyze Boston, the City's open data hub, so that other cities can use it for their own systems in the future, and the model code will also be released as open source software once completed.

About BOS:311
BOS:311 is the go-to place for constituents to report non-emergency services. The service enables real-time collaboration with citizens as they report potholes, graffiti, and other issues from anywhere in the city. Constituents can file a report using the 311 website311 mobile application, or by tweeting to@BOS311.

About the Department of Innovation and Technology
The Department of Innovation and Technology makes sure the networks, computers and systems that support the City are secure and effective. They also manage the City's websites and technologies focused on service delivery.

The department's core work involves five priority areas:



Boston's Enchanted Trolley Tour continues the festive tradition of lighting holiday trees throughout Boston

BOSTON - Friday, November 3, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the schedule for the 2017 Enchanted Trolley Tour, a Boston holiday tradition of lighting holiday trees throughout the City. This year, the Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour will take place on Friday, December 1; Saturday, December 2; and Sunday, December 3, in neighborhoods throughout Boston.

"Our holiday trolley tour and tree lightings provide some of the best family memories of the year, building community spirit throughout Boston and bringing a little extra joy to residents during the holiday season," said Mayor Walsh. "The holiday season is a time for friends, family and neighbors to come together and celebrate, and I welcome all to attend this weekend of inclusive, family-friendly fun." 

For the 22nd year, the Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour will continue the festive tradition of lighting holiday trees while bringing holiday spirit to children across Boston. The event is sponsored by Bank of America, and includes visits with Santa, holiday performances, tree lightings and more.

"Bank of America is proud to continue our support of Mayor Walsh's Enchanted Trolley Tour, a long standing tradition that brings joy and excitement to neighborhoods and families across the City," said Miceal Chamberlain, Bank of America Massachusetts President. "We thank the City of Boston for the opportunity to help kick off the holiday season and make our communities stronger and more vibrant."

The Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment is committed to producing fun, free public events for Bostonians and visitors to the City and this year will collaborate with Bank of America, which is sponsoring the 2017 Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour and Tree Lightings.

The 2017 Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour and Tree Lightings Schedule is as follows:

Friday, December 1, 2017

5:30 p.m.     Mattapan Square, Mattapan

6:30 p.m.     Wolcott Square, Readville

7:15 p.m.     Hastings Street Lot, Centre Street, West Roxbury

Saturday, December 2, 2017

1:00 p.m.     Codman Square, Dorchester

1:45 p.m.     Hyde Square, Jamaica Plain

2:30 p.m.     J.P. Monument, Jamaica Plain

3:15 p.m.     Brigham Circle, Mission Hill

3:45 p.m.     Bolling Building, Roxbury

4:30 p.m.     Boston Center for the Arts, South End

5:30 p.m.     Oak Square, Brighton

Sunday, December 3, 2017

1:00 p.m.     M Street Park, South Boston

1:45 p.m.     Chinatown Gate, Chinatown

2:30 p.m.     Paul Revere Mall, North End

3:15 p.m.     Thompson Square, Charlestown

4:00 p.m.     Maverick Square, East Boston

6:00 p.m.     Adams Corner, Dorchester

For further information please call 617-635-3911, visit boston.gov/tourism and boston.gov/visiting-boston, or follow Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment on social media @VisitBostonCity.

The 2017 Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour schedule is also available online